► bindings | |
► pyroot | |
► cppyy | |
► cppyy | |
► bench | |
functioncalls.cxx | |
functioncalls.h | |
functioncalls_main.cxx | |
py11_functioncalls.cxx | |
runvector.cxx | |
runvector.h | |
runvector_main.cxx | |
► cppyy-backend | |
► cling | |
► tests | |
test_cppyy_backend.h | |
► clingwrapper | |
► src | |
callcontext.h | |
capi.h | |
clingwrapper.cxx | |
clingwrapper.h | |
cpp_cppyy.h | |
cppyy.h | |
precommondefs.h | |
► CPyCppyy | |
► include | |
► CPyCppyy | |
API.h | |
CommonDefs.h | |
DispatchPtr.h | |
PyException.h | |
PyResult.h | |
Reflex.h | |
TPyArg.h | |
► src | |
API.cxx | |
CallContext.cxx | |
CallContext.h | |
Converters.cxx | |
Converters.h | |
CPPClassMethod.cxx | |
CPPClassMethod.h | |
CPPConstructor.cxx | |
CPPConstructor.h | |
CPPDataMember.cxx | |
CPPDataMember.h | |
CPPEnum.cxx | |
CPPEnum.h | |
CPPExcInstance.cxx | |
CPPExcInstance.h | |
CPPFunction.cxx | |
CPPFunction.h | |
CPPGetSetItem.cxx | |
CPPGetSetItem.h | |
CPPInstance.cxx | |
CPPInstance.h | |
CPPMethod.cxx | |
CPPMethod.h | |
CPPOperator.cxx | |
CPPOperator.h | |
CPPOverload.cxx | |
CPPOverload.h | |
CPPScope.cxx | |
CPPScope.h | |
Cppyy.h | |
CPyCppyy.h | |
CPyCppyyModule.cxx | |
CustomPyTypes.cxx | |
CustomPyTypes.h | |
DeclareConverters.h | |
DeclareExecutors.h | |
Dimensions.h | |
Dispatcher.cxx | |
Dispatcher.h | |
DispatchPtr.cxx | |
Executors.cxx | |
Executors.h | |
LowLevelViews.cxx | |
LowLevelViews.h | |
MemoryRegulator.cxx | |
MemoryRegulator.h | |
ProxyWrappers.cxx | |
ProxyWrappers.h | |
PyCallable.h | |
PyException.cxx | |
PyObjectDir27.inc | |
PyResult.cxx | |
PyStrings.cxx | |
PyStrings.h | |
Pythonize.cxx | |
Pythonize.h | |
SignalTryCatch.h | |
TemplateProxy.cxx | |
TemplateProxy.h | |
TPyArg.cxx | |
TPyClassGenerator.cxx | |
TPyClassGenerator.h | |
TupleOfInstances.cxx | |
TupleOfInstances.h | |
TypeManip.cxx | |
TypeManip.h | |
Utility.cxx | |
Utility.h | |
► pythonizations | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TPyDispatcher.h | |
► python | |
► ROOT | |
► _pythonization | |
__init__.py | |
► src | |
CPPInstancePyz.cxx | |
GenericPyz.cxx | |
IOHandler.cxx | |
PyROOTModule.cxx | |
PyROOTPythonize.h | |
RPyROOTApplication.cxx | |
RPyROOTApplication.h | |
TClassPyz.cxx | |
TObjectPyz.cxx | |
TPyDispatcher.cxx | |
TTreePyz.cxx | |
► r | |
► doc | |
users-guide | |
► inc | |
RExports.h | |
TRDataFrame.h | |
TRDataFrame__ctors.h | |
TRFunctionExport.h | |
TRFunctionImport.h | |
TRFunctionImport__oprtr.h | |
TRInterface.h | |
TRInterface_Binding.h | |
TRInternalFunction.h | |
TRInternalFunction__ctors.h | |
TRObject.h | |
► src | |
RExports.cxx | |
TRCompletion.cxx | |
TRCompletion.h | |
TRDataFrame.cxx | |
TRFunctionExport.cxx | |
TRFunctionImport.cxx | |
TRInterface.cxx | |
TRObject.cxx | |
► tests | |
Binding.C | |
Class.C | |
DataFrame.C | |
Exception.C | |
ExpClass.C | |
Functions.C | |
Functor.C | |
FunModule.C | |
Object.C | |
Proxy.C | |
► tpython | |
► inc | |
TPyArg.h | |
TPyClassGenerator.h | |
TPyReturn.h | |
TPython.h | |
► src | |
TPyArg.cxx | |
TPyClassGenerator.cxx | |
TPyReturn.cxx | |
TPython.cxx | |
► core | |
► base | |
► doc | |
► macros | |
fillpatterns.C | |
fonts.C | |
textalign.C | |
textangle.C | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
EExecutionPolicy.hxx | |
StringConv.hxx | |
TErrorDefaultHandler.hxx | |
TExecutorCRTP.hxx | |
TSequentialExecutor.hxx | |
Bswapcpy.h | |
Buttons.h | |
Bytes.h | |
Byteswap.h | |
GLConstants.h | |
Gtypes.h | |
Htypes.h | |
KeySymbols.h | |
Match.h | |
MessageTypes.h | |
RConfig.h | |
Riostream.h | |
Rpair.h | |
RStipples.h | |
Rtypes.h | |
RtypesImp.h | |
Strlen.h | |
TApplication.h | |
TAtt3D.h | |
TAttAxis.h | |
TAttBBox.h | |
TAttBBox2D.h | |
TAttFill.h | |
TAttLine.h | |
TAttMarker.h | |
TAttPad.h | |
TAttText.h | |
TBase64.h | |
TBenchmark.h | |
TBuffer.h | |
TBuffer3D.h | |
TBuffer3DTypes.h | |
TColor.h | |
TColorGradient.h | |
TDatime.h | |
TDirectory.h | |
TEnv.h | |
TException.h | |
TExec.h | |
TFileCollection.h | |
TFileInfo.h | |
TFolder.h | |
TInetAddress.h | |
TMacro.h | |
TMathBase.h | |
TMD5.h | |
TMemberInspector.h | |
TMessageHandler.h | |
TNamed.h | |
TNotifyLink.h | |
TObject.h | |
TObjString.h | |
TParameter.h | |
TPluginManager.h | |
TPoint.h | |
TPRegexp.h | |
TProcessID.h | |
TProcessUUID.h | |
TQClass.h | |
TQCommand.h | |
TQConnection.h | |
TQObject.h | |
TRedirectOutputGuard.h | |
TRef.h | |
TRefCnt.h | |
TRegexp.h | |
TRemoteObject.h | |
TROOT.h | |
TRootIOCtor.h | |
TStopwatch.h | |
TStorage.h | |
TString.h | |
TStringLong.h | |
TStyle.h | |
TSysEvtHandler.h | |
TSystem.h | |
TSystemDirectory.h | |
TSystemFile.h | |
TTask.h | |
TThreadSlots.h | |
TTime.h | |
TTimer.h | |
TTimeStamp.h | |
TUri.h | |
TUrl.h | |
TUUID.h | |
TVersionCheck.h | |
TVirtualAuth.h | |
TVirtualFFT.h | |
TVirtualGL.h | |
TVirtualMapFile.h | |
TVirtualMonitoring.h | |
TVirtualMutex.h | |
TVirtualPad.h | |
TVirtualPadEditor.h | |
TVirtualPadPainter.h | |
TVirtualPerfStats.h | |
TVirtualPS.h | |
TVirtualQConnection.h | |
TVirtualRWMutex.h | |
TVirtualTableInterface.h | |
TVirtualViewer3D.h | |
TVirtualX.h | |
Varargs.h | |
► src | |
Match.cxx | |
root-argparse.py | |
roota.cxx | |
String.cxx | |
Stringio.cxx | |
TApplication.cxx | |
TAtt3D.cxx | |
TAttAxis.cxx | |
TAttBBox.cxx | |
TAttBBox2D.cxx | |
TAttFill.cxx | |
TAttLine.cxx | |
TAttMarker.cxx | |
TAttPad.cxx | |
TAttText.cxx | |
TBase64.cxx | |
TBenchmark.cxx | |
TBuffer.cxx | |
TBuffer3D.cxx | |
TColor.cxx | |
TColorGradient.cxx | |
TDatime.cxx | |
TDirectory.cxx | |
TEnv.cxx | |
TErrorDefaultHandler.cxx | |
TException.cxx | |
TExec.cxx | |
TFileCollection.cxx | |
TFileInfo.cxx | |
TFolder.cxx | |
TInetAddress.cxx | |
TListOfTypes.cxx | |
TListOfTypes.h | |
TMacro.cxx | |
TMathBase.cxx | |
TMD5.cxx | |
TMemberInspector.cxx | |
TMessageHandler.cxx | |
TNamed.cxx | |
TObject.cxx | |
TObjString.cxx | |
TParameter.cxx | |
TPluginManager.cxx | |
TPRegexp.cxx | |
TProcessID.cxx | |
TProcessUUID.cxx | |
TQCommand.cxx | |
TQConnection.cxx | |
TQObject.cxx | |
TRef.cxx | |
TRefCnt.cxx | |
TRegexp.cxx | |
TRemoteObject.cxx | |
TROOT.cxx | |
TStopwatch.cxx | |
TStorage.cxx | |
TString.cxx | |
TStringLong.cxx | |
TStyle.cxx | |
TSysEvtHandler.cxx | |
TSystem.cxx | |
TSystemDirectory.cxx | |
TSystemFile.cxx | |
TTask.cxx | |
TTime.cxx | |
TTimer.cxx | |
TTimeStamp.cxx | |
TUri.cxx | |
TUrl.cxx | |
TUUID.cxx | |
TVirtualFFT.cxx | |
TVirtualGL.cxx | |
TVirtualMonitoring.cxx | |
TVirtualMutex.cxx | |
TVirtualPad.cxx | |
TVirtualPadEditor.cxx | |
TVirtualPadPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualPerfStats.cxx | |
TVirtualPS.cxx | |
TVirtualViewer3D.cxx | |
TVirtualX.cxx | |
► v7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RDirectory.hxx | |
RDirectoryEntry.hxx | |
RFloat16.hxx | |
RIndexIter.hxx | |
► src | |
RDirectory.cxx | |
► clingutils | |
► inc | |
root_std_complex.h | |
► res | |
RStl.h | |
TClingUtils.h | |
► src | |
complexLinkdef.h | |
dequeLinkdef.h | |
forward_listLinkdef.h | |
listLinkdef.h | |
map2Linkdef.h | |
mapLinkdef.h | |
multimap2Linkdef.h | |
multimapLinkdef.h | |
multisetLinkdef.h | |
RStl.cxx | |
setLinkdef.h | |
stlLoader.cc | |
TClingUtils.cxx | |
unordered_mapLinkdef.h | |
unordered_multimapLinkdef.h | |
unordered_multisetLinkdef.h | |
unordered_setLinkdef.h | |
valarrayLinkdef.h | |
vectorLinkdef.h | |
► cont | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
TSeq.hxx | |
TArray.h | |
TArrayC.h | |
TArrayD.h | |
TArrayF.h | |
TArrayI.h | |
TArrayL.h | |
TArrayL64.h | |
TArrayS.h | |
TBits.h | |
TBtree.h | |
TClassTable.h | |
TClonesArray.h | |
TCollection.h | |
TCollectionProxyInfo.h | |
TExMap.h | |
THashList.h | |
THashTable.h | |
TIterator.h | |
TList.h | |
TMap.h | |
TObjArray.h | |
TObjectTable.h | |
TOrdCollection.h | |
TRefArray.h | |
TRefTable.h | |
TSeqCollection.h | |
TSortedList.h | |
TVirtualCollectionProxy.h | |
► src | |
TArray.cxx | |
TArrayC.cxx | |
TArrayD.cxx | |
TArrayF.cxx | |
TArrayI.cxx | |
TArrayL.cxx | |
TArrayL64.cxx | |
TArrayS.cxx | |
TBits.cxx | |
TBtree.cxx | |
TClassTable.cxx | |
TClonesArray.cxx | |
TCollection.cxx | |
TExMap.cxx | |
THashList.cxx | |
THashTable.cxx | |
TIterator.cxx | |
TList.cxx | |
TMap.cxx | |
TObjArray.cxx | |
TObjectTable.cxx | |
TOrdCollection.cxx | |
TRefArray.cxx | |
TRefTable.cxx | |
TSeqCollection.cxx | |
TSortedList.cxx | |
► dictgen | |
► res | |
BaseSelectionRule.h | |
ClassSelectionRule.h | |
cygpath.h | |
DictSelectionReader.h | Select classes and assign properties using C++ syntax |
LinkdefReader.h | |
OptionParser.h | This is the only file required to use The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser |
rootcling_impl.h | |
Scanner.h | |
SelectionRules.h | |
TModuleGenerator.h | |
VariableSelectionRule.h | |
XMLReader.h | |
► src | |
BaseSelectionRule.cxx | |
ClassSelectionRule.cxx | |
DictSelectionReader.cxx | |
LinkdefReader.cxx | |
rootcling-argparse.py | |
rootcling_impl.cxx | |
Scanner.cxx | |
SelectionRules.cxx | |
TModuleGenerator.cxx | |
VariableSelectionRule.cxx | |
XMLReader.cxx | |
► foundation | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RConfig.h | |
RConfig.hxx | |
RError.hxx | |
RLogger.hxx | |
RNotFn.hxx | |
RRangeCast.hxx | |
RSpan.hxx | |
RStringView.hxx | |
RVersion.hxx | |
span.hxx | |
StringUtils.hxx | |
TypeTraits.hxx | |
DllImport.h | |
ESTLType.h | |
RStringView.h | |
Rstrstream.h | |
RtypesCore.h | |
RVersion.h | |
TClassEdit.h | |
TError.h | |
ThreadLocalStorage.h | |
► res | |
► ROOT | |
FoundationUtils.hxx | The file contains utilities which are foundational and could be used across the core component of ROOT |
RSha256.hxx | |
RConversionRuleParser.h | |
TSchemaRuleProcessor.h | |
TSchemaType.h | |
TSpinLockGuard.h | |
► src | |
FoundationUtils.cxx | The file contains utilities which are foundational and could be used across the core component of ROOT |
RConversionRuleParser.cxx | |
RError.cxx | |
RLogger.cxx | |
StringUtils.cxx | |
TClassEdit.cxx | |
TError.cxx | |
► gui | |
► inc | |
GuiTypes.h | |
TApplicationImp.h | |
TBrowser.h | |
TBrowserImp.h | |
TCanvasImp.h | |
TClassMenuItem.h | |
TContextMenu.h | |
TContextMenuImp.h | |
TControlBarImp.h | |
TGuiFactory.h | |
TInspectorImp.h | |
TObjectSpy.h | |
TToggle.h | |
TToggleGroup.h | |
► src | |
InitGui.cxx | |
TApplicationImp.cxx | |
TBrowser.cxx | |
TBrowserImp.cxx | |
TCanvasImp.cxx | |
TClassMenuItem.cxx | |
TContextMenu.cxx | |
TContextMenuImp.cxx | |
TControlBarImp.cxx | |
TGuiFactory.cxx | |
TInspectorImp.cxx | |
TObjectSpy.cxx | |
TToggle.cxx | |
TToggleGroup.cxx | |
► imt | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RSlotStack.hxx | |
RTaskArena.hxx | |
TExecutor.hxx | |
TTaskGroup.hxx | |
TThreadExecutor.hxx | |
► src | |
base.cxx | |
ROpaqueTaskArena.hxx | |
RSlotStack.cxx | |
RTaskArena.cxx | |
TExecutor.cxx | |
TImplicitMT.cxx | |
TTaskGroup.cxx | |
TThreadExecutor.cxx | |
► macosx | |
► inc | |
CocoaUtils.h | |
TMacOSXSystem.h | |
► src | |
CocoaUtils.mm | |
TMacOSXSystem.mm | |
► meta | |
► inc | |
RootMetaSelection.h | |
TBaseClass.h | |
TClass.h | |
TClassGenerator.h | |
TClassRef.h | |
TClassStreamer.h | |
TDataMember.h | |
TDataType.h | |
TDictAttributeMap.h | |
TDictionary.h | |
TEnum.h | |
TEnumConstant.h | |
TFileMergeInfo.h | |
TFunction.h | |
TFunctionTemplate.h | |
TGenericClassInfo.h | |
TGlobal.h | |
TInterpreter.h | |
TInterpreterValue.h | |
TIsAProxy.h | |
TListOfDataMembers.h | |
TListOfEnums.h | |
TListOfEnumsWithLock.h | |
TListOfFunctions.h | |
TListOfFunctionTemplates.h | |
TMemberStreamer.h | |
TMethod.h | |
TMethodArg.h | |
TMethodCall.h | |
TProtoClass.h | |
TRealData.h | |
TSchemaHelper.h | |
TSchemaRule.h | |
TSchemaRuleSet.h | |
TStatusBitsChecker.h | |
TStreamer.h | |
TStreamerElement.h | |
TVirtualArray.h | |
TVirtualIsAProxy.h | |
TVirtualObject.h | |
TVirtualRefProxy.h | |
TVirtualStreamerInfo.h | |
► src | |
TBaseClass.cxx | |
TCheckHashRecursiveRemoveConsistency.h | |
TClass.cxx | |
TClassGenerator.cxx | |
TClassRef.cxx | |
TDataMember.cxx | |
TDataType.cxx | |
TDictAttributeMap.cxx | |
TDictionary.cxx | |
TEnum.cxx | |
TEnumConstant.cxx | |
TFunction.cxx | |
TFunctionTemplate.cxx | |
TGenericClassInfo.cxx | |
TGlobal.cxx | |
TInterpreter.cxx | |
TIsAProxy.cxx | |
TListOfDataMembers.cxx | |
TListOfEnums.cxx | |
TListOfEnumsWithLock.cxx | |
TListOfFunctions.cxx | |
TListOfFunctionTemplates.cxx | |
TMethod.cxx | |
TMethodArg.cxx | |
TMethodCall.cxx | |
TProtoClass.cxx | |
TRealData.cxx | |
TSchemaRule.cxx | |
TSchemaRuleSet.cxx | |
TStatusBitsChecker.cxx | |
TStreamerElement.cxx | |
TViewPubDataMembers.cxx | |
TViewPubDataMembers.h | |
TViewPubFunctions.cxx | |
TViewPubFunctions.h | |
TVirtualStreamerInfo.cxx | |
► metacling | |
► res | |
rootclingTCling.h | |
► src | |
ClingRAII.h | |
rootclingTCling.cxx | |
TCling.cxx | |
TCling.h | |
TClingBaseClassInfo.cxx | |
TClingBaseClassInfo.h | |
TClingCallbacks.cxx | |
TClingCallbacks.h | |
TClingCallFunc.cxx | |
TClingCallFunc.h | |
TClingClassInfo.cxx | |
TClingClassInfo.h | |
TClingDataMemberInfo.cxx | |
TClingDataMemberInfo.h | |
TClingDeclInfo.cxx | The file contains a base class of TCling*Info classes |
TClingDeclInfo.h | The file contains a base class of TCling*Info classes |
TClingDiagnostics.cxx | |
TClingDiagnostics.h | |
TClingMemberIter.cxx | |
TClingMemberIter.h | |
TClingMethodArgInfo.cxx | |
TClingMethodArgInfo.h | |
TClingMethodInfo.cxx | |
TClingMethodInfo.h | |
TClingRdictModuleFileExtension.cxx | The file contains facilities to work with C++ module files extensions used to store rdict files |
TClingRdictModuleFileExtension.h | The file contains facilities to work with C++ module files extensions used to store rdict files |
TClingTypedefInfo.cxx | |
TClingTypedefInfo.h | |
TClingTypeInfo.cxx | |
TClingTypeInfo.h | |
TClingValue.cxx | |
TClingValue.h | |
► multiproc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
TProcessExecutor.hxx | |
MPCode.h | |
MPSendRecv.h | |
PoolUtils.h | |
TMPClient.h | |
TMPWorker.h | |
TMPWorkerExecutor.h | |
TProcPool.h | |
► src | |
MPSendRecv.cxx | |
TMPClient.cxx | |
TMPWorker.cxx | |
TProcessExecutor.cxx | |
► rint | |
► inc | |
TRint.h | |
TTabCom.h | |
► src | |
TRint.cxx | |
TTabCom.cxx | |
► testsupport | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
TestSupport.hxx | The file contains facilities allowing easier writing of in-tree unit tests |
► src | |
TestSupport.cxx | This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests |
► thread | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RConcurrentHashColl.hxx | |
TRWSpinLock.hxx | |
TSpinMutex.hxx | |
TThreadedObject.hxx | |
PosixThreadInc.h | |
TAtomicCount.h | |
TAtomicCountGcc.h | |
TAtomicCountPthread.h | |
TCondition.h | |
TConditionImp.h | |
TMutex.h | |
TMutexImp.h | |
TPosixCondition.h | |
TPosixMutex.h | |
TPosixThread.h | |
TPosixThreadFactory.h | |
TRWLock.h | |
TSemaphore.h | |
TThread.h | |
TThreadFactory.h | |
TThreadImp.h | |
TThreadPool.h | |
TWin32AtomicCount.h | |
TWin32Condition.h | |
TWin32Mutex.h | |
TWin32Thread.h | |
TWin32ThreadFactory.h | |
► src | |
RConcurrentHashColl.cxx | |
TCondition.cxx | |
TConditionImp.cxx | |
TMutex.cxx | |
TMutexImp.cxx | |
TPosixCondition.cxx | |
TPosixMutex.cxx | |
TPosixThread.cxx | |
TPosixThreadFactory.cxx | |
TReentrantRWLock.cxx | |
TReentrantRWLock.hxx | |
TRWLock.cxx | |
TRWMutexImp.cxx | |
TRWMutexImp.h | |
TRWSpinLock.cxx | |
TSemaphore.cxx | |
TThread.cxx | |
TThreadFactory.cxx | |
TThreadImp.cxx | |
TWin32Condition.cxx | |
TWin32Mutex.cxx | |
TWin32Thread.cxx | |
TWin32ThreadFactory.cxx | |
► unix | |
► inc | |
TUnixSystem.h | |
► src | |
TUnixSystem.cxx | |
► winnt | |
► inc | |
TWin32SplashThread.h | |
TWinNTSystem.h | |
Win32Constants.h | |
Windows4Root.h | |
► src | |
TWin32SplashThread.cxx | |
TWinNTSystem.cxx | |
Win32Splash.cxx | |
► zip | |
► inc | |
Compression.h | |
► documentation | |
doxygen | |
► geom | |
► gdml | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGDMLParse.h | |
TGDMLWrite.h | |
► src | |
TGDMLParse.cxx | |
TGDMLWrite.cxx | |
ROOTwriter.py | |
writer.py | |
► geom | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► bvh | |
► v2 | |
bbox.h | |
binned_sah_builder.h | |
bvh.h | |
default_builder.h | |
executor.h | |
index.h | |
mini_tree_builder.h | |
node.h | |
platform.h | |
ray.h | |
reinsertion_optimizer.h | |
split_heuristic.h | |
stack.h | |
stream.h | |
sweep_sah_builder.h | |
thread_pool.h | |
top_down_sah_builder.h | |
utils.h | |
vec.h | |
TGDMLMatrix.h | |
TGeant4PhysicalConstants.h | |
TGeant4SystemOfUnits.h | |
TGeoArb8.h | |
TGeoAtt.h | |
TGeoBBox.h | |
TGeoBoolNode.h | |
TGeoBranchArray.h | |
TGeoBuilder.h | |
TGeoCache.h | |
TGeoCompositeShape.h | |
TGeoCone.h | |
TGeoElement.h | |
TGeoEltu.h | |
TGeoExtension.h | |
TGeoGlobalMagField.h | |
TGeoHalfSpace.h | |
TGeoHelix.h | |
TGeoHype.h | |
TGeoManager.h | |
TGeoMaterial.h | |
TGeoMatrix.h | |
TGeoMedium.h | |
TGeoNavigator.h | |
TGeoNode.h | |
TGeoOpticalSurface.h | |
TGeoPara.h | |
TGeoParaboloid.h | |
TGeoParallelWorld.h | |
TGeoPatternFinder.h | |
TGeoPcon.h | |
TGeoPgon.h | |
TGeoPhysicalConstants.h | |
TGeoPhysicalNode.h | |
TGeoPolygon.h | |
TGeoRCPtr.h | |
TGeoRegion.h | |
TGeoScaledShape.h | |
TGeoShape.h | |
TGeoShapeAssembly.h | |
TGeoSphere.h | |
TGeoStateInfo.h | |
TGeoSystemOfUnits.h | |
TGeoTessellated.h | |
TGeoTorus.h | |
TGeoTrd1.h | |
TGeoTrd2.h | |
TGeoTube.h | |
TGeoTypedefs.h | |
TGeoUniformMagField.h | |
TGeoVector3.h | |
TGeoVolume.h | |
TGeoVoxelFinder.h | |
TGeoVoxelGrid.h | |
TGeoXtru.h | |
TVirtualGeoConverter.h | |
TVirtualGeoPainter.h | |
TVirtualGeoTrack.h | |
TVirtualMagField.h | |
► src | |
TGDMLMatrix.cxx | |
TGeoArb8.cxx | |
TGeoAtt.cxx | |
TGeoBBox.cxx | |
TGeoBoolNode.cxx | |
TGeoBranchArray.cxx | |
TGeoBuilder.cxx | |
TGeoCache.cxx | |
TGeoCompositeShape.cxx | |
TGeoCone.cxx | |
TGeoElement.cxx | |
TGeoEltu.cxx | |
TGeoExtension.cxx | |
TGeoGlobalMagField.cxx | |
TGeoHalfSpace.cxx | |
TGeoHelix.cxx | |
TGeoHype.cxx | |
TGeoManager.cxx | |
TGeoMaterial.cxx | |
TGeoMatrix.cxx | |
TGeoMedium.cxx | |
TGeoNavigator.cxx | |
TGeoNode.cxx | |
TGeoOpticalSurface.cxx | |
TGeoPara.cxx | |
TGeoParaboloid.cxx | |
TGeoParallelWorld.cxx | |
TGeoPatternFinder.cxx | |
TGeoPcon.cxx | |
TGeoPgon.cxx | |
TGeoPhysicalNode.cxx | |
TGeoPolygon.cxx | |
TGeoRegion.cxx | |
TGeoScaledShape.cxx | |
TGeoShape.cxx | |
TGeoShapeAssembly.cxx | |
TGeoSphere.cxx | |
TGeoStateInfo.cxx | |
TGeoTessellated.cxx | |
TGeoTorus.cxx | |
TGeoTrd1.cxx | |
TGeoTrd2.cxx | |
TGeoTube.cxx | |
TGeoVector3.cxx | |
TGeoVolume.cxx | |
TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx | |
TGeoXtru.cxx | |
TVirtualGeoConverter.cxx | |
TVirtualGeoPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualGeoTrack.cxx | |
TVirtualMagField.cxx | |
► geombuilder | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGeoBBoxEditor.h | |
TGeoConeEditor.h | |
TGeoEltuEditor.h | |
TGeoGedFrame.h | |
TGeoHypeEditor.h | |
TGeoManagerEditor.h | |
TGeoMaterialEditor.h | |
TGeoMatrixEditor.h | |
TGeoMediumEditor.h | |
TGeoNodeEditor.h | |
TGeoParaEditor.h | |
TGeoPconEditor.h | |
TGeoPgonEditor.h | |
TGeoSphereEditor.h | |
TGeoTabManager.h | |
TGeoTorusEditor.h | |
TGeoTrapEditor.h | |
TGeoTrd1Editor.h | |
TGeoTrd2Editor.h | |
TGeoTubeEditor.h | |
TGeoVolumeEditor.h | |
► src | |
TGeoBBoxEditor.cxx | |
TGeoConeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoEltuEditor.cxx | |
TGeoGedFrame.cxx | |
TGeoHypeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoManagerEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMaterialEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMatrixEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMediumEditor.cxx | |
TGeoNodeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoParaEditor.cxx | |
TGeoPconEditor.cxx | |
TGeoPgonEditor.cxx | |
TGeoSphereEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTabManager.cxx | |
TGeoTorusEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTrapEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTrd1Editor.cxx | |
TGeoTrd2Editor.cxx | |
TGeoTubeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoVolumeEditor.cxx | |
► geompainter | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGeoChecker.h | |
TGeoOverlap.h | |
TGeoPainter.h | |
TGeoTrack.h | |
► src | |
TGeoChecker.cxx | |
TGeoOverlap.cxx | |
TGeoPainter.cxx | |
TGeoTrack.cxx | |
► vecgeom | |
► inc | |
TGeoVGConverter.h | |
TGeoVGShape.h | |
► src | |
TGeoVGConverter.cxx | |
TGeoVGShape.cxx | |
► webviewer | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RGeomData.hxx | |
RGeomHierarchy.hxx | |
RGeomViewer.hxx | |
RGeoPainter.hxx | |
► src | |
RGeomData.cxx | |
RGeomHierarchy.cxx | |
RGeomViewer.cxx | |
RGeoPainter.cxx | |
► graf2d | |
► asimage | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TASImage.h | |
TASImagePlugin.h | |
TASPaletteEditor.h | |
TASPluginGS.h | |
TASPngWriter.h | |
► src | |
TASImage.cxx | |
TASPaletteEditor.cxx | |
TASPluginGS.cxx | |
TASPngWriter.cxx | |
TASPolyUtils.c | |
► cocoa | |
► inc | |
CocoaConstants.h | |
CocoaGuiTypes.h | |
FontCache.h | |
MenuLoader.h | |
QuartzPixmap.h | |
QuartzWindow.h | |
ROOTApplicationDelegate.h | |
ROOTOpenGLView.h | |
TGCocoa.h | |
TGQuartz.h | |
X11Atoms.h | |
X11Buffer.h | |
X11Colors.h | |
X11Drawable.h | |
X11Events.h | |
XLFDParser.h | |
► src | |
CocoaConstants.mm | |
CocoaGuiTypes.mm | |
CocoaPrivate.h | |
CocoaPrivate.mm | |
FontCache.mm | |
MenuLoader.mm | |
QuartzPixmap.mm | |
QuartzWindow.mm | |
ROOTApplicationDelegate.mm | |
ROOTOpenGLView.mm | |
TGCocoa.mm | |
TGOSXGL.mm | |
TGQuartz.mm | |
X11Atoms.mm | |
X11Buffer.mm | |
X11Colors.mm | |
X11Events.mm | |
XLFDParser.mm | |
► fitsio | |
► inc | |
TFITS.h | |
► src | |
TFITS.cxx | |
► gpad | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TAnnotation.h | |
TAttCanvas.h | |
TButton.h | |
TCanvas.h | |
TClassTree.h | |
TColorWheel.h | |
TControlBar.h | |
TControlBarButton.h | |
TCreatePrimitives.h | |
TDialogCanvas.h | |
TGroupButton.h | |
TInspectCanvas.h | |
TPad.h | |
TPadPainter.h | |
TPaveClass.h | |
TRatioPlot.h | |
TSlider.h | |
TSliderBox.h | |
TView.h | |
TViewer3DPad.h | |
► src | |
TAnnotation.cxx | |
TAttCanvas.cxx | |
TButton.cxx | |
TCanvas.cxx | |
TClassTree.cxx | |
TColorWheel.cxx | |
TControlBar.cxx | |
TControlBarButton.cxx | |
TCreatePrimitives.cxx | |
TDialogCanvas.cxx | |
TGroupButton.cxx | |
TInspectCanvas.cxx | |
TPad.cxx | |
TPadPainter.cxx | |
TPaveClass.cxx | |
TRatioPlot.cxx | |
TSlider.cxx | |
TSliderBox.cxx | |
TView.cxx | |
TViewer3DPad.cxx | |
► gpadv7 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RAttrAggregation.hxx | |
RAttrAxis.hxx | |
RAttrBase.hxx | |
RAttrBorder.hxx | |
RAttrFill.hxx | |
RAttrFont.hxx | |
RAttrLine.hxx | |
RAttrMap.hxx | |
RAttrMargins.hxx | |
RAttrMarker.hxx | |
RAttrText.hxx | |
RAttrValue.hxx | |
RAxisDrawable.hxx | |
RCanvas.hxx | |
RColor.hxx | |
RDisplayItem.hxx | |
RDrawable.hxx | |
RDrawableRequest.hxx | |
RFrame.hxx | |
RMenuItems.hxx | |
ROnFrameDrawable.hxx | |
RPad.hxx | |
RPadBase.hxx | |
RPadDisplayItem.hxx | |
RPadExtent.hxx | |
RPadLength.hxx | |
RPadPos.hxx | |
RPalette.hxx | |
RPaletteDrawable.hxx | |
RPave.hxx | |
RStyle.hxx | |
RVirtualCanvasPainter.hxx | |
TObjectDisplayItem.hxx | |
TObjectDrawable.hxx | |
► src | |
RAttrAggregation.cxx | |
RAttrBase.cxx | |
RAttrMap.cxx | |
RCanvas.cxx | |
RColor.cxx | |
RDisplayItem.cxx | |
RDrawable.cxx | |
RDrawableRequest.cxx | |
RFrame.cxx | |
RMenuItems.cxx | |
RPad.cxx | |
RPadBase.cxx | |
RPadExtent.cxx | |
RPadLength.cxx | |
RPadPos.cxx | |
RPalette.cxx | |
RStyle.cxx | |
RVirtualCanvasPainter.cxx | |
TObjectDrawable.cxx | |
► graf | |
► doc | |
► macros | |
accents.C | |
alignment.C | |
bars.C | |
fractions.C | |
greekletters.C | |
itbold.C | |
kerning.C | |
legend1.C | |
legend2.C | |
legend3.C | |
mathsymbols.C | |
polyline.C | |
roots.C | |
slash.C | |
splitline.C | |
style.C | |
subsupscript.C | |
subsupscript2.C | |
► inc | |
TArc.h | |
TArrow.h | |
TAttImage.h | |
TBox.h | |
TCandle.h | |
TCrown.h | |
TCurlyArc.h | |
TCurlyLine.h | |
TCutG.h | |
TDiamond.h | |
TEllipse.h | |
TFrame.h | |
TGaxis.h | |
TGraphPolar.h | |
TGraphPolargram.h | |
TGraphQQ.h | |
TImage.h | |
TImagePlugin.h | |
TLatex.h | |
TLegend.h | |
TLegendEntry.h | |
TLine.h | |
TLink.h | |
TMarker.h | |
TMathText.h | |
TPave.h | |
TPaveLabel.h | |
TPaveStats.h | |
TPavesText.h | |
TPaveText.h | |
TPie.h | |
TPieSlice.h | |
TPoints.h | |
TPolyLine.h | |
TText.h | |
TTF.h | |
TWbox.h | |
► src | |
TArc.cxx | |
TArrow.cxx | |
TAttImage.cxx | |
TBox.cxx | |
TCandle.cxx | |
TCrown.cxx | |
TCurlyArc.cxx | |
TCurlyLine.cxx | |
TCutG.cxx | |
TDiamond.cxx | |
TEllipse.cxx | |
TFrame.cxx | |
TGaxis.cxx | |
TGraphPolar.cxx | |
TGraphPolargram.cxx | |
TGraphQQ.cxx | |
TImage.cxx | |
TLatex.cxx | |
TLegend.cxx | |
TLegendEntry.cxx | |
TLine.cxx | |
TLink.cxx | |
TMarker.cxx | |
TMathText.cxx | |
TPave.cxx | |
TPaveLabel.cxx | |
TPaveStats.cxx | |
TPavesText.cxx | |
TPaveText.cxx | |
TPie.cxx | |
TPieSlice.cxx | |
TPoints.cxx | |
TPolyLine.cxx | |
TText.cxx | |
TTF.cxx | |
TWbox.cxx | |
► gviz | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGraphEdge.h | |
TGraphNode.h | |
TGraphStruct.h | |
► src | |
TGraphEdge.cxx | |
TGraphNode.cxx | |
TGraphStruct.cxx | |
► postscript | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TImageDump.h | |
TPDF.h | |
TPostScript.h | |
TSVG.h | |
TTeXDump.h | |
► src | |
AdobeGlyphList.h | |
TImageDump.cxx | |
TPDF.cxx | |
TPostScript.cxx | |
TSVG.cxx | |
TTeXDump.cxx | |
► quartz | |
► inc | |
QuartzFillArea.h | |
QuartzLine.h | |
QuartzMarker.h | |
QuartzText.h | |
QuartzUtils.h | |
► src | |
QuartzFillArea.mm | |
QuartzLine.mm | |
QuartzMarker.mm | |
QuartzText.mm | |
QuartzUtils.mm | |
► win32gdk | |
► inc | |
TGWin32.h | |
TGWin32GL.h | |
TGWin32ProxyBase.h | |
TGWin32ProxyDefs.h | |
TGWin32VirtualGLProxy.h | |
TGWin32VirtualXProxy.h | |
xatom.h | |
► src | |
gifdecode.c | |
gifencode.c | |
gifquantize.c | |
TGWin32.cxx | |
TGWin32GL.cxx | |
TGWin32ProxyBase.cxx | |
TGWin32VirtualGLProxy.cxx | |
TGWin32VirtualXProxy.cxx | |
► x11 | |
► inc | |
► X11 | |
► extensions | |
render.h | |
shape.h | |
shapeconst.h | |
TGX11.h | |
► src | |
gifdecode.c | |
gifencode.c | |
gifquantize.c | |
GX11Gui.cxx | |
Rotated.cxx | |
TGX11.cxx | |
► x11ttf | |
► inc | |
TGX11TTF.h | |
► src | |
TGX11TTF.cxx | |
► graf3d | |
► eve | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TEveArrow.h | |
TEveArrowEditor.h | |
TEveArrowGL.h | |
TEveBox.h | |
TEveBoxGL.h | |
TEveBoxSet.h | |
TEveBoxSetGL.h | |
TEveBrowser.h | |
TEveCalo.h | |
TEveCalo2DGL.h | |
TEveCalo3DGL.h | |
TEveCaloData.h | |
TEveCaloLegoEditor.h | |
TEveCaloLegoGL.h | |
TEveCaloLegoOverlay.h | |
TEveCaloVizEditor.h | |
TEveChunkManager.h | |
TEveCompound.h | |
TEveDigitSet.h | |
TEveDigitSetEditor.h | |
TEveDigitSetGL.h | |
TEveElement.h | |
TEveElementEditor.h | |
TEveEventManager.h | |
TEveFrameBox.h | |
TEveFrameBoxGL.h | |
TEveGedEditor.h | |
TEveGeoNode.h | |
TEveGeoNodeEditor.h | |
TEveGeoPolyShape.h | |
TEveGeoShape.h | |
TEveGeoShapeExtract.h | |
TEveGridStepper.h | |
TEveGridStepperEditor.h | |
TEveGValuators.h | |
TEveJetCone.h | |
TEveJetConeEditor.h | |
TEveJetConeGL.h | |
TEveLegoEventHandler.h | |
TEveLine.h | |
TEveLineEditor.h | |
TEveLineGL.h | |
TEveMacro.h | |
TEveManager.h | |
TEvePad.h | |
TEveParamList.h | |
TEvePathMark.h | |
TEvePlot3D.h | |
TEvePlot3DGL.h | |
TEvePointSet.h | |
TEvePointSetArrayEditor.h | |
TEvePolygonSetProjected.h | |
TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL.h | |
TEveProjectionAxes.h | |
TEveProjectionAxesEditor.h | |
TEveProjectionAxesGL.h | |
TEveProjectionBases.h | |
TEveProjectionManager.h | |
TEveProjectionManagerEditor.h | |
TEveProjections.h | |
TEveQuadSet.h | |
TEveQuadSetGL.h | |
TEveRGBAPalette.h | |
TEveRGBAPaletteEditor.h | |
TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay.h | |
TEveScalableStraightLineSet.h | |
TEveScene.h | |
TEveSceneInfo.h | |
TEveSecondarySelectable.h | |
TEveSelection.h | |
TEveShape.h | |
TEveShapeEditor.h | |
TEveStraightLineSet.h | |
TEveStraightLineSetEditor.h | |
TEveStraightLineSetGL.h | |
TEveText.h | |
TEveTextEditor.h | |
TEveTextGL.h | |
TEveTrack.h | |
TEveTrackEditor.h | |
TEveTrackGL.h | |
TEveTrackProjected.h | |
TEveTrackProjectedGL.h | |
TEveTrackPropagator.h | |
TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h | |
TEveTrans.h | |
TEveTransEditor.h | |
TEveTreeTools.h | |
TEveTriangleSet.h | |
TEveTriangleSetEditor.h | |
TEveTriangleSetGL.h | |
TEveUtil.h | |
TEveVector.h | |
TEveViewer.h | |
TEveViewerListEditor.h | |
TEveVSD.h | |
TEveVSDStructs.h | |
TEveWindow.h | |
TEveWindowEditor.h | |
TEveWindowManager.h | |
► src | |
TEveArrow.cxx | |
TEveArrowEditor.cxx | |
TEveArrowGL.cxx | |
TEveBox.cxx | |
TEveBoxGL.cxx | |
TEveBoxSet.cxx | |
TEveBoxSetGL.cxx | |
TEveBrowser.cxx | |
TEveCalo.cxx | |
TEveCalo2DGL.cxx | |
TEveCalo3DGL.cxx | |
TEveCaloData.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoEditor.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoGL.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoOverlay.cxx | |
TEveCaloVizEditor.cxx | |
TEveChunkManager.cxx | |
TEveCompound.cxx | |
TEveDigitSet.cxx | |
TEveDigitSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveDigitSetGL.cxx | |
TEveElement.cxx | |
TEveElementEditor.cxx | |
TEveEventManager.cxx | |
TEveFrameBox.cxx | |
TEveFrameBoxGL.cxx | |
