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rf506_msgservice.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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Organisation and simultaneous fits: tuning and customizing the RooFit message logging facility

#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooGaussian.h"
#include "RooPolynomial.h"
#include "RooAddPdf.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
using namespace RooFit;
void rf506_msgservice()
// C r e a t e p d f
// --------------------
// Construct gauss(x,m,s)
RooRealVar x("x", "x", -10, 10);
RooRealVar m("m", "m", 0, -10, 10);
RooRealVar s("s", "s", 1, -10, 10);
RooGaussian gauss("g", "g", x, m, s);
// Construct poly(x,p0)
RooRealVar p0("p0", "p0", 0.01, 0., 1.);
RooPolynomial poly("p", "p", x, p0);
// Construct model = f*gauss(x) + (1-f)*poly(x)
RooRealVar f("f", "f", 0.5, 0., 1.);
RooAddPdf model("model", "model", RooArgSet(gauss, poly), f);
std::unique_ptr<RooDataSet> data{model.generate(x, 10)};
// P r i n t c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f m e s s a g e s e r v i c e
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print streams configuration
cout << endl;
// A d d i n g I n t e g r a t i o n t o p i c t o e x i s t i n g I N F O s t r e a m
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print streams configuration
cout << endl;
// Add Integration topic to existing INFO stream
// Construct integral over gauss to demonstrate new message stream
std::unique_ptr<RooAbsReal> igauss{gauss.createIntegral(x)};
// Print streams configuration in verbose, which also shows inactive streams
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Remove stream
// E x a m p l e s o f p d f v a l u e t r a c i n g s t r e a m
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show DEBUG level message on function tracing, trace RooGaussian only
RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG, Topic(Tracing), ClassName("RooGaussian"));
// Perform a fit to generate some tracing messages
model.fitTo(*data, Verbose(true));
// Reset message service to default stream configuration
// Show DEBUG level message on function tracing on all objects, redirect output to file
RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG, Topic(Tracing), OutputFile("rf506_debug.log"));
// Perform a fit to generate some tracing messages
model.fitTo(*data, Verbose(true));
// Reset message service to default stream configuration
// E x a m p l e o f a n o t h e r d e b u g g i n g s t r e a m
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show DEBUG level messages on client/server link state management
RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG, Topic(LinkStateMgmt));
// Clone composite pdf g to trigger some link state management activity
RooAbsArg *gprime = gauss.cloneTree();
// Reset message service to default stream configuration
#define DEBUG
#define f(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:104
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void data
Common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFit.
Definition RooAbsArg.h:77
Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form.
Definition RooAddPdf.h:33
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition RooArgSet.h:24
Plain Gaussian p.d.f.
Definition RooGaussian.h:24
static RooMsgService & instance()
Return reference to singleton instance.
RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form.
Variable that can be changed from the outside.
Definition RooRealVar.h:37
RooCmdArg ClassName(const char *name)
RooCmdArg Topic(Int_t topic)
RooCmdArg OutputFile(const char *fileName)
RooCmdArg Verbose(bool flag=true)
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
The namespace RooFit contains mostly switches that change the behaviour of functions of PDFs (or othe...
Definition CodegenImpl.h:64
TMarker m
Definition textangle.C:8
[#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- The parameter 's' with range [-10, 10] of the RooGaussian 'g' exceeds the safe range of (0, inf). Advise to limit its range.
Active Message streams
[0] MinLevel = PROGRESS Topic = Generation Minimization Plotting Fitting Integration LinkStateMgmt Eval Caching Optimization ObjectHandling InputArguments Tracing Contents DataHandling NumericIntegration FastEvaluations
[1] MinLevel = INFO Topic = Minimization Plotting Fitting Eval Caching ObjectHandling InputArguments DataHandling NumericIntegration
[2] MinLevel = INFO Topic = HistFactory
Active Message streams
[0] MinLevel = PROGRESS Topic = Generation Minimization Plotting Fitting Integration LinkStateMgmt Eval Caching Optimization ObjectHandling InputArguments Tracing Contents DataHandling NumericIntegration FastEvaluations
[1] MinLevel = INFO Topic = Minimization Plotting Fitting Eval Caching ObjectHandling InputArguments DataHandling NumericIntegration
[2] MinLevel = INFO Topic = HistFactory
[#1] INFO:Integration -- RooRealIntegral::ctor(g_Int[x]) Constructing integral of function g over observables(x) with normalization () with range identifier <none>
[#1] INFO:Integration -- g: Observable x is suitable for analytical integration (if supported by p.d.f)
[#1] INFO:Integration -- g: Function integrated observables (x) internally with code 1
[#1] INFO:Integration -- g: Observables (x) are analytically integrated with code 1
RooRealIntegral::g_Int[x][ Int gd[Ana](x) ] = 2.50663
Active Message streams
[0] MinLevel = PROGRESS Topic = Generation Minimization Plotting Fitting Integration LinkStateMgmt Eval Caching Optimization ObjectHandling InputArguments Tracing Contents DataHandling NumericIntegration FastEvaluations
[1] MinLevel = INFO Topic = Minimization Plotting Fitting Integration Eval Caching ObjectHandling InputArguments DataHandling NumericIntegration
[2] MinLevel = INFO Topic = HistFactory
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAbsPdf::fitTo(model) fixing normalization set for coefficient determination to observables in data
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- using CPU computation library compiled with -mavx512
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAddition::defaultErrorLevel(nll_model_modelData) Summation contains a RooNLLVar, using its error level
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: activating const optimization
[#0] WARNING:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::synchronize: WARNING: no initial error estimate available for f: using 0.1
[#0] WARNING:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::synchronize: WARNING: no initial error estimate available for m: using 2
[#0] WARNING:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::synchronize: WARNING: no initial error estimate available for p0: using 0.005
[#0] WARNING:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::synchronize: WARNING: no initial error estimate available for s: using 2
Minuit2Minimizer: Minimize with max-calls 2000 convergence for edm < 1 strategy 1
prevFCN = 31.75882326 f=0.501,
prevFCN = 31.76758673 f=0.499,
prevFCN = 31.75008506 f=0.5, m=0.02014,
prevFCN = 31.72980141 m=-0.02014,
prevFCN = 31.78749743 m=0.004235,
prevFCN = 31.75274724 m=-0.004235,
prevFCN = 31.76488389 m=0, p0=0.01005,
prevFCN = 31.75954549 p0=0.009948,
prevFCN = 31.75810351 p0=0.01013,
prevFCN = 31.76062402 p0=0.009872,
prevFCN = 31.75703788 p0=0.01, s=1.02,
prevFCN = 31.67915486 s=0.9799,
prevFCN = 31.84068856 s=1.002,
prevFCN = 31.75075447 s=0.998,
prevFCN = 31.76691405 m=0.004235, s=1,
prevFCN = 31.75274724 m=0.02118,
prevFCN = 31.72829189 m=0.06353,
prevFCN = 31.66614321 m=0.1906,
prevFCN = 31.47244051 m=0.5715,
prevFCN = 30.87227361 m=1.707,
prevFCN = 29.88047134 m=2.064,
prevFCN = 29.97604268 f=0.5008, m=1.707,
prevFCN = 29.88564172 f=0.4992,
prevFCN = 29.87531802 f=0.5, m=1.711,
prevFCN = 29.8803659 m=1.703,
prevFCN = 29.88060433 m=1.71,
prevFCN = 29.88039214 m=1.704,
prevFCN = 29.88056503 m=1.707, p0=0.01013,
prevFCN = 29.88274199 p0=0.009875,
prevFCN = 29.87821833 p0=0.01, s=1.002,
prevFCN = 29.87987611 s=0.9984,
prevFCN = 29.88107011 s=1.003,
prevFCN = 29.87926952 s=0.9967,
prevFCN = 29.88168765 f=0.2774, m=1.724, p0=0.000388, s=1.276,
prevFCN = 28.97288883 f=0.2912, m=1.723, p0=0.0006269, s=1.257,
prevFCN = 28.97893369 f=0.278, m=1.724, p0=0.000388, s=1.276,
prevFCN = 28.97325909 f=0.2768,
prevFCN = 28.97252778 f=0.2774, m=1.727,
prevFCN = 28.97321652 m=1.722,
prevFCN = 28.97256819 m=1.724, p0=0.0004103,
prevFCN = 28.97321664 p0=0.0003662,
prevFCN = 28.97257031 p0=0.000388, s=1.279,
prevFCN = 28.97432524 s=1.273,
prevFCN = 28.97145596 s=1.282,
prevFCN = 28.97575564 s=1.269,
prevFCN = 28.97003607 f=0.2452, m=1.663, p0=5.498e-07, s=0.9876,
prevFCN = 28.8608997 f=0.2274, m=1.628, p0=0.0001029, s=0.8218,
prevFCN = 28.87647974 f=0.241, m=1.655, p0=3.204e-06, s=0.9491,
prevFCN = 28.85685477 f=0.2418,
prevFCN = 28.85692699 f=0.2403,
prevFCN = 28.85679737 f=0.241, m=1.659,
prevFCN = 28.85436009 m=1.651,
prevFCN = 28.8593705 m=1.655, p0=1.215e-06,
prevFCN = 28.85682558 p0=6.138e-06,
prevFCN = 28.85689784 p0=3.204e-06, s=0.9556,
prevFCN = 28.85804684 s=0.9426,
prevFCN = 28.85571545 s=0.9524,
prevFCN = 28.85746237 s=0.9458,
prevFCN = 28.85626117 f=0.2171, m=1.753, p0=0.0002379, s=0.6877,
prevFCN = 28.6750677 f=0.1311, m=2.143, p0=0.004887, s=-0.3611, RooAbsMinimizerFcn: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (31.8407) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows.
Parameter values: f=0.131146 m=2.14309 p0=0.00488743 s=-0.361096
RooAddPdf::model[ f * g_over_g_Int[x] + [%] * p_over_p_Int[x] ]
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.131146)
RooFit::Detail::RooNormalizedPdf::g_over_g_Int[x][ numerator=g denominator=g_Int[x] ]
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=2.2451e-08, denominator=g_Int[x]=-0.905133
prevFCN = 122.3539561 f=0.2285, m=1.706, p0=7.868e-05, s=0.8134,
prevFCN = 28.78647388 f=0.1125, m=2.24, p0=0.006973, s=-0.6231, RooAbsMinimizerFcn: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (31.8407) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows.
Parameter values: f=0.112499 m=2.24008 p0=0.00697315 s=-0.623113
RooAddPdf::model[ f * g_over_g_Int[x] + [%] * p_over_p_Int[x] ]
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to NaN @ !refCoefNorm=(x = 0), !pdfs=(g_over_g_Int[x] = nan,p_over_p_Int[x] = 0.05), !coefficients=(f = 0.112499)
RooFit::Detail::RooNormalizedPdf::g_over_g_Int[x][ numerator=g denominator=g_Int[x] ]
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
p.d.f normalization integral is zero or negative @ numerator=g=0.00156176, denominator=g_Int[x]=-1.56191
prevFCN = 188.0319232 f=0.1613, m=1.997, p0=0.00245, s=0.03234,
prevFCN = 28.83468497 f=0.1957, m=1.844, p0=0.0007883, s=0.4446,
prevFCN = 28.29265399 f=0.1624, m=1.992, p0=0.002383, s=0.04546,
prevFCN = 28.59402561 f=0.1875, m=1.879, p0=0.001091, s=0.3493,
prevFCN = 28.21262286 f=0.1848, m=1.891, p0=0.001205, s=0.317,
prevFCN = 28.2291378 f=0.1881, m=1.879, p0=0.001091, s=0.3493,
prevFCN = 28.2116799 f=0.1869,
prevFCN = 28.21358342 f=0.1875, m=1.883,
prevFCN = 28.19355103 m=1.876,
prevFCN = 28.23178919 m=1.881,
prevFCN = 28.20535193 m=1.878,
prevFCN = 28.21990748 m=1.879, p0=0.001046,
prevFCN = 28.21195078 p0=0.001136,
prevFCN = 28.21330942 p0=0.001091, s=0.3526,
prevFCN = 28.20611526 s=0.346,
prevFCN = 28.21961937 s=0.3499,
prevFCN = 28.21150023 s=0.3488,
prevFCN = 28.21375918 f=0.1722, m=1.965, p0=0.001851, s=0.1732,
prevFCN = 28.74341302 f=0.1862, m=1.887, p0=0.001148, s=0.3343,
prevFCN = 28.20584218 f=0.1867,
prevFCN = 28.2049983 f=0.1856,
prevFCN = 28.20669972 f=0.1862, m=1.888,
prevFCN = 28.1981678 m=1.885,
prevFCN = 28.21353035 m=1.887, p0=0.001103,
prevFCN = 28.205172 p0=0.001193,
prevFCN = 28.20652605 p0=0.001148, s=0.3349,
prevFCN = 28.20444386 s=0.3338,
prevFCN = 28.207256 f=0.1818, m=1.915, p0=0.001339, s=0.308,
prevFCN = 28.10982092 f=0.1645, m=2.028, p0=0.002253, s=0.2025,
prevFCN = 27.87419674 f=0.1563, m=2.083, p0=0.00279, s=0.1506,
prevFCN = 28.120134 f=0.1689, m=1.998, p0=0.001992, s=0.23,
prevFCN = 27.88982194 f=0.165, m=2.028, p0=0.002253, s=0.2025,
prevFCN = 27.87267254 f=0.164,
prevFCN = 27.87573501 f=0.1645, m=2.029,
prevFCN = 27.86358331 m=2.027,
prevFCN = 27.8848256 m=2.028, p0=0.002191,
prevFCN = 27.8732548 p0=0.002317,
prevFCN = 27.87515272 p0=0.002253, s=0.203,
prevFCN = 27.86944003 s=0.202,
prevFCN = 27.87899564 s=0.2028,
prevFCN = 27.87149737 s=0.2022,
prevFCN = 27.87690965 f=0.1678, m=2.025, p0=0.002114, s=0.2145,
prevFCN = 27.78335096 f=0.1813, m=2.015, p0=0.001599, s=0.2625,
prevFCN = 27.57269415 f=0.1863, m=2.011, p0=0.00143, s=0.2798,
prevFCN = 27.54157239 f=0.1904, m=2.008, p0=0.001303, s=0.2937,
prevFCN = 27.52903783 f=0.193, m=2.006, p0=0.001223, s=0.3027,
prevFCN = 27.52579739 f=0.1935,
prevFCN = 27.52443883 f=0.1924,
prevFCN = 27.52717062 f=0.193, m=2.008,
prevFCN = 27.51931944 m=2.005,
prevFCN = 27.53229881 m=2.007,
prevFCN = 27.52090749 m=2.006,
prevFCN = 27.53070065 m=2.006, p0=0.001178,
prevFCN = 27.52510167 p0=0.001268,
prevFCN = 27.52650648 p0=0.001223, s=0.303,
prevFCN = 27.52565028 s=0.3024,
prevFCN = 27.52594887 s=0.3032,
prevFCN = 27.52554316 s=0.3022,
prevFCN = 27.52606498 f=0.1972, m=2.021, p0=0.001181, s=0.2995,
prevFCN = 27.43559462 f=0.2143, m=2.078, p0=0.001023, s=0.2869,
prevFCN = 27.09103887 f=0.2593, m=2.222, p0=0.0006776, s=0.2553,
prevFCN = 26.4930668 f=0.3114, m=2.377, p0=0.0003819, s=0.2208,
prevFCN = 26.77366262 f=0.2701, m=2.254, p0=0.0006081, s=0.248,
prevFCN = 26.44761776 f=0.2707,
prevFCN = 26.4477329 f=0.2695,
prevFCN = 26.44751719 f=0.2701, m=2.255,
prevFCN = 26.44758877 m=2.254,
prevFCN = 26.44767461 m=2.255,
prevFCN = 26.44759504 m=2.254,
prevFCN = 26.44765333 m=2.254, p0=0.0005774,
prevFCN = 26.44711639 p0=0.0006397,
prevFCN = 26.44813234 p0=0.0006081, s=0.2485,
prevFCN = 26.44908167 s=0.2475,
prevFCN = 26.44616632 f=0.259, m=2.32, p0=9.98e-05, s=0.1948,
prevFCN = 26.48282841 f=0.2655, m=2.282, p0=0.0003449, s=0.2259,
prevFCN = 26.40615815 f=0.266,
prevFCN = 26.40618966 f=0.2649,
prevFCN = 26.40613942 f=0.2655, m=2.282,
prevFCN = 26.40679026 m=2.281,
prevFCN = 26.40554061 m=2.282, p0=0.0003222,
prevFCN = 26.4057895 p0=0.0003684,
prevFCN = 26.40653948 p0=0.0003449, s=0.2264,
prevFCN = 26.4069314 s=0.2254,
prevFCN = 26.40540512 f=0.2619, m=2.269, p0=1.166e-05, s=0.2128,
prevFCN = 26.37812649 f=0.2604, m=2.263, p0=9.718e-06, s=0.2071,
prevFCN = 26.37647825 f=0.2607, m=2.265, p0=2.448e-06, s=0.2085,
prevFCN = 26.37623563 f=0.2613,
prevFCN = 26.37614616 f=0.2602,
prevFCN = 26.37633795 f=0.2607, m=2.265,
prevFCN = 26.37638096 m=2.264,
prevFCN = 26.37610505 m=2.265, p0=4.799e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37627356 p0=8.816e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37621035 p0=2.448e-06, s=0.2089,
prevFCN = 26.37617463 s=0.208,
prevFCN = 26.37631583 f=0.266, m=2.258, p0=2.888e-06, s=0.2111,
prevFCN = 26.375028 f=0.2652, m=2.259, p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498908 f=0.2657,
prevFCN = 26.37499406 f=0.2646,
prevFCN = 26.37499693 f=0.2652, m=2.26,
prevFCN = 26.3750055 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498542 m=2.259, p0=5.333e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37502968 p0=1.1e-06,
prevFCN = 26.3749613 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.211,
prevFCN = 26.37501086 s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.37497968 s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498908 f=0.2657,
prevFCN = 26.37499406 f=0.2646,
prevFCN = 26.37499693 f=0.2652, m=2.26,
prevFCN = 26.3750055 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498542 m=2.259, p0=5.333e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37502968 p0=1.1e-06,
prevFCN = 26.3749613 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.211,
prevFCN = 26.37501086 s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.37497968 f=0.2653, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498905 f=0.2651,
prevFCN = 26.37498962 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37499134 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498732 m=2.259, p0=3.259e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37499617 p0=2.412e-06,
prevFCN = 26.3749825 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2108,
