49 TAttLine(1,1,1),
71 attr.fVisual =
73 attr.fScreen =
1494 const char * ,
Int_t )
Handle_t Region_t
Region handle.
Handle_t Pixmap_t
Pixmap handle.
Handle_t FontH_t
Font handle (as opposed to Font_t which is an index)
Handle_t Visual_t
Visual handle.
Handle_t Window_t
Window handle.
Handle_t Display_t
Display handle.
ULong_t Time_t
Event time.
Handle_t GContext_t
Graphics context handle.
Initial window mapping state.
Handle_t Drawable_t
Drawable handle.
Handle_t Cursor_t
Cursor handle.
Button names.
Handle_t Colormap_t
Colormap handle.
ULongptr_t Handle_t
Generic resource handle.
Handle_t FontStruct_t
Pointer to font structure.
static Roo_reg_AGKInteg1D instance
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void chupy
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t mask
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t dest_x
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t child
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void chupx
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t dest_y
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t attr
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t nchar
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t gval
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char text
R__EXTERN TVirtualX *(* gPtr2VirtualX)()
Fill Area Attributes class.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level,...
virtual void FillRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Fills the specified rectangle defined by [x,y] [x+w,y] [x+w,y+h] [x,y+h].
virtual Bool_t AllocColor(Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color)
Allocates a read-only colormap entry corresponding to the closest RGB value supported by the hardware...
virtual Int_t WriteGIF(char *name)
Writes the current window into GIF file.
virtual void DestroyWindow(Window_t id)
Destroys the window "id" as well as all of its subwindows.
virtual Window_t CreateOpenGLWindow(Window_t parentID, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, const std::vector< std::pair< UInt_t, Int_t > > &format)
Create window with special pixel format. Noop everywhere except Cocoa.
virtual void DispatchClientMessage(UInt_t messageID)
Force processing of event, sent by SendEvent before.
virtual void GetGCValues(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t &gval)
Returns the components specified by the mask in "gval" for the specified GC "gc" (see also the GCValu...
virtual Handle_t GetCurrentOpenGLContext()
Asks OpenGL subsystem about the current OpenGL context.
virtual void DrawPolyLine(Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
Draws a line through all points in the list.
virtual void SetWindowBackground(Window_t id, ULong_t color)
Sets the background of the window "id" to the specified color value "color".
virtual Int_t KeysymToKeycode(UInt_t keysym)
Converts the "keysym" to the appropriate keycode.
virtual void SetPrimarySelectionOwner(Window_t id)
Makes the window "id" the current owner of the primary selection.
virtual void DeleteImage(Drawable_t img)
Deallocates the memory associated with the image img.
void SetFillColor(Color_t cindex) override
Sets color index "cindex" for fill areas.
void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t markerstyle) override
Sets marker style.
virtual void SetWMTransientHint(Window_t id, Window_t main_id)
Tells window manager that the window "id" is a transient window of the window "main_id".
virtual void SetTextMagnitude(Float_t mgn)
Sets the current text magnification factor to "mgn".
virtual void GetWindowSize(Drawable_t id, Int_t &x, Int_t &overridey, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
Returns the location and the size of window "id".
virtual void MapRaised(Window_t id)
Maps the window "id" and all of its subwindows that have had map requests on the screen and put this ...
virtual void SetOpacity(Int_t percent)
Sets opacity of the current window.
virtual void DeleteFont(FontStruct_t fs)
Explicitly deletes the font structure "fs" obtained via LoadQueryFont().
virtual Pixmap_t CreateBitmap(Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
Creates a bitmap (i.e.
virtual void ConvertSelection(Window_t, Atom_t &, Atom_t &, Atom_t &, Time_t &)
Requests that the specified selection be converted to the specified target type.
virtual void GrabPointer(Window_t id, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab=kTRUE, Bool_t owner_events=kTRUE)
Establishes an active pointer grab.
virtual void ChangeActivePointerGrab(Window_t, UInt_t, Cursor_t)
Changes the specified dynamic parameters if the pointer is actively grabbed by the client and if the ...
virtual Int_t OpenPixmap(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Creates a pixmap of the width "w" and height "h" you specified.
virtual void UnmapWindow(Window_t id)
Unmaps the specified window "id".
