127 DeclareOptionRef( fNcycles = 500,
"Number of training cycles" );
128 DeclareOptionRef( fLayerSpec =
"Specification of hidden layer architecture" );
129 DeclareOptionRef( fNeuronType =
"Neuron activation function type" );
130 DeclareOptionRef( fRandomSeed = 1,
"Random seed for initial synapse weights (0 means unique seed for each run; default value '1')");
132 DeclareOptionRef(fEstimatorS=
133 "MSE (Mean Square Estimator) for Gaussian Likelihood or CE(Cross-Entropy) for Bernoulli Likelihood" );
139 std::vector<TString>* names =
142 AddPreDefVal(names->at(i));
145 DeclareOptionRef(fNeuronInputType=
"Neuron input function type");
147 names =
149 for (
Int_t i = 0; i <
nTypes; i++) AddPreDefVal(names->at(i));
159 if ( DoRegression() || DoMulticlass()) fEstimatorS =
160 else fEstimatorS =
"CE" ;
161 if (fEstimatorS ==
"MSE" ) fEstimator = kMSE;
162 else if (fEstimatorS ==
"CE") fEstimator = kCE;
163 std::vector<Int_t>*
layout = ParseLayoutString(fLayerSpec);
174 std::vector<Int_t>*
layout =
new std::vector<Int_t>();
192 layout->push_back( DataInfo().GetNTargets() );
193 else if( DoMulticlass() )
194 layout->push_back( DataInfo().GetNClasses() );
211 fInputCalculator =
213 fEstimatorHistTrain =
214 fEstimatorHistTest =
217 fEpochMonHistS.clear();
218 fEpochMonHistB.clear();
219 fEpochMonHistW.clear();
223 fOutputNeurons.clear();
243 if (fNetwork !=
248 DeleteNetworkLayer(
253 if (frgen !=
delete frgen;
254 if (fActivation !=
delete fActivation;
255 if (fOutput !=
delete fOutput;
256 if (fIdentity !=
delete fIdentity;
257 if (fInputCalculator !=
delete fInputCalculator;
258 if (fSynapses !=
delete fSynapses;
265 fInputCalculator =
290 if (fEstimatorS ==
"MSE") fEstimator = kMSE;
291 else if (fEstimatorS ==
"CE") fEstimator = kCE;
292 else Log()<<kWARNING<<
293 if (fEstimator!=kMSE && fEstimator!=kCE) Log()<<kWARNING<<
"Estimator type unspecified \t"<<
296 Log() << kHEADER <<
"Building Network. " <<
303 fActivation =
304 fIdentity =
305 if (fEstimator==kMSE) fOutput =
306 else if (fEstimator==kCE) fOutput =
308 fInputCalculator =
311 fRegulatorIdx.clear();
316 fInputLayer = (
318 fOutputNeurons.clear();
323 if (weights ==
NULL) InitWeights();
324 else ForceWeights(weights);
348 if (i!=0 && i!=
numLayers-1) fRegulators.push_back(0.);
350 if (i==0) fRegulators.push_back(0.);
356 fRegulatorIdx.push_back(fRegulators.size()-1);
428 synapse->SetPostNeuron(neuron);
439 PrintMessage(
"Initializing weights");
446 synapse->SetWeight(4.0*frgen->Rndm() - 2.0);
455 PrintMessage(
"Forcing weights");
461 synapse->SetWeight(weights->at(i));
479 neuron = GetInputNeuron(
512 if (Verbose() ||
Debug() ||
force) Log() << kINFO << message <<
521 Log() << kINFO <<
"***Type anything to continue (q to quit): ";
522 std::getline(std::cin, dummy);
523 if (dummy ==
"q" || dummy ==
"Q") {
524 PrintMessage(
"quit" );
535 if (!
