29#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_KDEKernel
30#define ROOT_TMVA_KDEKernel
71 const char*
const {
return "KDEKernel"; }
#define ClassDef(name, id)
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
KDE Kernel for "smoothing" the PDFs.
TH1F * fHist
copy of input histogram
virtual ~KDEKernel(void)
TH1F * fSigmaHist
contains the Sigmas Widths for adaptive KDE
TH1F * fFirstIterHist
histogram to be filled in the hidden iteration
EKernelIter fIter
iteration number
Float_t fFineFactor
fine tuning factor for Adaptive KDE: factor to multiply the "width" of the Kernel function
EKernelBorder fKDEborder
The method to take care about "border" effects.
Float_t fSigma
Width of the Kernel function.
MsgLogger * fLogger
! message logger
const char * GetName() const
void SetKernelType(EKernelType ktype=kGauss)
fIter == 1 ---> nonadaptive KDE fIter == 2 ---> adaptive KDE
Float_t fUpperEdge
the upper edge of the PDF
KDEKernel(EKernelIter kiter=kNonadaptiveKDE, const TH1 *hist=nullptr, Float_t lower_edge=0., Float_t upper_edge=1., EKernelBorder kborder=kNoTreatment, Float_t FineFactor=1.)
constructor sanity check
TF1 * fKernel_integ
the integral of the Kernel function
Bool_t fHiddenIteration
Defines if whats currently running is the.
Float_t fLowerEdge
the lower edge of the PDF
Float_t GetBinKernelIntegral(Float_t lowr, Float_t highr, Float_t mean, Int_t binnum)
calculates the integral of the Kernel
ostringstream derivative to redirect and format output
create variable transformations