TEveGedEditor.cxx | |
TEveGeoNode.cxx | |
TEveGeoNodeEditor.cxx | |
TEveGeoPolyShape.cxx | |
TEveGeoShape.cxx | |
TEveGeoShapeExtract.cxx | |
TEveGridStepper.cxx | |
TEveGridStepperEditor.cxx | |
TEveGValuators.cxx | |
TEveJetCone.cxx | |
TEveJetConeEditor.cxx | |
TEveJetConeGL.cxx | |
TEveLegoEventHandler.cxx | |
TEveLine.cxx | |
TEveLineEditor.cxx | |
TEveLineGL.cxx | |
TEveMacro.cxx | |
TEveManager.cxx | |
TEvePad.cxx | |
TEveParamList.cxx | |
TEvePathMark.cxx | |
TEvePlot3D.cxx | |
TEvePlot3DGL.cxx | |
TEvePointSet.cxx | |
TEvePointSetArrayEditor.cxx | |
TEvePolygonSetProjected.cxx | |
TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxes.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxesEditor.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxesGL.cxx | |
TEveProjectionBases.cxx | |
TEveProjectionManager.cxx | |
TEveProjectionManagerEditor.cxx | |
TEveProjections.cxx | |
TEveQuadSet.cxx | |
TEveQuadSetGL.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPalette.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPaletteEditor.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay.cxx | |
TEveScalableStraightLineSet.cxx | |
TEveScene.cxx | |
TEveSceneInfo.cxx | |
TEveSecondarySelectable.cxx | |
TEveSelection.cxx | |
TEveShape.cxx | |
TEveShapeEditor.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSet.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSetGL.cxx | |
TEveText.cxx | |
TEveTextEditor.cxx | |
TEveTextGL.cxx | |
TEveTrack.cxx | |
TEveTrackEditor.cxx | |
TEveTrackGL.cxx | |
TEveTrackProjected.cxx | |
TEveTrackProjectedGL.cxx | |
TEveTrackPropagator.cxx | |
TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.cxx | |
TEveTrans.cxx | |
TEveTransEditor.cxx | |
TEveTreeTools.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSet.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSetGL.cxx | |
TEveUtil.cxx | |
TEveVector.cxx | |
TEveViewer.cxx | |
TEveViewerListEditor.cxx | |
TEveVSD.cxx | |
TEveVSDStructs.cxx | |
TEveWindow.cxx | |
TEveWindowEditor.cxx | |
TEveWindowManager.cxx | |
► eve7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
REveBox.hxx | |
REveBoxSet.hxx | |
REveCalo.hxx | |
REveCaloData.hxx | |
REveChunkManager.hxx | |
REveClient.hxx | |
REveCompound.hxx | |
REveDataCollection.hxx | |
REveDataProxyBuilderBase.hxx | |
REveDataSimpleProxyBuilder.hxx | |
REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate.hxx | |
REveDataTable.hxx | |
REveDigitSet.hxx | |
REveElement.hxx | |
REveEllipsoid.hxx | |
REveFrameBox.hxx | |
REveGeoPolyShape.hxx | |
REveGeoShape.hxx | |
REveGeoShapeExtract.hxx | |
REveGeoTopNode.hxx | |
REveGluTess.hxx | |
REveJetCone.hxx | |
REveLine.hxx | |
REveManager.hxx | |
REvePathMark.hxx | |
REvePointSet.hxx | |
REvePolygonSetProjected.hxx | |
REveProjectionBases.hxx | |
REveProjectionManager.hxx | |
REveProjections.hxx | |
REveRenderData.hxx | |
REveRGBAPalette.hxx | |
REveScalableStraightLineSet.hxx | |
REveScene.hxx | |
REveSceneInfo.hxx | |
REveSecondarySelectable.hxx | |
REveSelection.hxx | |
REveShape.hxx | |
REveStraightLineSet.hxx | |
REveSystem.hxx | |
REveTableInfo.hxx | |
REveTableProxyBuilder.hxx | |
REveText.hxx | |
REveTrack.hxx | |
REveTrackProjected.hxx | |
REveTrackPropagator.hxx | |
REveTrans.hxx | |
REveTreeTools.hxx | |
REveTypes.hxx | |
REveUtil.hxx | |
REveVector.hxx | |
REveViewContext.hxx | |
REveViewer.hxx | |
REveVSD.hxx | |
REveVSDStructs.hxx | |
► src | |
REveBox.cxx | |
REveBoxSet.cxx | |
REveCalo.cxx | |
REveCaloData.cxx | |
REveChunkManager.cxx | |
REveCompound.cxx | |
REveDataCollection.cxx | |
REveDataProxyBuilderBase.cxx | |
REveDataSimpleProxyBuilder.cxx | |
REveDataTable.cxx | |
REveDigitSet.cxx | |
REveElement.cxx | |
REveEllipsoid.cxx | |
REveFrameBox.cxx | |
REveGeoPolyShape.cxx | |
REveGeoShape.cxx | |
REveGeoShapeExtract.cxx | |
REveGeoTopNode.cxx | |
REveGluTess.cxx | |
REveJetCone.cxx | |
REveLine.cxx | |
REveManager.cxx | |
REvePathMark.cxx | |
REvePointSet.cxx | |
REvePolygonSetProjected.cxx | |
REveProjectionBases.cxx | |
REveProjectionManager.cxx | |
REveProjections.cxx | |
REveRenderData.cxx | |
REveRGBAPalette.cxx | |
REveScalableStraightLineSet.cxx | |
REveScene.cxx | |
REveSceneInfo.cxx | |
REveSecondarySelectable.cxx | |
REveSelection.cxx | |
REveShape.cxx | |
REveStraightLineSet.cxx | |
REveTableInfo.cxx | |
REveTableProxyBuilder.cxx | |
REveText.cxx | |
REveTrack.cxx | |
REveTrackProjected.cxx | |
REveTrackPropagator.cxx | |
REveTrans.cxx | |
REveTreeTools.cxx | |
REveTypes.cxx | |
REveUtil.cxx | |
REveVector.cxx | |
REveViewer.cxx | |
REveVSD.cxx | |
REveVSDStructs.cxx | |
► g3d | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TAxis3D.h | |
TBRIK.h | |
TCONE.h | |
TCONS.h | |
TCTUB.h | |
TELTU.h | |
TGeometry.h | |
TGTRA.h | |
THelix.h | |
THYPE.h | |
TMarker3DBox.h | |
TMaterial.h | |
TMixture.h | |
TNode.h | |
TNodeDiv.h | |
TPARA.h | |
TPCON.h | |
TPGON.h | |
TPoints3DABC.h | |
TPointSet3D.h | |
TPolyLine3D.h | |
TPolyMarker3D.h | |
TRotMatrix.h | |
TShape.h | |
TSPHE.h | |
TTRAP.h | |
TTRD1.h | |
TTRD2.h | |
TTUBE.h | |
TTUBS.h | |
TView3D.h | |
TXTRU.h | |
X3DBuffer.h | |
► src | |
TAxis3D.cxx | |
TBRIK.cxx | |
TCONE.cxx | |
TCONS.cxx | |
TCTUB.cxx | |
TELTU.cxx | |
TGeometry.cxx | |
TGTRA.cxx | |
THelix.cxx | |
THYPE.cxx | |
TMarker3DBox.cxx | |
TMaterial.cxx | |
TMixture.cxx | |
TNode.cxx | |
TNodeDiv.cxx | |
TPARA.cxx | |
TPCON.cxx | |
TPGON.cxx | |
TPoints3DABC.cxx | |
TPointSet3D.cxx | |
TPolyLine3D.cxx | |
TPolyMarker3D.cxx | |
TRotMatrix.cxx | |
TShape.cxx | |
TSPHE.cxx | |
TTRAP.cxx | |
TTRD1.cxx | |
TTRD2.cxx | |
TTUBE.cxx | |
TTUBS.cxx | |
TView3D.cxx | |
TXTRU.cxx | |
X3DBuffer.c | |
► gl | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TArcBall.h | |
TF2GL.h | |
TGL5D.h | |
TGL5DDataSetEditor.h | |
TGL5DPainter.h | |
TGLAdapter.h | |
TGLAnnotation.h | |
TGLAutoRotator.h | |
TGLAxis.h | |
TGLAxisPainter.h | |
TGLBoundingBox.h | |
TGLBoxPainter.h | |
TGLCamera.h | |
TGLCameraGuide.h | |
TGLCameraOverlay.h | |
TGLClip.h | |
TGLClipSetEditor.h | |
TGLContext.h | |
TGLCylinder.h | |
TGLEmbeddedViewer.h | |
TGLEventHandler.h | |
TGLFaceSet.h | |
TGLFBO.h | |
TGLFontManager.h | |
TGLFormat.h | |
TGLH2PolyPainter.h | |
TGLHistPainter.h | |
TGLIsoMesh.h | |
TGLLegoPainter.h | |
TGLLightSet.h | |
TGLLightSetEditor.h | |
TGLLockable.h | |
TGLLogicalShape.h | |
TGLManip.h | |
TGLManipSet.h | |
TGLMarchingCubes.h | |
TGLObject.h | |
TGLOrthoCamera.h | |
TGLOutput.h | |
TGLOverlay.h | |
TGLOverlayButton.h | |
TGLPadPainter.h | |
TGLPadUtils.h | |
TGLParametric.h | |
TGLParametricEquationGL.h | |
TGLPerspectiveCamera.h | |
TGLPhysicalShape.h | |
TGLPlot3D.h | |
TGLPlotBox.h | |
TGLPlotCamera.h | |
TGLPlotPainter.h | |
TGLPolyLine.h | |
TGLPolyMarker.h | |
TGLPShapeObj.h | |
TGLPShapeObjEditor.h | |
TGLPShapeRef.h | |
TGLQuadric.h | |
TGLRnrCtx.h | |
TGLRotateManip.h | |
TGLSAFrame.h | |
TGLSAViewer.h | |
TGLScaleManip.h | |
TGLScene.h | |
TGLSceneBase.h | |
TGLSceneInfo.h | |
TGLScenePad.h | |
TGLSdfFontMaker.h | |
TGLSelectBuffer.h | |
TGLSelectRecord.h | |
TGLSphere.h | |
TGLStopwatch.h | |
TGLSurfacePainter.h | |
TGLText.h | |
TGLTF3Painter.h | |
TGLTH3Composition.h | |
TGLTransManip.h | |
TGLUtil.h | |
TGLViewer.h | |
TGLViewerBase.h | |
TGLViewerEditor.h | |
TGLVoxelPainter.h | |
TGLWidget.h | |
TGLWSIncludes.h | |
TH2GL.h | |
TH3GL.h | |
TKDEAdapter.h | |
TPointSet3DGL.h | |
TX11GL.h | |
► src | |
TArcBall.cxx | |
TF2GL.cxx | |
TGL5D.cxx | |
TGL5DDataSetEditor.cxx | |
TGL5DPainter.cxx | |
TGLAdapter.cxx | |
TGLAnnotation.cxx | |
TGLAutoRotator.cxx | |
TGLAxis.cxx | |
TGLAxisPainter.cxx | |
TGLBoundingBox.cxx | |
TGLBoxPainter.cxx | |
TGLCamera.cxx | |
TGLCameraGuide.cxx | |
TGLCameraOverlay.cxx | |
TGLClip.cxx | |
TGLClipSetEditor.cxx | |
TGLContext.cxx | |
TGLContextPrivate.cxx | |
TGLContextPrivate.h | |
TGLCylinder.cxx | |
TGLEmbeddedViewer.cxx | |
TGLEventHandler.cxx | |
TGLFaceSet.cxx | |
TGLFBO.cxx | |
TGLFontManager.cxx | |
TGLFormat.cxx | |
TGLH2PolyPainter.cxx | |
TGLHistPainter.cxx | |
TGLIsoMesh.cxx | |
TGLLegoPainter.cxx | |
TGLLightSet.cxx | |
TGLLightSetEditor.cxx | |
TGLLockable.cxx | |
TGLLogicalShape.cxx | |
TGLManip.cxx | |
TGLManipSet.cxx | |
TGLMarchingCubes.cxx | |
TGLObject.cxx | |
TGLOrthoCamera.cxx | |
TGLOutput.cxx | |
TGLOverlay.cxx | |
TGLOverlayButton.cxx | |
TGLPadPainter.cxx | |
TGLPadUtils.cxx | |
TGLParametric.cxx | |
TGLParametricEquationGL.cxx | |
TGLPerspectiveCamera.cxx | |
TGLPhysicalShape.cxx | |
TGLPlot3D.cxx | |
TGLPlotBox.cxx | |
TGLPlotCamera.cxx | |
TGLPlotPainter.cxx | |
TGLPolyLine.cxx | |
TGLPolyMarker.cxx | |
TGLPShapeObj.cxx | |
TGLPShapeObjEditor.cxx | |
TGLPShapeRef.cxx | |
TGLQuadric.cxx | |
TGLRnrCtx.cxx | |
TGLRotateManip.cxx | |
TGLSAFrame.cxx | |
TGLSAViewer.cxx | |
TGLScaleManip.cxx | |
TGLScene.cxx | |
TGLSceneBase.cxx | |
TGLSceneInfo.cxx | |
TGLScenePad.cxx | |
TGLSdfFontMaker.cxx | |
TGLSelectBuffer.cxx | |
TGLSelectRecord.cxx | |
TGLSphere.cxx | |
TGLStopwatch.cxx | |
TGLSurfacePainter.cxx | |
TGLText.cxx | |
TGLTF3Painter.cxx | |
TGLTH3Composition.cxx | |
TGLTransManip.cxx | |
TGLUtil.cxx | |
TGLViewer.cxx | |
TGLViewerBase.cxx | |
TGLViewerEditor.cxx | |
TGLVoxelPainter.cxx | |
TGLWidget.cxx | |
TH2GL.cxx | |
TH3GL.cxx | |
TKDEAdapter.cxx | |
TKDEFGT.cxx | |
TPointSet3DGL.cxx | |
TX11GL.cxx | |
► gviz3d | |
► inc | |
TStructNode.h | |
TStructNodeEditor.h | |
TStructNodeProperty.h | |
TStructViewer.h | |
TStructViewerGUI.h | |
► src | |
TStructNode.cxx | |
TStructNodeEditor.cxx | |
TStructNodeProperty.cxx | |
TStructViewer.cxx | |
TStructViewerGUI.cxx | |
► gui | |
► browsable | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
► Browsable | |
RAnyObjectHolder.hxx | |
RElement.hxx | |
RGroup.hxx | |
RHolder.hxx | |
RItem.hxx | |
RLevelIter.hxx | |
RProvider.hxx | |
RShared.hxx | |
RSysFile.hxx | |
RSysFileItem.hxx | |
RUnique.hxx | |
RWrapper.hxx | |
TKeyItem.hxx | |
TObjectElement.hxx | |
TObjectHolder.hxx | |
TObjectItem.hxx | |
► src | |
RElement.cxx | |
RFieldHolder.hxx | |
RFieldProvider.hxx | |
RGroup.cxx | |
RHistDraw7Provider.cxx | |
RLevelIter.cxx | |
RNTupleBrowseProvider.cxx | |
RNTupleDraw6Provider.cxx | |
RNTupleDraw7Provider.cxx | |
RProvider.cxx | |
RSysFile.cxx | |
TBranchBrowseProvider.cxx | |
TDirectoryElement.cxx | |
TGeoBrowseProvider.cxx | |
TLeafDraw6Provider.cxx | |
TLeafDraw7Provider.cxx | |
TLeafProvider.hxx | |
TObjectDraw6Provider.cxx | |
TObjectDraw7Provider.cxx | |
TObjectElement.cxx | |
TObjectHolder.cxx | |
► browserv7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RBrowser.hxx | |
RBrowserData.hxx | |
RBrowserReply.hxx | |
RBrowserRequest.hxx | |
RFileDialog.hxx | |
RWebBrowserImp.hxx | |
► src | |
RBrowser.cxx | |
RBrowserData.cxx | |
RBrowserGeomWidget.cxx | |
RBrowserRCanvasWidget.cxx | |
RBrowserTCanvasWidget.cxx | |
RBrowserTreeWidget.cxx | |
RBrowserWidget.cxx | |
RBrowserWidget.hxx | |
RFileDialog.cxx | |
RWebBrowserImp.cxx | |
► canvaspainter | |
► src | |
RCanvasPainter.cxx | |
doc | |
► fitpanel | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TAdvancedGraphicsDialog.h | |
TFitEditor.h | |
TFitParametersDialog.h | |
TTreeInput.h | |
► src | |
CommonDefs.h | |
TAdvancedGraphicsDialog.cxx | |
TFitEditor.cxx | |
TFitParametersDialog.cxx | |
TTreeInput.cxx | |
► fitpanelv7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RFitPanel.hxx | |
RFitPanelModel.hxx | |
► src | |
RFitPanel.cxx | |
RFitPanelModel.cxx | |
► ged | |
doc | |
► inc | |
HelpSMText.h | |
TArrowEditor.h | |
TAttFillEditor.h | |
TAttLineEditor.h | |
TAttMarkerEditor.h | |
TAttTextEditor.h | |
TAxisEditor.h | |
TCurlyArcEditor.h | |
TCurlyLineEditor.h | |
TF1Editor.h | |
TFrameEditor.h | |
TFunctionParametersDialog.h | |
TGedEditor.h | |
TGedFrame.h | |
TGedMarkerSelect.h | |
TGedPatternSelect.h | |
TGraphEditor.h | |
TH1Editor.h | |
TH2Editor.h | |
TLineEditor.h | |
TPadEditor.h | |
TPaveStatsEditor.h | |
TPieEditor.h | |
TPieSliceEditor.h | |
TStyleDialog.h | |
TStyleManager.h | |
TStylePreview.h | |
TTextEditor.h | |
► src | |
HelpSMText.cxx | |
TArrowEditor.cxx | |
TAttFillEditor.cxx | |
TAttLineEditor.cxx | |
TAttMarkerEditor.cxx | |
TAttTextEditor.cxx | |
TAxisEditor.cxx | |
TCurlyArcEditor.cxx | |
TCurlyLineEditor.cxx | |
TF1Editor.cxx | |
TFrameEditor.cxx | |
TFunctionParametersDialog.cxx | |
TGedEditor.cxx | |
TGedFrame.cxx | |
TGedMarkerSelect.cxx | |
TGedPatternSelect.cxx | |
TGraphEditor.cxx | |
TH1Editor.cxx | |
TH2Editor.cxx | |
TLineEditor.cxx | |
TPadEditor.cxx | |
TPaveStatsEditor.cxx | |
TPieEditor.cxx | |
TPieSliceEditor.cxx | |
TStyleDialog.cxx | |
TStyleManager.cxx | |
TStylePreview.cxx | |
TTextEditor.cxx | |
► gui | |
doc | |
► inc | |
HelpText.h | |
TG3DLine.h | |
TGApplication.h | |
TGButton.h | |
TGButtonGroup.h | |
TGCanvas.h | |
TGClient.h | |
TGColorDialog.h | |
TGColorSelect.h | |
TGComboBox.h | |
TGCommandPlugin.h | |
TGDimension.h | |
TGDNDManager.h | |
TGDockableFrame.h | |
TGDoubleSlider.h | |
TGEventHandler.h | |
TGFileBrowser.h | |
TGFileDialog.h | |
TGFont.h | |
TGFontDialog.h | |
TGFrame.h | |
TGFSComboBox.h | |
TGFSContainer.h | |
TGGC.h | |
TGIcon.h | |
TGIdleHandler.h | |
TGImageMap.h | |
TGInputDialog.h | |
TGLabel.h | |
TGLayout.h | |
TGListBox.h | |
TGListTree.h | |
TGListView.h | |
TGMdi.h | |
TGMdiDecorFrame.h | |
TGMdiFrame.h | |
TGMdiMainFrame.h | |
TGMdiMenu.h | |
TGMenu.h | |
TGMimeTypes.h | |
TGMsgBox.h | |
TGNumberEntry.h | |
TGObject.h | |
TGPack.h | |
TGPasswdDialog.h | |
TGPicture.h | |
TGProgressBar.h | |
TGRedirectOutputGuard.h | |
TGResourcePool.h | |
TGScrollBar.h | |
TGShapedFrame.h | |
TGShutter.h | |
TGSimpleTable.h | |
TGSimpleTableInterface.h | |
TGSlider.h | |
TGSpeedo.h | |
TGSplitFrame.h | |
TGSplitter.h | |
TGStatusBar.h | |
TGString.h | |
TGTab.h | |
TGTable.h | |
TGTableCell.h | |
TGTableContainer.h | |
TGTableHeader.h | |
TGTableLayout.h | |
TGText.h | |
TGTextBuffer.h | |
TGTextEdit.h | |
TGTextEditDialogs.h | |
TGTextEditor.h | |
TGTextEntry.h | |
TGTextView.h | |
TGTextViewStream.h | |
TGToolBar.h | |
TGToolTip.h | |
TGTripleSlider.h | |
TGuiBuilder.h | |
TGView.h | |
TGWidget.h | |
TGWindow.h | |
TGXYLayout.h | |
TRootApplication.h | |
TRootBrowser.h | |
TRootBrowserLite.h | |
TRootCanvas.h | |
TRootContextMenu.h | |
TRootControlBar.h | |
TRootDialog.h | |
TRootEmbeddedCanvas.h | |
TRootGuiFactory.h | |
TRootHelpDialog.h | |
TVirtualDragManager.h | |
WidgetMessageTypes.h | |
► src | |
HelpText.cxx | |
TG3DLine.cxx | |
TGApplication.cxx | |
TGButton.cxx | |
TGButtonGroup.cxx | |
TGCanvas.cxx | |
TGClient.cxx | |
TGColorDialog.cxx | |
TGColorSelect.cxx | |
TGComboBox.cxx | |
TGCommandPlugin.cxx | |
TGDimension.cxx | |
TGDNDManager.cxx | |
TGDockableFrame.cxx | |
TGDoubleSlider.cxx | |
TGEventHandler.cxx | |
TGFileBrowser.cxx | |
TGFileDialog.cxx | |
TGFont.cxx | |
TGFontDialog.cxx | |
TGFrame.cxx | |
TGFSComboBox.cxx | |
TGFSContainer.cxx | |
TGGC.cxx | |
TGIcon.cxx | |
TGIdleHandler.cxx | |
TGImageMap.cxx | |
TGInputDialog.cxx | |
TGLabel.cxx | |
TGLayout.cxx | |
TGListBox.cxx | |
TGListTree.cxx | |
TGListView.cxx | |
TGMdiDecorFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiMainFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiMenu.cxx | |
TGMenu.cxx | |
TGMimeTypes.cxx | |
TGMsgBox.cxx | |
TGNumberEntry.cxx | |
TGObject.cxx | |
TGPack.cxx | |
TGPasswdDialog.cxx | |
TGPicture.cxx | |
TGProgressBar.cxx | |
TGRedirectOutputGuard.cxx | |
TGResourcePool.cxx | |
TGScrollBar.cxx | |
TGShapedFrame.cxx | |
TGShutter.cxx | |
TGSimpleTable.cxx | |
TGSimpleTableInterface.cxx | |
TGSlider.cxx | |
TGSpeedo.cxx | |
TGSplitFrame.cxx | |
TGSplitter.cxx | |
TGStatusBar.cxx | |
TGString.cxx | |
TGTab.cxx | |
TGTable.cxx | |
TGTableCell.cxx | |
TGTableContainer.cxx | |
TGTableHeader.cxx | |
TGTableLayout.cxx | |
TGText.cxx | |
TGTextBuffer.cxx | |
TGTextEdit.cxx | |
TGTextEditDialogs.cxx | |
TGTextEditor.cxx | |
TGTextEntry.cxx | |
TGTextView.cxx | |
TGTextViewStream.cxx | |
TGToolBar.cxx | |
TGToolTip.cxx | |
TGTripleSlider.cxx | |
TGuiBuilder.cxx | |
TGView.cxx | |
TGWidget.cxx | |
TGWindow.cxx | |
TGXYLayout.cxx | |
TRootApplication.cxx | |
TRootBrowser.cxx | |
TRootBrowserLite.cxx | |
TRootCanvas.cxx | |
TRootContextMenu.cxx | |
TRootControlBar.cxx | |
TRootDialog.cxx | |
TRootEmbeddedCanvas.cxx | |
TRootGuiFactory.cxx | |
TRootHelpDialog.cxx | |
TVirtualDragManager.cxx | |
► guibuilder | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGuiBldDragManager.h | |
TGuiBldEditor.h | |
TGuiBldGeometryFrame.h | |
TGuiBldHintsButton.h | |
TGuiBldHintsEditor.h | |
TGuiBldNameFrame.h | |
TRootGuiBuilder.h | |
► src | |
TGuiBldDragManager.cxx | |
TGuiBldEditor.cxx | |
TGuiBldGeometryFrame.cxx | |
TGuiBldHintsButton.cxx | |
TGuiBldHintsEditor.cxx | |
TGuiBldNameFrame.cxx | |
TRootGuiBuilder.cxx | |
► guihtml | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TGHtml.h | |
TGHtmlBrowser.h | |
TGHtmlTokens.h | |
TGHtmlUri.h | |
► src | |
TGHtml.cxx | |
TGHtmlBrowser.cxx | |
TGHtmlDraw.cxx | |
TGHtmlElement.cxx | |
TGHtmlForm.cxx | |
TGHtmlImage.cxx | |
TGHtmlIndex.cxx | |
TGHtmlLayout.cxx | |
TGHtmlParse.cxx | |
TGHtmlSizer.cxx | |
TGHtmlTable.cxx | |
TGHtmlTokenMap.cxx | |
TGHtmlUri.cxx | |
► recorder | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TRecorder.h | |
► src | |
TRecorder.cxx | |
► sessionviewer | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TProofProgressDialog.h | |
TProofProgressLog.h | |
TProofProgressMemoryPlot.h | |
TSessionDialogs.h | |
TSessionLogView.h | |
TSessionViewer.h | |
► src | |
TProofProgressDialog.cxx | |
TProofProgressLog.cxx | |
TProofProgressMemoryPlot.cxx | |
TSessionDialogs.cxx | |
TSessionLogView.cxx | |
TSessionViewer.cxx | |
► webdisplay | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RWebDisplayArgs.hxx | |
RWebDisplayHandle.hxx | |
RWebWindow.hxx | |
RWebWindowsManager.hxx | |
► src | |
RWebDisplayArgs.cxx | |
RWebDisplayHandle.cxx | |
RWebWindow.cxx | |
RWebWindowsManager.cxx | |
RWebWindowWSHandler.hxx | |
► webgui6 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TWebCanvas.h | |
TWebControlBar.h | |
TWebMenuItem.h | |
TWebPadOptions.h | |
TWebPadPainter.h | |
TWebPainting.h | |
TWebPS.h | |
TWebSnapshot.h | |
► src | |
TWebCanvas.cxx | |
TWebControlBar.cxx | |
TWebMenuItem.cxx | |
TWebPadPainter.cxx | |
TWebPainting.cxx | |
TWebPS.cxx | |
TWebSnapshot.cxx | |
► hist | |
doc | |
► hbook | |
doc | |
► inc | |
THbookBranch.h | |
THbookFile.h | |
THbookKey.h | |
THbookTree.h | |
► src | |
THbookBranch.cxx | |
THbookFile.cxx | |
THbookKey.cxx | |
THbookTree.cxx | |
► hist | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
WrappedMultiTF1.h | |
WrappedTF1.h | |
► v5 | |
TF1Data.h | |
TFormula.h | |
TFormulaPrimitive.h | |
Foption.h | |
HFitInterface.h | |
TAxis.h | |
TAxisModLab.h | |
TBackCompFitter.h | |
TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.h | |
TConfidenceLevel.h | |
TEfficiency.h | |
TF1.h | |
TF12.h | |
TF1AbsComposition.h | |
TF1Convolution.h | |
TF1NormSum.h | |
TF2.h | |
TF3.h | |
TFitResult.h | |
TFitResultPtr.h | |
TFormula.h | |
TFractionFitter.h | |
TGraph.h | |
TGraph2D.h | |
TGraph2DAsymmErrors.h | |
TGraph2DErrors.h | |
TGraphAsymmErrors.h | |
TGraphBentErrors.h | |
TGraphDelaunay.h | |
TGraphDelaunay2D.h | |
TGraphErrors.h | |
TGraphMultiErrors.h | |
TGraphSmooth.h | |
TGraphTime.h | |
TH1.h | |
TH1C.h | |
TH1D.h | |
TH1F.h | |
TH1I.h | |
TH1K.h | |
TH1L.h | |
TH1S.h | |
TH2.h | |
TH2C.h | |
TH2D.h | |
TH2F.h | |
TH2I.h | |
TH2L.h | |
TH2Poly.h | |
TH2S.h | |
TH3.h | |
TH3C.h | |
TH3D.h | |
TH3F.h | |
TH3I.h | |
TH3L.h | |
TH3S.h | |
THistRange.h | |
THLimitsFinder.h | |
THn.h | |
THnBase.h | |
THnChain.h | |
THnSparse.h | |
THnSparse_Internal.h | |
THStack.h | |
TKDE.h | |
TLimit.h | |
TLimitDataSource.h | |
TMultiDimFit.h | |
TMultiGraph.h | |
TNDArray.h | |
TPolyMarker.h | |
TPrincipal.h | |
TProfile.h | |
TProfile2D.h | |
TProfile2Poly.h | |
TProfile3D.h | |
TScatter.h | |
TSpline.h | |
TSVDUnfold.h | |
TVirtualFitter.h | |
TVirtualGraphPainter.h | |
TVirtualHistPainter.h | |
TVirtualPaveStats.h | |
► src | |
AnalyticalIntegrals.cxx | |
AnalyticalIntegrals.h | |
Haxis.cxx | |
HFitImpl.cxx | |
HFitInterface.cxx | |
TAxis.cxx | |
TAxisModLab.cxx | |
TBackCompFitter.cxx | |
TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.cxx | |
TConfidenceLevel.cxx | |
TEfficiency.cxx | |
TEfficiencyHelper.h | |
TF1.cxx | |
TF12.cxx | |
TF1Convolution.cxx | |
TF1Data_v5.cxx | |
TF1Helper.cxx | |
TF1Helper.h | |
TF1NormSum.cxx | |
TF2.cxx | |
TF3.cxx | |
TFitResult.cxx | |
TFitResultPtr.cxx | |
TFormula.cxx | |
TFormula_v5.cxx | |
TFormulaMathInterface.cxx | |
TFormulaPrimitive_v5.cxx | |
TFractionFitter.cxx | |
TGraph.cxx | |
TGraph2D.cxx | |
TGraph2DAsymmErrors.cxx | |
TGraph2DErrors.cxx | |
TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx | |
TGraphBentErrors.cxx | |
TGraphDelaunay.cxx | |
TGraphDelaunay2D.cxx | |
TGraphErrors.cxx | |
TGraphMultiErrors.cxx | |
TGraphSmooth.cxx | |
TGraphTime.cxx | |
TH1.cxx | |
TH1K.cxx | |
TH1Merger.cxx | |
TH1Merger.h | |
TH2.cxx | |
TH2Poly.cxx | |
TH3.cxx | |
THistRange.cxx | |
THLimitsFinder.cxx | |
THn.cxx | |
THnBase.cxx | |
THnChain.cxx | |
THnSparse.cxx | |
THStack.cxx | |
TKDE.cxx | |
TLimit.cxx | |
TLimitDataSource.cxx | |
TMultiDimFit.cxx | |
TMultiGraph.cxx | |
TPolyMarker.cxx | |
TPrincipal.cxx | |
TProfile.cxx | |
TProfile2D.cxx | |
TProfile2Poly.cxx | |
TProfile3D.cxx | |
TProfileHelper.h | |
TScatter.cxx | |
TSpline.cxx | |
TSVDUnfold.cxx | |
TVirtualFitter.cxx | |
TVirtualGraphPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualHistPainter.cxx | |
WrappedTF1.cxx | |
► histdrawv7 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RHistDisplayItem.hxx | |
RHistDrawable.hxx | |
RHistStatBox.hxx | |
► src | |
RHistDisplayItem.cxx | |
RHistDrawable.cxx | |
RHistStatBox.cxx | |
► histpainter | |
doc | |
► inc | |
Hoption.h | |
Hparam.h | |
TGraph2DPainter.h | |
TGraphPainter.h | |
THistPainter.h | |
TPaletteAxis.h | |
► src | |
TGraph2DPainter.cxx | |
TGraphPainter.cxx | |
THistPainter.cxx | |
TPainter3dAlgorithms.cxx | |
TPainter3dAlgorithms.h | |
TPaletteAxis.cxx | |
► histv7 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RAxis.hxx | |
RAxisConfig.hxx | |
RHist.hxx | |
RHistBinIter.hxx | |
RHistBufferedFill.hxx | |
RHistConcurrentFill.hxx | |
RHistData.hxx | |
RHistImpl.hxx | |
RHistUtils.hxx | |
RHistView.hxx | |
► speed | |
histspeedtest.cxx | |
► src | |
RAxis.cxx | |
► spectrum | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TSpectrum.h | |
TSpectrum2.h | |
TSpectrum2Fit.h | |
TSpectrum2Transform.h | |
TSpectrum3.h | |
TSpectrumFit.h | |
TSpectrumTransform.h | |
► src | |
TSpectrum.cxx | |
TSpectrum2.cxx | |
TSpectrum2Fit.cxx | |
TSpectrum2Transform.cxx | |
TSpectrum3.cxx | |
TSpectrumFit.cxx | |
TSpectrumTransform.cxx | |
► spectrumpainter | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TSpectrum2Painter.h | |
► src | |
TSpectrum2Painter.cxx | |
► unfold | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TUnfold.h | |
TUnfoldBinning.h | |
TUnfoldBinningXML.h | |
TUnfoldDensity.h | |
TUnfoldIterativeEM.h | |
TUnfoldSys.h | |
► src | |
TUnfold.cxx | |
TUnfoldBinning.cxx | |
TUnfoldBinningXML.cxx | |
TUnfoldDensity.cxx | |
TUnfoldIterativeEM.cxx | |
TUnfoldSys.cxx | |
► io | |
► dcache | |
► inc | |
TDCacheFile.h | |
► src | |
TDCacheFile.cxx | |
► doc | |
TFile | |
► io | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RIoUring.hxx | |
RRawFile.hxx | |
RRawFileTFile.hxx | |
RRawFileUnix.hxx | |
RRawFileWin.hxx | |
TBufferMerger.hxx | |
TArchiveFile.h | |
TBufferFile.h | |
TBufferIO.h | |
TBufferJSON.h | |
TBufferText.h | |
TCollectionProxyFactory.h | |
TContainerConverters.h | |
TDirectoryFile.h | |
TEmulatedCollectionProxy.h | |
TEmulatedMapProxy.h | |
TFile.h | |
TFileCacheRead.h | |
TFileCacheWrite.h | |
TFileMerger.h | |
TFilePrefetch.h | |
TFPBlock.h | |
TFree.h | |
TGenCollectionProxy.h | |
TGenCollectionStreamer.h | |
TKey.h | |
TKeyMapFile.h | |
TLockFile.h | |
TMakeProject.h | |
TMapFile.h | |
TMemFile.h | |
TStreamerInfo.h | |
TStreamerInfoActions.h | |
TVirtualCollectionIterators.h | |
TZIPFile.h | |
► src | |
RRawFile.cxx | |
RRawFileUnix.cxx | |
RRawFileWin.cxx | |
TArchiveFile.cxx | |
TBufferFile.cxx | |
TBufferIO.cxx | |
TBufferJSON.cxx | |
TBufferMerger.cxx | |
TBufferMergerFile.cxx | |
TBufferText.cxx | |
TCollectionProxyFactory.cxx | |
TContainerConverters.cxx | |
TDirectoryFile.cxx | |
TEmulatedCollectionProxy.cxx | |
TEmulatedMapProxy.cxx | |
TFile.cxx | |
TFileCacheRead.cxx | |
TFileCacheWrite.cxx | |
TFileMerger.cxx | |
TFilePrefetch.cxx | |
TFPBlock.cxx | |
TFree.cxx | |
TGenCollectionProxy.cxx | |
TGenCollectionStreamer.cxx | |
TKey.cxx | |
TKeyMapFile.cxx | |
TLockFile.cxx | |
TMakeProject.cxx | |
TMapFile.cxx | |
TMemFile.cxx | |
TStreamerInfo.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoActions.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoReadBuffer.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoWriteBuffer.cxx | |
TZIPFile.cxx | |
► v7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RFile.hxx | |
► src | |
RFile.cxx | |
► sql | |
► inc | |
TBufferSQL2.h | |
TKeySQL.h | |
TSQLClassInfo.h | |
TSQLFile.h | |
TSQLObjectData.h | |
TSQLStructure.h | |
► src | |
TBufferSQL2.cxx | |
TKeySQL.cxx | |
TSQLClassInfo.cxx | |
TSQLFile.cxx | |
TSQLObjectData.cxx | |
TSQLStructure.cxx | |
► xml | |
► inc | |
TBufferXML.h | |
TKeyXML.h | |
TXMLEngine.h | |
TXMLFile.h | |
TXMLPlayer.h | |
TXMLSetup.h | |
► src | |
TBufferXML.cxx | |
TKeyXML.cxx | |
TXMLEngine.cxx | |
TXMLFile.cxx | |
TXMLPlayer.cxx | |
TXMLSetup.cxx | |
► xmlparser | |
► inc | |
TDOMParser.h | |
TSAXParser.h | |
TXMLAttr.h | |
TXMLDocument.h | |
TXMLNode.h | |
TXMLParser.h | |
► src | |
TDOMParser.cxx | |
TSAXParser.cxx | |
TXMLAttr.cxx | |
TXMLDocument.cxx | |
TXMLNode.cxx | |
TXMLParser.cxx | |
► main | |
► src | |
hadd.cxx | This program will merge compatible ROOT objects, such as histograms, Trees and RNTuples, from a list of root files and write them to a target root file |
► master | |
► pyzdoc | |
_crossvalidation.pyzdoc | |
_dataloader.pyzdoc | |
_factory.pyzdoc | |
_maps.pyzdoc | |
_namespace.pyzdoc | |
_rdataframe.pyzdoc | |
_roofit.pyzdoc | |
_rooglobalfunc.pyzdoc | |
_rvec.pyzdoc | |
_tarray.pyzdoc | |
_tcontext.pyzdoc | |
_tdirectory.pyzdoc | |
_tdirectoryfile.pyzdoc | |
_tf1.pyzdoc | |
_tfile.pyzdoc | |
_tgraph.pyzdoc | |
_th1.pyzdoc | |
_thistpainter.pyzdoc | |
_tscatter.pyzdoc | |
_ttree.pyzdoc | |
► math | |
doc | |
► fftw | |
► inc | |
TFFTComplex.h | |
TFFTComplexReal.h | |
TFFTReal.h | |
TFFTRealComplex.h | |
► src | |
TFFTComplex.cxx | |
TFFTComplexReal.cxx | |
TFFTReal.cxx | |
TFFTRealComplex.cxx | |
► foam | |
► inc | |
TFoam.h | |
TFoamCell.h | |
TFoamIntegrand.h | |
TFoamMaxwt.h | |
TFoamSampler.h | |
TFoamVect.h | |
► src | |
TFoam.cxx | |
TFoamCell.cxx | |
TFoamIntegrand.cxx | |
TFoamMaxwt.cxx | |
TFoamSampler.cxx | |
TFoamVect.cxx | |
► fumili | |
► inc | |
TFumili.h | |
TFumiliMinimizer.h | |
► src | |
TFumili.cxx | |
TFumiliMinimizer.cxx | |
► genetic | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
GeneticMinimizer.h | |
► src | |
GeneticMinimizer.cxx | |
► genvector | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
► GenVector | |
3DConversions.h | |
3DDistances.h | |
AxisAngle.h | |
AxisAnglefwd.h | |
BitReproducible.h | |
Boost.h | |
Boostfwd.h | |
BoostX.h | |
BoostXfwd.h | |
BoostY.h | |
BoostYfwd.h | |
BoostZ.h | |
BoostZfwd.h | |
Cartesian2D.h | |
Cartesian2Dfwd.h | |
Cartesian3D.h | |
Cartesian3Dfwd.h | |
CoordinateSystemTags.h | |
Cylindrical3D.h | |
Cylindrical3Dfwd.h | |
CylindricalEta3D.h | |
CylindricalEta3Dfwd.h | |
DisplacementVector2D.h | |
DisplacementVector2Dfwd.h | |
DisplacementVector3D.h | |
DisplacementVector3Dfwd.h | |
eta.h | |
etaMax.h | |
EulerAngles.h | |
EulerAnglesfwd.h | |
GenVector_exception.h | |
GenVectorIO.h | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzRotationfwd.h | |
LorentzVector.h | |
LorentzVectorfwd.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Polar2D.h | |
Polar2Dfwd.h | |
Polar3D.h | |
Polar3Dfwd.h | |
PositionVector2D.h | |
PositionVector2Dfwd.h | |
PositionVector3D.h | |
PositionVector3Dfwd.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4Dfwd.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4Dfwd.h | |
PxPyPzE4D.h | |
PxPyPzE4Dfwd.h | |
PxPyPzM4D.h | |
PxPyPzM4Dfwd.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Quaternionfwd.h | |
Rotation3D.h | |
Rotation3Dfwd.h | |
RotationX.h | |
RotationXfwd.h | |
RotationY.h | |
RotationYfwd.h | |
RotationZ.h | |
RotationZfwd.h | |
RotationZYX.h | |
RotationZYXfwd.h | |
Transform3D.h | |
Translation3D.h | |
VectorUtil.h | |
AxisAngle.h | |
Boost.h | |
BoostX.h | |
BoostY.h | |
BoostZ.h | |
Cartesian2D.h | |
Cartesian3D.h | |
Cylindrical3D.h | |
CylindricalEta3D.h | |
DisplacementVector2D.h | |
DisplacementVector3D.h | |
EulerAngles.h | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzVector.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Point2D.h | |
Point2Dfwd.h | |
Point3D.h | |
Point3Dfwd.h | |
Polar2D.h | |
Polar3D.h | |
PositionVector2D.h | |
PositionVector3D.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4D.h | |
PxPyPzE4D.h | |
PxPyPzM4D.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Rotation3D.h | |
RotationX.h | |
RotationY.h | |
RotationZ.h | |
RotationZYX.h | |
Transform3D.h | |
Translation3D.h | |
Vector2D.h | |
Vector2Dfwd.h | |
Vector3D.h | |
Vector3Dfwd.h | |