537 Log() << kINFO <<
538 PrintMessage(
"Printing network " );
539 Log() << kINFO <<
"-------------------------------------------------------------------" <<
549 Log() << kINFO <<
"Layer #" << i <<
" (" <<
numNeurons <<
" neurons):" <<
564 Log() << kINFO <<
"\tNeuron #" <<
j <<
" (LinksIn: " << neuron->
566 PrintNeuron( neuron );
576 <<
"\t\tValue:\t" << neuron->
579 Log() << kINFO <<
581 Log() << kINFO <<
"\t\tLinksIn:" <<
583 Log() << kINFO <<
"\t\tLinksOut:" <<
598 for (
UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) {
602 ForceNetworkCalculations();
625 for (
UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) {
629 ForceNetworkCalculations();
634 if (fRegressionReturnVal ==
NULL) fRegressionReturnVal =
new std::vector<Float_t>();
635 fRegressionReturnVal->clear();
643 const Event*
evT2 = GetTransformationHandler().InverseTransform(
evT );
645 fRegressionReturnVal->push_back(
itgt) );
650 return *fRegressionReturnVal;
664 for (
UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) {
668 ForceNetworkCalculations();
672 if (fMulticlassReturnVal ==
NULL) fMulticlassReturnVal =
new std::vector<Float_t>();
673 fMulticlassReturnVal->clear();
674 std::vector<Float_t> temp;
678 temp.push_back(GetOutputNeuron(
icls )->GetActivationValue() );
687 (*fMulticlassReturnVal).push_back(1.0/(1.0+
692 return *fMulticlassReturnVal;
718 std::stringstream s(
722 s << std::scientific <<
synapse->GetWeight() <<
" ";
729 if( fInvHessian.GetNcols()>0 ){
742 fInvHessian.GetMatrix2Array( elements );
751 std::stringstream s(
754 s << std::scientific << (*(elements+
index)) <<
" ";
771 std::vector<Int_t>*
layout =
new std::vector<Int_t>();
795 if (GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() <
TMVA_VERSION(4,2,1) && fActivation->GetExpression().Contains(
841 fUseRegulator =
855 if (
nElements > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()-100){
856 Log() << kFATAL <<
"you tried to read a hessian matrix with " <<
nElements <<
" elements, --> too large, guess s.th. went wrong reading from the weight file" <<
874 s >> (*(elements+
881 fInvHessian.SetMatrixArray( elements );
897 std::vector<Double_t>* weights =
new std::vector<Double_t>();
899 while (
istr>> dummy >> weight) weights->push_back(weight);
901 ForceWeights(weights);
913 fRanking =
new Ranking( GetName(),
"Importance" );
922 neuron = GetInputNeuron(
953 std::vector<TH1*>*
hv )
982 if (
hv->push_back( hist );
995 PrintMessage(
"Write special histos to file: %s", BaseDir()->GetPath()).Data(),
997 if (fEstimatorHistTrain) fEstimatorHistTrain->Write();
998 if (fEstimatorHistTest ) fEstimatorHistTest ->Write();
1001 CreateWeightMonitoringHists(
"weights_hist" );
1008 epochdir = BaseDir()->mkdir(
"EpochMonitoring" );
1013 for (std::vector<TH1*>::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistS.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistS.end(); ++it) {
1017 for (std::vector<TH1*>::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistB.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistB.end(); ++it) {
1021 for (std::vector<TH1*>::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistW.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistW.end(); ++it) {
1036 fout <<
" double ActivationFnc(double x) const;" << std::endl;
1037 fout <<
" double OutputActivationFnc(double x) const;" << std::endl;
1044 fout <<
" // weight matrix from layer " <<
lIdx-1 <<
" to " <<
lIdx << std::endl;
1048 fout <<
"};" << std::endl;
1052 fout <<
"inline void " << className <<
"::Initialize()" << std::endl;
1053 fout <<
"{" << std::endl;
1054 fout <<
" // build network structure" << std::endl;
1057 fout <<
" // weight matrix from layer " << i <<
" to " << i+1 << std::endl;
1065 fout <<
" fWeightMatrix" << i <<
"to" << i+1 <<
"[" << k <<
"][" <<
j <<
"] = " <<
synapse->GetWeight() <<
";" << std::endl;
1070 fout <<
"}" << std::endl;
1074 fout <<
"inline double " << className <<
"::GetMvaValue__( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const" << std::endl;
1075 fout <<
"{" << std::endl;
1076 fout <<
" if (inputValues.size() != (unsigned int)" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(0))->GetEntries() - 1 <<
") {"
1078 fout <<
" std::cout << \"Input vector needs to be of size \" << "
1079 << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(0))->GetEntries() - 1 <<
" << std::endl;" << std::endl;
1080 fout <<
" return 0;" << std::endl;
1081 fout <<
" }" << std::endl;
1085 int numNodes =
