Provider for browsing RNTuple classes.
- Author
- Sergey Linev
- Date
- 2021-03-08
- Warning
- This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback is welcome!
Definition at line 252 of file RNTupleBrowseProvider.cxx.
using | ProgressFunc_t = std::function<void(float progress, void *handle)> |
static std::shared_ptr< RElement > | Browse (std::unique_ptr< RHolder > &obj) |
| Create browsable element for the object Created element may take ownership over the object.
static std::shared_ptr< RElement > | BrowseNTuple (const std::string &tuplename, const std::string &filename) |
| Start browsing of RNTuple.
static bool | CanDraw6 (const ClassArg &) |
| Return true if provided class can be drawn on the TCanvas.
static bool | CanDraw7 (const ClassArg &) |
| Return true if provided class can be drawn on the RCanvas.
static bool | CanHaveChilds (const ClassArg &) |
| Return true if provided class can have childs.
static bool | Draw6 (TVirtualPad *subpad, std::unique_ptr< RHolder > &obj, const std::string &opt="") |
| Invoke drawing of object on TCanvas sub-pad All existing providers are checked, first checked are class matches (including direct parents)
static bool | Draw7 (std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::RPadBase > &subpad, std::unique_ptr< RHolder > &obj, const std::string &opt="") |
| Invoke drawing of object on RCanvas sub-pad All existing providers are checked, first checked are class matches (including direct parents)
static void | ExtendProgressHandle (void *handle, void *handle2) |
| Extend progress handle - to be able react on sub item.
static std::string | GetClassDrawOption (const ClassArg &) |
| Return configured draw option for the class.
static std::string | GetClassIcon (const ClassArg &, bool=false) |
| Return icon name for the given class - either class name or TClass *.
static bool | IsFileFormatSupported (const std::string &extension) |
static bool | NotShowChilds (const ClassArg &) |
| Check if showing of sub-elements was disabled.
static std::shared_ptr< RElement > | OpenFile (const std::string &extension, const std::string &fullname) |
static bool | ReportProgress (void *handle, float progress) |
| Report running progress Returns true if handling function was invoked Method can be used to detect if there any progress handler assigned.
static bool | SetClassDrawOption (const ClassArg &, const std::string &) |
| Set draw option for the class Return true if entry for the class exists.
using | BrowseFunc_t = std::function<std::shared_ptr<RElement>(std::unique_ptr<RHolder> &)> |
using | BrowseNTupleFunc_t = std::function<std::shared_ptr<RElement>(const std::string &, const std::string &)> |
using | Draw6Func_t = std::function<bool(TVirtualPad *, std::unique_ptr<RHolder> &, const std::string &)> |
using | Draw7Func_t = std::function<bool(std::shared_ptr<ROOT::Experimental::RPadBase> &, std::unique_ptr<RHolder> &, const std::string &)> |
using | FileFunc_t = std::function<std::shared_ptr<RElement>(const std::string &)> |
void | RegisterBrowse (const TClass *cl, BrowseFunc_t func) |
void | RegisterClass (const std::string &clname, const std::string &iconname, const std::string &browselib="", const std::string &draw6lib="", const std::string &draw7lib="", const std::string &drawopt="") |
void | RegisterDraw6 (const TClass *cl, Draw6Func_t func) |
void | RegisterDraw7 (const TClass *cl, Draw7Func_t func) |
void | RegisterFile (const std::string &extension, FileFunc_t func) |
void | RegisterNTupleFunc (BrowseNTupleFunc_t func) |