11#ifndef RooFit_RooFitImplHelpers_h
12#define RooFit_RooFitImplHelpers_h
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void input
Struct to temporarily change the operation mode of a RooAbsArg until it goes out of scope.
ChangeOperModeRAII(RooAbsArg *arg, RooAbsArg::OperMode opMode)
ChangeOperModeRAII & operator=(ChangeOperModeRAII const &other)=delete
RooAbsArg::OperMode _oldOpMode
ChangeOperModeRAII(ChangeOperModeRAII const &other)=delete
Disable all caches for sub-branches in an expression tree.
DisableCachingRAII(DisableCachingRAII const &other)=delete
DisableCachingRAII & operator=(DisableCachingRAII const &other)=delete
DisableCachingRAII(bool oldState)
Inhibit all dirty-state propagation, and assume every node as dirty.
Common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFit.
void setOperMode(OperMode mode, bool recurseADirty=true)
Set the operation mode of this node.
static void setDirtyInhibit(bool flag)
Control global dirty inhibit mode.
Abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets.
Abstract interface for all probability density functions.
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
std::string makeValidVarName(std::string const &in)
void replaceAll(std::string &inOut, std::string_view what, std::string_view with)
The namespace RooFit contains mostly switches that change the behaviour of functions of PDFs (or othe...
RooAbsArg * cloneTreeWithSameParametersImpl(RooAbsArg const &arg, RooArgSet const *observables)
bool snapshotImpl(RooAbsCollection const &input, RooAbsCollection &output, bool deepCopy, RooArgSet const *observables)
RooArgSet selectFromArgSet(RooArgSet const &, std::string const &names)
bool checkIfRangesOverlap(RooArgSet const &observables, std::vector< std::string > const &rangeNames)
std::unique_ptr< T > cloneTreeWithSameParameters(T const &arg, RooArgSet const *observables=nullptr)
Clone RooAbsArg object and reattach to original parameters.
std::string getRangeNameForSimComponent(std::string const &rangeName, bool splitRange, std::string const &catName)
void getSortedComputationGraph(RooAbsArg const &func, RooArgSet &out)
BinnedLOutput getBinnedL(RooAbsPdf const &pdf)
std::string getColonSeparatedNameString(RooArgSet const &argSet, char delim=':')
std::pair< double, double > getRangeOrBinningInterval(RooAbsArg const *arg, const char *rangeName)