1086 fout <<
" std::array<double, " << numNodes <<
"> fWeights" <<
lIdx <<
" {{}};" << std::endl;
1089 fout <<
" fWeights" <<
lIdx <<
".back() = 1.;" << std::endl;
1093 fout <<
" // layer " << i <<
" to " << i + 1 << std::endl;
1095 fout <<
" for (int o=0; o<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i + 1))->GetEntries() <<
"; o++) {" << std::endl;
1097 fout <<
" for (int o=0; o<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i + 1))->GetEntries() - 1 <<
"; o++) {"
1101 fout <<
" std::array<double, " << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries()
1102 <<
"> buffer; // no need to initialise" << std::endl;
1103 fout <<
" for (int i = 0; i<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries() <<
" - 1; i++) {"
1105 fout <<
" buffer[i] = fWeightMatrix" << i <<
"to" << i + 1 <<
"[o][i] * inputValues[i];" << std::endl;
1106 fout <<
" } // loop over i" << std::endl;
1107 fout <<
" buffer.back() = fWeightMatrix" << i <<
"to" << i + 1 <<
1108 << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries() - 1 <<
"];" << std::endl;
1110 fout <<
" std::array<double, " << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries()
1111 <<
"> buffer; // no need to initialise" << std::endl;
1112 fout <<
" for (int i=0; i<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries() <<
"; i++) {" << std::endl;
1113 fout <<
" buffer[i] = fWeightMatrix" << i <<
"to" << i + 1 <<
"[o][i] * fWeights" << i <<
1115 fout <<
" } // loop over i" << std::endl;
1117 fout <<
" for (int i=0; i<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i))->GetEntries() <<
"; i++) {" << std::endl;
1118 if (fNeuronInputType ==
"sum") {
1119 fout <<
" fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o] += buffer[i];" << std::endl;
1120 }
else if (fNeuronInputType ==
"sqsum") {
1121 fout <<
" fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o] += buffer[i]*buffer[i];" << std::endl;
1123 fout <<
" fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o] += fabs(buffer[i]);" << std::endl;
1125 fout <<
" } // loop over i" << std::endl;
1126 fout <<
" } // loop over o" << std::endl;
1128 fout <<
" for (int o=0; o<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i + 1))->GetEntries() <<
"; o++) {" << std::endl;
1130 fout <<
" for (int o=0; o<" << ((
TObjArray *)fNetwork->At(i + 1))->GetEntries() - 1 <<
"; o++) {"
1134 fout <<
" fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o] = ActivationFnc(fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o]);" << std::endl;
1136 fout <<
" fWeights" << i + 1 <<
"[o] = OutputActivationFnc(fWeights" << i + 1 <<
1138 fout <<
" } // loop over o" << std::endl;
1141 fout <<
" return fWeights" <<
numLayers - 1 <<
"[0];" << std::endl;
1142 fout <<
"}" << std::endl;
1147 fncName = className+
1151 fout <<
"// Clean up" << std::endl;
1152 fout <<
"inline void " << className <<
"::Clear()" << std::endl;
1153 fout <<
"{" << std::endl;
1154 fout <<
"}" << std::endl;
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t index
void Debug(Int_t level, const char *fmt,...)
#define TMVA_VERSION(a, b, c)
Describe directory structure in memory.
2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)
void SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content) override
Set bin content.
Class that contains all the data information.
Base class for all TMVA methods using artificial neural networks.
std::vector< Int_t > * ParseLayoutString(TString layerSpec)
parse layout specification string and return a vector, each entry containing the number of neurons to...
virtual void ProcessOptions()
do nothing specific at this moment
virtual ~MethodANNBase()
virtual Double_t GetMvaValue(Double_t *err=nullptr, Double_t *errUpper=nullptr)
get the mva value generated by the NN
void DeleteNetworkLayer(TObjArray *&layer)
delete a network layer
virtual void BuildNetwork(std::vector< Int_t > *layout, std::vector< Double_t > *weights=nullptr, Bool_t fromFile=kFALSE)
build network given a layout (number of neurons in each layer) and optional weights array
const Ranking * CreateRanking()
compute ranking of input variables by summing function of weights
void DeleteNetwork()
delete/clear network
void WaitForKeyboard()
wait for keyboard input, for debugging
MethodANNBase(const TString &jobName, Types::EMVA methodType, const TString &methodTitle, DataSetInfo &theData, const TString &theOption)
standard constructor Note: Right now it is an option to choose the neuron input function,...
