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1// @(#)root/geom:$Id$
2// Author: Andrei Gheata 24/10/01
3// TGeoPcon::Contains() implemented by Mihaela Gheata
6 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
7 * All rights reserved. *
8 * *
9 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
10 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
11 *************************************************************************/
13/** \class TGeoPcon
14\ingroup Shapes_classes
16A polycone is represented by a sequence of tubes/cones, glued together
17at defined Z planes. The polycone might have a phi segmentation, which
18globally applies to all the pieces. It has to be defined in two steps:
201. First call the TGeoPcon constructor to define a polycone:
22 ~~~{.cpp}
23 TGeoPcon(Double_t phi1,Double_t dphi,Int_t nz
24 ~~~
26 - `phi1:` starting phi angle in degrees
27 - `dphi:` total phi range
28 - `nz:` number of Z planes defining polycone sections (minimum 2)
302. Define one by one all sections [0, nz-1]
33void TGeoPcon::DefineSection(Int_t i,Double_t z,
34Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax);
37 - `i:` section index [0, nz-1]
38 - `z:` z coordinate of the section
39 - `rmin:` minimum radius corresponding too this section
40 - `rmax:` maximum radius.
42The first section (`i=0`) has to be positioned always the lowest Z
43coordinate. It defines the radii of the first cone/tube segment at its
44lower Z. The next section defines the end-cap of the first segment, but
45it can represent also the beginning of the next one. Any discontinuity
46in the radius has to be represented by a section defined at the same Z
47coordinate as the previous one. The Z coordinates of all sections must
48be sorted in increasing order. Any radius or Z coordinate of a given
49plane have corresponding getters:
52Double_t TGeoPcon::GetRmin(Int_t i);
53Double_t TGeoPcon::GetRmax(Int_t i);
54Double_t TGeoPcon::GetZ(Int_t i);
57Note that the last section should be defined last, since it triggers the
58computation of the bounding box of the polycone.
62 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c",0,0,600,600);
63 new TGeoManager("pcon", "poza10");
64 TGeoMaterial *mat = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7);
65 TGeoMedium *med = new TGeoMedium("MED",1,mat);
66 TGeoVolume *top = gGeoManager->MakeBox("TOP",med,100,100,100);
67 gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(top);
68 TGeoVolume *vol = gGeoManager->MakePcon("PCON",med, -30.0,300,4);
69 TGeoPcon *pcon = (TGeoPcon*)(vol->GetShape());
70 pcon->DefineSection(0,0,15,20);
71 pcon->DefineSection(1,20,15,20);
72 pcon->DefineSection(2,20,15,25);
73 pcon->DefineSection(3,50,15,20);
74 vol->SetLineWidth(2);
75 top->AddNode(vol,1);
76 gGeoManager->CloseGeometry();
77 gGeoManager->SetNsegments(30);
78 top->Draw();
79 TView *view = gPad->GetView();
80 if (view) view->ShowAxis();
85#include "TGeoPcon.h"
87#include <iostream>
89#include "TBuffer.h"
90#include "TGeoManager.h"
91#include "TGeoVolume.h"
92#include "TVirtualGeoPainter.h"
93#include "TGeoTube.h"
94#include "TGeoCone.h"
95#include "TBuffer3D.h"
96#include "TBuffer3DTypes.h"
97#include "TMath.h"
102/// dummy ctor
105 : TGeoBBox(),
106 fNz(0),
107 fPhi1(0.),
108 fDphi(0.),
109 fRmin(nullptr),
110 fRmax(nullptr),
111 fZ(nullptr),
112 fFullPhi(kFALSE),
113 fC1(0.),
114 fS1(0.),
115 fC2(0.),
116 fS2(0.),
117 fCm(0.),
118 fSm(0.),
119 fCdphi(0.)
125/// Default constructor
128 : TGeoBBox(0, 0, 0),
129 fNz(nz),
130 fPhi1(phi),
131 fDphi(dphi),
132 fRmin(nullptr),
133 fRmax(nullptr),
134 fZ(nullptr),
135 fFullPhi(kFALSE),
136 fC1(0.),
137 fS1(0.),
138 fC2(0.),
139 fS2(0.),
140 fCm(0.),
141 fSm(0.),
142 fCdphi(0.)
145 while (fPhi1 < 0)
146 fPhi1 += 360.;
147 fRmin = new Double_t[nz];
148 fRmax = new Double_t[nz];
149 fZ = new Double_t[nz];
150 memset(fRmin, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
151 memset(fRmax, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
152 memset(fZ, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
154 fFullPhi = kTRUE;
157 Double_t phim = 0.5 * (phi1 + phi2);
168/// Default constructor
171 : TGeoBBox(name, 0, 0, 0),
172 fNz(nz),
173 fPhi1(phi),
174 fDphi(dphi),
175 fRmin(nullptr),
176 fRmax(nullptr),
177 fZ(nullptr),
178 fFullPhi(kFALSE),
179 fC1(0.),
180 fS1(0.),
181 fC2(0.),
182 fS2(0.),
183 fCm(0.),
184 fSm(0.),
185 fCdphi(0.)
188 while (fPhi1 < 0)
189 fPhi1 += 360.;
190 fRmin = new Double_t[nz];
191 fRmax = new Double_t[nz];
192 fZ = new Double_t[nz];
193 memset(fRmin, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
194 memset(fRmax, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
195 memset(fZ, 0, nz * sizeof(Double_t));
197 fFullPhi = kTRUE;
200 Double_t phim = 0.5 * (phi1 + phi2);
211/// Default constructor in GEANT3 style
212/// - param[0] = phi1
213/// - param[1] = dphi
214/// - param[2] = nz
215/// - param[3] = z1
216/// - param[4] = Rmin1
217/// - param[5] = Rmax1
218/// ...
221 : TGeoBBox(0, 0, 0),
222 fNz(0),
223 fPhi1(0.),
224 fDphi(0.),
225 fRmin(nullptr),
226 fRmax(nullptr),
227 fZ(nullptr),
228 fFullPhi(kFALSE),
229 fC1(0.),
230 fS1(0.),
231 fC2(0.),
232 fS2(0.),
233 fCm(0.),
234 fSm(0.),
235 fCdphi(0.)
238 SetDimensions(param);
239 ComputeBBox();
243/// destructor
247 if (fRmin) {
248 delete[] fRmin;
249 fRmin = nullptr;
250 }
251 if (fRmax) {
252 delete[] fRmax;
253 fRmax = nullptr;
254 }
255 if (fZ) {
256 delete[] fZ;
257 fZ = nullptr;
258 }
262/// Computes capacity of the shape in [length^3]
266 Int_t ipl;
268 Double_t capacity = 0.;
269 phi1 = fPhi1;
270 phi2 = fPhi1 + fDphi;
271 for (ipl = 0; ipl < fNz - 1; ipl++) {
272 dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
273 if (dz < TGeoShape::Tolerance())
274 continue;
275 rmin1 = fRmin[ipl];
276 rmax1 = fRmax[ipl];
277 rmin2 = fRmin[ipl + 1];
278 rmax2 = fRmax[ipl + 1];
280 }
281 return capacity;
285/// compute bounding box of the pcon
286/// Check if the sections are in increasing Z order
290 for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < fNz - 1; isec++) {
291 if (TMath::Abs(fZ[isec] - fZ[isec + 1]) < TGeoShape::Tolerance()) {
292 fZ[isec + 1] = fZ[isec];
295 InspectShape();
296 Error("ComputeBBox", "Duplicated section %d/%d for shape %s", isec, isec + 1, GetName());
297 }
298 }
299 if (fZ[isec] > fZ[isec + 1]) {
300 InspectShape();
301 Fatal("ComputeBBox", "Wrong section order");
302 }
303 }
304 // Check if the last sections are valid
305 if (TMath::Abs(fZ[1] - fZ[0]) < TGeoShape::Tolerance() ||
306 TMath::Abs(fZ[fNz - 1] - fZ[fNz - 2]) < TGeoShape::Tolerance()) {
307 InspectShape();
308 Fatal("ComputeBBox", "Shape %s at index %d: Not allowed first two or last two sections at same Z", GetName(),
310 }
311 Double_t zmin = TMath::Min(fZ[0], fZ[fNz - 1]);
312 Double_t zmax = TMath::Max(fZ[0], fZ[fNz - 1]);
313 // find largest rmax an smallest rmin
318 Double_t xc[4];
319 Double_t yc[4];
320 xc[0] = rmax * fC1;
321 yc[0] = rmax * fS1;
322 xc[1] = rmax * fC2;
323 yc[1] = rmax * fS2;
324 xc[2] = rmin * fC1;
325 yc[2] = rmin * fS1;
326 xc[3] = rmin * fC2;
327 yc[3] = rmin * fS2;
329 Double_t xmin = xc[TMath::LocMin(4, &xc[0])];
330 Double_t xmax = xc[TMath::LocMax(4, &xc[0])];
331 Double_t ymin = yc[TMath::LocMin(4, &yc[0])];
332 Double_t ymax = yc[TMath::LocMax(4, &yc[0])];
334 Double_t ddp = -fPhi1;
335 if (ddp < 0)
336 ddp += 360;
337 if (ddp <= fDphi)
338 xmax = rmax;
339 ddp = 90 - fPhi1;
340 if (ddp < 0)
341 ddp += 360;
342 if (ddp <= fDphi)
343 ymax = rmax;
344 ddp = 180 - fPhi1;
345 if (ddp < 0)
346 ddp += 360;
347 if (ddp <= fDphi)
348 xmin = -rmax;
349 ddp = 270 - fPhi1;
350 if (ddp < 0)
351 ddp += 360;
352 if (ddp <= fDphi)
353 ymin = -rmax;
354 fOrigin[0] = (xmax + xmin) / 2;
355 fOrigin[1] = (ymax + ymin) / 2;
356 fOrigin[2] = (zmax + zmin) / 2;
357 fDX = (xmax - xmin) / 2;
358 fDY = (ymax - ymin) / 2;
359 fDZ = (zmax - zmin) / 2;
364/// Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
366void TGeoPcon::ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm) const
368 memset(norm, 0, 3 * sizeof(Double_t));
369 Double_t r;
370 Double_t ptnew[3];
373 Int_t ipl = TMath::BinarySearch(fNz, fZ, point[2]);
374 if (ipl == (fNz - 1) || ipl < 0) {
375 // point outside Z range
376 norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1., dir[2]);
377 return;
378 }
380 if ((fZ[ipl + 1] - point[2]) < (point[2] - fZ[ipl]))
381 iplclose++;
382 dz = TMath::Abs(fZ[iplclose] - point[2]);
383 if (dz < 1E-5) {
384 if (iplclose == 0 || iplclose == (fNz - 1)) {
385 norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1., dir[2]);
386 return;
387 }
389 r = TMath::Sqrt(point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1]);
390 if (r < TMath::Max(fRmin[ipl], fRmin[ipl - 1]) || r > TMath::Min(fRmax[ipl], fRmax[ipl - 1])) {
391 norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1., dir[2]);
392 return;
393 }
394 } else {
396 r = TMath::Sqrt(point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1]);
397 if (r < TMath::Max(fRmin[iplclose], fRmin[iplclose + 1]) ||
399 norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1., dir[2]);
400 return;
401 }
402 }
403 }
404 } //-> Z done
405 memcpy(ptnew, point, 3 * sizeof(Double_t));
406 dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
408 norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1., dir[2]);
409 return;
410 }
411 ptnew[2] -= 0.5 * (fZ[ipl] + fZ[ipl + 1]);
412 rmin1 = fRmin[ipl];
413 rmax1 = fRmax[ipl];
414 rmin2 = fRmin[ipl + 1];
415 rmax2 = fRmax[ipl + 1];
417 ? kTRUE
418 : kFALSE;
419 if (!fFullPhi) {
420 if (is_tube)
422 else
424 } else {
425 if (is_tube)
427 else
429 }
433/// test if point is inside this shape
434/// check total z range
438 if ((point[2] < fZ[0]) || (point[2] > fZ[fNz - 1]))
439 return kFALSE;
440 // check R squared
441 Double_t r2 = point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1];
443 Int_t izl = 0;
444 Int_t izh = fNz - 1;
445 Int_t izt = (fNz - 1) / 2;
446 while ((izh - izl) > 1) {
447 if (point[2] > fZ[izt])
448 izl = izt;
449 else
450 izh = izt;
451 izt = (izl + izh) >> 1;
452 }
453 // the point is in the section bounded by izl and izh Z planes
455 // compute Rmin and Rmax and test the value of R squared
460 } else {
461 Double_t dz = fZ[izh] - fZ[izl];
462 Double_t dz1 = point[2] - fZ[izl];
463 rmin = (fRmin[izl] * (dz - dz1) + fRmin[izh] * dz1) / dz;
464 rmax = (fRmax[izl] * (dz - dz1) + fRmax[izh] * dz1) / dz;
465 }
466 if ((r2 < rmin * rmin) || (r2 > rmax * rmax))
467 return kFALSE;
468 // now check phi
470 return kTRUE;
471 if (r2 < 1E-10)
472 return kTRUE;
473 Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(point[1], point[0]) * TMath::RadToDeg();
474 if (phi < 0)
475 phi += 360.0;
476 Double_t ddp = phi - fPhi1;
477 if (ddp < 0)
478 ddp += 360.;
479 if (ddp <= fDphi)
480 return kTRUE;
481 return kFALSE;
485/// compute closest distance from point px,py to each corner
490 const Int_t numPoints = 2 * n * fNz;
491 return ShapeDistancetoPrimitive(numPoints, px, py);
495/// compute distance from inside point to surface of the polycone
500 if (iact < 3 && safe) {
501 *safe = Safety(point, kTRUE);
502 if (iact == 0)
503 return TGeoShape::Big();
504 if ((iact == 1) && (*safe > step))
505 return TGeoShape::Big();
506 }
508 Double_t sstep = 1E-6;
510 // determine which z segment contains the point
511 Int_t ipl = TMath::BinarySearch(fNz, fZ, point[2] + TMath::Sign(1.E-10, dir[2]));
512 if (ipl < 0)
513 ipl = 0;
514 if (ipl == (fNz - 1))
515 ipl--;
516 Double_t dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
518 if (dz < 1e-9) {
519 // radius changing segment, make sure track is not in the XY plane
520 if (TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(dir[2], 0)) {
522 } else {
523 // check if a close point is still contained
524 point_new[0] = point[0] + sstep * dir[0];
525 point_new[1] = point[1] + sstep * dir[1];
526 point_new[2] = point[2] + sstep * dir[2];
527 if (!Contains(point_new))
528 return 0.;
529 return (DistFromInside(point_new, dir, iact, step, safe) + sstep);
530 }
531 }
532 // determine if the current segment is a tube or a cone
535 intub = kFALSE;
537 intub = kFALSE;
538 // determine phi segmentation
539 memcpy(point_new, point, 2 * sizeof(Double_t));
540 // new point in reference system of the current segment
541 point_new[2] = point[2] - 0.5 * (fZ[ipl] + fZ[ipl + 1]);
543 if (special_case) {
544 if (!fFullPhi)
546 TMath::Max(fRmax[ipl], fRmax[ipl + 1]), dz, fC1, fS1, fC2, fS2, fCm, fSm,
547 fCdphi);
548 else
550 TMath::Max(fRmax[ipl], fRmax[ipl + 1]), dz);
551 return snxt;
552 }
553 if (intub) {
554 if (!fFullPhi)
556 fCdphi);
557 else
559 } else {
560 if (!fFullPhi)
562 fC1, fS1, fC2, fS2, fCm, fSm, fCdphi);
563 else
565 }
567 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
