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Reference Guide
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textangle.C File Reference


tt Draw ()
a DrawArc (0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0., 45.,"only")
l DrawLine (0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
m DrawMarker (0.1, 0.1)
Ta Range (0, 0, 1, 1)
a SetFillStyle (0)
a SetLineColor (kBlue)
l SetLineColor (kRed)
a SetLineStyle (3)
m SetMarkerColor (kBlue)
m SetMarkerStyle (20)
tt SetTextAlign (11)
tt SetTextAngle (45)
tt SetTextSize (0.1)


TArc a
TLine l
TMarker m
autot1 = new TLatex(0.3,0.18,"45^{o}")
autott = new TText(0.1,0.1,"Text angle is 45 degrees")

Function Documentation

◆ Draw()

tt Draw ( )

◆ DrawArc()

a DrawArc ( 0. 1,
0. 1,
0. 2,
0. ,
45. ,
"only"  )

◆ DrawLine()

l DrawLine ( 0. 1,
0. 1,
0. 9,
0. 1 )

◆ DrawMarker()

m DrawMarker ( 0. 1,
0. 1 )

◆ Range()

Ta Range ( 0 ,
0 ,
1 ,
1  )

◆ SetFillStyle()

a SetFillStyle ( 0 )

◆ SetLineColor() [1/2]

a SetLineColor ( kBlue )

◆ SetLineColor() [2/2]

l SetLineColor ( kRed )

◆ SetLineStyle()

a SetLineStyle ( 3 )

◆ SetMarkerColor()

m SetMarkerColor ( kBlue )

◆ SetMarkerStyle()

m SetMarkerStyle ( 20 )

◆ SetTextAlign()

tt SetTextAlign ( 11 )

◆ SetTextAngle()

tt SetTextAngle ( 45 )

◆ SetTextSize()

tt SetTextSize ( 0. 1)

Variable Documentation

◆ a

TArc a

Definition at line 12 of file textangle.C.

◆ l

TLine l

Definition at line 4 of file textangle.C.

◆ m

Definition at line 8 of file textangle.C.

◆ t1

auto* t1 = new TLatex(0.3,0.18,"45^{o}")

Definition at line 20 of file textangle.C.

◆ tt

auto* tt = new TText(0.1,0.1,"Text angle is 45 degrees")

Definition at line 16 of file textangle.C.