Vector4D.h | |
Vector4Dfwd.h | |
VectorUtil.h | |
► src | |
3DConversions.cxx | |
3DDistances.cxx | |
AxisAngle.cxx | |
AxisAngleXother.cxx | |
BitReproducible.cxx | |
Boost.cxx | |
BoostX.cxx | |
BoostY.cxx | |
BoostZ.cxx | |
EulerAngles.cxx | |
LorentzRotation.cxx | |
Quaternion.cxx | |
QuaternionXaxial.cxx | |
Rotation3D.cxx | |
Rotation3DxAxial.cxx | |
RotationZYX.cxx | |
VectorUtil.cxx | |
► mathcore | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Fit | |
BasicFCN.h | |
BinData.h | |
Chi2FCN.h | |
DataOptions.h | |
DataRange.h | |
FcnAdapter.h | |
FitConfig.h | |
FitData.h | |
FitExecutionPolicy.h | |
FitResult.h | |
Fitter.h | |
FitUtil.h | |
LogLikelihoodFCN.h | |
ParameterSettings.h | |
PoissonLikelihoodFCN.h | |
SparseData.h | |
UnBinData.h | |
► Math | |
AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.h | |
AllIntegrationTypes.h | |
BasicMinimizer.h | |
BrentMethods.h | |
BrentMinimizer1D.h | |
BrentRootFinder.h | |
ChebyshevPol.h | |
CladDerivator.h | The file is a bridge between ROOT and clad automatic differentiation plugin |
Delaunay2D.h | |
DistFunc.h | |
DistFuncMathCore.h | |
DistSampler.h | |
DistSamplerOptions.h | |
Error.h | |
Factory.h | |
FitMethodFunction.h | |
Functor.h | |
GaussIntegrator.h | |
GaussLegendreIntegrator.h | |
GenAlgoOptions.h | |
GoFTest.h | |
IFunction.h | |
IFunctionfwd.h | |
IMinimizer1D.h | |
Integrator.h | |
IntegratorMultiDim.h | |
IntegratorOptions.h | |
IOptions.h | |
IParamFunction.h | |
IParamFunctionfwd.h | |
IRootFinderMethod.h | |
KDTree.h | |
KDTree.icc | |
LCGEngine.h | |
Math.h | |
MersenneTwisterEngine.h | |
Minimizer.h | |
MinimizerOptions.h | |
MinimizerVariableTransformation.h | |
MinimTransformFunction.h | |
MinimTransformVariable.h | |
MixMaxEngine.h | |
MixMaxEngine.icc | |
MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter.h | |
OneDimFunctionAdapter.h | |
ParamFunctor.h | |
PdfFunc.h | |
PdfFuncMathCore.h | |
ProbFunc.h | |
ProbFuncMathCore.h | |
QuantFunc.h | |
QuantFuncMathCore.h | |
Random.h | |
RandomFunctions.h | |
RanluxppEngine.h | |
RichardsonDerivator.h | |
RootFinder.h | |
SpecFunc.h | |
SpecFuncMathCore.h | |
StdEngine.h | |
TDataPoint.h | |
TDataPoint.icc | |
TDataPointN.h | |
TDataPointN.icc | |
TRandomEngine.h | |
Types.h | |
Util.h | |
VirtualIntegrator.h | |
WrappedFunction.h | |
WrappedParamFunction.h | |
TComplex.h | |
TKDTree.h | |
TKDTreeBinning.h | |
TMath.h | |
TRandom.h | |
TRandom1.h | |
TRandom2.h | |
TRandom3.h | |
TRandomGen.h | |
TStatistic.h | |
VectorizedTMath.h | |
► src | |
► ranluxpp | |
helpers.h | |
mulmod.h | |
ranlux_lcg.h | |
AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.cxx | |
BasicMinimizer.cxx | |
BinData.cxx | |
BrentMethods.cxx | |
BrentMinimizer1D.cxx | |
BrentRootFinder.cxx | |
ChebyshevPol.cxx | |
DataRange.cxx | |
Delaunay2D.cxx | |
DistSampler.cxx | |
DistSamplerOptions.cxx | |
Factory.cxx | |
FitConfig.cxx | |
FitData.cxx | |
FitResult.cxx | |
Fitter.cxx | |
FitUtil.cxx | |
GaussIntegrator.cxx | |
GaussLegendreIntegrator.cxx | |
GenAlgoOptions.cxx | |
GoFTest.cxx | |
Integrator.cxx | |
IntegratorOptions.cxx | |
IOptions.cxx | |
MersenneTwisterEngine.cxx | |
Minimizer.cxx | |
MinimizerOptions.cxx | |
MinimizerVariableTransformation.cxx | |
MinimTransformFunction.cxx | |
mixmax.h | |
mixmax.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N17.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N240.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N256.icc | |
mixmax_skip_N256.oldS.icc | |
MixMaxEngineImpl.h | |
MixMaxEngineImpl17.cxx | |
MixMaxEngineImpl240.cxx | |
MixMaxEngineImpl256.cxx | |
ParameterSettings.cxx | |
PdfFuncMathCore.cxx | |
ProbFuncMathCore.cxx | |
QuantFuncMathCore.cxx | |
RandomFunctions.cxx | |
RanluxppEngineImpl.cxx | |
RichardsonDerivator.cxx | |
RootFinder.cxx | |
SparseData.cxx | |
SpecFuncCephes.cxx | |
SpecFuncCephes.h | |
SpecFuncCephesInv.cxx | |
SpecFuncMathCore.cxx | |
StdEngine.cxx | |
TComplex.cxx | |
TKDTree.cxx | |
TKDTreeBinning.cxx | |
TMath.cxx | |
TRandom.cxx | |
TRandom1.cxx | |
TRandom2.cxx | |
TRandom3.cxx | |
TRandomGen.cxx | |
TStatistic.cxx | |
UnBinData.cxx | |
VectorizedTMath.cxx | |
► v7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RFit.hxx | |
► mathmore | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
ChebyshevApprox.h | |
Derivator.h | |
DistFuncMathMore.h | |
GSLFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLIntegrator.h | |
GSLMCIntegrator.h | |
GSLMinimizer.h | |
GSLMinimizer1D.h | |
GSLMultiRootFinder.h | |
GSLNLSMinimizer.h | |
GSLQuasiRandom.h | |
GSLRandom.h | |
GSLRandomFunctions.h | |
GSLRndmEngines.h | |
GSLRootFinder.h | |
GSLRootFinderDeriv.h | |
GSLRootHelper.h | |
GSLSimAnMinimizer.h | |
GSLSimAnnealing.h | |
IntegrationTypes.h | |
InterpolationTypes.h | |
Interpolator.h | |
MCIntegrationTypes.h | |
MCParameters.h | |
MultiNumGradFunction.h | |
MultiRootFinder.h | |
ParamFunction.h | |
PdfFuncMathMore.h | |
Polynomial.h | |
QuantFuncMathMore.h | |
QuasiRandom.h | |
RootFinderAlgorithms.h | |
SpecFuncMathMore.h | |
Vavilov.h | |
VavilovAccurate.h | |
VavilovAccurateCdf.h | |
VavilovAccuratePdf.h | |
VavilovAccurateQuantile.h | |
VavilovFast.h | |
► src | |
cblas.cxx | |
ChebyshevApprox.cxx | |
complex_quartic.h | |
Derivator.cxx | |
GSL1DMinimizerWrapper.h | |
GSLChebSeries.h | |
GSLDerivator.cxx | |
GSLDerivator.h | |
GSLError.cxx | |
GSLFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLIntegrationWorkspace.h | |
GSLIntegrator.cxx | |
GSLInterpolator.cxx | |
GSLInterpolator.h | |
GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace.h | |
GSLMCIntegrator.cxx | |
GSLMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLMinimizer1D.cxx | |
GSLMonteFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMonteFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiFit.h | |
GSLMultiFitFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiMinFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiMinimizer.h | |
GSLMultiRootFinder.cxx | |
GSLMultiRootFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiRootSolver.h | |
GSLNLSMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLQRngWrapper.h | |
GSLQuasiRandom.cxx | |
GSLRndmEngines.cxx | |
GSLRngROOTWrapper.h | |
GSLRngWrapper.h | |
GSLRootFdFSolver.h | |
GSLRootFinder.cxx | |
GSLRootFinderDeriv.cxx | |
GSLRootFSolver.h | |
GSLRootHelper.cxx | |
GSLSimAnMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLSimAnnealing.cxx | |
Interpolator.cxx | |
MCParameters.cxx | |
MultiNumGradFunction.cxx | |
PdfFuncMathMore.cxx | |
Polynomial.cxx | |
QuantFuncMathMore.cxx | |
RootFinderAlgorithms.cxx | |
SpecFuncMathMore.cxx | |
Vavilov.cxx | |
VavilovAccurate.cxx | |
VavilovAccurateCdf.cxx | |
VavilovAccuratePdf.cxx | |
VavilovAccurateQuantile.cxx | |
VavilovFast.cxx | |
zsolve_cubic.cxx | |
► matrix | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TDecompBase.h | |
TDecompBK.h | |
TDecompChol.h | |
TDecompLU.h | |
TDecompQRH.h | |
TDecompSparse.h | |
TDecompSVD.h | |
TMatrix.h | |
TMatrixD.h | |
TMatrixDBase.h | |
TMatrixDBasefwd.h | |
TMatrixDEigen.h | |
TMatrixDfwd.h | |
TMatrixDLazy.h | |
TMatrixDSparse.h | |
TMatrixDSparsefwd.h | |
TMatrixDSym.h | |
TMatrixDSymEigen.h | |
TMatrixDSymfwd.h | |
TMatrixDUtils.h | |
TMatrixDUtilsfwd.h | |
TMatrixF.h | |
TMatrixFBase.h | |
TMatrixFBasefwd.h | |
TMatrixFfwd.h | |
TMatrixFLazy.h | |
TMatrixFSparse.h | |
TMatrixFSparsefwd.h | |
TMatrixFSym.h | |
TMatrixFSymfwd.h | |
TMatrixFUtils.h | |
TMatrixFUtilsfwd.h | |
TMatrixT.h | |
TMatrixTBase.h | |
TMatrixTCramerInv.h | |
TMatrixTLazy.h | |
TMatrixTSparse.h | |
TMatrixTSym.h | |
TMatrixTSymCramerInv.h | |
TMatrixTUtils.h | |
TVector.h | |
TVectorD.h | |
TVectorDfwd.h | |
TVectorF.h | |
TVectorFfwd.h | |
TVectorfwd.h | |
TVectorT.h | |
► src | |
TDecompBase.cxx | |
TDecompBK.cxx | |
TDecompChol.cxx | |
TDecompLU.cxx | |
TDecompQRH.cxx | |
TDecompSparse.cxx | |
TDecompSVD.cxx | |
TMatrixDEigen.cxx | |
TMatrixDSymEigen.cxx | |
TMatrixT.cxx | |
TMatrixTBase.cxx | |
TMatrixTCramerInv.cxx | |
TMatrixTLazy.cxx | |
TMatrixTSparse.cxx | |
TMatrixTSym.cxx | |
TMatrixTSymCramerInv.cxx | |
TMatrixTUtils.cxx | |
TVectorT.cxx | |
► minuit | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TFitter.h | |
TLinearFitter.h | |
TLinearMinimizer.h | |
TMinuit.h | |
TMinuitMinimizer.h | |
► src | |
TFitter.cxx | |
TLinearFitter.cxx | |
TLinearMinimizer.cxx | |
TMinuit.cxx | |
TMinuitMinimizer.cxx | |
► minuit2 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Minuit2 | |
AnalyticalGradientCalculator.h | |
BFGSErrorUpdator.h | |
CombinedMinimizer.h | |
CombinedMinimumBuilder.h | |
ContoursError.h | |
DavidonErrorUpdator.h | |
ExternalInternalGradientCalculator.h | |
FCNAdapter.h | |
FCNBase.h | |
FCNGradAdapter.h | |
FCNGradientBase.h | |
FumiliBuilder.h | |
FumiliChi2FCN.h | |
FumiliErrorUpdator.h | |
FumiliFCNAdapter.h | |
FumiliFCNBase.h | |
FumiliGradientCalculator.h | |
FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h | |
FumiliMinimizer.h | |
FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h | |
FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h | |
FunctionGradient.h | |
FunctionMinimum.h | |
GenericFunction.h | |
GradientCalculator.h | |
HessianGradientCalculator.h | |
InitialGradientCalculator.h | |
MinimumBuilder.h | |
MinimumError.h | |
MinimumErrorUpdator.h | |
MinimumParameters.h | |
MinimumSeed.h | |
MinimumSeedGenerator.h | |
MinimumState.h | |
MinosError.h | |
Minuit2Minimizer.h | |
MinuitParameter.h | |
MnApplication.h | |
MnConfig.h | |
MnContours.h | |
MnCovarianceSqueeze.h | |
MnCross.h | |
MnEigen.h | |
MnFcn.h | |
MnFumiliMinimize.h | |
MnFunctionCross.h | |
MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff.h | |
MnHesse.h | |
MnLineSearch.h | |
MnMachinePrecision.h | |
MnMatrix.h | |
MnMatrixfwd.h | |
MnMigrad.h | |
MnMinimize.h | |
MnMinos.h | |
MnParabola.h | |
MnParabolaFactory.h | |
MnParabolaPoint.h | |
MnParameterScan.h | |
MnPlot.h | |
MnPosDef.h | |
MnPrint.h | |
MnRefCountedPointer.h | |
MnReferenceCounter.h | |
MnScan.h | |
MnSeedGenerator.h | |
MnSimplex.h | |
MnStrategy.h | |
MnTiny.h | |
MnTraceObject.h | |
MnUserCovariance.h | |
MnUserFcn.h | |
MnUserParameters.h | |
MnUserParameterState.h | |
MnUserTransformation.h | |
MnVectorTransform.h | |
ModularFunctionMinimizer.h | |
MPIProcess.h | |
NegativeG2LineSearch.h | |
Numerical2PGradientCalculator.h | |
NumericalDerivator.h | |
ParametricFunction.h | |
ScanBuilder.h | |
ScanMinimizer.h | |
SimplexBuilder.h | |
SimplexMinimizer.h | |
SimplexParameters.h | |
SimplexSeedGenerator.h | |
SinParameterTransformation.h | |
SqrtLowParameterTransformation.h | |
SqrtUpParameterTransformation.h | |
VariableMetricBuilder.h | |
VariableMetricEDMEstimator.h | |
VariableMetricMinimizer.h | |
TMinuit2TraceObject.h | |
► src | |
AnalyticalGradientCalculator.cxx | |
BFGSErrorUpdator.cxx | |
CombinedMinimumBuilder.cxx | |
DavidonErrorUpdator.cxx | |
ExternalInternalGradientCalculator.cxx | |
FumiliBuilder.cxx | |
FumiliErrorUpdator.cxx | |
FumiliGradientCalculator.cxx | |
FumiliMinimizer.cxx | |
FumiliStandardChi2FCN.cxx | |
FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.cxx | |
HessianGradientCalculator.cxx | |
InitialGradientCalculator.cxx | |
MinimumBuilder.cxx | |
Minuit2Minimizer.cxx | |
MnApplication.cxx | |
mnbins.cxx | |
MnContours.cxx | |
MnCovarianceSqueeze.cxx | |
MnEigen.cxx | |
MnFcn.cxx | |
MnFumiliMinimize.cxx | |
MnFunctionCross.cxx | |
MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff.cxx | |
MnHesse.cxx | |
MnLineSearch.cxx | |
MnMachinePrecision.cxx | |
MnMatrix.cxx | |
MnMinos.cxx | |
MnParabolaFactory.cxx | |
MnParameterScan.cxx | |
MnPlot.cxx | |
MnPosDef.cxx | |
MnPrint.cxx | |
MnPrintImpl.cxx | |
MnScan.cxx | |
MnSeedGenerator.cxx | |
MnStrategy.cxx | |
MnTiny.cxx | |
mntplot.cxx | |
MnTraceObject.cxx | |
MnUserFcn.cxx | |
MnUserParameters.cxx | |
MnUserParameterState.cxx | |
MnUserTransformation.cxx | |
ModularFunctionMinimizer.cxx | |
MPIProcess.cxx | |
NegativeG2LineSearch.cxx | |
Numerical2PGradientCalculator.cxx | |
NumericalDerivator.cxx | |
ParametricFunction.cxx | |
ScanBuilder.cxx | |
SimplexBuilder.cxx | |
SimplexParameters.cxx | |
SimplexSeedGenerator.cxx | |
SinParameterTransformation.cxx | |
SqrtLowParameterTransformation.cxx | |
SqrtUpParameterTransformation.cxx | |
TMinuit2TraceObject.cxx | |
VariableMetricBuilder.cxx | |
VariableMetricEDMEstimator.cxx | |
► mlp | |
► inc | |
TMLPAnalyzer.h | |
TMultiLayerPerceptron.h | |
TNeuron.h | |
TSynapse.h | |
► src | |
TMLPAnalyzer.cxx | |
TMultiLayerPerceptron.cxx | |
TNeuron.cxx | |
TSynapse.cxx | |
► physics | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TFeldmanCousins.h | |
TGenPhaseSpace.h | |
TLorentzRotation.h | |
TLorentzVector.h | |
TQuaternion.h | |
TRobustEstimator.h | |
TRolke.h | |
TRotation.h | |
TVector2.h | |
TVector3.h | |
► src | |
TFeldmanCousins.cxx | |
TGenPhaseSpace.cxx | |
TLorentzRotation.cxx | |
TLorentzVector.cxx | |
TQuaternion.cxx | |
TRobustEstimator.cxx | |
TRolke.cxx | |
TRotation.cxx | |
TVector2.cxx | |
TVector3.cxx | |
► quadp | |
► inc | |
TGondzioSolver.h | |
TMehrotraSolver.h | |
TQpDataBase.h | |
TQpDataDens.h | |
TQpDataSparse.h | |
TQpLinSolverBase.h | |
TQpLinSolverDens.h | |
TQpLinSolverSparse.h | |
TQpProbBase.h | |
TQpProbDens.h | |
TQpProbSparse.h | |
TQpResidual.h | |
TQpSolverBase.h | |
TQpVar.h | |
► src | |
TGondzioSolver.cxx | |
TMehrotraSolver.cxx | |
TQpDataBase.cxx | |
TQpDataDens.cxx | |
TQpDataSparse.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverBase.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverDens.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverSparse.cxx | |
TQpProbBase.cxx | |
TQpProbDens.cxx | |
TQpProbSparse.cxx | |
TQpResidual.cxx | |
TQpSolverBase.cxx | |
TQpVar.cxx | |
► rtools | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
RMinimizer.h | |
► src | |
RMinimizer.cxx | |
► smatrix | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► Math | |
BinaryOperators.h | |
BinaryOpPolicy.h | |
CholeskyDecomp.h | Header file containing the templated implementation of matrix inversion routines for use with ROOT's SMatrix classes (symmetric positive definite case) |
CramerInversion.icc | |
CramerInversionSym.icc | |
Dfact.h | |
Dfactir.h | |
Dfinv.h | |
Dinv.h | |
Dsfact.h | |
Dsinv.h | |
Expression.h | |
Functions.h | |
HelperOps.h | |
MatrixFunctions.h | |
MatrixInversion.icc | |
MatrixRepresentationsStatic.h | |
MConfig.h | |
SMatrix.h | |
SMatrix.icc | |
SMatrixDfwd.h | |
SMatrixFfwd.h | |
StaticCheck.h | |
SVector.h | |
SVector.icc | |
UnaryOperators.h | |
► splot | |
► inc | |
TSPlot.h | |
► src | |
TSPlot.cxx | |
► unuran | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TUnuran.h | |
TUnuranBaseDist.h | |
TUnuranContDist.h | |
TUnuranDiscrDist.h | |
TUnuranEmpDist.h | |
TUnuranMultiContDist.h | |
TUnuranSampler.h | |
► src | |
TUnuran.cxx | |
TUnuranContDist.cxx | |
TUnuranDiscrDist.cxx | |
TUnuranEmpDist.cxx | |
TUnuranMultiContDist.cxx | |
TUnuranSampler.cxx | |
UnuranDistrAdapter.h | |
UnuranRng.h | |
► vecops | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RVec.hxx | |
► src | |
RVec.cxx | |
► montecarlo | |
doc | |
► eg | |
doc | |
► inc | |
cfortran.h | |
Hepevt.h | |
TAttParticle.h | |
TDatabasePDG.h | |
TDecayChannel.h | |
TGenerator.h | |
TParticle.h | |
TParticleClassPDG.h | |
TParticlePDG.h | |
TPDGCode.h | |
TPrimary.h | |
TVirtualMCDecayer.h | |
► src | |
TAttParticle.cxx | |
TDatabasePDG.cxx | |
TDecayChannel.cxx | |
TGenerator.cxx | |
TParticle.cxx | |
TParticleClassPDG.cxx | |
TParticlePDG.cxx | |
TPrimary.cxx | |
TVirtualMCDecayer.cxx | |
► pythia8 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
TPythia8.h | |
TPythia8Decayer.h | |
► src | |
TPythia8.cxx | |
TPythia8Decayer.cxx | |
► net | |
► auth | |
► inc | |
AuthConst.h | |
TAuthenticate.h | |
THostAuth.h | |
TRootAuth.h | |
TRootSecContext.h | |
► res | |
rsaaux.h | |
rsadef.h | |
rsafun.h | |
rsalib.h | |
► src | |
rsaaux.cxx | |
rsafun.cxx | |
rsalib.cxx | |
TAuthenticate.cxx | |
THostAuth.cxx | |
TRootAuth.cxx | |
TRootSecContext.cxx | |
► davix | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RRawFileDavix.hxx | |
TDavixFile.h | |
TDavixSystem.h | |
► src | |
RRawFileDavix.cxx | |
TDavixFile.cxx | |
TDavixFileInternal.h | |
TDavixSystem.cxx | |
utils.h | |
doc | |
► http | |
► civetweb | |
civetweb.c | |
civetweb.h | |
handle_form.inl | |
md5.inl | |
openssl_dl.inl | |
response.inl | |
sha1.inl | |
► inc | |
THttpCallArg.h | |
THttpEngine.h | |
THttpServer.h | |
THttpWSHandler.h | |
TRootSniffer.h | |
TRootSnifferStore.h | |
► src | |
TCivetweb.cxx | |
TCivetweb.h | |
TFastCgi.cxx | |
TFastCgi.h | |
THttpCallArg.cxx | |
THttpEngine.cxx | |
THttpLongPollEngine.cxx | |
THttpLongPollEngine.h | |
THttpServer.cxx | |
THttpWSEngine.cxx | |
THttpWSEngine.h | |
THttpWSHandler.cxx | |
TRootSniffer.cxx | |
TRootSnifferStore.cxx | |
► httpsniff | |
► inc | |
TRootSnifferFull.h | |
► src | |
TRootSnifferFull.cxx | |
► net | |
► inc | |
NetErrors.h | |
RRemoteProtocol.h | |
TApplicationRemote.h | |
TApplicationServer.h | |
TFileStager.h | |
TFTP.h | |
TGrid.h | |
TGridCollection.h | |
TGridJDL.h | |
TGridJob.h | |
TGridJobStatus.h | |
TGridJobStatusList.h | |
TGridResult.h | |
TMessage.h | |
TMonitor.h | |
TNetFile.h | |
TNetFileStager.h | |
TParallelMergingFile.h | |
TPServerSocket.h | |
TPSocket.h | |
TS3HTTPRequest.h | |
TS3WebFile.h | |
TSecContext.h | |
TServerSocket.h | |
TSocket.h | |
TSQLColumnInfo.h | |
TSQLMonitoring.h | |
TSQLResult.h | |
TSQLRow.h | |
TSQLServer.h | |
TSQLStatement.h | |
TSQLTableInfo.h | |
TSSLSocket.h | |
TUDPSocket.h | |
TWebFile.h | |
► src | |
NetErrors.cxx | |
TApplicationRemote.cxx | |
TApplicationServer.cxx | |
TFileStager.cxx | |
TFTP.cxx | |
TGrid.cxx | |
TGridJDL.cxx | |
TGridJob.cxx | |
TGridJobStatus.cxx | |
TGridJobStatusList.cxx | |
TGridResult.cxx | |
TMessage.cxx | |
TMonitor.cxx | |
TNetFile.cxx | |
TNetFileStager.cxx | |
TParallelMergingFile.cxx | |
TPServerSocket.cxx | |
TPSocket.cxx | |
TS3HTTPRequest.cxx | |
TS3WebFile.cxx | |
TSecContext.cxx | |
TServerSocket.cxx | |
TSocket.cxx | |
TSQLColumnInfo.cxx | |
TSQLMonitoring.cxx | |
TSQLResult.cxx | |
TSQLRow.cxx | |
TSQLServer.cxx | |
TSQLStatement.cxx | |
TSQLTableInfo.cxx | |
TSSLSocket.cxx | |
TUDPSocket.cxx | |
TWebFile.cxx | |
► netxng | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RRawFileNetXNG.hxx | |
TNetXNGFile.h | |
TNetXNGFileStager.h | |
TNetXNGSystem.h | |
► src | |
RRawFileNetXNG.cxx | |
TNetXNGFile.cxx | |
TNetXNGFileStager.cxx | |
TNetXNGSystem.cxx | |
► proof | |
► doc | |
confman | |
► proof | |
► inc | |
TCondor.h | |
TDataSetManager.h | |
TDataSetManagerFile.h | |
TDSet.h | |
TDSetProxy.h | |
TLockPath.h | |
TPackMgr.h | |
TProof.h | |
TProofChain.h | |
TProofCondor.h | |
TProofDebug.h | |
TProofLite.h | |
TProofLog.h | |
TProofMgr.h | |
TProofMgrLite.h | |
TProofNodeInfo.h | |
TProofOutputFile.h | |
TProofOutputList.h | |
TProofProgressStatus.h | |
TProofQueryResult.h | |
TProofResources.h | |
TProofResourcesStatic.h | |
TProofServ.h | |
TProofServLite.h | |
TProofSuperMaster.h | |
TQueryResultManager.h | |
TSelVerifyDataSet.h | |
TSlave.h | |
TSlaveLite.h | |
TVirtualPacketizer.h | |
TVirtualProofPlayer.h | |
► src | |
TCondor.cxx | |
TDataSetManager.cxx | |
TDataSetManagerFile.cxx | |
TDSet.cxx | |
TDSetProxy.cxx | |
TLockPath.cxx | |
TPackMgr.cxx | |
TProof.cxx | |
TProofChain.cxx | |
TProofCondor.cxx | |
TProofDebug.cxx | |
TProofLite.cxx | |
TProofLog.cxx | |
TProofMgr.cxx | |
TProofMgrLite.cxx | |
TProofNodeInfo.cxx | |
TProofOutputFile.cxx | |
TProofOutputList.cxx | |
TProofProgressStatus.cxx | |
TProofQueryResult.cxx | |
TProofResourcesStatic.cxx | |
TProofServ.cxx | |
TProofServLite.cxx | |
TProofSuperMaster.cxx | |
TQueryResultManager.cxx | |
TSelVerifyDataSet.cxx | |
TSlave.cxx | |
TSlaveLite.cxx | |
TVirtualPacketizer.cxx | |
TVirtualProofPlayer.cxx | |
► proofbench | |
► inc | |
TProofBench.h | |
TProofBenchDataSet.h | |
TProofBenchRun.h | |
TProofBenchRunCPU.h | |
TProofBenchRunDataRead.h | |
TProofBenchTypes.h | |
TProofNodes.h | |
TProofPerfAnalysis.h | |
TSelEvent.h | |
TSelEventGen.h | |
TSelHandleDataSet.h | |
TSelHist.h | |
► src | |
TProofBench.cxx | |
TProofBenchDataSet.cxx | |
TProofBenchRun.cxx | |
TProofBenchRunCPU.cxx | |
TProofBenchRunDataRead.cxx | |
TProofNodes.cxx | |
TProofPerfAnalysis.cxx | |
TSelEvent.cxx | |
TSelEventGen.cxx | |
TSelHandleDataSet.cxx | |
TSelHist.cxx | |
► proofplayer | |
► inc | |
TDrawFeedback.h | |
TEventIter.h | |
TOutputListSelectorDataMap.h | |
TPacketizer.h | |
TPacketizerAdaptive.h | |
TPacketizerFile.h | |
TPacketizerMulti.h | |
TPacketizerUnit.h | |
TPerfStats.h | |
TProofDraw.h | |
TProofLimitsFinder.h | |
TProofMonSender.h | |
TProofMonSenderSQL.h | |
TProofPlayer.h | |
TProofPlayerLite.h | |
TStatsFeedback.h | |
TStatus.h | |
► src | |
TDrawFeedback.cxx | |
TEventIter.cxx | |
TOutputListSelectorDataMap.cxx | |
TPacketizer.cxx | |
TPacketizerAdaptive.cxx | |
TPacketizerFile.cxx | |
TPacketizerMulti.cxx | |
TPacketizerUnit.cxx | |
TPerfStats.cxx | |
TProofDraw.cxx | |
TProofLimitsFinder.cxx | |
TProofMonSender.cxx | |
TProofMonSenderSQL.cxx | |
TProofPlayer.cxx | |
TProofPlayerLite.cxx | |
TStatsFeedback.cxx | |
TStatus.cxx | |
► roofit | |
► batchcompute | |
► res | |
RooBatchCompute.h | |
RooBatchComputeTypes.h | |
RooHeterogeneousMath.h | |
RooNaNPacker.h | |
► src | |
Batches.h | |
ComputeFunctions.cu | |
ComputeFunctions.cxx | This file contains vectorizable computation functions for PDFs and other Roofit objects |
CudaInterface.cu | |
CudaInterface.h | |
Initialisation.cxx | |
RooBatchCompute.cu | |
RooBatchCompute.cxx | |
RooVDTHeaders.h | |
► codegen | |
► inc | |
► RooFit | |
CodegenImpl.h | |
► src | |
CodegenImpl.cxx | |
► doc | |
developers | |
► histfactory | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► RooStats | |
► HistFactory | |
► Detail | |
HistFactoryImpl.h | |
Asimov.h | |
Channel.h | |
ConfigParser.h | |
Data.h | |
FlexibleInterpVar.h | |
HistFactoryException.h | |
HistFactoryModelUtils.h | |
HistFactoryNavigation.h | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast.h | |
HistRef.h | |
LinInterpVar.h | |
MakeModelAndMeasurementsFast.h | |
Measurement.h | |
ParamHistFunc.h | |
PiecewiseInterpolation.h | |
PreprocessFunction.h | |
RooBarlowBeestonLL.h | |
Sample.h | |
Systematics.h | |
HFMsgService.h | |
► src | |
Asimov.cxx | |
Channel.cxx | |
ConfigParser.cxx | |
Data.cxx | |
FlexibleInterpVar.cxx | |
hist2workspace.cxx | |
HistFactoryImpl.cxx | |
HistFactoryModelUtils.cxx | |
HistFactoryNavigation.cxx | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast.cxx | |
HistRef.cxx | |
LinInterpVar.cxx | |
MakeModelAndMeasurementsFast.cxx | |
Measurement.cxx | |
ParamHistFunc.cxx | |
PiecewiseInterpolation.cxx | |
PreprocessFunction.cxx | |
RooBarlowBeestonLL.cxx | |
Sample.cxx | |
Systematics.cxx | |
► hs3 | |
► inc | |
► RooFitHS3 | |
JSONIO.h | |
RooJSONFactoryWSTool.h | |
► src | |
Domains.cxx | |
Domains.h | |
JSONFactories_HistFactory.cxx | |
JSONFactories_RooFitCore.cxx | |
JSONIO.cxx | |
JSONIOUtils.cxx | |
JSONIOUtils.h | |
RooFitHS3_wsexportkeys.cxx | |
RooFitHS3_wsfactoryexpressions.cxx | |
RooJSONFactoryWSTool.cxx | |
static_execute.h | |
► jsoninterface | |
► inc | |
► RooFit | |
► Detail | |
JSONInterface.h | |
► src | |
JSONInterface.cxx | |
JSONParser.cxx | |
JSONParser.h | |
RYMLParser.cxx | |
RYMLParser.h | |
► multiprocess | |
► inc | |
► RooFit | |
► MultiProcess | |
Config.h | |
HeatmapAnalyzer.h | |
types.h | |
► res | |
► RooFit | |
► MultiProcess | |
Job.h | |
JobManager.h | |
Messenger.h | |
Messenger_decl.h | |
ProcessManager.h | |
ProcessTimer.h | |
Queue.h | |
util.h | |
worker.h | |
► src | |
Config.cxx | |
FIFOQueue.cxx | |
FIFOQueue.h | |
HeatmapAnalyzer.cxx | |
Job.cxx | |
JobManager.cxx | |
Messenger.cxx | |
PriorityQueue.cxx | |
PriorityQueue.h | |
ProcessManager.cxx | |
ProcessTimer.cxx | |
Queue.cxx | |
util.cxx | |
worker.cxx | |
► roofit | |
doc | |
► inc | |
Roo2DKeysPdf.h | |
RooArgusBG.h | |
RooBCPEffDecay.h | |
RooBCPGenDecay.h | |
RooBDecay.h | |
RooBernstein.h | |
RooBifurGauss.h | |
RooBlindTools.h | |
RooBMixDecay.h | |
RooBreitWigner.h | |
RooBukinPdf.h | |
RooCBShape.h | |
RooCFunction1Binding.h | |
RooCFunction2Binding.h | |
RooCFunction3Binding.h | |
RooCFunction4Binding.h | |
RooChebychev.h | |
RooChi2MCSModule.h | |
RooChiSquarePdf.h | |
RooCrystalBall.h | |
RooDecay.h | |
RooDstD0BG.h | |
RooExponential.h | |
RooFunctor1DBinding.h | |
RooFunctorBinding.h | |
RooGamma.h | |
RooGaussian.h | |
RooGaussModel.h | |
RooGExpModel.h | |
RooHistConstraint.h | |
RooIntegralMorph.h | |
RooJeffreysPrior.h | |
RooJohnson.h | |
RooKeysPdf.h | |
RooLagrangianMorphFunc.h | |
RooLandau.h | |
RooLegacyExpPoly.h | |
RooLognormal.h | |
RooMathCoreReg.h | |
RooMomentMorph.h | |
RooMomentMorphFunc.h | |
RooMomentMorphFuncND.h | |
RooMultiBinomial.h | |
RooNDKeysPdf.h | |
RooNonCPEigenDecay.h | |
RooNovosibirsk.h | |
RooParametricStepFunction.h | |
RooParamHistFunc.h | |
RooPoisson.h | |
RooPolynomial.h | |
RooPowerSum.h | |
RooPyBind.h | |
RooSpline.h | |
RooStepFunction.h | |
RooTFnBinding.h | |
RooTFnPdfBinding.h | |
RooTMathReg.h | |
RooUnblindCPAsymVar.h | |
RooUnblindOffset.h | |
RooUnblindPrecision.h | |
RooUnblindUniform.h | |
RooUniform.h | |
RooVoigtian.h | |
► src | |
► RooFit | |
► Detail | |
Algorithms.h | |
Roo2DKeysPdf.cxx | |
RooArgusBG.cxx | |
RooBCPEffDecay.cxx | |
RooBCPGenDecay.cxx | |
RooBDecay.cxx | |
RooBernstein.cxx | |
RooBifurGauss.cxx | |
RooBlindTools.cxx | |
RooBMixDecay.cxx | |
RooBreitWigner.cxx | |
RooBukinPdf.cxx | |
RooCBShape.cxx | |
RooCFunction1Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction2Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction3Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction4Binding.cxx | |
RooChebychev.cxx | |
RooChi2MCSModule.cxx | |
RooChiSquarePdf.cxx | |
RooCrystalBall.cxx | |
RooDecay.cxx | |
RooDstD0BG.cxx | |
RooExponential.cxx | |
RooFunctor1DBinding.cxx | |
RooFunctorBinding.cxx | |
RooGamma.cxx | |
RooGaussian.cxx | |
RooGaussModel.cxx | |
RooGExpModel.cxx | |
RooHistConstraint.cxx | |
RooIntegralMorph.cxx | |
RooJeffreysPrior.cxx | |
RooJohnson.cxx | |
RooKeysPdf.cxx | |
RooLagrangianMorphFunc.cxx | |
RooLandau.cxx | |
RooLegacyExpPoly.cxx | |
RooLognormal.cxx | |
RooMathCoreReg.cxx | |
RooMomentMorph.cxx | |
RooMomentMorphFunc.cxx | |
RooMomentMorphFuncND.cxx | |
RooMultiBinomial.cxx | |
RooNDKeysPdf.cxx | |
RooNonCPEigenDecay.cxx | |
RooNovosibirsk.cxx | |
RooParametricStepFunction.cxx | |
RooParamHistFunc.cxx | |
RooPoisson.cxx | |
RooPolynomial.cxx | |
RooPowerSum.cxx | |
RooSpline.cxx | |
RooStepFunction.cxx | |
RooTFnBinding.cxx | |
RooTFnPdfBinding.cxx | |
RooTMathReg.cxx | |
RooUnblindCPAsymVar.cxx | |
RooUnblindOffset.cxx | |
RooUnblindPrecision.cxx | |
RooUnblindUniform.cxx | |
RooUniform.cxx | |
RooVoigtian.cxx | |
► roofitcore | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► RooFit | |
► Detail | |
MathFuncs.h | |
NormalizationHelpers.h | |
RooNLLVarNew.h | |
RooNormalizedPdf.h | |
► TestStatistics | |
buildLikelihood.h | |
LikelihoodGradientWrapper.h | |
LikelihoodWrapper.h | |
RooAbsL.h | |
RooBinnedL.h | |
RooRealL.h | |
RooSubsidiaryL.h | |
RooSumL.h | |
RooUnbinnedL.h | |
SharedOffset.h | |
CodegenContext.h | |
Config.h | |
EvalContext.h | |
Evaluator.h | |
Floats.h | |
ModelConfig.h | |
UniqueId.h | |
► RooFitLegacy | |
RooCategorySharedProperties.h | |
RooCatTypeLegacy.h | |
RooTreeData.h | |
Roo1DTable.h | |
RooAbsAnaConvPdf.h | |
RooAbsArg.h | |
RooAbsBinning.h | |
RooAbsCache.h | |
RooAbsCachedPdf.h | |
RooAbsCachedReal.h | |
RooAbsCacheElement.h | |
RooAbsCategory.h | |
RooAbsCategoryLValue.h | |
RooAbsCollection.h | |
RooAbsData.h | |
RooAbsDataHelper.h | |
RooAbsDataStore.h | |
RooAbsFunc.h | |
RooAbsGenContext.h | |
RooAbsHiddenReal.h | |
RooAbsIntegrator.h | |
RooAbsLValue.h | |
RooAbsMCStudyModule.h | |
RooAbsMoment.h | |
RooAbsPdf.h | |
RooAbsProxy.h | |
RooAbsReal.h | |
RooAbsRealLValue.h | |
RooAbsSelfCachedPdf.h | |
RooAbsSelfCachedReal.h | |
RooAbsStudy.h | |
RooAddGenContext.h | |
RooAddition.h | |
RooAddModel.h | |
RooAddPdf.h | |
RooAICRegistry.h | |
RooArgList.h | |
RooArgProxy.h | |
RooArgSet.h | |
RooBinnedGenContext.h | |
RooBinning.h | |
RooBinningCategory.h | |
RooBinSamplingPdf.h | |
RooBinWidthFunction.h | |
RooBrentRootFinder.h | |
RooCachedPdf.h | |
RooCachedReal.h | |
RooCacheManager.h | |
RooCategory.h | |
RooCategoryProxy.h | |
RooChangeTracker.h | |
RooClassFactory.h | |
RooCmdArg.h | |
RooCmdConfig.h | |
RooCollectionProxy.h | |
RooCompositeDataStore.h | |
RooConstraintSum.h | |
RooConstVar.h | |
RooConvCoefVar.h | |
RooConvGenContext.h | |
RooCurve.h | |
RooCustomizer.h | |
RooDataHist.h | |
RooDataHistSliceIter.h | |
RooDataProjBinding.h | |
RooDataSet.h | |
RooDerivative.h | |
RooDirItem.h | |
RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule.h | |
RooDouble.h | |
RooEffGenContext.h | |
RooEfficiency.h | |
RooEffProd.h | |
RooEllipse.h | |
RooErrorHandler.h | |
RooErrorVar.h | |
RooExpensiveObjectCache.h | |
RooExtendedBinding.h | |
RooExtendedTerm.h | |
RooExtendPdf.h | |
RooFactoryWSTool.h | |
RooFFTConvPdf.h | |
RooFirstMoment.h | |
RooFit.h | |
RooFitResult.h | |
RooFormulaVar.h | |
RooFracRemainder.h | |
RooFunctor.h | |
RooFuncWrapper.h | |
RooGenContext.h | |
RooGenericPdf.h | |