568 point_new[i] = point[i] + (snxt + 1E-6) * dir[i];
569 if (!Contains(&point_new[0]))
570 return snxt;
572 snxt += DistFromInside(&point_new[0], dir, 3) + 1E-6;
573 return snxt;
577/// compute distance to a pcon Z slice. Segment iz must be valid
579Double_t TGeoPcon::DistToSegZ(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t &iz) const
581 Double_t zmin = fZ[iz];
582 Double_t zmax = fZ[iz + 1];
583 if (TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(zmin, zmax)) {
585 return TGeoShape::Big();
586 Int_t istep = (dir[2] > 0) ? 1 : -1;
587 iz += istep;
588 if (iz < 0 || iz > (fNz - 2))
589 return TGeoShape::Big();
590 return DistToSegZ(point, dir, iz);
591 }
592 Double_t dz = 0.5 * (zmax - zmin);
593 Double_t local[3];
594 memcpy(&local[0], point, 3 * sizeof(Double_t));
595 local[2] = point[2] - 0.5 * (zmin + zmax);
597 Double_t rmin1 = fRmin[iz];
598 Double_t rmax1 = fRmax[iz];
599 Double_t rmin2 = fRmin[iz + 1];
600 Double_t rmax2 = fRmax[iz + 1];
603 if (fFullPhi)
605 else
607 } else {
608 if (fFullPhi)
610 else
612 fCdphi);
613 }
614 if (snxt < 1E20)
615 return snxt;
616 // check next segment
618 return TGeoShape::Big();
619 Int_t istep = (dir[2] > 0) ? 1 : -1;
620 iz += istep;
621 if (iz < 0 || iz > (fNz - 2))
622 return TGeoShape::Big();
623 return DistToSegZ(point, dir, iz);
627/// compute distance from outside point to surface of the tube
632 if ((iact < 3) && safe) {
633 *safe = Safety(point, kFALSE);
634 if ((iact == 1) && (*safe > step))
635 return TGeoShape::Big();
636 if (iact == 0)
637 return TGeoShape::Big();
638 }
639 // check if ray intersect outscribed cylinder
640 if ((point[2] < fZ[0]) && (dir[2] <= 0))
641 return TGeoShape::Big();
642 if ((point[2] > fZ[fNz - 1]) && (dir[2] >= 0))
643 return TGeoShape::Big();
644 // Check if the bounding box is crossed within the requested distance
645 Double_t sdist = TGeoBBox::DistFromOutside(point, dir, fDX, fDY, fDZ, fOrigin, step);
646 if (sdist >= step)
647 return TGeoShape::Big();
649 Double_t r2 = point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1];
650 Double_t radmax = 0;
652 if (r2 > (radmax * radmax)) {
653 Double_t rpr = -point[0] * dir[0] - point[1] * dir[1];
654 Double_t nxy = dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1];
655 if (rpr < TMath::Sqrt((r2 - radmax * radmax) * nxy))
656 return TGeoShape::Big();
657 }
659 // find in which Z segment we are
660 Int_t ipl = TMath::BinarySearch(fNz, fZ, point[2]);
661 Int_t ifirst = ipl;
662 if (ifirst < 0) {
663 ifirst = 0;
664 } else if (ifirst >= (fNz - 1)) {
665 ifirst = fNz - 2;
666 }
667 // find if point is in the phi gap
668 Double_t phi = 0;
669 if (!fFullPhi) {
670 phi = TMath::ATan2(point[1], point[0]);
671 if (phi < 0)
672 phi += 2. * TMath::Pi();
673 }
675 // compute distance to boundary
676 return DistToSegZ(point, dir, ifirst);
680/// Defines z position of a section plane, rmin and rmax at this z. Sections
681/// should be defined in increasing or decreasing Z order and the last section
682/// HAS to be snum = fNz-1
686 if ((snum < 0) || (snum >= fNz))
687 return;
688 fZ[snum] = z;
689 fRmin[snum] = rmin;
690 fRmax[snum] = rmax;
691 if (rmin > rmax)
692 Warning("DefineSection", "Shape %s: invalid rmin=%g rmax=%g", GetName(), rmin, rmax);
693 if (snum == (fNz - 1)) {
694 // Reorder sections in increasing Z order
695 if (fZ[0] > fZ[snum]) {
696 Int_t iz = 0;
697 Int_t izi = fNz - 1;
698 Double_t temp;
699 while (iz < izi) {
700 temp = fZ[iz];
701 fZ[iz] = fZ[izi];
702 fZ[izi] = temp;
703 temp = fRmin[iz];
704 fRmin[iz] = fRmin[izi];
705 fRmin[izi] = temp;
706 temp = fRmax[iz];
707 fRmax[iz] = fRmax[izi];
708 fRmax[izi] = temp;
709 iz++;
710 izi--;
711 }
712 }
713 ComputeBBox();
714 }
718/// Returns number of segments on each mesh circle segment.
722 return gGeoManager->GetNsegments();
726/// Divide this polycone shape belonging to volume "voldiv" into ndiv volumes
727/// called divname, from start position with the given step. Returns pointer
728/// to created division cell volume in case of Z divisions. Z divisions can be
729/// performed if the divided range is in between two consecutive Z planes.
730/// In case a wrong division axis is supplied, returns pointer to
731/// volume that was divided.
736 TGeoShape *shape; //--- shape to be created
737 TGeoVolume *vol; //--- division volume to be created
738 TGeoVolumeMulti *vmulti; //--- generic divided volume
739 TGeoPatternFinder *finder; //--- finder to be attached
740 TString opt = ""; //--- option to be attached
741 Double_t zmin = start;
742 Double_t zmax = start + ndiv * step;
743 Int_t isect = -1;
744 Int_t is, id, ipl;
745 switch (iaxis) {
746 case 1: //--- R division
747 Error("Divide", "Shape %s: cannot divide a pcon on radius", GetName());
748 return nullptr;
749 case 2: //--- Phi division
750 finder = new TGeoPatternCylPhi(voldiv, ndiv, start, start + ndiv * step);
752 voldiv->SetFinder(finder);
753 finder->SetDivIndex(voldiv->GetNdaughters());
754 shape = new TGeoPcon(-step / 2, step, fNz);
755 for (is = 0; is < fNz; is++)
756 ((TGeoPcon *)shape)->DefineSection(is, fZ[is], fRmin[is], fRmax[is]);
757 vol = new TGeoVolume(divname, shape, voldiv->GetMedium());
758 vmulti->AddVolume(vol);
759 opt = "Phi";
760 for (id = 0; id < ndiv; id++) {
761 voldiv->AddNodeOffset(vol, id, start + id * step + step / 2, opt.Data());
762 ((TGeoNodeOffset *)voldiv->GetNodes()->At(voldiv->GetNdaughters() - 1))->SetFinder(finder);
763 }
764 return vmulti;
765 case 3: //--- Z division
766 // find start plane
767 for (ipl = 0; ipl < fNz - 1; ipl++) {
768 if (start < fZ[ipl])
769 continue;
770 else {
771 if ((start + ndiv * step) > fZ[ipl + 1])
772 continue;
773 }
774 isect = ipl;
775 zmin = fZ[isect];
776 zmax = fZ[isect + 1];
777 break;
778 }
779 if (isect < 0) {
780 Error("Divide", "Shape %s: cannot divide pcon on Z if divided region is not between 2 planes", GetName());
781 return nullptr;
782 }
783 finder = new TGeoPatternZ(voldiv, ndiv, start, start + ndiv * step);
785 voldiv->SetFinder(finder);
786 finder->SetDivIndex(voldiv->GetNdaughters());
787 opt = "Z";
788 for (id = 0; id < ndiv; id++) {
789 Double_t z1 = start + id * step;
790 Double_t z2 = start + (id + 1) * step;
791 Double_t rmin1 = (fRmin[isect] * (zmax - z1) - fRmin[isect + 1] * (zmin - z1)) / (zmax - zmin);
792 Double_t rmax1 = (fRmax[isect] * (zmax - z1) - fRmax[isect + 1] * (zmin - z1)) / (zmax - zmin);
793 Double_t rmin2 = (fRmin[isect] * (zmax - z2) - fRmin[isect + 1] * (zmin - z2)) / (zmax - zmin);
794 Double_t rmax2 = (fRmax[isect] * (zmax - z2) - fRmax[isect + 1] * (zmin - z2)) / (zmax - zmin);
797 ? kTRUE
798 : kFALSE;
799 Bool_t is_seg = (fDphi < 360) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
800 if (is_seg) {
801 if (is_tube)
802 shape = new TGeoTubeSeg(fRmin[isect], fRmax[isect], step / 2, fPhi1, fPhi1 + fDphi);
803 else
804 shape = new TGeoConeSeg(step / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2, fPhi1, fPhi1 + fDphi);
805 } else {
806 if (is_tube)
807 shape = new TGeoTube(fRmin[isect], fRmax[isect], step / 2);
808 else
809 shape = new TGeoCone(step / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
810 }
811 vol = new TGeoVolume(divname, shape, voldiv->GetMedium());
812 vmulti->AddVolume(vol);
813 voldiv->AddNodeOffset(vol, id, start + id * step + step / 2, opt.Data());
814 ((TGeoNodeOffset *)voldiv->GetNodes()->At(voldiv->GetNdaughters() - 1))->SetFinder(finder);
815 }
816 return vmulti;
817 default: Error("Divide", "Shape %s: Wrong axis %d for division", GetName(), iaxis); return nullptr;
818 }
822/// Returns name of axis IAXIS.
826 switch (iaxis) {
827 case 1: return "R";
828 case 2: return "PHI";
829 case 3: return "Z";
830 default: return "UNDEFINED";
831 }
835/// Get range of shape for a given axis.
839 xlo = 0;
840 xhi = 0;
841 Double_t dx = 0;
842 switch (iaxis) {
843 case 2:
844 xlo = fPhi1;
845 xhi = fPhi1 + fDphi;
846 dx = fDphi;
847 return dx;
848 case 3:
849 xlo = fZ[0];
850 xhi = fZ[fNz - 1];
851 dx = xhi - xlo;
852 return dx;
853 }
854 return dx;
858/// Fill vector param[4] with the bounding cylinder parameters. The order
859/// is the following : Rmin, Rmax, Phi1, Phi2
863 param[0] = fRmin[0]; // Rmin
864 param[1] = fRmax[0]; // Rmax
865 for (Int_t i = 1; i < fNz; i++) {
866 if (fRmin[i] < param[0])
867 param[0] = fRmin[i];
868 if (fRmax[i] > param[1])
869 param[1] = fRmax[i];
870 }
871 param[0] *= param[0];
872 param[1] *= param[1];
874 param[2] = 0.;
875 param[3] = 360.;
876 return;
877 }
878 param[2] = (fPhi1 < 0) ? (fPhi1 + 360.) : fPhi1; // Phi1
879 param[3] = param[2] + fDphi; // Phi2
883/// Returns Rmin for Z segment IPL.
887 if (ipl < 0 || ipl > (fNz - 1)) {
888 Error("GetRmin", "ipl=%i out of range (0,%i) in shape %s", ipl, fNz - 1, GetName());
889 return 0.;
890 }
891 return fRmin[ipl];
895/// Returns Rmax for Z segment IPL.
899 if (ipl < 0 || ipl > (fNz - 1)) {
900 Error("GetRmax", "ipl=%i out of range (0,%i) in shape %s", ipl, fNz - 1, GetName());
901 return 0.;
902 }
903 return fRmax[ipl];
907/// Returns Z for segment IPL.
911 if (ipl < 0 || ipl > (fNz - 1)) {
912 Error("GetZ", "ipl=%i out of range (0,%i) in shape %s", ipl, fNz - 1, GetName());
913 return 0.;
914 }
915 return fZ[ipl];
919/// print shape parameters
923 printf("*** Shape %s: TGeoPcon ***\n", GetName());
924 printf(" Nz = %i\n", fNz);
925 printf(" phi1 = %11.5f\n", fPhi1);
926 printf(" dphi = %11.5f\n", fDphi);
927 for (Int_t ipl = 0; ipl < fNz; ipl++)
928 printf(" plane %i: z=%11.5f Rmin=%11.5f Rmax=%11.5f\n", ipl, fZ[ipl], fRmin[ipl], fRmax[ipl]);
929 printf(" Bounding box:\n");
934/// Creates a TBuffer3D describing *this* shape.
935/// Coordinates are in local reference frame.
941 if (nbPnts <= 0)
942 return nullptr;
944 TBuffer3D *buff =
946 if (buff) {
947 SetPoints(buff->fPnts);
949 }
951 return buff;
955/// Fill TBuffer3D structure for segments and polygons.
959 if (!HasInsideSurface()) {
961 return;
962 }
964 Int_t i, j;
965 const Int_t n = gGeoManager->GetNsegments() + 1;
966 Int_t nz = GetNz();
967 if (nz < 2)
968 return;
969 Int_t nbPnts = nz * 2 * n;
970 if (nbPnts <= 0)
971 return;
977 Int_t indx = 0, indx2, k;
979 // inside & outside circles, number of segments: 2*nz*(n-1)
980 // special case number of segments: 2*nz*n
981 for (i = 0; i < nz * 2; i++) {
982 indx2 = i * n;
983 for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
984 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
985 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j - 1;
986 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j;
987 }
988 if (specialCase) {
989 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
990 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j - 1;
991 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2;
992 }
993 }
995 // bottom & top lines, number of segments: 2*n
996 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
997 indx2 = i * (nz - 1) * 2 * n;
998 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
999 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1000 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1001 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + n + j;
1002 }
1003 }
1005 // inside & outside cylinders, number of segments: 2*(nz-1)*n
1006 for (i = 0; i < (nz - 1); i++) {
1007 // inside cylinder
1008 indx2 = i * n * 2;
1009 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1010 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c + 2;
1011 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1012 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + n * 2 + j;
1013 }
1014 // outside cylinder
1015 indx2 = i * n * 2 + n;
1016 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1017 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c + 3;
1018 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1019 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + n * 2 + j;
1020 }
1021 }
1023 // left & right sections, number of segments: 2*(nz-2)
1024 // special case number of segments: 0
1025 if (!specialCase) {
1026 for (i = 1; i < (nz - 1); i++) {
1027 for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
1028 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1029 buff.fSegs[indx++] = 2 * i * n + j * (n - 1);
1030 buff.fSegs[indx++] = (2 * i + 1) * n + j * (n - 1);
1031 }
1032 }
1033 }
1035 Int_t m = n - 1 + (specialCase ? 1 : 0);
1036 indx = 0;
1038 // bottom & top, number of polygons: 2*(n-1)
1039 // special case number of polygons: 2*n
1040 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1041 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 3;
1042 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1043 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + j;
1044 buff.fPols[indx++] = m + j;
1045 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + j + 1;
1046 buff.fPols[indx++] = j;
1047 }
1048 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1049 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 3;
1050 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1051 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + n + j;
1052 buff.fPols[indx++] = (nz * 2 - 2) * m + j;
1053 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + n + j + 1;
1054 buff.fPols[indx++] = (nz * 2 - 2) * m + m + j;
1055 }
1056 if (specialCase) {
1057 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 3;
1058 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1059 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + j;
1060 buff.fPols[indx++] = m + j;
1061 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m;
1062 buff.fPols[indx++] = j;
1064 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 3;
1065 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1066 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + n + j;
1067 buff.fPols[indx++] = (nz * 2 - 2) * m + m + j;
1068 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * nz * m + n;
1069 buff.fPols[indx++] = (nz * 2 - 2) * m + j;
1070 }
1072 // inside & outside, number of polygons: (nz-1)*2*(n-1)
1073 for (k = 0; k < (nz - 1); k++) {
1074 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1075 buff.fPols[indx++] = c;
1076 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1077 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * k * m + j;
1078 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 2) * n + j + 1;
1079 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 2) * m + j;
1080 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 2) * n + j;
1081 }
1082 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1083 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 1;
1084 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1085 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 1) * m + j;
1086 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 3) * n + j;
1087 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 3) * m + j;
1088 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 3) * n + j + 1;
1089 }
1090 if (specialCase) {
1091 buff.fPols[indx++] = c;
1092 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1093 buff.fPols[indx++] = 2 * k * m + j;
1094 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 2) * n;
1095 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 2) * m + j;
1096 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 2) * n + j;
1098 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 1;
1099 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1100 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 1) * m + j;
1101 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 3) * n + j;
1102 buff.fPols[indx++] = (2 * k + 3) * m + j;
1103 buff.fPols[indx++] = nz * 2 * m + (2 * k + 3) * n;
1104 }
1105 }
1107 // left & right sections, number of polygons: 2*(nz-1)
1108 // special case number of polygons: 0
1109 if (!specialCase) {
1110 indx2 = nz * 2 * (n - 1);
1111 for (k = 0; k < (nz - 1); k++) {
1112 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 2;
1113 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1114 buff.fPols[indx++] = k == 0 ? indx2 : indx2 + 2 * nz * n + 2 * (k - 1);
1115 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + 2 * (k + 1) * n;
1116 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + 2 * nz * n + 2 * k;
1117 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + (2 * k + 3) * n;
1119 buff.fPols[indx++] = c + 2;
1120 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1121 buff.fPols[indx++] = k == 0 ? indx2 + n - 1 : indx2 + 2 * nz * n + 2 * (k - 1) + 1;
1122 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + (2 * k + 3) * n + n - 1;
1123 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + 2 * nz * n + 2 * k + 1;
1124 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + 2 * (k + 1) * n + n - 1;
1125 }
1126 buff.fPols[indx - 8] = indx2 + n;
1127 buff.fPols[indx - 2] = indx2 + 2 * n - 1;
1128 }
1132/// Fill TBuffer3D structure for segments and polygons, when no inner surface exists
1136 const Int_t n = gGeoManager->GetNsegments() + 1;
1137 const Int_t nz = GetNz();
1138 const Int_t nbPnts = nz * n + 2;
1140 if ((nz < 2) || (nbPnts <= 0) || (n < 2))
1141 return;
1143 Int_t c = GetBasicColor();
1145 Int_t indx = 0, indx1 = 0, indx2 = 0, i, j;
1147 // outside circles, number of segments: nz*n
1148 for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
1149 indx2 = i * n;
1150 for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
1151 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1152 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j - 1;
1153 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j % (n - 1);
1154 }
1155 }
1157 indx2 = 0;
1158 // bottom lines
1159 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1160 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1161 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j % (n - 1);
1162 buff.fSegs[indx++] = nbPnts - 2;
1163 }
1165 indx2 = (nz - 1) * n;
1166 // top lines
1167 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1168 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1169 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j % (n - 1);
1170 buff.fSegs[indx++] = nbPnts - 1;
1171 }
1173 // outside cylinders, number of segments: (nz-1)*n
1174 for (i = 0; i < (nz - 1); i++) {
1175 // outside cylinder
1176 indx2 = i * n;
1177 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1178 buff.fSegs[indx++] = c;
1179 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + j % (n - 1);
1180 buff.fSegs[indx++] = indx2 + n + j % (n - 1);
1181 }
1182 }
1184 indx = 0;
1186 // bottom cap
1187 indx1 = 0; // start of first z layer
1188 indx2 = nz * (n - 1);
1189 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1190 buff.fPols[indx++] = c;
1191 buff.fPols[indx++] = 3;
1192 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx1 + j;
1193 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j + 1;
1194 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1195 }
1197 // top cap
1198 indx1 = (nz - 1) * (n - 1); // start last z layer
1199 indx2 = nz * (n - 1) + n;
1200 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1201 buff.fPols[indx++] = c;
1202 buff.fPols[indx++] = 3;
1203 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx1 + j; // last z layer
1204 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1205 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j + 1;
1206 }
1208 // outside, number of polygons: (nz-1)*(n-1)
1209 for (Int_t k = 0; k < (nz - 1); k++) {
1210 indx1 = k * (n - 1);
1211 indx2 = nz * (n - 1) + n * 2 + k * n;
1212 for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
1213 buff.fPols[indx++] = c;
1214 buff.fPols[indx++] = 4;
1215 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx1 + j;
1216 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j;
1217 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx1 + j + (n - 1);
1218 buff.fPols[indx++] = indx2 + j + 1;
1219 }
1220 }
1224/// Compute safety from POINT to segment between planes ipl, ipl+1 within safmin.
1228 if (ipl < 0 || ipl > fNz - 2)
1229 return (safmin + 1.); // error in input plane
1230 // Get info about segment.
1231 Double_t dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
1232 if (dz < 1E-9)
1233 return 1E9; // radius-changing segment
1234 Double_t ptnew[3];
1235 memcpy(ptnew, point, 3 * sizeof(Double_t));
1236 ptnew[2] -= 0.5 * (fZ[ipl] + fZ[ipl + 1]);
1238 if (safe > safmin)
1239 return TGeoShape::Big(); // means: stop checking further segments
1242 Double_t rmin2 = fRmin[ipl + 1];
1243 Double_t rmax2 = fRmax[ipl + 1];
1245 ? kTRUE
1246 : kFALSE;
1247 if (!fFullPhi) {
1248 if (is_tube)
1250 else
1252 } else {
1253 if (is_tube)
1255 else
1257 }
1258 if (safe < 0)
1259 safe = 0;
1260 return safe;
1264/// computes the closest distance from given point to this shape, according
1265/// to option. The matching point on the shape is stored in spoint.
1266/// localize the Z segment
1271 Double_t dz;
1272 Int_t ipl, iplane;
1274 if (in) {
1275 //---> point is inside pcon
1276 ipl = TMath::BinarySearch(fNz, fZ, point[2]);
1277 if (ipl == (fNz - 1))
1278 return 0; // point on last Z boundary
1279 if (ipl < 0)
1280 return 0; // point on first Z boundary
1281 if (ipl > 0 && TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(fZ[ipl - 1], fZ[ipl]) &&
1282 TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(point[2], fZ[ipl - 1]))
1283 ipl--;
1284 dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
1285 if (dz < 1E-8) {
1286 // Point on a segment-changing plane
1287 safmin = TMath::Min(point[2] - fZ[ipl - 1], fZ[ipl + 2] - point[2]);
1289 if (fDphi < 360)
1290 saftmp = TGeoShape::SafetyPhi(point, in, fPhi1, fPhi1 + fDphi);
1291 if (saftmp < safmin)
1292 safmin = saftmp;
1293 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1]);
1294 if (fRmin[ipl] > 0)
1296 if (fRmin[ipl + 1] > 0)
1300 if (safmin < 0)
1301 safmin = 0;
1302 return safmin;
1303 }
1304 // Check safety for current segment
1305 safmin = SafetyToSegment(point, ipl);
1306 if (safmin > 1E10) {
1307 // something went wrong - point is not inside current segment
1308 return 0.;
1309 }
1310 if (safmin < 1E-6)
1311 return TMath::Abs(safmin); // point on radius-changing plane
1312 // check increasing iplanes
1313 /*
1314 iplane = ipl+1;
1315 saftmp = 0.;
1316 while ((iplane<fNz-1) && saftmp<1E10) {
1317 saftmp = TMath::Abs(SafetyToSegment(point,iplane,kFALSE,safmin));
1318 if (saftmp<safmin) safmin=saftmp;
1319 iplane++;
1320 }
1321 // now decreasing nplanes
1322 iplane = ipl-1;
1323 saftmp = 0.;
1324 while ((iplane>=0) && saftmp<1E10) {
1325 saftmp = TMath::Abs(SafetyToSegment(point,iplane,kFALSE,safmin));
1326 if (saftmp<safmin) safmin=saftmp;
1327 iplane--;
1328 }
1329 */
1330 return safmin;
1331 }
1332 //---> point is outside pcon
1333 ipl = TMath::BinarySearch(fNz, fZ, point[2]);
1334 if (ipl < 0)
1335 ipl = 0;
1336 else if (ipl == fNz - 1)
1337 ipl = fNz - 2;
1338 dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
1339 if (dz < 1E-8 && (ipl + 2 < fNz)) {
1340 ipl++;
1341 dz = 0.5 * (fZ[ipl + 1] - fZ[ipl]);
1342 }
1343 // Check safety for current segment
1344 safmin = SafetyToSegment(point, ipl, kFALSE);
1345 if (safmin < 1E-6)
1346 return TMath::Abs(safmin); // point on radius-changing plane
1347 saftmp = 0.;
1348 // check increasing iplanes
1349 iplane = ipl + 1;
1350 saftmp = 0.;
1351 while ((iplane < fNz - 1) && saftmp < 1E10) {
1353 if (saftmp < safmin)
1354 safmin = saftmp;
1355 iplane++;
1356 }
1357 // now decreasing nplanes
1358 iplane = ipl - 1;
1359 saftmp = 0.;
1360 while ((iplane >= 0) && saftmp < 1E10) {
1362 if (saftmp < safmin)
1363 safmin = saftmp;
1364 iplane--;
1365 }
1366 return safmin;
1370/// Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".
1372void TGeoPcon::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*option*/ /*= ""*/)
1375 return;
1376 out << " // Shape: " << GetName() << " type: " << ClassName() << std::endl;
1377 out << " phi1 = " << fPhi1 << ";" << std::endl;
1378 out << " dphi = " << fDphi << ";" << std::endl;
1379 out << " nz = " << fNz << ";" << std::endl;
1380 out << " auto " << GetPointerName() << " = new TGeoPcon(\"" << GetName() << "\", phi1, dphi, nz);" << std::endl;
1381 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNz; i++) {
1382 out << " z = " << fZ[i] << ";" << std::endl;
1383 out << " rmin = " << fRmin[i] << ";" << std::endl;
1384 out << " rmax = " << fRmax[i] << ";" << std::endl;
1385 out << " " << GetPointerName() << "->DefineSection(" << i << ", z,rmin,rmax);" << std::endl;
1386 }
1391/// Set polycone dimensions starting from an array.
1395 fPhi1 = param[0];
1396 while (fPhi1 < 0)
1397 fPhi1 += 360.;
1398 fDphi = param[1];
1399 fNz = (Int_t)param[2];
1400 if (fNz < 2) {
1401 Error("SetDimensions", "Pcon %s: Number of Z sections must be > 2", GetName());
1402 return;
1403 }
1404 if (fRmin)
1405 delete[] fRmin;
1406 if (fRmax)
1407 delete[] fRmax;
1408 if (fZ)
1409 delete[] fZ;
1410 fRmin = new Double_t[fNz];
1411 fRmax = new Double_t[fNz];
1412 fZ = new Double_t[fNz];
1413 memset(fRmin, 0, fNz * sizeof(Double_t));
1414 memset(fRmax, 0, fNz * sizeof(Double_t));
1415 memset(fZ, 0, fNz * sizeof(Double_t));
1417 fFullPhi = kTRUE;
1419 Double_t phi2 = phi1 + fDphi;
1420 Double_t phim = 0.5 * (phi1 + phi2);
1429 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNz; i++)
1430 DefineSection(i, param[3 + 3 * i], param[4 + 3 * i], param[5 + 3 * i]);
1434/// create polycone mesh points
1438 Double_t phi, dphi;
1440 dphi = fDphi / (n - 1);
1441 Int_t i, j;
1442 Int_t indx = 0;
1446 if (points) {
1447 for (i = 0; i < fNz; i++) {
1448 if (hasInside)
1449 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1450 phi = (fPhi1 + j * dphi) * TMath::DegToRad();
1451 points[indx++] = fRmin[i] * TMath::Cos(phi);
1452 points[indx++] = fRmin[i] * TMath::Sin(phi);
1453 points[indx++] = fZ[i];
1454 }
1455 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1456 phi = (fPhi1 + j * dphi) * TMath::DegToRad();
1457 points[indx++] = fRmax[i] * TMath::Cos(phi);
1458 points[indx++] = fRmax[i] * TMath::Sin(phi);
1459 points[indx++] = fZ[i];
1460 }
1461 }
1462 if (!hasInside) {
1463 points[indx++] = 0;
1464 points[indx++] = 0;
1465 points[indx++] = fZ[0];
1467 points[indx++] = 0;
1468 points[indx++] = 0;
1469 points[indx++] = fZ[GetNz() - 1];
1470 }
1471 }
1475/// create polycone mesh points
1479 Double_t phi, dphi;
1481 dphi = fDphi / (n - 1);
1482 Int_t i, j;
1483 Int_t indx = 0;
1487 if (points) {
1488 for (i = 0; i < fNz; i++) {
1489 if (hasInside)
1490 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1491 phi = (fPhi1 + j * dphi) * TMath::DegToRad();
1492 points[indx++] = fRmin[i] * TMath::Cos(phi);
1493 points[indx++] = fRmin[i] * TMath::Sin(phi);
1494 points[indx++] = fZ[i];
1495 }
1496 for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1497 phi = (fPhi1 + j * dphi) * TMath::DegToRad();
1498 points[indx++] = fRmax[i] * TMath::Cos(phi);
1499 points[indx++] = fRmax[i] * TMath::Sin(phi);
1500 points[indx++] = fZ[i];
1501 }
1502 }
1503 if (!hasInside) {
1504 points[indx++] = 0;
1505 points[indx++] = 0;
1506 points[indx++] = fZ[0];
1508 points[indx++] = 0;
1509 points[indx++] = 0;
1510 points[indx++] = fZ[GetNz() - 1];
1511 }
1512 }
1515/// Return number of vertices of the mesh representation
1521 return nvert;
1525/// fill size of this 3-D object
1527void TGeoPcon::Sizeof3D() const {}
1530/// Returns true when pgon has internal surface
1531/// It will be only disabled when all Rmin values are 0
1535 // only when full 360 is used, internal part can be excluded
1537 if (!specialCase)
1538 return kTRUE;
1540 for (Int_t i = 0; i < GetNz(); i++)
1541 if (fRmin[i] > 0.)
1542 return kTRUE;
1544 return kFALSE;
1548/// Returns numbers of vertices, segments and polygons composing the shape mesh.
1552 nvert = nsegs = npols = 0;
1555 Int_t nz = GetNz();
1556 if (nz < 2)
1557 return;
1559 if (HasInsideSurface()) {
1561 nvert = nz * 2 * n;
1562 nsegs = 4 * (nz * n - 1 + (specialCase ? 1 : 0));
1563 npols = 2 * (nz * n - 1 + (specialCase ? 1 : 0));
1564 } else {
1565 nvert = nz * n + 2;
1566 nsegs = nz * (n - 1) + n * 2 + (nz - 1) * n;
1567 npols = 2 * (n - 1) + (nz - 1) * (n - 1);
1568 }
1572/// Fills a static 3D buffer and returns a reference.
1576 static TBuffer3D buffer(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric);
1583 if (nbPnts > 0) {
1584 if (buffer.SetRawSizes(nbPnts, 3 * nbPnts, nbSegs, 3 * nbSegs, nbPols, 6 * nbPols)) {
1586 }
1587 }
1588 }
1589 // TODO: Push down to TGeoShape?? Would have to do raw sizes set first..
1590 // can rest of TGeoShape be deferred until after this?
1592 SetPoints(buffer.fPnts);
1593 if (!buffer.fLocalFrame) {
1594 TransformPoints(buffer.fPnts, buffer.NbPnts());
1595 }
1597 SetSegsAndPols(buffer);
1599 }
1601 return buffer;
1605/// Stream an object of class TGeoPcon.
1609 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
1610 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TGeoPcon::Class(), this);
1612 fFullPhi = kTRUE;
1614 Double_t phi2 = phi1 + fDphi;
1615 Double_t phim = 0.5 * (phi1 + phi2);
1623 } else {
1624 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TGeoPcon::Class(), this);
1625 }
1629/// Check the inside status for each of the points in the array.
1630/// Input: Array of point coordinates + vector size
1631/// Output: Array of Booleans for the inside of each point
1635 for (Int_t i = 0; i < vecsize; i++)
1636 inside[i] = Contains(&points[3 * i]);
1640/// Compute the normal for an array o points so that norm.dot.dir is positive
1641/// Input: Arrays of point coordinates and directions + vector size
1642/// Output: Array of normal directions
1646 for (Int_t i = 0; i < vecsize; i++)
1647 ComputeNormal(&points[3 * i], &dirs[3 * i], &norms[3 * i]);
1651/// Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dists
1654 Double_t *step) const
1656 for (Int_t i = 0; i < vecsize; i++)
1657 dists[i] = DistFromInside(&points[3 * i], &dirs[3 * i], 3, step[i]);
1661/// Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dists
1664 Double_t *step) const
1666 for (Int_t i = 0; i < vecsize; i++)
1667 dists[i] = DistFromOutside(&points[3 * i], &dirs[3 * i], 3, step[i]);
1671/// Compute safe distance from each of the points in the input array.
1672/// Input: Array of point coordinates, array of statuses for these points, size of the arrays
1673/// Output: Safety values
1677 for (Int_t i = 0; i < vecsize; i++)
1678 safe[i] = Safety(&points[3 * i], inside[i]);
#define c(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:101
#define e(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:103
int Int_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:45
float Float_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:57
constexpr Bool_t kFALSE
Definition RtypesCore.h:94
double Double_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:59
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
Definition RtypesCore.h:93
const char Option_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:66
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition Rtypes.h:374
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize id
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t points
char name[80]
Definition TGX11.cxx:110
R__EXTERN TGeoManager * gGeoManager
float xmin
float ymin
float xmax
float ymax
Generic 3D primitive description class.
Definition TBuffer3D.h:18
UInt_t NbPnts() const
Definition TBuffer3D.h:80
Bool_t SectionsValid(UInt_t mask) const
Definition TBuffer3D.h:67
void SetSectionsValid(UInt_t mask)
Definition TBuffer3D.h:65
Bool_t fLocalFrame
Definition TBuffer3D.h:90
Bool_t SetRawSizes(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity, UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity)
Set kRaw tessellation section of buffer with supplied sizes.
Double_t * fPnts
Definition TBuffer3D.h:113
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Definition TBuffer.h:43
Box class.
Definition TGeoBBox.h:17
void FillBuffer3D(TBuffer3D &buffer, Int_t reqSections, Bool_t localFrame) const override
Fills the supplied buffer, with sections in desired frame See TBuffer3D.h for explanation of sections...
Double_t fDX
Definition TGeoBBox.h:20
Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=nullptr) const override
Compute distance from outside point to surface of the box.
Definition TGeoBBox.cxx:433
Double_t fOrigin[3]
Definition TGeoBBox.h:23
void InspectShape() const override
Prints shape parameters.
Definition TGeoBBox.cxx:811
Double_t fDY
Definition TGeoBBox.h:21
Double_t fDZ
Definition TGeoBBox.h:22
A cone segment is a cone having a range in phi.
Definition TGeoCone.h:99
static void ComputeNormalS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2)
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Double_t Capacity() const override
Computes capacity of the shape in [length^3].
static Double_t DistFromOutsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2, Double_t cm, Double_t sm, Double_t cdfi)
compute distance from outside point to surface of arbitrary tube
static Double_t SafetyS(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2, Int_t skipz=0)
Static method to compute the closest distance from given point to this shape.
static Double_t DistFromInsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2, Double_t cm, Double_t sm, Double_t cdfi)
compute distance from inside point to surface of the tube segment
The cones are defined by 5 parameters:
Definition TGeoCone.h:17
static void ComputeNormalS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2)
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Definition TGeoCone.cxx:234
static Double_t DistFromInsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2)
Compute distance from inside point to surface of the cone (static) Boundary safe algorithm.
Definition TGeoCone.cxx:287
static Double_t DistFromOutsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2)
Compute distance from outside point to surface of the tube Boundary safe algorithm.
Definition TGeoCone.cxx:389
static Double_t SafetyS(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in, Double_t dz, Double_t rmin1, Double_t rmax1, Double_t rmin2, Double_t rmax2, Int_t skipz=0)
computes the closest distance from given point to this shape, according to option.
Definition TGeoCone.cxx:941
TGeoVolumeMulti * MakeVolumeMulti(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium)
Make a TGeoVolumeMulti handling a list of volumes.
TObjArray * GetListOfShapes() const
Int_t GetNsegments() const
Get number of segments approximating circles.
Node containing an offset.
Definition TGeoNode.h:184
Base finder class for patterns.
A polycone is represented by a sequence of tubes/cones, glued together at defined Z planes.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:17
Double_t fSm
Cosine of (phi1+phi2)/2.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:32
Double_t * GetRmax() const
Definition TGeoPcon.h:82
void DistFromInside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const override
Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dist...
Double_t GetDphi() const
Definition TGeoPcon.h:77
Double_t SafetyToSegment(const Double_t *point, Int_t ipl, Bool_t in=kTRUE, Double_t safmin=TGeoShape::Big()) const
Compute safety from POINT to segment between planes ipl, ipl+1 within safmin.
void ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm) const override
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:366
Double_t * fRmax
Definition TGeoPcon.h:24
void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") override
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".
void SetPoints(Double_t *points) const override
create polycone mesh points
Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=nullptr) const override
compute distance from outside point to surface of the tube
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:630
TBuffer3D * MakeBuffer3D() const override
Creates a TBuffer3D describing this shape.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:937
Bool_t Contains(const Double_t *point) const override
test if point is inside this shape check total z range
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:436
const char * GetAxisName(Int_t iaxis) const override
Returns name of axis IAXIS.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:824
Double_t * fRmin
Definition TGeoPcon.h:23
Double_t Capacity() const override
Computes capacity of the shape in [length^3].
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:264
void Streamer(TBuffer &) override
Stream an object of class TGeoPcon.
Int_t GetNmeshVertices() const override
Return number of vertices of the mesh representation.
void Contains_v(const Double_t *points, Bool_t *inside, Int_t vecsize) const override
Check the inside status for each of the points in the array.
