Logo ROOT  
Reference Guide
No Matches
Rgl Namespace Reference


namespace  Fgt
namespace  Mc
namespace  Pad


class  PlotTranslation
class  TGuardBase
class  TOneArgGuard
class  TTwoArgsGuard


typedef std::pair< Int_t, Int_tBinRange_t
typedef std::pair< Double_t, Double_tRange_t


enum  EFormatOptions {
  kNone = 0 , kDoubleBuffer = 1 , kDepth = 2 , kAccum = 4 ,
  kStencil = 8 , kStereo = 16 , kMultiSample = 32
enum  EOverlap { kInside = 0 , kPartial , kOutside }


Int_t ColorToObjectID (const UChar_t *color, Bool_t highColor)
void CylindricalNormal (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void CylindricalNormalInv (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void Draw2DAxis (TAxis *axis, Double_t xMin, Double_t yMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMax, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t log, Bool_t z=kFALSE)
void DrawAxes (Int_t fp, const Int_t *vp, const TGLVertex3 *box, const TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, TAxis *xAxis, TAxis *yAxis, TAxis *zAxis)
 Using front point, find, where to draw axes and which labels to use for them gVirtualX->SelectWindow(gGLManager->GetVirtualXInd(fGLDevice)); gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kCopy);//TCanvas by default sets in kInverse.
void DrawBoxFront (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Int_t fp)
 Draws lego's bar as a 3d box.
void DrawBoxFrontTextured (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t texMin, Double_t texMax, Int_t fp)
 Draws lego's bar as a 3d box LULULULU.
void DrawBoxWithGradientFill (Double_t y1, Double_t y2, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, const Double_t *rgba1, const Double_t *rgba2)
void DrawCylinder (TGLQuadric *quadric, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
 Cylinder for lego3.
void DrawError (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
void DrawFaceTextured (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, Double_t t1, Double_t t2, Double_t t3, const TGLVector3 &norm1, const TGLVector3 &norm2, const TGLVector3 &norm3)
 Draw textured triangle.
void DrawFaceTextured (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, Double_t t1, Double_t t2, Double_t t3, Double_t z, const TGLVector3 &normal)
 Draw textured triangle on a plane.
void DrawMapleMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
 Colored mesh with lighting disabled.
void DrawMapleMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Colored mesh with cut and disabled lighting.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< Double_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Double_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< Float_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< Float_t > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts)
 Call function-template.
void DrawMesh (const std::vector< Float_t > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Call function-template.
template<class V >
void DrawMesh (GLenum type, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
 Only vertices, no normal (no lighting and material).
template<class V >
void DrawMesh (GLenum type, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< V > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS)
 Surface with material and lighting.
template<class V , class GLN , class GLV >
void DrawMesh (GLN normal3, GLV vertex3, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< V > &ns, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Mesh with cut.
template<class V , class GLV >
void DrawMesh (GLV vertex3, const std::vector< V > &vs, const std::vector< UInt_t > &fTS, const TGLBoxCut &box)
 Mesh with cut.
void DrawPalette (const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const TGLLevelPalette &palette)
 Draw. Palette.
void DrawPalette (const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const TGLLevelPalette &palette, const std::vector< Double_t > &levels)
 Draw. Palette.
void DrawPaletteAxis (const TGLPlotCamera *camera, const Range_t &minMax, Bool_t logZ)
void DrawQuadFilled (const Double_t *v0, const Double_t *v1, const Double_t *v2, const Double_t *v3, const Double_t *normal)
 Draw quad face.
void DrawQuadFilled (const TGLVertex3 &v0, const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVector3 &normal)
 Draw quad face.
void DrawQuadOutline (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVertex3 &v4)
 Draw quad outline.
void DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill (unsigned nPoints, const Double_t *inner, const Double_t *innerRGBA, const Double_t *outer, const Double_t *outerRGBA)
 TODO: is it possible to use GLdouble to avoid problems with Double_t/GLdouble if they are not the same type?
void DrawSmoothFace (const TGLVertex3 &v1, const TGLVertex3 &v2, const TGLVertex3 &v3, const TGLVector3 &norm1, const TGLVector3 &norm2, const TGLVector3 &norm3)
 Draws triangle face, each vertex has its own averaged normal.
void DrawSphere (TGLQuadric *quadric, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
 Cylinder for lego3.
void DrawTransparentBox (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Int_t fp)
 Draws lego's bar as a 3d box.
void DrawTrapezoid (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Bool_t color=kTRUE)
void DrawTrapezoid (const Double_t ver[][3])
void DrawTrapezoidTextured (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t texMin, Double_t texMax)
 In polar coordinates, box became trapezoid.
void DrawTrapezoidTextured (const Double_t ver[][3], Double_t texMin, Double_t texMax)
void DrawTrapezoidTextured2 (const Double_t ver[][2], Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t texMin, Double_t texMax)
 In polar coordinates, box became trapezoid.
void GetColor (Float_t v, Float_t vmin, Float_t vmax, Int_t type, Float_t *rgba)
 This function creates color for parametric surface's vertex, using its 'u' value.
template<class Func , class Arg >
TOneArgGuard< Func, Arg > make_guard (Func f, Arg a)
template<class Func , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
TTwoArgsGuard< Func, Arg1, Arg2 > make_guard (Func f, Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2)
void NormalToColor (Double_t *rfColor, const Double_t *n)
 NormalToColor generates a color from a given normal.
void ObjectIDToColor (Int_t objectID, Bool_t highColor)
 Object id encoded as rgb triplet.
void SetZLevels (TAxis *zAxis, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Double_t zScale, std::vector< Double_t > &zLevels)
void SphericalNormal (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)
void SphericalNormalInv (const Double_t *v, Double_t *normal)