RooGenFitStudy.h | |
RooGlobalFunc.h | |
RooHelpers.h | |
RooHist.h | |
RooHistError.h | |
RooHistFunc.h | |
RooHistPdf.h | |
RooInvTransform.h | |
RooLinearCombination.h | |
RooLinearVar.h | |
RooLinkedList.h | |
RooLinkedListElem.h | |
RooLinkedListIter.h | |
RooLinTransBinning.h | |
RooListProxy.h | |
RooMappedCategory.h | |
RooMath.h | |
RooMCStudy.h | |
RooMinimizer.h | |
RooMoment.h | |
RooMsgService.h | |
RooMultiCategory.h | |
RooMultiVarGaussian.h | |
RooNameReg.h | |
RooNormSetCache.h | |
RooNumber.h | |
RooNumCdf.h | |
RooNumConvolution.h | |
RooNumConvPdf.h | |
RooNumGenConfig.h | |
RooNumIntConfig.h | |
RooNumIntFactory.h | |
RooNumRunningInt.h | |
RooObjCacheManager.h | |
RooParamBinning.h | |
RooPlot.h | |
RooPlotable.h | |
RooPolyFunc.h | |
RooPolyVar.h | |
RooPrintable.h | |
RooProdGenContext.h | |
RooProdPdf.h | |
RooProduct.h | |
RooProfileLL.h | |
RooProjectedPdf.h | |
RooPullVar.h | |
RooQuasiRandomGenerator.h | |
RooRandom.h | |
RooRandomizeParamMCSModule.h | |
RooRangeBinning.h | |
RooRangeBoolean.h | |
RooRatio.h | |
RooRealBinding.h | |
RooRealConstant.h | |
RooRealIntegral.h | |
RooRealProxy.h | |
RooRealSumFunc.h | |
RooRealSumPdf.h | |
RooRealVar.h | |
RooRealVarSharedProperties.h | |
RooRecursiveFraction.h | |
RooRefCountList.h | |
RooResolutionModel.h | |
RooSecondMoment.h | |
RooSetProxy.h | |
RooSharedProperties.h | |
RooSimGenContext.h | |
RooSimSplitGenContext.h | |
RooSimultaneous.h | |
RooSimWSTool.h | |
RooSTLRefCountList.h | |
RooStreamParser.h | |
RooStringVar.h | |
RooStringView.h | |
RooStudyManager.h | |
RooStudyPackage.h | |
RooSuperCategory.h | |
RooTable.h | |
RooTemplateProxy.h | |
RooThresholdCategory.h | |
RooTObjWrap.h | |
RooTrace.h | |
RooTreeDataStore.h | |
RooTruthModel.h | |
RooUniformBinning.h | |
RooVectorDataStore.h | |
RooWorkspace.h | |
RooWorkspaceHandle.h | |
RooWrapperPdf.h | |
► res | |
RooFitImplHelpers.h | |
RooUnitTest.h | |
► src | |
► RooFit | |
BatchModeDataHelpers.h | |
CodegenContext.cxx | |
EvalContext.cxx | |
Evaluator.cxx | |
► RooFitLegacy | |
RooAbsCategoryLegacyIterator.h | |
RooCatTypeLegacy.cxx | |
► TestStatistics | |
buildLikelihood.cxx | |
ConstantTermsOptimizer.cxx | |
ConstantTermsOptimizer.h | |
LikelihoodGradientJob.cxx | |
LikelihoodGradientJob.h | |
LikelihoodGradientWrapper.cxx | |
LikelihoodJob.cxx | |
LikelihoodJob.h | |
LikelihoodSerial.cxx | |
LikelihoodSerial.h | |
LikelihoodWrapper.cxx | |
MinuitFcnGrad.cxx | |
MinuitFcnGrad.h | |
RooAbsL.cxx | |
RooBinnedL.cxx | |
RooRealL.cxx | |
RooSubsidiaryL.cxx | |
RooSumL.cxx | |
RooUnbinnedL.cxx | |
SharedOffset.cxx | |
BatchModeDataHelpers.cxx | |
BidirMMapPipe.cxx | |
BidirMMapPipe.h | |
ConstraintHelpers.cxx | |
ConstraintHelpers.h | |
FitHelpers.cxx | |
FitHelpers.h | |
Initialisation.cxx | |
ModelConfig.cxx | |
NormalizationHelpers.cxx | |
Roo1DTable.cxx | |
RooAbsAnaConvPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsArg.cxx | |
RooAbsBinning.cxx | |
RooAbsCache.cxx | |
RooAbsCachedPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsCachedReal.cxx | |
RooAbsCacheElement.cxx | |
RooAbsCategory.cxx | |
RooAbsCategoryLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsCollection.cxx | |
RooAbsData.cxx | |
RooAbsDataHelper.cxx | |
RooAbsDataStore.cxx | |
RooAbsFunc.cxx | |
RooAbsGenContext.cxx | |
RooAbsHiddenReal.cxx | |
RooAbsIntegrator.cxx | |
RooAbsLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsMCStudyModule.cxx | |
RooAbsMinimizerFcn.cxx | |
RooAbsMinimizerFcn.h | |
RooAbsMoment.cxx | |
RooAbsNumGenerator.cxx | |
RooAbsNumGenerator.h | |
RooAbsOptTestStatistic.cxx | |
RooAbsOptTestStatistic.h | |
RooAbsPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsProxy.cxx | |
RooAbsReal.cxx | |
RooAbsRealLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsStudy.cxx | |
RooAbsTestStatistic.cxx | |
RooAbsTestStatistic.h | |
RooAcceptReject.cxx | |
RooAcceptReject.h | |
RooAdaptiveIntegratorND.cxx | |
RooAdaptiveIntegratorND.h | |
RooAddGenContext.cxx | |
RooAddHelpers.cxx | |
RooAddHelpers.h | |
RooAddition.cxx | |
RooAddModel.cxx | |
RooAddPdf.cxx | |
RooAICRegistry.cxx | |
RooArgList.cxx | |
RooArgProxy.cxx | |
RooArgSet.cxx | |
RooBinIntegrator.cxx | |
RooBinIntegrator.h | |
RooBinnedGenContext.cxx | |
RooBinning.cxx | |
RooBinningCategory.cxx | |
RooBinSamplingPdf.cxx | |
RooBinWidthFunction.cxx | |
RooBrentRootFinder.cxx | |
RooCachedPdf.cxx | |
RooCachedReal.cxx | |
RooCategory.cxx | |
RooChangeTracker.cxx | |
RooChi2Var.cxx | |
RooChi2Var.h | |
RooClassFactory.cxx | |
RooCmdArg.cxx | |
RooCmdConfig.cxx | |
RooCompositeDataStore.cxx | |
RooConstraintSum.cxx | |
RooConstVar.cxx | |
RooConvCoefVar.cxx | |
RooConvGenContext.cxx | |
RooConvIntegrandBinding.cxx | |
RooConvIntegrandBinding.h | |
RooCurve.cxx | |
RooCustomizer.cxx | |
RooDataHist.cxx | |
RooDataHistSliceIter.cxx | |
RooDataProjBinding.cxx | |
RooDataSet.cxx | |
RooDerivative.cxx | |
RooDirItem.cxx | |
RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule.cxx | |
RooDouble.cxx | |
RooEffGenContext.cxx | |
RooEfficiency.cxx | |
RooEffProd.cxx | |
RooEllipse.cxx | |
RooErrorVar.cxx | |
RooEvaluatorWrapper.cxx | |
RooEvaluatorWrapper.h | |
RooExpensiveObjectCache.cxx | |
RooExtendedBinding.cxx | |
RooExtendedTerm.cxx | |
RooExtendPdf.cxx | |
RooFactoryWSTool.cxx | |
RooFFTConvPdf.cxx | |
RooFirstMoment.cxx | |
RooFitImplHelpers.cxx | |
RooFitResult.cxx | |
RooFoamGenerator.cxx | |
RooFoamGenerator.h | |
RooFormula.cxx | |
RooFormula.h | |
RooFormulaVar.cxx | |
RooFracRemainder.cxx | |
RooFunctor.cxx | |
RooFuncWrapper.cxx | |
RooGenContext.cxx | |
RooGenericPdf.cxx | |
RooGenFitStudy.cxx | |
RooGenProdProj.cxx | |
RooGenProdProj.h | |
RooGlobalFunc.cxx | |
RooGrid.cxx | |
RooGrid.h | |
RooHelpers.cxx | |
RooHist.cxx | |
RooHistError.cxx | |
RooHistFunc.cxx | |
RooHistPdf.cxx | |
RooImproperIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooImproperIntegrator1D.h | |
RooInvTransform.cxx | |
RooLinearCombination.cxx | |
RooLinearVar.cxx | |
RooLinkedList.cxx | |
RooLinkedListElem.cxx | |
RooLinTransBinning.cxx | |
RooMappedCategory.cxx | |
RooMath.cxx | |
RooMCIntegrator.cxx | |
RooMCIntegrator.h | |
RooMCStudy.cxx | |
RooMinimizer.cxx | |
RooMinimizerFcn.cxx | |
RooMinimizerFcn.h | |
RooMoment.cxx | |
RooMsgService.cxx | |
RooMultiCategory.cxx | |
RooMultiVarGaussian.cxx | |
RooNameReg.cxx | |
RooNLLVar.cxx | |
RooNLLVar.h | |
RooNLLVarNew.cxx | |
RooNormalizedPdf.cxx | |
RooNormSetCache.cxx | |
RooNumber.cxx | |
RooNumCdf.cxx | |
RooNumConvolution.cxx | |
RooNumConvPdf.cxx | |
RooNumGenConfig.cxx | |
RooNumGenFactory.cxx | |
RooNumGenFactory.h | |
RooNumIntConfig.cxx | |
RooNumIntFactory.cxx | |
RooNumRunningInt.cxx | |
RooObjCacheManager.cxx | |
RooParamBinning.cxx | |
RooPlot.cxx | |
RooPlotable.cxx | |
RooPolyFunc.cxx | |
RooPolyVar.cxx | |
RooPrintable.cxx | |
RooProdGenContext.cxx | |
RooProdPdf.cxx | |
RooProduct.cxx | |
RooProfileLL.cxx | |
RooProjectedPdf.cxx | |
RooPullVar.cxx | |
RooQuasiRandomGenerator.cxx | |
RooRandom.cxx | |
RooRandomizeParamMCSModule.cxx | |
RooRangeBinning.cxx | |
RooRangeBoolean.cxx | |
RooRatio.cxx | |
RooRealBinding.cxx | |
RooRealConstant.cxx | |
RooRealIntegral.cxx | |
RooRealMPFE.cxx | |
RooRealMPFE.h | |
RooRealSumFunc.cxx | |
RooRealSumPdf.cxx | |
RooRealVar.cxx | |
RooRecursiveFraction.cxx | |
RooResolutionModel.cxx | |
RooRombergIntegrator.cxx | |
RooRombergIntegrator.h | |
RooSecondMoment.cxx | |
RooSentinel.cxx | |
RooSentinel.h | |
RooSharedProperties.cxx | |
RooSimGenContext.cxx | |
RooSimSplitGenContext.cxx | |
RooSimultaneous.cxx | |
RooSimWSTool.cxx | |
RooSTLRefCountList.cxx | |
RooStreamParser.cxx | |
RooStringVar.cxx | |
RooStudyManager.cxx | |
RooStudyPackage.cxx | |
RooSuperCategory.cxx | |
RooThresholdCategory.cxx | |
RooTObjWrap.cxx | |
RooTrace.cxx | |
RooTreeDataStore.cxx | |
RooTruthModel.cxx | |
RooUniformBinning.cxx | |
RooUnitTest.cxx | |
RooVectorDataStore.cxx | |
RooWorkspace.cxx | |
RooWrapperPdf.cxx | |
RooXYChi2Var.cxx | |
RooXYChi2Var.h | |
TreeReadBuffer.h | |
ValueChecking.h | |
► roofitmore | |
doc | |
► inc | |
RooFitMoreLib.h | |
RooHypatia2.h | |
RooLegendre.h | |
RooMathMoreReg.h | |
RooNonCentralChiSquare.h | |
RooSpHarmonic.h | |
► src | |
BracketAdapters.h | |
RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.h | |
RooFitMoreLib.cxx | |
RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.h | |
RooHypatia2.cxx | |
RooLegendre.cxx | |
RooMathMoreReg.cxx | |
RooNonCentralChiSquare.cxx | |
RooSpHarmonic.cxx | |
► roofitZMQ | |
► res | |
► RooFit_ZMQ | |
functions.h | |
ppoll.h | |
Utility.h | |
ZeroMQPoller.h | |
ZeroMQSvc.h | |
► src | |
functions.cpp | |
ppoll.cpp | |
ZeroMQPoller.cpp | |
ZeroMQSvc.cpp | |
► roostats | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► RooStats | |
AsymptoticCalculator.h | |
BayesianCalculator.h | |
BernsteinCorrection.h | |
CombinedCalculator.h | |
ConfidenceBelt.h | |
ConfInterval.h | |
DebuggingSampler.h | |
DebuggingTestStat.h | |
DetailedOutputAggregator.h | |
FeldmanCousins.h | |
FrequentistCalculator.h | |
Heaviside.h | |
HLFactory.h | |
HybridCalculator.h | |
HybridPlot.h | |
HybridResult.h | |
HypoTestCalculator.h | |
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.h | |
HypoTestInverter.h | |
HypoTestInverterPlot.h | |
HypoTestInverterResult.h | |
HypoTestPlot.h | |
HypoTestResult.h | |
IntervalCalculator.h | |
LikelihoodInterval.h | |
LikelihoodIntervalPlot.h | |
MarkovChain.h | |
MaxLikelihoodEstimateTestStat.h | |
MCMCCalculator.h | |
MCMCInterval.h | |
MCMCIntervalPlot.h | |
MetropolisHastings.h | |
ModelConfig.h | |
NeymanConstruction.h | |
NumberCountingPdfFactory.h | |
NumberCountingUtils.h | |
NumEventsTestStat.h | |
PdfProposal.h | |
PointSetInterval.h | |
ProfileInspector.h | |
ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.h | |
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.h | |
ProposalFunction.h | |
ProposalHelper.h | |
RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat.h | |
RooStatsUtils.h | |
SamplingDistPlot.h | |
SamplingDistribution.h | |
SequentialProposal.h | |
SimpleInterval.h | |
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h | |
SPlot.h | |
TestStatistic.h | |
TestStatSampler.h | |
ToyMCImportanceSampler.h | |
ToyMCSampler.h | |
UniformProposal.h | |
UpperLimitMCSModule.h | |
► src | |
AsymptoticCalculator.cxx | |
BayesianCalculator.cxx | |
BernsteinCorrection.cxx | |
ConfidenceBelt.cxx | |
DetailedOutputAggregator.cxx | |
FeldmanCousins.cxx | |
FrequentistCalculator.cxx | |
Heaviside.cxx | |
HLFactory.cxx | |
HybridCalculator.cxx | |
HybridPlot.cxx | |
HybridResult.cxx | |
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.cxx | |
HypoTestInverter.cxx | |
HypoTestInverterPlot.cxx | |
HypoTestInverterResult.cxx | |
HypoTestPlot.cxx | |
HypoTestResult.cxx | |
LikelihoodInterval.cxx | |
LikelihoodIntervalPlot.cxx | |
MarkovChain.cxx | |
MCMCCalculator.cxx | |
MCMCInterval.cxx | |
MCMCIntervalPlot.cxx | |
MetropolisHastings.cxx | |
NeymanConstruction.cxx | |
NumberCountingPdfFactory.cxx | |
NumberCountingUtils.cxx | |
PdfProposal.cxx | |
PointSetInterval.cxx | |
ProfileInspector.cxx | |
ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx | |
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.cxx | |
ProposalHelper.cxx | |
RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat.cxx | |
RooStatsUtils.cxx | |
SamplingDistPlot.cxx | |
SamplingDistribution.cxx | |
SequentialProposal.cxx | |
SimpleInterval.cxx | |
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.cxx | |
SPlot.cxx | |
ToyMCImportanceSampler.cxx | |
ToyMCSampler.cxx | |
UniformProposal.cxx | |
UpperLimitMCSModule.cxx | |
► xroofit | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► RooFit | |
► xRooFit | |
Config.h | |
xRooBrowser.h | |
xRooFit.h | |
xRooHypoSpace.h | |
xRooNLLVar.h | |
xRooNode.h | |
RooBrowser.h | |
XRooFit.h | |
► src | |
Asymptotics.cxx | |
coutCapture.h | |
xRooBrowser.cxx | |
xRooFit.cxx | |
xRooFitVersion.h | |
xRooHypoSpace.cxx | |
xRooNLLVar.cxx | |
xRooNode.cxx | |
xRooNode_interactive.cxx | |
► sql | |
► mysql | |
► inc | |
TMySQLResult.h | |
TMySQLRow.h | |
TMySQLServer.h | |
TMySQLStatement.h | |
► src | |
TMySQLResult.cxx | |
TMySQLRow.cxx | |
TMySQLServer.cxx | |
TMySQLStatement.cxx | |
► odbc | |
► inc | |
TODBCResult.h | |
TODBCRow.h | |
TODBCServer.h | |
TODBCStatement.h | |
► src | |
TODBCResult.cxx | |
TODBCRow.cxx | |
TODBCServer.cxx | |
TODBCStatement.cxx | |
► pgsql | |
► inc | |
TPgSQLResult.h | |
TPgSQLRow.h | |
TPgSQLServer.h | |
TPgSQLStatement.h | |
► src | |
TPgSQLResult.cxx | |
TPgSQLRow.cxx | |
TPgSQLServer.cxx | |
TPgSQLStatement.cxx | |
► sqlite | |
► inc | |
TSQLiteResult.h | |
TSQLiteRow.h | |
TSQLiteServer.h | |
TSQLiteStatement.h | |
► src | |
TSQLiteResult.cxx | |
TSQLiteRow.cxx | |
TSQLiteServer.cxx | |
TSQLiteStatement.cxx | |
► tmva | |
doc | |
► pymva | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
MethodPyAdaBoost.h | |
MethodPyGTB.h | |
MethodPyKeras.h | |
MethodPyRandomForest.h | |
MethodPyTorch.h | |
PyMethodBase.h | |
RModelParser_Keras.h | |
RModelParser_PyTorch.h | |
► src | |
MethodPyAdaBoost.cxx | |
MethodPyGTB.cxx | |
MethodPyKeras.cxx | |
MethodPyRandomForest.cxx | |
MethodPyTorch.cxx | |
PyMethodBase.cxx | |
RModelParser_Keras.cxx | |
RModelParser_PyTorch.cxx | |
► rmva | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
MethodC50.h | |
MethodRSNNS.h | |
MethodRSVM.h | |
MethodRXGB.h | |
RMethodBase.h | |
► src | |
MethodC50.cxx | |
MethodRSNNS.cxx | |
MethodRSVM.cxx | |
MethodRXGB.cxx | |
RMethodBase.cxx | |
► sofie | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
FunctionList.hxx | |
OperatorList.hxx | |
RFunction.hxx | |
RFunction_Mean.hxx | |
RFunction_MLP.hxx | |
RFunction_Sum.hxx | |
RModel.hxx | |
RModel_Base.hxx | |
RModel_GNN.hxx | |
RModel_GraphIndependent.hxx | |
ROperator.hxx | |
ROperator_BasicBinary.hxx | |
ROperator_BasicNary.hxx | |
ROperator_BasicUnary.hxx | |
ROperator_BatchNormalization.hxx | |
ROperator_Cast.hxx | |
ROperator_Comparision.hxx | |
ROperator_Concat.hxx | |
ROperator_Constant.hxx | |
ROperator_Conv.hxx | |
ROperator_ConvTranspose.hxx | |
ROperator_ConvTranspose.icc | |
ROperator_Custom.hxx | |
ROperator_Einsum.hxx | |
ROperator_Elu.hxx | |
ROperator_Erf.hxx | |
ROperator_Expand.hxx | |
ROperator_EyeLike.hxx | |
ROperator_Gather.hxx | |
ROperator_Gemm.hxx | |
ROperator_GRU.hxx | |
ROperator_GRU.icc | |
ROperator_Identity.hxx | |
ROperator_LayerNormalization.hxx | |
ROperator_LeakyRelu.hxx | |
ROperator_LSTM.hxx | |
ROperator_LSTM.icc | |
ROperator_Pad.hxx | |
ROperator_Pool.hxx | |
ROperator_Random.hxx | |
ROperator_Range.hxx | |
ROperator_Reduce.hxx | |
ROperator_Relu.hxx | |
ROperator_Reshape.hxx | |
ROperator_RNN.hxx | |
ROperator_RNN.icc | |
ROperator_Selu.hxx | |
ROperator_Shape.hxx | |
ROperator_Sigmoid.hxx | |
ROperator_Slice.hxx | |
ROperator_Softmax.hxx | |
ROperator_Split.hxx | |
ROperator_SubGraph.hxx | |
ROperator_Swish.hxx | |
ROperator_Tanh.hxx | |
ROperator_Tile.hxx | |
ROperator_TopK.hxx | |
ROperator_Transpose.hxx | |
ROperator_Where.hxx | |
SOFIE_common.hxx | |
SOFIEHelpers.hxx | |
► src | |
Prototype.cxx | |
RFunction.cxx | |
RFunction_Mean.cxx | |
RFunction_MLP.cxx | |
RFunction_Sum.cxx | |
RModel.cxx | |
RModel_Base.cxx | |
RModel_GNN.cxx | |
RModel_GraphIndependent.cxx | |
SOFIE_common.cxx | |
► sofie_parsers | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
RModelParser_ONNX.hxx | |
► src | |
ParseBasicBinary.cxx | |
ParseBasicNary.cxx | |
ParseBasicUnary.cxx | |
ParseBatchNormalization.cxx | |
ParseCast.cxx | |
ParseComparision.cxx | |
ParseConcat.cxx | |
ParseConstant.cxx | |
ParseConv.cxx | |
ParseConvTranspose.cxx | |
ParseEinsum.cxx | |
ParseElu.cxx | |
ParseErf.cxx | |
ParseExpand.cxx | |
ParseEyeLike.cxx | |
ParseFuseConvAdd.cxx | |
ParseFuseConvTransposeAdd.cxx | |
ParseFuseMatMulAdd.cxx | |
ParseGather.cxx | |
ParseGemm.cxx | |
ParseGRU.cxx | |
ParseIdentity.cxx | |
ParseIf.cxx | |
ParseLayerNormalization.cxx | |
ParseLeakyRelu.cxx | |
ParseLSTM.cxx | |
ParseMatMul.cxx | |
ParsePad.cxx | |
ParsePool.cxx | |
ParseRandom.cxx | |
ParseRange.cxx | |
ParseReduce.cxx | |
ParseRelu.cxx | |
ParseReshape.cxx | |
ParseRNN.cxx | |
ParseSelu.cxx | |
ParseShape.cxx | |
ParseSigmoid.cxx | |
ParseSlice.cxx | |
ParseSoftmax.cxx | |
ParseSplit.cxx | |
ParseTanh.cxx | |
ParseTile.cxx | |
ParseTopK.cxx | |
ParseTranspose.cxx | |
ParseWhere.cxx | |
RModelParser_ONNX.cxx | |
► tmva | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
► BatchGenerator | |
RBatchGenerator.hxx | |
RBatchLoader.hxx | |
RChunkLoader.hxx | |
► DNN | |
► Architectures | |
► Cpu | |
CpuBuffer.h | |
CpuMatrix.h | |
CpuTensor.h | |
► Cuda | |
CudaBuffers.h | |
CudaMatrix.h | |
CudaTensor.h | |
Device.h | |
► Reference | |
DataLoader.h | |
TensorDataLoader.h | |
Cpu.h | |
Cuda.h | |
Reference.h | |
TCudnn.h | |
► CNN | |
ContextHandles.h | |
ConvLayer.h | |
MaxPoolLayer.h | |
► RNN | |
GRULayer.h | |
LSTMLayer.h | |
RNNLayer.h | |
Adadelta.h | |
Adagrad.h | |
Adam.h | |
BatchNormLayer.h | |
DataLoader.h | |
DeepNet.h | |
DenseLayer.h | |
DLMinimizers.h | |
Functions.h | |
GeneralLayer.h | |
Layer.h | |
Minimizers.h | |
Net.h | |
Optimizer.h | |
ReshapeLayer.h | |
RMSProp.h | |
SGD.h | |
TensorDataLoader.h | |
BDTEventWrapper.h | |
BinarySearchTree.h | |
BinarySearchTreeNode.h | |
BinaryTree.h | |
CCPruner.h | |
CCTreeWrapper.h | |
Classification.h | |
ClassifierFactory.h | |
ClassInfo.h | |
Config.h | |
Configurable.h | |
ConvergenceTest.h | |
CostComplexityPruneTool.h | |
CrossEntropy.h | |
CrossValidation.h | |
CvSplit.h | |
DataInputHandler.h | |
DataLoader.h | |
DataSet.h | |
DataSetFactory.h | |
DataSetInfo.h | |
DataSetManager.h | |
DecisionTree.h | |
DecisionTreeNode.h | |
Envelope.h | |
Event.h | |
Executor.h | |
ExpectedErrorPruneTool.h | |
Factory.h | |
FitterBase.h | |
GeneticAlgorithm.h | |
GeneticFitter.h | |
GeneticGenes.h | |
GeneticPopulation.h | |
GeneticRange.h | |
GiniIndex.h | |
GiniIndexWithLaplace.h | |
HyperParameterOptimisation.h | |
IFitterTarget.h | |
IMethod.h | |
Interval.h | |
IPruneTool.h | |
KDEKernel.h | |
LDA.h | |
LogInterval.h | |
LossFunction.h | |
MCFitter.h | |
MethodANNBase.h | |
MethodBase.h | |
MethodBayesClassifier.h | |
MethodBDT.h | |
MethodBoost.h | |
MethodCategory.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN_def.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN_Utils.h | |
MethodCompositeBase.h | |
MethodCrossValidation.h | |
MethodCuts.h | |
MethodDL.h | |
MethodDNN.h | |
MethodDT.h | |
MethodFDA.h | |
MethodFisher.h | |
MethodHMatrix.h | |
MethodKNN.h | |
MethodLD.h | |
MethodLikelihood.h | |
MethodMLP.h | |
MethodPDEFoam.h | |
MethodPDERS.h | |
MethodRuleFit.h | |
MethodSVM.h | |
MethodTMlpANN.h | |
MinuitFitter.h | |
MinuitWrapper.h | |
MisClassificationError.h | |
ModulekNN.h | |
Monitoring.h | |
MsgLogger.h | |
NeuralNet.h | |
NeuralNet.icc | |
Node.h | |
NodekNN.h | |
OptimizeConfigParameters.h | |
Option.h | |
OptionMap.h | |
Pattern.h | |
PDEFoam.h | |
PDEFoamCell.h | |
PDEFoamDecisionTree.h | |
PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.h | |
PDEFoamDensityBase.h | |
PDEFoamDiscriminant.h | |
PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity.h | |
PDEFoamEvent.h | |
PDEFoamEventDensity.h | |
PDEFoamKernelBase.h | |
PDEFoamKernelGauss.h | |
PDEFoamKernelLinN.h | |
PDEFoamKernelTrivial.h | |
PDEFoamMultiTarget.h | |
PDEFoamTarget.h | |
PDEFoamTargetDensity.h | |
PDEFoamVect.h | |
PDF.h | |
QuickMVAProbEstimator.h | |
Ranking.h | |
RBDT.hxx | |
Reader.h | |
RegressionVariance.h | |
Results.h | |
ResultsClassification.h | |
ResultsMulticlass.h | |
ResultsRegression.h | |
RInferenceUtils.hxx | |
ROCCalc.h | |
ROCCurve.h | |
RootFinder.h | |
RReader.hxx | |
RSofieReader.hxx | |
RStandardScaler.hxx | |
RTensor.hxx | |
RTensorUtils.hxx | |
Rule.h | |
RuleCut.h | |
RuleEnsemble.h | |
RuleFit.h | |
RuleFitAPI.h | |
RuleFitParams.h | |
SdivSqrtSplusB.h | |
SeparationBase.h | |
SimulatedAnnealing.h | |
SimulatedAnnealingFitter.h | |
SVEvent.h | |
SVKernelFunction.h | |
SVKernelMatrix.h | |
SVWorkingSet.h | |
TActivation.h | |
TActivationChooser.h | |
TActivationIdentity.h | |
TActivationRadial.h | |
TActivationReLU.h | |
TActivationSigmoid.h | |
TActivationTanh.h | |
Timer.h | |
TNeuron.h | |
TNeuronInput.h | |
TNeuronInputAbs.h | |
TNeuronInputChooser.h | |
TNeuronInputSqSum.h | |
TNeuronInputSum.h | |
Tools.h | |
TrainingHistory.h | |
TransformationHandler.h | |
TSpline1.h | |
TSpline2.h | |
TSynapse.h | |
Types.h | |
VariableDecorrTransform.h | |
VariableGaussTransform.h | |
VariableIdentityTransform.h | |
VariableImportance.h | |
VariableInfo.h | |
VariableNormalizeTransform.h | |
VariablePCATransform.h | |
VariableRearrangeTransform.h | |
VariableTransform.h | |
VariableTransformBase.h | |
VarTransformHandler.h | |
Version.h | |
Volume.h | |
► src | |
► DNN | |
► Architectures | |
► Cpu | |
ActivationFunctions.hxx | |
Arithmetic.hxx | |
Blas.h | |
CpuBuffer.cxx | |
CpuMatrix.cxx | |
DataLoader.cxx | |
Dropout.hxx | |
Initialization.hxx | |
LossFunctions.hxx | |
OutputFunctions.hxx | |
Propagation.hxx | |
RecurrentPropagation.hxx | |
Regularization.hxx | |
► Cuda | |
ActivationFunctions.cu | |
Arithmetic.cu | |
CudaBuffers.cxx | |
CudaMatrix.cu | |
CudaTensor.cu | |
Dropout.cu | |
Initialization.cu | |
Kernels.cuh | |
LossFunctions.cu | |
OutputFunctions.cu | |
Propagation.cu | |
RecurrentPropagation.cu | |
Regularization.cu | |
► Cudnn | |
ActivationFunctions.cu | |
Arithmetic.cu | |
Dropout.cu | |
Initialization.cu | |
LossFunctions.cu | |
OutputFunctions.cu | |
Propagate.cu | |
RecurrentPropagation.cu | |
TensorDataLoader.cxx | |
► Reference | |
ActivationFunctions.hxx | |
Arithmetic.hxx | |
DataLoader.cxx | |
DenoisePropagation.hxx | |
Dropout.hxx | |
Initialization.hxx | |
LossFunctions.hxx | |
OutputFunctions.hxx | |
Propagation.hxx | |
RecurrentPropagation.hxx | |
Regularization.hxx | |
TensorDataLoader.cxx | |
Cpu.cxx | |
Cuda.cu | |
Cudnn.cu | |
Reference.cxx | |
BDTEventWrapper.cxx | |
BinarySearchTree.cxx | |
BinarySearchTreeNode.cxx | |
BinaryTree.cxx | |
CCPruner.cxx | |
CCTreeWrapper.cxx | |
Classification.cxx | |
ClassifierFactory.cxx | |
ClassInfo.cxx | |
Config.cxx | |
Configurable.cxx | |
ConvergenceTest.cxx | |
CostComplexityPruneTool.cxx | |
CrossEntropy.cxx | |
CrossValidation.cxx | |
CvSplit.cxx | |
DataInputHandler.cxx | |
DataLoader.cxx | |
DataSet.cxx | |
DataSetFactory.cxx | |
DataSetInfo.cxx | |
DataSetManager.cxx | |
DecisionTree.cxx | |
DecisionTreeNode.cxx | |
Envelope.cxx | |
Event.cxx | |
ExpectedErrorPruneTool.cxx | |
Factory.cxx | |
FitterBase.cxx | |
GeneticAlgorithm.cxx | |
GeneticFitter.cxx | |
GeneticGenes.cxx | |
GeneticPopulation.cxx | |
GeneticRange.cxx | |
GiniIndex.cxx | |
GiniIndexWithLaplace.cxx | |
HyperParameterOptimisation.cxx | |
IFitterTarget.cxx | |
IMethod.cxx | |
Interval.cxx | |
KDEKernel.cxx | |
LDA.cxx | |
LogInterval.cxx | |
LossFunction.cxx | |
MCFitter.cxx | |
MethodANNBase.cxx | |
MethodBase.cxx | |
MethodBayesClassifier.cxx | |
MethodBDT.cxx | |
MethodBoost.cxx | |
MethodCategory.cxx | |
MethodCFMlpANN.cxx | |
MethodCFMlpANN_Utils.cxx | |
MethodCompositeBase.cxx | |
MethodCrossValidation.cxx | |
MethodCuts.cxx | |
MethodDL.cxx | |
MethodDNN.cxx | |
MethodDT.cxx | |
MethodFDA.cxx | |
MethodFisher.cxx | |
MethodHMatrix.cxx | |
MethodKNN.cxx | |
MethodLD.cxx | |
MethodLikelihood.cxx | |
MethodMLP.cxx | |
MethodPDEFoam.cxx | |
MethodPDERS.cxx | |
MethodPlugins.cxx | |
MethodRuleFit.cxx | |
MethodSVM.cxx | |
MethodTMlpANN.cxx | |
MinuitFitter.cxx | |
MinuitWrapper.cxx | |
MisClassificationError.cxx | |
ModulekNN.cxx | |
MsgLogger.cxx | |
NeuralNet.cxx | |
Node.cxx | |
OptimizeConfigParameters.cxx | |
Option.cxx | |
OptionMap.cxx | |
PDEFoam.cxx | |
PDEFoamCell.cxx | |
PDEFoamDecisionTree.cxx | |
PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamDensityBase.cxx | |
PDEFoamDiscriminant.cxx | |
PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamEvent.cxx | |
PDEFoamEventDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelBase.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelGauss.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelLinN.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelTrivial.cxx | |
PDEFoamMultiTarget.cxx | |
PDEFoamTarget.cxx | |
PDEFoamTargetDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamVect.cxx | |
PDF.cxx | |
QuickMVAProbEstimator.cxx | |
Ranking.cxx | |
RBDT.cxx | |
Reader.cxx | |
RegressionVariance.cxx | |
Results.cxx | |
ResultsClassification.cxx | |
ResultsMulticlass.cxx | |
ResultsRegression.cxx | |
ROCCalc.cxx | |
ROCCurve.cxx | |
RootFinder.cxx | |
Rule.cxx | |
RuleCut.cxx | |
RuleEnsemble.cxx | |
RuleFit.cxx | |
RuleFitAPI.cxx | |
RuleFitParams.cxx | |
SdivSqrtSplusB.cxx | |
SeparationBase.cxx | |
SimulatedAnnealing.cxx | |
SimulatedAnnealingFitter.cxx | |
SVEvent.cxx | |
SVKernelFunction.cxx | |
SVKernelMatrix.cxx | |
SVWorkingSet.cxx | |
TActivation.cxx | |
TActivationChooser.cxx | |
TActivationIdentity.cxx | |
TActivationRadial.cxx | |
TActivationReLU.cxx | |
TActivationSigmoid.cxx | |
TActivationTanh.cxx | |
Timer.cxx | |
TNeuron.cxx | |
TNeuronInput.cxx | |
TNeuronInputAbs.cxx | |
TNeuronInputChooser.cxx | |
TNeuronInputSqSum.cxx | |
TNeuronInputSum.cxx | |
Tools.cxx | |
TrainingHistory.cxx | |
TransformationHandler.cxx | |
TSpline1.cxx | |
TSpline2.cxx | |
TSynapse.cxx | |
Types.cxx | |
VariableDecorrTransform.cxx | |
VariableGaussTransform.cxx | |
VariableIdentityTransform.cxx | |
VariableImportance.cxx | |
VariableInfo.cxx | |
VariableNormalizeTransform.cxx | |
VariablePCATransform.cxx | |
VariableRearrangeTransform.cxx | |
VariableTransform.cxx | |
VariableTransformBase.cxx | |
VarTransformHandler.cxx | |
Volume.cxx | |
► tmvagui | |
► inc | |
► TMVA | |
annconvergencetest.h | |
BDT.h | |
BDT_Reg.h | |
BDTControlPlots.h | |
BoostControlPlots.h | |
compareanapp.h | |
correlations.h | |
correlationscatters.h | |
correlationscattersMultiClass.h | |
correlationsMultiClass.h | |
CorrGui.h | |
CorrGuiMultiClass.h | |
deviations.h | |
efficiencies.h | |
efficienciesMulticlass.h | |
likelihoodrefs.h | |
MovieMaker.h | |
mvaeffs.h | |
mvas.h | |
mvasMulticlass.h | |
mvaweights.h | |
network.h | |
paracoor.h | |
PlotFoams.h | |
probas.h | |
regression_averagedevs.h | |
rulevis.h | |
rulevisCorr.h | |
rulevisHists.h | |
tmvaglob.h | |
TMVAGui.h | |
TMVAMultiClassGui.h | |
TMVARegGui.h | |
training_history.h | |
variables.h | |
variablesMultiClass.h | |
► src | |
annconvergencetest.cxx | |
BDT.cxx | |
BDT_Reg.cxx | |
BDTControlPlots.cxx | |
BoostControlPlots.cxx | |
compareanapp.cxx | |
correlations.cxx | |
correlationscatters.cxx | |
correlationscattersMultiClass.cxx | |
correlationsMultiClass.cxx | |
CorrGui.cxx | |
CorrGuiMultiClass.cxx | |
deviations.cxx | |
efficiencies.cxx | |
efficienciesMulticlass.cxx | |
likelihoodrefs.cxx | |
MovieMaker.cxx | |
mvaeffs.cxx | |
mvas.cxx | |
mvasMulticlass.cxx | |
mvaweights.cxx | |
network.cxx | |
paracoor.cxx | |
PlotFoams.cxx | |
probas.cxx | |
regression_averagedevs.cxx | |
rulevis.cxx | |
rulevisCorr.cxx | |
rulevisHists.cxx | |
tmvaglob.cxx | |
TMVAGui.cxx | |
TMVAMultiClassGui.cxx | |
TMVARegGui.cxx | |
training_history.cxx | |
variables.cxx | |
variablesMultiClass.cxx | |
► tree | |
► dataframe | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
► RDF | |
ActionHelpers.hxx | |
ColumnReaderUtils.hxx | |
GraphNode.hxx | |
GraphUtils.hxx | |
HistoModels.hxx | |
InterfaceUtils.hxx | |
PyROOTHelpers.hxx | |
RAction.hxx | |
RActionBase.hxx | |
RActionImpl.hxx | |
RColumnReaderBase.hxx | |
RColumnRegister.hxx | |
RCutFlowReport.hxx | |
RDatasetSpec.hxx | |
RDefaultValueFor.hxx | |
RDefine.hxx | |
RDefineBase.hxx | |
RDefinePerSample.hxx | |
RDefineReader.hxx | |
RDFDescription.hxx | |
RDisplay.hxx | |
RDSColumnReader.hxx | |
RFilter.hxx | |
RFilterBase.hxx | |
RFilterWithMissingValues.hxx | |
RInterface.hxx | |
RInterfaceBase.hxx | |
RJittedAction.hxx | |
RJittedDefine.hxx | |
RJittedFilter.hxx | |
RJittedVariation.hxx | |
RLazyDSImpl.hxx | |
RLoopManager.hxx | |
RMergeableValue.hxx | |
RMetaData.hxx | |
RNewSampleNotifier.hxx | |
RNodeBase.hxx | |
RRange.hxx | |
RRangeBase.hxx | |
RResultMap.hxx | |
RSample.hxx | |
RSampleInfo.hxx | |
RTreeColumnReader.hxx | |
RVariation.hxx | |
RVariationBase.hxx | |
RVariationReader.hxx | |
RVariationsDescription.hxx | |
RVariedAction.hxx | |
Utils.hxx | |
RArrowDS.hxx | |
RCsvDS.hxx | |
RDataFrame.hxx | |
RDataSource.hxx | |
RDFHelpers.hxx | |
RLazyDS.hxx | |
RNTupleDS.hxx | |
RResultHandle.hxx | |
RResultPtr.hxx | |
RRootDS.hxx | |
RSnapshotOptions.hxx | |
RSqliteDS.hxx | |
RTrivialDS.hxx | |
RVecDS.hxx | |
TDataFrame.hxx | |
TResultProxy.hxx | |
► src | |
RActionBase.cxx | |
RArrowDS.cxx | |
RCsvDS.cxx | |
RCutFlowReport.cxx | |
RDataFrame.cxx | |
RDatasetSpec.cxx | |
RDefineBase.cxx | |
RDefineReader.cxx | |
RDFActionHelpers.cxx | |
RDFColumnRegister.cxx | |
RDFDescription.cxx | |
RDFDisplay.cxx | |
RDFGraphUtils.cxx | |
RDFHelpers.cxx | |
RDFHistoModels.cxx | |
RDFInterfaceUtils.cxx | |
RDFUtils.cxx | |
RFilterBase.cxx | |
RInterface.cxx | |
RInterfaceBase.cxx | |
RJittedAction.cxx | |
RJittedDefine.cxx | |
RJittedFilter.cxx | |
RJittedVariation.cxx | |
RLoopManager.cxx | |
RMetaData.cxx | |
RNTupleDS.cxx | |
RRangeBase.cxx | |
RResultPtr.cxx | |
RRootDS.cxx | |
RSample.cxx | |
RSqliteDS.cxx | |
RTrivialDS.cxx | |
RVariationBase.cxx | |
RVariationReader.cxx | |
RVariationsDescription.cxx | |
► ntuple | |
► v7 | |
doc | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
► libdaos_mock | |
daos.h | This file is a reduced version of daos_xxx.h headers that provides (simplified) declarations for use in libdaos_mock |
► RField | |
RFieldFundamental.hxx | |
RFieldProxiedCollection.hxx | |
RFieldRecord.hxx | |
RFieldSequenceContainer.hxx | |
RFieldSTLMisc.hxx | |
RCluster.hxx | |
RClusterPool.hxx | |
RColumn.hxx | |
RColumnElementBase.hxx | |
RCreateFieldOptions.hxx | |
RDaos.hxx | |
REntry.hxx | |
RField.hxx | |
RFieldBase.hxx | |
RFieldUtils.hxx | |
RFieldVisitor.hxx | |
RMiniFile.hxx | |
RNTuple.hxx | |
RNTupleDescriptor.hxx | |
RNTupleFillContext.hxx | |
RNTupleFillStatus.hxx | |
RNTupleImtTaskScheduler.hxx | |
RNTupleJoinTable.hxx | |
RNTupleMerger.hxx | |
RNTupleMetrics.hxx | |
RNTupleModel.hxx | |
RNTupleParallelWriter.hxx | |
RNTupleProcessor.hxx | |
RNTupleRange.hxx | |
RNTupleReader.hxx | |
RNTupleReadOptions.hxx | |
RNTupleSerialize.hxx | |
RNTupleUtil.hxx | |
RNTupleView.hxx | |
RNTupleWriteOptions.hxx | |
RNTupleWriteOptionsDaos.hxx | |
RNTupleWriter.hxx | |
RNTupleZip.hxx | |
RPage.hxx | |
RPageAllocator.hxx | |
RPageNullSink.hxx | |
RPagePool.hxx | |
RPageSinkBuf.hxx | |
RPageStorage.hxx | |
RPageStorageDaos.hxx | |
RPageStorageFile.hxx | |
► src | |
► libdaos_mock | |
libdaos_mock.cxx | |
RCluster.cxx | |
RClusterPool.cxx | |
RColumn.cxx | |
RColumnElement.cxx | |
RColumnElement.hxx | |
RDaos.cxx | |
RField.cxx | |
RFieldBase.cxx | |
RFieldMeta.cxx | |
RFieldSequenceContainer.cxx | |
RFieldUtils.cxx | |
RFieldVisitor.cxx | |
RMiniFile.cxx | |
RNTuple.cxx | |
RNTupleDescriptor.cxx | |
RNTupleDescriptorFmt.cxx | |
RNTupleFillContext.cxx | |
RNTupleJoinTable.cxx | |
RNTupleMerger.cxx | |
RNTupleMetrics.cxx | |
RNTupleModel.cxx | |
RNTupleParallelWriter.cxx | |
RNTupleProcessor.cxx | |
RNTupleReader.cxx | |
RNTupleSerialize.cxx | |
RNTupleUtil.cxx | |
RNTupleView.cxx | |
RNTupleWriteOptions.cxx | |
RNTupleWriter.cxx | |
RPage.cxx | |
RPageAllocator.cxx | |
RPagePool.cxx | |
RPageSinkBuf.cxx | |
RPageStorage.cxx | |
RPageStorageDaos.cxx | |
RPageStorageFile.cxx | |
► ntupleutil | |
► v7 | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RNTupleExporter.hxx | |
RNTupleImporter.hxx | |
RNTupleInspector.hxx | |
► src | |
RNTupleExporter.cxx | |
RNTupleImporter.cxx | |
RNTupleInspector.cxx | |
► readspeed | |
► inc | |
ReadSpeed.hxx | |
ReadSpeedCLI.hxx | |
► src | |
ReadSpeed.cxx | |
ReadSpeedCLI.cxx | |
► tree | |
► doc | |
► macros | |
entrylist_figure1.C | |
entrylist_figure2.C | |
entrylistblock_figure1.C | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
InternalTreeUtils.hxx | |
RFriendInfo.hxx | |
TIOFeatures.hxx | |
TBasket.h | |
TBasketSQL.h | |
TBranch.h | |
TBranchBrowsable.h | |
TBranchCacheInfo.h | |
TBranchClones.h | |
TBranchElement.h | |
TBranchObject.h | |
TBranchRef.h | |
TBranchSTL.h | |
TBufferSQL.h | |
TChain.h | |
TChainElement.h | |
TCut.h | |
TEntryList.h | |
TEntryListArray.h | |
TEntryListBlock.h | |
TEntryListFromFile.h | |
TEventList.h | |
TFriendElement.h | |
TIndArray.h | |
TLeaf.h | |
TLeafB.h | |
TLeafC.h | |
TLeafD.h | |
TLeafD32.h | |
TLeafElement.h | |
TLeafF.h | |
TLeafF16.h | |
TLeafG.h | |
TLeafI.h | |
TLeafL.h | |
TLeafO.h | |
TLeafObject.h | |
TLeafS.h | |
TNtuple.h | |
TNtupleD.h | |
TQueryResult.h | |
TreeUtils.h | |
TSelector.h | |
TSelectorList.h | |
TSelectorScalar.h | |
TTree.h | |
TTreeCache.h | |
TTreeCacheUnzip.h | |
TTreeCloner.h | |
TTreeResult.h | |
TTreeRow.h | |
TTreeSQL.h | |
TVirtualIndex.h | |
TVirtualTreePlayer.h | |
► src | |
InternalTreeUtils.cxx | |
RFriendInfo.cxx | |
TBasket.cxx | |
TBasketSQL.cxx | |
TBranch.cxx | |
TBranchBrowsable.cxx | |
TBranchClones.cxx | |
TBranchElement.cxx | |
TBranchIMTHelper.h | |
TBranchObject.cxx | |
TBranchRef.cxx | |
TBranchSTL.cxx | |
TBufferSQL.cxx | |
TChain.cxx | |
TChainElement.cxx | |
TCut.cxx | |
TEntryList.cxx | |
TEntryListArray.cxx | |
TEntryListBlock.cxx | |
TEntryListFromFile.cxx | |
TEventList.cxx | |
TFriendElement.cxx | |
TIOFeatures.cxx | |
TLeaf.cxx | |
TLeafB.cxx | |
TLeafC.cxx | |
TLeafD.cxx | |
TLeafD32.cxx | |
TLeafElement.cxx | |
TLeafF.cxx | |
TLeafF16.cxx | |
TLeafG.cxx | |
TLeafI.cxx | |
TLeafL.cxx | |
TLeafO.cxx | |
TLeafObject.cxx | |
TLeafS.cxx | |
TNtuple.cxx | |
TNtupleD.cxx | |
TQueryResult.cxx | |
TreeUtils.cxx | |
TSelector.cxx | |
TSelectorList.cxx | |
TSelectorScalar.cxx | |
TTree.cxx | |
TTreeCache.cxx | |
TTreeCacheUnzip.cxx | |
TTreeCloner.cxx | |
TTreeResult.cxx | |
TTreeRow.cxx | |
TTreeSQL.cxx | |
TVirtualIndex.cxx | |
TVirtualTreePlayer.cxx | |
► treeplayer | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
TTreeProcessorMP.hxx | |
TTreeProcessorMT.hxx | |
TTreeReaderFast.hxx | |
TTreeReaderValueFast.hxx | |
TBranchProxy.h | |
TBranchProxyClassDescriptor.h | |
TBranchProxyDescriptor.h | |
TBranchProxyDirector.h | |
TBranchProxyTemplate.h | |
TChainIndex.h | |
TFileDrawMap.h | |
TFormLeafInfo.h | |
TFormLeafInfoReference.h | |
TFriendProxy.h | |
TFriendProxyDescriptor.h | |
TMPWorkerTree.h | |
TRefArrayProxy.h | |
TRefProxy.h | |
TSelectorDraw.h | |
TSelectorEntries.h | |
TSimpleAnalysis.h | |
TTreeDrawArgsParser.h | |
TTreeFormula.h | |
TTreeFormulaManager.h | |
TTreeGeneratorBase.h | |
TTreeIndex.h | |
TTreePerfStats.h | |
TTreePlayer.h | |
TTreeProxyGenerator.h | |
TTreeReader.h | |
TTreeReaderArray.h | |
TTreeReaderGenerator.h | |
TTreeReaderUtils.h | |
TTreeReaderValue.h | |
TTreeTableInterface.h | |
► src | |
TBranchProxy.cxx | |
TBranchProxyClassDescriptor.cxx | |
TBranchProxyDescriptor.cxx | |
TBranchProxyDirector.cxx | |
TChainIndex.cxx | |
TFileDrawMap.cxx | |
TFormLeafInfo.cxx | |
TFormLeafInfoReference.cxx | |
TFriendProxy.cxx | |
TFriendProxyDescriptor.cxx | |
TMPWorkerTree.cxx | |
TRefArrayProxy.cxx | |
TRefProxy.cxx | |
TSelectorDraw.cxx | |
TSelectorEntries.cxx | |
TSimpleAnalysis.cxx | |
TTreeDrawArgsParser.cxx | |
TTreeFormula.cxx | |
TTreeFormulaManager.cxx | |
TTreeGeneratorBase.cxx | |
TTreeIndex.cxx | |
TTreePerfStats.cxx | |
TTreePlayer.cxx | |
TTreeProcessorMP.cxx | |
TTreeProcessorMT.cxx | |
TTreeProxyGenerator.cxx | |
TTreeReader.cxx | |
TTreeReaderArray.cxx | |
TTreeReaderFast.cxx | |
TTreeReaderGenerator.cxx | |
TTreeReaderValue.cxx | |
TTreeReaderValueFast.cxx | |
TTreeTableInterface.cxx | |
► treeviewer | |
► inc | |
HelpTextTV.h | |
TGTreeTable.h | |
TParallelCoord.h | |
TParallelCoordEditor.h | |
TParallelCoordRange.h | |
TParallelCoordVar.h | |
TSpider.h | |
TSpiderEditor.h | |
TTreeViewer.h | |
TTVLVContainer.h | |
TTVSession.h | |
► src | |
HelpTextTV.cxx | |
TGTreeTable.cxx | |
TParallelCoord.cxx | |
TParallelCoordEditor.cxx | |
TParallelCoordRange.cxx | |
TParallelCoordVar.cxx | |
TSpider.cxx | |
TSpiderEditor.cxx | |
TTreeViewer.cxx | |
TTVLVContainer.cxx | |
TTVSession.cxx | |
► webviewer | |
► inc | |
► ROOT | |
RTreeViewer.hxx | |
► src | |
RTreeViewer.cxx | |
► tutorials | |
► analysis | |
► dataframe | |
df000_simple.C | Simple RDataFrame example in C++ |
df000_simple.py | Simple RDataFrame example in Python |
df001_introduction.C | Basic RDataFrame usage |
df001_introduction.py | Basic usage of RDataFrame from python |
df002_dataModel.C | Show how to work with non-flat data models, e.g |
df002_dataModel.py | Show how to work with non-flat data models, e.g |
df003_profiles.C | Use TProfiles with RDataFrame |
df003_profiles.py | Use TProfiles with RDataFrame |
df004_cutFlowReport.C | Display cut/Filter efficiencies with RDataFrame |
df004_cutFlowReport.py | Display cut/Filter efficiencies with RDataFrame |
df005_fillAnyObject.C | Using the generic Fill action |
df006_ranges.C | Use Range to limit the amount of data processed |
df006_ranges.py | Use Range to limit the amount of data processed |
df007_snapshot.C | Write ROOT data with RDataFrame |
df007_snapshot.py | Write ROOT data with RDataFrame |
df008_createDataSetFromScratch.C | Create data from scratch with RDataFrame |
df008_createDataSetFromScratch.py | Create data from scratch with RDataFrame |
df009_FromScratchVSTTree.C | Compare creation of a ROOT dataset with RDataFrame and TTree |
df010_trivialDataSource.C | Use the "trivial data source", an example data source implementation |
df010_trivialDataSource.py | Use the "trivial data source", an example data source implementation |
df012_DefinesAndFiltersAsStrings.C | Use just-in-time-compiled Filters and Defines for quick prototyping |
df012_DefinesAndFiltersAsStrings.py | Use just-in-time-compiled Filters and Defines for quick prototyping |
df013_InspectAnalysis.C | Use callbacks to update a plot and a progress bar during the event loop |
df014_CSVDataSource.C | Process a CSV file with RDataFrame and the CSV data source |
df014_CSVDataSource.py | Process a CSV file with RDataFrame and the CSV data source |
df015_LazyDataSource.C | Use the lazy RDataFrame data source to concatenate computation graphs |
df016_vecOps.C | Process collections in RDataFrame with the help of RVec |
df016_vecOps.py | Process collections in RDataFrame with the help of RVec |
df017_vecOpsHEP.C | Use RVecs to plot the transverse momentum of selected particles |
df017_vecOpsHEP.py | Use RVecs to plot the transverse momentum of selected particles |
df018_customActions.C | Implement a custom action to fill THns |
df019_Cache.C | Cache a processed RDataFrame in memory for further usage |
df019_Cache.py | Cache a processed RDataFrame in memory for further usage |
df020_helpers.C | Show usage of RDataFrame's helper tools, contained in ROOT/RDFHelpers.hxx |
df021_createTGraph.C | Fill a TGraph using RDataFrame |
df021_createTGraph.py | Fill a TGraph using RDataFrame |
df022_useKahan.C | Implement a custom action that evaluates a Kahan sum |
df023_aggregate.C | Use the Aggregate action to specify arbitrary data aggregations |
df024_Display.C | Use the Display action to inspect entry values |
df024_Display.py | Use the Display action to inspect entry values |
df025_RNode.C | Manipulate RDF objects in functions, loops and conditional branches |
df026_AsNumpyArrays.py | Read data from RDataFrame into Numpy arrays |
df027_SQliteDependencyOverVersion.C | Plot the ROOT downloads based on the version reading a remote sqlite3 file |
df028_SQliteIPLocation.C | Plot the location of ROOT downloads reading a remote sqlite3 file |
df029_SQlitePlatformDistribution.C | Use RDataFrame to display data about ROOT downloads |
df030_SQliteVersionsOfROOT.C | Read an sqlite3 databases with RDataFrame and plot statistics on ROOT downloads |
df031_Stats.C | Use the Stats action to extract the statistics of a column |
df031_Stats.py | Use the Stats action to extract the statistics of a column |
df032_RDFFromNumpy.py | Read data from Numpy arrays into RDataFrame |
df033_Describe.py | Get information about the dataframe with the convenience method Describe |
df034_SaveGraph.C | Basic SaveGraph usage |
df034_SaveGraph.py | Basic SaveGraph usage |
df035_RDFFromPandas.py | Read data from Pandas Data Frame into RDataFrame |
df036_missingBranches.C | |
df036_missingBranches.py | |
df037_TTreeEventMatching.C | |
df037_TTreeEventMatching.py | |
df038_NumbaDeclare.py | This tutorial illustrates how PyROOT supports declaring C++ callables from Python callables making them, for example, usable with RDataFrame |
df101_h1Analysis.C | Show how to express ROOT's standard H1 analysis with RDataFrame |
df102_NanoAODDimuonAnalysis.C | Show how NanoAOD files can be processed with RDataFrame |
df102_NanoAODDimuonAnalysis.py | Show how NanoAOD files can be processed with RDataFrame |
df103_NanoAODHiggsAnalysis.C | An example of complex analysis with RDataFrame: reconstructing the Higgs boson |
df103_NanoAODHiggsAnalysis.py | An example of complex analysis with RDataFrame: reconstructing the Higgs boson |
df103_NanoAODHiggsAnalysis_python.h | Header file with functions needed to execute the Python version of the NanoAOD Higgs tutorial |
df104_HiggsToTwoPhotons.py | The Higgs to two photons analysis from the ATLAS Open Data 2020 release, with RDataFrame |
df105_WBosonAnalysis.py | The W boson mass analysis from the ATLAS Open Data release of 2020, with RDataFrame |
df106_HiggsToFourLeptons.C | The Higgs to four lepton analysis from the ATLAS Open Data release of 2020, with RDataFrame |
df106_HiggsToFourLeptons.py | The Higgs to four lepton analysis from the ATLAS Open Data release of 2020, with RDataFrame |
df107_SingleTopAnalysis.py | A single top analysis using the ATLAS Open Data release of 2020, with RDataFrame |
distrdf001_spark_connection.py | Configure a Spark connection and fill two histograms distributedly |
distrdf002_dask_connection.py | Configure a Dask connection and fill two histograms distributedly |
distrdf003_live_visualization.py | Configure a Dask connection and visualize the filling of a 1D and 2D histograms distributedly |
distrdf004_dask_lxbatch.py | |
► tree | |
h1analysis.C | Example of analysis class for the H1 data |
h1analysis.h | |
h1analysisProxy.C | |
h1analysisProxy.h | |
h1analysisProxyCut.C | |
h1analysisTreeReader.C | H1 analysis example expressed in terms of TTreeReader (see h1analysis.C) |
h1analysisTreeReader.h | |
h1chain.C | Creates a TChain to be used by the h1analysis.C class the symbol H1 must point to a directory where the H1 data sets have been installed |
run_h1analysis.C | Macro driving the analysis can specify file name and type |
► unfold | |
testUnfold1.C | Test program for the classes TUnfold and related |
testUnfold2.C | Test program as an example for a user specific regularisation scheme |
testUnfold3.C | Simple Test program for the class TUnfoldDensity |
testUnfold4.C | Test program for the class TUnfoldSys |
testUnfold5a.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold5b.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold5c.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold5d.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold6.C | Test program for the class TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold7a.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold7b.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
testUnfold7c.C | Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning |
TSVDUnfoldExample.C | Data unfolding using Singular Value Decomposition |
mp_parallelHistoFill.C | Parallel fill of a histogram This tutorial shows how a histogram can be filled in parallel with a multiprocess approach |
mp_processSelector.C | Illustrate the usage of the multiproc TSelector interfaces with the h1 analysis example |
mt_fillHistos.C | Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file |
mt_parallelHistoFill.C | Parallel fill of a histogram |
mtbb_fillHistos.C | Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file |
mtbb_parallelHistoFill.C | Parallel fill of a histogram |
► evegen | |
evegen_000_pythia8.C | Pythia8 basic example |
evegen_001_MonteCarlo.C | Macro to compare masses in ROOT data base to the values from pdg |
► experimental | |
► rcanvas | |
df104.py | The Higgs to two photons analysis from the ATLAS Open Data 2020 release, with RDataFrame |
df105.py | The W boson mass analysis from the ATLAS Open Data release of 2020, with RDataFrame |
raxis.cxx | This ROOT7 example demonstrates how to create a RCanvas and draw several RAxis objects with different options |
rbox.cxx | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to create a ROOT 7 canvas (RCanvas) and draw ROOT 7 boxes in it (RBox) |
rbox.py | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to create a ROOT 7 canvas (RCanvas) and draw ROOT 7 boxes in it (RBox) |
rcanvas_mt.cxx | This macro demonstrate usage of ROOT7 graphics from many threads Three different canvases in three different threads are started and regularly updated |
rcanvas_update.cxx | This macro shows how ROOT RCanvas::Update method is working |
rframe.cxx | This ROOT 7 example shows how to create a frame |
rh1.cxx | This macro generates two RH1D, fills them and draw with different options in RCanvas |
rh1_large.cxx | This macro generates really large RH1D histogram, fills it with predefined pattern and draw it in a RCanvas, using Optmize() drawing mode |
rh1_twoscales.cxx | This macro generates two RH1D, fills them and draw in RCanvas |
rh2.cxx | This macro generates RH2D and draw it with different options in RCanvas |
rh2_colz.cxx | This macro generates a small V7 TH2D, fills it with random values and draw it in a V7 canvas, using configured web browser |
rh2_large.cxx | This macro generates really large RH2D histogram, fills it with predefined pattern and draw it in a RCanvas, using Optmize() drawing mode |
rh3.cxx | This macro generates a small RH3D, fills it with random values and draw it in RCanvas, using configured web browser |
rh3_large.cxx | This macro generates really large RH2D histogram, fills it with predefined pattern and draw it in a RCanvas, using Optmize() drawing mode |
rlegend.cxx | This macro generates two TH1D objects and build RLegend In addition use of auto colors are shown |
rline.cxx | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to create a ROOT 7 canvas (RCanvas) and draw ROOT 7 lines in it (RLine) |
rline_style.cxx | This ROOT 7 example shows the various line styles |
rline_width.cxx | This ROOT 7 example shows the various line widths |
rmarker.cxx | This ROOT 7 example shows the various marker styles |
rpad.cxx | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to create a ROOT 7 canvas (RCanvas) and and divide it in 9 sub-pads |
rpave.cxx | This macro draw different variants of RPave on the RCanvas |
rstyle.cxx | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to customize RLine object using RStyle "normal" coordinates' system |
rtext_align.cxx | This macro demonstrate the text align attribute for RText |
rtext_angle.cxx | This macro demonstrate the text attributes for RText |
rtext_font.cxx | This macro demonstrate usage of existing ROOT fonts for RText |
subpads.cxx | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to create a ROOT 7 canvas (RCanvas), divide on sub-sub pads and draw histograms there |
symlog.cxx | This ROOT 7 example shows how to use symlog scale on RAxis See discussion on forum https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/symlog-scale-for-plotting/ for more details |
th1_twoscales.cxx | Macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales on the RCanvas |
tobject.cxx | This macro shows how ROOT objects like TH1, TH2, TGraph can be drawn in RCanvas |
browser.cxx | |
concurrentfill.cxx | |
filedialog.cxx | |
fitpanel.cxx | |
fitpanel6.cxx | |
histops.cxx | |
perf.cxx | |
perfcomp.cxx | |
simple.cxx | |
► geom | |
assembly.C | Geometry detector assembly example |
geodemo.C | GUI to draw the geometry shapes |
► hist | |
hist000_TH1_first.C | Hello World example for TH1 |
hist000_TH1_first.py | Hello World example for TH1 |
hist001_TH1_fillrandom.C | Fill a 1D histogram with random values using predefined functions |
hist001_TH1_fillrandom.py | Fill a 1D histogram with random values using predefined functions |
hist002_TH1_fillrandom_userfunc.C | Fill a 1D histogram from a user-defined parametric function |
hist002_TH1_fillrandom_userfunc.py | Fill a 1D histogram from a user-defined parametric function |
hist003_TH1_draw.C | Draw a 1D histogram to a canvas |
hist003_TH1_draw.py | Draw a 1D histogram to a canvas |
hist004_TH1_labels.C | 1D histograms with alphanumeric labels |
hist005_TH1_palettecolor.C | Palette coloring for TH1 |
hist006_TH1_bar_charts.C | Draw 1D histograms as bar charts |
hist007_TH1_liveupdate.C | Histograms filled and drawn in a loop |
hist007_TH1_liveupdate.py | Simple example illustrating how to use the C++ interpreter |
hist008_TH1_zoom.C | Changing the Range on the X-Axis of a Histogram |
hist009_TH1_normalize.C | Normalizing a Histogram |
hist010_TH1_two_scales.C | Example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales in the "same" pad |
hist010_TH1_two_scales.py | Example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales in the "same" pad |
hist011_TH1_legend_autoplaced.C | The legend can be placed automatically in the current pad in an empty space found at painting time |
hist012_TH1_hksimple.C | Illustrates the advantages of a TH1K histogram |
hist013_TH1_rebin.C | Rebin a variable bin-width histogram |
hist014_TH1_cumulative.C | Illustrate use of the TH1::GetCumulative method |
hist015_TH1_read_and_draw.C | Read a 1-D histogram from a ROOT File and draw it |
hist015_TH1_read_and_draw.py | A Simple histogram drawing example |
hist016_TH1_different_scales_canvas.C | Example of a canvas showing two histograms with different scales |
hist017_TH1_smooth.C | Histogram smoothing |
hist018_TH2_cutg.C | This example demonstrates how to display a 2D histogram and use TCutG object to select bins for drawing |
hist019_TH2_projection.C | This example demonstrates how to display a histogram and its two projections |
hist020_TH2_draw.C | Display the various 2-d drawing options |
hist021_TH2_reverse_axis.C | Example showing an histogram with reverse axis |
hist022_TH2_palette.C | When an histogram is drawn with the option COLZ, a palette is automatically drawn vertically on the right side of the plot |
hist023_THStack_simple.C | Example of stacked histograms: class THStack |
hist024_THStack_pads.C | Drawing stack histograms on subpads |
hist025_THStack_2d_palette_color.C | Palette coloring for 2D histograms' stack is activated thanks to the option PFC (Palette Fill Color) |
hist026_THStack_color_scheme.C | This example demonstrates how to use the accessible color schemes with THStack |
hist027_THStack_palette_color.C | Palette coloring for histograms' stack is activated thanks to the options PFC (Palette Fill Color), PLC (Palette Line Color) and AMC (Palette Marker Color) |
hist028_THStack_multicolor.C | Use a THStack to show a 2-D hist with cells with different colors |
hist029_TRatioPlot_simple.C | Example creating a simple ratio plot of two histograms using the "pois" division option |
hist029_TRatioPlot_simple.py | Example creating a simple ratio plot of two histograms using the pois division option |
hist030_TRatioPlot_residual.C | Example of a fit residual plot |
hist030_TRatioPlot_residual.py | Example of a fit residual plot |
hist031_TRatioPlot_residual_fit.C | Example which shows how you can get the graph of the lower plot and set the y axis range for it |
hist031_TRatioPlot_residual_fit.py | Example which shows how you can get the graph of the lower plot and set the y axis range for it |
hist032_TRatioPlot_fit_lines.C | Example that shows custom dashed lines on the lower plot, specified by a vector of floats |
hist032_TRatioPlot_fit_lines.py | Example that shows custom dashed lines on the lower plot, specified by a vector of floats |
hist033_TRatioPlot_fit_confidence.C | Example that shows how you can set the colors of the confidence interval bands by using the method TRatioPlot::SetConfidenceIntervalColors |
hist033_TRatioPlot_fit_confidence.py | Example that shows how you can set the colors of the confidence interval bands by using the method TRatioPlot::SetConfidenceIntervalColors |
hist034_TRatioPlot_fit_margin.C | Example showing a fit residual plot, where the separation margin has been set to 0 |
hist034_TRatioPlot_fit_margin.py | Example showing a fit residual plot, where the separation margin has been set to 0 |
hist036_TH2_labels.C | 2-D histograms with alphanumeric labels |
hist037_TH2Poly_boxes.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly) |
hist038_TH2Poly_honeycomb.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with hexagonal bins (TH2Poly) |
hist039_TH2Poly_usa.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it using the col option |
hist039_TH2Poly_usa.py | |
hist041_TProfile2Poly_realistic.C | Different charges depending on region |
hist042_TProfile2Poly_module_error.C | Simulate faulty detector panel w.r.t |
hist043_Graphics_highlight.C | This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram |
hist044_Graphics_highlight2D.C | This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram |
hist045_Graphics_highlight_ntuple.C | This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on a ntuple |
hist046_Graphics_highlight1D.C | This tutorial demonstrates how the highlight mechanism can be used on an histogram |
hist047_Graphics_candle_decay.C | Candle Decay, illustrate a time development of a certain value |
hist048_Graphics_candle_hist.C | Example showing how to combine the various candle plot options |
hist049_Graphics_candle_plot.C | Example of candle plot with 2-D histograms |
hist050_Graphics_candle_plot_options.C | Example showing how to combine the various candle plot options |
hist051_Graphics_candle_plot_stack.C | Example showing how a THStack with candle plot option |
hist052_Graphics_candle_plot_whiskers.C | Example of candle plot showing the whiskers definition |
hist053_Graphics_candle_scaled.C | Candle Scaled, illustrates what scaling does on candle and violin charts |
hist056_TPolyMarker_contour.C | Make a contour plot and get the first contour in a TPolyMarker |
hist057_TExec_th1.C | Echo object at mouse position |
hist058_TExec_th2.C | Echo object at mouse position and show a graphics line |
hist060_TH1_stats.C | Edit statistics box |
hist061_TH1_timeonaxis.C | This macro illustrates the use of the time mode on the axis with different time intervals and time formats |
hist062_TH1_timeonaxis2.C | Define the time offset as 2003, January 1st |
hist063_TH1_seism.C | Strip chart example |
hist101_TH1_autobinning.C | Fill multiple histograms with different functions and automatic binning |
hist102_TH2_contour_list.C | Getting Contours From TH2D |
hist103_THnSparse_hist.C | Evaluate the performance of THnSparse vs TH1/2/3/nF for different numbers of dimensions and bins per dimension |
hist104_TH2Poly_fibonacci.C | A TH2Poly build with Fibonacci numbers |
hist105_TExec_dynamic_slice.C | Show the slice of a TH2 following the mouse position |
hist105_TExec_dynamic_slice.py | Example of function called when a mouse event occurs in a pad |
► http | |
custom.C | This program creates and fills one and two dimensional histogram Macro used to demonstrate usage of custom HTML page in custom.htm One can use plain JavaScript to assign different actions with HTML buttons |
histfitserver.C | This program demonstrates simultaneous update of histogram and fitted function |
httpaccess.C | This program demonstrates access control to the THttpServer with digest methods |
httpcontrol.C | This program demonstrates simple application control via THttpServer Two histogram are filled within endless loop |
httpgeom.C | This program creates trivial geometry with several tracks and configure online monitoring of geometry via THttpServer Geometry regularly changed by the program and correspondent changes immediately seen in the browser |
httpserver.C | This program creates : |
httptextlog.C | This macro demonstrates custom access and custom drawing for TMsgList class Main motivation for this example - demonstrate how traffic between server and client can be minimized and how one could build custom UI in the browser |
ws.C | This program demonstrate WebSocket usage with THttpServer Custom ws.htm page is loaded and regularly sends messages to server |
► io | |
► fitsio | |
FITS_tutorial1.C | Open a FITS file and retrieve the first plane of the image array as a TImage object |
FITS_tutorial2.C | Open a FITS file whose primary array represents a spectrum (flux vs wavelength) |
FITS_tutorial3.C | Open a FITS file and retrieve the first plane of the image array as a TImage object |
FITS_tutorial4.C | Open a FITS file whose primary array represents a spectrum (flux vs wavelength) |
FITS_tutorial5.C | Open a FITS file whose primary array represents a spectrum (flux vs wavelength) |
FITS_tutorial6.C | Open a FITS file whose primary array represents a spectrum table (flux vs wavelength) and dump its columns |
FITS_tutorial7.C | Open a FITS file that contains a catalog of astronomical objects and dump some of its columns |
FITS_tutorial8.C | Open a FITS file with columns containing variable-length arrays |
► ntuple | |
ntpl001_staff.C | Write and read tabular data with RNTuple |
ntpl002_vector.C | Write and read STL vectors with RNTuple |
ntpl004_dimuon.C | Mini-Analysis on CMS OpenData with RDataFrame |
ntpl005_introspection.C | Write and read an RNTuple from a user-defined class |
ntpl007_mtFill.C | Example of multi-threaded writes using multiple REntry objects |
ntpl008_import.C | Example of converting data stored in a TTree into an RNTuple |
ntpl009_parallelWriter.C | Example of multi-threaded writes using RNTupleParallelWriter |
ntpl010_skim.C | Example creating a derived RNTuple |
ntpl011_global_temperatures.C | This ROOT 7 example demonstrates how to use RNTuple in combination with ROOT 6 features like RDataframe and visualizations |
ntpl012_processor_chain.C | Demonstrate the RNTupleProcessor for vertical compositions (chains) of RNTuples |
ntpl013_staged.C | Example of staged cluster committing in multi-threaded writing using RNTupleParallelWriter |
ntpl014_framework.C | |
ntpl015_processor_join.C | Demonstrate the RNTupleProcessor for horizontal compositions (joins) of RNTuples |
► sql | |
sqlcanvas.C | This is slight modification of ntuple1.C example |
