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RooCustomizer Class Reference

RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones of a prototype composite PDF object with the same structure but different leaf servers (parameters or dependents).

RooCustomizer supports two kinds of modifications:

  • replaceArg(leaf_arg, repl_arg): Replaces each occurrence of leaf_arg with repl_arg in the composite pdf.
  • splitArg(split_arg): Build multiple clones of the same prototype. Each occurrence of split_arg is replaced with a clone of split_arg named split_arg_[MCstate], where [MCstate] is the name of the 'master category state' that indexes the clones to be built.

Example: Change the decay constant of an exponential for each run

Splitting is particularly useful when building simultaneous fits to subsets of the data sample with different background properties. In such a case, the user builds a single prototype PDF representing the structure of the signal and background and splits the dataset into categories with different background properties. Using RooCustomizer a PDF for each subfit can be constructed from the prototype that has same structure and signal parameters, but different instances of the background parameters: e.g.

RooExponential bg("bg","background",x,alpha) ;
RooGaussian sig("sig","signal",x,mean,sigma) ;
RooAddPdf pdf("pdf","pdf",sig,bg,sigfrac) ;
RooDataSet data("data","dataset",RooArgSet(x,runblock),...)
RooCategory runblock("runblock","run block") ;
runblock.defineType("run1") ;
runblock.defineType("run2") ;
RooArgSet splitLeaves;
RooCustomizer cust(pdf,runblock,splitLeaves);
RooAbsPdf* pdf_run1 = cust.build("run1") ;
RooAbsPdf* pdf_run2 = cust.build("run2") ;
RooSimultaneous simpdf("simpdf","simpdf",RooArgSet(*pdf_run1,*pdf_run2))
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void data
Abstract interface for all probability density functions.
Definition RooAbsPdf.h:40
Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form.
Definition RooAddPdf.h:33
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition RooArgSet.h:24
Object to represent discrete states.
Definition RooCategory.h:28
RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones of a prototype composite PDF object with the same ...
void splitArg(const RooAbsArg &arg, const RooAbsCategory &splitCat)
Split all argument 'arg' into individualized clones for each defined state of 'splitCat'.
RooAbsArg * build(const char *masterCatState, bool verbose=false)
Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules and 'split' rules for the mas...
RooAbsPdf const & pdf() const
Container class to hold unbinned data.
Definition RooDataSet.h:33
Plain Gaussian p.d.f.
Definition RooGaussian.h:24
Facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset.
const Double_t sigma
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17

If the master category state is a super category, leaves may be split by any subset of that master category. E.g. if the master category is 'A x B', leaves may be split by A, B or AxB.

In addition to replacing leaf nodes, RooCustomizer clones all branch nodes that depend directly or indirectly on modified leaf nodes, so that the input pdf is untouched by each build operation.

The customizer owns all the branch nodes including the returned top level node, so the customizer should live as longs as the cloned composites are needed.

Any leaf nodes that are created by the customizer will be put into the leaf list that is passed into the customizers constructor (splitLeaves in the above example. The list owner is responsible for deleting these leaf nodes after the customizer is deleted.

Advanced techniques

Reuse nodes to customise a different PDF

By default, the customizer clones the prototype leaf node when splitting a leaf, but the user can feed pre-defined split leaves in leaf list. These leaves must have the name <split_leaf>_<splitcat_label> to be picked up. The list of pre-supplied leaves may be partial, any missing split leaves will be auto generated.

Another common construction is to have two prototype PDFs, each to be customized by a separate customizer instance, that share parameters. To ensure that the customized clones also share their respective split leaves, i.e.

PDF1(x,y, A) and PDF2(z, A) ---> PDF1_run1(x,y, A_run1) and PDF2_run1(x,y, A_run1)
PDF1_run2(x,y, A_run2) and PDF2_run2(x,y, A_run2)
Double_t y[n]
Definition legend1.C:17

feed the same split leaf list into both customizers. In that case, the second customizer will pick up the split leaves instantiated by the first customizer and the link between the two PDFs is retained.

