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ROOT::Experimental::Internal Namespace Reference


namespace  BitPacking


struct  AxisConfigToType
 Converts a RAxisConfig of whatever kind to the corresponding RAxisBase-derived object. More...
struct  AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kEquidistant >
struct  AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kGrow >
struct  AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kIrregular >
struct  AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kLabels >
class  RArraySizeField
 An artificial field that provides the size of a fixed-size array. More...
class  RCluster
 An in-memory subset of the packed and compressed pages of a cluster. More...
class  RClusterDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterDescriptor. More...
class  RClusterGroupDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterGroupDescriptor. More...
class  RClusterPool
 Managed a set of clusters containing compressed and packed pages. More...
class  RColumn
 A column is a storage-backed array of a simple, fixed-size type, from which pages can be mapped into memory. More...
class  RColumnDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RColumnDescriptor. More...
class  RColumnElementBase
 A column element encapsulates the translation between basic C++ types and their column representation. More...
class  RColumnIndex
 The in-memory representation of a 32bit or 64bit on-disk index column. More...
struct  RColumnMergeInfo
class  RColumnSwitch
 Holds the index and the tag of a kSwitch column. More...
struct  RComputeGlobalBin
 Recursively gets the total number of regular bins before the current dimension, when computing a global bin that is in under- or overflow in at least one dimension. More...
struct  RComputeGlobalBin<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES >
struct  RComputeGlobalBinRaw
 Recursively computes a zero-based global bin index, given... More...
struct  RComputeGlobalBinRaw<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES, BINTYPE >
struct  RComputeLocalBins
 Recursively computes the number of regular bins before the current dimension, as well as the number of under- and overflow bins left to account for, after the current dimension. More...
struct  RComputeLocalBins< 0, NDIMS, AXES >
struct  RComputeLocalBinsInitialisation
 Recursively compute some quantities needed for ComputeLocalBins, namely the total number of bins per hyperplane (overflow and regular) and the number of regular bins per hyperplane on the hyperplanes that have them. More...
struct  RComputeLocalBinsInitialisation< 0, NDIMS, AXES >
struct  RComputeLocalBinsRaw
 Recursively computes zero-based local bin indices, given... More...
struct  RComputeLocalBinsRaw<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES, BINTYPE >
class  RDaosContainer
 A RDaosContainer provides read/write access to objects in a given container. More...
struct  RDaosEventQueue
class  RDaosNTupleAnchor
 Entry point for an RNTuple in a DAOS container. More...
class  RDaosObject
 Provides low-level access to DAOS objects in a container. More...
class  RDaosPool
 A RDaosPool provides access to containers in a specific DAOS pool. More...
class  RDirectoryEntry
class  RExtraTypeInfoDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor. More...
class  RFieldDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RFieldDescriptor. More...
struct  RFieldRepresentationModifier
class  RFileSharedPtrCtor
class  RFileStorageInterface
 Base class for RFile storage backends. More...
struct  RFillIterRange
 Recursively fills the ranges of all axes, excluding under- and overflow. More...
struct  RFillIterRange<-1, AXES >
struct  RFindLocalBins
 Find the per-axis local bin indices associated with a certain set of coordinates. More...
struct  RFindLocalBins<-1, NDIMS, BINS, COORD, AXES >
struct  RGetNBinsCount
 Recursively gets the total number of bins in whole hist, including under- and overflow. More...
struct  RGetNBinsCount< 0, AXES >
struct  RGetNBinsNoOverCount
 Recursively gets the total number of bins in whole hist, excluding under- and overflow. More...
struct  RGetNBinsNoOverCount< 0, AXES >
struct  RGetNRegularBinsBefore
 Recursively gets the number of regular bins just before the current dimension. More...
struct  RGetNRegularBinsBefore<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES >
class  RHistBufferedFillBase
struct  RHistImplGen
 Generate RHist::fImpl from RHist constructor arguments. More...
 Generate RHist::fImpl from constructor arguments; recursion end. More...
class  RIndexIter
 Iterates over an index; the REFERENCE is defined by the REFERENCE template parameter. More...
struct  RIntegralTypeMap
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< int >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< long >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< long long >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< short >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< signed char >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< unsigned char >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< unsigned int >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< unsigned long >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< unsigned long long >
struct  RIntegralTypeMap< unsigned short >
class  RIOShared
class  RIOSharedBase
class  RKeyBlob
 The RKeyBlob writes an invisible key into a TFile. More...
struct  RLocalBinsToCoords
 Recursively converts local axis bins from the standard kUnderflowBin/kOverflowBin for under/overflow bin indexing convention, to the corresponding bin coordinates. More...
struct  RLocalBinsToCoords<-1, NDIMS, BINS, COORD, AXES >
struct  RLocalBinsToVirtualBins
 Recursively converts local axis bins from the standard kUnderflowBin/kOverflowBin for under/overflow bin indexing convention, to a "virtual bin" convention where the underflow bin has index 0 and the overflow bin has index N+1 where N is the axis' number of regular bins. More...
struct  RLocalBinsToVirtualBins<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES >
class  RMiniFileReader
 Read RNTuple data blocks from a TFile container, provided by a RRawFile. More...
class  RNTupleColumnReader
 Every RDF column is represented by exactly one RNTuple field. More...
class  RNTupleCompressor
 Helper class to compress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More...
class  RNTupleDecompressor
 Helper class to uncompress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More...
class  RNTupleDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RNTupleDescriptor. More...
class  RNTupleExporter
class  RNTupleFileWriter
 Write RNTuple data blocks in a TFile or a bare file container. More...
class  RNTupleImtTaskScheduler
class  RNTupleIndex
 Builds an index on one or several fields of an RNTuple so it can be joined onto other RNTuples. More...
struct  RNTupleMergeData
struct  RNTupleMergeOptions
class  RNTupleMerger
 Given a set of RPageSources merge them into an RPageSink, optionally changing their compression. More...
class  RNTupleModelChangeset
 The incremental changes to a RNTupleModel More...
class  RNTupleSerializer
 A helper class for serializing and deserialization of the RNTuple binary format. More...
class  RNTupleWriteOptionsManip
class  ROnDiskPage
 A page as being stored on disk, that is packed and compressed. More...
class  ROnDiskPageMap
 A memory region that contains packed and compressed pages. More...
class  ROnDiskPageMapHeap
 An ROnDiskPageMap that is used for an fMemory allocated as an array of unsigned char. More...
class  RPage
 A page is a slice of a column that is mapped into memory. More...
class  RPageAllocator
 Abstract interface to allocate and release pages. More...
class  RPageAllocatorHeap
 Uses standard C++ memory allocation for the column data pages. More...
class  RPageNullSink
 Dummy sink that discards all pages. More...
class  RPagePersistentSink
 Base class for a sink with a physical storage backend. More...
class  RPagePool
 A thread-safe cache of pages loaded from the page source. More...
class  RPageRef
 Reference to a page stored in the page pool. More...
class  RPageSink
 Abstract interface to write data into an ntuple. More...
class  RPageSinkBuf
 Wrapper sink that coalesces cluster column page writes. More...
class  RPageSinkDaos
 Storage provider that writes ntuple pages to into a DAOS container. More...
class  RPageSinkFile
 Storage provider that write ntuple pages into a file. More...
class  RPageSource
 Abstract interface to read data from an ntuple. More...
class  RPageSourceDaos
 Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a DAOS container. More...
class  RPageSourceFile
 Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a file. More...
class  RPageStorage
 Common functionality of an ntuple storage for both reading and writing. More...
class  RProjectedFields
 The projected fields of a RNTupleModel More...
class  RRDFCardinalityField
 An artificial field that transforms an RNTuple column that contains the offset of collections into collection sizes. More...
struct  RSealedPageMergeData
struct  RTestFutureColumn
struct  RTFileControlBlock
 If a TFile container is written by a C stream (simple file), on dataset commit, the file header and the TFile record need to be updated. More...
struct  RVirtualBinsToLocalBins
 Recursively converts zero-based virtual bins where the underflow bin has index 0 and the overflow bin has index N+1 where N is the axis' number of regular bins, to the standard kUnderflowBin/kOverflowBin for under/overflow bin indexing convention. More...
struct  RVirtualBinsToLocalBins<-1, NDIMS, BINS, AXES >
class  RVirtualCanvasPainter
 Abstract interface for painting a canvas. More...
class  RWritePageMemoryManager
 Helper to maintain a memory budget for the write pages of a set of columns. More...
class  TBulkBranchRead
 Helper class for reading many branch entries at once to optimize throughput. More...
class  TTreeReaderValueFastBase