sqlcreatedb.C | Create a runcatalog table in a MySQL test database |
sqlcreatedb.py | Create a runcatalog table in a MySQL test database |
sqlfilldb.C | Fill run catalog with nfiles entries |
sqlfilldb.py | Fill run catalog with nfiles entries |
SQLiteIPLocation.C | This tutorial demonstrates how TSQLServer can be used to create a connection with a SQlite3 database |
SQLitePlatformDistribution.C | This tutorial demonstrates how TSQLServer can be used to create a connection with a SQlite3 database |
SQLiteTimeVersionOfRoot.C | This tutorial demonstrates how TSQLServer can be used to create a connection with a SQlite3 database |
SQLiteVersionsOfRoot.C | This tutorial demonstrates how TSQLServer can be used to create a connection with a SQlite3 database |
sqlselect.C | Query example to MySQL test database |
sqlselect.py | Query example to MySQL test database |
sqltables.C | This is an example illustrating how the TSQLFile class can be used |
► tree | |
► dictionary | |
data2Tree.cxx | |
data2Tree.hxx | |
data2TreeLinkDef.hxx | |
main.cpp | |
readTree.cxx | |
readTreeDF.cxx | |
writeTree.cxx | |
clones_event.cxx | |
clones_event.h | |
csv2tntuple.py | Build ROOT Ntuple from other source |
csv2tree_ReadStream.py | This function provides an example of how one might massage a csv data file to read into a ROOT TTree via TTree::ReadStream |
hsimpleProxy.C | Used by hsimpleProxyDriver.C |
hsimpleProxyDriver.C | This is the driver of the hsimpleProxy example |
hsimpleReader.C | TTreeReader simplest example |
imt_parTreeProcessing.C | Illustrate the usage of the TTreeProcessorMT::Process method |
JetEvent.cxx | |
JetEvent.h | |
mp_fillNtuples.C | Fill n-tuples in distinct workers |
mp_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C | Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit |
mt_fillNtupleFromMultipleThreads.C | Fill the same TNtuple from different threads |
mt_fillNtuples.C | Fill n-tuples in distinct workers |
mt_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C | Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit |
mtbb_fillNtuples.C | Fill n-tuples in distinct workers |
ntuple1.py | Ntuple drawing example |
printSizes.C | This macro can be used to get aggregate information on the size take on disk or in memory by the various branches in a TTree |
staff.py | example of macro to read data from an ascii file and create a root file with a Tree |
tree101_basic.C | Read data from an ascii file and create a root file with an histogram and an ntuple |
tree102_basic.C | Create can ntuple reading data from an ascii file |
tree103_tree.C | Simple Event class example |
tree104_tree.C | This example is a variant of hsimple.C but using a TTree instead of a TNtuple |
tree105_tree.C | This example illustrates how to make a Tree from variables or arrays in a C struct - without a dictionary, by creating the branches for builtin types (int, float, double) and arrays explicitly |
tree106_tree.C | This example is the same as tree105_tree.C, but uses a class instead of a C-struct |
tree107_tree.C | Example of a Tree where branches are variable length arrays A second Tree is created and filled in parallel |
tree108_tree.C | This example writes a tree with objects of the class Event |
tree109_friend.C | Illustrates how to use Tree friends: |
tree110_copy.C | Copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree |
tree111_copy.C | Copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree, one branch in a separate file |
tree112_copy.C | Example of Root macro to copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree, selecting entries |
tree113_getval.C | Illustrates how to retrieve TTree variables in arrays |
tree114_circular.C | Example of a circular Tree |
tree120_ntuple.C | Simple tree analysis |
tree121_hvector.C | Write and read STL vectors in a tree |
tree122_vector3.C | Write and read a Vector3 class in a tree |
tree123_clonesarray.C | How to write a TClonesArray to a TTree |
tree130_jets.C | Usage of a Tree using the JetEvent class |
tree131_clones_event.C | Example to write & read a Tree built with a complex class inheritance tree |
tree140_spider.C | TSpider example |
tree141_parallelcoord.C | Script illustrating the use of the TParallelCoord class |
tree142_parallelcoordtrans.C | Use of transparency with ||-Coord |
tree143_drawsparse.C | Convert a THnSparse to a TTree using efficient iteration through the THnSparse and draw a THnSparse using TParallelCoord |
tree200_temperature.C | This tutorial illustrates how to use the highlight mode with trees |
tree201_histograms.C | Save histograms in Tree branches |
tree202_benchmarks.C | Benchmark comparing row-wise and column-wise storage performance |
tree500_cernbuild.C | Read data (CERN staff) from an ascii file and create a root file with a Tree |
tree501_cernstaff.C | Playing with a Tree containing variables of type character |
tree502_staff.C | Create a plot of the data in cernstaff.root To create cernstaff.root , execute tutorial $ROOTSYS/tutorials/io/tree/tree500_cernbuild.C |
► xml | |
DOMParsePerson.C | ROOT implementation of a XML DOM Parser |
DOMRecursive.C | ROOT implementation of a XML DOM Parser |
SAXHandler.C | ROOT implementation of a simple SAX Handler |
xmlmodifyfile.C | Example to read, modify and store xml file, using TXMLEngine class The input file, produced by xmlnewfile.C macro is used If you need full xml syntax support, use TXMLParser instead |
xmlnewfile.C | Example to create a new xml file with the TXMLEngine class |
xmlreadfile.C | Example to read and parse any xml file, supported by TXMLEngine class The input file, produced by xmlnewfile.C macro is used If you need full xml syntax support, use TXMLParser instead |
copyFiles.C | Example of script showing how to copy all objects (including directories) from a source file |
dirs.C | This macro illustrates how to create a hierarchy of directories in a Root file |
double32.C | Tutorial illustrating use and precision of the Double32_t data type You should run this tutorial with ACLIC: a dictionary will be automatically created |
fildir.C | This macro displays the ROOT Directory data structure |
file.C | This macro displays the physical ROOT file structure |
float16.C | Tutorial illustrating use and precision of the Float16_t data type |
hadd.C | Macro to add histogram files This macro is kept for didactical purposes only: use instead the executable $ROOTSYS/bin/hadd ! |
importCode.C | Example of script showing how to create a ROOT file with subdirectories |
loopdir.C | Example script to loop over all the objects of a ROOT file directory and print in Postscript all the TH1 derived objects |
loopdir11.C | Example script to loop over all the objects of a ROOT file directory and print in Postscript all the TH1 derived objects |
mergeFiles.py | |
mergeSelective.C | Merge only part of the content of a set of files |
readCode.C | Example of script showing how to navigate in a ROOT file with sub-directories and read the objects in each sub-directory |
tcontext_context_manager.py | This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the TContext class as a Python context manager |
testMergeCont.C | Macro demonstrating the merging of containers |
testTMPIFile.C | This macro shows the usage of TMPIFile to simulate event reconstruction and merging them in parallel |
tfile_context_manager.py | This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the TFile class as a Python context manager |
► legacy | |
► cont | |
TListAndSTL.C | This is an example of using TList with STL algoritms in CLING |
► g3d | |
geometry.C | Example of the old geometry package (now obsolete) |
geometry.py | Geometry |
na49.C | This file has been generated automatically via the root utility toroot from an interactive version of GEANT (see ROOT class TGeometry header for an example of use) This shows an example of the old geometry package (now obsolete) |
na49geomfile.C | Before executing this macro, the file geometry.C must have been executed |
na49geomfile.py | Before executing this macro, the file geometry.C must have been executed |
na49view.C | This macro generates with 2 views of the NA49 detector using the old obsolete geometry package |
na49view.py | This macro generates two views of the NA49 detector |
na49visible.py | Set visibility attributes for the NA49 geometry Set Shape attributes |
shapes.C | The old geometry shapes (see script geodemo.C) |
shapes.py | Draw the geometry using the x3d viewver |
shapesAnim.C | Macro illustrating how to animate a geometry picture using a Timer |
xtruDraw.C | Draw a "representative" TXTRU shape |
xtruSamples.C | Draw a sample of TXTRU shapes some convex, concave (and possibly malformed) |
► hist | |
hsumTimer.C | Demo of Timers |
ratioplot.C | Example displaying two histograms and their ratio |
ratioplot.py | Display two histograms and their ratio |
► math | |
FeldmanCousins.C | Example macro of using the TFeldmanCousins class in root |
Rolke.C | Example of the usage of the TRolke class The TRolke class computes the profile likelihood confidence limits for 7 different model assumptions on systematic/statistical uncertainties |
► mlp | |
mlpHiggs.C | Example of a Multi Layer Perceptron For a LEP search for invisible Higgs boson, a neural network was used to separate the signal from the background passing some selection cuts |
mlpRegression.C | This macro shows the use of an ANN for regression analysis: given a set {i} of input vectors i and a set {o} of output vectors o, one looks for the unknown function f(i)=o |
► multicore | |
mp104_processH1.C | Illustrate the usage of the multiproc to process the H1 analysis example |
mp_H1_lambdas.C | Lambdas used to check and fit the result of the H1 analysis |
mt301_TTaskGroupSimple.C | Shows how to run items of work asynchronously with a TTaskGroup |
► net | |
authclient.C | This macro should be run together with authserv.C to test authentication between two remote ROOT sessions |
authserv.C | This macro should be run together with authclient.C to test authentication between two remote ROOT sessions |
fastMergeServer.C | This script shows how to make a simple iterative server that can receive TMemFile from multiple clients and merge them into a single file without block |
hclient.C | Client program which creates and fills a histogram |
hcons.C | Histogram consumer script |
hprod.C | Histogram producer script |
hserv.C | Server program which waits for two clients to connect |
hserv2.C | This script shows how to make a simple iterative server that can accept connections while handling currently open connections |
parallelMergeClient.C | Client program which creates and fills 2 histograms and a TTree |
parallelMergeServer.C | This script shows how to make a simple iterative server that can accept connections while handling currently open connections |
parallelMergeTest.C | |
pclient.C | Client program to test parallel sockets |
pserv.C | Server program to test parallel sockets |
spy.C | Client program which allows the snooping of objects from a spyserv process |
spyserv.C | Server program which allows clients, "spies", to connect and snoop objects |
TestAuth.C | Macro test authentication methods stand alone |
testTUDPSocket.C | As test echo server use udpserver.c in the same directory |
treeClient.C | Client program which creates and fills 2 histograms and a TTree |
TUriTest.C | Rudimentary TUri test macro |
udpserver.c | |
► proof | |
EmptyInclude.h | Empty file to test TProof::Load in runProof.C and StressProof.cxx in conjunction with ProcFileElements and ProofEventProc |
finalizeProof.C | Macro to finalize queries run with the macro tutorials/runProof |
getProof.C | Attaches to a PROOF session, possibly at the indicated URL |
ProcFileElements.C | Class to hold information about the processed elements of a file |
ProcFileElements.h | Class to hold information about the processed elements of a file |
ProofAux.C | Selector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials |
ProofAux.h | Selector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials |
ProofEvent.C | Selector for generic processing with Event |
ProofEvent.h | Selector for generic processing with Event |
ProofEventProc.C | Selector to process trees containing Event structures |
ProofEventProc.h | Selector to process trees containing Event structures |
ProofFriends.C | Selector to process tree friends |
ProofFriends.h | Selector to process tree friends |
ProofNtuple.C | Selector to fill a simple ntuple |
ProofNtuple.h | Selector to fill a simple ntuple |
ProofPythia.C | Selector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8 |
ProofPythia.h | Selector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8 |
ProofSimple.C | Selector to fill a set of histograms |
ProofSimple.h | Selector to fill a set of histograms |
ProofSimpleFile.C | Selector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file |
ProofSimpleFile.h | Selector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file |
ProofStdVect.C | Selector for generic processing with stdlib collections |
ProofStdVect.h | Selector for generic processing with stdlib collections |
ProofTests.C | Auxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality |
ProofTests.h | Auxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality |
runProof.C | Macro to run examples of analysis on PROOF, corresponding to the TSelector implementations found under <ROOTSYS>/tutorials/proof |
► regexp | |
regexp.C | A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings |
regexp_pme.C | Class TPMERegexp - API similar to PME - PCRE Made Easy Tries to be as close as possible to PERL syntax and functionality |
► spectrum | |
Background_compton.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum) including Compton edges |
Background_decr.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum) |
Background_gamma256.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum2) |
Background_gamma64.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum2) |
Background_incr.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum) |
Background_order.C | Example to illustrate the influence of the clipping filter difference order on the estimated background |
Background_smooth.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum) including Compton edges |
Background_synt256.C | Example to illustrate the background estimator (class TSpectrum2) |
Background_width.C | Example to illustrate the influence of the clipping window width on the estimated background |
Background_width2.C | Example to illustrate the influence of the clipping window width on the estimated background |
Deconvolution.C | Example to illustrate deconvolution function (class TSpectrum) |
Deconvolution2_1.C | Example to illustrate the Gold deconvolution (class TSpectrum2) |
Deconvolution2_2.C | Example to illustrate the Gold deconvolution (class TSpectrum2) |
Deconvolution2_HR.C | Example to illustrate boosted Gold deconvolution (class TSpectrum2) |
Deconvolution_wide.C | Example to illustrate deconvolution function (class TSpectrum) |
Deconvolution_wide_boost.C | Example to illustrate deconvolution function (class TSpectrum) |
DeconvolutionRL_wide.C | Example to illustrate deconvolution function (class TSpectrum) |
DeconvolutionRL_wide_boost.C | Example to illustrate deconvolution function (class TSpectrum) |
FitAwmi.C | This macro fits the source spectrum using the AWMI algorithm from the "TSpectrumFit" class ("TSpectrum" class is used to find peaks) |
peaks.C | Illustrates how to find peaks in histograms |
peaks2.C | Example to illustrate the 2-d peak finder (class TSpectrum2) |
SearchHR1.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum) |
SearchHR3.C | Example to illustrate the influence of number of iterations in deconvolution in high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum) |
Smooth.C | Example to illustrate the Markov smoothing (class TSpectrum2) |
Smoothing.C | Example to illustrate smoothing using Markov algorithm (class TSpectrum) |
spectrumpainter.C | Examples showing how to use TSpectrum2Painter (the SPEC option) |
Src.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum2) |
Src2.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum2) |
Src3.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum2) |
Src4.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum2) |
Src5.C | Example to illustrate high resolution peak searching function (class TSpectrum2) |
► splot | |
TestSPlot.C | This tutorial illustrates the use of class TSPlot and of the sPlots method |
► thread | |
stressThreadPool.C | Usage: |
threadPool.C | Usage: |
threads.C | Example of a simple script creating 3 threads |
threadsh1.C | Example of a simple script creating 3 threads |
threadsh2.C | Example of a simple script creating 2 threads each with one canvas |
► tree | |
tree.C | Display the Tree data structures |
tvdemo.C | |
benchmarks.C | This macro run several tests and produces an benchmark report |
geant3tasks.C | This script is a representation using TTasks of the Geant3 simulation program This example uses directly TTask objects |
hist040_TH2Poly_europe.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it |
htmlex.C | This file demonstrates how THtml can document sources |
MyTasks.cxx | A set of classes deriving from TTask |
PhaseSpace.C | Example of use of TGenPhaseSpace |
rootalias.C | Defines aliases: |
rootenv.C | Produce a picture of the ROOT environment |
rootmarks.C | Prints a summary of all ROOT benchmarks (must be run before) |
tasks.C | Example of TTasks |
► machine_learning | |
► envelope | |
classification.C | |
► keras | |
ApplicationClassificationKeras.py | This tutorial shows how to apply a trained model to new data |
ApplicationRegressionKeras.py | This tutorial shows how to apply a trained model to new data (regression) |
ClassificationKeras.py | |
GenerateModel.py | This tutorial shows how to define and generate a keras model for use with TMVA |
MulticlassKeras.py | |
RegressionKeras.py | |
► pytorch | |
ApplicationClassificationPyTorch.py | This tutorial shows how to apply a trained model to new data |
ApplicationRegressionPyTorch.py | This tutorial shows how to apply a trained model to new data (regression) |
ClassificationPyTorch.py | This tutorial shows how to do classification in TMVA with neural networks trained with PyTorch |
MulticlassPyTorch.py | This tutorial shows how to do multiclass classification in TMVA with neural networks trained with PyTorch |
RegressionPyTorch.py | This tutorial shows how to do regression in TMVA with neural networks trained with PyTorch |
createData.C | Plot the variables |
PyTorch_Generate_CNN_Model.py | |
RBatchGenerator_filters_vectors.py | |
RBatchGenerator_NumPy.py | Example of getting batches of events from a ROOT dataset as Python generators of numpy arrays |
RBatchGenerator_PyTorch.py | Example of getting batches of events from a ROOT dataset into a basic PyTorch workflow |
RBatchGenerator_TensorFlow.py | Example of getting batches of events from a ROOT dataset into a basic TensorFlow workflow |
tmva001_RTensor.C | This tutorial illustrates the basic features of the RTensor class, RTensor is a std::vector-like container with additional shape information |
tmva002_RDataFrameAsTensor.C | This tutorial shows how the content of an RDataFrame can be converted to an RTensor object |
tmva003_RReader.C | This tutorial shows how to apply with the modern interfaces models saved in TMVA XML files |
tmva004_RStandardScaler.C | This tutorial illustrates the usage of the standard scaler as preprocessing method |
tmva100_DataPreparation.py | This tutorial illustrates how to prepare ROOT datasets to be nicely readable by most machine learning methods |
tmva101_Training.py | This tutorial show how you can train a machine learning model with any package reading the training data directly from ROOT files |
tmva102_Testing.py | This tutorial illustrates how you can test a trained BDT model using the fast tree inference engine offered by TMVA and external tools such as scikit-learn |
tmva103_Application.C | This tutorial illustrates how you can conveniently apply BDTs in C++ using the fast tree inference engine offered by TMVA |
TMVA_CNN_Classification.C | TMVA Classification Example Using a Convolutional Neural Network |
TMVA_CNN_Classification.py | TMVA Classification Example Using a Convolutional Neural Network |
TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C | Classification example of TMVA based on public Higgs UCI dataset |
TMVA_Higgs_Classification.py | Classification example of TMVA based on public Higgs UCI dataset |
TMVA_RNN_Classification.C | TMVA Classification Example Using a Recurrent Neural Network |
TMVA_RNN_Classification.py | TMVA Classification Example Using a Recurrent Neural Network |
TMVA_SOFIE_GNN_Application.C | |
TMVA_SOFIE_GNN_Parser.py | |
TMVA_SOFIE_Inference.py | This macro provides an example of using a trained model with Keras and make inference using SOFIE directly from Numpy This macro uses as input a Keras model generated with the TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C tutorial You need to run that macro before this one |
TMVA_SOFIE_Keras.C | This macro provides a simple example for the parsing of Keras .h5 file into RModel object and further generating the .hxx header files for inference |
TMVA_SOFIE_Keras_HiggsModel.C | This macro run the SOFIE parser on the Keras model obtaining running TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C You need to run that macro before this one |
TMVA_SOFIE_Models.py | Example of inference with SOFIE using a set of models trained with Keras |
TMVA_SOFIE_ONNX.C | This macro provides a simple example for the parsing of ONNX files into RModel object and further generating the .hxx header files for inference |
TMVA_SOFIE_PyTorch.C | This macro provides a simple example for the parsing of PyTorch .pt file into RModel object and further generating the .hxx header files for inference |
TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame.C | This macro provides an example of using a trained model with Keras and make inference using SOFIE and RDataFrame This macro uses as input a Keras model generated with the TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C tutorial You need to run that macro before to generate the trained Keras model Then you need to run the macro TMVA_SOFIE_Keras_HiggsModel.C to generate the corresponding header file using SOFIE |
TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame.py | Example of inference with SOFIE and RDataFrame, of a model trained with Keras |
TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame_JIT.C | This macro provides an example of using a trained model with Keras and make inference using SOFIE and RDataFrame This macro uses as input a Keras model generated with the TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C tutorial You need to run that macro before this one |
TMVA_SOFIE_RSofieReader.C | This macro provides an example of using a trained model with Keras and make inference using SOFIE with the RSofieReader class This macro uses as input a Keras model generated with the TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C tutorial You need to run that macro before to generate the trained Keras model |
TMVAClassification.C | This macro provides examples for the training and testing of the TMVA classifiers |
TMVAClassificationApplication.C | This macro provides a simple example on how to use the trained classifiers within an analysis module |
TMVAClassificationCategory.C | This macro provides examples for the training and testing of the TMVA classifiers in categorisation mode |
TMVAClassificationCategoryApplication.C | This macro provides a simple example on how to use the trained classifiers (with categories) within an analysis module |
TMVACrossValidation.C | This macro provides an example of how to use TMVA for k-folds cross evaluation |
TMVACrossValidationApplication.C | This macro provides an example of how to use TMVA for k-folds cross evaluation in application |
TMVACrossValidationRegression.C | This macro provides an example of how to use TMVA for k-folds cross evaluation |
TMVAGAexample.C | This executable gives an example of a very simple use of the genetic algorithm of TMVA |
TMVAGAexample2.C | This executable gives an example of a very simple use of the genetic algorithm of TMVA |
TMVAMinimalClassification.C | Minimal self-contained example for setting up TMVA with binary classification |
TMVAMulticlass.C | This macro provides a simple example for the training and testing of the TMVA multiclass classification |
TMVAMulticlassApplication.C | This macro provides a simple example on how to use the trained multiclass classifiers within an analysis module |
TMVAMultipleBackgroundExample.C | This example shows the training of signal with three different backgrounds Then in the application a tree is created with all signal and background events where the true class ID and the three classifier outputs are added finally with the application tree, the significance is maximized with the help of the TMVA genetic algorithm |
TMVARegression.C | This macro provides examples for the training and testing of the TMVA classifiers |
TMVARegressionApplication.C | This macro provides a simple example on how to use the trained regression MVAs within an analysis module |
► math | |
► fft | |
FFT.C | This tutorial illustrates the Fast Fourier Transforms interface in ROOT |
► fit | |
combinedFit.C | Combined (simultaneous) fit of two histogram with separate functions and some common parameters |
combinedFit.py | Combined (simultaneous) fit of two histogram with separate functions and some common parameters |
ConfidenceIntervals.C | Illustrates TVirtualFitter::GetConfidenceIntervals This method computes confidence intervals for the fitted function |
ErrorIntegral.C | Estimate the error in the integral of a fitted function taking into account the errors in the parameters resulting from the fit |
exampleFit3D.C | example of fitting a 3D function Typical multidimensional parametric regression where the predictor depends on 3 variables |
fit1.C | Simple fitting example (1-d histogram with an interpreted function) |
fit1.py | Fit example |
fit1_py.py | |
fit2.C | Fitting a 2-D histogram This tutorial illustrates : |
fit2a.C | Fitting a 2-D histogram (a variant) This tutorial illustrates : |
fit2d.C | Example illustrating how to fit a 2-d histogram of type y=f(x) |
fit2dHist.C | Example to fit two histograms at the same time via the Fitter class |
fitCircle.C | Generate points distributed with some errors around a circle Fit a circle through the points and draw To run the script, do, eg |
fitcont.C | Example illustrating how to draw the n-sigma contour of a Minuit fit |
fitConvolution.C | Tutorial for convolution of two functions |
fitConvolution.py | Tutorial for convolution of two functions |
fitEllipseTGraphDLSF.cxx | |
fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx | |
fitExclude.C | Illustrates how to fit excluding points in a given range |
fithist.C | Example of fit where the model is histogram + function |
FitHistoInFile.C | |
fitLinear.C | Example of fitting with a linear function, using TLinearFitter This example is for a TGraphErrors, but it can also be used when fitting a histogram, a TGraph2D or a TMultiGraph |
fitLinear2.C | Fit a 5d hyperplane by n points, using the linear fitter directly |
fitLinearRobust.C | This tutorial shows how the least trimmed squares regression, included in the TLinearFitter class, can be used for fitting in cases when the data contains outliers |
fitMultiGraph.C | fitting a parabola to a multigraph of 3 partly overlapping graphs with different errors |
fitNormSum.C | Tutorial for normalized sum of two functions Here: a background exponential and a crystalball function Parameters can be set: |
fitNormSum.py | Tutorial for normalized sum of two functions Here: a background exponential and a crystalball function Parameters can be set: |
fitpanel_playback.C | This file will test all the transient frames (aka Dialog windows) displayed in the fitpanel, as the rest of the functionality is tried automatically with the UnitTest.C unit |
fitslicesy.C | Illustrates how to use the TH1::FitSlicesY function It uses the TH2F histogram generated in macro hsimple.C It invokes FitSlicesY and draw the fitted "mean" and "sigma" in 2 sepate pads |
FittingDemo.C | Example for fitting signal/background |
graph2dfit.C | Fitting a TGraph2D |
Ifit.C | Example of a program to fit non-equidistant data points |
langaus.C | Convoluted Landau and Gaussian Fitting Function (using ROOT's Landau and Gauss functions) |
line3Dfit.C | Fitting of a TGraph2D with a 3D straight line |
minuit2FitBench.C | Demonstrate performance and usage of Minuit2 and Fumili2 for monodimensional fits |
minuit2FitBench2D.C | Minuit2 fit 2D benchmark |
minuit2GausFit.C | Perform fits with different configurations using Minuit2 |
multidimfit.C | Multi-Dimensional Parametrisation and Fitting |
multifit.C | Fitting multiple functions to different ranges of a 1-D histogram Example showing how to fit in a sub-range of an histogram A histogram is created and filled with the bin contents and errors defined in the table below |
