12#ifndef ROOT_TDecompSparse
13#define ROOT_TDecompSparse
170 {
"Det(Double_t&,Double_t&)"); }
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
const Double_t kThresholdPivotingFactor
const Double_t kThresholdPivotingMax
const Double_t kInitThresholdPivoting
const Double_t kInitTreatAsZero
const Double_t kInitPrecision
Array of doubles (64 bits per element).
Array of integers (32 bits per element).
Decomposition Base class.
Sparse Symmetric Decomposition class.
void Det(Double_t &, Double_t &) override
Matrix determinant det = d1*TMath::Power(2.,d2)
static void Factor(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, TArrayI &Airn, TArrayI &Aicn, TArrayD &Aa, TArrayI &Aiw, TArrayI &Aikeep, const Int_t nsteps, Int_t &maxfrt, TArrayI &Aiw1, Int_t *icntl, Double_t *cntl, Int_t *info)
Factorization routine, the workhorse for the decomposition step.
Default constructor.
Double_t GetTreatAsZero()
static void Solve_sub2(const Int_t n, Double_t *a, Int_t *iw, Double_t *w, Double_t *rhs, Int_t *iw2, const Int_t nblk, const Int_t latop, Int_t *icntl)
Help routine for solving.
static Int_t IDiag(Int_t ix, Int_t iy)
static void InitPivot_sub2(const Int_t n, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *iw, const Int_t lw, Int_t &iwfr, Int_t *nv, Int_t *nxt, Int_t *lst, Int_t *ipd, Int_t *flag, const Int_t iovflo, Int_t &ncmpa, const Double_t fratio)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
static void InitPivot_sub5(const Int_t n, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *nv, Int_t *ips, Int_t *ne, Int_t *na, Int_t *nd, Int_t &nsteps, const Int_t nemin)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
static Int_t NonZerosUpperTriang(const TMatrixDSparse &a)
Static function, returning the number of non-zero entries in the upper triangular matrix .
~TDecompSparse() override
void Print(Option_t *opt="") const override
Print class members.
const TMatrixDBase & GetDecompMatrix() const override
static void Solve_sub1(const Int_t n, Double_t *a, Int_t *iw, Double_t *w, Double_t *rhs, Int_t *iw2, const Int_t nblk, Int_t &latop, Int_t *icntl)
Help routine for solving.
static void Factor_sub2(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, Double_t *a, const Int_t la, Int_t *iw, const Int_t liw, Int_t *perm, Int_t *nstk, const Int_t nsteps, Int_t &maxfrt, Int_t *nelim, Int_t *iw2, Int_t *icntl, Double_t *cntl, Int_t *info)
Help routine for factorization.
static void CopyUpperTriang(const TMatrixDSparse &a, Double_t *b)
Static function, copying the non-zero entries in the upper triangle to array b .
Double_t GetThresholdPivoting()
void SetTreatAsZero(Double_t tol)
TDecompSparse & operator=(const TDecompSparse &source)
Assignment operator.
TVectorD Solve(const TVectorD &b, Bool_t &ok) override
TVectorD TransSolve(const TVectorD &b, Bool_t &ok) override
static void InitPivot_sub6(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, Int_t *irn, Int_t *icn, Int_t *perm, Int_t *na, Int_t *ne, Int_t *nd, const Int_t nsteps, Int_t *lstki, Int_t *lstkr, Int_t *iw, Int_t *info, Double_t &ops)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
Bool_t TransSolve(TVectorD &b) override
static void Factor_sub3(Double_t *a, Int_t *iw, Int_t &j1, Int_t &j2, const Int_t itop, const Int_t ireal, Int_t &ncmpbr, Int_t &ncmpbi)
Help routine for factorization.
virtual void SetMatrix(const TMatrixDSparse &a)
Set matrix to be decomposed .
Bool_t Solve(TMatrixDColumn &) override
void SetThresholdPivoting(Double_t piv)
static void InitPivot_sub2a(const Int_t n, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *iw, const Int_t lw, Int_t &iwfr, Int_t &ncmpa)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
Int_t GetNcols() const override
Int_t GetNrows() const override
Bool_t TransSolve(TMatrixDColumn &) override
static void InitPivot_sub3(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, Int_t *irn, Int_t *icn, Int_t *perm, Int_t *iw, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *iq, Int_t *flag, Int_t &iwfr, Int_t *icntl, Int_t *info)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
static void InitPivot_sub4(const Int_t n, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *iw, const Int_t lw, Int_t &iwfr, Int_t *ips, Int_t *ipv, Int_t *nv, Int_t *flag, Int_t &ncmpa)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
static void InitPivot(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, TArrayI &Airn, TArrayI &Aicn, TArrayI &Aiw, TArrayI &Aikeep, TArrayI &Aiw1, Int_t &nsteps, const Int_t iflag, Int_t *icntl, Double_t *cntl, Int_t *info, Double_t &ops)
Setup Pivoting variables.
static void InitPivot_sub1(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, Int_t *irn, Int_t *icn, Int_t *iw, Int_t *ipe, Int_t *iq, Int_t *flag, Int_t &iwfr, Int_t *icntl, Int_t *info)
Help routine for pivoting setup.
void InitParam()
initializing control parameters
static void Factor_sub1(const Int_t n, const Int_t nz, Int_t &nz1, Double_t *a, const Int_t la, Int_t *irn, Int_t *icn, Int_t *iw, const Int_t liw, Int_t *perm, Int_t *iw2, Int_t *icntl, Int_t *info)
Help routine for factorization.
static void Solve(const Int_t n, TArrayD &Aa, TArrayI &Aiw, TArrayD &Aw, const Int_t maxfrt, TVectorD &b, TArrayI &Aiw1, const Int_t nsteps, Int_t *icntl, Int_t *info)
Main routine for solving Ax=b.
Bool_t Decompose() override
Decomposition engine .
void MayNotUse(const char *method) const
Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived clas...