prevFCN = 26.37499245 s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498621 f=0.2657, m=2.26, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37501118 m=2.259, p0=5.333e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37503467 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.211,
prevFCN = 26.37501545 f=0.2652, m=2.26, p0=5.333e-06, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37504611 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.211,
prevFCN = 26.37502828 m=2.259, p0=5.333e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37505147 Minuit2Minimizer : Valid minimum - status = 0
FVAL = 26.3749890776353517
Edm = 5.84995092083426434e-05
Nfcn = 190
f = 0.2652 +/- 0.1492 (limited)
m = 2.259 +/- 0.1408 (limited)
p0 = 2.82e-06 +/- 0.03063 (limited)
s = 0.2107 +/- 0.09423 (limited)
p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498908 f=0.2653,
prevFCN = 26.37498905 f=0.2651,
prevFCN = 26.37498962 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37499134 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498732 m=2.259, p0=3.259e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37499617 p0=2.412e-06,
prevFCN = 26.3749825 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2108,
prevFCN = 26.37499245 s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498621 f=0.2652, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498903 f=0.2652,
prevFCN = 26.37498915 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498949 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498869 m=2.259, p0=2.905e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37499046 p0=2.736e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37498772 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498971 s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37498846 f=0.2653, m=2.259, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37499134 m=2.259, p0=3.259e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37499614 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2108,
prevFCN = 26.3749924 f=0.2652, m=2.259, p0=3.259e-06, s=0.2107,
prevFCN = 26.37499844 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2108,
prevFCN = 26.37499475 m=2.259, p0=3.259e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37499954 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2107, [#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: deactivating const optimization
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAbsPdf::fitTo(model) fixing normalization set for coefficient determination to observables in data
[#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAddition::defaultErrorLevel(nll_model_modelData) Summation contains a RooNLLVar, using its error level
[#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: activating const optimization
Minuit2Minimizer: Minimize with max-calls 2000 convergence for edm < 1 strategy 1
prevFCN = 26.37498908 f=0.2667,
prevFCN = 26.37503727 f=0.2636,
prevFCN = 26.37504545 f=0.2657,
prevFCN = 26.37499405 f=0.2646,
prevFCN = 26.37499692 f=0.2652, m=2.261,
prevFCN = 26.37506777 m=2.258,
prevFCN = 26.37501136 m=2.26,
prevFCN = 26.37500554 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37498543 m=2.259, p0=6.522e-06,
prevFCN = 26.3750489 p0=6.471e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37495398 p0=5.331e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37502965 p0=1.101e-06,
prevFCN = 26.37496132 p0=2.82e-06, s=0.2117,
prevFCN = 26.37508362 s=0.2098,
prevFCN = 26.37499532 s=0.2111,
prevFCN = 26.37501134 s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.37497963 f=0.2652, m=2.259, p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493072 f=0.2658,
prevFCN = 26.37493708 f=0.2647,
prevFCN = 26.37493718 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493591 m=2.258,
prevFCN = 26.3749384 m=2.259, p0=3.967e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37493713 p0=3.964e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37493713 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2106,
prevFCN = 26.37493624 s=0.21,
prevFCN = 26.37493815 s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493072 f=0.2658,
