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Reference Guide
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Author: Enrico Guiraud CERN 08/2022
4 * Copyright (C) 1995-2022, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
5 * All rights reserved. *
6 * *
7 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
8 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
9 *************************************************************************/
14#include "ROOT/RVec.hxx"
17#include <ROOT/RDF/RDisplay.hxx>
19#include <ROOT/RDataSource.hxx>
20#include <ROOT/RResultPtr.hxx>
21#include <string_view>
22#include <TError.h> // R__ASSERT
24#include <memory>
25#include <set>
26#include <string>
27#include <vector>
29namespace ROOT {
30namespace RDF {
32class RDFDescription;
33class RVariationsDescription;
35using ColumnNames_t = std::vector<std::string>;
40// clang-format off
42 * \class ROOT::Internal::RDF::RInterfaceBase
43 * \ingroup dataframe
44 * \brief The public interface to the RDataFrame federation of classes.
45 * \tparam Proxied One of the "node" base types (e.g. RLoopManager, RFilterBase). The user never specifies this type manually.
46 * \tparam DataSource The type of the RDataSource which is providing the data to the data frame. There is no source by default.
47 *
48 * The documentation of each method features a one liner illustrating how to use the method, for example showing how
49 * the majority of the template parameters are automatically deduced requiring no or very little effort by the user.
50 */
51// clang-format on
54 ///< The RLoopManager at the root of this computation graph. Never null.
55 std::shared_ptr<ROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager> fLoopManager;
56 /// Non-owning pointer to a data-source object. Null if no data-source. RLoopManager has ownership of the object.
59 /// Contains the columns defined up to this node.
62 std::string DescribeDataset() const;
66 void CheckIMTDisabled(std::string_view callerName);
68 void AddDefaultColumns();
70 template <typename RetType>
71 void SanityChecksForVary(const std::vector<std::string> &colNames, const std::vector<std::string> &variationTags,
72 std::string_view variationName)
73 {
74 R__ASSERT(!variationTags.empty() && "Must have at least one variation.");
75 R__ASSERT(!colNames.empty() && "Must have at least one varied column.");
76 R__ASSERT(!variationName.empty() && "Must provide a variation name.");
78 for (auto &colName : colNames) {
81 }
84 static_assert(ROOT::Internal::VecOps::IsRVec<RetType>::value, "Vary expressions must return an RVec.");
86 if (colNames.size() > 1) { // we are varying multiple columns simultaneously, RetType is RVec<RVec<T>>
88 if (!hasInnerRVec)
89 throw std::runtime_error("This Vary call is varying multiple columns simultaneously but the expression "
90 "does not return an RVec of RVecs.");
92 // Check for type mismatches. We are interested in two cases:
93 // - All columns that are going to be varied must be of the same type
94 // - The return type of the expression must match the type of the nominal column
96 auto &&nColTypes = colTypes.size();
97 // Cache type_info when requested
98 std::vector<const std::type_info *> colTypeIDs(nColTypes);
99 const auto &innerTypeID = typeid(RDFInternal::InnerValueType_t<RetType>);
100 for (decltype(nColTypes) i{}; i < nColTypes; ++i) {
101 // Need to retrieve the type_info for each column. We start with
102 // checking if the column comes from a Define, in which case the
103 // type_info is cached already. Otherwise, we need to retrieve it
104 // via TypeName2TypeID, which eventually might call the interpreter.
105 const auto *define = fColRegister.GetDefine(colNames[i]);
106 colTypeIDs[i] = define ? &define->GetTypeId() : &RDFInternal::TypeName2TypeID(colTypes[i]);
107 // First check: whether the current column type is the same as the first one.