const Int_t gAxisType [][2] = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}
const Float_t gBlueEmission [] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}
const Double_t gBoxBackNormals [][3] = {{0., -1., 0.}, {-1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}}
const Int_t gBoxBackPlanes [][2] = {{0, 1}, {3, 0}, {2, 3}, {1, 2}}
const Int_t gBoxBackQuads [][4] = {{7, 1, 2, 6}, {4, 7, 6, 5}, {0, 4, 5, 3}, {0, 3, 2, 1}}
const Double_t gBoxFrontNormals [][3] = {{-1., 0., 0.}, {0., -1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}}
const Int_t gBoxFrontPlanes [][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}}
const Int_t gBoxFrontQuads [][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 3, 5}, {4, 5, 6, 7}, {7, 6, 2, 1}}
const Int_t gFramePoints [][2] = {{3, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 0}}
const Float_t gGrayEmission [] = {0.3f,0.3f, 0.3f,1.f}
const Float_t gGreenEmission [] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Double_t gH2PolyScaleXY = 1.2
const Float_t gNullEmission [] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gOrangeEmission [] = {1.f, 0.4f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gRedEmission [] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}
const Float_t gWhiteEmission [] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}

Typedef Documentation

◆ BinRange_t

Definition at line 1201 of file TGLUtil.h.

◆ Range_t

Definition at line 1202 of file TGLUtil.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EFormatOptions


Definition at line 126 of file TVirtualGL.h.

◆ EOverlap


Definition at line 34 of file TGLUtil.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ColorToObjectID()

Int_t Rgl::ColorToObjectID ( const UChar_t * color,
Bool_t highColor )

Definition at line 2926 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ CylindricalNormal()

void Rgl::CylindricalNormal ( const Double_t * v,
Double_t * normal )

Definition at line 3329 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ CylindricalNormalInv()

void Rgl::CylindricalNormalInv ( const Double_t * v,
Double_t * normal )

Definition at line 3343 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ Draw2DAxis()

void Rgl::Draw2DAxis ( TAxis * axis,
Double_t xMin,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t min,
Double_t max,
Bool_t log,
Bool_t z = kFALSE )

Definition at line 3712 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawAxes()

void Rgl::DrawAxes ( Int_t frontPoint,
const Int_t * viewport,
const TGLVertex3 * box2D,
const TGLPlotCoordinates * plotCoord,
TAxis * xAxis,
TAxis * yAxis,
TAxis * zAxis )

Using front point, find, where to draw axes and which labels to use for them gVirtualX->SelectWindow(gGLManager->GetVirtualXInd(fGLDevice)); gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kCopy);//TCanvas by default sets in kInverse.

Definition at line 3768 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawBoxFront()

void Rgl::DrawBoxFront ( Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Int_t fp )

Draws lego's bar as a 3d box.

Definition at line 3016 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawBoxFrontTextured()

void Rgl::DrawBoxFrontTextured ( Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Double_t tMin,
Double_t tMax,
Int_t front )

Draws lego's bar as a 3d box LULULULU.

Definition at line 3143 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawBoxWithGradientFill()

void Rgl::DrawBoxWithGradientFill ( Double_t y1,
Double_t y2,
Double_t x1,
Double_t x2,
const Double_t * rgba1,
const Double_t * rgba2 )

Definition at line 3206 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawCylinder()

void Rgl::DrawCylinder ( TGLQuadric * quadric,
Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax )

Cylinder for lego3.