using ntuple_index_t = std::uint32_t
using RIOSharedVector_t = std::vector< RIOSharedBase * >


enum  EDaosLocatorFlags { kCagedPage = 0x01 }
enum class  ENTupleMergeErrBehavior { kAbort , kSkip }
enum class  ENTupleMergingMode { kFilter , kStrict , kUnion }
enum class  EPageStorageType { kSink , kSource }
enum class  ERNTupleSerializationMode { kForceNativeMode , kForceStreamerMode , kUnset }
 Possible settings for the "rntuple.streamerMode" class attribute in the dictionary. More...
Histogram traits

Helper traits for histogram operations.

enum class  EBinCoord { kBinFrom , kBinCenter , kBinTo }
 Specifies if the wanted result is the bin's lower edge, center or higher edge. More...
enum class  EFindStatus { kCanGrow , kValid }
 Status of FindBin(x) and FindAdjustedBin(x) More...


void CallCommitClusterOnField (RFieldBase &)
void CallConnectPageSinkOnField (RFieldBase &, RPageSink &, NTupleSize_t firstEntry=0)
void CallConnectPageSourceOnField (RFieldBase &, RPageSource &)
void CallFlushColumnsOnField (RFieldBase &)
RNTuple CreateAnchor (std::uint16_t versionEpoch, std::uint16_t versionMajor, std::uint16_t versionMinor, std::uint16_t versionPatch, std::uint64_t seekHeader, std::uint64_t nbytesHeader, std::uint64_t lenHeader, std::uint64_t seekFooter, std::uint64_t nbytesFooter, std::uint64_t lenFooter, std::uint64_t maxKeySize)
std::unique_ptr< RNTupleWriterCreateRNTupleWriter (std::unique_ptr< RNTupleModel > model, std::unique_ptr< Internal::RPageSink > sink)
RResult< void > EnsureValidNameForRNTuple (std::string_view name, std::string_view where)
 Check whether a given string is a valid name according to the RNTuple specification.
std::uint16_t FloatToHalf (float value)
 Convert an IEEE single-precision float to half-precision.
std::unique_ptr< RColumnElementBaseGenerateColumnElement (const RColumnElementBase::RIdentifier &elementId)
std::unique_ptr< RColumnElementBaseGenerateColumnElement (std::type_index inMemoryType, EColumnType onDiskType)
RLogChannelGetChannelOrManager ()
RLogChannelGetChannelOrManager (RLogChannel &channel)
RNTupleGlobalRange GetFieldRange (const RFieldBase &field, const RPageSource &pageSource)
 Helper to get the iteration space of the given field that needs to be connected to the given page source.
RFieldZeroGetFieldZeroOfModel (RNTupleModel &model)
std::string GetNormalizedTypeName (const std::string &typeName)
 Applies type name normalization rules that lead to the final name used to create a RField, e.g.
constexpr std::uint16_t GetOverflowedValue (std::uint16_t value=0)
 Get the half-precision overflow.
RProjectedFieldsGetProjectedFieldsOfModel (RNTupleModel &model)
ERNTupleSerializationMode GetRNTupleSerializationMode (TClass *cl)
constexpr std::uint16_t GetRoundedValue (std::uint16_t value, int guardBit, int stickyBit)
 Round the given half-precision number to the nearest representable value.
float HalfToFloat (std::uint16_t value)
 Convert an IEEE half-precision float to single-precision.
template<typename T >
auto MakeAliasedSharedPtr (T *rawPtr)
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< T[]> MakeUninitArray (std::size_t size)
 Make an array of default-initialized elements.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::optional< RColumnDescriptor::RValueRange > &x)
std::tuple< std::string, std::vector< size_t > > ParseArrayType (std::string_view typeName)
 Parse a type name of the form T[n][m]... and return the base type T and a vector that contains, in order, the declared size for each dimension, e.g.
void swap (RDirectoryEntry &e1, RDirectoryEntry &e2) noexcept
std::vector< std::string > TokenizeTypeList (std::string_view templateType)
 Used in RFieldBase::Create() in order to get the comma-separated list of template types E.g., gets {"int", "std::variant<double,int>"} from "int,std::variant<double,int>".
Relational operators.
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator< (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator> (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator<= (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator>= (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator== (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool operator!= (RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > lhs, RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > rhs) noexcept
Axis tuple operations