108 if (*colTypeIDs[i] != *colTypeIDs[0]) {
109 throw std::runtime_error("Cannot simultaneously vary multiple columns of different types.");
110 }
111 // Second check: mismatch between varied type and nominal type
112 if (innerTypeID != *colTypeIDs[i])
113 throw std::runtime_error("Varied values for column \"" + colNames[i] + "\" have a different type (" +
114 RDFInternal::TypeID2TypeName(innerTypeID) + ") than the nominal value (" +
115 colTypes[i] + ").");
116 }
118 } else { // we are varying a single column, RetType is RVec<T>
119 const auto &retTypeID = typeid(typename RetType::value_type);
120 const auto &colName = colNames[0]; // we have only one element in there
121 const auto *define = fColRegister.GetDefine(colName);
122 const auto *expectedTypeID =
123 define ? &define->GetTypeId() : &RDFInternal::TypeName2TypeID(GetColumnType(colName));
125 throw std::runtime_error("Varied values for column \"" + colName + "\" have a different type (" +
126 RDFInternal::TypeID2TypeName(retTypeID) + ") than the nominal value (" +
127 GetColumnType(colName) + ").");
128 }
130 // when varying multiple columns, they must be different columns
131 if (colNames.size() > 1) {
132 std::set<std::string> uniqueCols(colNames.begin(), colNames.end());
133 if (uniqueCols.size() != colNames.size())
134 throw std::logic_error("A column name was passed to the same Vary invocation multiple times.");
135 }
136 }
145 template <typename... ColumnTypes>
152 /// Create RAction object, return RResultPtr for the action
153 /// Overload for the case in which all column types were specified (no jitting).
154 /// For most actions, `r` and `helperArg` will refer to the same object, because the only argument to forward to
155 /// the action helper is the result value itself. We need the distinction for actions such as Snapshot or Cache,
156 /// for which the constructor arguments of the action helper are different from the returned value.
157 template <typename ActionTag, typename... ColTypes, typename ActionResultType, typename RDFNode,
159 std::enable_if_t<!RDFInternal::RNeedJitting<ColTypes...>::value, int> = 0>
160 RResultPtr<ActionResultType> CreateAction(const ColumnNames_t &columns, const std::shared_ptr<ActionResultType> &r,
161 const std::shared_ptr<HelperArgType> &helperArg,
162 const std::shared_ptr<RDFNode> &proxiedPtr, const int /*nColumns*/ = -1)
163 {
164 constexpr auto nColumns = sizeof...(ColTypes);
169 const auto nSlots = fLoopManager->GetNSlots();
171 auto action = RDFInternal::BuildAction<ColTypes...>(validColumnNames, helperArg, nSlots, proxiedPtr, ActionTag{},
173 return MakeResultPtr(r, *fLoopManager, std::move(action));
174 }
176 /// Create RAction object, return RResultPtr for the action
177 /// Overload for the case in which one or more column types were not specified (RTTI + jitting).
178 /// This overload has a `nColumns` optional argument. If present, the number of required columns for
179 /// this action is taken equal to nColumns, otherwise it is assumed to be sizeof...(ColTypes).
180 template <typename ActionTag, typename... ColTypes, typename ActionResultType, typename RDFNode,
182 std::enable_if_t<RDFInternal::RNeedJitting<ColTypes...>::value, int> = 0>
184 CreateAction(const ColumnNames_t &columns, const std::shared_ptr<ActionResultType> &r,
185 const std::shared_ptr<HelperArgType> &helperArg, const std::shared_ptr<RDFNode> &proxiedPtr,
186 const int nColumns = -1, const bool vector2RVec = true)
187 {
188 auto realNColumns = (nColumns > -1 ? nColumns : sizeof...(ColTypes));
191 const unsigned int nSlots = fLoopManager->GetNSlots();
193 auto *tree = fLoopManager->GetTree();
194 auto *helperArgOnHeap = RDFInternal::MakeSharedOnHeap(helperArg);
196 auto upcastNodeOnHeap = RDFInternal::MakeSharedOnHeap(RDFInternal::UpcastNode(proxiedPtr));
198 const auto jittedAction = std::make_shared<RDFInternal::RJittedAction>(*fLoopManager, validColumnNames,
199 fColRegister, proxiedPtr->GetVariations());
200 auto jittedActionOnHeap = RDFInternal::MakeWeakOnHeap(jittedAction);
205 fLoopManager->ToJitExec(toJit);
206 return MakeResultPtr(r, *fLoopManager, std::move(jittedAction));
207 }
210 RInterfaceBase(std::shared_ptr<RDFDetail::RLoopManager> lm);
215 std::string GetColumnType(std::string_view column);
220 bool HasColumn(std::string_view columnName);
222 unsigned int GetNSlots() const;
223 unsigned int GetNRuns() const;
224 unsigned int GetNFiles();
226} // namespace RDF
227} // namespace ROOT
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
#define R__ASSERT(e)
Checks condition e and reports a fatal error if it's false.
Definition TError.h:125
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
The head node of a RDF computation graph.