Customising with pre-defined leaves

If leaf nodes are provided in the sets, the customiser will use them. This is a complete example that customises the yield parameter, and splits (automatically clones) the mean of the Gaussian. This is a short version of the tutorial rf514_RooCustomizer.C.

RooRealVar E("Energy","Energy",0,3000);
RooRealVar meanG("meanG","meanG", peak[1]);
RooRealVar fwhm("fwhm", "fwhm", 5/(2*Sqrt(2*Log(2))));
RooGaussian gauss("gauss", "gauss", E, meanG, fwhm);
RooPolynomial linear("linear","linear",E,RooArgList());
RooRealVar yieldSig("yieldSig", "yieldSig", 1, 0, 1.E4);
RooRealVar yieldBkg("yieldBkg", "yieldBkg", 1, 0, 1.E4);
RooAddPdf model("model","model",
RooArgList(yieldSig, yieldBkg));
RooCategory sample("sample","sample");
RooArgSet customisedLeaves;
RooArgSet allLeaves;
RooRealVar mass("M", "M", 1, 0, 12000);
RooFormulaVar yield1("yieldSig_BBG1m2T","sigy1","M/3.360779",mass);
RooFormulaVar yield2("yieldSig_BBG2m2T","sigy2","M/2",mass);
RooCustomizer cust(model, sample, customisedLeaves, &allLeaves);
cust.splitArg(yieldSig, sample);
cust.splitArg(meanG, sample);
auto pdf1 = cust.build("BBG1m2T");
auto pdf2 = cust.build("BBG2m2T");
virtual bool add(const RooAbsArg &var, bool silent=false)
Add the specified argument to list.
RooArgList is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition RooArgList.h:22
A RooFormulaVar is a generic implementation of a real-valued object, which takes a RooArgList of serv...
RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form.
Variable that can be changed from the outside.
Definition RooRealVar.h:37

Definition at line 36 of file RooCustomizer.h.

Public Member Functions

 RooCustomizer (const RooAbsArg &pdf, const char *name)
 Sterile Constructor.
 RooCustomizer (const RooAbsArg &pdf, const RooAbsCategoryLValue &masterCat, RooArgSet &splitLeafListOwned, RooArgSet *splitLeafListAll=nullptr)
 Constructor with a prototype and masterCat index category.
 RooCustomizer (const RooCustomizer &)=delete
 RooCustomizer (RooCustomizer &&)=delete
RooAbsArgbuild (bool verbose=false)
 Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules.
RooAbsArgbuild (const char *masterCatState, bool verbose=false)
 Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules and 'split' rules for the masterCat state named 'masterCatState'.
const RooArgSetcloneBranchList () const
 Return list of cloned branch nodes.
const RooArgSetcloneLeafList () const
 Return list of cloned leaf nodes.
RooCustomizeroperator= (const RooCustomizer &)=delete
RooCustomizeroperator= (RooCustomizer &&)=delete
RooAbsPdf const & pdf () const
void printArgs (std::ostream &os) const
 Print arguments of customizer, i.e. input p.d.f and input master category (if any)
void printMultiline (std::ostream &os, Int_t content, bool verbose=false, TString indent="") const
 Print customizer configuration details.
void replaceArg (const RooAbsArg &orig, const RooAbsArg &subst)
 Replace any occurrence of arg 'orig' with arg 'subst'.
void setCloneBranchSet (RooArgSet &cloneBranchSet)
 Releases ownership of list of cloned branch nodes.
void setOwning (bool flag)
 If flag is true, make customizer own all created components.
void splitArg (const RooAbsArg &arg, const RooAbsCategory &splitCat)
 Split all argument 'arg' into individualized clones for each defined state of 'splitCat'.
void splitArgs (const RooArgSet &argSet, const RooAbsCategory &splitCat)
 Split all arguments in 'set' into individualized clones for each defined state of 'splitCat'.

Protected Member Functions

RooAbsArgdoBuild (const char *masterCatState, bool verbose)
 Back-end implementation of the p.d.f building functionality.
void initialize ()
 Initialize the customizer.

