►Nbvh | |
►NClingMemberIterInternal | |
►NCppyyLegacy | |
►NCPyCppyy | |
►NOuter | |
►NPyROOT | |
►NR6 | |
►NR7 | |
►NReadSpeed | |
►NRFieldBase | |
►NRgl | |
►NRooBatchCompute | Namespace for dispatching RooFit computations to various backends |
►NRooFit | The namespace RooFit contains mostly switches that change the behaviour of functions of PDFs (or other types of arguments) |
►NRooHelpers | |
►NRooStats | Namespace for the RooStats classes |
►NROOT | Tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tbb::task_arena without forward declaring tbb::interface7 |
►NROOTwriter | |
►NTClassEdit | |
►NTMath | TMath |
►NTMVA | Create variable transformations |
►NTStreamerInfoActions | |
►Nwriter | |
►NZMQ | |
C__argb32__ | |
C_EdgeTableEntry | |
C_root_std_complex | |
C_ScanLineList | |
C_ScanLineListBlock | |
C_x3d_data_ | |
C_x3d_sizeof_ | |
Cah | |
CAlternateTupleIntDoubleAsc | |
CAlternateTupleIntDoubleDes | |
CAnyCollectionProxy | |
CAnyCollectionStreamer | |
CAutoloadLibraryGenerator | |
CAutoRestorer | |
CAxis2 | |
CB1 | |
CBase_t | |
CBaseClass | |
CBaseCounterT | |
CBaseSelectionRule | |
CBasicGRULayer | Generic implementation |
CBasicLSTMLayer | Generic implementation |
CBasicRNNLayer | Generic implementation |
CBasisFunction | |
CBatch | |
CBatches | These classes encapsulate the necessary data for the computations |
CBeta_interval_length | |
CBinaryOpPolicy | |
CBinEdges | |
CBinningRestorer | |
CBinomialNeymanInterval | Implement noncentral binomial confidence intervals using the Neyman construction |
CBinomialProbHelper | Helper class impelementing the binomial probability and the likelihood ratio used for ordering the interval in the FeldmanCousins interval class |
CBoolNameTable_t | |
CBuildNodeInfo | |
CCaloTowerProxyBuilder | |
CCanvasPainterGenerator | Creates RCanvasPainter objects |
CCellData_t | Cell data inner structure |
CCellGeom_t | Cell geometry inner structure |
Ccgi_environment | |
CChangeGuard | RAII guard for locking Eve manager (ctor) and processing changes (dtor) |
CChangeOperModeRAII | Struct to temporarily change the operation mode of a RooAbsArg until it goes out of scope |
CCheckModuleBuildClient | Custom diag client for clang that verifies that each implicitly build module is a system module |
CClassification | Class to perform two class classification |
CClassificationResult | Class to save the results of the classifier |
CClassSelectionRule | |
Cclnt_HS_t | |
CCollectionManager | |
CColorStruct_t | |
CCompareAsc | |
CcompareBAasc | |
CcompareBAdesc | |
CCompareDataHistBins | |
CCompareDesc | |
CCompareSparseHistBins | |
CCompareVectorIndices | |
CContDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for onedimensional continuous distributions |
Ccout_redirect | |
CCPPYY_G__p2p | |
CCPPYY_G__value | |
CCpuInfo_t | |
CCPyCppyy_tagCDataObject | |
CCPyCppyy_tagPyCArgObject | |
CCreateMethodPlugins | Plugins analysis |
CCrossValidation | |
Cd_iov_t | Iovec for memory buffer |
Cd_sg_list_t | Scatter/gather list for memory buffers |
Cdaos_cont_info_t | Container information |
Cdaos_event | Event and event queue |
Cdaos_handle_t | Generic handle for various DAOS components like container, object, etc |
Cdaos_iod_t | |
Cdaos_iom_t | |
Cdaos_obj_id_t | |
Cdaos_pool_info_t | Storage pool |
Cdaos_prop_t | Daos properties, for pool or container |
Cdaos_recx_t | |
CDataKey | To use as a key type for RooFit data maps and containers |
CDataloader | |
Cde | |
CDebuggingSampler | DebuggingSampler is a simple implementation of the DistributionCreator interface used for debugging |
CDebuggingTestStat | DebuggingTestStat is a simple implementation of the DistributionCreator interface used for debugging |
CDefaultIcon_t | |
CdField | Struct used by ShowGuidelines to store the distance Field between objects in the canvas |
Cdir_scan_data | |
CDisableCachingRAII | Disable all caches for sub-branches in an expression tree |
CDiscrDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for one-dimensional discrete distribution |
CDoWork | |
CEdgeTable | |
CEfficiencyPlotWrapper | Note: This file assumes a certain structure on the input file |
CEmptyCall | |
CENTupleColumnType | The available trivial, native content types of a column |
CEvent | |
CEvent_t | Event structure |
CEventManager | |
CExampleWidget | |
CExceptionContext_t | |
Cextrapolation_table | |
CFactory | |
CFakeCrossingEvent | |
CFeldmanCousinsBinomialInterval | |
CFeldmanCousinsSorter | |
CfileDesc | |
CFileStat_t | |
CFindFileData_t | Struct used to pass information between OpenDirectory and GetDirEntry in a thread safe way (each thread creates a new instance of it) |
CFlagConvResult | |
CFMFunc | |
CFoamDistribution | |
CFoamIntegrandFunction | |
CFontAttributes_t | |
CFontMetrics_t | |
CFontStateMap_t | |
CFoo | |
CFoption_t | |
Cfuncptr_and_voidptr_t | |
CFWSelectionDeviator | |
CGcCache_t | |
CGCValues_t | Graphics context structure |
CGenericRooFIter | Interface for RooFIter-compatible iterators |
CGFunc | |
CGifColorType | |
CGInverseFunc | |
CGInverseFuncNdim | |
CGraphCreatorHelper | Helper class that provides the operation graph nodes |
Cgroup | |
Cgsl_function_struct | |
Cgsl_integration_workspace | |
Ch1analysis | |
Ch1analysisTreeReader | |
CHAddArgs | |
CHelperOps | |
CHEPEVT_DEF | HEPEVT common block |
CHit | |
CHoption_t | Histograms' drawing options structure |
CHparam_t | Histogram parameters structure |
CHypoTestWrapper | |
Cil_params | |
CIndexSortComparator | |
CIPFType | |
Cis_specialization | |
Cis_specialization< Ref< Args... >, Ref > | |
Citerplugin | |
Ciu_params | |
CJet | |
CJetEvent | |
CJetProxyBuilder | |
CJupyROOTExecutorHandler | |
CKeySymbolMap_t | |
CkNN | KNN::Event describes point in input variable vector-space, with additional functionality like distance between points |
CLayoutChunk_t | |
CLikeFunction1 | |
►CLinkdefReader | |
CLinkdefReaderPragmaHandler | |
CLsTreeEntry_t | |
CMarkerDescription_t | |
Cmd5_state_s | |
CMemInfo_t | |
CMemory_t | |
Cmg_callbacks | |
Cmg_client_cert | |
Cmg_client_options | |
Cmg_connection | |
Cmg_context | |
Cmg_domain_context | |
Cmg_error_data | |
Cmg_file | |
Cmg_file_access | |
Cmg_file_stat | |
Cmg_form_data_handler | |
Cmg_handler_info | |
Cmg_header | |
Cmg_http_method_info | |
Cmg_init_data | |
Cmg_option | |
Cmg_request_info | |
Cmg_response_info | |
Cmg_server_port | |
Cmg_websocket_subprotocols | |
Cmg_workerTLS | |
CMIR_TL_Data_t | |
Cmodule_state | |
CMultiDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for multidimensional cont distribution |
CMWMHintsProperty_t | |
CmyDetectorData | |
CMyFunctor | |
CNameCleanerForIO | An helper class to dismount the name and remount it changed whenever necessary |
Cnan_value_t | |
CNewColorMapType | |
C<NSApplicationDelegate> | |
CNSEvent | |
CNSObject | |
CNSView | |
CNSWindow | |
C<NSWindowDelegate> | |
CNumericalDerivator | Original version created on: Aug 14, 2013 Authors: L |
Cobject | |
COverloadedCall | |
CPadRefresher | |
CPaltFunction | |
►CParamHistFunc | A class which maps the current values of a RooRealVar (or a set of RooRealVars) to one of a number of RooAbsReal (nominally RooRealVar): |
CPassiveKeyGrab | |
Cpasswd | |
CPattern | |
CPCREPriv_t | |
CPdfWrapper | |
CPgSQL_Stmt_t | |
CPictureAttributes_t | |
►CPiecewiseInterpolation | The PiecewiseInterpolation is a class that can morph distributions into each other, which is useful to estimate systematic uncertainties |
CPoint_t | Point structure (maps to the X11 XPoint structure) |
CPragmaCreateCollector | |
CPragmaExtraInclude | |
CPragmaIoReadInclude | |
CPragmaLinkCollector | |
Cprocess_control_data | |
CProcInfo_t | |
CProgressMonitor | |
Cpthread_cond_t | |
CQuad | |
CQuantizedColorType | |
CQuartzImage | |
CQuartzPixmap | |
CQuartzView | |
CQuartzWindow | |
CQuartzWindowProperty | |
CQWidget | |
CR__rsa_KEY | |
CR__rsa_KEY_export | |
CR__rsa_NUMBER | |
CRArrayAsRVecField | Additional classes related to sequence containers |
CRbcClass | This file contains the code for cuda computations using the RooBatchCompute library |
CRBrowserGeomProvider | |
CRBrowserGeomWidget | |
CRBrowserRCanvasProvider | |
CRBrowserRCanvasWidget | |
CRBrowserTCanvasProvider | |
CRBrowserTCanvasWidget | |
CRBrowserTreeProvider | |
CRBrowserTreeWidget | |
CRByteSwap | Helper templated class for swapping bytes; specializations for N={2,4,8} are provided below |
CRByteSwap< 2 > | |
CRByteSwap< 4 > | |
CRByteSwap< 8 > | |
CRCaloTower | |
CRCanvasWidget | |
CRColumnRange | The window of element indexes of a particular column in a particular cluster |
CRColumnReaderBase | Pure virtual base class for all column reader types |
CRDefaultProvider | |
Cread_auth_file_struct | |
CRealInfo_t | |
CRecHit | |
►CRecHitProxyBuilder | |
CRectangle_t | Rectangle structure (maps to the X11 XRectangle structure) |
CRedirectHandle_t | |
CREve3DProjection | 3D scaling projection |
CREveBox | 3D box with arbitrary vertices (cuboid) |
CREveBoxProjected | Projection of REveBox |
CREveBoxSet | Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones) |
CREveCalo2D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D |
CREveCalo3D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D |
CREveCaloData | A central manager for calorimeter event data |
CREveCaloDataHist | A central manager for calorimeter data of an event written in TH2F |
CREveCaloDataVec | Calo data for universal cell geometry |
CREveCaloLego | Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram |
CREveCaloTowerSliceSelector | |
CREveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CREveChunkManager | Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation |
CREveCompound | Description of REveCompound |
CREveCompoundProjected | Description of REveCompoundProjected |
CREveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (REveTrans), signal to color mapping (REveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (REveFrameBox) |
CREveElement | Base class for REveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management |
CREveException | Exception class thrown by Eve classes and macros |
CREveFrameBox | Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects |
CREveGeoManagerHolder | Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager |
CREveGeoPolyShape | Description of REveGeoPolyShape |
CREveGeoShape | Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for non-linear projections) |
CREveGeoShapeExtract | Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts |
CREveGeoShapeProjected | A 3D projected REveGeoShape |
CREveJetCone | Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and cone radius is given |
CREveJetConeProjected | Projection of REveJetCone |
CREveLine | An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CREveLineProjected | Projected copy of a REveLine |
CREveMagField | Abstract base-class for interfacing to magnetic field needed by the REveTrackPropagator |
CREveMagFieldConst | Implements constant magnetic field, given by a vector fB |
CREveMagFieldDuo | Implements constant magnetic filed that switches on given axial radius fR2 from vector fBIn to fBOut |
CREveManager | Central application manager for web-based REve |
CREvePointSelector | REvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree |
CREvePointSelectorConsumer | REvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the REvePointSelector class |
CREvePointSet | REvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CREvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
CREvePointSetProjected | Projected copy of a REvePointSet |
CREvePolygonSetProjected | A set of projected polygons |
CREveProjectable | Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects |
CREveProjected | Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation |
CREveProjection | Base-class for non-linear projections |
CREveProjectionManager | Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CREveRefBackPtr | Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to REveElement objects |
CREveRefCnt | Base-class for reference-counted objects |
CREveRGBAPalette | A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes |
CREveRhoZProjection | Transformation from 3D to 2D |
CREveRPhiProjection | XY projection with distortion around given center |
CREveScalableStraightLineSet | Straight-line-set with extra scaling, useful for projectables that need to be scaled in accordance with an external object |
CREveScene | Eve representation of TGLScene |
CREveSceneInfo | Representation of a REveScene in a REveViewer |
CREveSceneList | List of Scenes providing common operations on REveScene collections |
CREveSecondarySelectable | Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection |
CREveSelection | Make sure there is a SINGLE running REveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight) |
CREveSelectorToEventList | TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list |
CREveShape | Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes |
CREveStraightLineSetProjected | Projected replica of a REveStraightLineSet |
CREveTrack | Visual representation of a track |
CREveTrackList | A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CREveTrackListProjected | Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects |
CREveTrackProjected | Projected copy of a REveTrack |
CREveTrackPropagator | Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters |
CREveTrans | REveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-major order to allow direct usage by GL |
CREveUtil | Standard utility functions for Eve |
CREveViewer | Eve representation of a GL view |
CREveViewerList | List of Viewers providing common operations on REveViewer collections |
CREveVSD | Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independent format |
CREveXZProjection | XZ projection with distortion around given center |
CREveYZProjection | YZ projection with distortion around given center |
CREveZXProjection | ZX projection with distortion around given center |
CREveZYProjection | ZY projection with distortion around given center |
CRExceptionHandler | Exception handler for Eve exceptions |
CRFieldElement | Browsing element representing of RField |
CRFieldHolder | |
►CRFieldProvider | Base class for provider of RNTuple drawing |
CRFieldsIterator | Iterator over RNTuple fields |
CRFitPanel | Web-based FitPanel prototype |
CRGeomViewerWidget | |
CRGroupIter | |
CRInterfaceBase | The public interface to the RDataFrame federation of classes |
Crng_state_st | |
CRNTupleBrowseProvider | Provider for browsing RNTuple classes |
CRNTupleDraw6Provider | Provider for RNTuple drawing on TCanvas |
CRNTupleDraw7Provider | Provider for RNTuple drawing on RCanvas |
CRNTupleElement | Browsing element representing of RNTuple |
CRoo1DTable | One-dimensional table |
CRoo2DKeysPdf | Two-dimensional kernel estimation PDF |
►CRooAbsAnaConvPdf | Base class for PDFs that represent a physics model that can be analytically convolved with a resolution model |
►CRooAbsArg | Common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFit |
CRooAbsBinning | Abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions |
CRooAbsCache | Abstract base class for data members of RooAbsArgs that cache other (composite) RooAbsArg expressions |
►CRooAbsCachedPdf | Abstract base class for p.d.f.s that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistPdf defined in terms of the used observables |
►CRooAbsCachedReal | Abstract base class for functions that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistFunc defined in terms of the used observables |
CRooAbsCacheElement | Abstract base class for objects to be stored in RooAbsCache cache manager objects |
CRooAbsCategory | A space to attach TBranches |
CRooAbsCategoryLegacyIterator | |
CRooAbsCategoryLValue | Abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value that can be set from the outside, i.e |
►CRooAbsCollection | Abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
►CRooAbsData | Abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets |
CRooAbsDataHelper | This is a helper for an RDataFrame action, which fills RooFit data classes |
CRooAbsDataStore | Abstract base class for a data collection |
CRooAbsFunc | Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerical algorithms on it |
CRooAbsGenContext | Abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects |
CRooAbsHiddenReal | Base class for objects that want to hide their return value from interactive use, e.g |
CRooAbsIntegrator | Abstract interface for integrators of real-valued functions that implement the RooAbsFunc interface |
CRooAbsLValue | Abstract base class for objects that are lvalues, i.e |
CRooAbsMCStudyModule | Base class for add-on modules to RooMCStudy that can perform additional calculations on each generate+fit cycle managed by RooMCStudy |
CRooAbsMinimizerFcn | |
CRooAbsMoment | |
►CRooAbsPdf | Abstract interface for all probability density functions |
CRooAbsProxy | Abstract interface for proxy classes |
►CRooAbsReal | Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to all real-valued objects such as the ability to plot them, to construct integrals of them, the ability to advertise (partial) analytical integrals etc |
CRooAbsRealLValue | Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue') |
CRooAbsSelfCached | Abstract base class for functions whose output is cached in terms of a histogram in all observables between getVal() and evaluate() |
CRooAbsStudy | Abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules |
CRooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D | Implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm |
CRooAddGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAddPdf PDFs |
►CRooAddition | Calculates the sum of a set of RooAbsReal terms, or when constructed with two sets, it sums the product of the terms in the two sets |
►CRooAddModel | RooAddModel is an efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form |
CRooAddPdf | Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form |
CRooAICRegistry | Utility class for operator p.d.f classes that keeps track of analytical integration codes and associated normalization and integration sets |
CRooArgList | RooArgList is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
CRooArgProxy | Abstract interface for RooAbsArg proxy classes |
CRooArgSet | RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
CRooArgusBG | RooArgusBG is a RooAbsPdf implementation describing the ARGUS background shape |
CRooBCPEffDecay | PDF describing decay time distribution of B meson including effects of standard model CP violation |
CRooBCPGenDecay | Implement standard CP physics model with S and C (no mention of lambda) Suitably stolen and modified from RooBCPEffDecay |
CRooBDecay | Most general description of B decay time distribution with effects of CP violation, mixing and life time differences |
CRooBernstein | Bernstein basis polynomials are positive-definite in the range [0,1] |
CRooBifurGauss | Bifurcated Gaussian p.d.f with different widths on left and right side of maximum value |
CRooBinnedGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for binned pdfs |
CRooBinnedL | Implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be binned) and a PDF |
CRooBinning | Implements a RooAbsBinning in terms of an array of boundary values, posing no constraints on the choice of binning, thus allowing variable bin sizes |
CRooBinningCategory | Provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds |
CRooBinSamplingPdf | The RooBinSamplingPdf is supposed to be used as an adapter between a continuous PDF and a binned distribution |
CRooBinWidthFunction | Returns the bin width (or volume) given a RooHistFunc |
CRooBlindTools | |
CRooBMixDecay | Class RooBMixDecay is a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation that describes the decay of B mesons with the effects of B0/B0bar mixing |
CRooBreitWigner | Class RooBreitWigner is a RooAbsPdf implementation that models a non-relativistic Breit-Wigner shape |
CRooBrentRootFinder | Implement the abstract 1-dimensional root finding interface using the Brent-Decker method |
CRooBukinPdf | The RooBukinPdf implements the NovosibirskA function |
CRooCachedPdf | Implementation of RooAbsCachedPdf that can cache any external RooAbsPdf input function provided in the constructor |
CRooCachedReal | Implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that can cache any external RooAbsReal input function provided in the constructor |
CRooCacheManager | Manages the storage of any type of data indexed on the choice of normalization and optionally the set of integrated observables |
CRooCategory | Object to represent discrete states |
CRooCatType | RooCatType is an auxiliary class for RooAbsCategory and defines a a single category state |
CRooCBShape | PDF implementing the Crystal Ball line shape |
CRooCFunction1Binding | RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction1Map | |
CRooCFunction1PdfBinding | |
CRooCFunction1Ref | |
CRooCFunction2Binding | RooCFunction2Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction2Map | |
CRooCFunction2PdfBinding | |
CRooCFunction2Ref | |
CRooCFunction3Binding | RooCFunction3Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction3Map | |
CRooCFunction3PdfBinding | |
CRooCFunction3Ref | |
CRooCFunction4Binding | RooCFunction4Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction4Map | |
CRooCFunction4PdfBinding | |
CRooCFunction4Ref | |
CRooChangeTracker | Meta object that tracks value changes in a given set of RooAbsArgs by registering itself as value client of these objects |
CRooChebychev | Chebychev polynomial p.d.f |
CRooChi2MCSModule | RooChi2MCSModule is an add-on module to RooMCStudy that calculates the chi-squared of fitted p.d.f with respect to a binned version of the data |
CRooChi2Var | |
CRooChiSquarePdf | The PDF of the Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom |
CRooClassFactory | Similar to TTree::MakeClass(), generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names |
CRooCmdArg | Named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string pointers that can be passed as generic named arguments to a variety of RooFit end user methods |
►CRooCmdConfig | Configurable parser for RooCmdArg named arguments |
CRooCollection_t | |
CRooCollectionProxy | Concrete proxy for RooArgSet or RooArgList objects |
CRooCompositeDataStore | Combines several disjunct datasets into one |
CRooConstraintSum | Calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPfs that represent constraint functions |
CRooConstVar | Represents a constant real-valued object |
CRooConvCoefVar | Auxiliary class that represents the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation as a separate RooAbsReal object to be able to interface these coefficient terms with the generic RooRealIntegral integration mechanism |
CRooConvGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvPdf objects |
CRooCrystalBall | PDF implementing the generalized Asymmetrical Double-Sided Crystall Ball line shape |
CRooCurve | One-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function |
CRooCustomizer | RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones of a prototype composite PDF object with the same structure but different leaf servers (parameters or dependents) |
►CRooDataHist | Container class to hold N-dimensional binned data |
CRooDataHistSliceIter | Iterates over all bins in a RooDataHist that occur in a slice defined by the bin coordinates of the input sliceSet |
CRooDataProjBinding | Adaptor that projects a real function via summation of states provided in a dataset |
CRooDataSet | Container class to hold unbinned data |
CRooDecay | Single or double sided decay function that can be analytically convolved with any RooResolutionModel implementation |
CRooDerivative | Represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
CRooDirItem | Utility base class for RooFit objects that are to be attached to ROOT directories |
CRooDLLSignificanceMCSModule | Add-on module to RooMCStudy that calculates the significance of a signal by comparing the likelihood of a fit fit with a given parameter floating with a fit with that given parameter fixed to a nominal value (usually zero) |
CRooDouble | Minimal implementation of a TObject holding a double value |
CRooDstD0BG | Special p.d.f shape that can be used to model the background of D*-D0 mass difference distributions |
CRooEffGenContext | Specialized generator context for p.d.fs represented by class RooEffProd, which are p.d.fs multiplied with an efficiency function |
CRooEfficiency | A PDF helper class to fit efficiencies parameterized by a supplied function F |
CRooEffProd | The class RooEffProd implements the product of a PDF with an efficiency function |
CRooEllipse | Two-dimensional ellipse that can be used to represent an error contour |
CRooErrorHandler | |
CRooErrorVar | Auxiliary class that represents the error of a RooRealVar as a separate object |
►CRooExpensiveObjectCache | Singleton class that serves as repository for objects that are expensive to calculate |
CRooExponential | Exponential PDF |
CRooExtendedBinding | |
CRooExtendedTerm | A p.d.f with no observables that only introduces an extended ML term for a given number of expected events term when an extended ML is constructed |
CRooExtendPdf | RooExtendPdf is a wrapper around an existing PDF that adds a parameteric extended likelihood term to the PDF, optionally divided by a fractional term from a partial normalization of the PDF: |
►CRooFactoryWSTool | Implementation detail of the RooWorkspace |
►CRooFFTConvPdf | PDF for the numerical (FFT) convolution of two PDFs |
CRooFirstMoment | |
CRooFIter | A one-time forward iterator working on RooLinkedList or RooAbsCollection |
CRooFIterForLinkedList | Implementation of the GenericRooFIter interface for the RooLinkedList |
CRooFitMoreLib | |
CRooFitResult | RooFitResult is a container class to hold the input and output of a PDF fit to a dataset |
CRooFormulaVar | A RooFormulaVar is a generic implementation of a real-valued object, which takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers |
CRooFracRemainder | Calculates the remainder fraction of a sum of RooAbsReal fraction, i.e (1 - sum_i a_i) |
CRooFunctor | Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsPdf as a functor |
CRooFunctor1DBinding | RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooFunctor1DPdfBinding | |
CRooFunctorBinding | RooFunctorBinding makes math functions from ROOT usable in RooFit |
CRooFunctorPdfBinding | RooFunctorPdfBinding makes math functions from ROOT usable as PDFs in RooFit |
CRooGamma | Implementation of the Gamma PDF for RooFit/RooStats |
CRooGaussian | Plain Gaussian p.d.f |
CRooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D | Implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm |
CRooGaussModel | Class RooGaussModel implements a RooResolutionModel that models a Gaussian distribution |
CRooGenContext | Implements a universal generator context for all RooAbsPdf classes that do not have or need a specialized generator context |
CRooGenericPdf | Implementation of a probability density function that takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers |
CRooGenFitStudy | Abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules |
CRooGExpModel | The RooGExpModel is a RooResolutionModel implementation that models a resolution function that is the convolution of a Gaussian with a one-sided exponential |
CRooGlobalFunc | |
CRooHist | Graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class |
CRooHistConstraint | The RooHistConstraint implements constraint terms for a binned PDF with statistical uncertainties |
►CRooHistError | Singleton class used to calculate the error bars for each bin of a RooHist object |
CRooHistFunc | A real-valued function sampled from a multidimensional histogram |
CRooHistPdf | A probability density function sampled from a multidimensional histogram |
CRooHypatia2 | RooHypatia2 is the two-sided version of the Hypatia distribution described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.5000 |
►CRooIntegralMorph | Class RooIntegralMorph is an implementation of the histogram interpolation technique described by Alex Read in 'NIM A 425 (1999) 357-369 'Linear interpolation of histograms' for continuous functions rather than histograms |
CRooInvTransform | Lightweight function binding that returns the inverse of an input function binding |
►CRooJeffreysPrior | Implementation of Jeffrey's prior |
CRooJohnson | Johnson's |
►CRooJSONFactoryWSTool | When using RooFit, statistical models can be conveniently handled and stored as a RooWorkspace |
CRooKeysPdf | Class RooKeysPdf implements a one-dimensional kernel estimation p.d.f which model the distribution of an arbitrary input dataset as a superposition of Gaussian kernels, one for each data point, each contributing 1/N to the total integral of the pdf |
►CRooLagrangianMorphFunc | Class RooLagrangianMorphing is a implementation of the method of Effective Lagrangian Morphing, described in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-047 |
CRooLandau | Landau distribution p.d.f |
CRooLegacyExpPoly | RooLegacyExpPoly implements a polynomial PDF of the form |
CRooLinearCombination | RooLinearCombination is a class that helps perform linear combination of floating point numbers and permits handling them as multiprecision |
CRooLinearVar | RooLinearVar is the most general form of a derived real-valued object that can be used by RooRealIntegral to integrate over |
CRooLinkedList | Collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in a doubly linked list |
CRooLinkedListElem | Link element for the RooLinkedList class |
CRooLinkedListIter | A wrapper around TIterator derivatives |
CRooLinkedListIterImpl | Implementation of the actual iterator on RooLinkedLists |
CRooLinTransBinning | Special binning implementation for RooLinearVar that transforms the binning of the RooLinearVar input variable in the same way that RooLinearVar does |
CRooLognormal | RooFit Lognormal PDF |
►CRooMappedCategory | RooMappedCategory provides a category-to-category mapping defined by pattern matching on their state labels |
CRooMappedCategoryCache | |
CRooMath | |
CRooMathCoreReg | |
CRooMathMoreReg | |
CRooMCStudy | Helper class to facilitate Monte Carlo studies such as 'goodness-of-fit' studies, that involve fitting a PDF to multiple toy Monte Carlo sets |
►CRooMinimizer | Wrapper class around ROOT::Math::Minimizer that provides a seamless interface between the minimizer functionality and the native RooFit interface |
CRooMoment | |
►CRooMomentMorph | |
►CRooMomentMorphFunc | |
►CRooMomentMorphFuncND | |
►CRooMsgService | Singleton class that organizes messages generated in RooFit |
CRooMultiBinomial | RooMultiBinomial is an efficiency function which makes all combinations of efficiencies given as input different efficiency functions for different categories |
CRooMultiCategory | Connects several RooAbsCategory objects into a single category |
►CRooMultiVarGaussian | Multivariate Gaussian p.d.f |
CRooNameReg | Registry for const char* names |
CRooNaNPacker | Little struct that can pack a float into the unused bits of the mantissa of a NaN double |
►CRooNDKeysPdf | Generic N-dimensional implementation of a kernel estimation p.d.f |
CRooNLLVar | |
CRooNonCentralChiSquare | The PDF of the Non-Central Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom |
CRooNonCPEigenDecay | Time-dependent RooAbsAnaConvPdf for CP violating decays to Non-CP eigenstates (eg, |
CRooNormalizedPdf | A RooNormalizedPdf wraps a pdf divided by its integral for a given normalization set into a new self-normalized pdf |
CRooNormSetCache | Class RooNormSet cache manage the bookkeeping of multiple instances of sets of integration and normalization observables that effectively have the same definition |
CRooNovosibirsk | RooNovosibirsk implements the Novosibirsk function |
CRooNumber | Provides numeric constants used in RooFit |
CRooNumCdf | Implementation of RooNumRunningInt that calculates cumulative distribution functions from p.d.f.s |
CRooNumConvolution | Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF |
CRooNumConvPdf | Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF |
CRooNumGenConfig | Holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
CRooNumIntConfig | Holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
►CRooNumIntFactory | Factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration |
►CRooNumRunningInt | Implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that represents a running integral |
CRooObjCacheManager | Implementation of a RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> that specializes in the storage of cache elements that contain RooAbsArg objects |
CRooParamBinning | Implementation of RooAbsBinning that constructs a binning with a range definition that depends on external RooAbsReal objects |
CRooParametricStepFunction | The Parametric Step Function PDF is a binned distribution whose parameters are the heights of each bin |
CRooParamHistFunc | A histogram function that assigns scale parameters to every bin |
►CRooPlot | Plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame |
CRooPlotable | Class RooPotable is a base class for objects that can be inserted into RooPlots and take advantage of its internal normalization and axis range adjustment features |
CRooPoisson | Poisson pdf |
CRooPolyFunc | RooPolyFunc implements a polynomial function in multi-variables |
CRooPolynomial | RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form |
CRooPolyVar | A RooAbsReal implementing a polynomial in terms of a list of RooAbsReal coefficients |
CRooPowerSum | RooPowerSum implements a power law PDF of the form |
CRooPrintable | A 'mix-in' base class that define the standard RooFit plotting and printing methods |
CRooProdGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooProdPdf PDFs |
►CRooProdPdf | Efficient implementation of a product of PDFs of the form |
►CRooProduct | Represents the product of a given set of RooAbsReal objects |
CRooProfileLL | Implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of parameters of interest |
►CRooProjectedPdf | A RooAbsPdf implementation that represent a projection of a given input p.d.f and the object returned by RooAbsPdf::createProjection |
CRooPullVar | Represents the pull of a measurement w.r.t |
CRooPyBind | A RooFit class for wrapping python functions |
CRooQuasiRandomGenerator | This class generates the quasi-random (aka "low discrepancy") sequence for dimensions up to 12 using the Niederreiter base 2 algorithm described in Bratley, Fox, Niederreiter, ACM Trans |
►CRooRandom | This class provides a static interface for generating random numbers |
►CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule | Add-on module to RooMCStudy that allows you to randomize input generation parameters |
CRooRangeBinning | Binning/range definition that only defines a range but no binning |
CRooRangeBoolean | Returns 1.0 if variable is within given a range and 0.0 otherwise |
CRooRatio | Represents the ratio of two RooAbsReal objects |
CRooRealBinding | Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsReal object to a subset of its servers and present it as a simple array oriented interface |
CRooRealConstant | Provides static functions to create and keep track of RooRealVar constants |
CRooRealIntegral | Performs hybrid numerical/analytical integrals of RooAbsReal objects |
CRooRealSumFunc | |
►CRooRealSumPdf | Implements a PDF constructed from a sum of functions: |
CRooRealVar | Variable that can be changed from the outside |
CRooRealVarSharedProperties | Implementation of RooSharedProperties that stores the properties of a RooRealVar that are shared among clones |
CRooRecursiveFraction | A RooAbsReal implementation that calculates the plain fraction of sum of RooAddPdf components from a set of recursive fractions: for a given set of input fractions |
CRooRefArray | |
CRooResolutionModel | RooResolutionModel is the base class for PDFs that represent a resolution model that can be convoluted with a physics model of the form |
CRooSecondMoment | |
►CRooSharedProperties | Class RooSharedProperties is the base class for shared properties that can be stored in RooSharedPropertiesList |
CRooSimGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs |
CRooSimSplitGenContext | Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs |
►CRooSimultaneous | Facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset |
►CRooSimWSTool | The RooSimWSTool is a tool operating on RooWorkspace objects that can clone PDFs into a series of variations that are joined together into a RooSimultaneous PDF |
CRooSpHarmonic | Implementation of the so-called real spherical harmonics, using the orthonormal normalization, which are related to spherical harmonics as: |
CRooSpline | A RooFit class for creating spline functions |
CRooStepFunction | The Step Function is a binned function whose parameters are the heights of each bin |
CRooStreamParser | |
CRooStringVar | A RooAbsArg implementing string values |
CRooStringView | The RooStringView is a wrapper around a C-style string that can also be constructed from a std::string or a TString |
CRooStudyManager | Utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace |
CRooStudyPackage | Utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace |
CRooSubsidiaryL | Calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPdf objects that represent subsidiary or constraint functions |
CRooSuperCategory | Joins several RooAbsCategoryLValue objects into a single category |
CRooTable | Abstract interface for table objects |
CROOTApplicationDelegate | |
CRooTemplateProxy | |
CRooTFnBinding | Use TF1, TF2, TF3 functions as RooFit objects |
CRooTFnPdfBinding | |
CRooThresholdCategory | A real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds |
CRooTMathReg | |
CROOTOpenGLView | |
CRooTrace | Controls the memory tracing hooks in all RooFit objects |
CRooTreeData | |
CRooTreeDataStore | TTree-backed data storage |
CRooTruthModel | Implements a RooResolution model that corresponds to a delta function |
CRooUnbinnedL | A -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be unbinned) and a PDF |
CRooUnblindCPAsymVar | Implementation of BlindTools' CP asymmetry blinding method A RooUnblindCPAsymVar object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindOffset | Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method A RooUnblindOffset object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindPrecision | Implementation of BlindTools' precision blinding method A RooUnblindPrecision object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindUniform | Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method |
CRooUniform | Flat p.d.f |
CRooUniformBinning | Implementation of RooAbsBinning that provides a uniform binning in 'n' bins between the range end points |
►CRooVectorDataStore | Uses std::vector to store data columns |
CRooVoigtian | RooVoigtian is an efficient implementation of the convolution of a Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, making use of the complex error function |
►CRooWorkspace | Persistable container for RooFit projects |
CRooWorkspaceHandle | An interface to set and retrieve a workspace |
CRooWrapperPdf | The RooWrapperPdf is a class that can be used to convert a function into a PDF |
