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Reference Guide
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1// Author: Sergey Linev <s.linev@gsi.de>
2// Date: 2018-08-20
3// Warning: This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback is welcome!
6 * Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
7 * All rights reserved. *
8 * *
9 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
10 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
11 *************************************************************************/
13#ifndef ROOT7_RWebWindowWSHandler
14#define ROOT7_RWebWindowWSHandler
16#include "THttpWSHandler.h"
17#include "TEnv.h"
18#include "TUrl.h"
20#include <ROOT/RWebWindow.hxx>
22#include <string>
24using namespace std::string_literals;
26namespace ROOT {
28/// just wrapper to deliver websockets call-backs to the RWebWindow class
33 Bool_t ProcessBatchHolder(std::shared_ptr<THttpCallArg> &arg) override
34 {
36 }
38 std::string GetCodeVersion() override { return fWindow.GetClientVersion(); }
41 void VerifyDefaultPageContent(std::shared_ptr<THttpCallArg> &arg) override
42 {
43 auto token = fWindow.GetConnToken();
44 if (!token.empty()) {
45 TUrl url;
46 url.SetOptions(arg->GetQuery());
47 // refuse connection which does not provide proper token
48 if (!url.HasOption("token") || (token != url.GetValueFromOptions("token"))) {
49 // refuse loading of default web page without token
50 arg->SetContent("refused");
51 arg->Set404();
52 return;
53 }
54 }
57 TUrl url;
58 url.SetOptions(arg->GetQuery());
59 TString key = url.GetValueFromOptions("key");
60 if (key.IsNull() || !fWindow.HasKey(key.Data(), true)) {
61 // refuse loading of default web page without valid key
62 arg->SetContent("refused");
63 arg->Set404();
64 return;
65 }
66 }
68 auto version = fWindow.GetClientVersion();
69 if (!version.empty()) {
70 // replace link to JSROOT modules in import statements emulating new version for browser
71 std::string search = "from './jsrootsys/"s;
72 std::string replace = "from './"s + version + "/jsrootsys/"s;
73 arg->ReplaceAllinContent(search, replace);
74 // replace link to ROOT ui5 modules in import statements emulating new version for browser
75 search = "from './rootui5sys/"s;
76 replace = "from './"s + version + "/rootui5sys/"s;
77 arg->ReplaceAllinContent(search, replace);
78 // replace link on old JSRoot.core.js script - if still appears
79 search = "jsrootsys/scripts/JSRoot.core."s;
80 replace = version + "/jsrootsys/scripts/JSRoot.core."s;
81 arg->ReplaceAllinContent(search, replace, true);
82 arg->AddNoCacheHeader();
83 }
85 std::string more_args;
87 std::string wskind = arg->GetWSKind();
88 if ((wskind == "websocket") && (GetBoolEnv("WebGui.WSLongpoll") == 1))
89 wskind = "longpoll";
90 if (!wskind.empty() && (wskind != "websocket"))
91 more_args.append("socket_kind: \""s + wskind + "\","s);
92 std::string wsplatform = arg->GetWSPlatform();
93 if (!wsplatform.empty() && (wsplatform != "http"))
94 more_args.append("platform: \""s + wsplatform + "\","s);
95 const char *ui5source = gEnv->GetValue("WebGui.openui5src","");
96 if (ui5source && *ui5source)
97 more_args.append("openui5src: \""s + ui5source + "\","s);
98 const char *ui5libs = gEnv->GetValue("WebGui.openui5libs","");
99 if (ui5libs && *ui5libs)
100 more_args.append("openui5libs: \""s + ui5libs + "\","s);
101 const char *ui5theme = gEnv->GetValue("WebGui.openui5theme","");
102 if (ui5theme && *ui5theme)
103 more_args.append("openui5theme: \""s + ui5theme + "\","s);
104 int credits = gEnv->GetValue("WebGui.ConnCredits", 10);
105 if ((credits > 0) && (credits != 10))
106 more_args.append("credits: "s + std::to_string(credits) + ","s);
107 if ((fWindow.GetWidth() > 0) && (fWindow.GetHeight() > 0))
108 more_args.append("winW:"s + std::to_string(fWindow.GetWidth()) + ",winH:"s + std::to_string(fWindow.GetHeight()) + ","s);
109 if ((fWindow.GetX() >= 0) && (fWindow.GetY() >= 0))
110 more_args.append("winX:"s + std::to_string(fWindow.GetX()) + ",winY:"s + std::to_string(fWindow.GetY()) + ","s);
111 auto user_args = fWindow.GetUserArgs();
112 if (!user_args.empty())
113 more_args.append("user_args: "s + user_args + ","s);
114 if (!more_args.empty()) {
115 std::string search = "connectWebWindow({"s;
116 std::string replace = search + more_args;
117 arg->ReplaceAllinContent(search, replace, true);
118 arg->AddNoCacheHeader();
119 }
120 }
123 RWebWindow &fWindow; ///<! window reference
125 /// constructor
127 : THttpWSHandler(name, "RWebWindow websockets handler", kFALSE), fWindow(wind)
128 {
129 }
131 ~RWebWindowWSHandler() override = default;
133 /// returns content of default web-page
134 /// THttpWSHandler interface
135 TString GetDefaultPageContent() override { return IsDisabled() ? "" : fWindow.fDefaultPage.c_str(); }
137 /// returns true when window allowed to serve files relative to default page
