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ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel Class Reference

Definition at line 37 of file RFitPanel.hxx.


struct  FitRes

Public Member Functions

 RFitPanel (const std::string &title="Fit panel")
 ~RFitPanel ()
void AssignCanvas (const std::string &cname)
void AssignCanvas (std::shared_ptr< RCanvas > &canv)
 assign canvas to use for drawing results of fitting or showing fitpanel itself
void AssignHistogram (const std::string &hname)
 Assign histogram name to use with fit panel - it should be available in gDirectory.
void AssignHistogram (std::shared_ptr< RH1D > &hist)
 assign histogram for fitting
void AssignHistogram (TH1 *hist)
 Assign histogram to use with fit panel - without ownership.
void ClearOnClose (const std::shared_ptr< void > &handle)
 Set handle which will be cleared when connection is closed.
std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindowGetWindow ()
 Returns RWebWindow instance, used to display FitPanel.
void Hide ()
 hide FitPanel
void Show (const RWebDisplayArgs &args="")
 show FitPanel in specified place

Private Member Functions

TF1copyTF1 (TF1 *f)
 Copies f into a new TF1 to be stored in the fitpanel with it's own ownership.
bool DoDraw ()
 Perform drawing using current model settings Returns true if any action was done.
bool DoFit ()
 Perform fitting using current model settings Returns true if any action was done.
void DoPadUpdate (TPad *pad)
 Mark pad modified and do update For web canvas set async mode first to avoid blocking here.
TFitResultFindFitResult (const std::string &funcid)
 Creates new instance to make fitting.
TF1FindFunction (const std::string &funcid)
 Search for existing functions, ownership still belongs to FitPanel or global lists.
Color_t GetColor (const std::string &colorid)
 Extract color from string Should be coded as #ff00ff string.
TPadGetDrawPad (TObject *obj, bool force=false)
 Returns pad where histogram is drawn If canvas not exists, create new one.
std::unique_ptr< TF1GetFitFunction (const std::string &funcid)
 Creates new instance to make fitting.
RFitPanelModel::EFitObjectType GetFitObjectType (TObject *obj)
 Returns kind of object.
void GetFunctionsFromSystem ()
 Looks for all the functions registered in the current ROOT session.
TObjectGetSelectedObject (const std::string &objid)
 Returns object based on it string id Searches either in gDirectory or in internal panel list.
TObjectMakeConfidenceLevels (TFitResult *res)
 Create confidence levels drawing tab.
RFitPanelModelmodel ()
 Return reference on model object Model created if was not exists before.
void ProcessData (unsigned connid, const std::string &arg)
 Process data from FitPanel OpenUI5-based FitPanel sends commands or status changes.
void SelectFunction (const std::string &funcid)
 Select fit function.
void SelectObject (const std::string &objid)
 Select object for fitting.
void SendModel ()
 Send model object to the client.
void UpdateDataSet ()
 Update list of available data.
void UpdateFunctionsList ()
 Update list of available functions.
int UpdateModel (const std::string &json)
 Update fit model returns -1 if JSON fails return 0 if nothing large changed return 1 if important selection are changed and client need to be updated.

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< RCanvasfCanvas
 ! v7 canvas used to display results
std::string fCanvName
 ! v6 canvas name used to display fit, will be created if not exists
unsigned fConnId {0}
 ! client connection id
std::shared_ptr< RH1DfFitHist
 ! v7 histogram for fitting
std::unique_ptr< RFitPanelModelfModel
std::vector< TObject * > fObjects
 ! objects provided directly to panel for fitting
std::string fPadName
 ! v6 pad name in the canvas, where object is (was) drawn
std::list< FitResfPrevRes
 ! all previous functions used for fitting
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TF1 > > fSystemFuncs
 ! local copy of all internal system funcs
std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindowfWindow
 ! configured display

#include <ROOT/RFitPanel.hxx>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RFitPanel()

RFitPanel::RFitPanel ( const std::string &  title = "Fit panel")


Definition at line 83 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ ~RFitPanel()

RFitPanel::~RFitPanel ( )


Definition at line 93 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AssignCanvas() [1/2]

void ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::AssignCanvas ( const std::string &  cname)

Definition at line 109 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ AssignCanvas() [2/2]

void RFitPanel::AssignCanvas ( std::shared_ptr< RCanvas > &  canv)

assign canvas to use for drawing results of fitting or showing fitpanel itself

Definition at line 330 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ AssignHistogram() [1/3]

void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram ( const std::string &  hname)

Assign histogram name to use with fit panel - it should be available in gDirectory.

Definition at line 321 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ AssignHistogram() [2/3]

void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram ( std::shared_ptr< RH1D > &  hist)

assign histogram for fitting

Definition at line 342 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ AssignHistogram() [3/3]

void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram ( TH1 hist)

Assign histogram to use with fit panel - without ownership.

Definition at line 312 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ ClearOnClose()

void RFitPanel::ClearOnClose ( const std::shared_ptr< void > &  handle)

Set handle which will be cleared when connection is closed.

Definition at line 990 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ copyTF1()

TF1 * RFitPanel::copyTF1 ( TF1 f)

Copies f into a new TF1 to be stored in the fitpanel with it's own ownership.

This is taken from Fit::StoreAndDrawFitFunction in HFitImpl.cxx

Definition at line 554 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ DoDraw()

bool RFitPanel::DoDraw ( )

Perform drawing using current model settings Returns true if any action was done.

Definition at line 872 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ DoFit()

bool RFitPanel::DoFit ( )

Perform fitting using current model settings Returns true if any action was done.

Definition at line 693 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ DoPadUpdate()

void RFitPanel::DoPadUpdate ( TPad pad)

Mark pad modified and do update For web canvas set async mode first to avoid blocking here.

Definition at line 978 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ FindFitResult()

TFitResult * RFitPanel::FindFitResult ( const std::string &  funcid)

Creates new instance to make fitting.

Definition at line 464 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ FindFunction()

TF1 * RFitPanel::FindFunction ( const std::string &  funcid)

Search for existing functions, ownership still belongs to FitPanel or global lists.

Definition at line 440 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetColor()

Color_t RFitPanel::GetColor ( const std::string &  colorid)

Extract color from string Should be coded as #ff00ff string.

Definition at line 791 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetDrawPad()

TPad * RFitPanel::GetDrawPad ( TObject obj,
bool  force = false 

Returns pad where histogram is drawn If canvas not exists, create new one.

Definition at line 632 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetFitFunction()

std::unique_ptr< TF1 > RFitPanel::GetFitFunction ( const std::string &  funcid)

Creates new instance to make fitting.

Definition at line 480 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetFitObjectType()

RFitPanelModel::EFitObjectType RFitPanel::GetFitObjectType ( TObject obj)

Returns kind of object.

Definition at line 249 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetFunctionsFromSystem()

void RFitPanel::GetFunctionsFromSystem ( )

Looks for all the functions registered in the current ROOT session.

Definition at line 595 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetSelectedObject()

TObject * RFitPanel::GetSelectedObject ( const std::string &  objid)

Returns object based on it string id Searches either in gDirectory or in internal panel list.

Definition at line 230 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ GetWindow()

std::shared_ptr< ROOT::RWebWindow > RFitPanel::GetWindow ( )

Returns RWebWindow instance, used to display FitPanel.

Definition at line 101 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ Hide()

void RFitPanel::Hide ( )

hide FitPanel

Hide FitPanel.

Definition at line 358 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ MakeConfidenceLevels()

TObject * RFitPanel::MakeConfidenceLevels ( TFitResult result)

Create confidence levels drawing tab.

Then it call Virtual Fitter to perform it.

Definition at line 802 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ model()

RFitPanelModel & RFitPanel::model ( )

Return reference on model object Model created if was not exists before.

Definition at line 369 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ ProcessData()

void RFitPanel::ProcessData ( unsigned  connid,
const std::string &  arg 

Process data from FitPanel OpenUI5-based FitPanel sends commands or status changes.

Definition at line 394 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ SelectFunction()

void RFitPanel::SelectFunction ( const std::string &  funcid)

Select fit function.

Definition at line 302 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ SelectObject()

void RFitPanel::SelectObject ( const std::string &  objid)

Select object for fitting.

Definition at line 151 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ SendModel()

void RFitPanel::SendModel ( )

Send model object to the client.

Definition at line 382 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ Show()

void RFitPanel::Show ( const RWebDisplayArgs args = "")

show FitPanel in specified place

Show FitPanel.

Definition at line 350 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ UpdateDataSet()

void RFitPanel::UpdateDataSet ( )

Update list of available data.

Definition at line 129 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ UpdateFunctionsList()

void RFitPanel::UpdateFunctionsList ( )

Update list of available functions.

Definition at line 275 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

◆ UpdateModel()

int RFitPanel::UpdateModel ( const std::string &  json)

Update fit model returns -1 if JSON fails return 0 if nothing large changed return 1 if important selection are changed and client need to be updated.

Definition at line 517 of file RFitPanel.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fCanvas

std::shared_ptr<RCanvas> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fCanvas

! v7 canvas used to display results

Definition at line 45 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fCanvName

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fCanvName

! v6 canvas name used to display fit, will be created if not exists

Definition at line 42 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fConnId

unsigned ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fConnId {0}

! client connection id

Definition at line 49 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fFitHist

std::shared_ptr<RH1D> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fFitHist

! v7 histogram for fitting

Definition at line 46 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fModel

std::unique_ptr<RFitPanelModel> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fModel

Definition at line 39 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fObjects

std::vector<TObject*> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fObjects

! objects provided directly to panel for fitting

Definition at line 41 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fPadName

std::string ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fPadName

! v6 pad name in the canvas, where object is (was) drawn

Definition at line 43 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fPrevRes

std::list<FitRes> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fPrevRes

! all previous functions used for fitting

Definition at line 62 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fSystemFuncs

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TF1> > ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fSystemFuncs

! local copy of all internal system funcs

Definition at line 51 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

◆ fWindow

std::shared_ptr<ROOT::RWebWindow> ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel::fWindow

! configured display

Definition at line 48 of file RFitPanel.hxx.

Libraries for ROOT::Experimental::RFitPanel:

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