#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)
2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
SVD Approach to Data Unfolding.
TH1D * GetSV() const
Returns singular values vector.
TH2D * GetBCov() const
Returns the covariance matrix.
TH1D * fSVHist
! Distribution of singular values
TH2D * GetXtau() const
Returns the computed regularized covariance matrix corresponding to total uncertainties on measured s...
Bool_t fToyMode
! Internal switch for covariance matrix propagation
static void V2H(const TVectorD &vec, TH1D &histo)
Fill vector into 1D histogram.
static void H2M(const TH2D *histo, TMatrixD &mat)
Fill 2D histogram into matrix.
static void RegularisedSymMatInvert(TMatrixDSym &mat, Double_t eps=1e-3)
naive regularised inversion cuts off small elements
static TVectorD CompProd(const TVectorD &vec1, const TVectorD &vec2)
Multiply entries of two vectors.
static void M2H(const TMatrixD &mat, TH2D &histo)
Fill 2D histogram into matrix.
Bool_t fMatToyMode
! Internal switch for evaluation of statistical uncertainties from response matrix
TSVDUnfold(const TH1D *bdat, const TH1D *bini, const TH1D *xini, const TH2D *Adet)
Alternative constructor User provides data and MC test spectra, as well as detector response matrix,...
Bool_t fNormalize
! Normalize unfolded spectrum to 1
const TH1D * fBini
Reconstructed distribution (MC)
TH1D * Unfold(Int_t kreg)
Perform the unfolding with regularisation parameter kreg.
Double_t ComputeChiSquared(const TH1D &truspec, const TH1D &unfspec)
Helper routine to compute chi-squared between distributions using the computed inverse of the covaria...
TH2D * fToymat
! Toy MC detector response matrix
static Double_t GetCurvature(const TVectorD &vec, const TMatrixD &curv)
Compute curvature of vector.
const TH1D * fBdat
Measured distribution (data)
~TSVDUnfold() override
static TMatrixD MatDivVec(const TMatrixD &mat, const TVectorD &vec, Int_t zero=0)
Divide matrix entries by vector.
void SetNormalize(Bool_t normalize)
TH2D * fXinv
! Computed inverse of covariance matrix
static TVectorD VecDiv(const TVectorD &vec1, const TVectorD &vec2, Int_t zero=0)
Divide entries of two vectors.
void FillCurvatureMatrix(TMatrixD &tCurv, TMatrixD &tC) const
TH1D * GetD() const
Returns d vector (for choosing appropriate regularisation)
TH2D * fXtau
! Computed regularized covariance matrix
TH1D * fDHist
! Distribution of d (for checking regularization)
static void H2Verr(const TH1D *histo, TVectorD &vec)
Fill 1D histogram errors into vector.
Int_t fDdim
! Derivative for curvature matrix
TH2D * GetUnfoldCovMatrix(const TH2D *cov, Int_t ntoys, Int_t seed=1)
Determine for given input error matrix covariance matrix of unfolded spectrum from toy simulation giv...
TH2D * GetAdetCovMatrix(Int_t ntoys, Int_t seed=1)
Determine covariance matrix of unfolded spectrum from finite statistics in response matrix using pseu...
const TH2D * fAdet
Detector response matrix.
TH2D * GetXinv() const
Returns the computed inverse of the covariance matrix.
static void H2V(const TH1D *histo, TVectorD &vec)
Fill 1D histogram into vector.
Int_t fKReg
! Regularisation parameter
TH1D * fToyhisto
! Toy MC histogram
TH2D * fBcov
Covariance matrix of measured distribution (data)
const TH1D * fXini
Truth distribution (MC)
Int_t fNdim
! Truth and reconstructed dimensions