Template operations on axis tuple.

template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int GetNBinsNoOverFromAxes (AXISCONFIG... axisArgs)
 Get the number of bins in whole hist, excluding under- and overflow.
template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int GetNBinsFromAxes (AXISCONFIG... axisArgs)
 Get the number of bins in whole hist, including under- and overflow.
template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int GetNOverflowBinsFromAxes (AXISCONFIG... axisArgs)
 Get the number of under- and overflow bins in whole hist, excluding regular bins.
template<class... AXISCONFIG>
static std::array< const RAxisBase *, sizeof...(AXISCONFIG)> GetAxisView (const AXISCONFIG &... axes) noexcept


constexpr ENTupleStructure kTestFutureFieldStructure
constexpr EColumnType kTestFutureType
constexpr RNTupleLocator::ELocatorType kTestLocatorType = static_cast<RNTupleLocator::ELocatorType>(0x7e)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ntuple_index_t

using ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ntuple_index_t = typedef std::uint32_t

Definition at line 37 of file RPageStorageDaos.hxx.

◆ RIOSharedVector_t

Definition at line 52 of file RDrawable.hxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EBinCoord

Specifies if the wanted result is the bin's lower edge, center or higher edge.


Get the lower bin edge.


Get the bin center.


Get the bin high edge.

Definition at line 252 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ EDaosLocatorFlags


Definition at line 43 of file RPageStorageDaos.hxx.

◆ EFindStatus

Status of FindBin(x) and FindAdjustedBin(x)


The coordinate could fit after growing the axis.


The returned bin index is valid.

Definition at line 259 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ ENTupleMergeErrBehavior


The merger will abort merging as soon as an error is encountered.


Upon errors, the merger will skip the current source and continue.

Definition at line 45 of file RNTupleMerger.hxx.

◆ ENTupleMergingMode


The merger will discard all columns that aren't present in the prototype model (i.e.

the model of the first source)


The merger will refuse to merge any 2 RNTuples whose schema doesn't match exactly.


The merger will update the output model to include all columns from all sources.

Entries corresponding to columns that are not present in a source will be set to the default value of the type.

Definition at line 34 of file RNTupleMerger.hxx.

◆ EPageStorageType


Definition at line 58 of file RPageStorage.hxx.

◆ ERNTupleSerializationMode

Possible settings for the "rntuple.streamerMode" class attribute in the dictionary.


Definition at line 29 of file RFieldUtils.hxx.

Function Documentation

◆ CallCommitClusterOnField()

void ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CallCommitClusterOnField ( RFieldBase field)

Definition at line 86 of file RFieldBase.cxx.

◆ CallConnectPageSinkOnField()

void ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CallConnectPageSinkOnField ( RFieldBase field,
Internal::RPageSink sink,
NTupleSize_t  firstEntry = 0 

Definition at line 90 of file RFieldBase.cxx.

◆ CallConnectPageSourceOnField()

void ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CallConnectPageSourceOnField ( RFieldBase field,
Internal::RPageSource source 

Definition at line 95 of file RFieldBase.cxx.

◆ CallFlushColumnsOnField()

void ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CallFlushColumnsOnField ( RFieldBase field)

Definition at line 82 of file RFieldBase.cxx.

◆ CreateAnchor()

ROOT::RNTuple ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CreateAnchor ( std::uint16_t  versionEpoch,
std::uint16_t  versionMajor,
std::uint16_t  versionMinor,
std::uint16_t  versionPatch,
std::uint64_t  seekHeader,
std::uint64_t  nbytesHeader,
std::uint64_t  lenHeader,
std::uint64_t  seekFooter,
std::uint64_t  nbytesFooter,
std::uint64_t  lenFooter,
std::uint64_t  maxKeySize 

Definition at line 53 of file RNTuple.cxx.

