static size_t | CALL_NARGS (size_t nargs) |
template<typename T > |
static T | CallT (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, Cppyy::TCppObject_t self, size_t nargs, void *args) |
static void | cond_add (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope, const std::string &ns_scope, std::set< std::string > &cppnames, const char *name, bool nofilter=false) |
static bool | copy_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs, void **vargs) |
static char * | cppstring_to_cstring (const std::string &cppstr) |
cppyy_type_t | cppyy_actual_class (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t obj) |
void | cppyy_add_smartptr_type (const char *type_name) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_allocate (cppyy_type_t type) |
void * | cppyy_allocate_function_args (int nargs) |
char * | cppyy_base_name (cppyy_type_t type, int base_index) |
ptrdiff_t | cppyy_base_offset (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base, cppyy_object_t address, int direction) |
unsigned char | cppyy_call_b (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
char | cppyy_call_c (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
double | cppyy_call_d (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
float | cppyy_call_f (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
short | cppyy_call_h (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
int | cppyy_call_i (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
long | cppyy_call_l (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
long double | cppyy_call_ld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
long long | cppyy_call_ll (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
double | cppyy_call_nld (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_call_o (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, cppyy_type_t result_type) |
void * | cppyy_call_r (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
char * | cppyy_call_s (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args, size_t *lsz) |
void | cppyy_call_v (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_object_t self, int nargs, void *args) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_charp2stdstring (const char *str, size_t sz) |
int | cppyy_compile (const char *code) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_construct (cppyy_type_t type) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_constructor (cppyy_method_t method, cppyy_type_t klass, int nargs, void *args) |
int | cppyy_datamember_index (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name) |
char * | cppyy_datamember_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index) |
intptr_t | cppyy_datamember_offset (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index) |
char * | cppyy_datamember_type (cppyy_scope_t scope, int datamember_index) |
void | cppyy_deallocate (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self) |
void | cppyy_deallocate_function_args (void *args) |
void | cppyy_destruct (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_object_t self) |
void | cppyy_destructor (cppyy_type_t klass, cppyy_object_t self) |
void | cppyy_double2longdouble (double d, void *p) |
int | cppyy_exists_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name) |
char * | cppyy_final_name (cppyy_type_t type) |
void | cppyy_free (void *ptr) |
cppyy_funcaddr_t | cppyy_function_address (cppyy_method_t method) |
size_t | cppyy_function_arg_sizeof () |
size_t | cppyy_function_arg_typeoffset () |
const char ** | cppyy_get_all_cpp_names (cppyy_scope_t scope, size_t *count) |
int | cppyy_get_dimension_size (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata, int dimension) |
cppyy_index_t | cppyy_get_global_operator (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_scope_t lc, cppyy_scope_t rc, const char *op) |
cppyy_method_t | cppyy_get_method (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx) |
cppyy_method_t | cppyy_get_method_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name, const char *proto) |
int | cppyy_get_num_templated_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope) |
cppyy_scope_t | cppyy_get_scope (const char *scope_name) |
char * | cppyy_get_templated_method_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth) |
cppyy_scope_t * | cppyy_get_using_namespaces (cppyy_scope_t scope) |
int | cppyy_has_complex_hierarchy (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_has_virtual_destructor (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_is_abstract (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_is_aggregate (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_is_const_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata) |
int | cppyy_is_const_method (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_constructor (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_destructor (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_enum (const char *type_name) |
int | cppyy_is_enum_data (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idata) |
int | cppyy_is_namespace (cppyy_scope_t scope) |