Int_t fNz
Definition TGeoPcon.h:20
Double_t * fZ
Definition TGeoPcon.h:25
virtual void DefineSection(Int_t snum, Double_t z, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax)
Defines z position of a section plane, rmin and rmax at this z.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:684
Double_t GetAxisRange(Int_t iaxis, Double_t &xlo, Double_t &xhi) const override
Get range of shape for a given axis.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:837
Double_t fC1
Full phi range flag.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:27
void InspectShape() const override
print shape parameters
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:921
void SetDimensions(Double_t *param) override
Set polycone dimensions starting from an array.
Double_t fCdphi
Sine of (phi1+phi2)/2.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:33
Bool_t fFullPhi
Definition TGeoPcon.h:26
Double_t fS1
Cosine of phi1.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:28
TGeoVolume * Divide(TGeoVolume *voldiv, const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv, Double_t start, Double_t step) override
Divide this polycone shape belonging to volume "voldiv" into ndiv volumes called divname,...
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:734
Double_t DistToSegZ(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t &iz) const
compute distance to a pcon Z slice. Segment iz must be valid
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:579
Double_t fCm
Sine of phi1+dphi.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:31
Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) override
compute closest distance from point px,py to each corner
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:487
~TGeoPcon() override
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:245
Double_t * GetZ() const
Definition TGeoPcon.h:84
static TClass * Class()
Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=nullptr) const override
compute distance from inside point to surface of the polycone
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:498
Bool_t HasInsideSurface() const
Returns true when pgon has internal surface It will be only disabled when all Rmin values are 0.
virtual Int_t GetNsegments() const
Returns number of segments on each mesh circle segment.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:720
Double_t fPhi1
Definition TGeoPcon.h:21
void GetMeshNumbers(Int_t &nvert, Int_t &nsegs, Int_t &npols) const override
Returns numbers of vertices, segments and polygons composing the shape mesh.
Double_t fS2
Cosine of phi1+dphi.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:30
void SetSegsAndPolsNoInside(TBuffer3D &buff) const
Fill TBuffer3D structure for segments and polygons, when no inner surface exists.
Double_t fDphi
Definition TGeoPcon.h:22
void Safety_v(const Double_t *points, const Bool_t *inside, Double_t *safe, Int_t vecsize) const override
Compute safe distance from each of the points in the input array.
void ComputeBBox() override
compute bounding box of the pcon Check if the sections are in increasing Z order
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:288
Double_t fC2
Sine of phi1.
Definition TGeoPcon.h:29
void Sizeof3D() const override
fill size of this 3-D object
void SetSegsAndPols(TBuffer3D &buff) const override
Fill TBuffer3D structure for segments and polygons.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:957
const TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(Int_t reqSections, Bool_t localFrame) const override
Fills a static 3D buffer and returns a reference.
void DistFromOutside_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *dists, Int_t vecsize, Double_t *step) const override
Compute distance from array of input points having directions specified by dirs. Store output in dist...
Int_t GetNz() const
Definition TGeoPcon.h:78
void GetBoundingCylinder(Double_t *param) const override
Fill vector param[4] with the bounding cylinder parameters.
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:861
Double_t * GetRmin() const
Definition TGeoPcon.h:80
dummy ctor
Definition TGeoPcon.cxx:104
Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const override
computes the closest distance from given point to this shape, according to option.
void ComputeNormal_v(const Double_t *points, const Double_t *dirs, Double_t *norms, Int_t vecsize) override
Compute the normal for an array o points so that norm.dot.dir is positive Input: Arrays of point coor...
Base abstract class for all shapes.
Definition TGeoShape.h:25
static Double_t Big()
Definition TGeoShape.h:94
Int_t GetBasicColor() const
Get the basic color (0-7).
void TransformPoints(Double_t *points, UInt_t NbPoints) const
Tranform a set of points (LocalToMaster)
void SetShapeBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
Equivalent of TObject::SetBit.
static Double_t SafetyPhi(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2)
Static method to compute safety w.r.t a phi corner defined by cosines/sines of the angles phi1,...
static Bool_t IsSameWithinTolerance(Double_t a, Double_t b)
Check if two numbers differ with less than a tolerance.
const char * GetPointerName() const
Provide a pointer name containing uid.
Int_t ShapeDistancetoPrimitive(Int_t numpoints, Int_t px, Int_t py) const
Returns distance to shape primitive mesh.
const char * GetName() const override
Get the shape name.
@ kGeoClosedShape
Definition TGeoShape.h:59
@ kGeoSavePrimitive
Definition TGeoShape.h:64
static Double_t Tolerance()
Definition TGeoShape.h:97
A tube segment is a tube having a range in phi.
Definition TGeoTube.h:94
static Double_t DistFromInsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2, Double_t cm, Double_t sm, Double_t cdfi)
Compute distance from inside point to surface of the tube segment (static) Boundary safe algorithm.
static Double_t DistFromOutsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2, Double_t cm, Double_t sm, Double_t cdfi)
Static method to compute distance to arbitrary tube segment from outside point Boundary safe algorith...
static Double_t SafetyS(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2, Int_t skipz=0)
Static method to compute the closest distance from given point to this shape.
static void ComputeNormalS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Double_t c1, Double_t s1, Double_t c2, Double_t s2)
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Cylindrical tube class.
Definition TGeoTube.h:17
static Double_t DistFromOutsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz)
Static method to compute distance from outside point to a tube with given parameters Boundary safe al...
Definition TGeoTube.cxx:375
static Double_t SafetyS(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Int_t skipz=0)
computes the closest distance from given point to this shape, according to option.
Definition TGeoTube.cxx:915
static void ComputeNormalS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz)
Compute normal to closest surface from POINT.
Definition TGeoTube.cxx:260
static Double_t DistFromInsideS(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz)
Compute distance from inside point to surface of the tube (static) Boundary safe algorithm.
Definition TGeoTube.cxx:305
Volume families.
Definition TGeoVolume.h:266
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
Definition TGeoVolume.h:43
Int_t IndexOf(const TObject *obj) const override
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition TObject.h:201
virtual const char * ClassName() const
Returns name of class to which the object belongs.
Definition TObject.cxx:225
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition TObject.cxx:1006
void SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f.
Definition TObject.cxx:813
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition TObject.cxx:1020
virtual void Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue fatal error message.
Definition TObject.cxx:1048
Basic string class.
Definition TString.h:139
const char * Data() const
Definition TString.h:376
const Int_t n
Definition legend1.C:16
Long64_t LocMin(Long64_t n, const T *a)
Returns index of array with the minimum element.
Definition TMath.h:986
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Returns the largest of a and b.
Definition TMathBase.h:250
T1 Sign(T1 a, T2 b)
Returns a value with the magnitude of a and the sign of b.
Definition TMathBase.h:175
Double_t ATan2(Double_t y, Double_t x)
Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians.
Definition TMath.h:650
Long64_t LocMax(Long64_t n, const T *a)
Returns index of array with the maximum element.
Definition TMath.h:1092
constexpr Double_t DegToRad()
Conversion from degree to radian: .
Definition TMath.h:79
Double_t Sqrt(Double_t x)
Returns the square root of x.
Definition TMath.h:666
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Returns the smallest of a and b.
Definition TMathBase.h:198
Double_t Cos(Double_t)
Returns the cosine of an angle of x radians.
Definition TMath.h:598
constexpr Double_t Pi()
Definition TMath.h:37
Double_t Sin(Double_t)
Returns the sine of an angle of x radians.
Definition TMath.h:592
Long64_t BinarySearch(Long64_t n, const T *array, T value)
Binary search in an array of n values to locate value.
Definition TMathBase.h:347
constexpr Double_t RadToDeg()
Conversion from radian to degree: .
Definition TMath.h:72
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
Returns the absolute value of parameter Short_t d.
Definition TMathBase.h:123
TMarker m
Definition textangle.C:8