Protected Attributes

RooArgSet_cloneBranchList = nullptr
 Pointer to list of cloned branches used.
RooArgSet_cloneNodeListAll = nullptr
 List of all cloned nodes.
RooArgSet_cloneNodeListOwned = nullptr
 List of owned cloned nodes.
RooArgSet _internalCloneBranchList
 List of branches of internal clone.
RooArgSet _masterBranchList
 List of branch nodes.
RooAbsCategoryLValue_masterCat = nullptr
 Pointer to input master category.
RooArgSet _masterLeafList
 List of leaf nodes.
 Pointer to input p.d.f.
TString _name
 Name of this object.
bool _owning
 If true we own all created components.
RooArgList _replaceArgList
 List of RooAbsArgs to be replaced.
RooArgList _replaceSubList
 List of replacement RooAbsArgs.
RooArgList _splitArgList
 List of RooAbsArgs to be split.
RooArgList _splitCatList
 List of categories to be used for above splits.
bool _sterile
 If true we do not have as associated master category.

#include <RooCustomizer.h>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RooCustomizer() [1/4]

RooCustomizer::RooCustomizer ( const RooAbsArg pdf,
const RooAbsCategoryLValue masterCat,
RooArgSet splitLeaves,
RooArgSet splitLeavesAll = nullptr 

Constructor with a prototype and masterCat index category.

Customizers created by this constructor offer both the replaceArg() and splitArg() functionality.

[in]pdfProto PDF to be customised.
[in]masterCatCategory to be used for splitting.
[in,out]splitLeavesAll nodes created in the customisation process are added to this set. The user can provide nodes that are taken from the set if they have a name that matches <parameterNameToBeReplaced>_<category>.
The set needs to own its contents if they are user-provided. Use e.g.
RooArgSet customisedLeaves;
auto yield1 = new RooFormulaVar("yieldSig_BBG1m2T","sigy1","M/3.360779",mass);
virtual bool addOwned(RooAbsArg &var, bool silent=false)
Add an argument and transfer the ownership to the collection.
[in,out]splitLeavesAllAll leaves that are used when customising are collected here. If this set already contains leaves, they will be used for customising if the names match as above.

Definition at line 223 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ RooCustomizer() [2/4]

RooCustomizer::RooCustomizer ( const RooAbsArg pdf,
const char *  name 

Sterile Constructor.

Customizers created by this constructor offer only the replace() method. The supplied 'name' is used as suffix for any cloned branch nodes

Definition at line 247 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ RooCustomizer() [3/4]

RooCustomizer::RooCustomizer ( const RooCustomizer )

◆ RooCustomizer() [4/4]

RooCustomizer::RooCustomizer ( RooCustomizer &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ build() [1/2]

RooAbsArg * RooCustomizer::build ( bool  verbose = false)

Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules.

If verbose is set, a message is printed for each leaf or branch node modification. The returned head node owns all cloned branch nodes that were created in the cloning process.

Definition at line 347 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ build() [2/2]

RooAbsArg * RooCustomizer::build ( const char *  masterCatState,
bool  verbose = false 

Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules and 'split' rules for the masterCat state named 'masterCatState'.

If verbose is set a message is printed for each leaf or branch node modification. The returned composite arg is owned by the customizer. This function cannot be called on customizer build with the sterile constructor.

Definition at line 383 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ cloneBranchList()

const RooArgSet & RooCustomizer::cloneBranchList ( ) const

Return list of cloned branch nodes.

Definition at line 56 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ cloneLeafList()

const RooArgSet & RooCustomizer::cloneLeafList ( ) const

Return list of cloned leaf nodes.

Definition at line 60 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ doBuild()

RooAbsArg * RooCustomizer::doBuild ( const char *  masterCatState,
bool  verbose 

Back-end implementation of the p.d.f building functionality.

Definition at line 406 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ initialize()

void RooCustomizer::initialize ( )

Initialize the customizer.