multifit.py | Fitting multiple functions to different ranges of a 1-D histogram Example showing how to fit in a sub-range of an histogram A histogram is created and filled with the bin contents and errors defined in the table below |
myfit.C | Get in memory an histogram from a root file and fit a user defined function |
NumericalMinimization.C | Example on how to use the new Minimizer class in ROOT Show usage with all the possible minimizers |
NumericalMinimization.py | |
qa2.C | Test generation of random numbers distributed according to a function defined by the user |
TestBinomial.C | Perform a fit to a set of data with binomial errors like those derived from the division of two histograms |
TwoHistoFit2D.C | Example to fit two histograms at the same time |
vectorizedFit.C | Tutorial for creating a Vectorized TF1 function using a formula expression and use it for fitting an histogram |
► foam | |
foam_demo.C | Demonstrate the TFoam class |
foam_demopers.C | This simple macro demonstrates persistency of FOAM object |
foam_kanwa.C | This program can be execute from the command line as folows: |
► matrix | |
decomposeQR.C | This tutorial shows how to decompose a matrix A in an orthogonal matrix Q and an upper triangular matrix R using QR Householder decomposition with the TDecompQRH class |
invertMatrix.C | This macro shows several ways to invert a matrix |
solveLinear.C | This macro shows several ways to perform a linear least-squares analysis |
► pdf | |
pdf000_Laplace.C | Test the TMath::LaplaceDist and TMath::LaplaceDistI functions |
pdf001_Normal.C | Tutorial illustrating the new statistical distributions functions (pdf, cdf and quantile) |
pdf001_Normal.py | Tutorial illustrating the new statistical distributions functions (pdf, cdf and quantile) |
pdf002_2d_pdf.C | Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT |
pdf002_2d_pdf.py | Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT |
pdf003_2d_cdf.C | Example describing how to use the different cumulative distribution functions in ROOT |
pdf004_Binomial.C | tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Binomial can be run with: |
pdf005_Beta.C | Test the TMath::BetaDist and TMath::BetaDistI functions |
pdf006_Gamma_LogNormal.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::GammaDist and TMath::LogNormal |
pdf007_multivarGaus.C | Tutorial illustrating the multivariate gaussian random number generation |
pdf008_BreitWigner.C | Tutorial illustrating how to create a plot comparing a Breit Wigner to a Relativistic Breit Wigner |
pdf009_Bessel.C | Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT To execute the macro type in: |
pdf009_Bessel.py | Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT To execute the macro type in: |
pdf010_CrystalBall.C | Example of CrystalBall Function and its distribution (pdf and cdf) |
pdf011_Student.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of the Student and F distributions |
pdf012_tStudent.C | Example macro describing the student t distribution |
pdf012_tStudent.py | Example macro describing the student t distribution |
pdf013_Vavilov.C | Test of the TMath::Vavilov distribution |
► quadp | |
portfolio.C | This macro shows in detail the use of the quadratic programming package quadp |
Quad.cxx | |
Quad.h | |
► r | |
DataFrame.C | |
example.C | Simple example on how to use ROOT-R interface |
Function.C | |
Functor.C | Example to create class Functor |
GlobalMinimization.C | Example based in http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/DEoptim/DEoptim.pdf Please install the R package DEoptim before run this example |
Integration.C | Numerical integration using R passing the function from ROOT |
Interpolation.C | More Information for R interpolation in http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/stats/html/approxfun.html NOTE: this example illustrates an interpolation with random points given from ROOT and procedures made in R's environment |
Minimization.C | Example based on http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/optim.html |
SimpleFitting.C | Create an exponential fitting The idea is to create a set of numbers x,y with the function x^3 and some noise from ROOT, fit the function to get the exponent (which must be near 3) and plot the points with noise, the known function and the fitted function |
► unuran | |
unuranDemo.C | Example macro to show unuran capabilities The results are compared with what is obtained using TRandom or TF1::GetRandom The macro is divided in 3 parts: |
unuranFoamTest.C | This program must be compiled and executed with Aclic as follows |
► vecops | |
vo001_AdoptOrOwnMemory.C | In this tutorial we learn how the RVec class can be used to adopt existing memory or allocate some |
vo001_AdoptOrOwnMemory.py | In this tutorial we learn how the RVec class can be used to adopt existing memory or allocate some |
vo002_VectorCalculations.C | In this tutorial we learn how the RVec class can be used to express easily mathematical operations involving arrays and scalars |
vo003_LogicalOperations.C | In this tutorial we learn how the RVec class can be used to express logical operations |
vo004_SortAndSelect.C | In this tutorial we learn how elements of an RVec can be easily sorted and selected |
vo004_SortAndSelect.py | In this tutorial we learn how elements of an RVec can be easily sorted and selected |
vo005_Combinations.C | In this tutorial we learn how combinations of RVecs can be built |
vo005_Combinations.py | In this tutorial we learn how combinations of RVecs can be built |
vo006_IndexManipulation.C | In this tutorial we demonstrate RVec helpers for index manipulation |
vo007_PhysicsHelpers.C | In this tutorial we demonstrate RVec helpers for physics computations such as angle differences \(\Delta \phi\), the distance in the \(\eta\)- \(\phi\) plane \(\Delta R\) and the invariant mass |
vo008_numpyInterface.py | This tutorial illustrates the conversion of RVec to numpy arrays without copying the data |
ChebyshevPol.C | Example of Chebyshev polynomials using new TFormula pre-defined definitions of chebyshev polynomials |
chi2test.C | Example to use chi2 test for comparing two histograms One unweighted histogram is compared with a weighted histogram |
exampleFunction.py | Example of using Python functions and input to numerical algorithm using the ROOT Functor class |
exampleFunctor.C | Tutorial illustrating how creating a TF1 class using functor or class member functions |
exampleMultiRoot.C | Example of using multiroot finder based on GSL algorithm |
exampleTKDE.C | Example of using the TKDE class (kernel density estimator) |
GammaFun.C | Example showing the usage of the major special math functions (gamma, beta, erf) in ROOT To execute the macro type in: |
goftest.C | GoFTest tutorial macro |
hlquantiles.C | Demo for quantiles (with highlight mode) |
kdTreeBinning.C | kdTreeBinning tutorial: bin the data in cells of equal content using a kd-tree |
Legendre Polynomials |
Legendre Polynomials |
Legendre Polynomials To execute the macro type in: |
limit.C | This program demonstrates the computation of 95 % confidence level (CL) limits |
mathcoreGenVector.C | Example macro testing available methods and operation of the GenVector classes |
mathcoreSpecFunc.C | Example macro describing how to use the special mathematical functions taking full advantage of the precision and speed of the C99 compliant environments |
mathcoreVectorCollection.C | Example showing how to write and read a std vector of ROOT::Math LorentzVector in a ROOT tree |
mathcoreVectorFloatIO.C | Macro illustrating I/O with Lorentz Vectors of floats The dictionary for LorentzVector of float is not in the libMathCore, therefore is generated when parsed the file with CLING |
mathcoreVectorIO.C | Example of I/O of a mathcore Lorentz Vectors in a Tree and comparison with a TLorentzVector |
mathmoreIntegration.C | Example on the usage of the adaptive 1D integration algorithm of MathMore it calculates the numerically cumulative integral of a distribution (like in this case the BreitWigner) to execute the macro type it (you need to compile with AClic) |
mathmoreIntegrationMultidim.C | Example on the usage of the multidimensional integration algorithm of MathMore Please refer to the web documentation for further details: https://root.cern/manual/math/#numerical-integration To execute the macro type the following: |
multidimSampling.C | Example of sampling a multi-dim distribution using the DistSampler class NOTE: This tutorial must be run with ACLIC |
permute.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Permute can be run with: |
principal.C | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) example |
principal.py | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) example |
quantiles.C | Demo for quantiles |
quasirandom.C | Example of generating quasi-random numbers |
testrandom.C | Performance test of all the ROOT random generator (TRandom, TRandom1, TRandom2 and TRandom3) Tests the generator TRandom3 against some ref values and creates a timing table against TRandom, TRandom1 and TRandom2 |
► roofit | |
► histfactory | |
hf001_example.C | A ROOT script demonstrating an example of writing and fitting a HistFactory model using C++ only |
hf001_example.py | A ROOT script demonstrating an example of writing and fitting a HistFactory model using Python |
makeExample.C | |
makeQuickModel.py | |
ModifyInterpolation.C | |
► roofit | |
rf101_basics.C | Basic functionality: fitting, plotting, toy data generation on one-dimensional PDFs |
rf101_basics.py | This tutorial illustrates the basic features of RooFit |
rf102_dataimport.C | Basic functionality: importing data from ROOT TTrees and THx histograms |
rf102_dataimport.py | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #102 Importing data from ROOT TTrees and THx histograms |
rf103_interprfuncs.C | Basic functionality: interpreted functions and PDFs |
rf103_interprfuncs.py | Basic functionality: interpreted functions and pdfs |
rf104_classfactory.C | Basic functionality: The class factory for functions and pdfs |
rf104_classfactory.py | Basic functionality: the class factory for functions and pdfs |
rf105_funcbinding.C | Basic functionality: binding ROOT math functions as RooFit functions and pdfs |
rf105_funcbinding.py | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #105 Demonstration of binding ROOT Math functions as RooFit functions and pdfs |
rf106_plotdecoration.C | Basic functionality: adding boxes with parameters, statistics to RooPlots, decorating with arrows, text etc.. |
rf106_plotdecoration.py | Basic functionality: adding boxes with parameters to RooPlots and decorating with arrows, etc.. |
rf107_plotstyles.C | Basic functionality: various plotting styles of data, functions in a RooPlot |
rf107_plotstyles.py | Basic functionality: demonstration of various plotting styles of data, functions in a RooPlot |
rf108_plotbinning.C | Basic functionality: plotting unbinned data with alternate and variable binnings |
rf108_plotbinning.py | Basic functionality: plotting unbinned data with alternate and variable binnings |
rf109_chi2residpull.C | Basic functionality: Calculating chi^2 from histograms and curves in RooPlots, making histogram of residual and pull distributions |
rf109_chi2residpull.py | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #109 Calculating chi^2 from histograms and curves in ROOT.RooPlots, making histogram of residual and pull distributions |
rf110_normintegration.C | Basic functionality: normalization and integration of pdfs, construction of cumulative distribution monodimensional functions |
rf110_normintegration.py | Basic functionality: examples on normalization and integration of pdfs, construction of cumulative distribution functions from monodimensional pdfs |
rf111_derivatives.C | Basic functionality: numerical 1st,2nd and 3rd order derivatives w.r.t |
rf111_derivatives.py | Basic functionality: numerical 1st, and 3rd order derivatives w.r.t |
rf201_composite.C | Addition and convolution: composite pdf with signal and background component |
rf201_composite.py | Addition and convolution: composite pdf with signal and background component |
rf202_extendedmlfit.C | Setting up an extended maximum likelihood fit |
rf202_extendedmlfit.py | Addition and convolution: setting up an extended maximum likelihood fit |
rf203_ranges.C | Fitting and plotting in sub ranges |
rf203_ranges.py | Addition and convolution: fitting and plotting in sub ranges |
rf204a_extendedLikelihood.C | Extended maximum likelihood fit in multiple ranges |
rf204a_extendedLikelihood.py | Extended maximum likelihood fit in multiple ranges |
rf204b_extendedLikelihood_rangedFit.C | This macro demonstrates how to set up a fit in two ranges for plain likelihoods and extended likelihoods |
rf204b_extendedLikelihood_rangedFit.py | This macro demonstrates how to set up a fit in two ranges for plain likelihoods and extended likelihoods |
rf205_compplot.C | Addition and convolution: options for plotting components of composite pdfs |
rf205_compplot.py | Addition and convolution: options for plotting components of composite pdfs |
rf206_treevistools.C | Addition and convolution: tools for visualization of RooAbsArg expression trees |
rf206_treevistools.py | Addition and convolution: tools for visualization of ROOT.RooAbsArg expression trees |
rf207_comptools.C | Addition and convolution: tools and utilities for manipulation of composite objects |
rf207_comptools.py | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #207 Tools and utilities for manipulation of composite objects |
rf208_convolution.C | Addition and convolution: one-dimensional numeric convolution |
rf208_convolution.py | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #208 One-dimensional numeric convolution (require ROOT to be compiled with –enable-fftw3) |
rf209_anaconv.C | Addition and convolution: decay function pdfs with optional B physics effects (mixing and CP violation) |
rf209_anaconv.py | Addition and convolution: decay function pdfs with optional B physics effects (mixing and CP violation) that can be analytically convolved with e.g |
rf210_angularconv.C | Addition and convolution: convolution in cyclical angular observables theta |
rf210_angularconv.py | Convolution in cyclical angular observables theta, and construction of p.d.f in terms of transformed angular coordinates, e.g |
rf211_paramconv.C | Addition and convolution: working with a pdf with a convolution operator in terms of a parameter |
rf211_paramconv.py | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #211 Working a with a p.d.f |
rf212_plottingInRanges_blinding.C | Plot a PDF in disjunct ranges, and get normalisation right |
rf212_plottingInRanges_blinding.py | Plot a PDF in disjunct ranges, and get normalisation right |
rf301_composition.C | Multidimensional models: multi-dimensional pdfs through composition e.g |
rf301_composition.py | Multidimensional models: multi-dimensional pdfs through composition, e.g |
rf302_utilfuncs.C | Multidimensional models: utility functions classes available for use in tailoring of composite (multidimensional) pdfs |
rf302_utilfuncs.py | Multidimensional models: utility functions classes available for use in tailoring of composite (multidimensional) pdfs |
rf303_conditional.C | Multidimensional models: use of tailored pdf as conditional pdfs.s |
rf303_conditional.py | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #303 Use of tailored p.d.f as conditional p.d.fs.s |
rf304_uncorrprod.C | Multidimensional models: simple uncorrelated multi-dimensional pdfs |
rf304_uncorrprod.py | Multidimensional models: simple uncorrelated multi-dimensional pdfs |
rf305_condcorrprod.C | Multidimensional models: multi-dimensional pdfs with conditional pdfs in product |
rf305_condcorrprod.py | Multidimensional models: multi-dimensional pdfs with conditional pdfs in product |
rf306_condpereventerrors.C | Multidimensional models: conditional pdf with per-event errors |
rf306_condpereventerrors.py | Multidimensional models: complete example with use of conditional pdf with per-event errors |
rf307_fullpereventerrors.C | Multidimensional models: full pdf with per-event errors |
rf307_fullpereventerrors.py | Multidimensional models: usage of full pdf with per-event errors |
rf308_normintegration2d.C | Multidimensional models: normalization and integration of pdfs, construction of cumulative distribution functions from pdfs in two dimensions |
rf308_normintegration2d.py | Multidimensional models: normalization and integration of pdfs, construction of cumulative distribution functions from pdfs in two dimensions |
rf309_ndimplot.C | Multidimensional models: making 2/3 dimensional plots of pdfs and datasets |
rf309_ndimplot.py | Multidimensional models: making 2/3 dimensional plots of pdfs and datasets |
rf310_sliceplot.C | Multidimensional models: projecting pdf and data slices in discrete observables |
rf310_sliceplot.py | Multidimensional models: projecting pdf and data slices in discrete observables |
rf311_rangeplot.C | Multidimensional models: projecting pdf and data ranges in continuous observables |
rf311_rangeplot.py | Multidimensional models: projecting pdf and data ranges in continuous observables |
rf312_multirangefit.C | Multidimensional models: performing fits in multiple (disjoint) ranges in one or more dimensions |
rf312_multirangefit.py | Multidimensional models: performing fits in multiple (disjoint) ranges in one or more dimensions |
rf313_paramranges.C | Multidimensional models: working with parametrized ranges to define non-rectangular regions for fitting and integration |
rf313_paramranges.py | Multidimensional models: working with parameterized ranges to define non-rectangular regions for fitting and integration |
rf314_paramfitrange.C | Multidimensional models: working with parametrized ranges in a fit |
rf314_paramfitrange.py | Multidimensional models: working with parameterized ranges in a fit |
rf315_projectpdf.C | Multidimensional models: marginizalization of multi-dimensional pdfs through integration |
rf315_projectpdf.py | Multidimensional models: marginizalization of multi-dimensional pdfs through integration |
rf316_llratioplot.C | Multidimensional models: using the likelihood ratio technique to construct a signal enhanced one-dimensional projection of a multi-dimensional pdf |
rf316_llratioplot.py | Multidimensional models: using the likelihood ratio technique to construct a signal enhanced one-dimensional projection of a multi-dimensional pdf |
rf401_importttreethx.C | Data and categories: advanced options for importing data from ROOT TTree and THx histograms |
rf401_importttreethx.py | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #401 |
rf402_datahandling.C | Data and categories: tools for manipulation of (un)binned datasets |
rf402_datahandling.py | Data and categories: tools for manipulation of (un)binned datasets |
rf403_weightedevts.C | Data and categories: using weights in unbinned datasets |
rf403_weightedevts.py | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #403 |
rf404_categories.C | Data and categories: working with RooCategory objects to describe discrete variables |
rf404_categories.py | Data and categories: working with ROOT.RooCategory objects to describe discrete variables |
rf405_realtocatfuncs.C | Data and categories: demonstration of real-->discrete mapping functions |
rf405_realtocatfuncs.py | Data and categories: demonstration of real-discrete mapping functions |
rf406_cattocatfuncs.C | Data and categories: demonstration of discrete-->discrete (invertible) functions |
rf406_cattocatfuncs.py | Data and categories: demonstration of discrete-discrete (invertable) functions |
rf407_ComputationalGraphVisualization.C | Data and categories: Visualing computational graph model before fitting, and latex printing of lists and sets of RooArgSets after fitting |
rf407_ComputationalGraphVisualization.py | Data and categories: Visualing computational graph model before fitting, and latex printing of lists and sets of RooArgSets after fitting |
rf408_RDataFrameToRooFit.C | Fill RooDataSet/RooDataHist in RDataFrame |
rf408_RDataFrameToRooFit.py | Fill RooDataSet/RooDataHist in RDataFrame |
rf409_NumPyPandasToRooFit.py | Convert between NumPy arrays or Pandas DataFrames and RooDataSets |
rf501_simultaneouspdf.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: using simultaneous pdfs to describe simultaneous fits to multiple datasets |
rf501_simultaneouspdf.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: using simultaneous pdfs to describe simultaneous fits to multiple datasets |
rf502_wspacewrite.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: creating and writing a workspace |
rf502_wspacewrite.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: creating and writing a workspace |
rf503_wspaceread.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: reading and using a workspace |
rf503_wspaceread.py | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #503 |
rf504_simwstool.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: using RooSimWSTool to construct a simultaneous pdf that is built of variations of an input pdf |
rf504_simwstool.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: using RooSimWSTool to construct a simultaneous pdf that is built of variations of an input pdf |
rf505_asciicfg.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: reading and writing ASCII configuration files |
rf505_asciicfg.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: reading and writing ASCII configuration files |
rf506_msgservice.C | Organisation and simultaneous fits: tuning and customizing the RooFit message logging facility |
rf506_msgservice.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: tuning and customizing the ROOT.RooFit message logging facility |
rf508_listsetmanip.C | Organization and simultaneous fits: RooArgSet and RooArgList tools and tricks |
rf508_listsetmanip.py | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #508 |
rf510_wsnamedsets.C | Organization and simultaneous fits: working with named parameter sets and parameter snapshots in workspaces |
rf510_wsnamedsets.py | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #510 |
rf511_wsfactory_basic.C | Organization and simultaneous fits: basic use of the 'object factory' associated with a workspace to rapidly build pdfs functions and their parameter components |
rf511_wsfactory_basic.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: basic use of the 'object factory' associated with a workspace to rapidly build pdfs functions and their parameter components |
rf512_wsfactory_oper.C | Organization and simultaneous fits: operator expressions and expression-based basic pdfs in the workspace factory syntax |
rf512_wsfactory_oper.py | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #512 |
rf513_wsfactory_tools.C | Organization and simultaneous fits: RooCustomizer and RooSimWSTool interface in factory workspace tool in a complex standalone B physics example |
rf513_wsfactory_tools.py | Organization and simultaneous fits: illustration use of ROOT.RooCustomizer and ROOT.RooSimWSTool interface in factory workspace tool in a complex standalone B physics example |
rf514_RooCustomizer.C | Using the RooCustomizer to create multiple PDFs that share a lot of properties, but have unique parameters for each category |
rf514_RooCustomizer.py | Using the RooCustomizer to create multiple PDFs that share a lot of properties, but have unique parameters for each category |
rf515_hfJSON.py | Code HistFactory Models in JSON |
rf601_intminuit.C | Likelihood and minimization: interactive minimization with MINUIT |
rf601_intminuit.py | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #601 |
rf602_chi2fit.C | Likelihood and minimization: setting up a chi^2 fit to a binned dataset |
rf602_chi2fit.py | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #602 |
rf604_constraints.C | Likelihood and minimization: fitting with constraints |
rf604_constraints.py | Likelihood and minimization: fitting with constraints |
rf605_profilell.C | Likelihood and minimization: working with the profile likelihood estimator |
rf605_profilell.py | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #605 |
rf606_nllerrorhandling.C | Likelihood and minimization: understanding and customizing error handling in likelihood evaluations |
rf606_nllerrorhandling.py | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #606 |
rf607_fitresult.C | Likelihood and minimization: demonstration of options of the RooFitResult class |
rf607_fitresult.py | Likelihood and minimization: demonstration of options of the RooFitResult class |
rf608_fitresultaspdf.C | Likelihood and minimization: representing the parabolic approximation of the fit as a multi-variate Gaussian on the parameters of the fitted pdf |
rf608_fitresultaspdf.py | Likelihood and minimization: representing the parabolic approximation of the fit as a multi-variate Gaussian on the parameters of the fitted pdf |
rf609_xychi2fit.C | Likelihood and minimization: setting up a chi^2 fit to an unbinned dataset with X,Y,err(Y) values (and optionally err(X) values) |
rf609_xychi2fit.py | Likelihood and minimization: setting up a chi^2 fit to an unbinned dataset with X,Y,err(Y) values (and optionally err(X) values) |
rf610_visualerror.C | Likelihood and minimization: visualization of errors from a covariance matrix |
rf610_visualerror.py | Likelihood and minimization: visualization of errors from a covariance matrix |
rf611_weightedfits.C | Likelihood and minimization: Parameter uncertainties for weighted unbinned ML fits |
rf612_recoverFromInvalidParameters.C | Likelihood and minimization: Recover from regions where the function is not defined |
rf612_recoverFromInvalidParameters.py | Likelihood and minimization: Recover from regions where the function is not defined |
rf613_global_observables.C | This tutorial explains the concept of global observables in RooFit, and showcases how their values can be stored either in the model or in the dataset |
rf613_global_observables.py | This tutorial explains the concept of global observables in RooFit, and showcases how their values can be stored either in the model or in the dataset |
rf614_binned_fit_problems.C | A tutorial that explains you how to solve problems with binning effects and numerical stability in binned fits |
rf614_binned_fit_problems.py | A tutorial that explains you how to solve problems with binning effects and numerical stability in binned fits |
rf615_simulation_based_inference.py | Use Simulation Based Inference (SBI) in RooFit |
rf616_morphing.C | Use Morphing in RooFit |
rf616_morphing.py | Use Morphing in RooFit |
rf617_simulation_based_inference_multidimensional.py | Use Simulation Based Inference (SBI) in multiple dimensions in RooFit |
rf618_mixture_models.py | Use of mixture models in RooFit |
rf701_efficiencyfit.C | Special pdf's: unbinned maximum likelihood fit of an efficiency eff(x) function |
rf701_efficiencyfit.py | Special pdf's: unbinned maximum likelihood fit of an efficiency eff(x) function to a dataset D(x,cut), cut is a category encoding a selection, which the efficiency as function of x should be described by eff(x) |
rf702_efficiencyfit_2D.C | Special pdf's: unbinned maximum likelihood fit of an efficiency eff(x) function to a dataset D(x,cut), cut is a category encoding a selection whose efficiency as function of x should be described by eff(x) |
rf702_efficiencyfit_2D.py | Special pdf's: unbinned maximum likelihood fit of an efficiency eff(x) function to a dataset D(x,cut), cut is a category encoding a selection whose efficiency as function of x should be described by eff(x) |
rf703_effpdfprod.C | Special pdf's: using a product of an (acceptance) efficiency and a pdf as pdf |
rf703_effpdfprod.py | Special pdf's: using a product of an (acceptance) efficiency and a pdf as pdf |
rf704_amplitudefit.C | Special pdf's: using a pdf defined by a sum of real-valued amplitude components |
rf704_amplitudefit.py | Special pdf's: using a pdf defined by a sum of real-valued amplitude components |
rf705_linearmorph.C | Special pdf's: linear interpolation between pdf shapes using the 'Alex Read' algorithm |
rf705_linearmorph.py | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #705 |
rf706_histpdf.C | Special pdf's: histogram-based pdfs and functions |
rf706_histpdf.py | Special pdf's: histogram based pdfs and functions |
rf707_kernelestimation.C | Special pdf's: using non-parametric (multi-dimensional) kernel estimation pdfs |
rf707_kernelestimation.py | Special pdf's: using non-parametric (multi-dimensional) kernel estimation pdfs |
rf708_bphysics.C | Special pdf's: special decay pdf for B physics with mixing and/or CP violation |
rf708_bphysics.py | Special pdf's: special decay pdf for B physics with mixing and/or CP violation |
rf709_BarlowBeeston.C | Implementing the Barlow-Beeston method for taking into account the statistical uncertainty of a Monte-Carlo fit template |
rf709_BarlowBeeston.py | Implementing the Barlow-Beeston method for taking into account the statistical uncertainty of a Monte-Carlo fit template |
rf710_roopoly.C | Taylor expansion of RooFit functions using the taylorExpand function with RooPolyFunc |