virtual void SetRGB(Int_t cindex, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
Sets color intensities the specified color index "cindex".
virtual void FreeFontStruct(FontStruct_t fs)
Frees the font structure "fs".
virtual Int_t AddPixmap(ULongptr_t pixid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Registers a pixmap created by TGLManager as a ROOT pixmap.
virtual void PutImage(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Drawable_t img, Int_t dx, Int_t dy, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Combines an image with a rectangle of the specified drawable.
virtual void FillPolygon(Window_t id, GContext_t gc, Point_t *points, Int_t npnt)
Fills the region closed by the specified path.
virtual FontStruct_t GetGCFont(GContext_t gc)
Return the font associated with the graphics context gc.
virtual void XorRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
Calculates the difference between the union and intersection of two regions.
virtual void SetClipOFF(Int_t wid)
Turns off the clipping for the window "wid".
virtual void FlushOpenGLBuffer(Handle_t ctx)
Flushes OpenGL buffer.
virtual void DeleteOpenGLContext(Int_t wid=0)
Deletes OpenGL context for window "wid".
virtual Colormap_t GetColormap() const
Returns handle to colormap.
virtual FontStruct_t LoadQueryFont(const char *font_name)
Provides the most common way for accessing a font: opens (loads) the specified font and returns a poi...
virtual void SetTypeList(Window_t win, Atom_t prop, Atom_t *typelist)
Add the list of drag and drop types to the Window win.
virtual void DeleteProperty(Window_t, Atom_t &)
Deletes the specified property only if the property was defined on the specified window and causes th...
virtual Bool_t HasTTFonts() const
Returns True when TrueType fonts are used.
virtual Cursor_t CreateCursor(ECursor cursor)
Creates the specified cursor.
virtual void LookupString(Event_t *event, char *buf, Int_t buflen, UInt_t &keysym)
Converts the keycode from the event structure to a key symbol (according to the modifiers specified i...
virtual void GrabButton(Window_t id, EMouseButton button, UInt_t modifier, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab=kTRUE)
Establishes a passive grab on a certain mouse button.
virtual void RaiseWindow(Window_t id)
Raises the specified window to the top of the stack so that no sibling window obscures it.
virtual Float_t GetTextMagnitude()
Returns the current font magnification factor.
virtual void SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pxm)
Sets the background pixmap of the window "id" to the specified pixmap "pxm".
virtual void GetCharacterUp(Float_t &chupx, Float_t &chupy)
Returns character up vector.
virtual void SelectInput(Window_t id, UInt_t evmask)
Defines which input events the window is interested in.
virtual Display_t GetDisplay() const
Returns handle to display (might be useful in some cases where direct X11 manipulation outside of TVi...
virtual Bool_t EqualRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb)
Returns kTRUE if the two regions have the same offset, size, and shape.
virtual Bool_t CreatePictureFromData(Drawable_t id, char **data, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr)
Creates a picture pict from data in bitmap format.
virtual void SetIconPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pix)
Sets the icon name pixmap.
virtual Bool_t SetSelectionOwner(Window_t, Atom_t &)
Changes the owner and last-change time for the specified selection.
virtual void SetClipRegion(Int_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Sets clipping region for the window "wid".
virtual void GetImageSize(Drawable_t id, UInt_t &width, UInt_t &height)
Returns the width and height of the image id.
virtual Window_t GetDefaultRootWindow() const
Returns handle to the default root window created when calling XOpenDisplay().
virtual Bool_t EmptyRegion(Region_t reg)
Returns kTRUE if the region reg is empty.
virtual Int_t SupportsExtension(const char *ext) const
Returns 1 if window system server supports extension given by the argument, returns 0 in case extensi...
virtual void BeginModalSessionFor(Window_t window)
Start a modal session for a dialog window.
virtual void DeletePixmap(Pixmap_t pmap)
Explicitly deletes the pixmap resource "pmap".
virtual void SetClassHints(Window_t id, char *className, char *resourceName)
Sets the windows class and resource name.
virtual FontH_t GetFontHandle(FontStruct_t fs)
Returns the font handle of the specified font structure "fs".
virtual void DrawCellArray(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t *ic)
Draws a cell array.
virtual Bool_t Init(void *display=nullptr)
Initializes the X system.
virtual void ResizeWindow(Int_t wid)
Resizes the window "wid" if necessary.
virtual void SetDashes(GContext_t gc, Int_t offset, const char *dash_list, Int_t n)
Sets the dash-offset and dash-list attributes for dashed line styles in the specified GC.
virtual void Warp(Int_t ix, Int_t iy, Window_t id=0)
Sets the pointer position.
virtual Int_t GetProperty(Window_t, Atom_t, Long_t, Long_t, Bool_t, Atom_t, Atom_t *, Int_t *, ULong_t *, ULong_t *, unsigned char **)
Returns the actual type of the property; the actual format of the property; the number of 8-bit,...
virtual void DrawRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Draws rectangle outlines of [x,y] [x+w,y] [x+w,y+h] [x,y+h].
virtual Drawable_t CreateImage(UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
Allocates the memory needed for an drawable.
virtual Int_t GetDoubleBuffer(Int_t wid)
Queries the double buffer value for the window "wid".
virtual void SetDoubleBuffer(Int_t wid, Int_t mode)
Sets the double buffer on/off on the window "wid".
virtual Int_t GetScreen() const
Returns screen number.
virtual void LowerWindow(Window_t id)
Lowers the specified window "id" to the bottom of the stack so that it does not obscure any sibling w...
virtual void CreateOpenGLContext(Int_t wid=0)
Creates OpenGL context for window "wid".
virtual void ClearArea(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Paints a rectangular area in the specified window "id" according to the specified dimensions with the...
virtual void MapSubwindows(Window_t id)
Maps all subwindows for the specified window "id" in top-to-bottom stacking order.
virtual void FreeFontNames(char **fontlist)
Frees the specified the array of strings "fontlist".
virtual Window_t GetInputFocus()
Returns the window id of the window having the input focus.
virtual void ClosePixmap()
Deletes current pixmap.
virtual void SetInputFocus(Window_t id)
Changes the input focus to specified window "id".
virtual void SetWMState(Window_t id, EInitialState state)
Sets the initial state of the window "id": either kNormalState or kIconicState.
virtual void Update(Int_t mode=0)
Flushes (mode = 0, default) or synchronizes (mode = 1) X output buffer.
virtual Int_t RequestLocator(Int_t mode, Int_t ctyp, Int_t &x, Int_t &y)
Requests Locator position.
virtual UInt_t ExecCommand(TGWin32Command *code)
Executes the command "code" coming from the other threads (Win32)
virtual void SendEvent(Window_t id, Event_t *ev)
Specifies the event "ev" is to be sent to the window "id".
virtual Int_t AddWindow(ULongptr_t qwid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Registers a window created by Qt as a ROOT window.
virtual Int_t GetFontAscent() const
Returns the ascent of the current font (in pixels).
virtual void SetForeground(GContext_t gc, ULong_t foreground)
Sets the foreground color for the specified GC (shortcut for ChangeGC with only foreground mask set).
virtual void DrawBox(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, EBoxMode mode)
Draws a box between [x1,y1] and [x2,y2] according to the "mode".
virtual FontStruct_t GetFontStruct(FontH_t fh)
Retrieves the associated font structure of the font specified font handle "fh".
virtual Bool_t ReadPictureDataFromFile(const char *filename, char ***ret_data)
Reads picture data from file "filename" and store it in "ret_data".
virtual void UpdateWindow(Int_t mode)
Updates or synchronises client and server once (not permanent).
virtual void SetCursor(Int_t win, ECursor cursor)
The cursor "cursor" will be used when the pointer is in the window "wid".
virtual void CopyGC(GContext_t org, GContext_t dest, Mask_t mask)
Copies the specified components from the source GC "org" to the destination GC "dest".
void SetFillStyle(Style_t style) override
Sets fill area style.
virtual void CloseWindow()
Deletes current window.
virtual void RescaleWindow(Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Rescales the window "wid".
virtual Int_t OpenDisplay(const char *dpyName)
Opens connection to display server (if such a thing exist on the current platform).
virtual Int_t SetTextFont(char *fontname, ETextSetMode mode)
Sets text font to specified name "fontname".This function returns 0 if the specified font is found,...
virtual Int_t RequestString(Int_t x, Int_t y, char *text)
Requests string: text is displayed and can be edited with Emacs-like keybinding.
virtual void GetTextExtent(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, char *mess)
Returns the size of the specified character string "mess".
virtual ULong_t GetPixel(Color_t cindex)
Returns pixel value associated to specified ROOT color number "cindex".
virtual void ChangeProperties(Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, Int_t format, UChar_t *data, Int_t len)
Alters the property for the specified window and causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify eve...
virtual void SetDNDAware(Window_t, Atom_t *)
Add XdndAware property and the list of drag and drop types to the Window win.
virtual void SetWMSizeHints(Window_t id, UInt_t wmin, UInt_t hmin, UInt_t wmax, UInt_t hmax, UInt_t winc, UInt_t hinc)
Gives the window manager minimum and maximum size hints of the window "id".
virtual void GetWindowAttributes(Window_t id, WindowAttributes_t &attr)
The WindowAttributes_t structure is set to default.
void SetTextSize(Float_t textsize) override
Sets the current text size to "textsize".
virtual Bool_t CreatePictureFromFile(Drawable_t id, const char *filename, Pixmap_t &pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t &attr)
Creates a picture pict from data in file "filename".
virtual Bool_t ParseColor(Colormap_t cmap, const char *cname, ColorStruct_t &color)
Looks up the string name of a color "cname" with respect to the screen associated with the specified ...
virtual Int_t ResizePixmap(Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Resizes the specified pixmap "wid".
virtual Window_t FindRWindow(Window_t win, Window_t dragwin, Window_t input, int x, int y, int maxd)
Recursively search in the children of Window for a Window which is at location x, y and is DND aware,...
virtual void TranslateCoordinates(Window_t src, Window_t dest, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, Int_t &dest_x, Int_t &dest_y, Window_t &child)
Translates coordinates in one window to the coordinate space of another window.
virtual Double_t GetOpenGLScalingFactor()
On a HiDPI resolution it can be > 1., this means glViewport should use scaled width and height.
virtual void ReparentWindow(Window_t id, Window_t pid, Int_t x, Int_t y)
If the specified window is mapped, ReparentWindow automatically performs an UnmapWindow request on it...
virtual void DrawSegments(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Segment_t *seg, Int_t nseg)
Draws multiple line segments.
virtual void CloseDisplay()
Closes connection to display server and destroys all windows.
virtual void DeletePictureData(void *data)
Delete picture data created by the function ReadPictureDataFromFile.
static TVirtualX *& Instance()
Returns gVirtualX global.
virtual void UnionRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
Computes the union of two regions.
virtual void SetWindowName(Window_t id, char *name)
Sets the window name.
virtual void Bell(Int_t percent)
Sets the sound bell. Percent is loudness from -100% to 100%.
virtual void GetFontProperties(FontStruct_t font, Int_t &max_ascent, Int_t &max_descent)
Returns the font properties.
virtual Bool_t PointInRegion(Int_t x, Int_t y, Region_t reg)
Returns kTRUE if the point [x, y] is contained in the region reg.
virtual void CopyPixmap(Int_t wid, Int_t xpos, Int_t ypos)
Copies the pixmap "wid" at the position [xpos,ypos] in the current window.
virtual Pixmap_t CreatePixmap(Drawable_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Creates a pixmap of the specified width and height and returns a pixmap ID that identifies it.
virtual Int_t GetFontDescent() const
Returns the descent of the current font (in pixels.
virtual void SetDoubleBufferOFF()
Turns double buffer mode off.
void SetLineColor(Color_t cindex) override
Sets color index "cindex" for drawing lines.
virtual void GetPlanes(Int_t &nplanes)
Returns the maximum number of planes.
virtual void SetKeyAutoRepeat(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Turns key auto repeat on (kTRUE) or off (kFALSE).
void SetLineStyle(Style_t linestyle) override
Sets the line style.
virtual void DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
Draws "n" markers with the current attributes at position [x,y].
virtual void SetWMSize(Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Tells window manager the desired size of window "id".
virtual void ChangeWindowAttributes(Window_t id, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr)
Changes the attributes of the specified window "id" according the values provided in "attr".
virtual void GetRGB(Int_t index, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
Returns RGB values for color "index".
virtual void GetPasteBuffer(Window_t id, Atom_t atom, TString &text, Int_t &nchar, Bool_t del)
Gets contents of the paste buffer "atom" into the string "text".
virtual Handle_t GetNativeEvent() const
Returns the current native event handle.
virtual void SetIconName(Window_t id, char *name)
Sets the window icon name.
virtual void Sync(Int_t mode)
Set synchronisation on or off.
virtual void SetClipRectangles(GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Rectangle_t *recs, Int_t n)
Sets clipping rectangles in graphics context.
void SetMarkerColor(Color_t cindex) override
Sets color index "cindex" for markers.
virtual void SetLineType(Int_t n, Int_t *dash)
Sets the line type.
virtual Region_t PolygonRegion(Point_t *points, Int_t np, Bool_t winding)
Returns a region for the polygon defined by the points array.
virtual void DestroySubwindows(Window_t id)
The DestroySubwindows function destroys all inferior windows of the specified window,...
virtual void SelectPixmap(Int_t qpixid)
Selects the pixmap "qpixid".
void SetTextAlign(Short_t talign=11) override
Sets the text alignment.
virtual Atom_t InternAtom(const char *atom_name, Bool_t only_if_exist)
Returns the atom identifier associated with the specified "atom_name" string.
virtual void WritePixmap(Int_t wid, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, char *pxname)
Writes the pixmap "wid" in the bitmap file "pxname".
virtual void UnionRectWithRegion(Rectangle_t *rect, Region_t src, Region_t dest)
Updates the destination region from a union of the specified rectangle and the specified source regio...
virtual void SetDoubleBufferON()
Turns double buffer mode on.
virtual void SetDrawMode(EDrawMode mode)
Sets the drawing mode.
virtual unsigned char * GetColorBits(Drawable_t wid, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Returns an array of pixels created from a part of drawable (defined by x, y, w, h) in format:
virtual void ChangeGC(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t *gval)
Changes the components specified by the mask in gval for the specified GC.
virtual const char * DisplayName(const char *=nullptr)
Returns hostname on which the display is opened.
virtual void ShapeCombineMask(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, Pixmap_t mask)
The Non-rectangular Window Shape Extension adds non-rectangular windows to the System.
virtual void DrawText(Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t angle, Float_t mgn, const char *text, ETextMode mode)
Draws a text string using current font.
virtual Window_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner()
Returns the window id of the current owner of the primary selection.
virtual void IconifyWindow(Window_t id)
Iconifies the window "id".
virtual Window_t GetCurrentWindow() const
pointer to the current internal window used in canvas graphics
void SetLineWidth(Width_t width) override
Sets the line width.
virtual void CopyArea(Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dest, GContext_t gc, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dest_x, Int_t dest_y)
Combines the specified rectangle of "src" with the specified rectangle of "dest" according to the "gc...
virtual void MoveResizeWindow(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Changes the size and location of the specified window "id" without raising it.
virtual char ** ListFonts(const char *fontname, Int_t max, Int_t &count)
Returns list of font names matching fontname regexp, like "-*-times-*".
virtual void DeleteGC(GContext_t gc)
Deletes the specified GC "gc".
virtual void ChangeProperty(Window_t id, Atom_t property, Atom_t type, UChar_t *data, Int_t len)
Alters the property for the specified window and causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify eve...
virtual void NextEvent(Event_t &event)
The "event" is set to default event.
virtual void FreeColor(Colormap_t cmap, ULong_t pixel)
Frees color cell with specified pixel value.
virtual void QueryPointer(Int_t &ix, Int_t &iy)
Returns the pointer position.
virtual void SetCharacterUp(Float_t chupx, Float_t chupy)
Sets character up vector.
virtual void QueryColor(Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color)
Returns the current RGB value for the pixel in the "color" structure.
void SetTextColor(Color_t cindex) override
Sets the color index "cindex" for text.
virtual void GetGeometry(Int_t wid, Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
Returns position and size of window "wid".
virtual Pixmap_t CreatePixmapFromData(unsigned char *bits, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
create pixmap from RGB data.
virtual void GetRegionBox(Region_t reg, Rectangle_t *rect)
Returns smallest enclosing rectangle.
virtual void RemoveWindow(ULongptr_t qwid)
Removes the created by Qt window "qwid".
virtual Window_t GetParent(Window_t id) const
Returns the parent of the window "id".
virtual void DrawFillArea(Int_t n, TPoint *xy)
Fills area described by the polygon.
virtual void SetWMPosition(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y)
Tells the window manager the desired position [x,y] of window "id".
virtual void DrawString(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *s, Int_t len)
Each character image, as defined by the font in the GC, is treated as an additional mask for a fill o...
virtual void MapGCFont(GContext_t, FontStruct_t)
Map the XftFont with the Graphics Context using it.
virtual void DestroyRegion(Region_t reg)
Destroys the region "reg".
virtual void SubtractRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
Subtracts regb from rega and stores the results in result.
virtual void GrabKey(Window_t id, Int_t keycode, UInt_t modifier, Bool_t grab=kTRUE)
Establishes a passive grab on the keyboard.
virtual Int_t EventsPending()
Returns the number of events that have been received from the X server but have not been removed from...
virtual GContext_t CreateGC(Drawable_t id, GCValues_t *gval)
Creates a graphics context using the provided GCValues_t *gval structure.
virtual Int_t InitWindow(ULongptr_t window)
Creates a new window and return window number.
virtual Bool_t MakeOpenGLContextCurrent(Handle_t ctx, Window_t windowID)
Makes context ctx current OpenGL context.
void SetMarkerSize(Float_t markersize) override
Sets marker size index.
virtual UInt_t ScreenWidthMM() const
Returns the width of the screen in millimeters.
virtual void DrawLine(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2)
Draws a line.
virtual Bool_t NeedRedraw(ULongptr_t tgwindow, Bool_t force)
Notify the low level GUI layer ROOT requires "tgwindow" to be updated.
virtual Window_t CreateWindow(Window_t parent, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t depth, UInt_t clss, void *visual, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t wtype)
Creates an unmapped subwindow for a specified parent window and returns the created window.
virtual Visual_t GetVisual() const
Returns handle to visual.
virtual Pixmap_t ReadGIF(Int_t x0, Int_t y0, const char *file, Window_t id=0)
If id is NULL - loads the specified gif file at position [x0,y0] in the current window.
virtual Bool_t IsDNDAware(Window_t win, Atom_t *typelist)
Checks if the Window is DND aware, and knows any of the DND formats passed in argument.
virtual Int_t TextWidth(FontStruct_t font, const char *s, Int_t len)
Return length of the string "s" in pixels. Size depends on font.
virtual void ClearWindow()
Clears the entire area of the current window.
virtual void SelectWindow(Int_t wid)
Selects the window "wid" to which subsequent output is directed.
virtual void PutPixel(Drawable_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, ULong_t pixel)
Overwrites the pixel in the image with the specified pixel value.
virtual Int_t GetDepth() const
Returns depth of screen (number of bit planes).
virtual Window_t GetWindowID(Int_t wid)
Returns the X11 window identifier.
virtual Bool_t CheckEvent(Window_t id, EGEventType type, Event_t &ev)
Check if there is for window "id" an event of type "type".
virtual void ConvertPrimarySelection(Window_t id, Atom_t clipboard, Time_t when)
Causes a SelectionRequest event to be sent to the current primary selection owner.
virtual void MoveWindow(Int_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y)
Moves the window "wid" to the specified x and y coordinates.
virtual void WMDeleteNotify(Window_t id)
Tells WM to send message when window is closed via WM.
virtual void IntersectRegion(Region_t rega, Region_t regb, Region_t result)
Computes the intersection of two regions.
virtual Region_t CreateRegion()
Creates a new empty region.
virtual void MapWindow(Window_t id)
Maps the window "id" and all of its subwindows that have had map requests.
virtual void SetMWMHints(Window_t id, UInt_t value, UInt_t funcs, UInt_t input)
Sets decoration style.
ULong_t fPixel
color pixel value (index in color table)
UShort_t fRed
red component (0..65535)
UShort_t fGreen
green component (0..65535)
UShort_t fBlue
blue component (0..65535)
UShort_t fMask
mask telling which color components are valid
Graphics context structure.
Point structure (maps to the X11 XPoint structure)
Rectangle structure (maps to the X11 XRectangle structure)
Used for drawing line segments (maps to the X11 XSegments structure)
Attributes that can be used when creating or changing a window.
Window attributes that can be inquired.