138 Bool_t CanServeFiles() const override { return !IsDisabled(); }
140 /// Process websocket request - called from THttpServer thread
141 /// THttpWSHandler interface
143 {
144 if (!arg || IsDisabled()) return kFALSE;
145 return fWindow.ProcessWS(*arg);
146 }
148 /// Allow processing of WS actions in arbitrary thread
149 Bool_t AllowMTProcess() const override { return fWindow.fProcessMT; }
151 /// Allows usage of special threads for send operations
152 Bool_t AllowMTSend() const override { return fWindow.fSendMT; }
154 /// React on completion of multi-threaded send operation
155 void CompleteWSSend(UInt_t wsid) override { if (!IsDisabled()) fWindow.CompleteWSSend(wsid); }
157 static int GetBoolEnv(const std::string &name, int dfl = -1);
160} // namespace ROOT
constexpr Bool_t kFALSE
Definition RtypesCore.h:94
R__EXTERN TEnv * gEnv
Definition TEnv.h:170
char name[80]
Definition TGX11.cxx:110
just wrapper to deliver websockets call-backs to the RWebWindow class
std::string GetCodeVersion() override
Method generate extra suffix for all kinds of loaded code.
RWebWindow & fWindow
! window reference
~RWebWindowWSHandler() override=default
Bool_t AllowMTSend() const override
Allows usage of special threads for send operations.
Bool_t CanServeFiles() const override
returns true when window allowed to serve files relative to default page
Bool_t ProcessWS(THttpCallArg *arg) override
Process websocket request - called from THttpServer thread THttpWSHandler interface.
Bool_t ProcessBatchHolder(std::shared_ptr< THttpCallArg > &arg) override
Method used to accept or reject root_batch_holder.js request.
Bool_t AllowMTProcess() const override
Allow processing of WS actions in arbitrary thread.
void VerifyDefaultPageContent(std::shared_ptr< THttpCallArg > &arg) override
Method called when default page content is prepared for use By default no-cache header is provided.
void CompleteWSSend(UInt_t wsid) override
React on completion of multi-threaded send operation.
static int GetBoolEnv(const std::string &name, int dfl=-1)
Parse boolean gEnv variable which should be "yes" or "no".
TString GetDefaultPageContent() override
returns content of default web-page THttpWSHandler interface
RWebWindowWSHandler(RWebWindow &wind, const char *name)
Represents web window, which can be shown in web browser or any other supported environment.
std::string fDefaultPage
! HTML page (or file name) returned when window URL is opened
bool fSendMT
! true is special threads should be used for sending data
std::string GetClientVersion() const
Returns current client version.
int GetX() const
returns configured window X position (-1 - default)
bool ProcessBatchHolder(std::shared_ptr< THttpCallArg > &arg)
Process special http request, used to hold headless browser running Such requests should not be repli...
unsigned GetHeight() const
returns configured window height (0 - default)
std::string GetConnToken() const
Returns configured connection token.
bool IsRequireAuthKey() const
returns true if authentication string is required
std::string GetUserArgs() const
Returns configured user arguments for web window See SetUserArgs method for more details.
int GetY() const
returns configured window Y position (-1 - default)
bool ProcessWS(THttpCallArg &arg)
Processing of websockets call-backs, invoked from RWebWindowWSHandler Method invoked from http server...
unsigned GetWidth() const
returns configured window width (0 - default) actual window width can be different
bool HasKey(const std::string &key, bool also_newkey=false) const
Returns true if provided key value already exists (in processes map or in existing connections) In sp...
void CompleteWSSend(unsigned wsid)
Complete websocket send operation Clear "doing send" flag and check if next operation has to be start...
bool fProcessMT
! if window event processing performed in dedicated thread
virtual Int_t GetValue(const char *name, Int_t dflt) const
Returns the integer value for a resource.
Definition TEnv.cxx:491
Contains arguments for single HTTP call.
Class for user-side handling of websocket with THttpServer.
Bool_t IsDisabled() const
Returns true when processing of websockets is disabled, set shortly before handler need to be destroy...
Basic string class.
Definition TString.h:139
const char * Data() const
Definition TString.h:376
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition TString.h:414
This class represents a WWW compatible URL.
Definition TUrl.h:33
const char * GetValueFromOptions(const char *key) const
Return a value for a given key from the URL options.
Definition TUrl.cxx:660
void SetOptions(const char *opt)
Definition TUrl.h:87
Bool_t HasOption(const char *key) const
Returns true if the given key appears in the URL options list.
Definition TUrl.cxx:683
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...