void AddPreLinks(TNeuron *neuron, TObjArray *prevLayer)
add synapses connecting a neuron to its preceding layer
void PrintNeuron(TNeuron *neuron) const
print a neuron, for debugging
void PrintMessage(TString message, Bool_t force=kFALSE) const
print messages, turn off printing by setting verbose and debug flag appropriately
void AddWeightsXMLTo(void *parent) const
create XML description of ANN classifier
void InitANNBase()
initialize ANNBase object
void PrintLayer(TObjArray *layer) const
print a single layer, for debugging
void InitWeights()
initialize the synapse weights randomly
virtual void DeclareOptions()
define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string here the options valid for ...
virtual void ReadWeightsFromStream(std::istream &istr)
destroy/clear the network then read it back in from the weights file
void BuildLayers(std::vector< Int_t > *layout, Bool_t from_file=false)
build the network layers
virtual void MakeClassSpecific(std::ostream &, const TString &) const
write specific classifier response
void ForceWeights(std::vector< Double_t > *weights)
force the synapse weights
void BuildLayer(Int_t numNeurons, TObjArray *curLayer, TObjArray *prevLayer, Int_t layerIndex, Int_t numLayers, Bool_t from_file=false)
build a single layer with neurons and synapses connecting this layer to the previous layer
void ForceNetworkCalculations()
calculate input values to each neuron
void ForceNetworkInputs(const Event *ev, Int_t ignoreIndex=-1)
force the input values of the input neurons force the value for each input neuron
virtual const std::vector< Float_t > & GetMulticlassValues()
get the multiclass classification values generated by the NN
void ReadWeightsFromXML(void *wghtnode)
read MLP from xml weight file
Bool_t Debug() const
who the hell makes such strange Debug flags that even use "global pointers"..
virtual void WriteMonitoringHistosToFile() const
write histograms to file
virtual const std::vector< Float_t > & GetRegressionValues()
get the regression value generated by the NN
virtual void PrintNetwork() const
print network representation, for debugging
void CreateWeightMonitoringHists(const TString &bulkname, std::vector< TH1 * > *hv=nullptr) const
Virtual base Class for all MVA method.
Ranking for variables in method (implementation)
Class for easily choosing activation functions.
Tanh activation function for ANN.
Neuron class used by TMVA artificial neural network methods.
Double_t GetActivationValue() const
void ForceValue(Double_t value)
force the value, typically for input and bias neurons
TSynapse * PostLinkAt(Int_t index) const
void SetActivationEqn(TActivation *activation)
set activation equation
Double_t GetDelta() const
void SetInputCalculator(TNeuronInput *calculator)
set input calculator
Int_t NumPreLinks() const
void PrintActivationEqn()
print activation equation, for debugging
void CalculateValue()
calculate neuron input
void CalculateActivationValue()
calculate neuron activation/output
void PrintPostLinks() const
Int_t NumPostLinks() const
void AddPreLink(TSynapse *pre)
add synapse as a pre-link to this neuron
Double_t GetValue() const
void DeletePreLinks()
delete all pre-links
void PrintPreLinks() const
Synapse class used by TMVA artificial neural network methods.
virtual Int_t Write(const char *name=nullptr, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Write this object to the current directory.
Random number generator class based on M.
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Bool_t AddRawLine(XMLNodePointer_t parent, const char *line)
Add just line into xml file Line should has correct xml syntax that later it can be decoded by xml pa...
XMLNodePointer_t NewChild(XMLNodePointer_t parent, XMLNsPointer_t ns, const char *name, const char *content=nullptr)
create new child element for parent node
XMLNodePointer_t GetChild(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode, Bool_t realnode=kTRUE)
returns first child of xmlnode
XMLAttrPointer_t NewAttr(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode, XMLNsPointer_t, const char *name, const char *value)
creates new attribute for xmlnode, namespaces are not supported for attributes
const char * GetNodeContent(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode)
get contents (if any) of xmlnode
XMLNodePointer_t GetNext(XMLNodePointer_t xmlnode, Bool_t realnode=kTRUE)
return next to xmlnode node if realnode==kTRUE, any special nodes in between will be skipped
create variable transformations
MsgLogger & Endl(MsgLogger &ml)
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
Returns the absolute value of parameter Short_t d.