◆ CreateRNTupleWriter()

std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::CreateRNTupleWriter ( std::unique_ptr< RNTupleModel model,
std::unique_ptr< Internal::RPageSink sink 

Definition at line 139 of file RNTupleWriter.cxx.

◆ EnsureValidNameForRNTuple()

ROOT::RResult< void > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::EnsureValidNameForRNTuple ( std::string_view  name,
std::string_view  where 

Check whether a given string is a valid name according to the RNTuple specification.

Definition at line 34 of file RNTupleUtil.cxx.

◆ FloatToHalf()

std::uint16_t ROOT::Experimental::Internal::FloatToHalf ( float  value)

Convert an IEEE single-precision float to half-precision.

Credit for this goes to Jeroen van der Zijp.

[in]valueThe single-precision value to convert
The converted half-precision value

Definition at line 96 of file RFloat16.hxx.

◆ GenerateColumnElement() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RColumnElementBase > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GenerateColumnElement ( const RColumnElementBase::RIdentifier elementId)

Definition at line 196 of file RColumnElement.cxx.

◆ GenerateColumnElement() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RColumnElementBase > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GenerateColumnElement ( std::type_index  inMemoryType,
EColumnType  onDiskType 

Definition at line 154 of file RColumnElement.cxx.

◆ GetAxisView()

template<class... AXISCONFIG>
static std::array< const RAxisBase *, sizeof...(AXISCONFIG)> ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetAxisView ( const AXISCONFIG &...  axes)

Definition at line 710 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ GetChannelOrManager() [1/2]

RLogChannel & ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetChannelOrManager ( )

Definition at line 302 of file RLogger.hxx.

◆ GetChannelOrManager() [2/2]

RLogChannel & ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetChannelOrManager ( RLogChannel channel)

Definition at line 306 of file RLogger.hxx.

◆ GetFieldRange()

ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleGlobalRange ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetFieldRange ( const RFieldBase field,
const RPageSource pageSource 

Helper to get the iteration space of the given field that needs to be connected to the given page source.

The indexes are given by the number of elements of the principal column of the field or, if none exists, by the number of elements of the first principal column found in the subfields searched by BFS. If the field hierarchy is empty on columns, the returned field range is invalid (start and end set to kInvalidNTupleIndex). An attempt to use such a field range in RNTupleViewBase::GetFieldRange will throw.

Definition at line 23 of file RNTupleView.cxx.

◆ GetFieldZeroOfModel()

ROOT::Experimental::RFieldZero & ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetFieldZeroOfModel ( RNTupleModel model)

Definition at line 36 of file RNTupleModel.cxx.

◆ GetNBinsFromAxes()

template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetNBinsFromAxes ( AXISCONFIG...  axisArgs)

Get the number of bins in whole hist, including under- and overflow.

Definition at line 310 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ GetNBinsNoOverFromAxes()

template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetNBinsNoOverFromAxes ( AXISCONFIG...  axisArgs)

Get the number of bins in whole hist, excluding under- and overflow.

Definition at line 286 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ GetNormalizedTypeName()

std::string ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetNormalizedTypeName ( const std::string &  typeName)

Applies type name normalization rules that lead to the final name used to create a RField, e.g.

transforms const vector<T> to std::vector<T>. Specifically, const / volatile qualifiers are removed and std:: is added to fully qualify known types in the std namespace. The same happens to ROOT::RVec which is normalized to ROOT::VecOps::RVec.

Definition at line 62 of file RFieldUtils.cxx.

◆ GetNOverflowBinsFromAxes()

template<class... AXISCONFIG>
int ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetNOverflowBinsFromAxes ( AXISCONFIG...  axisArgs)

Get the number of under- and overflow bins in whole hist, excluding regular bins.

Definition at line 318 of file RHistImpl.hxx.

◆ GetOverflowedValue()

constexpr std::uint16_t ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetOverflowedValue ( std::uint16_t  value = 0)

Get the half-precision overflow.

[in]valueHalf-precision value with sign bit only
Rounded overflowing half-precision value

Definition at line 70 of file RFloat16.hxx.

◆ GetProjectedFieldsOfModel()

ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RProjectedFields & ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetProjectedFieldsOfModel ( RNTupleModel model)

Definition at line 45 of file RNTupleModel.cxx.

◆ GetRNTupleSerializationMode()

ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ERNTupleSerializationMode ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetRNTupleSerializationMode ( TClass cl)

Definition at line 109 of file RFieldUtils.cxx.

◆ GetRoundedValue()

constexpr std::uint16_t ROOT::Experimental::Internal::GetRoundedValue ( std::uint16_t  value,
int  guardBit,
int  stickyBit 

Round the given half-precision number to the nearest representable value.

[in]valueThe finite half-precision number to round
[in]guardBitThe most significant discarded bit
[in]stickyBitLogical OR of all but the most significant discarded bits
The nearest-rounded half-precision value

Definition at line 83 of file RFloat16.hxx.

◆ HalfToFloat()

float ROOT::Experimental::Internal::HalfToFloat ( std::uint16_t  value)

Convert an IEEE half-precision float to single-precision.

Credit for this goes to Jeroen van der Zijp.

[in]valueThe half-precision value to convert
The converted single-precision value

Definition at line 132 of file RFloat16.hxx.

◆ MakeAliasedSharedPtr()

template<typename T >
auto ROOT::Experimental::Internal::MakeAliasedSharedPtr ( T *  rawPtr)

Definition at line 277 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ MakeUninitArray()

template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< T[]> ROOT::Experimental::Internal::MakeUninitArray ( std::size_t  size)

Make an array of default-initialized elements.

This is useful for buffers that do not need to be initialized.

With C++20, this function can be replaced by std::make_unique_for_overwrite<T[]>.

Definition at line 287 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ operator!=()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator!= ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 151 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ operator<()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator< ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 121 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::optional< RColumnDescriptor::RValueRange > &  x 

Definition at line 277 of file RNTupleMerger.cxx.

◆ operator<=()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator<= ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 133 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ operator==()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator== ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 145 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ operator>()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator> ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 127 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ operator>=()

template<class REFERENCE , class POINTER >
bool ROOT::Experimental::Internal::operator>= ( RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  lhs,
RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER >  rhs 

Definition at line 139 of file RIndexIter.hxx.

◆ ParseArrayType()

std::tuple< std::string, std::vector< size_t > > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ParseArrayType ( std::string_view  typeName)

Parse a type name of the form T[n][m]... and return the base type T and a vector that contains, in order, the declared size for each dimension, e.g.

for unsigned char[1][2][3] it returns the tuple {"unsigned char", {1, 2, 3}}. Extra whitespace in typeName should be removed before calling this function.

If typeName is not an array type, it returns a tuple {T, {}}. On error, it returns a default-constructed tuple.

Definition at line 128 of file RFieldUtils.cxx.

◆ swap()

void ROOT::Experimental::Internal::swap ( RDirectoryEntry e1,
RDirectoryEntry e2 

Definition at line 94 of file RDirectoryEntry.hxx.

◆ TokenizeTypeList()

std::vector< std::string > ROOT::Experimental::Internal::TokenizeTypeList ( std::string_view  templateType)

Used in RFieldBase::Create() in order to get the comma-separated list of template types E.g., gets {"int", "std::variant<double,int>"} from "int,std::variant<double,int>".

Definition at line 148 of file RFieldUtils.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ kTestFutureFieldStructure

constexpr ENTupleStructure ROOT::Experimental::Internal::kTestFutureFieldStructure
Initial value:
static_cast<ENTupleStructure>(std::numeric_limits<std::underlying_type_t<ENTupleStructure>>::max() - 1)
The fields in the ntuple model tree can carry different structural information about the type system.

Definition at line 296 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ kTestFutureType

constexpr EColumnType ROOT::Experimental::Internal::kTestFutureType
Initial value:
static_cast<EColumnType>(std::numeric_limits<std::underlying_type_t<EColumnType>>::max() - 1)
The available trivial, native content types of a column.

Definition at line 293 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ kTestLocatorType

constexpr RNTupleLocator::ELocatorType ROOT::Experimental::Internal::kTestLocatorType = static_cast<RNTupleLocator::ELocatorType>(0x7e)

Definition at line 299 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.