A binder for user-defined columns, variations and aliases.
RDFDetail::RDefineBase * GetDefine(std::string_view colName) const
Return the RDefine for the requested column name, or nullptr.
A DFDescription contains useful information about a given RDataFrame computation graph.
RDataSource defines an API that RDataFrame can use to read arbitrary data formats.
virtual const std::vector< std::string > & GetColumnNames() const =0
Returns a reference to the collection of the dataset's column names.
RVariationsDescription GetVariations() const
Return a descriptor for the systematic variations registered in this branch of the computation graph.
RResultPtr< ActionResultType > CreateAction(const ColumnNames_t &columns, const std::shared_ptr< ActionResultType > &r, const std::shared_ptr< HelperArgType > &helperArg, const std::shared_ptr< RDFNode > &proxiedPtr, const int nColumns=-1, const bool vector2RVec=true)
Create RAction object, return RResultPtr for the action Overload for the case in which one or more co...
std::string GetColumnType(std::string_view column)
Return the type of a given column as a string.
ColumnNames_t GetValidatedColumnNames(const unsigned int nColumns, const ColumnNames_t &columns)
RDFDescription Describe()
Return information about the dataframe.
ColumnNames_t GetColumnTypeNamesList(const ColumnNames_t &columnList)
std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager > fLoopManager
< The RLoopManager at the root of this computation graph. Never null.
RResultPtr< ActionResultType > CreateAction(const ColumnNames_t &columns, const std::shared_ptr< ActionResultType > &r, const std::shared_ptr< HelperArgType > &helperArg, const std::shared_ptr< RDFNode > &proxiedPtr, const int=-1)
Create RAction object, return RResultPtr for the action Overload for the case in which all column typ...
unsigned int GetNRuns() const
Gets the number of event loops run.
RDataSource * fDataSource
Non-owning pointer to a data-source object. Null if no data-source. RLoopManager has ownership of the...
void SanityChecksForVary(const std::vector< std::string > &colNames, const std::vector< std::string > &variationTags, std::string_view variationName)
void CheckAndFillDSColumns(ColumnNames_t validCols, TTraits::TypeList< ColumnTypes... > typeList)
ColumnNames_t GetDefinedColumnNames()
Returns the names of the defined columns.
void CheckIMTDisabled(std::string_view callerName)
unsigned int GetNSlots() const
Gets the number of data processing slots.
RInterfaceBase(std::shared_ptr< RDFDetail::RLoopManager > lm)
bool HasColumn(std::string_view columnName)
Checks if a column is present in the dataset.
std::string DescribeDataset() const
ColumnNames_t GetColumnNames()
Returns the names of the available columns.
RDFDetail::RLoopManager * GetLoopManager() const
RDFInternal::RColumnRegister fColRegister
Contains the columns defined up to this node.
A descriptor for the systematic variations known to a given RDataFrame node.
const_iterator begin() const
const_iterator end() const
void CheckForDefinition(const std::string &where, std::string_view definedColView, const RColumnRegister &colRegister, const ColumnNames_t &treeColumns, const ColumnNames_t &dataSourceColumns)
Throw if column definedColView is not already there.
const std::type_info & TypeName2TypeID(const std::string &name)
Return the type_info associated to a name.
Definition RDFUtils.cxx:62
void CheckValidCppVarName(std::string_view var, const std::string &where)
ColumnNames_t GetValidatedColumnNames(RLoopManager &lm, const unsigned int nColumns, const ColumnNames_t &columns, const RColumnRegister &colRegister, RDataSource *ds)
Given the desired number of columns and the user-provided list of columns:
std::shared_ptr< RNodeBase > UpcastNode(std::shared_ptr< RNodeBase > ptr)
std::string TypeID2TypeName(const std::type_info &id)
Returns the name of a type starting from its type_info An empty string is returned in case of failure...
Definition RDFUtils.cxx:119
std::string JitBuildAction(const ColumnNames_t &cols, std::shared_ptr< RDFDetail::RNodeBase > *prevNode, const std::type_info &helperArgType, const std::type_info &at, void *helperArgOnHeap, TTree *tree, const unsigned int nSlots, const RColumnRegister &colRegister, RDataSource *ds, std::weak_ptr< RJittedAction > *jittedActionOnHeap, const bool vector2RVec)
std::vector< std::string > ColumnNames_t
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...
Lightweight storage for a collection of types.