rf710_roopoly.py | Taylor expansion of RooFit functions using the taylorExpand function |
rf711_lagrangianmorph.C | Morphing effective field theory distributions with RooLagrangianMorphFunc A morphing function as a function of one coefficient is setup and can be used to obtain the distribution for any value of the coefficient |
rf711_lagrangianmorph.py | Morphing effective field theory distributions with RooLagrangianMorphFunc |
rf712_lagrangianmorphfit.C | Performing a simple fit with RooLagrangianMorphFunc |
rf712_lagrangianmorphfit.py | Performing a simple fit with RooLagrangianMorphFunc |
rf801_mcstudy.C | Validation and MC studies: toy Monte Carlo study that perform cycles of event generation and fitting |
rf801_mcstudy.py | Validation and MC studies: toy Monte Carlo study that perform cycles of event generation and fitting |
rf802_mcstudy_addons.C | Validation and MC studies: RooMCStudy - using separate fit and generator models, using the chi^2 calculator model Running a biased fit model against an optimal fit |
rf802_mcstudy_addons.py | |
rf803_mcstudy_addons2.C | Validation and MC studies: RooMCStudy - Using the randomizer and profile likelihood add-on models |
rf803_mcstudy_addons2.py | |
rf804_mcstudy_constr.C | Validation and MC studies: using RooMCStudy on models with constrains |
rf804_mcstudy_constr.py | |
rf901_numintconfig.C | Numeric algorithm tuning: configuration and customization of how numeric (partial) integrals are executed |
rf901_numintconfig.py | Numeric algorithm tuning: configuration and customization of how numeric (partial) integrals are executed |
rf902_numgenconfig.C | Numeric algorithm tuning: configuration and customization of how MC sampling algorithms on specific pdfs are executed |
rf902_numgenconfig.py | Numeric algorithm tuning: configuration and customization of how MC sampling algorithms on specific pdfs are executed |
rf903_numintcache.C | Numeric algorithm tuning: caching of slow numeric integrals and parameterization of slow numeric integrals |
rf903_numintcache.py | Numeric algorithm tuning: caching of slow numeric integrals and parameterizations of slow numeric integrals |
► roostats | |
CreateExampleFile.C | |
CreateExampleFile.py | |
FourBinInstructional.C | This example is a generalization of the on/off problem |
FourBinInstructional.py | This example is a generalization of the on/off problem |
HybridInstructional.C | Example demonstrating usage of HybridCalcultor |
HybridInstructional.py | |
HybridStandardForm.C | A hypothesis testing example based on number counting with background uncertainty |
HybridStandardForm.py | |
IntervalExamples.C | Example showing confidence intervals with four techniques |
IntervalExamples.py | Example showing confidence intervals with four techniques |
ModelInspector.C | RooStats Model Inspector |
ModelInspector.py | |
MultivariateGaussianTest.C | Comparison of MCMC and PLC in a multi-variate gaussian problem |
MultivariateGaussianTest.py | Comparison of MCMC and PLC in a multi-variate gaussian problem |
OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands |
OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.py | |
rs101_limitexample.C | Limits: number counting experiment with uncertainty on both the background rate and signal efficiency |
rs101_limitexample.py | Limits: number counting experiment with uncertainty on both the background rate and signal efficiency |
rs102_hypotestwithshapes.C | A typical search for a new particle by studying an invariant mass distribution |
rs102_hypotestwithshapes.py | |
rs301_splot.C | SPlot tutorial |
rs301_splot.py | |
rs302_JeffreysPriorDemo.C | tutorial demonstrating and validates the RooJeffreysPrior class |
rs302_JeffreysPriorDemo.py | |
rs401c_FeldmanCousins.C | Produces an interval on the mean signal in a number counting experiment with known background using the Feldman-Cousins technique |
rs401c_FeldmanCousins.py | Produces an interval on the mean signal in a number counting experiment with known background using the Feldman-Cousins technique |
rs401d_FeldmanCousins.C | Neutrino Oscillation Example from Feldman & Cousins |
rs401d_FeldmanCousins.py | |
rs701_BayesianCalculator.C | Bayesian calculator: basic example |
rs701_BayesianCalculator.py | Bayesian calculator: basic example |
rs_bernsteinCorrection.C | Example of the BernsteinCorrection utility in RooStats |
rs_bernsteinCorrection.py | Example of the BernsteinCorrection utility in RooStats |
rs_numberCountingCombination.C | 'Number Counting Example' RooStats tutorial macro #100 |
rs_numberCountingCombination.py | |
rs_numbercountingutils.C | 'Number Counting Utils' RooStats tutorial |
rs_numbercountingutils.py | 'Number Counting Utils' RooStats tutorial |
StandardBayesianMCMCDemo.C | Standard demo of the Bayesian MCMC calculator |
StandardBayesianMCMCDemo.py | |
StandardBayesianNumericalDemo.C | Standard demo of the numerical Bayesian calculator |
StandardBayesianNumericalDemo.py | |
StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo |
StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo.py | |
StandardFrequentistDiscovery |
StandardFrequentistDiscovery.py | |
StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories |
StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories.py | |
StandardHypoTestDemo.C | Standard tutorial macro for hypothesis test (for computing the discovery significance) using all RooStats hypothesis tests calculators and test statistics |
StandardHypoTestDemo.py | |
StandardHypoTestInvDemo.C | Standard tutorial macro for performing an inverted hypothesis test for computing an interval |
StandardHypoTestInvDemo.py | |
StandardProfileInspectorDemo |
StandardProfileInspectorDemo |
StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo |
StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo |
StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.C | StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.C |
StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.py | |
TestNonCentral.C | Demonstrates non central chi-square |
TestNonCentral.py | |
TwoSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands |
TwoSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.py | |
Zbi_Zgamma.C | Demonstrate Z_Bi = Z_Gamma |
Zbi_Zgamma.py | Demonstrate Z_Bi = Z_Gamma |
► visualisation | |
► cocoa | |
customcolor.h | |
flower.C | A demo to show transparency with TMultiGraph (and a really interesting curve/equation) |
grad.C | This macro shows how to create and use linear gradients to fill a histogram or a pad |
grad2.C | Gradient fill with transparency and "SAME" option |
gradients.C | This macro requires OS X and ROOT compiled with –enable-cocoa to run |
parallelcoordtrans.C | Script illustrating the use of transparency with ||-Coord |
radialgradients.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to use radial gradients, custom colors, transparency |
transp.C | This demo shows how to use transparency |
transp_text.C | This macro is based on labels1.C by Rene Brun |
transparentpad.C | This macro demonstrates semi-transparent pads |
► eve | |
alice_esd.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD track visualization |
alice_esd_html_summary.C | Html table and event summary for alice_esd.C |
alice_esd_split.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD visualization in several views |
alice_vsd.C | Complex example showing ALICE VSD visualization |
annotation.C | Demonstrates usage of TGLAnnotation class |
arrow.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveArrow class |
arrow_standalone.C | How to use EVE without the standard window |
assembly.C | Geometry detector assembly example |
box.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class |
boxset.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBoxSet class |
boxset_cones.C | Demonstrates usage of 'cone' mode in TEveBoxSet class |
calo_detail.C | Calorimeter detailed view by using TEveCaloDataVec as data-source |
calorimeters.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE calorimetry classes |
camera_restore.C | |
compound.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE compound objects - class TEveCompound |
csgdemo.C | Combinatorial Solid Geometry example |
geom_alias.C | Demonstrates usage of geometry aliases - merge ALICE ITS with ATLAS MUON |
geom_alice_its.C | Shows geometry of ALICE ITS |
geom_alice_tpc.C | Shows geometry of ALICE TPC |
geom_atlas.C | Shows ATLAS geometry |
geom_atlas_playback.C | Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_atlas.C tutorial |
geom_cms.C | Shows CMS geometry |
geom_cms_playback.C | Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_cms.C tutorial |
geom_cms_stereo.C | Shows CMS geometry in stereo mode |
geom_default.C | Demonstrates usage of "Default" geometry alias |
geom_lhcb.C | Shows LHCB geometry |
glplot.C | Preliminary demo for showing Timur's GL plots in EVE |
glplot_geom.C | Demonstrates how to combine Timur's GL plots with other scene elements |
hierarchical_scene.C | |
histobrowser.C | Demonstrates how to use EVE as a histogram browser |
jetcone.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveJetCone class |
lineset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveStraightLineSet |
lineset.py | |
MultiView.C | Multi-view (3d, rphi, rhoz) service class using EVE Window Manager |
overlay_palette.C | |
pack.C | Demonstrates usage of class TGPack |
paramlist.C | Demonstrates usage of simple configuration via TEveParamList class |
pointset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEvePointSet |
projection.C | Demonstrates usage of automatic 2D projections - class TEveProjectionManager |
projection_prescale.C | Demonstrates usage pre-scaling for automatic 2D projections |
quadset.C | Demonstates usage of 2D digit class TEveQuadSet |
run_alice_esd.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD track visualization |
run_alice_esd_split.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD visualization in several views |
selection_sigs.C | Test signals from TEveSelection class |
show_extract.C | Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries |
SplitGLView.C | Helper classes for the alice_esd_split.C demo |
text.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveText - 2D & 3D text in GL |
track.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveTrackPRopagator with different magnetic field configurations |
triangleset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveTriangleSet |
view3ds.C | Loading and display of basic 3DS models |
window_manager.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE window-manager |
► eve7 | |
box.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class |
boxset.C | Demonstrates usage of REveBoxSet class |
boxset_cones.C | Demonstrates usage of 'cone' mode in REveBoxSet class |
calorimeters.C | |
collection_proxies.C | This is an example of visualization of containers with REveDataCollection and REveDataProxyBuilders |
compound.C | |
csgdemo.C | Combinatorial Solid Geometry example |
error_ellipse.C | |
eveGeoBrowser.C | |
event_demo.C | This example display geometry, tracks and hits in web browser |
geom_cms.C | |
geoTopNode.C | |
jets.C | This example display only points in web browser |
lego.C | This example display only points in web browser |
lineset.C | Demonstrates usage of class REveStraightLineSet |
overlay_test.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class |
points.C | This example display only points in web browser |
projection_prescale.C | This example display projection prescale |
show_extract.C | Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries |
texts.C | This example display only texts in web browser |
tracks.C | This example display only points in web browser |
► geom | |
► gdml | |
testoptical.C | Tests importing/exporting optical surfaces from GDML |
building.C | Drawing a building where Dept |
cheongwadae.C | Drawing the Cheongwadae building which is the Presidential Residence of the Republic of Korea, using ROOT geometry class |
csgdemo.C | Combinatorial Solid Geometry example |
geomAlice.C | Script drawing a detector geometry (here ALICE) |
geomAlice_itsv.C | Script drawing a detector geometry (here ITSV from Alice) |
geomAtlas.C | Script drawing a detector geometry (here ATLAS) |
geomBrahms.C | Script drawing a detector geometry (here BRAHMS) |
geomD0.C | Script drawing a detector geometry (here D0) |
iterplugin.cxx | |
lego.C | Drawing a figure, made of lego block, using ROOT geometry class |
mp3player.C | Drawing a mp3 type music player, using ROOT geometry class |
parallel_world.C | Misaligning geometry generate in many cases overlaps, due to the idealization of the design and the fact that in real life movements of the geometry volumes have constraints and are correlated |
RadioNuclides.C | Macro that demonstrates usage of radioactive elements/materials/mixtures with TGeo package |
robot.C | Drawing a famous Korean robot, TaekwonV, using ROOT geometry class |
rootgeom.C | Definition of a simple geometry (the 4 ROOT characters) |
runplugin.C | Creates and runs a simple iterator plugin connected to TGeoPainter iterator |
south_gate.C | Drawing a famous Korean gate, the South gate, called Namdeamoon in Korean, using ROOT geometry class |
station1.C | Drawing a space station, using ROOT geometry class |
station2.C | Drawing a space station (version 2), using ROOT geometry class |
tank.C | Drawing a fine tank, using ROOT geometry class |
tessellatedNav.C | Macro allowing to vizualize tessellations from Wavefront's .obj format |
visualizeWavefrontObj.C | Macro allowing to vizualize tessellations from Wavefront's .obj format |
web_cms.cxx | Web-based geometry viewer for CMS geometry |
► gl | |
glbox.C | Display a 3D histogram using GL (box option) |
gldemos.C | Menu for running GL demos |
glh3c.C | Display a 3D histogram using GL (box option) |
glparametric.C | Show rendering of parametric surfaces |
glparametrics2.C | Show rendering of parametric surfaces |
glrose.C | Render a TF2 looking like a rose |
glsurfaces.C | Various surfaces rendered with GL |
gltf3.C | Draws the Klein bottle |
glViewerExercise.C | Script showing how to use the GL viewer API to animate a picture |
glViewerLOD.C | To set the Level Of Details when rendering geometry shapes |
glvox1.C | This macro demonstrates how to use "glcol" option for TH3 |
glvox2.C | This macro demonstrates how to use "glcol" option for TH3 and how to create user defined TRANSFER FUNCTION: transfer function maps bin value to voxel's opacity |
grad.C | This macro demonstrates how to create and use linear gradients to fill a histogram or a pad |
grad2.C | Gradient fill with transparency and the "SAME" option |
gradients.C | Features: |
gviz3d.C | Simple TStructViewer tutorial |
nucleus.C | Model of a nucleus built from TGeo classes |
parallelcoordtrans.C | Script illustrating the use of transparency with ||-Coord |
radialgradients.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to use radial gradients, custom colors, transparency |
transp.C | This demo shows how to use transparency |
transp_text.C | This macro is based on labels1.C by Rene Brun |
transparentpad.C | This macro demonstrates semi-transparent pads |
viewer3DLocal.C | Demonstrates 3D viewer architecture TVirtualViewer3D and TBuffer3D in the local frame |
viewer3DMaster.C | Demonstrates 3D viewer architecture TVirtualViewer3D and TBuffer3D in the master frame |
► graphics | |
accessiblecolorschemes.C | Choosing an appropriate color scheme is essential for making results easy to understand and interpret |
analyze.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Analyze |
anim.C | Macro illustrating how to animate a picture using a Timer |
annotation3d.C | This example show how to put some annotation on a 3D plot using 3D polylines |
archi.C | This macro displays the ROOT architecture |
arrows.C | Draw arrows |
basic3d.C | Show 3-D polylines and markers |
canvas.C | Example of primitives in a canvas |
canvas2.C | Example of canvas partitioning |
compile.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Compile |
crown.C | Draw crowns |
diamond.C | Draw a diamond |
earth.C | This tutorial illustrates the special contour options |
ellipse.C | Draw ellipses |
eval.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Eval |
event.C | Illustrate some basic primitives |
feynman.C | Draw Feynman diagrams |
first.C | Show some basic primitives |
formula1.C | Display interpreted functions |
formula1.py | TF1 example |
framework.C | An example with basic graphics illustrating the Object Oriented User Interface of ROOT |
gaxis.C | Simple example illustrating how to draw TGaxis objects in various formats |
gaxis2.C | Example illustrating how to draw TGaxis with labels defined by a function |
gaxis3.C | Example illustrating how to modify individual labels of a TGaxis |
graph_edit_playback.C | This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive graphical editing operations |
greyscale.C | Create grey scale of 200x200 boxes |
gtime.C | Example of a graph of data moving in time |
inside.C | Test the IsInside methods of various graphics primitives |
latex.C | This macro draws 5 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file |
latex2.C | This macro draws 4 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file |
latex3.C | Example illustrating a TPaveText with Latex inside |
latex4.C | Draw the Greek letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files |
latex5.C | This draws the Mathematical Symbols letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files |
logscales.C | Draw parametric functions with log scales |
mandelbrot.C | Using TExec to handle keyboard events and TComplex to draw the Mandelbrot set |
markerwarning.C | This script illustrates the danger of using asymmetric symbols |
mass_spectrum.C | This macro makes use of some basic graphics primitives such as line, arrow and text |
multipalette.C | Draw color plots using different color palettes |
palettes.C | This macro draws all the high definition palettes available in ROOT |
pavetext.C | Draw a pave text |
perceptualcolormap.C | A “Perceptual” colormap explicitly identifies a fixed value in the data |
piechart.C | Pie chart example |
polytest1.C | This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter |
polytest2.C | This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter |
pstable.C | Display all possible types of ROOT/Postscript characters |
psview.C | An example how to display PS, EPS, PDF files in canvas |
quarks.C | Example illustrating divided pads and Latex |
save_batch.C | This macro demonstrates batch image mode of web canvas When enabled - several images converted into JSON before all together provided to headless browser to produce image files |
saveall.C | Creates many canvases and save as images or pdf |
schroedinger_hydrogen.C | Plot the Amplitude of a Hydrogen Atom |
splines_test.C | Examples of use of the spline classes |
surfaces.C | Draw 2-Dim functions |
surfaces.py | Surfaces example |
timeonaxis3.C | This example compares what the system time function gmtime and localtime give with what gives TGaxis |
tmathtext.C | This macro draws various formula in a canvas |
tmathtext2.C | This macro draw all possible symbols provided by TMathtext |
tornado.C | Show 3-d polymarker |
tornado.py | Tornado example |
transparency.C | This macro demonstrates the use of color transparency |
triangles.C | Create small triangles at random positions on the canvas |
xyplot.C | Example showing how to produce a plot with an orthogonal axis system centered at (0,0) |
► graphs | |
gr001_simple.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to create simple graphs in ROOT |
gr002_errors.C | Create and draw a graph with error bars |
gr003_errors2.C | Create and draw two graphs with error bars, superposed on the same canvas |
gr004_errors_asym.C | This tutorial demonstrates the use of TGraphAsymmErrors to plot a graph with asymmetrical errors on both the x and y axes |
gr005_apply.C | A macro to demonstrate the functionality of TGraph::Apply() method |
gr006_scatter.C | Draw a scatter plot for 4 variables, mapped to: x, y, marker colour and marker size |
gr007_multigraph.C | TMultiGraph is used to combine multiple graphs into one plot |
gr008_multierrors.C | Draw a graph with multiple errors |
gr009_bent_err.C | Graph with bent error bars |
gr009_bent_err.py | Graph with bent error bars |
gr010_approx_smooth.C | Create a TGraphSmooth and show the usage of the interpolation function Approx |
gr011_graph2d_errorsfit.C | Create, draw and fit a TGraph2DErrors |
gr012_polar.C | Create and draw a polar graph |
gr013_polar2.C | Create and draw a polar graph with errors and polar axis in radians (PI fractions) |
gr014_polar3.C | Create a polar graph using a TF1 and draw it with PI axis |
gr015_smooth.C | Show scatter plot smoothers: ksmooth, lowess, supsmu, as described in: Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus, 3rd Edition W.N |
gr016_struct.C | Draw a simple graph structure |
gr017_time.C | Example of TGraphTime |
gr018_time2.C | Example of TGraphTime showing how the class could be used to visualize a set of particles with their time stamp in a MonteCarlo program |
gr101_shade_area.C | Show how to shade an area between two graphs |
gr102_reverse_graph.C | This example tests the reverse graphs obtained with Draw("a pl rx ry ") on a TGraph, where rx and ry refere to the reversing of x and y axis |
gr103_zones.C | Example of script showing how to divide a canvas into adjacent subpads + axis labels on the top and right side of the pads |
gr103_zones.py | Example of script showing how to divide a canvas into adjacent subpads + axis labels on the top and right side of the pads |
gr104_palettecolor.C | Palette coloring for graphs is activated thanks to the options PFC (Palette Fill Color), PLC (Palette Line Color) and AMC (Palette Marker Color) |
gr105_multigraphpalettecolor.C | Palette coloring for multi-graphs is activated thanks to the options PFC (Palette Fill Color), PLC (Palette Line Color) and AMC (Palette Marker Color) |
gr106_exclusiongraph.C | Draw three graphs with an exclusion zone |
gr107_exclusiongraph2.C | Draw several graphs with exclusion zones |
gr108_timeSeriesFromCSV.C | This macro illustrates the use of the time axis on a TGraph with data read from a text file containing the SWAN usage statistics during July 2017 |
gr108_timeSeriesFromCSV.py | This macro illustrates the use of the time axis on a TGraph with data read from a text file containing the SWAN usage statistics during July 2017 |
gr109_timeSeriesFromCSV_RDF.C | This macro illustrates the use of the time axis on a TGraph with data read from a text file containing the SWAN usage statistics during July 2017 |
gr110_logscale.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to set a logarithmic scale for the axes of a graph using the SetLogScale() method |
gr111_legend.C | Simple graph with legend |
gr112_reverse_graph_and_errors.C | This example tests all the various cases of reverse graphs obtained with Draw("a pl rx ry "), where rx and ry refer to the reversing of x and y axis |
gr201_waves.C | Draw spherical waves interference |
gr202_textmarkers.C | Draw a graph with text attached to each point |
gr301_highlight1.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to use the highlight mode on graph, thanks to the TCanvas HighlightConnect method |
gr302_highlight2.C | This tutorial demonstrates how to use the highlight mode on graph, thanks to the TCanvas HighlightConnect method |
gr303_zdemo.C | This macro is an example of graphs in log scales with annotations |
► gui | |
buttonChangelabel.C | This macro gives an example for changing text button labels anytime the Start or Pause buttons are clicked |
buttongroupState.C | A simple example that shows the enabled and disabled state of a button group with radio and check buttons |
buttonsLayout.C | This macro gives an example of different buttons' layout |
buttonTest.C | This macro gives an example of how to set/change text button attributes |
calendar.C | This macro gives an example of how to use html widget to display tabular data |
CPUMeter.C | Simple macro showing capabilities of the TGSpeedo widget |
customContextMenu.C | Example showing how to add a function to the class context menu |
customTH1Fmenu.C | Example showing how to customize a context menu for a class |
drag_and_drop.C | This tutorial illustrates how to use drag and drop within ROOT |
exec3.C | Example of using signal/slot in TCanvas/TPad to get feedback about processed events |
exec_macro.C | This utility macro executes the macro "macro" given as first argument and save a capture in a png file |
games.C | This macro runs three "games" that each nicely illustrate the graphics capabilities of ROOT |
gtreeTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTreeTable |
gui_simple.py | A Simple GUI Example |
guilabels.C | This macro gives an example of how to create different kind of labels and the possibility to enable/disable them |
guitest.C | Test program for ROOT native GUI classes Exactly like $ROOTSYS/test/guitest.cxx but using the new signal and slots communication mechanism |
guitest_playback.C | This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive GUI operations with the guitest.C macro While replaying the session, several temporary macros (guitest0xx.C) macros will be saved |
guiWithCLING.C | A simple example of entering CLING commands and having the CLING output in a ROOT GUI application window |
iconAsXPMData.C | A simple example of creating icon image from XPM data, included into the code |
listBox.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a list box and how to set and use its multiple selection feature |
mditest.C | GUI MDI features |
ntupleTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable with a TTreeTableInterface |
numberEntry.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a number entry and how to update a label according to the changed value of this number entry |
numberEntry.py | Example frame with one box where the user can increase or decrease a number and the shown value will be updated accordingly |
simpleTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGSimpleTable that creates and owns it's own TGSimpleTableInterface |
Slider3Demo.C | Simple macro showing capabilities of triple slider |
splitbuttonTest.C | A simple example that shows the usage of a TGSplitButton |
splitterHorizontal.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a horizontal splitter |
splitterVertical.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a vertical splitter |
staffTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable with a TTreeTableInterface |
statusBar.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a status bar related to an embedded canvas that shows the info of the selected object, exactly as the status bar of any canvas window |
textEntries.C | This macro gives an example of how to set/change text entry attributes |
textviewostream.C | This macro gives an example of how to use the TGTextViewostream widget |
WorldMap.C | This macro shows how to use a TGImageMap class |
► image | |
galaxy_image.C | Importing an image and manipulating it |
hist2image.C | Create an image from a 2-D histogram and manipulate it |
hsumanim.C | This script is a slightly modified version of hsum.C |
image2hist.C | Create a 2-D histogram from an image |
img2pad.C | Display image in canvas and pad |
imgconv.C | Open rose512.jpg and save it in the following formats: .png, .gif, .xpm and tiff |
pad2png.C | Create a canvas and save as png |
rose_image.C | Display image in a new canvas and pad |
trans_graph.C | Demonstrates how to access and manipulate ARGB pixel values of an image +.. |
► webcanv | |
fonts_ttf.cxx | Usage of TTF fonts in web canvas |
haxis.cxx | Swap X/Y axes drawing and use to draw TH1 as bar and as markers |
inframe.cxx | Drawing primitives inside and outside of the frame |
latex_url.cxx | Use of interactive URL links inside TLatex |
logN.cxx | Logarithmic scales support in web canvas |
triangle.cxx | User class with custom JavaScript painter in the web canvas |
twoscales.cxx | Two fully interactive scales in web canvas |
► webgui | |
► geom | |
geom_threejs.cxx | The tutorial demonstrates how three.js model for geometry can be created and displayed |
► panel | |
► controller | |
TestPanel.controller.js | |
webpanel.cxx | This macro demonstrates simple openui5 panel, shown with RWebWindow |
► ping | |
ping.cxx | Test suite for RWebWindow communication performance |
► qtweb | |
ExampleMain.cpp | |
ExampleWidget.cpp | |
ExampleWidget.h | |
RCanvasWidget.cpp | |
RCanvasWidget.h | |
RGeomViewerWidget.cpp | |
RGeomViewerWidget.h | |
TCanvasWidget.cpp | |
TCanvasWidget.h | |
► webwindow | |
webwindow.cxx | Minimal server/client code for working with RWebWindow class |
.enableImplicitMTWrapper.py | |
.rootlogon.py | |
demos.C | This macro shows a control bar to run some of the ROOT tutorials |
demos.py | To run, do "python <path-to>/demos.py" |
demoshelp.C | This macro shows help on running the Demos |
demoshelp.py | Display demo help |
hsimple.C | This program creates : |
hsimple.py | This program creates : |
rootlogoff.C | Example of rootlogoff.C |
rootlogon.C | Example of rootlogon.C |