int | cppyy_is_protecteddata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index) |
int | cppyy_is_protectedmethod (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_publicdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index) |
int | cppyy_is_publicmethod (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_smartptr (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_is_staticdata (cppyy_type_t type, cppyy_index_t datamember_index) |
int | cppyy_is_staticmethod (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_is_subtype (cppyy_type_t derived, cppyy_type_t base) |
int | cppyy_is_template (const char *template_name) |
int | cppyy_is_templated_constructor (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t imeth) |
void * | cppyy_load_dictionary (const char *lib_name) |
double | cppyy_longdouble2double (void *p) |
char * | cppyy_method_arg_default (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index) |
char * | cppyy_method_arg_name (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index) |
char * | cppyy_method_arg_type (cppyy_method_t method, int arg_index) |
char * | cppyy_method_full_name (cppyy_method_t method) |
cppyy_index_t * | cppyy_method_indices_from_name (cppyy_scope_t scope, const char *name) |
int | cppyy_method_is_template (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_index_t idx) |
char * | cppyy_method_mangled_name (cppyy_method_t method) |
char * | cppyy_method_name (cppyy_method_t method) |
int | cppyy_method_num_args (cppyy_method_t method) |
char * | cppyy_method_prototype (cppyy_scope_t scope, cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs) |
int | cppyy_method_req_args (cppyy_method_t method) |
char * | cppyy_method_result_type (cppyy_method_t method) |
char * | cppyy_method_signature (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs) |
char * | cppyy_method_signature_max (cppyy_method_t method, int show_formalargs, int maxargs) |
int | cppyy_num_bases (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_num_bases_longest_branch (cppyy_type_t type) |
int | cppyy_num_datamembers (cppyy_scope_t scope) |
int | cppyy_num_methods (cppyy_scope_t scope) |
char * | cppyy_resolve_enum (const char *enum_type) |
char * | cppyy_resolve_name (const char *cppitem_name) |
char * | cppyy_scoped_final_name (cppyy_type_t type) |
size_t | cppyy_size_of_klass (cppyy_type_t klass) |
size_t | cppyy_size_of_type (const char *type_name) |
int | cppyy_smartptr_info (const char *name, cppyy_type_t *raw, cppyy_method_t *deref) |
const char * | cppyy_stdstring2charp (cppyy_object_t ptr, size_t *lsz) |
cppyy_object_t | cppyy_stdstring2stdstring (cppyy_object_t ptr) |
long long | cppyy_strtoll (const char *str) |
unsigned long long | cppyy_strtoull (const char *str) |
int | cppyy_vectorbool_getitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx) |
void | cppyy_vectorbool_setitem (cppyy_object_t ptr, int idx, int value) |
static ClassRefs_t | g_classrefs (1) |
static TInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t | GetCallFunc (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method) |
static TDataMember * | GetDataMemberByIndex (TClassRef cr, int idata) |
Cppyy::TCppIndex_t | GetLongestInheritancePath (TClass *klass) |
| Retrieve number of base classes in the longest branch of the inheritance tree of the input class.
static bool | is_missclassified_stl (const std::string &name) |
static CallWrapper::DeclId_t | m2d (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method) |
static TFunction * | m2f (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method) |
static bool | match_name (const std::string &tname, const std::string fname) |
static CallWrapper * | new_CallWrapper (CallWrapper::DeclId_t fid, const std::string &n) |
static CallWrapper * | new_CallWrapper (TFunction *f) |
static std::string | outer_no_template (const std::string &name) |
static std::string | outer_with_template (const std::string &name) |
static void | release_args (Parameter *args, size_t nargs) |
static TClassRef & | type_from_handle (Cppyy::TCppScope_t scope) |
static std::string | type_remap (const std::string &n1, const std::string &n2) |
static bool | WrapperCall (Cppyy::TCppMethod_t method, size_t nargs, void *args_, void *self, void *result) |
Retrieve number of base classes in the longest branch of the inheritance tree of the input class.
- Parameters
[in] | klass | The class to start the retrieval process from. |
This is a helper function for Cppyy::GetNumBasesLongestBranch. Given an inheritance tree, the function assigns weight 1 to each class that has at least one base. Starting from the input class, the function is called recursively on all the bases. For each base the return value is one (the weight of the base itself) plus the maximum value retrieved for their bases in turn. For example, given the following inheritance tree:
class A {}; class B: public A {};
class X {};
class Y:
public X {};
class Z:
public Y {};
constexpr Double_t C()
Velocity of light in .
calling this function on an instance of C
will return 3, the steps required to go from C to X.
Definition at line 1324 of file clingwrapper.cxx.