prevFCN = 26.37493708 f=0.2647,
prevFCN = 26.37493718 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493591 m=2.258,
prevFCN = 26.3749384 m=2.259, p0=3.967e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37493713 p0=3.964e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37493713 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2106,
prevFCN = 26.37493624 s=0.21,
prevFCN = 26.37493815 f=0.2654, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493097 f=0.2651,
prevFCN = 26.37493099 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493073 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493123 m=2.259, p0=1.589e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493098 p0=1.583e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493098 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.3749308 s=0.2102,
prevFCN = 26.37493117 f=0.2658, m=2.259, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37494296 m=2.259, p0=3.967e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37494349 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2106,
prevFCN = 26.3749422 f=0.2652, m=2.259, p0=3.967e-07, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37494232 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2106,
prevFCN = 26.37494248 m=2.259, p0=3.967e-07,
prevFCN = 26.37494265 Minuit2Minimizer : Valid minimum - status = 0
FVAL = 26.3749307248998583
Edm = 8.78576678649876913e-08
Nfcn = 49
f = 0.2652 +/- 0.1492 (limited)
m = 2.259 +/- 0.1406 (limited)
p0 = 1.367e-14 +/- 0.03063 (limited)
s = 0.2103 +/- 0.09377 (limited)
p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493072 f=0.2654,
prevFCN = 26.37493097 f=0.2651,
prevFCN = 26.37493099 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493073 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493123 m=2.259, p0=1.589e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493098 p0=1.583e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493098 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.3749308 s=0.2102,
prevFCN = 26.37493117 f=0.2653, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493073 f=0.2652,
prevFCN = 26.37493074 f=0.2652, m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493069 m=2.259,
prevFCN = 26.37493079 m=2.259, p0=6.404e-10,
prevFCN = 26.37493074 p0=6.286e-10,
prevFCN = 26.37493074 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.3749307 s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493077 f=0.2654, m=2.259, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493101 m=2.259, p0=1.589e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493123 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.37493103 f=0.2652, m=2.259, p0=1.589e-08, s=0.2103,
prevFCN = 26.37493099 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2104,
prevFCN = 26.37493085 m=2.259, p0=1.589e-08,
prevFCN = 26.37493105 p0=1.367e-14, s=0.2103, [#1] INFO:Minimization -- RooAbsMinimizerFcn::setOptimizeConst: deactivating const optimization
All Message streams
[0] MinLevel = PROGRESS Topic = Generation Minimization Plotting Fitting Integration LinkStateMgmt Eval Caching Optimization ObjectHandling InputArguments Tracing Contents DataHandling NumericIntegration FastEvaluations
[1] MinLevel = INFO Topic = Minimization Plotting Fitting Eval Caching ObjectHandling InputArguments DataHandling NumericIntegration
[2] MinLevel = INFO Topic = HistFactory
[3] MinLevel = DEBUG Topic = LinkStateMgmt
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server x(0x7ffe4272ffe0) for value
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server m(0x7ffe4272e3c8) for value
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server s(0x7ffe4272e7b0) for value
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server x(0x7ffe4272ffe0) for value
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server m(0x7ffe4272e3c8) for value
[#3] DEBUG:LinkStateMgmt -- RooAbsArg::addServer(0x4f3a290,g): adding server s(0x7ffe4272e7b0) for value
RooGaussian::g[ x=x mean=m sigma=s ] = 8.804e-26
July 2008
Wouter Verkerke

Definition in file rf506_msgservice.C.