CRotatedTextItemTemplate_t | |
Crsa_KEY | |
Crsa_KEY_export | |
Crsa_NUMBER | |
►CRScanner | |
CRShared< T > | Holder of with shared_ptr<T> instance |
CRTFileProvider | Provides access to ROOT files with extension "root" Other extensions can be registered |
CRTObjectProvider | Provider for all known TObject-based classes |
CRUnique< T > | Holder of with unique_ptr<T> instance |
CRunStopper | |
CRV7HistDrawProvider | |
CRVisual | |
CRXColor | |
CRXGCValues | |
CRXImage | |
CRXpmAttributes | |
CRXPoint | |
CRXSetWindowAttributes | |
CRXVisualInfo | |
CSegment_t | Used for drawing line segments (maps to the X11 XSegments structure) |
CSelectionRules | The class representing the collection of selection rules |
CSetFreeIfTMapFile_t | Set ROOT::Internal::gFreeIfTMapFile on library load |
CSetWindowAttributes_t | Attributes that can be used when creating or changing a window |
CSgEsc_t | |
CSharedOffset | |
CSHtmlExtensions_t | |
CSHtmlIndex_t | |
CSHtmlMargin_t | |
CSHtmlStyle_t | |
CSHtmlStyleStack_t | |
CSHtmlTokenMap_t | |
CSignalmap_t | |
Csocket | |
CSQLite3_Stmt_t | |
Csrv_HS_t | |
Cssl_func | |
CStyleTemplate_t | |
CSXmlAttr_t | |
CSXmlDoc_t | |
CSXmlNode_t | |
CSysInfo_t | |
CTA | |
CTAdvancedGraphicsDialog | Allows to create advanced graphics from the last fit made in the fitpanel |
CTakeAValue | |
CTAnnotation | An annotation is a TLatex which can be drawn in a 2D or 3D space |
CTApplication | This class creates the ROOT Application Environment that interfaces to the windowing system eventloop and eventhandlers |
CTApplicationImp | ABC describing GUI independent application implementation protocol |
►CTApplicationRemote | |
CTApplicationServer | |
CTArc | Create an Arc |
CTArcBall | Implements the arc-ball rotation manipulator |
CTArchiveFile | Class describing an archive file containing multiple sub-files, like a ZIP or TAR archive |
CTArchiveMember | |
CTARInterruptHandler | |
CTArray | Abstract array base class |
CTArrayC | Array of chars or bytes (8 bits per element) |
CTArrayD | Array of doubles (64 bits per element) |
CTArrayF | Array of floats (32 bits per element) |
CTArrayI | Array of integers (32 bits per element) |
CTArrayIndexProducer | JSON array separators for multi-dimensional JSON arrays It fully reproduces array dimensions as in original ROOT classes Contrary to binary I/O, which always writes flat arrays |
CTArrayL | Array of longs (32 or 64 bits per element) |
CTArrayL64 | Array of long64s (64 bits per element) |
CTArrayS | Array of shorts (16 bits per element) |
CTArrow | Draw all kinds of Arrows |
CTArrowEditor | Implements user interface for editing of arrow attributes: shape, size, angle |
CTASImage | Image class |
CTASImagePlugin | |
CTASInputHandler | |
CTASInterruptHandler | |
CTASLogHandler | |
CTASLogHandlerGuard | |
►CTASPaletteEditor | This is a GUI window to edit a color palette |
CTASPluginGS | Allows to read PS/EPS/PDF files via GhostScript |
CTASPngWriter | C++ wrapper over simple writer of PNG files for standard GL memory formats: LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB, and RGBA |
CTASSigPipeHandler | |
CTAsyncOpenHandler | |
CTAsyncReadvHandler | |
►CTAtomicCount | |
CTAtt3D | Use this attribute class when an object should have 3D capabilities |
CTAttAxis | Manages histogram axis attributes |
CTAttBBox | Helper for management of bounding-box information |
CTAttBBox2D | Abstract base class for elements drawn in the editor |
CTAttCanvas | Manages canvas attributes |
CTAttFill | Fill Area Attributes class |
CTAttFillEditor | Implements GUI for editing fill attributes |
CTAttImage | TImage attributes |
CTAttLine | Line Attributes class |
CTAttLineEditor | Implements GUI for editing line attributes |
CTAttMarker | Marker Attributes class |
CTAttMarkerEditor | Implements GUI for editing marker attributes |
CTAttPad | Manages default Pad attributes |
CTAttParticle | Particle definition, partly based on GEANT3 particle definition |
CTAttText | Text Attributes class |
CTAttTextEditor | Implements GUI for editing text attributes |
CTAuthenticate | |
CTAutoBinVal | |
CTAutoInspector | |
CTAxis | Class to manage histogram axis |
CTAxis3D | The 3D axis painter class |
CTAxisEditor | Implements GUI for axis attributes |
CTAxisModLab | TAxis helper class used to store the modified labels |
CTBackCompFitter | Backward compatible implementation of TVirtualFitter |
CTBase64 | This code implements the Base64 encoding and decoding |
CTBaseClass | Each class (see TClass) has a linked list of its base class(es) |
CTBasket | Manages buffers for branches of a Tree |
CTBasketSQL | Implement TBasket for a SQL backend |
CTBenchmark | This class is a ROOT utility to help benchmarking applications |
CTBinIterator | |
CTBinomialEfficiencyFitter | Binomial fitter for the division of two histograms |
►CTBits | Container of bits |
CTBlinkTimer | |
CTBox | Create a Box |
CTBranch | A TTree is a list of TBranches |
CTBranchBrowseProvider | |
CTBranchClones | A Branch for the case of an array of clone objects |
CTBranchElement | A Branch for the case of an object |
CTBranchObject | A Branch for the case of an object |
CTBranchProxyClassDescriptor | Hold the processed information about a TClass used in a TBranch while TTreeProxyGenerator is parsing the TTree information |
CTBranchProxyDescriptor | /Hold the processed information about a TBranch while /TTreeProxyGenerator is parsing the TTree information |
CTBranchProxyDirector | This class is used to 'drive' and hold a serie of TBranchProxy objects which represent and give access to the content of TTree object |
CTBranchRef | A branch containing and managing a TRefTable for TRef autoloading |
►CTBranchSTL | A Branch handling STL collection of pointers (vectors, lists, queues, sets and multisets) while storing them in split mode |
CTBrBrowsableElement | Representing TVirtualBranchBrowsable in browsables |
CTBreakLineCom | |
CTBrElement | Representing TBranch in browsables |
CTBRIK | A box with faces perpendicular to the axes |
CTBrLeafElement | Representing TLeaf in browsables |
CTBrowser | Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects |
CTBrowserImp | ABC describing GUI independent browser implementation protocol |
CTBrowserObject | This class is designed to wrap a Foreign object in order to inject it into the Browse sub-system |
CTBrowserPlugin | Helper class used to manage plugins (command or macro to be executed) |
CTBrowserTimer | Called whenever timer times out |
CTBtInnerNode | Inner node of a TBtree |
CTBtItem | Item stored in inner nodes of a TBtree |
CTBtLeafNode | Leaf node of a TBtree |
CTBtNode | Abstract base class (ABC) of a TBtree node |
CTBtree | B-tree class |
CTBtreeIter | Iterator of btree |
CTBuffer | Buffer base class used for serializing objects |
CTBuffer3D | Generic 3D primitive description class |
CTBuffer3DCutTube | Cut tube segment description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
CTBuffer3DSphere | Sphere description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes Supports hollow and cut spheres |
CTBuffer3DTube | Complete tube description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
CTBuffer3DTubeSeg | Tube segment description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
CTBuffer3DTypes | |
CTBufferFile | The concrete implementation of TBuffer for writing/reading to/from a ROOT file or socket |
CTBufferIO | Direct subclass of TBuffer, implements common methods for TBufferFile and TBufferText classes |
CTBufferJSON | Class for serializing object to and from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format |
CTBufferSQL | Implement TBuffer for a SQL backend |
CTBufferSQL2 | Converts data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables |
CTBufferText | Base class for text-based streamers like TBufferJSON or TBufferXML Special actions list will use methods, introduced in this class |
CTBufferXML | Class for serializing/deserializing object to/from xml |
CTBuildRealData | |
CTButton | A TButton object is a user interface object |
CTCandle | The candle plot painter class |
CTCanvas | The Canvas class |
CTCanvasImp | ABC describing GUI independent main window (with menubar, scrollbars and a drawing area) |
CTCanvasInit | |
CTCanvasWebSnapshot | |
CTCanvasWidget | |
CTChain | A chain is a collection of files containing TTree objects |
CTChainElement | A TChainElement describes a component of a TChain |
►CTChainIndex | A Chain Index |
CTCivetweb | THttpEngine implementation, based on civetweb embedded server |
CTCivetwebWSEngine | TCivetwebWSEngine |
►CTClass | TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system |
CTClass__GetCallingNewRAII | |
CTClassGenerator | Objects following this interface can be passed onto the TROOT object to implement a user customized way to create the TClass objects |
CTClassMenuItem | Describes one element of the context menu associated to a class The menu item may describe |
CTClassRef | TClassRef is used to implement a permanent reference to a TClass object |
CTClassStreamer | |
►CTClassTable | This class registers for all classes their name, id and dictionary function in a hash table |
CTClassTree | Draw inheritance tree and their relations for a list of classes |
►CTCling | This class defines an interface to the cling C++ interpreter |
CTClingBaseClassInfo | Emulation of the CINT BaseClassInfo class |
CTClingCallbacks | |
CTClingCallFunc | Emulation of the CINT CallFunc class |
CTClingClassInfo | Emulation of the CINT ClassInfo class |
►CTClingCXXRecMethIter | Iterate over FunctionDecl and UsingShadowDecls of FunctionDecl, within a scope, recursing through "transparent" scopes (see DCIter::HandleInlineDeclContext()) |
CTClingDataMemberInfo | Emulation of the CINT DataMemberInfo class |
CTClingDataMemberIter | Iterate over VarDecl, FieldDecl, EnumConstantDecl, IndirectFieldDecl, and UsingShadowDecls thereof, within a scope, recursing through "transparent" scopes (see DCIter::HandleInlineDeclContext()) |
CTClingDeclInfo | |
CTClingDelegateDiagnosticPrinter | Uses clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter to format diagnostics, which are then passed to a user-specified function |
CTClingMemberIter | Iterate over all DeclT-s (or UsingShadowDecl-s pointing to DeclT-s) of a decl context, skipping those for which DerivedT::ShouldSkip(const Decl*) returns true when invoked with the Decl |
CTClingMethodArgInfo | Emulation of the CINT MethodInfo class |
CTClingMethodInfo | Emulation of the CINT MethodInfo class |
►CTClingRdictModuleFileExtension | A module file extension used for testing purposes |
CTClingTypedefInfo | Emulation of the CINT TypedefInfo class |
CTClingTypeInfo | Emulation of the CINT TypeInfo class |
►CTClingValue | Bridge between cling::Value and ROOT |
CTClonesArray | An array of clone (identical) objects |
CTCollection | Collection abstract base class |
CTCollectionClassStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TClassStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTCollectionElement | Browsable element for TCollection |
CTCollectionIter | Iterator over elements in TCollection |
CTCollectionMemberStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TMemberStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTCollectionMethodBrowsable | TCollectionMethodBrowsable extends TCollectionPropertyBrowsable by showing all methods of the collection itself |
CTCollectionPropertyBrowsable | A tiny browser helper object (and its generator) for adding a virtual (as in "not actually part of the class", not in C++ virtual) "@size()" method to a collection |
CTCollectionProxyFactory | TCollectionProxyFactory Interface to collection proxy and streamer generator |
CTCollectionStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TClassStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTColor | The color creation and management class |
CTColorElement | Element representing TColor |
►CTColorGradient | TColorGradient extends basic TColor |
CTColorNumber | |
CTColorWheel | Draw the ROOT Color Wheel |
CTComplex | |
CTCondition | |
CTConditionImp | |
CTCondor | |
CTCondorSlave | |
CTCONE | A conical tube |
CTConfidenceLevel | Class to compute 95% CL limits |
CTCONS | A segment of a conical tube |
CTContextMenu | This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus |
CTContextMenuImp | This class provides an interface to GUI independent context sensitive popup menus |
CTControlBar | A Control Bar is a fully user configurable tool which provides fast access to frequently used operations |
CTControlBarButton | This class defines the control bar buttons |
CTControlBarImp | ABC describing GUI independent control bar |
CTConvertClonesArrayToProxy | Small helper to read a TBuffer containing a TClonesArray into any valid collection |
CTConvertMapToProxy | |
CTCreatePrimitives | Creates new primitives |
CTCrown | To draw a Crown |
CTCTUB | A cut tube with 11 parameters |
CTCurlyArc | Implements curly or wavy arcs used to draw Feynman diagrams |
CTCurlyArcEditor | Implements GUI for editing CurlyArc attributes: radius, phi1, phi2 |
CTCurlyLine | Implements curly or wavy polylines used to draw Feynman diagrams |
CTCurlyLineEditor | Implements GUI for editing CurlyLine attributes: shape, size, angle |
CTCursorSwitcher | Helper class used to change the cursor in a method and restore the original one when going out of the method scope |
CTCut | A specialized string object used for TTree selections |
CTCutG | Graphical cut class |
CTCylinderMesh | |
CTCylinderSegMesh | |
CTDatabasePDG | Particle database manager class |
CTDataMember | All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added |
CTDataSetManager | |
CTDataSetManagerFile | |
CTDataType | Basic data type descriptor (datatype information is obtained from CINT) |
CTDatime | This class stores the date and time with a precision of one second in an unsigned 32 bit word (950130 124559) |
CTDavixFile | |
CTDavixFileInternal | |
CTDavixSystem | |
CTDCacheFile | A TDCacheFile is like a normal TFile except that it may read and write its data via a dCache server (for more on the dCache daemon see http://www-dcache.desy.de/ |
CTDCacheSystem | |
CTDecayChannel | Description of the decay channel |
CTDecompBase | Decomposition Base class |
CTDecompBK | The Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method decomposes a real symmetric matrix A using |
CTDecompChol | Cholesky Decomposition class |
CTDecompLU | LU Decomposition class |
CTDecompQRH | QR Decomposition class |
CTDecompSparse | Sparse Symmetric Decomposition class |
CTDecompSVD | Single Value Decomposition class |
CTDefHistImagePalette | |
CTDelCharCom | |
CTDelTextCom | |
CTDialogCanvas | A canvas specialized to set attributes |
CTDiamond | Draw a Diamond |
CTDictAttributeMap | The ROOT object has a list of properties which are stored and retrieved using TDictAttributeMap |
CTDictionary | This class defines an abstract interface that must be implemented by all classes that contain dictionary information |
CTDimensionInfo | A small helper class to help in keeping track of the array dimensions encountered in the analysis of the expression |
►CTDirectory | Describe directory structure in memory |
CTDirectoryElement | Element representing TDirectory |
CTDirectoryFile | A ROOT file is structured in Directories (like a file system) |
CTDirectoryLevelIter | Iterator over keys in TDirectory |
CTDispatchTimer | |
CTDNDData | Drag and drop data container |
CTDomParser | DOM stands for the Document Object Model; this is an API for accessing XML or HTML structured documents |
CTDOMParser | |
CTDrawFeedback | Utility class to draw objects in the feedback list during queries |
CTDSet | This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing |
CTDSetElement | Manages an element of a TDSet |
CTDSetProxy | |
CTDumpMembers | |
CTEditQueryFrame | |
CTEfficiency | Class to handle efficiency histograms |
CTElementActionT | |
CTElementPosActionT | |
CTEllipse | Draw Ellipses |
CTELTU | A cylinder with an elliptical section |
CtempFileNamesCatalog | Little helper class to bookkeep the files names which we want to make temporary |
CTEmulatedCollectionProxy | Streamer around an arbitrary STL like container, which implements basic container functionality |
CTEmulatedMapProxy | Streamer around a map container |
CTEngineHolder | |
CTEntryList | A List of entry numbers in a TTree or TChain |
CTEntryListArray | A list of entries and subentries in a TTree or TChain |
CTEntryListBlock | Used by TEntryList to store the entry numbers |
CTEntryListFromFile | Manages entry lists from different files, when they are not loaded in memory at the same time |
CTEnum | Implements the enum type |
CTEnumConstant | Implements the constants of the enum type |
CTEnv | Reads config files, by default named .rootrc |
CTEnvParser | TEnv Parser |
CTEnvRec | |
CTEve3DProjection | 3D scaling projection |
CTEveArrow | Class used for display of a thick arrow |
CTEveArrowEditor | GUI editor for TEveArrow |
CTEveArrowGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveArrow |
CTEveBox | 3D box with arbitrary vertices (cuboid) |
CTEveBoxGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveBox |
CTEveBoxProjected | Projection of TEveBox |
CTEveBoxProjectedGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveBoxProjected |
►CTEveBoxSet | Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones) |
CTEveBoxSetGL | A GL rendering class for TEveBoxSet |
CTEveBrowser | Specialization of TRootBrowser for Eve |
CTEveCalo2D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D |
CTEveCalo2DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo2D |
CTEveCalo3D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D |
CTEveCalo3DEditor | GUI editor for TEveCalo3D |
CTEveCalo3DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo3D |
►CTEveCaloData | A central manager for calorimeter event data |
CTEveCaloDataHist | A central manager for calorimeter data of an event written in TH2F |
CTEveCaloDataVec | Calo data for universal cell geometry |
CTEveCaloLego | Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram |
CTEveCaloLegoEditor | GUI editor for TEveCaloLego |
►CTEveCaloLegoGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCaloLego |
CTEveCaloLegoOverlay | GL-overlay control GUI for TEveCaloLego |
CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveCaloVizEditor | GUI editor for TEveCaloEditor |
►CTEveChunkManager | Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation |
CTEveChunkVector | |
CTEveCluster | |
CTEveCompositeFrame | Abstract base-class for frame-slots that encompass EVE-windows (sub-classes of TEveWindow) |
CTEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame | An EVE window-slot contained within a TGMainFrame |
CTEveCompositeFrameInPack | An EVE window-slot contained within one frame of a TGPack |
CTEveCompositeFrameInTab | An EVE window-slot contained within one tab of a TGTab |
CTEveCompound | Description of TEveCompound |
CTEveCompoundProjected | Description of TEveCompoundProjected |
CTEveContextMenu | Specialization of TContext menu |
►CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveDigitSetEditor | Editor for TEveDigitSet class |
CTEveDigitSetGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveDigitSet |
►CTEveElement | Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management |
CTEveElementEditor | Editor for TEveElement class |
CTEveElementList | A list of TEveElements |
CTEveElementListProjected | A projected element list – required for proper propagation of render state to projected views |
CTEveEventManager | Base class for event management and navigation |
CTEveException | Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros |
CTEveFrameBox | Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects |
CTEveFrameBoxGL | A class encapsulating GL rendering of TEveFrameBox via a static member function |
CTEveGDoubleValuator | Composite GUI element for selection of range (label, two number-entries and double-slider) |
CTEveGedEditor | Specialization of TGedEditor for proper update propagation to TEveManager |
CTEveGedNameFrame | Specialization of TGedNameFrame used in EVE |
CTEveGedNameTextButton | Specialization of TGTextButton for EVE name frame |
CTEveGeoManagerHolder | Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager |
CTEveGeoNode | Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement |
CTEveGeoNodeEditor | Editor for TEveGeoNode class |
►CTEveGeoPolyShape | Description of TEveGeoPolyShape |
CTEveGeoShape | Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for non-linear projections) |
CTEveGeoShapeExtract | Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts |
CTEveGeoShapeProjected | A 3D projected TEveGeoShape |
CTEveGeoTopNode | A wrapper over a TGeoNode, possibly displaced with a global trasformation stored in TEveElement |
CTEveGeoTopNodeEditor | Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class |
CTEveGListTreeEditorFrame | Composite GUI frame for parallel display of a TGListTree and TEveGedEditor |
CTEveGridStepper | Provide discrete position coordinates for placement of objects on regular grids |
CTEveGridStepperEditor | Editor for TEveGridStepper class |
CTEveGridStepperSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveGridStepper class |
CTEveGTriVecValuator | Composite GUI element for setting three numerical values (label, three number-entries) |
CTEveGValuator | Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider) |
CTEveGValuatorBase | Base class for composite GUI elements for setting of numeric values |
CTEveHit | |
CTEveJetCone | Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and cone radius is given |
CTEveJetConeEditor | GUI editor for TEveJetCone |
CTEveJetConeGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetCone |
CTEveJetConeProjected | Projection of TEveJetCone |
CTEveJetConeProjectedGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetConeProjected |
CTEveLegoEventHandler | A base class of TGLEventHandler |
CTEveLine | An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CTEveLineEditor | Editor for TEveLine class |
CTEveLineGL | GL-renderer for TEveLine class |
CTEveLineProjected | Projected copy of a TEveLine |
CTEveListTreeItem | Special list-tree-item for Eve |
CTEveMacro | Sub-class of TMacro, overriding Exec to unload the previous version and cleanup after the execution |
CTEveMagField | Abstract base-class for interfacing to magnetic field needed by the TEveTrackPropagator |
CTEveMagFieldConst | Implements constant magnetic field, given by a vector fB |
CTEveMagFieldDuo | Implements constant magnetic filed that switches on given axial radius fR2 from vector fBIn to fBOut |
►CTEveManager | Central application manager for Eve |
CTEveMCRecCrossRef | |
CTEveMCTrack | |
CTEventIter | Special iterator class used in TProofPlayer to iterate over events or objects in the packets |
CTEventIterObj | |
►CTEventIterTree | |
CTEventIterUnit | |
CTEventList | Legacy CodeTEventList is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TEventList might still be a valid solution. |
CTEvePad | This was intended as a TPad wrapper to allow smart updates of groups of pads |
CTEvePadHolder | Exception safe wrapper for setting gPad |
►CTEveParamList | Collection of named parameters |
CTEveParamListEditor | GUI editor for TEveParamList |
CTEvePathMarkT | Special-point on track: |
CTEvePlot3D | Description of TEvePlot3D |
CTEvePlot3DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEvePlot3D |
CTEvePointSelector | TEvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree |
CTEvePointSelectorConsumer | TEvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the TEvePointSelector class |
CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CTEvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
CTEvePointSetArrayEditor | Editor for TEvePointSetArray class |
CTEvePointSetProjected | Projected copy of a TEvePointSet |
►CTEvePolygonSetProjected | A set of projected polygons |
►CTEvePolygonSetProjectedGL | GL-renderer for TEvePolygonSetProjected class |
CTEveProjectable | Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects |
CTEveProjected | Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation |
►CTEveProjection | Base-class for non-linear projections |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
CTEveProjectionAxesEditor | GUI editor for TEveProjectionAxes |
CTEveProjectionAxesGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveProjectionAxes |
CTEveProjectionManager | Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CTEveProjectionManagerEditor | GUI editor for TEveProjectionManager class |
►CTEveQuadSet | Supports various internal formats that result in rendering of a set of planar (lines, rectangles, hexagons with shared normal) objects |
CTEveQuadSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveQuadSet class |
CTEveRecCascade | |
CTEveRecKink | |
CTEveRecTrackT | |
CTEveRecV0 | |
CTEveRefBackPtr | Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to TEveElement objects |
CTEveRefCnt | Base-class for reference-counted objects |
CTEveRGBAPalette | A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes |
CTEveRGBAPaletteEditor | Editor for TEveRGBAPalette class |
CTEveRGBAPaletteOverlay | Description of TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay |
CTEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveRGBAPalette class |
CTEveRhoZProjection | Transformation from 3D to 2D |
CTEveRPhiProjection | XY projection with distortion around given center |
CTEveScalableStraightLineSet | Straight-line-set with extra scaling, useful for projectables that need to be scaled in accordance with an external object |
CTEveScene | Eve representation of TGLScene |
CTEveSceneInfo | TEveUtil representation of TGLSceneInfo |
CTEveSceneList | List of Scenes providing common operations on TEveScene collections |
CTEveSecondarySelectable | Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection |
CTEveSelection | Make sure there is a SINGLE running TEveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight) |
CTEveSelectorToEventList | TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list |
CTEveShape | Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes |
CTEveShapeEditor | GUI editor for TEveShape |
►CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveStraightLineSetEditor | Editor for TEveStraightLineSet class |
CTEveStraightLineSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveStraightLineSet class |
CTEveStraightLineSetProjected | Projected replica of a TEveStraightLineSet |
CTEveText | TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts |
CTEveTextEditor | GUI editor for TEveText |
CTEveTextGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveText |
CTEveTrack | Visual representation of a track |
CTEveTrackEditor | Editor for TEveTrack class |
CTEveTrackGL | GL-renderer for TEveTrack class |
CTEveTrackList | A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CTEveTrackListEditor | Editor for TEveTrackList class |
CTEveTrackListProjected | Specialization of TEveTrackList for holding TEveTrackProjected objects |
CTEveTrackProjected | Projected copy of a TEveTrack |
CTEveTrackProjectedGL | GL-renderer for TEveTrackProjected class |
►CTEveTrackPropagator | Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters |
CTEveTrackPropagatorEditor | GUI editor for TEveTrackPropagator |
CTEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveTrackPropagator class |
CTEveTrans | TEveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-major order to allow direct usage by GL |
CTEveTransEditor | Editor for TEveTrans class |
CTEveTransSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveTrans class |
CTEveTriangleSet | Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices) |
CTEveTriangleSetEditor | Editor for TEveTriangleSet class |
CTEveTriangleSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveTriangleSet class |
CTEveUtil | Standard utility functions for Eve |
CTEveVector2T | Minimal, templated two-vector |
CTEveVector4T | Minimal, templated four-vector |
CTEveVectorT | Minimal, templated three-vector |
CTEveViewer | Eve representation of TGLViewer |
CTEveViewerList | List of Viewers providing common operations on TEveViewer collections |
CTEveViewerListEditor | GUI editor for TEveViewerList |
CTEveVSD | Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independent format |
CTEveWindow | Abstract base-class for representing eve-windows |
CTEveWindowEditor | GUI editor for TEveWindow |
CTEveWindowFrame | Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window |
CTEveWindowManager | Manager for EVE windows |
CTEveWindowPack | Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window |
CTEveWindowSlot | Description of TEveWindowSlot |
CTEveWindowTab | Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window |
CTEveXZProjection | XZ projection with distortion around given center |
CTEveYZProjection | YZ projection with distortion around given center |
CTEveZXProjection | ZX projection with distortion around given center |
CTEveZYProjection | ZY projection with distortion around given center |
CTExceptionHandler | |
CTExec | TExec is a utility class that can be used to execute a C++ command when some event happens in a pad |
►CTExMap | This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash |
CTExMapIter | |
►CTF1 | 1-Dim function class |
CTF12 | A projection of a TF2 along X or Y |
CTF1_EvalWrapper | |
CTF1AbsComposition | |
CTF1Convolution | Class wrapping convolution of two functions |
CTF1Convolution_EvalWrapper | |
CTF1Editor | GUI for TF1 attributes and parameters |
CTF1NormSum | Class adding two functions: c1*f1+c2*f2 |
CTF1Parameters | TF1 Parameters class |
CTF2 | A 2-Dim function with parameters |
CTF2GL | GL renderer for TF2 |
CTF3 | A 3-Dim function with parameters |
CTFastCgi | THttpEngine implementation, based on fastcgi package |
CTFastCgiCallArg | |
CTFdSet | |
CTFeldmanCousins | Legacy CodeTFeldmanCousins is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TFeldmanCousins might still be a valid solution. Consider switching to RooStats for non-trivial cases. |
CTFFTComplex | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTComplexReal | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTReal | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTRealComplex | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
►CTFile | A ROOT file is an on-disk file, usually with extension .root, that stores objects in a file-system-like logical structure, possibly including subdirectory hierarchies |
CTFileCacheRead | A cache when reading files over the network |
CTFileCacheWrite | A cache when writing files over the network |
CTFileCollection | Class that contains a list of TFileInfo's and accumulated meta data information about its entries |
CTFileDrawMap | This class is automatically called by TFile::DrawMap |
CTFileHandler | |
CTFileInfo | Class describing a generic file including meta information |
CTFileInfoMeta | |
CTFileMergeInfo | |
CTFileMerger | This class provides file copy and merging services |
CTFileOpenHandle | Class holding info about the file being opened |
CTFilePrefetch | The prefetching mechanism uses two classes (TFilePrefetch and TFPBlock) to prefetch in advance a block of tree entries |
CTFileStager | |
►CTFitEditor | Allows to perform, explore and compare various fits |
CTFitParametersDialog | Create a dialog for fit function parameter settings |
CTFitResult | Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O |
CTFitResultPtr | Provides an indirection to the TFitResult class and with a semantics identical to a TFitResult pointer, i.e |
►CTFITSHDU | FITS file interface class |
CTFitter | Legacy CodeTFitter is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TFitter might still be a valid solution. Consider switching to ROOT::Fit::Fitter. |
CTFoam | TFoam is the main class of the multi-dimensional general purpose Monte Carlo event generator (integrator) FOAM |
CTFoamCell | Used by TFoam |
CTFoamIntegrand | Abstract class representing n-dimensional real positive integrand function |
CTFoamMaxwt | Small auxiliary class for controlling MC weight |
CTFoamSampler | Class implementing the ROOT::Math::DistSampler interface using FOAM for sampling arbitrary distributions |
CTFoamVect | Auxiliary class TFoamVect of n-dimensional vector, with dynamic allocation used for the cartesian geometry of the TFoam cells |
CTFolder | Legacy CodeTFolder is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TFolder might still be a valid solution. |
CTFolderElement | Browsable element for TFolder |
►CTFormLeafInfo | This class is a small helper class to implement reading a data member on an object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCast | A small helper class to implement casting an object to a different type (equivalent to dynamic_cast) |
CTFormLeafInfoClones | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollection | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a generic collection object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollectionObject | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollectionSize | Used to return the size of a collection |
CTFormLeafInfoDirect | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on an object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMethod | Asmall helper class to implement executing a method of an object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim | A helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimClones | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimCollection | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimDirect | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoNumerical | A small helper class to implement reading a numerical value inside a collection |
CTFormLeafInfoPointer | A small helper class to implement reading a data member by following a pointer inside a branch of TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoReference | A small helper class to implement the following of reference objects stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoTTree | A small helper class to implement reading from the containing TTree object itself |
CTFormula | The Formula class |
CTFormulaFunction | Helper class for TFormula |
CTFormulaParamOrder | Functor defining the parameter order |
CTFormulaVariable | Another helper class for TFormula |
CTFPBlock | This class represents the encapsulation of a block request |
CTFractionFitter | Fits MC fractions to data histogram |
CTFrame | Define a Frame |
CTFrameEditor | Editor of frame objects |
CTFree | Service class for TFile |
CTFriendElement | A TFriendElement TF describes a TTree object TF in a file |
CTFriendProxy | Concrete implementation of the proxy around a Friend Tree |
CTFriendProxyDescriptor | Hold the processed information about a Friend TTree while TTreeProxyGenerator is parsing the TTree information |
CTFumili | |
CTFumiliMinimizer | TFumiliMinimizer class: minimizer implementation based on TFumili |
CTFunction | Global functions class (global functions are obtained from CINT) |
CTFunctionParametersDialog | This class is used for function parameter settings |
CTFunctionTemplate | Dictionary for function template This class describes one single function template |
CTG16ColorSelector | A composite frame with 16 TGColorFrames |
CTGApplication | This class initialize the ROOT GUI toolkit |
CTGAroundFrame | |
CTGaxis | The axis painter class |
CTGButton | A button abstract base class |
CTGButtonGroup | Organizes TGButton widgets in a group |
CTGCanvas | A frame containing two scrollbars (a horizontal and a vertical) and a viewport |
CTGCheckButton | Selects different options |
CTGClient | Window client |
CTGClientInit | |
CTGCocoa | This class implements TVirtualX interface for MacOS X, using Cocoa and Quartz 2D |
CTGColorDialog | A full featured color selection dialog |
CTGColorFrame | A small frame with border showing a specific color |
CTGColorPalette | A widget showing an matrix of color cells |
CTGColorPick | A widget which allows a color to be picked from HLS color space |
CTGColorPopup | A popup containing a TG16ColorSelector and a "More..." button which popups up a TGColorDialog allowing custom color selection |
CTGColorSelect | Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow |
CTGColumnLayout | The following layout manager do not make use of TGLayoutHints |
CTGComboBox | A combobox (also known as a drop down listbox) allows the selection of one item out of a list of items |
CTGComboBoxPopup | A service class of the combobox |
CTGCommandPlugin | Class used to redirect the command line input/output |
CTGCompositeFrame | The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.) |
CTGContainer | Manages a content area |
CTGContainerKeyboardTimer | |
CTGContainerScrollTimer | |
CTGCursorWindow | |
CTGDimension | |
CTGDMAssignmentHelper | |
CTGDMLBaseTGDMMapHelper | |
CTGDMLMatrix | This class is used in the process of reading and writing the GDML "matrix" tag |
CTGDMLParse | This class contains the implementation of the GDML parser associated to all the supported GDML elements |
CTGDMLRefl | This class is a helper class for TGDMLParse |
►CTGDMLWrite | This class contains implementation of converting ROOT's gGeoManager geometry to GDML file |
CTGDMMapHelper | |
CTGDNDManager | |
CTGDockableFrame | A frame with handles that allow it to be undocked (i.e |
CTGDockButton | |
CTGDockHideButton | |
CTGDoubleHSlider | Dragging the slider will generate the event: |
CTGDoubleSlider | DoubleSlider widgets allow easy selection of a min and a max value out of a range |
CTGDoubleVSlider | Dragging the slider will generate the event: |
CTGDragWindow | Window used as drag icon during drag and drop operations |
CTGedEditor | |
►CTGedFrame | Base frame for implementing GUI - a service class |
CTGedMarkerPopup | The TGedMarkerPopup is a popup containing buttons to select marker style |
CTGedMarkerSelect | Button showing selected marker and a little down arrow |
CTGedNameFrame | |
CTGedPatternFrame | The TGedPatternFrame is a small frame with border showing a specific pattern (fill style |
CTGedPatternPopup | The TGedPatternPopup is a popup containing a TGedPatternSelector |
CTGedPatternSelect | Button with pattern area with a little down arrow |
CTGedPatternSelector | The TGedPatternSelector is a composite frame with TGedPatternFrames of all diferent styles |
CTGedPopup | Popup window |
CTGedSelect | Button that shows popup window when clicked |
CTGedTabInfo | |
CTGenBitsetProxy | |
►CTGenCollectionProxy | Proxy around an arbitrary container, which implements basic functionality and iteration |
CTGenCollectionProxy__SlowIterator | |
CTGenCollectionStreamer | |
CTGenerator | The interface to various event generators |
►CTGenericCollectionIterator | |
CTGenListProxy | |
CTGenMapProxy | Localoptimization class |
CTGenPhaseSpace | Legacy CodeTGenPhaseSpace is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TGenPhaseSpace might still be a valid solution. No alternative classes are currently available. |
CTGenSetProxy | Localoptimization class |
CTGenVectorBoolProxy | Local optimization class |
CTGenVectorProxy | Local optimization class |
CTGeoArb8 | An arbitrary trapezoid with less than 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes perpendicular to Z axis |
CTGeoAtt | Visualization and tracking attributes for volumes and nodes |
►CTGeoBatemanSol | |
CTGeoBBox | Box class |
CTGeoBBoxEditor | Editor for a TGeoBBox |
►CTGeoBoolNode | Base class for Boolean operations between two shapes |
CTGeoBorderSurface | |
CTGeoBranchArray | An array of daughter indices making a geometry path |
CTGeoBuilder | Utility class for creating geometry objects.These will be associated with the current selected geometry manager object: |
CTGeoCacheState | Class storing the state of the cache at a given moment |
CTGeoChecker | Geometry checking package |
CTGeoCombiTrans | Class describing rotation + translation |
CTGeoCombiTransEditor | Editor for a TGeoCombiTrans |
CTGeoCompositeShape | Composite shapes are Boolean combinations of two or more shape components |
CTGeoCone | The cones are defined by 5 parameters: |
CTGeoConeEditor | Editor for a TGeoCone |
CTGeoConeSeg | A cone segment is a cone having a range in phi |
CTGeoConeSegEditor | Editor for a cone segment |
CTGeoCtub | The cut tubes constructor has the form: |
CTGeoCtubEditor | Editor for a TGeoCtub |
CTGeoDecayChannel | A decay channel for a radionuclide |
CTGeoElement | Base class for chemical elements |
CTGeoElementRN | Class representing a radionuclidevoid TGeoManager::SetDefaultRootUnits() { if ( fgDefaultUnits == kRootUnits ) { return; } else if ( gGeometryLocked ) { TError::Fatal("TGeoManager","The system of units may only be changed once BEFORE any elements and materials are created!"); } fgDefaultUnits = kRootUnits; } |
CTGeoElementTable | Table of elements |
CTGeoElemIter | Iterator for decay branches |
CTGeoEltu | An elliptical tube is defined by the two semi-axes A and B |
CTGeoEltuEditor | Editor for a TGeoEltu |
CTGeoExtension | ABC for user objects attached to TGeoVolume or TGeoNode |
CTGeoFacet | |
CTGeoGedFrame | Common base class for geombuilder editors |
CTGeoGenTrans | Most general transformation, holding a translation, a rotation and a scale |
CTGeoGlobalMagField | Global magnetic field manager |
CTGeoGtra | A twisted trapezoid |
CTGeoGtraEditor | Editor for a TGeoGtra |
CTGeoHalfSpace | A half space is limited just by a plane, defined by a point and the normal direction |
CTGeoHelix | Class representing a helix curve |
CTGeoHMatrix | Matrix class used for computing global transformations Should NOT be used for node definition |
CTGeoHype | A hyperboloid is represented as a solid limited by two planes perpendicular to the Z axis (top and bottom planes) and two hyperbolic surfaces of revolution about Z axis (inner and outer surfaces) |
CTGeoHypeEditor | Editor for a TGeoHype |
CTGeoIdentity | An identity transformation |
CTGeoIntersection | |
CTGeoIsotope | |
CTGeoIterator | A geometry iterator |
CTGeoIteratorPlugin | |
CTGeoManager | The manager class for any TGeo geometry |
CTGeoManagerEditor | Editor for TGeoManager class |
CTGeoMaterial | Base class describing materials |
CTGeoMaterialDialog | |
CTGeoMaterialEditor | Editors for materials |
CTGeoMatrix | Geometrical transformation package |
CTGeoMatrixDialog | |
CTGeoMedium | Media are used to store properties related to tracking and which are useful only when using geometry with a particle transport MC package (via VMC) |
CTGeoMediumDialog | |
CTGeoMediumEditor | Editor class for TGeo tracking media |
CTGeometry | TGeometry description |
CTGeoMixture | Mixtures of elements |
CTGeoMixtureEditor | Editors for mixtures |
CTGeoNavigator | Class providing navigation API for TGeo geometries |
CTGeoNavigatorArray | |
CTGeoNode | A node represent a volume positioned inside another.They store links to both volumes and to the TGeoMatrix representing the relative positioning |
CTGeoNodeCache | Special pool of reusable nodes |
CTGeoNodeEditor | Editor class for TGeoNode objects |
CTGeoNodeMatrix | A node containing local transformation |
CTGeoNodeOffset | Node containing an offset |
CTGeoOpticalSurface | This is a wrapper class to G4OpticalSurface |
CTGeoOverlap | Base class describing geometry overlaps |
CTGeoPainter | Class implementing all draw interfaces for a generic 3D viewer using TBuffer3D mechanism |
CTGeoPara | Parallelepiped class |
CTGeoParaboloid | A paraboloid is defined by the revolution surface generated by a parabola and is bounded by two planes perpendicular to Z axis |
CTGeoParaEditor | Editor for a TGeoPara |
►CTGeoParallelWorld | Base class for a flat parallel geometry |
CTGeoPatternCylPhi | |
CTGeoPatternCylR | |
►CTGeoPatternFinder | Base finder class for patterns |
CTGeoPatternHoneycomb | |
CTGeoPatternParaX | |
CTGeoPatternParaY | |
CTGeoPatternParaZ | |
CTGeoPatternSphPhi | |
CTGeoPatternSphR | |
CTGeoPatternSphTheta | |
CTGeoPatternTrapZ | |
CTGeoPatternX | |
CTGeoPatternY | |
CTGeoPatternZ | |
CTGeoPcon | A polycone is represented by a sequence of tubes/cones, glued together at defined Z planes |
CTGeoPconEditor | Editor for a TGeoPcon |
CTGeoPconSection | Utility frame used by TGeoPcon editor |
►CTGeoPgon | Polygons are defined in the same way as polycones, the difference being just that the segments between consecutive Z planes are regular polygons |
CTGeoPgonEditor | Editor for a TGeoPgon |
CTGeoPhysicalNode | Physical nodes are the actual 'touchable' objects in the geometry, representing a path of positioned volumes starting with the top node: path=/TOP/A_1/B_4/C_3 , where A, B, C represent names of volumes |
CTGeoPNEntry | The knowledge of the path to the objects that need to be misaligned is essential since there is no other way of identifying them |
CTGeoPolygon | An arbitrary polygon defined by vertices |
CTGeoRCExtension | Reference counted extension which has a pointer to and owns a user defined TObject |
CTGeoRCPtr | A reference counting-managed pointer for classes derived from TGeoExtension which can be used as C pointer |
CTGeoRegion | Regions are groups of volumes having a common set of user tracking cuts |
CTGeoRegionCut | |
CTGeoRotation | Class describing rotations |
CTGeoRotationEditor | Editor for a TGeoRotation |
CTGeoScale | Class describing scale transformations |
CTGeoScaledShape | A shape scaled by a TGeoScale transformation |
CTGeoShape | Base abstract class for all shapes |
CTGeoShapeAssembly | The shape encapsulating an assembly (union) of volumes |
CTGeoShapeDialog | |
CTGeoSkinSurface | |
CTGeoSphere | TGeoSphere are not just balls having internal and external radii, but sectors of a sphere having defined theta and phi ranges |
CTGeoSphereEditor | Editor for a TGeoSphere |
CTGeoStateInfo | Statefull info for the current geometry level |
CTGeoSubtraction | |
CTGeoTabManager | Manager for all editor tabs |
CTGeoTessellated | Tessellated solid class |
CTGeoTorus | The torus is defined by its axial radius, its inner and outer radius |
CTGeoTorusEditor | Editor for a TGeoTorus |
CTGeoTrack | |
CTGeoTransientPanel | |
CTGeoTranslation | Class describing translations |
CTGeoTranslationEditor | Editor for a TGeoTranslation |
CTGeoTrap | A general trapezoid |
CTGeoTrapEditor | Editor for a TGeoTrap |
CTGeoTrd1 | A trapezoid with only X varying with Z |
CTGeoTrd1Editor | Editor for a TGeoTrd1 |
CTGeoTrd2 | A trapezoid with only X varying with Z |
CTGeoTrd2Editor | Editor for a TGeoTrd2 |
CTGeoTreeDialog | |
CTGeoTube | Cylindrical tube class |
CTGeoTubeEditor | Editor for a TGeoTube |
CTGeoTubeSeg | A tube segment is a tube having a range in phi |
CTGeoTubeSegEditor | Editor for a TGeoTubeSeg |
CTGeoUniformMagField | Implementation for uniform magnetic field |
CTGeoUnion | |
CTGeoVector3 | Simple 3-vector representation |
CTGeoVGConverter | Geometry converter to VecGeom |
CTGeoVGShape | Bridge class for using a VecGeom solid as TGeoShape |
CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
►CTGeoVolumeAssembly | Volume assemblies |
CTGeoVolumeDialog | |
CTGeoVolumeEditor | Editor for geometry volumes and assemblies of volumes |
CTGeoVolumeMulti | Volume families |
CTGeoVoxelFinder | Finder class handling voxels |
CTGeoVoxelGrid | A finite 3D grid structure, mapping/binning arbitrary 3D cartesian points onto discrete "voxels" |
CTGeoVoxelGridIndex | |
►CTGeoXtru | A TGeoXtru shape is represented by the extrusion of an arbitrary polygon with fixed outline between several Z sections |
CTGEventHandler | |
CTGFileBrowser | System file browser, used as TRootBrowser plug-in |
CTGFileContainer | |
CTGFileDialog | This class creates a file selection dialog |
CTGFileEntry | Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog) |
CTGFileIcon | Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog) |
CTGFileInfo | |
CTGFileItem | |
CTGFont | Encapsulate fonts used in the GUI system |
►CTGFontDialog | Font selection dialog, allowing to select one in the list of available fonts in the system |
CTGFontPool | Provides a pool of fonts |
CTGFontTypeComboBox | The TGFontTypeComboBox is user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the font |
CTGFrame | A subclasses of TGWindow, and is used as base class for some simple widgets (buttons, labels, etc.) |
CTGFrameElement | |
CTGFrameElementPack | |
►CTGFSComboBox | This is a combo box that is used in the File Selection dialog box |
CTGFSContainer | Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog) |
CTGFSFrameElement | |
CTGGC | Encapsulate a graphics context used in the low level graphics |
CTGGCPool | |
CTGGotoDialog | |
CTGGrabRect | |
CTGGroupFrame | A composite frame with a border and a title |
CTGHButtonGroup | Organizes TGButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row |
CTGHeaderFrame | Horizontal Frame used to contain header buttons and splitters in a list view |
CTGHorizontal3DLine | A horizontal 3D line is a line that typically separates a toolbar from the menubar |
CTGHorizontalFrame | A composite frame that layout their children in horizontal way |
CTGHorizontalLayout | |
CTGHotString | TGHotString is a string with a "hot" character underlined |
CTGHProgressBar | |
CTGHScrollBar | The TGHScrollBar will generate the following event messages: kC_HSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERPOS, position, 0 kC_HSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERTRACK, position, 0 |
CTGHSlider | Concrete class for horizontal slider |
CTGHSplitter | |
CTGHtml | The ROOT HTML widget |
CTGHtmlAnchor | |
CTGHtmlBlock | |
CTGHtmlBrowser | A very simple HTML browser |
CTGHtmlCell | |
CTGHtmlElement | |
CTGHtmlForm | |
CTGHtmlHr | |
CTGHtmlImage | |
CTGHtmlImageMarkup | |
CTGHtmlInput | |
CTGHtmlLayoutContext | |
CTGHtmlLBEntry | |
CTGHtmlLi | |
CTGHtmlListStart | |
CTGHtmlMapArea | |
CTGHtmlMarkupElement | |
CTGHtmlRef | |
CTGHtmlScript | |
CTGHtmlSpaceElement | |
CTGHtmlTable | |
CTGHtmlTextElement | |
CTGHtmlUri | |
CTGIcon | This class handles GUI icons |
CTGIconLBEntry | Icon + text listbox entry |
CTGIdleHandler | Handle idle events, i.e |
CTGImageMap | (with TGRegion and TGRegionWithId help classes) |
CTGInputDialog | Input Dialog Widget |
CTGInputHandler | |
CTGInsets | |
CTGItemContext | Empty object used as context menu support for TGLVTreeEntries |
CTGL2DArray | |
CTGL5DDataSet | |
►CTGL5DDataSetEditor | GUI editor for OpenGL 5D Painter |
►CTGL5DPainter | TGL5DPainter implements "gl5d" option for TTree::Draw |
CTGLabel | This class handles GUI labels |
CTGLAdapter | Allow plot-painters to be used for gl-inpad and gl-viewer |
CTGLAnnotation | GL-overlay annotation |
CTGLAutoRotator | Automatically rotates GL camera |
CTGLAxis | GL Axis |
CTGLAxisPainter | Utility class to paint axis in GL |
CTGLAxisPainterBox | Painter class for axes encompassing a 3D box |
CTGLayoutHints | This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes |
CTGLayoutManager | Frame layout manager |
CTGLBContainer | A Composite frame that contains a list of TGLBEnties |
CTGLBEntry | Basic listbox entries |
CTGLBFrameElement | |
CTGLBoundingBox | Concrete class describing an orientated (free) or axis aligned box of 8 vertices |
CTGLBoxCut | Used by plot-painters to determine the area of the plot that is cut away |
CTGLBoxPainter | Paints TH3 histograms by rendering variable-sized boxes matching the bin contents |
CTGLCamera | Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and perspective cameras derive from it |
CTGLCameraGuide | Draws arrows showing camera orientation in the overlay |
CTGLCameraOverlay | A GL overlay element which displays camera furstum |
CTGLCapabilityEnabler | |
CTGLCapabilitySwitch | |
CTGLClip | Abstract clipping shape - derives from TGLPhysicalShape Adds clip mode (inside/outside) and pure virtual method to approximate shape as set of planes |
CTGLClipBox | Concrete clip box object |
CTGLClipPlane | Concrete clip plane object |
CTGLClipSet | A collection of concrete TGLClip objects to be selected from |
CTGLClipSetEditor | GUI editor for TGLClipSet |
CTGLClipSetSubEditor | GUI sub-editor for TGLClipSet |
CTGLColor | Class encapsulating color information in preferred GL format - an array of four unsigned bytes |
CTGLColorSet | Class encapsulating a set of colors used throughout standard rendering |
CTGLContext | This class encapsulates window-system specific information about a GL-context and alows their proper management in ROOT |
CTGLContextIdentity | Identifier of a shared GL-context |
CTGLContextPrivate | |
CTGLCylinder | Implements a native ROOT-GL cylinder that can be rendered at different levels of detail |
CTGLDisableGuard | |
CTGLEmbeddedViewer | Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames |
CTGLEnableGuard | |
CTGLEventHandler | Base-class and default implementation of event-handler for TGLViewer |
CTGLFaceSet | Implements a native ROOT-GL representation of an arbitrary set of polygons |
CTGLFaderHelper | |
CTGLFBO | Frame-buffer object |
CTGLFloatHolder | |
CTGLFont | A wrapper class for FTFont |
CTGLFontManager | A FreeType GL font manager |
CTGLFormat | Encapsulation of format / contents of an OpenGL buffer |
CTGLH2PolyPainter | Paint TH2Poly |
►CTGLHistPainter | The histogram painter class using OpenGL |
CTGLineLBEntry | Line style and width listbox entries |
CTGLineStyleComboBox | The TGLineStyleComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line style |
CTGLineWidthComboBox | The TGLineWidthComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line width |
CTGLIsoPainter | "gliso" option for TH3 |
CTGListBox | A listbox is a box, possibly with scrollbar, containing entries |
CTGListDetailsLayout | This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget |
CTGListLayout | This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget |
CTGListTree | A list tree is a widget that can contain a number of items arranged in a tree structure |
CTGListTreeItem | |
CTGListTreeItemStd | |
CTGListView | A list view is a widget that can contain a number of items arranged in a grid or list |
CTGLLegoPainter | Plot-painter implementing LEGO rendering of TH2 histograms in cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates |
CTGLLevelPalette | |
CTGLLightSet | Encapsulates a set of lights for OpenGL |
CTGLLightSetEditor | |
CTGLLightSetSubEditor | Sub-editor for TGLLightSet |
CTGLLine3 | 3D space, fixed length, line class, with direction / length 'vector', passing through point 'vertex' |
►CTGLLockable | Simple locking interface used by viewer and scene |
CTGLLogicalShape | Abstract logical shape - a GL 'drawable' - base for all shapes - faceset sphere etc |
CTGLManager | |
CTGLManip | Abstract base class for viewer manipulators, which allow direct in viewer manipulation of a (TGlPhysicalShape) object - currently translation, scaling and rotation along/round objects local axes |
CTGLManipSet | Combine all available manipulators in a collection |
CTGLMatrix | 16 component (4x4) transform matrix - column MAJOR as per GL |
CTGLMesh | |
CTGlobal | Global variables class (global variables are obtained from CINT) |
CTGlobalMappedFunction | |
CTGLObject | Base-class for direct OpenGL renderers |
CTGLongPosition | |
CTGLOrthoCamera | Orthographic projection camera |
CTGLOutput | Wrapper class for GL capture & output routines |
CTGLOverlayButton | GL-overlay button |
CTGLOverlayElement | An overlay element |
CTGLOverlayList | Manage a collection of overlay elements |
CTGLOvlSelectRecord | Selection record for overlay objects |
CTGLPadPainter | "Delegating" part of TGLPadPainter |
CTGLPaintDevice | |
CTGLParametricEquation | A parametric surface is a surface defined by a parametric equation, involving two parameters (u, v): |
CTGLParametricEquationGL | GL-renderer wrapper for TGLParametricEquation |
►CTGLParametricPlot | |
CTGLPerspectiveCamera | Perspective projection camera - with characteristic foreshortening |
CTGLPhysicalShape | Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable |
CTGLPlane | 3D plane class - of format Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 |
CTGLPlot3D | Description of TGLPlot3D |
CTGLPlotBox | Implementation of a box around a histogram/function for plot-painters |
CTGLPlotCamera | Camera for TGLPlotPainter and sub-classes |
CTGLPlotCoordinates | Helper class for plot-painters holding information about axis ranges, numbers of bins and flags if certain axis is logarithmic |
CTGLPlotPainter | Base class for plot-painters that provide GL rendering of various 2D and 3D histograms, functions and parametric surfaces |
CTGLPolyLine | To draw a 3D polyline in a GL window |
CTGLPolyMarker | To draw a 3D polymarker in a GL window |
CTGLPShapeObj | Wrap TGLPysicalShape into TObject so that it can be edited using GED |
CTGLPShapeObjEditor | GUI editor for TGLPShapeObj |
CTGLPShapeRef | Base class for references to TGLPysicalShape that need to be notified when the shape is destroyed |
CTGLQuadric | Wrapper class for GLU quadric shape drawing object |
CTGLRect | Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class |
CTGLRedrawTimer | |
CTGLRnrCtx | Aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the ROOT's OpenGL infrastructure |
CTGLRotateManip | Rotate manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets - rings drawn from attached physical center, in plane defined by axis |
CTGLSAFrame | Standalone GL Viewer GUI main frame |
CTGLSAViewer | The top level standalone GL-viewer - created via plugin manager |
CTGLScaleManip | Scale manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with box heads |
►CTGLScene | TGLScene provides management and rendering of ROOT's default 3D /object representation as logical and physical shapes |
CTGLSceneBase | Scene base-class – provides basic interface expected by the TGLViewer or its sub-classes: |
CTGLSceneInfo | Base class for extended scene context |
CTGLScenePad | Implements VirtualViewer3D interface and fills the base-class visualization structures from pad contents |
CTGLSdfFontMaker | Helper class for generation of Signed Distance Field (SDF) fonts for REve |
CTGLSelectBuffer | Encapsulates OpenGL select buffer |
CTGLSelectionBuffer | |
CTGLSelectRecord | Standard selection record including information about containing scene and details ob out selected object (TGLPhysicalShape*, TObject* or simply a void* for foreign scenes) |
CTGLSelectRecordBase | Base class for select records |
CTGLSphere | Implements a native ROOT-GL sphere that can be rendered at different levels of detail |
CTGLStopwatch | Stopwatch object for timing GL work |
►CTGLSurfacePainter | Implements painting of TH2 with "SURF" option |
CTGLText | GL Text |
CTGLTF3Painter | Plot-painter for TF3 functions |
CTGLTH3Composition | |
CTGLTH3CompositionPainter | |
CTGLTH3Slice | A slice of a TH3 |
CTGLTransManip | Translation manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with arrow heads |
►CTGLUtil | Wrapper class for various misc static functions - error checking, draw helpers etc |
CTGLVContainer | |
CTGLVector3 | 3 component (x/y/z) vector class |
CTGLVEntry | |
CTGLVertex3 | 3 component (x/y/z) vertex class |
CTGLViewer | Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL |
CTGLViewerBase | Base class for GL viewers |
CTGLViewerEditor | GUI editor for TGLViewer |
CTGLVoxelPainter | Paint TH3 histograms as "voxels" - colored boxes, transparent if transfer function was specified |
CTGLWidget | GL window with context |
►CTGMainFrame | Defines top level windows that interact with the system Window Manager |
CTGMatrixLayout | This layout managers does not make use of TGLayoutHints |
CTGMdiButtons | |
CTGMdiContainer | |
CTGMdiCornerWinResizer | |
CTGMdiDecorFrame | This file contains all different MDI frame decoration classes |
CTGMdiFrame | This file contains the TGMdiFrame class |
CTGMdiFrameList | |
CTGMdiGeometry | |
CTGMdiHorizontalWinResizer | |
CTGMdiMainFrame | This file contains the TGMdiMainFrame class |
CTGMdiMenu | This file contains the TGMdiMenuBar class |
CTGMdiMenuBar | |
CTGMdiTitleBar | |
CTGMdiTitleIcon | |
CTGMdiVerticalWinResizer | |
CTGMdiWinResizer | |
CTGMenuBar | The TGMenu.h header contains all different menu classes |
CTGMenuEntry | This class contains all information about a menu entry |
CTGMenuTitle | This class creates a menu title |
CTGMime | TGMime is internally used by TGMimeTypes |
CTGMimeTypes | This class handles mime types, used by browsers to map file types to applications and icons |
CTGMsgBox | |
CTGNumberEntry | TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons |
CTGNumberEntryField | |
CTGNumberEntryLayout | |
CTGNumberFormat | |
CTGObject | This class is the baseclass for all ROOT GUI widgets |
CTGondzioSolver | Derived class of TQpSolverBase implementing Gondzio-correction version of Mehrotra's original predictor-corrector algorithm |
CTGOSXGLManager | |
CTGPack | Stack of frames in horizontal (default) or vertical stack |
CTGPasswdDialog | Graphic dialog to enter passwords |
CTGPicture | Implements pictures and icons used in the different GUI elements and widgets |
CTGPictureButton | Yield an action as soon as it is clicked |
CTGPicturePool | |
CTGPopupMenu | This class creates a popup menu object |
CTGPosition | |
CTGPrintDialog | |
CTGProgressBar | The classes in this file implement progress bars |
CTGQuartz | This is non-GUI part of TVirtualX interface, implemented for MacOS X, using CoreGraphics (Quartz) |
CTGRadioButton | Selects different options |
CTGraph | A TGraph is an object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each |
CTGraph2D | Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each |
CTGraph2DAsymmErrors | Graph 2D class with errors |
CTGraph2DErrors | Graph 2D class with errors |
CTGraph2DPainter | The TGraphDelaunay painting class |
CTGraphAsymmErrors | TGraph with asymmetric error bars |
CTGraphBentErrors | A TGraphBentErrors is a TGraph with bent, asymmetric error bars |
CTGraphDelaunay | TGraphDelaunay generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D |
CTGraphDelaunay2D | TGraphDelaunay2D generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D |
CTGraphEdge | An edge object connecting two nodes which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphEditor | Implements GUI for graph attributes |
CTGraphErrors | A TGraphErrors is a TGraph with error bars |
CTGraphMultiErrors | TGraph with asymmetric error bars and multiple y error dimensions |
CTGraphNode | A graph node object which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphPainter | The graph painter class |
CTGraphPolar | To draw a polar graph |
CTGraphPolargram | To draw polar axis |
CTGraphQQ | This class allows to draw quantile-quantile plots |
CTGraphSmooth | A helper class to smooth TGraph |
CTGraphStruct | The Graph Structure is an interface to the graphviz package |
CTGraphTime | TGraphTime is used to draw a set of objects evolving with nsteps in time between tmin and tmax |
CTGRecorder | Provides GUI for TRecorder class |
CTGRectangle | |
CTGRectMap | |
CTGRedirectOutputGuard | This class provides output redirection to a TGTextView in guaranteed exception safe way |
CTGRegion | |
CTGRegionData | |
CTGRegionWithId | |
CTGRepeatFireButton | |
CTGResourcePool | This class implements a pool for the default GUI resource set, like GC's, colors, fonts, etc |
CTGrid | |
CTGridCollection | |
CTGridJDL | |
CTGridJob | |
CTGridJobStatus | |
CTGridJobStatusList | |
CTGridResult | |
CTGroupButton | A specialized TButton used in a group of Buttons |
CTGRowLayout | The following two layout managers do not make use of TGLayoutHints |
CTGScrollBar | The classes in this file implement scrollbars |
CTGScrollBarElement | |
CTGScrollBarElements | The "head", "tail" and "slider" |
CTGSearchDialog | |
CTGSearchType | |
CTGSelectBox | This class represent a specialized expression editor for TTVLVEntry 'true name' and 'alias' data members |
CTGSelectedPicture | |
CTGShapedFrame | A Shaped window |
CTGShutter | A shutter widget contains a set of shutter items that can be open and closed like a shutter |
CTGShutterItem | |
CTGSimpleTable | To provide a simple class to visualize an array of doubles, the class TGSimpleTable is provided |
CTGSimpleTableInterface | TGSimpleTableInterface is a very simple implementation of a TVirtualTableInterface |
CTGSlider | Slider widgets allow easy selection of a range |
CTGSpeedo | TGSpeedo is a widget looking like a speedometer, with a needle, a counter and a small odometer window |
CTGSplitButton | Implements a button with added menu functionality |
CTGSplitFrame | A split frame |
CTGSplitter | A splitter allows the frames left and right or above and below of it to be resized |
CTGSplitTool | A split frame tool tip |
CTGStatusBar | Provides a StatusBar widget |
CTGStatusBarPart | |
CTGString | TGString wraps a TString and adds some graphics routines like drawing, size of string on screen depending on font, etc |
CTGTab | A tab widget contains a set of composite frames each with a little tab with a name (like a set of folders with tabs) |
CTGTabElement | Service classes of the tab widget |
CTGTabLayout | Service classes of the tab widget |
CTGTable | Create an array to hold a bunch of numbers |
CTGTableCell | TGTableCell is the class that represents a single cell in a TGTable |
CTGTableFrame | TGTableFrame contains a composite frame that uses a TGMatrixLayout to Layout the frames it contains |
CTGTableHeader | TGTableHeader is the class that implements a header for a row or column |
CTGTableHeaderFrame | TGTableHeaderFrame implements a frame used to display TGTableHeaders in a TGTable |
►CTGTableLayout | A layout manager, which places child frames in a table arranged in rows and columns, making it easy to align many widgets next each to other horizontally and vertically |
CTGTableLayoutHints | This class describes layout hints used by the TGTableLayout class |
CTGText | A TGText is a multi line text buffer |
CTGTextBuffer | A text buffer is used in several widgets, like TGTextEntry, TGFileDialog, etc |
CTGTextButton | Yield an action as soon as it is clicked |
CTGTextEdit | A TGTextEdit is a specialization of TGTextView |
CTGTextEditCommand | |
CTGTextEditDialogs | This file defines several dialogs that are used by the TGTextEdit widget via its associated context popup menu |
CTGTextEditHist | |
CTGTextEditor | A simple text editor that uses the TGTextEdit widget |
CTGTextEntry | A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget |
CTGTextLayout | Is used to keep track of string measurement information when using the text layout facilities |
CTGTextLBEntry | Text string listbox entries |
CTGTextLine | |
CTGTextView | A TGTextView is a text viewer widget |
CTGTextViewostream | |
CTGTextViewStream | A TGTextViewStream is a text viewer widget |
CTGTextViewStreamBuf | |
CTGTileLayout | This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget |
CTGToolBar | A toolbar is a composite frame that contains TGPictureButtons |
CTGToolTip | A tooltip can be a one or multiple lines help text that is displayed in a window when the mouse cursor overs a widget, without clicking it |
CTGTRA | A general twisted trapezoid |
CTGTransientFrame | Defines transient windows that typically are used for dialogs windows |
CTGTreeLBEntry | |
CTGTreeTable | TGTreeTable is a TGTable that owns it's own interface |
CTGTripleHSlider | TripleSlider inherit from DoubleSlider widgets and allow easy selection of a min, max and pointer value out of a range |
CTGTripleVSlider | TripleSlider inherit from DoubleSlider widgets and allow easy selection of a min, max and pointer value out of a range |
CTGuiBldAction | |
CTGuiBldBorderFrame | |
CTGuiBldDragManager | Drag and drop manager used by the ROOT GUI Builder |
CTGuiBldDragManagerGrid | |
CTGuiBldDragManagerPimpl | |
CTGuiBldDragManagerRepeatTimer | |
CTGuiBldEditor | The property editor |
CTGuiBldGeometryFrame | |
CTGuiBldHintsButton | Special button class used for editing layout hints in the ROOT GUI Builder |
CTGuiBldHintsEditor | Editor of widget's layout hints used by the ROOT GUI builder |
CTGuiBldHintsManager | |
CTGuiBldMenuDialog | |
CTGuiBldMenuTitle | |
CTGuiBldNameFrame | |
CTGuiBldPopupMenu | |
CTGuiBldSaveFrame | |
CTGuiBldToolButton | |
CTGuiBuilder | |
CTGuiFactory | This ABC is a factory for GUI components |
CTGuiNameFrame | |
CTGUndockedFrame | |
CTGUnknownWindowHandler | Handle events for windows that are not part of the native ROOT GUI |
CTGVButtonGroup | Organizes TGButton widgets in a group with one vertical column |
CTGVertical3DLine | A vertical 3D line is a line that can be used to separate groups of widgets |
CTGVerticalFrame | A composite frame that layout their children in vertical way |
CTGVerticalLayout | |
CTGVFileSplitter | |
CTGView | A TGView provides the infrastructure for text viewer and editor widgets |
CTGViewFrame | |
CTGViewPort | |
CTGVProgressBar | |
CTGVScrollBar | The TGVScrollBar will generate the following event messages: kC_VSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERPOS, position, 0 kC_VSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERTRACK, position, 0 |
CTGVSlider | Concrete class for vertical slider |
CTGVSplitter | |
CTGWidget | The widget base class |
CTGWin32 | This class is the basic interface to the Win32 graphics system |
CTGWin32CallBackObject | |
CTGWin32GL | The TGWin32GL is win32gdk implementation of TVirtualGLImp class |
►CTGWin32GLManager | |
CTGWin32GLManagerProxy | |
CTGWin32ProxyBase | Proxy classes provide thread-safe interface to global objects |
CTGWin32ProxyBasePrivate | |
CTGWin32VirtualXProxy | |
CTGWindow | ROOT GUI Window base class |
CTGX11 | This class is the basic interface to the X11 (Xlib) graphics system |
CTGX11TTF | Interface to low level X11 (Xlib) |
CTGXYLayout | Is a layout manager where the position and the size of each widget in the frame are defined by X / Y - coordinates |
CTGXYLayoutHints | This layout hint must be used for the TGXYLayout manager! |
CTH1 | TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT |
CTH1C | 1-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1D | 1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1Editor | Editor for changing TH1 histogram attributes, rebinning & fitting |
CTH1F | 1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1I | 1-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1K | TH1K class supports the nearest K Neighbours method, widely used in cluster analysis |
CTH1L | 1-D histogram with a long64 per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1Merger | |
CTH1S | 1-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2 | Service class for 2-D histogram classes |
CTH2C | 2-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2D | 2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2Editor | Editor for changing TH2 histogram attributes, rebinning & fitting |
CTH2F | 2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2GL | Rendering of TH2 and derived classes |
CTH2I | 2-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2L | 2-D histogram with a long64 per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2Poly | 2D Histogram with Polygonal Bins |
CTH2PolyBin | Helper class to represent a bin in the TH2Poly histogram |
CTH2S | 2-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3 | The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes |
CTH3C | 3-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3D | 3-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3F | 3-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3GL | OpenGL renderer class for TH3 |
CTH3I | 3-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3L | 3-D histogram with a long64 per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3S | 3-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTHaarMatrixT | |
CTHashList | THashList implements a hybrid collection class consisting of a hash table and a list to store TObject's |
CTHashTable | THashTable implements a hash table to store TObject's |
CTHashTableIter | Iterator of hash table |
CTHbookBranch | HBOOK Branch |
CTHbookFile | This class is an interface to the Hbook objects in Hbook files |
CTHbookKey | HBOOK Key |
CTHbookTree | A wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN) |
CTHelix | THelix has two different constructors |
CTHilbertMatrixT | |
CTHilbertMatrixTSym | |
CTHistPainter | The histogram painter class |
CTHistRange | |
CTHistRenderingRegion | |
CTHLimitsFinder | Class to compute nice axis limits |
CTHn | Multidimensional histogram |
CTHnBase | Multidimensional histogram base |
CTHnChain | A class to chain together multiple histograms |
CTHnIter | Iterator over THnBase bins |
CTHnSparse | Efficient multidimensional histogram |
CTHnSparseArrayChunk | THnSparseArrayChunk is used internally by THnSparse |
CTHnSparseCompactBinCoord | THnSparseCompactBinCoord is a class used by THnSparse internally |
CTHnSparseCoordCompression | THnSparseCoordCompression is a class used by THnSparse internally |
CTHnSparseT | Templated implementation of the abstract base THnSparse |
CTHnT | Templated implementation of the abstract base THn |
CTHostAuth | |
CTHStack | The Histogram stack class |
CTHttpCallArg | Contains arguments for single HTTP call |
CTHttpEngine | Abstract class for implementing http protocol for THttpServer |
CTHttpLongPollEngine | Emulation of websocket with long poll requests |
CTHttpServer | Online http server for arbitrary ROOT application |
CTHttpTimer | |
CTHttpWSEngine | Internal instance used to exchange WS functionality between THttpServer and THttpWSHandler |
CTHttpWSHandler | Class for user-side handling of websocket with THttpServer |
CTHYPE | An hyperboloid (not implemented) |
CTIconBoxThumb | |
CTIdleTimer | |
CTIdleTOTimer | |
CTIdleTOTimerGuard | |
CTImage | An abstract interface to image processing library |
CTImageDump | Save canvas as an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG, XPM, TIFF etc.) |
CTImagePalette | A class to define a conversion from pixel values to pixel color |
CTImagePlugin | |
CTimer | |
CTIndArray | |
CTInetAddress | This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address |
CTInsCharCom | |
CTInspectCanvas | A TInspectCanvas is a canvas specialized to inspect Root objects |
CTInspectorImp | ABC describing GUI independent object inspector (abstraction mainly needed for Win32 |
CTInspectorObject | This class is designed to wrap a Foreign object in order to inject it into the Browse sub-system |
CTInsTextCom | |
CTInstrumentedIsAProxy | |
►CTInterpreter | This class defines an abstract interface to a generic command line interpreter |
CTInterpreterValue | |
CTInterruptHandler | |
CTIsAProxy | TIsAProxy implementation class |
CTIter | |
CTIterator | Iterator abstract base class |
CTIteratorToSTLInterface | TIterator and GenericRooFIter front end with STL back end |
CTIterCategory | |
CTJoinHelper | |
►CTJSONStackObj | |
►CTJSONTree | |
►CTKDE | Kernel Density Estimation class |
CTKDTree | Class implementing a kd-tree |
►CTKDTreeBinning | <- TKDTreeBinning - A class providing multidimensional binning -> |
CTKey | Book space in a file, create I/O buffers, to fill them, (un)compress them |
CTKeyElement | Element representing TKey from TDirectory |
CTKeyMapFile | Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects |
CTKeySQL | TKeySQL represents meta-information about object, which was written to SQL database |
CTKeyXML | |
►CTLatex | To draw Mathematical Formula |
►CTLeaf | A TLeaf describes individual elements of a TBranch See TBranch structure in TTree |
CTLeafB | A TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type |
CTLeafC | A TLeaf for a variable length string |
CTLeafD | A TLeaf for a 64 bit floating point data type |
CTLeafD32 | A TLeaf for a 24 bit truncated floating point data type |
CTLeafDraw6Provider | Provider for drawing of ROOT6 classes |
CTLeafDraw7Provider | Provider for drawing TLeaf/TBranch in ROOT7 canvas |
CTLeafElement | A TLeaf for the general case when using the branches created via a TStreamerInfo (i.e |
CTLeafF | A TLeaf for a 32 bit floating point data type |
CTLeafF16 | A TLeaf for a 24 bit truncated floating point data type |
CTLeafG | A TLeaf for a 64 bit Integer data type |
CTLeafI | A TLeaf for an Integer data type |
CTLeafL | A TLeaf for a 64 bit Integer data type |
CTLeafO | A TLeaf for a bool data type |
CTLeafObject | A TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject |
CTLeafProvider | Provider for drawing of branches / leafs in the TTree |
CTLeafS | A TLeaf for a 16 bit Integer data type |
CTLegend | This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTLimit | Legacy CodeTLimit is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TLimit might still be a valid solution. Consider switching to RooStats. |
CTLimitDataSource | This class serves as input for the TLimit::ComputeLimit method |
CTLine | Use the TLine constructor to create a simple line |
CTLinearFitter | |
CTLinearGradient | |
CTLinearMinimizer | TLinearMinimizer class: minimizer implementation based on TMinuit |
CTLineEditor | Implements GUI for editing line attributes: shape, size, angle |
CTLink | Special TText object used to show hyperlinks |
CTList | A doubly linked list |
CTListIter | Iterator of linked list |
CTListOfDataMembers | A collection of TDataMember objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TDataMember that were described unloaded data member |
CTListOfEnums | A collection of TEnum objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TEnum that were described unloaded enum |
CTListOfEnumsWithLock | A collection of TEnum objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TEnum that were described unloaded enum |
CTListOfEnumsWithLockIter | Iterator for TListOfEnumsWithLock |
CTListOfFunctions | A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFunction that were described unloaded function |
CTListOfFunctionsIter | Iterator for TListOfFunctions |
CTListOfFunctionTemplates | A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFunction that were described unloaded function |
CTListOfTypes | A collection of TDataType designed to hold the typedef information and numerical type information |
CTLockFile | A scoped lock based on files |
CTLockGuard | |
CTLockPath | Path locking class allowing shared and exclusive locks |
CTLockPathGuard | |
►CTLorentzRotation | Legacy CodeTLorentzRotation is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TLorentzRotation might still be a valid solution. Consider using instead ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation. |
CTLorentzVector | |
CTMacOSXSystem | |
CTMacro | Class supporting a collection of lines with C++ code |
CTMakeProject | |
CTMap | TMap implements an associative array of (key,value) pairs using a THashTable for efficient retrieval (therefore TMap does not conserve the order of the entries) |
CTMapFile | This class implements a shared memory region mapped to a file |
CTMapIter | Iterator of map |
CTMapRec | Keep track of an object in the mapped file |
CTMarker | Manages Markers |
CTMarker3DBox | A special 3-D marker designed for event display |
CTMaterial | Manages a detector material |
CTMathText | To draw TeX Mathematical Formula |
CTMathTextRenderer | |
CTMatrixDEigen | TMatrixDEigen |
CTMatrixDSymEigen | TMatrixDSymEigen |
CTMatrixT | TMatrixT |
CTMatrixTBase | TMatrixTBase |
CTMatrixTColumn | |
CTMatrixTColumn_const | |
CTMatrixTCramerInv | TMatrixTCramerInv |
CTMatrixTDiag | |
CTMatrixTDiag_const | |
CTMatrixTFlat | |
CTMatrixTFlat_const | |
CTMatrixTLazy | Templates of Lazy Matrix classes |
CTMatrixTRow | |
CTMatrixTRow_const | |
CTMatrixTSparse | TMatrixTSparse |
CTMatrixTSparseDiag | |
CTMatrixTSparseDiag_const | |
CTMatrixTSparseRow | |
CTMatrixTSparseRow_const | |
CTMatrixTSub | |
CTMatrixTSub_const | |
CTMatrixTSym | TMatrixTSym |
CTMatrixTSymCramerInv | TMatrixTSymCramerInv |
CTMatrixTSymLazy | |
CTMatrixTUtils | Matrix utility classes |
CTMD5 | This code implements the MD5 message-digest algorithm |
CTMehrotraSolver | Derived class of TQpSolverBase implementing the original Mehrotra predictor-corrector algorithm |
►CTMemberInspector | Abstract base class for accessing the data-members of a class |
CTMemberStreamer | |
►CTMemFile | A TMemFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes only from memory |
CTMergerInfo | |
CTMessage | |
CTMessageHandler | Handle messages that might be generated by the system |
CTMethod | Each ROOT class (see TClass) has a linked list of methods |
CTMethodArg | Each ROOT method (see TMethod) has a linked list of its arguments |
CTMethodBrowsable | This helper object allows the browsing of methods of objects stored in branches |
CTMethodCall | Method or function calling interface |
CTMinuit | |
CTMinuit2TraceObject | |
CTMinuitMinimizer | TMinuitMinimizer class: ROOT::Math::Minimizer implementation based on TMinuit |
CTMixture | Manages a detector mixture |
CTMLPAnalyzer | This utility class contains a set of tests useful when developing a neural network |
CTMonitor | |
CTMPClient | Base class for multiprocess applications' clients |
CTMPWorker | This class works in conjuction with TMPClient, reacting to messages received from it as specified by the Notify and HandleInput methods |
CTMPWorkerExecutor | This class works together with TProcessExecutor to allow the execution of functions in server processes |
CTMPWorkerExecutor< F, T, void > | |
CTMPWorkerExecutor< F, void, R > | |
CTMPWorkerTree | This class works in conjunction with TTreeProcessorMP, reacting to messages received from it as specified by the Notify and HandleInput methods |
CTMPWorkerTreeFunc | Templated derivation of TMPWorkerTree handlign generic function tree processing |
CTMPWorkerTreeSel | Templated derivation of TMPWorkerTree handlign selector tree processing |
CTMrbSubevent_Caen | |
CTMsgBox | A message dialog box |
CTMultiDimFit | Multidimensional Fits in ROOT |
CTMultiGraph | A TMultiGraph is a collection of TGraph (or derived) objects |
CTMultiLayerPerceptron | This class describes a neural network |
CTMutex | |
CTMutexImp | |
CTMVA | Base Class for all classes that need option parsing |
CTMyBrowserImp | |
CTMySQLResult | |
CTMySQLRow | |
CTMySQLServer | |
►CTMySQLStatement | |
CTNamed | Base class for all named ROOT classes |
CTNamedFont | |
CTNDArray | N-Dim array class |
CTNDArrayRef | Gives access to a sub-dimension, e.g |
CTNDArrayT | |
CTNetFile | A TNetFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes its data via a rootd server (for more on the rootd daemon see the source files in root/rootd/src/ ) |
CTNetFileStager | |
CTNetSystem | |
CTNetXNGFile | |
CTNetXNGFileStager | |
CTNetXNGSystem | |
CTNeuron | This class describes an elementary neuron, which is the basic element for a Neural Network |
CTNewCanvasPainterReg | |
CTNewChainDlg | |
CTNewQueryDlg | |
CTNode | TNode description |
CTNodeDiv | Description of parameters to divide a 3-D geometry object |
CTNonCopyable | |
CTNonSplitBrowsable | Allows a TBrowser to browse non-split branches as if they were split |
CTNotifyLink | A node in a doubly linked list of subscribers to TChain notifications |
CTNotifyLinkBase | See TNotifyLink |
CTNtuple | A simple TTree restricted to a list of float variables only |
CTNtupleD | A simple TTree restricted to a list of double variables only |
CTObjArray | An array of TObjects |
CTObjArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTObject | Mother of all ROOT objects |
CTObjectDraw6Provider | Provider for drawing of ROOT6 classes |
CTObjectDraw7Provider | Provider for drawing of ROOT7 classes |
CTObjectLevelIter | Iterator over list of elements, designed for support TBrowser usage |
CTObjectRefSpy | |
CTObjectSpy | Monitors objects for deletion and reflects the deletion by reverting the internal pointer to zero |
CTObjectTable | This class registers all instances of TObject and its derived classes in a hash table |
CTObjLink | Wrapper around a TObject so it can be stored in a TList |
CTObjOptLink | |
CTObjString | Collectable string class |
CTODBCResult | |
CTODBCServer | |
►CTODBCStatement | |
CToolBarData_t | |
CTOptionListItem | |
CTOrdCollection | Ordered collection |
CTOrdCollectionIter | Iterator of ordered collection |
CTOutputListSelectorDataMap | Set the selector's data members to the corresponding elements of the output list |
CTPackageDescription | |
►CTPacketizer | This class generates packets to be processed on PROOF worker servers |
►CTPacketizerAdaptive | This packetizer is based on TPacketizer but uses different load-balancing algorithms and data structures |
►CTPacketizerFile | This packetizer generates packets which contain a single file path to be used in process |
CTPacketizerMulti | This class allows to do multiple runs in the same query; each run can be a, for example, different dataset or the same dataset with entry list |
►CTPacketizerUnit | This packetizer generates packets of generic units, representing the number of times an operation cycle has to be repeated by the worker node, e.g |
CTPackMgr | The PROOF package manager contains tools to manage packages |
CTPad | The most important graphics class in the ROOT system |
CTPadEditor | Editor of pad/canvas objects |
CTPadPainter | Implement TVirtualPadPainter which abstracts painting operations |
CTPadWebSnapshot | |
CTPainter3dAlgorithms | The Legos and Surfaces painter class |
CTPair | Class used by TMap to store (key,value) pairs |
CTPaletteAxis | The palette painting class |
CTPaletteEditor | Edit the palette via a GUI |
CTPARA | A parallelepiped |
CTParallelCoord | Parallel Coordinates class |
CTParallelCoordEditor | This is the TParallelCoord editor |
CTParallelCoordRange | A TParallelCoordRange is a range used for parallel coordinates plots |
CTParallelCoordSelect | A TParallelCoordSelect is a specialised TList to hold TParallelCoordRanges used by TParallelCoord |
CTParallelCoordVar | TParallelCoord axes |
CTParallelMergingFile | |
CTParameter | Named parameter, streamable and storable |
CTParticle | Description of the dynamic properties of a particle |
CTParticleClassPDG | Utility class used internally by TDatabasePDG |
CTParticlePDG | Description of the static properties of a particle |
CTParticleProxyBuilder | |
CTPave | A TBox with a bordersize and a shadow option |
CTPaveClass | A TPaveLabel specialized to process classes inside a TClassTree |
CTPaveLabel | A Pave (see TPave) with a text centered in the Pave |
CTPaveStats | The histogram statistics painter class |
CTPaveStatsEditor | Implements GUI for editing attributes of TPaveStats objects |
CTPavesText | A PaveText (see TPaveText) with several stacked paves |
CTPaveText | A Pave (see TPave) with text, lines or/and boxes inside |
CTPBHandleDSType | |
CTPBHistType | |
CTPBReadType | |
CTPCON | A polycone |
CTPDF | Interface to PDF |
CTPerfEvent | |
CTPerfStats | Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing |
CTPGON | A polygon |
CTPgSQLResult | |
CTPgSQLRow | |
CTPgSQLServer | |
CTPgSQLStatement | |
CTPickerStackGuard | |
CTPie | Draw a Pie Chart, |
CTPieEditor | Implements GUI for pie-chart attributes |
CTPieSlice | A slice of a piechart, see the TPie class |
CTPieSliceEditor | Editor for changing pie-chart's slice attributes |
CTPluginHandler | |
CTPluginManager | This class implements a plugin library manager |
CTPMERegexp | Wrapper for PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) |
CTPoint | |
CTPoints | 2-D graphics point (world coordinates) |
CTPoints3DABC | Abstract class to define Arrays of 3D points |
CTPointSet3D | TPolyMarker3D using TPointSet3DGL for direct OpenGL rendering |
CTPointSet3DGL | Direct OpenGL renderer for TPointSet3D |
CTPolyLine | Defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyLine3D | A 3-dimensional polyline |
CTPolyMarker | A PolyMarker is defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyMarker3D | A 3D polymarker |
CTPopupDelayTimer | |
CTPosixCondition | |
CTPosixMutex | |
CTPosixThread | |
CTPosixThreadCleanUp | |
CTPosixThreadFactory | |
CTPostScript | Interface to PostScript |
CTPRegexp | |
CTPrimary | Old version of a dynamic particle class created by event generators |
CTPrincipal | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) |
CTProcessEventTimer | |
CTProcessID | A TProcessID identifies a ROOT job in a unique way in time and space |
CTProcessUUID | This class is a specialized TProcessID managing the list of UUIDs |
CTProctimeTimer | |
CTProfile | Profile Histogram |
CTProfile2D | Profile2D histograms are used to display the mean value of Z and its error for each cell in X,Y |
CTProfile2Poly | 2D Profile Histogram with Polygonal Bins |
CTProfile2PolyBin | Helper class to represent a bin in the TProfile2Poly histogram |
CTProfile3D | Profile3D histograms are used to display the mean value of T and its RMS for each cell in X,Y,Z |
CTProfileHelper | |
►CTProof | This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster |
CTProofBench | Steering class for PROOF benchmarks |
CTProofBenchDataSet | Handle operations on datasets used by ProofBench |
CTProofBenchRun | Abstract base class for PROOF benchmark runs |
CTProofBenchRunCPU | CPU-intensive PROOF benchmark test generates events and fill 1, 2, or 3-D histograms |
CTProofBenchRunDataRead | I/O-intensive PROOF benchmark test reads in event files distributed on the cluster |
CTProofChain | |
CTProofCondor | |
CTProofDebug | |
CTProofDesc | |
CTProofDraw | Implement Tree drawing using PROOF |
CTProofDrawEntryList | |
CTProofDrawEventList | |
CTProofDrawGraph | |
CTProofDrawHist | |
►CTProofDrawListOfGraphs | |
►CTProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D | |
CTProofDrawPolyMarker3D | |
CTProofDrawProfile | |
CTProofDrawProfile2D | |
CTProofInputHandler | |
CTProofInterruptHandler | |
CTProofLimitsFinder | Class to find axis limits and synchronize them between workers |
CTProofLite | This class starts a PROOF session on the local machine: no daemons, client and master merged, communications via UNIX-like sockets |
CTProofLockPath | |
CTProofLockPathGuard | |
CTProofLog | Implementation of the PROOF session log handler |
CTProofLogElem | |
CTProofMergePrg | |
CTProofMgr | The PROOF manager interacts with the PROOF server coordinator to create or destroy a PROOF session, attach to or detach from existing one, and to monitor any client activity on the cluster |
CTProofMgrLite | Basic TProofMgr functionality implementation in the case of Lite session |
►CTProofMonSender | Provides the interface for PROOF monitoring to different writers |
CTProofMonSenderSQL | TProofMonSender implementation for the SQL writers |
CTProofNodeInfo | The purpose of this class is to provide a complete node description for masters, submasters and workers |
CTProofNodes | PROOF worker node information |
CTProofOutputFile | Class to steer the merging of files produced on the workers |
CTProofOutputList | Derivation of TList with an overload of ls() and Print() allowing to filter out some of the variables |
►CTProofPerfAnalysis | Set of tools to analyse the performance tree |
►CTProofPlayer | Internal class steering processing in PROOF |
CTProofPlayerLite | Version of TProofPlayerRemote merges the functionality needed by clients and masters |
CTProofPlayerLocal | |
CTProofPlayerRemote | |
CTProofPlayerSlave | |
CTProofPlayerSuperMaster | |
CTProofProgressDialog | This class provides a query progress bar |
CTProofProgressInfo | |
CTProofProgressLog | Dialog used to display Proof session logs from the Proof progress dialog |
CTProofProgressMemoryPlot | This class implements a dialog, used to display the memory footprint on the proof workers and master |
CTProofProgressStatus | Container class for processing statistics |
CTProofQueryResult | TQueryResult version adapted to PROOF neeeds |
CTProofResources | |
CTProofResourcesStatic | The purpose of this class is to provide a standard interface to static config files |
CTProofServ | Class providing the PROOF server |
CTProofServInputHandler | |
CTProofServInterruptHandler | |
CTProofServLite | Version of the PROOF worker server for local running |
CTProofServLiteInputHandler | |
CTProofServLiteInterruptHandler | |
CTProofServLiteSegViolationHandler | |
CTProofServLiteSigPipeHandler | |
CTProofServLiteTerminationHandler | |
CTProofServLogHandler | |
CTProofServLogHandlerGuard | |
CTProofServSigPipeHandler | |
CTProofServTerminationHandler | |
CTProofSuperMaster | Implementation of TProof controlling PROOF federated clusters |
CTProofVectorContainer | |
►CTProtoClass | Persistent version of a TClass |
CTPServerSocket | |
CTPSocket | |
CTPwdCtx | |
CTPyArg | |
CTPyClassGenerator | |
CTPyDispatcher | |
CTPyReturn | |
CTPythia8 | TPythia8 is an interface class to C++ version of Pythia 8.1 event generators, written by T.Sjostrand |
CTPythia8Decayer | This class implements the TVirtualMCDecayer interface using TPythia8 |
CTPython | Accessing the Python interpreter from C++ |
CTQClass | |
CTQCommand | The Command design pattern is based on the idea, that all editing in an application is done by creating instances of command objects |
CTQConnection | TQConnection class is an internal class, used in the object communication mechanism |
CTQConnectionList | TQConnectionList is the named list of connections, see also TQConnection class |
CTQObject | This is the ROOT implementation of the Qt object communication mechanism (see also http://www.troll.no/qt/metaobjects.html) |
CTQObjSender | |
CTQpDataBase | Data for the general QP formulation |
CTQpDataDens | Data for the dense QP formulation |
CTQpDataSparse | Data for the sparse QP formulation |
CTQpLinSolverBase | Implementation of main solver for linear systems |
CTQpLinSolverDens | Implements the aspects of the solvers for dense general QP formulation that are specific to the dense case |
CTQpLinSolverSparse | Implements the aspects of the solvers for dense general QP formulation that are specific to the dense case |
CTQpProbBase | Default general problem formulation: |
CTQpProbDens | Dense matrix problem formulation |
CTQpProbSparse | Dense matrix problem formulation |
CTQpResidual | The Residuals class calculates and stores the quantities that appear on the right-hand side of the linear systems that arise at each interior-point iteration |
CTQpSolverBase | The Solver class contains methods for monitoring and checking the convergence status of the algorithm, methods to determine the step length along a given direction, methods to define the starting point, and the solve method that implements the interior-point algorithm |
CTQpVar | Class containing the variables for the general QP formulation |
CTQSlot | Slightly modified TMethodCall class used in the object communication mechanism |
CTQSlotPool | |
CTQuaternion | Legacy CodeTQuaternion is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TQuaternion might still be a valid solution. Consider using instead ROOT::Math::Quaternion. |
CTQueryDescription | |
CTQueryResult | A container class for query results |
CTQueryResultManager | Class managing the query-result area |
CTQUndoManager | Recorder of operations for undo and redo |
CTrack | |
CTRadialGradient | |
CTrainNodeInfo | |
CTRandom | This is the base class for the ROOT Random number generators |
CTRandom1 | The Ranlux Random number generator class |
CTRandom2 | Random number generator class based on the maximally quidistributed combined Tausworthe generator by L'Ecuyer |
CTRandom3 | Random number generator class based on M |
CTRandomEngine | |
CTRandomGen | |
CTRatioPlot | Class for displaying ratios, differences and fit residuals |
CTReadEnvParser | |
CTRealData | Manages the effective list of all data members for a given class |
CTReaperTimer | |
CTRecCmdEvent | Class used for storing information about 1 commandline event |
CTRecEvent | Abstract class that defines interface for a class storing information about 1 ROOT event |
CTRecExtraEvent | Class TRecExtraEvent |
CTRecGuiEvent | Class TRecGuiEvent |
CTRecorder | Class provides direct recorder/replayer interface for a user |
CTRecorderInactive | Represents state of TRecorder just after its creation |
CTRecorderPaused | Represents state of TRecorder when replaying was paused by a user |
CTRecorderRecording | Represents state of TRecorder when recording events |
CTRecorderReplaying | Represents state of TRecorder when replaying previously recorded events |
CTRecorderState | Abstract class that defines interface for a state of recorder |
CTRecWinPair | Class used for storing of window IDs mapping |
CTRedirectOutputGuard | |
CTReentrantRWLock | An implementation of a reentrant read-write lock with a configurable internal mutex/lock (default Spin Lock) |
CTreeUtils | Different standalone functions to work with trees and tuples, not reqiuired to be a member of any class |
CTRef | Persistent Reference link to a TObject A TRef is a lightweight object pointing to any TObject |
CTRefArray | An array of references to TObjects |
CTRefArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTRefArrayProxy | A container proxy, which allows to access references stored in a TRefArray from TTree::Draw |
CTRefCnt | Definitions for TRefCnt, base class for reference counted objects |
CTRefProxy | |
CTRefTable | A TRefTable maintains the association between a referenced object and the parent object supporting this referenced object |
CTRegexp | Regular expression class |
CTRemoteObject | Protocol for browsing ROOT objects from a remote ROOT session |
CTRepeatTimer | |
CTRF1 | |
CTRint | |
CTRobustEstimator | |
CTRolke | Legacy CodeTRolke is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TRolke might still be a valid solution. Consider switching to RooStats. |
CTROOT | ROOT top level object description |
CTRootApplication | This class create the ROOT native GUI version of the ROOT application environment |
CTRootAuth | |
CTRootBrowser | This class creates a ROOT object browser, constituted by three main tabs |
CTRootBrowserCursorSwitcher | |
CTRootBrowserHistory | |
CTRootBrowserHistoryCursor | |
CTRootBrowserLite | This class creates a ROOT object browser (looking like Windows Explorer) |
CTRootCanvas | This class creates a main window with menubar, scrollbars and a drawing area |
CTRootClingCallbacks | |
CTRootContainer | |
CTRootContextMenu | This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus |
CTRootControlBar | This class provides an interface to the GUI dependent functions of the TControlBar class |
CTRootDialog | A TRootDialog is used to prompt for the arguments of an object's member function |
CTRootEmbeddedCanvas | This class creates a TGCanvas in which a TCanvas is created |
CTRootEmbeddedContainer | Utility class used by TRootEmbeddedCanvas |
CTRootGuiBuilder | |
CTRootGuiFactory | This class is a factory for ROOT GUI components |
CTRootHelpDialog | A TRootHelpDialog is used to display help text (or any text in a dialog window) |
CTRootIconBox | |
CTRootIconList | |
CTRootIOCtor | |
CTRootObjItem | |
CTRootSecContext | |
CTRootSniffer | Sniffer of ROOT objects, data provider for THttpServer |
CTRootSnifferFull | Extends TRootSniffer for many ROOT classes |
CTRootSnifferScanRec | Structure used to scan hierarchies of ROOT objects |
CTRootSnifferStore | Abstract interface for storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer |
CTRootSnifferStoreJson | Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in JSON format |
CTRootSnifferStoreXml | Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in XML format |
►CTRotation | Legacy CodeTRotation is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TRotation might still be a valid solution. Consider using instead ROOT::Math::Rotation3D. |
CTRotMatrix | Manages a detector rotation matrix |
CTRSA_fun | |
CTRWLock | |
CTRWSpinLock | An implementation of a read-write lock with an internal spin lock |
►CTRYMLTree | |
CTS3HTTPRequest | |
CTS3WebFile | A TS3WebFile is a TWebFile which retrieves the file contents from a web server implementing the REST API of the Amazon S3 protocol |
CTSAXParser | TSAXParser is a subclass of TXMLParser, it is a wraper class to libxml library |
CTSAXParserCallback | |
CTSBRepeatTimer | |
CTScatter | A TScatter is able to draw four variables scatter plot on a single plot |
CTSecContext | |
CTSecContextCleanup | |
CTSelector | A TSelector object is used by the TTree::Draw, TTree::Scan, TTree::Process to navigate in a TTree and make selections |
CTSelectorDraw | A specialized TSelector for TTree::Draw |
CTSelectorEntries | The class is derived from the ROOT class TSelector |
CTSelectorList | A TList derived class that makes sure that objects added to it are not linked to the currently open file (like histograms, eventlists and trees) |
CTSelectorScalar | Named scalar type, based on Long64_t, streamable, storable and mergeable |
CTSelEvent | Selector for PROOF I/O benchmark test |
CTSelEventGen | Selector for event file generation |
CTSelHandleDataSet | PROOF selector for file cache release |
CTSelHist | PROOF selector for CPU-intensive benchmark test |
CTSelVerifyDataSet | Selector to verify dataset in parallel on workers |
CTSemaphore | |
CTSeqCollection | Sequenceable collection abstract base class |
CTServerSocket | |
CTSessionDescription | |
CTSessionDialogs | This file defines several dialogs that are used by TSessionViewer |
CTSessionFrame | |
CTSessionInputFrame | |
CTSessionLogView | Dialog used to display session logs from the session viewer |
CTSessionOutputFrame | |
CTSessionQueryFrame | |
CTSessionServerFrame | |
CTSessionViewer | Widget used to manage PROOF or local sessions, PROOF connections, queries construction and results handling |
CTShape | This is the base class for all geometry shapes |
CTShutdownTimer | |
CTSignalHandler | |
CTSimpleAnalysis | A TSimpleAnalysis object creates histograms from a TChain |
CTSingleShotCleaner | |
CTSlave | Class describing a PROOF worker server |
CTSlaveInfo | |
CTSlaveLite | Version of TSlave for local worker servers |
CTSlider | A specialized TPad including a TSliderBox object |
CTSliderBox | The moving box in a TSlider |
CTSocket | |
CTSocketHandler | |
CTSortedList | A sorted doubly linked list |
CTSpectrum | Advanced Spectra Processing |
CTSpectrum2 | Advanced 2-dimensional spectra processing |
CTSpectrum2Fit | Advanced 2-dimensional spectra fitting functions |
CTSpectrum2Painter | Legacy CodeTSpectrum2Painter is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TSpectrum2Painter might still be a valid solution. |
CTSpectrum2Transform | Advanced 2-dimensional orthogonal transform functions |
CTSpectrum3 | Advanced 3-dimensional spectra processing functions |
CTSpectrumFit | Advanced 1-dimensional spectra fitting functions |
CTSpectrumTransform | Advanced 1-dimensional orthogonal transform functions |
CTSPHE | A Sphere |
CTSpider | Spider class |
CTSpiderEditor | The TSpider editor class |
CTSpline | Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods |
CTSpline3 | Class to create third splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives at beginning and ending points |
CTSpline5 | Class to create quintic natural splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives using double knots (see BuildCoeff) for more on this |
CTSplinePoly | Base class for TSpline knot |
CTSplinePoly3 | Class for TSpline3 knot |
CTSplinePoly5 | Class for TSpline5 knot |
CTSPlot | Legacy CodeTSPlot is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TSPlot might still be a valid solution. |
CTSQLClassColumnInfo | |
CTSQLClassInfo | Contains information about tables specific to one class and version |
CTSqlCmdsBuffer | |
CTSQLColumnData | |
CTSQLColumnInfo | |
CTSQLFile | Access an SQL db via the TFile interface |
CTSQLiteResult | |
CTSQLiteRow | |
CTSQLiteServer | |
CTSQLiteStatement | |
CTSQLMonitoringWriter | |
CTSQLObjectData | TSQLObjectData is used in TBufferSQL2 class in reading procedure |
CTSQLObjectDataPool | XML object keeper class |
CTSQLObjectInfo | Info (classname, version) about object in database |
CTSqlRawBuffer | |
CTSqlRegistry | |
CTSQLResult | |
CTSQLRow | |
CTSQLServer | |
CTSQLStatement | |
CTSQLStructure | This is hierarchical structure, which is created when data is written by TBufferSQL2 |
CTSQLTableData | |
CTSQLTableInfo | |
CTSSLSocket | |
CTStatistic | Statistical variable, defined by its mean and variance (RMS) |
CTStatsFeedback | Utility class to display PROOF stats feedback histos during queries |
CTStatus | This class holds the status of an ongoing operation and collects error messages |
CTStatusBitsChecker | TStatusBitsChecker::Check and TStatusBitsChecker::CheckAllClasses will determine if the set of "status bit" declared in the class and its base classes presents any overlap |
CTStdExceptionHandler | |
CTStopTimer | |
CTStopwatch | Stopwatch class |
CTStorage | Storage manager |
CTStreamerArtificial | |
CTStreamerBase | |
CTStreamerBasicPointer | |
CTStreamerBasicType | |
CTStreamerElement | |
►CTStreamerInfo | Describes a persistent version of a class |
CTStreamerLoop | |
CTStreamerObject | |
CTStreamerObjectAny | |
CTStreamerObjectAnyPointer | |
CTStreamerObjectPointer | |
CTStreamerSTL | |
CTStreamerSTLstring | |
CTStreamerString | |
►CTString | Basic string class |
CTStringLong | ATTENTION: this class is obsolete |
CTStringToken | Provides iteration through tokens of a given string |
CTStructNode | |
CTStructNodeEditor | |
CTStructNodeProperty | |
CTStructViewer | |
CTStructViewerGUI | |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
CTStyleDialog | This small class is useful to ask the user for a name and a title, in order to rename a style, create a new style or import a style from a canvas |
CTStyleManager | This class provides a Graphical User Interface to manage styles in ROOT |
CTStylePreview | This class may be used to preview the result of applying a style to a canvas |
CTSubString | A zero length substring is legal |
CTSVDUnfold | SVD Approach to Data Unfolding |
CTSVG | Interface to SVG |
CTSynapse | This is a simple weighted bidirectional connection between two neurons |
CTSysEvtHandler | Abstract base class for handling system events |
CTSystem | Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying Operating System |
CTSystemDirectory | Describes an Operating System directory for the browser |
CTSystemFile | A TSystemFile describes an operating system file |
CTTabCom | |
CTTableRange | |
CTTask | Legacy CodeTTask is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TTask might still be a valid solution. |
CTTermInputHandler | |
CTTeXDump | Interface to TeX |
CTText | Base class for several text objects |
CTTextEditor | Editor for changing TText's and TLatex's attributes |
►CTTF | Interface to the freetype 2 library |
CTTFX11Init | Small utility class that takes care of switching the current gVirtualX to the new TGX11TTF class as soon as the shared library containing this class is loaded |
CTThread | Legacy CodeTThread is a legacy interface: there will be no bug fixes nor new developments. Therefore it is not recommended to use it in new long-term production code. But, depending on the context, using TThread might still be a valid solution. |
CTThreadCleaner | |
CTThreadFactory | |
CTThreadImp | |
CTThreadPool | |
CTThreadPoolTask | |
CTThreadPoolTaskImp | |
CTThreadTearDownGuard | |
CTThreadTimer | |
CTTime | Basic time type with millisecond precision |
CTTimeOutTimer | |
CTTimer | Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events |
CTTimeStamp | The TTimeStamp encapsulates seconds and ns since EPOCH |
CTTipDelayTimer | |
CTToggle | This class defines toggling facility for both - object's method or variables |
CTToggleGroup | This class defines check-box facility for TToggle objects It is used in context menu "selectors" for picking up a value |
CTTRAP | A general trapezoid |
CTTRD1 | A trapezoid with the x dimension varying along z |
CTTRD2 | A trapezoid with both x and y dimensions varying along z |
►CTTree | A TTree represents a columnar dataset |
CTTreeBrowsingElement | |
►CTTreeCache | A cache to speed-up the reading of ROOT datasets |
►CTTreeCacheUnzip | A TTreeCache which exploits parallelized decompression of its own content |
►CTTreeCloner | Class implementing or helping the various TTree cloning method |
CTTreeDrawArgsParser | A class that parses all parameters for TTree::Draw() |
CTTreeDrawMonitoring | |
CTTreeElement | Representing TTree in browsables |
►CTTreeFormula | Used to pass a selection expression to the Tree drawing routine |
CTTreeFormulaManager | Used to coordinate one or more TTreeFormula objects |
CTTreeFriendLeafIter | Iterator on all the leaves in a TTree and its friend |
CTTreeIndex | A Tree Index with majorname and minorname |
CTTreeInput | Tree Input Dialog Widget |
►CTTreePerfStats | TTree I/O performance measurement |
CTTreePlayer | Implement some of the functionality of the class TTree requiring access to extra libraries (Histogram, display, etc) |
►CTTreeReader | A simple, robust and fast interface to read values from ROOT columnar datasets such as TTree, TChain or TNtuple |
►CTTreeReaderArray | An interface for reading collections stored in ROOT columnar datasets |
CTTreeReaderValue | An interface for reading values stored in ROOT columnar datasets |
CTTreeReaderValueFast | Extracts data from a TTree |
CTTreeResult | Class defining interface to a TTree query result with the same interface as for SQL databases |
CTTreeRow | Class defining interface to a row of a TTree query result |
CTTreeSQL | A TTree object is a list of TBranch |
CTTreeTableInterface | TTreeTableInterface is used to interface to data that is stored in a TTree |
CTTreeView | A helper class that encapsulates a file and a tree |
CTTreeViewer | A graphic user interface designed to handle ROOT trees and to take advantage of TTree class features |
CTTUBE | A tube |
CTTUBS | A segment of a tube |
CTTVLVContainer | This class represent the list view container for the TreeView class |
CTTVLVEntry | This class represent entries that goes into the TreeViewer listview container |
CTTVRecord | I/O classes for TreeViewer session handling |
CTTVSession | I/O classes for TreeViewer session handling |
CTubeMesh | |
CTubeSegMesh | |
CTUDPSocket | |
CTUnfold | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level |
CTUnfoldBinning | Binning schemes for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity |
CTUnfoldBinningXML | XML interfate to binning schemes, for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity |
CTUnfoldDensity | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level |
CTUnfoldIterativeEM | |
CTUnfoldSys | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level, with background subtraction and propagation of systematic uncertainties |
CTUnixSystem | |
CTUnuran | TUnuran class |
CTUnuranBaseDist | TUnuranBaseDist, base class for Unuran distribution classes such as TUnuranContDist (for one-dimension) or TUnuranMultiContDist (multi-dimension) |
CTUnuranContDist | TUnuranContDist class describing one dimensional continuous distribution |
CTUnuranDiscrDist | TUnuranDiscrDist class for one dimensional discrete distribution |
CTUnuranEmpDist | TUnuranEmpDist class for describing empirical distributions |
CTUnuranMultiContDist | TUnuranMultiContDist class describing multi dimensional continuous distributions |
CTUnuranSampler | TUnuranSampler class class implementing the ROOT::Math::DistSampler interface using the UNU.RAN package for sampling distributions |
CTUploadDataSetDlg | |
CTUri | This class represents a RFC 3986 compatible URI |
CTUrl | This class represents a WWW compatible URL |
CTUsrHit | |
CTUsrHitBuffer | |
CTUsrSevtData1 | |
CTUsrSevtData2 | |
CTUtmpContent | |
►CTUUID | This class defines a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier) |
CTVector2 | |
CTVector3 | |
CTVectorT | TVectorT |
CTVersionCheck | Used to check if the shared library or plugin is compatible with the current version of ROOT |
CTView | See TView3D |
CTView3D | The 3D view class |
CTViewer3DPad | Provides 3D viewer interface (TVirtualViewer3D) support on a pad |
CTViewPubDataMembers | View implementing the TList interface and giving access all the TDictionary describing public data members in a class and all its base classes without caching any of the TDictionary pointers |
CTViewPubDataMembersIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTViewPubFunctions | View implementing the TList interface and giving access all the TFunction describing public methods in a class and all its base classes without caching any of the TFunction pointers |
CTViewPubFunctionsIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTViewTimer | |
CTViewUpdateTimer | |
CTVirtualArray | Wrapper around an object and giving indirect access to its content even if the object is not of a class in the Cint/Reflex dictionary |
CTVirtualAuth | |
CTVirtualBranchBrowsable | TVirtualBranchBrowsable is a base class (not really abstract, but useless by itself) for helper objects that extend TBranch's browsing support |
CTVirtualCollectionIterators | Small helper class to generically acquire and release iterators |
►CTVirtualCollectionProxy | Defines a common interface to inspect/change the contents of an object that represents a collection |
►CTVirtualCollectionPtrIterators | |
CTVirtualDragManager | |
CTVirtualFFT | TVirtualFFT is an interface class for Fast Fourier Transforms |
CTVirtualFitter | Abstract Base Class for Fitting |
CTVirtualGeoConverter | Abstract class for geometry converters |
CTVirtualGeoPainter | Abstract class for geometry painters |
CTVirtualGeoTrack | Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
CTVirtualGL | Abstract base class defining the OpenGL interface protocol |
CTVirtualGLManip | |
CTVirtualGLPainter | |
CTVirtualGraphPainter | Abstract interface to a histogram painter |
CTVirtualHistPainter | Abstract interface to a histogram painter |
CTVirtualIndex | Abstract interface for Tree Index |
CTVirtualIsAProxy | |
CTVirtualMagField | Abstract class for magnetic field |
CTVirtualMapFile | Abstract base class for TMapFile |
CTVirtualMCDecayer | Abstract base class for particle decays |
CTVirtualMonitoring | Provides the interface for externel Monitoring |
CTVirtualMonitoringReader | |
CTVirtualMonitoringWriter | |
CTVirtualMutex | This class implements a mutex interface |
CTVirtualObject | Wrapper around an object and giving indirect access to its content even if the object is not of a class in the Cint/Reflex dictionary |
►CTVirtualPacketizer | The packetizer is a load balancing object created for each query |
►CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
CTVirtualPadEditor | Abstract base class used by ROOT graphics editor |
CTVirtualPadPainter | To make it possible to use GL for 2D graphic in a TPad/TCanvas |
CTVirtualPaveStats | |
CTVirtualPerfStats | Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing |
CTVirtualProofPlayer | Abstract interface for the PROOF player |
CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
CTVirtualQConnection | Mediates the link between the signal and the slot |
CTVirtualRefProxy | |
CTVirtualStreamerInfo | Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class |
CTVirtualTableInterface | |
CTVirtualTreePlayer | Abstract base class defining the interface for the plugins that implement Draw, Scan, Process, MakeProxy, etc |
CTVirtualVectorIterators | |
CTVirtualViewer3D | Abstract 3D shapes viewer |
CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
CTWbox | A TBox with a bordersize and a bordermode |
CTWebArgsMenuItem | |
►CTWebCanvas | Basic TCanvasImp ABI implementation for Web-based Graphics Provides painting of main ROOT classes in web browsers using JSROOT |
CTWebCanvasTimer | |
CTWebCheckedMenuItem | |
CTWebControlBar | Web-based implementation for TControlBar class |
CTWebFile | |
CTWebMenuArgument | |
CTWebMenuItem | Class contains info for producing menu item on the JS side |
CTWebMenuItems | |
CTWebObjectOptions | Class used to transport drawing options from the client |
CTWebPadClick | Class used to transport pad click events |
CTWebPadOptions | Class used to transport ranges from JSROOT canvas |
CTWebPadPainter | Implement TVirtualPadPainter which abstracts painting operations |
CTWebPainting | Object used to store paint operations and deliver them to JSROOT |
CTWebPalette | |
CTWebPS | |
CTWebSnapshot | Paint state of object to transfer to JavaScript side |
CTWebSocket | |
CTWebSystem | |
CTWin32Condition | |
CTWin32Mutex | |
CTWin32SplashThread | |
CTWin32Thread | |
CTWin32ThreadCleanUp | |
CTWin32ThreadFactory | |
CTWinNTSystem | |
CTWriteEnvParser | |
►CTX11GLManager | The TX11GLManager is X11 implementation of TGLManager |
CTXMLAttr | TXMLAttribute is the attribute of an Element |
CTXMLDocument | TXMLDocument contains a pointer to an xmlDoc structure, after the parser returns a tree built during the document analysis |
CTXMLEngine | |
CTXMLEntity | |
CTXMLFile | |
CTXMLInputStream | |
CTXMLNode | TXMLNode contains a pointer to xmlNode, which is a node under the DOM tree |
CTXMLOutputStream | |
CTXMLParser | TXMLParser is an abstract class which interfaces with Libxml2 |
CTXMLPlayer | |
CTXMLSetup | |
CTXMLStackObj | |
CTXTRU | A poly-extrusion |
CTypeTraits | |
CTZIPFile | Describes a ZIP archive file containing multiple sub-files |
CTZIPMember | A ZIP archive consists of files compressed with the popular ZLIB compression algorithm; this class records the information about a single archive member |
CUnuranRng | UnuranRng class for interface ROOT random generators to Unuran |
Cusa | |
CUserGroup_t | |
CValue | |
CVariableSelectionRule | |
Cvec | |
CVecTVecDouble | |
CVecVecDouble | |
CVisual | |
CWebFont_t | |
Cwebsocket_client_thread_data | |
CWindowAttributes_t | Window attributes that can be inquired |
C<X11Drawable> | |
C<X11Window> | |
CXColor | |
CXColor_t | Description of a X11 color |
CXGCValues | |
CXImage | |
CXLFDAttributes_t | |
►CXMLReader | |
CXorDrawingView | |
CXorDrawingWindow | |
CXpmAttributes | |
CxRooProjectedPdf | |
CXSetWindowAttributes | |
CXShapeEvent | |
CXVisualInfo | |
CXWindow_t | Description of a X11 window |
CZeroMQPoller | Wrapper class for polling ZeroMQ sockets |
CZeroMQSvc | Wrapper class for basic ZeroMQ context and socket management |
CZmqLingeringSocketPtrDeleter |