#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Array of doubles (64 bits per element).
Array of integers (32 bits per element).
FITS file interface class.
union Cell * fCells
Table cells (when fType == kTableHDU).
void PrintColumnInfo(const Option_t *) const
Print column information.
void _initialize_me()
Do some initializations.
Int_t GetTabNRows() const
void PrintFullTable(const Option_t *) const
Print full table contents.
TString & GetKeywordValue(const char *keyword)
Get the value of a given keyword. Return "" if not found.
Int_t fNRows
Number of rows (when fType == kTableHDU)
Int_t GetRecordNumber() const
const TString & GetColumnName(Int_t colnum)
Get the name of a column given its index (column>=0).
Int_t GetTabNColumns() const
Int_t fNRecords
Number of records.
TString fFilePath
Path to HDU's file including filter.
struct Column * fColumnsInfo
Information about columns (when fType == kTableHDU)
TFITSHDU(const char *filepath_with_filter)
TFITSHDU constructor from file path with HDU selection filter.
Int_t fNColumns
Number of columns (when fType == kTableHDU)
TVectorD * GetTabRealVectorColumn(Int_t colnum)
Get a real number-typed column from a table HDU given its column index (>=0).
~TFITSHDU() override
TFITSHDU destructor.
TArrayI * fSizes
Image sizes in each dimension (when fType == kImageHDU)
TImage * ReadAsImage(Int_t layer=0, TImagePalette *pal=nullptr)
Read image HDU as a displayable image.
Bool_t Change(const char *filter)
Change to another HDU given by "filter".
TMatrixD * ReadAsMatrix(Int_t layer=0, Option_t *opt="")
Read image HDU as a matrix.
Int_t fNumber
HDU number (1=PRIMARY)
void PrintHDUMetadata(const Option_t *opt="") const
Print records.
struct HDURecord * fRecords
HDU metadata records.
TVectorD * GetArrayRow(UInt_t row)
Get a row from the image HDU when it's a 2D array.
void _release_resources()
Release internal resources.
void PrintFileMetadata(const Option_t *opt="") const
Print HDU's parent file's metadata.
static void CleanFilePath(const char *filepath_with_filter, TString &dst)
Clean path from possible filter and put the result in 'dst'.
struct HDURecord * GetRecord(const char *keyword)
Get record by keyword.
void Print(const Option_t *opt="") const override
Print metadata.
TObjArray * GetTabStringColumn(Int_t colnum)
Get a string-typed column from a table HDU given its column index (>=0).
TString fBaseFilePath
Path to HDU's file excluding filter.
TH1 * ReadAsHistogram()
Read image HDU as a histogram.
TObjArray * GetTabRealVectorCells(Int_t colnum)
Get a collection of real vectors embedded in cells along a given column from a table HDU....
TArrayD * fPixels
Image pixels (when fType == kImageHDU)
TVectorD * GetArrayColumn(UInt_t col)
Get a column from the image HDU when it's a 2D array.
enum EHDUTypes fType
HDU type.
TVectorD * GetTabRealVectorCell(Int_t rownum, Int_t colnum)
Get a real array (with fixed or variable-length) embedded in a cell given by (row>=0,...
Bool_t LoadHDU(TString &filepath_filter)
Load HDU from fits file satisfying the specified filter.
TString fExtensionName
Extension Name.
TArrayD * GetTabVarLengthVectorCell(Int_t rownum, Int_t colnum)
Get the variable-length array contained in a cell given by (row>=0, column name)
Int_t GetColumnNumber(const char *colname)
Get column number given its name.
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
A class to define a conversion from pixel values to pixel color.
An abstract interface to image processing library.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
std::vector< int > fRowStart
std::vector< int > fVarLengths