Definition at line 267 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

RooCustomizer & RooCustomizer::operator= ( const RooCustomizer )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

RooCustomizer & RooCustomizer::operator= ( RooCustomizer &&  )

◆ pdf()

RooAbsPdf const & RooCustomizer::pdf ( ) const

Definition at line 647 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ printArgs()

void RooCustomizer::printArgs ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print arguments of customizer, i.e. input p.d.f and input master category (if any)

Definition at line 596 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ printMultiline()

void RooCustomizer::printMultiline ( std::ostream &  os,
Int_t  content,
bool  verbose = false,
TString  indent = "" 
) const

Print customizer configuration details.

Definition at line 610 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ replaceArg()

void RooCustomizer::replaceArg ( const RooAbsArg orig,
const RooAbsArg subst 

Replace any occurrence of arg 'orig' with arg 'subst'.

Definition at line 327 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ setCloneBranchSet()

void RooCustomizer::setCloneBranchSet ( RooArgSet cloneBranchSet)

Releases ownership of list of cloned branch nodes.

Install the input RooArgSet as container in which all cloned branches will be stored.

Definition at line 640 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ setOwning()

void RooCustomizer::setOwning ( bool  flag)

If flag is true, make customizer own all created components.

Definition at line 45 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ splitArg()

void RooCustomizer::splitArg ( const RooAbsArg arg,
const RooAbsCategory splitCat 

Split all argument 'arg' into individualized clones for each defined state of 'splitCat'.

The 'splitCats' category must be subset of or equal to the master category supplied in the customizer constructor.

Splitting is only available on customizers created with a master index category

Definition at line 304 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

◆ splitArgs()

void RooCustomizer::splitArgs ( const RooArgSet set,
const RooAbsCategory splitCat 

Split all arguments in 'set' into individualized clones for each defined state of 'splitCat'.

The 'splitCats' category must be subset of or equal to the master category supplied in the customizer constructor.

Splitting is only available on customizers created with a master index category

Definition at line 281 of file RooCustomizer.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _cloneBranchList

RooArgSet* RooCustomizer::_cloneBranchList = nullptr

Pointer to list of cloned branches used.

Definition at line 102 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _cloneNodeListAll

RooArgSet* RooCustomizer::_cloneNodeListAll = nullptr

List of all cloned nodes.

Definition at line 105 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _cloneNodeListOwned

RooArgSet* RooCustomizer::_cloneNodeListOwned = nullptr

List of owned cloned nodes.

Definition at line 106 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _internalCloneBranchList

RooArgSet RooCustomizer::_internalCloneBranchList

List of branches of internal clone.

Definition at line 101 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _masterBranchList

RooArgSet RooCustomizer::_masterBranchList

List of branch nodes.

Definition at line 98 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _masterCat

RooAbsCategoryLValue* RooCustomizer::_masterCat = nullptr

Pointer to input master category.

Definition at line 96 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _masterLeafList

RooArgSet RooCustomizer::_masterLeafList

List of leaf nodes.

Definition at line 99 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _masterPdf

RooAbsArg* RooCustomizer::_masterPdf

Pointer to input p.d.f.

Definition at line 95 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _name

TString RooCustomizer::_name

Name of this object.

Definition at line 86 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _owning

bool RooCustomizer::_owning

If true we own all created components.

Definition at line 85 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _replaceArgList

RooArgList RooCustomizer::_replaceArgList

List of RooAbsArgs to be replaced.

Definition at line 91 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _replaceSubList

RooArgList RooCustomizer::_replaceSubList

List of replacement RooAbsArgs.

Definition at line 92 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _splitArgList

RooArgList RooCustomizer::_splitArgList

List of RooAbsArgs to be split.

Definition at line 88 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _splitCatList

RooArgList RooCustomizer::_splitCatList

List of categories to be used for above splits.

Definition at line 89 of file RooCustomizer.h.

◆ _sterile

bool RooCustomizer::_sterile

If true we do not have as associated master category.

Definition at line 84 of file RooCustomizer.h.

Libraries for RooCustomizer:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: