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QuartzView Class Reference

Definition at line 194 of file QuartzWindow.h.

Instance Methods

(BOOL) - acceptsCrossingEvents:
(void) - activateGrab:ownerEvents:
(void) - activateImplicitGrab
(void) - activatePassiveGrab
(void) - addChild:
(void) - addPassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:
(void) - cancelGrab
(void) - configureNotifyTree
(void) - copy:area:withMask:clipOrigin:toPoint:
(NSDragOperation) - draggingEntered:
(unsigned) - fHeight
(PassiveKeyGrab *) - findPassiveKeyGrab:
(PassiveKeyGrab *) - findPassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:
(BOOL) - fIsOpenGLWidget
(BOOL) - fIsOverlapped
(BOOL) - fIsPixmap
(CGFloat) - fScaleFactor
(unsigned) - fWidth
(int- fX
(int- fY
(void) - getAttributes:
(unsigned char *) - getProperty:returnType:returnFormat:nElements:
(BOOL) - hasProperty:
(id- initWithFrame:windowAttributes:
(BOOL) - isFlipped
(void) - lowerWindow
(void) - mapRaised
(void) - mapSubwindows
(void) - mapWindow
(BOOL) - performDragOperation:
(void) - raiseWindow
(unsigned char *) - readColorBits:
(void) - removePassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:
(void) - removeProperty:
(void) - setAttributes:
(void) - setDrawableSize:
(void) - setOverlapped:
(void) - setProperty:data:size:forType:format:
(void) - setX:Y:
(void) - setX:Y:width:height:
(void) - unmapWindow

Protected Attributes

unsigned fActiveGrabEventMask
BOOL fActiveGrabOwnerEvents
ROOT::MacOSX::X11::PointerGrab fCurrentGrabType
BOOL fIsOverlapped
NSMutableArray * fPassiveKeyGrabs
NSMutableDictionary * fX11Properties


unsigned long fBackgroundPixel
int fBitGravity
int fClass
NSView< X11Window > * fContentView
CGContextRef fContext
ECursor fCurrentCursor
int fDepth
long fEventMask
BOOL fHasFocus
unsigned fID
int fMapState
BOOL fOverrideRedirect
int fPassiveGrabButton
unsigned fPassiveGrabEventMask
unsigned fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers
BOOL fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents
BOOL fSnapshotDraw
int fWinGravity
- Properties inherited from <X11Window>
unsigned fActiveGrabEventMask
unsigned long fBackgroundPixel
int fBitGravity
int fClass
NSView< X11Window > * fContentView
ECursor fCurrentCursor
int fDepth
long fEventMask
BOOL fHasFocus
int fMapState
BOOL fOverrideRedirect
int fPassiveGrabButton
unsigned fPassiveGrabEventMask
unsigned fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers
BOOL fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents
int fWinGravity
- Properties inherited from <X11Drawable>
CGContextRef fContext
unsigned fID

#import <QuartzWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for QuartzView:

Method Documentation

◆ acceptsCrossingEvents:

- (BOOL) acceptsCrossingEvents: (unsigned)  eventMask

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ activateGrab:ownerEvents:

- (void) activateGrab: (unsigned)  eventMask
ownerEvents: (BOOL)  ownerEvents 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ activateImplicitGrab

- (void) activateImplicitGrab

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ activatePassiveGrab

- (void) activatePassiveGrab

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ addChild:

- (void) addChild: (NSView<X11Window> *)  child

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ addPassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:

- (void) addPassiveKeyGrab: (unichar)  keyCode
modifiers: (NSUInteger)  modifiers 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ cancelGrab

- (void) cancelGrab

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ configureNotifyTree

- (void) configureNotifyTree

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ copy:area:withMask:clipOrigin:toPoint:

- (void) copy: (NSObject<X11Drawable> *)  src
area: (ROOT::MacOSX::X11::Rectangle area
withMask: (QuartzImage *)  mask
clipOrigin: (ROOT::MacOSX::X11::Point origin
toPoint: (ROOT::MacOSX::X11::Point dstPoint 

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ draggingEntered:

- (NSDragOperation) draggingEntered: (id<NSDraggingInfo>)  sender

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fHeight

- (unsigned) fHeight

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ findPassiveKeyGrab:

- (PassiveKeyGrab *) findPassiveKeyGrab: (unichar)  keyCode

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ findPassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:

- (PassiveKeyGrab *) findPassiveKeyGrab: (unichar)  keyCode
modifiers: (NSUInteger)  modifiers 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fIsOpenGLWidget

- (BOOL) fIsOpenGLWidget

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fIsOverlapped

- (BOOL) fIsOverlapped

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fIsPixmap

- (BOOL) fIsPixmap

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fScaleFactor

- (CGFloat) fScaleFactor

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fWidth

- (unsigned) fWidth

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fX

- (int) fX

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ fY

- (int) fY

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ getAttributes:

- (void) getAttributes: (WindowAttributes_t *)  attr

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ getProperty:returnType:returnFormat:nElements:

- (unsigned char *) getProperty: (const char *)  propName
returnType: (Atom_t *)  type
returnFormat: (unsigned *)  format
nElements: (unsigned *)  nElements 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ hasProperty:

- (BOOL) hasProperty: (const char *)  propName

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ initWithFrame:windowAttributes:

- (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect)  frame
windowAttributes: (const SetWindowAttributes_t *)  attr 

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ isFlipped

- (BOOL) isFlipped

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ lowerWindow

- (void) lowerWindow

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ mapRaised

- (void) mapRaised

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ mapSubwindows

- (void) mapSubwindows

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ mapWindow

- (void) mapWindow

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ performDragOperation:

- (BOOL) performDragOperation: (id<NSDraggingInfo>)  sender

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ raiseWindow

- (void) raiseWindow

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ readColorBits:

- (unsigned char *) readColorBits: (ROOT::MacOSX::X11::Rectangle area

Reimplemented from <X11Drawable>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ removePassiveKeyGrab:modifiers:

- (void) removePassiveKeyGrab: (unichar)  keyCode
modifiers: (NSUInteger)  modifiers 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ removeProperty:

- (void) removeProperty: (const char *)  propName

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setAttributes:

- (void) setAttributes: (const SetWindowAttributes_t *)  attr

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setDrawableSize:

- (void) setDrawableSize: (NSSize)  newSize

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setOverlapped:

- (void) setOverlapped: (BOOL)  overlap

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Reimplemented in ROOTOpenGLView.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setProperty:data:size:forType:format:

- (void) setProperty: (const char *)  propName
data: (unsigned char *)  propData
size: (unsigned)  dataSize
forType: (Atom_t dataType
format: (unsigned)  format 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setX:Y:

- (void) setX: (int x
Y: (int y 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ setX:Y:width:height:

- (void) setX: (int x
Y: (int y
width: (unsigned)  w
height: (unsigned)  h 

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

◆ unmapWindow

- (void) unmapWindow

Reimplemented from <X11Window>.

Definition at line 1880 of file QuartzWindow.mm.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fActiveGrabEventMask

- (unsigned) fActiveGrabEventMask

Definition at line 212 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fActiveGrabOwnerEvents

- (BOOL) fActiveGrabOwnerEvents

Definition at line 227 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fCurrentGrabType

- MacOSX:

Definition at line 225 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fIsOverlapped

- (BOOL) fIsOverlapped

Definition at line 220 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fPassiveKeyGrabs

- (NSMutableArray*) fPassiveKeyGrabs

Definition at line 219 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fX11Properties

- (NSMutableDictionary*) fX11Properties

Definition at line 222 of file QuartzWindow.h.

Property Documentation

◆ fBackBuffer

- (QuartzPixmap *) fBackBuffer

Definition at line 218 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fBackgroundPixel

- (unsigned long) fBackgroundPixel

Definition at line 203 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fBackgroundPixmap

- (QuartzImage *) fBackgroundPixmap

Definition at line 223 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fBitGravity

- (int) fBitGravity

Definition at line 201 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fClass

- (int) fClass

Definition at line 199 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fContentView

- (NSView< X11Window > *) fContentView

Definition at line 279 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fContext

- (CGContextRef) fContext

Definition at line 197 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fCurrentCursor

- (ECursor) fCurrentCursor

Definition at line 215 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fDepth

- (int) fDepth

Definition at line 200 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fEventMask

- (long) fEventMask

Definition at line 198 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fHasFocus

- (BOOL) fHasFocus

Definition at line 206 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fID

- (unsigned) fID

Definition at line 196 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fIsDNDAware

- (BOOL) fIsDNDAware

Definition at line 216 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fMapState

- (int) fMapState

Definition at line 268 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fOverrideRedirect

- (BOOL) fOverrideRedirect

Definition at line 204 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fParentView

- (QuartzView *) fParentView

Definition at line 207 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fPassiveGrabButton

- (int) fPassiveGrabButton

Definition at line 209 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fPassiveGrabEventMask

- (unsigned) fPassiveGrabEventMask

Definition at line 210 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers

- (unsigned) fPassiveGrabKeyModifiers

Definition at line 211 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents

- (BOOL) fPassiveGrabOwnerEvents

Definition at line 213 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fQuartzWindow

- (QuartzWindow *) fQuartzWindow

Definition at line 280 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fSnapshotDraw

- (BOOL) fSnapshotDraw

Definition at line 214 of file QuartzWindow.h.

◆ fWinGravity

- (int) fWinGravity

Definition at line 202 of file QuartzWindow.h.

Collaboration diagram for QuartzView:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: