12#ifndef ROOT_QuartzWindow
13#define ROOT_QuartzWindow
15#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
45- (void) setXorOperations : (const std::vector<
X11::Command *> &) primitives;
78- (
id) initWithContentRect : (NSRect) contentRect styleMask : (NSUInteger) windowStyle
79 backing : (NSBackingStoreType) bufferingType defer : (BOOL) deferCreation
92- (void) setFIsDeleted : (BOOL) deleted;
95- (void) forwardInvocation : (NSInvocation *) anInvocation;
96- (NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector : (
SEL) selector;
103@property (nonatomic, assign)
QuartzImage *fShapeCombineMask;
109- (BOOL) fIsOpenGLWidget;
110- (CGFloat) fScaleFactor;
119- (void) setDrawableSize : (NSSize) newSize;
120- (void) setX : (
int) x Y : (
int) y width : (
unsigned) w height : (
unsigned) h;
121- (void) setX : (
int) x Y : (
int) y;
125 clipOrigin : (
X11::Point) origin toPoint : (
X11::Point) dstPoint;
127- (
unsigned char *) readColorBits : (
X11::Rectangle) area;
130- (void) addXorWindow;
131- (void) adjustXorWindowGeometry;
133- (void) removeXorWindow;
140@property (nonatomic, assign)
unsigned long fBackgroundPixel;
141@property (nonatomic, readonly)
int fMapState;
146@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fHasFocus;
154- (void) addChild : (
NSView<X11Window> *) child;
163- (void) mapSubwindows;
181- (
id) initWithKey : (unichar) keyCode modifiers : (NSUInteger) modifiers;
182- (BOOL) matchKey : (unichar) keyCode modifiers : (NSUInteger) modifiers;
183- (BOOL) matchKey : (unichar) keyCode;
235@property (nonatomic, assign)
unsigned fID;
238- (BOOL) fIsOpenGLWidget;
239- (CGFloat) fScaleFactor;
248- (void) setDrawableSize : (NSSize) newSize;
249- (void) setX : (
int) x Y : (
int) y width : (
unsigned) w height : (
unsigned) h;
250- (void) setX : (
int) x Y : (
int) y;
253 clipOrigin : (
X11::Point) origin toPoint : (
X11::Point) dstPoint;
254- (
unsigned char *) readColorBits : (
X11::Rectangle) area;
261@property (nonatomic, assign)
long fEventMask;
262@property (nonatomic, assign)
int fClass;
263@property (nonatomic, assign)
int fDepth;
264@property (nonatomic, assign)
int fBitGravity;
265@property (nonatomic, assign)
int fWinGravity;
266@property (nonatomic, assign)
unsigned long fBackgroundPixel;
267@property (nonatomic, retain)
QuartzImage *fBackgroundPixmap;
268@property (nonatomic, readonly)
int fMapState;
269@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fOverrideRedirect;
274@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fHasFocus;
278@property (nonatomic, assign)
QuartzView *fParentView;
282@property (nonatomic, assign)
int fPassiveGrabButton;
283@property (nonatomic, assign)
unsigned fPassiveGrabEventMask;
284@property (nonatomic, assign)
unsigned fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers;
286@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents;
288- (void) activatePassiveGrab;
289- (void) activateImplicitGrab;
290- (void) activateGrab : (
unsigned) eventMask ownerEvents : (BOOL) ownerEvents;
293- (BOOL) acceptsCrossingEvents : (
unsigned) eventMask;
296- (void) addChild : (
NSView<X11Window> *)child;
304- (void) mapSubwindows;
311- (BOOL) fIsOverlapped;
312- (void) setOverlapped : (BOOL) overlap;
313- (void) configureNotifyTree;
317@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fSnapshotDraw;
321- (void) addPassiveKeyGrab : (unichar) keyCode modifiers : (NSUInteger) modifiers;
322- (void) removePassiveKeyGrab : (unichar) keyCode modifiers : (NSUInteger) modifiers;
323- (
PassiveKeyGrab *) findPassiveKeyGrab : (unichar) keyCode modifiers : (NSUInteger) modifiers;
327@property (nonatomic, assign)
ECursor fCurrentCursor;
330- (void) setProperty : (const
char *) propName data : (
unsigned char *) propData size : (
unsigned) dataSize
331 forType : (
Atom_t) dataType format : (
unsigned) format;
332- (BOOL) hasProperty : (const
char *) propName;
333- (
unsigned char *) getProperty : (const
char *) propName returnType : (
Atom_t *) type
334 returnFormat : (
unsigned *) format nElements : (
unsigned *) nElements;
335- (void) removeProperty : (const
char *) propName;
338@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL fIsDNDAware;
340- (NSDragOperation) draggingEntered : (
id<NSDraggingInfo>) sender;
341- (BOOL) performDragOperation : (
id<NSDraggingInfo>) sender;
Handle_t Window_t
Window handle.
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t TranslateCoordinates
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t GetWindowAttributes
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize id
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t attr
QuartzPixmap * fBackBuffer
unsigned fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers
NSMutableArray * fPassiveKeyGrabs
BOOL fActiveGrabOwnerEvents
NSMutableDictionary * fX11Properties
BOOL fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents
unsigned fPassiveGrabEventMask
QuartzImage * fBackgroundPixmap
ROOT::MacOSX::X11::PointerGrab fCurrentGrabType
unsigned long fBackgroundPixel
unsigned fActiveGrabEventMask
QuartzWindow * fMainWindow
QuartzView * fContentView
QuartzImage * fShapeCombineMask
int GlobalYROOTToCocoa(CGFloat yROOT)
NSPoint ConvertPointFromScreenToBase(NSPoint screenPoint, NSWindow *window)
bool ViewIsHtmlViewFrame(NSView< X11Window > *view, bool checkParent)
int GlobalYCocoaToROOT(CGFloat yCocoa)
NSPoint ConvertPointFromBaseToScreen(NSWindow *window, NSPoint windowPoint)
NSPoint TranslateToScreen(NSView< X11Window > *from, NSPoint point)
bool ScreenPointIsInView(NSView< X11Window > *view, Int_t x, Int_t y)
NSView< X11Window > * FindDNDAwareViewInPoint(NSView *parentView, Window_t dragWinID, Window_t inputWinID, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t maxDepth)
QuartzWindow * FindWindowInPoint(Int_t x, Int_t y)
int GlobalXCocoaToROOT(CGFloat xCocoa)
void WindowLostFocus(Window_t winID)
int LocalYROOTToCocoa(NSView< X11Window > *parentView, CGFloat yROOT)
NSView< X11Window > * FindViewForPointerEvent(NSEvent *pointerEvent)
int LocalYCocoaToROOT(NSView< X11Window > *parentView, CGFloat yCocoa)
QuartzWindow * CreateTopLevelWindow(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t depth, UInt_t clss, void *visual, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t)
NSView< X11Window > * FindViewUnderPointer()
void UnlockFocus(NSView< X11Window > *view)
int GlobalXROOTToCocoa(CGFloat xROOT)
QuartzView * CreateChildView(QuartzView *parent, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t depth, UInt_t clss, void *visual, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t wtype)
QuartzWindow * FindWindowForPointerEvent(NSEvent *pointerEvent)
void GetRootWindowAttributes(WindowAttributes_t *attr)
QuartzWindow * FindWindowUnderPointer()
bool ViewIsTextViewFrame(NSView< X11Window > *view, bool checkParent)
NSPoint TranslateFromScreen(NSPoint point, NSView< X11Window > *to)
void ClipToShapeMask(NSView< X11Window > *view, CGContextRef ctx)
bool LockFocus(NSView< X11Window > *view)
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...
Attributes that can be used when creating or changing a window.
Window attributes that can be inquired.