12#ifndef ROOT_TSpiderEditor
13#define ROOT_TSpiderEditor
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t height
Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow.
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
The TGLineStyleComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line style.
The TGLineWidthComboBox user callable and it creates a combobox for selecting the line width.
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
The TGPicture class implements pictures and icons used in the different GUI elements and widgets.
A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.
ROOT GUI Window base class.
Base frame for implementing GUI - a service class.
is a button with pattern area with a little down arrow.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
The TSpider editor class.
virtual void DoSetNy()
Slot connected to the nx setting.
TGNumberEntryField * fGotoEntry
Jump to an entry field.
TSpiderEditor(const TGWindow *p=nullptr, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Normal constructor.
TGPictureButton * fGotoNext
Go to next entries button.
void MakeBrowse()
Make the Browse tab.
TGColorSelect * fAvFillColorSelect
fill color widget for the average.
void SetModel(TObject *obj) override
Pick up the used spider attributes.
virtual void DoAvLineStyle(Int_t)
Slot to set the average LineStyle.
virtual void DoGotoFollowing()
Slot to go to next entry.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fAvLineWidthCombo
line width combo box for the average.
TSpider * fSpider
Pointer to the TSpider.
virtual void DoAvFillPattern(Style_t)
Slot to set the average FillStyle.
const TGPicture * fPicNext
Go to next entries picture.
TGCheckButton * fDisplayAverage
Button for the display of the average.
const TGPicture * fPicPreceding
Go to last entry picture.
virtual void DoGotoEntry()
Slot to select an entry by number.
TGNumberEntryField * fSetNy
To set the ny number of subpads.
virtual void DoGotoPreceding()
Slot to go to last entry.
virtual void DoSetNx()
Slot connected to the nx setting.
TGRadioButton * fPolyLines
Polyline option.
virtual void DoAvLineWidth(Int_t)
Slot to set the average LineWidth.
TGCompositeFrame * fBrowse
Browse tab.
virtual void DoAvLineColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the average LineColor.
virtual void DoGotoNext()
Slot to Go to next entries.
virtual void DoGotoPrevious()
Slot to go to previous entries.
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
TGButtonGroup * fBgroup
Group of the plot type selection.
TGRadioButton * fSegment
Segment option.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fAvLineStyleCombo
line style combo box for the average.
const TGPicture * fPicFollowing
Go to next entry picture.
virtual void DoDisplayAverage(bool av)
Slot Connected to the average display.
TGPictureButton * fGotoFollowing
Go to next entry button.
const TGPicture * fPicPrevious
Go to previous entries picture.
TGPictureButton * fGotoPreceding
Go to last entry button.
virtual void DoDeleteVar()
Slot to delete a variable.
TGedPatternSelect * fAvFillPatternSelect
fill pattern widget for the average.
TGColorSelect * fAvLineColorSelect
line color widget for the average.
virtual void DoAvFillColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the average Fill Color.
TGPictureButton * fGotoPrevious
Go to previous entries button.
TGTextEntry * fDeleteVar
Delete variable field.
virtual void DoSetPlotType()
Slot to set the plot type.
~TSpiderEditor() override
Destructor of the TSpiderEditor.
TGNumberEntryField * fSetNx
To set the nx number of subpads.
TGTextEntry * fAddVar
Add variable field.
virtual void DoAddVar()
Slot to add a variable.