| RPageSinkFile (const RPageSinkFile &)=delete |
| RPageSinkFile (RPageSinkFile &&)=default |
| RPageSinkFile (std::string_view ntupleName, std::string_view path, const ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions &options) |
| RPageSinkFile (std::string_view ntupleName, TDirectory &fileOrDirectory, const ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions &options) |
| ~RPageSinkFile () override |
RPageSinkFile & | operator= (const RPageSinkFile &)=delete |
RPageSinkFile & | operator= (RPageSinkFile &&)=default |
| RPagePersistentSink (const RPagePersistentSink &)=delete |
| RPagePersistentSink (RPagePersistentSink &&)=default |
| RPagePersistentSink (std::string_view ntupleName, const ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions &options) |
| ~RPagePersistentSink () override |
ColumnHandle_t | AddColumn (ROOT::DescriptorId_t fieldId, ROOT::Internal::RColumn &column) final |
| Register a new column.
void | CommitClusterGroup () final |
| Write out the page locations (page list envelope) for all the committed clusters since the last call of CommitClusterGroup (or the beginning of writing).
void | CommitPage (ColumnHandle_t columnHandle, const ROOT::Internal::RPage &page) final |
| Write a page to the storage. The column must have been added before.
void | CommitSealedPage (ROOT::DescriptorId_t physicalColumnId, const RPageStorage::RSealedPage &sealedPage) final |
| Write a preprocessed page to storage. The column must have been added before.
void | CommitSealedPageV (std::span< RPageStorage::RSealedPageGroup > ranges) final |
| Write a vector of preprocessed pages to storage. The corresponding columns must have been added before.
void | CommitStagedClusters (std::span< RStagedCluster > clusters) final |
| Commit staged clusters, logically appending them to the ntuple descriptor.
void | CommitSuppressedColumn (ColumnHandle_t columnHandle) final |
| Commits a suppressed column for the current cluster.
const ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor & | GetDescriptor () const final |
| Return the RNTupleDescriptor being constructed.
ROOT::NTupleSize_t | GetNEntries () const final |
std::unique_ptr< RNTupleModel > | InitFromDescriptor (const ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor &descriptor, bool copyClusters) |
| Initialize sink based on an existing descriptor and fill into the descriptor builder, optionally copying over the descriptor's clusters to this sink's descriptor.
RPagePersistentSink & | operator= (const RPagePersistentSink &)=delete |
RPagePersistentSink & | operator= (RPagePersistentSink &&)=default |
RStagedCluster | StageCluster (ROOT::NTupleSize_t nNewEntries) final |
| Stage the current cluster and create a new one for the following data.
void | UpdateExtraTypeInfo (const ROOT::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor &extraTypeInfo) final |
| Adds an extra type information record to schema.
void | UpdateSchema (const RNTupleModelChangeset &changeset, ROOT::NTupleSize_t firstEntry) final |
| Incorporate incremental changes to the model into the ntuple descriptor.
| RPageSink (const RPageSink &)=delete |
| RPageSink (RPageSink &&)=default |
| RPageSink (std::string_view ntupleName, const ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions &options) |
| ~RPageSink () override |
virtual std::uint64_t | CommitCluster (ROOT::NTupleSize_t nNewEntries) |
| Finalize the current cluster and create a new one for the following data.
void | CommitDataset () |
| Run the registered callbacks and finalize the current cluster and the entrire data set.
void | DropColumn (ColumnHandle_t) final |
| Unregisters a column.
virtual RSinkGuard | GetSinkGuard () |
EPageStorageType | GetType () final |
| Whether the concrete implementation is a sink or a source.
const ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions & | GetWriteOptions () const |
| Returns the sink's write options.
void | Init (RNTupleModel &model) |
| Physically creates the storage container to hold the ntuple (e.g., a keys a TFile or an S3 bucket) Init() associates column handles to the columns referenced by the model.
bool | IsInitialized () const |
RPageSink & | operator= (const RPageSink &)=delete |
RPageSink & | operator= (RPageSink &&)=default |
void | RegisterOnCommitDatasetCallback (Callback_t callback) |
| The registered callback is executed at the beginning of CommitDataset();.
virtual ROOT::Internal::RPage | ReservePage (ColumnHandle_t columnHandle, std::size_t nElements) |
| Get a new, empty page for the given column that can be filled with up to nElements; nElements must be larger than zero.
| RPageStorage (const RPageStorage &other)=delete |
| RPageStorage (RPageStorage &&other)=default |
| RPageStorage (std::string_view name) |
virtual | ~RPageStorage () |
ROOT::DescriptorId_t | GetColumnId (ColumnHandle_t columnHandle) const |
virtual Detail::RNTupleMetrics & | GetMetrics () |
| Returns the default metrics object.
const std::string & | GetNTupleName () const |
| Returns the NTuple name.
RPageStorage & | operator= (const RPageStorage &other)=delete |
RPageStorage & | operator= (RPageStorage &&other)=default |
void | SetTaskScheduler (RTaskScheduler *taskScheduler) |