Definition at line 3253 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawError()

void Rgl::DrawError ( Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax )

Definition at line 3307 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawFaceTextured() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawFaceTextured ( const TGLVertex3 & v1,
const TGLVertex3 & v2,
const TGLVertex3 & v3,
Double_t t1,
Double_t t2,
Double_t t3,
const TGLVector3 & norm1,
const TGLVector3 & norm2,
const TGLVector3 & norm3 )

Draw textured triangle.

Definition at line 3845 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawFaceTextured() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawFaceTextured ( const TGLVertex3 & v1,
const TGLVertex3 & v2,
const TGLVertex3 & v3,
Double_t t1,
Double_t t2,
Double_t t3,
Double_t z,
const TGLVector3 & planeNormal )

Draw textured triangle on a plane.

Definition at line 3865 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawMapleMesh() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawMapleMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts )

Colored mesh with lighting disabled.

Definition at line 192 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMapleMesh() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawMapleMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Colored mesh with cut and disabled lighting.

Definition at line 224 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [1/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 48 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [2/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Double_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 127 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [3/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 77 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [4/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Double_t > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 171 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [5/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Float_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 39 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [6/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > & vs,
const std::vector< Float_t > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 118 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [7/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 69 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [8/12]

void Rgl::DrawMesh ( const std::vector< Float_t > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & ts,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Call function-template.

Definition at line 163 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [9/12]

template<class V >
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLenum type,
const std::vector< V > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS )

Only vertices, no normal (no lighting and material).

Definition at line 58 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [10/12]

template<class V >
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLenum type,
const std::vector< V > & vs,
const std::vector< V > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS )

Surface with material and lighting.

Definition at line 24 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [11/12]

template<class V , class GLN , class GLV >
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLN normal3,
GLV vertex3,
const std::vector< V > & vs,
const std::vector< V > & ns,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Mesh with cut.

Material and lighting are enabled.

Definition at line 87 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawMesh() [12/12]

template<class V , class GLV >
void Rgl::DrawMesh ( GLV vertex3,
const std::vector< V > & vs,
const std::vector< UInt_t > & fTS,
const TGLBoxCut & box )

Mesh with cut.

No material and lighting.

Definition at line 138 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ DrawPalette() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawPalette ( const TGLPlotCamera * camera,
const TGLLevelPalette & palette )

Draw. Palette.

Definition at line 2114 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

◆ DrawPalette() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawPalette ( const TGLPlotCamera * camera,
const TGLLevelPalette & palette,
const std::vector< Double_t > & levels )

Draw. Palette.

Definition at line 2163 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

◆ DrawPaletteAxis()

void Rgl::DrawPaletteAxis ( const TGLPlotCamera * camera,
const Range_t & minMax,
Bool_t logZ )

Definition at line 2220 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

◆ DrawQuadFilled() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawQuadFilled ( const Double_t * v0,
const Double_t * v1,
const Double_t * v2,
const Double_t * v3,
const Double_t * normal )

Draw quad face.

Definition at line 2977 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawQuadFilled() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawQuadFilled ( const TGLVertex3 & v0,
const TGLVertex3 & v1,
const TGLVertex3 & v2,
const TGLVertex3 & v3,
const TGLVector3 & normal )

Draw quad face.

Definition at line 2962 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawQuadOutline()

void Rgl::DrawQuadOutline ( const TGLVertex3 & v1,
const TGLVertex3 & v2,
const TGLVertex3 & v3,
const TGLVertex3 & v4 )

Draw quad outline.

Definition at line 2948 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill()

void Rgl::DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill ( unsigned nPoints,
const Double_t * inner,
const Double_t * innerRGBA,
const Double_t * outer,
const Double_t * outerRGBA )

TODO: is it possible to use GLdouble to avoid problems with Double_t/GLdouble if they are not the same type?

Definition at line 3226 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawSmoothFace()

void Rgl::DrawSmoothFace ( const TGLVertex3 & v1,
const TGLVertex3 & v2,
const TGLVertex3 & v3,
const TGLVector3 & norm1,
const TGLVector3 & norm2,
const TGLVector3 & norm3 )

Draws triangle face, each vertex has its own averaged normal.

Definition at line 2992 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawSphere()

void Rgl::DrawSphere ( TGLQuadric * quadric,
Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax )

Cylinder for lego3.

Definition at line 3284 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTransparentBox()

void Rgl::DrawTransparentBox ( Double_t xMin,
Double_t xMax,
Double_t yMin,
Double_t yMax,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Int_t fp )

Draws lego's bar as a 3d box.

Definition at line 3066 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTrapezoid() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoid ( const Double_t ver[][2],
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Bool_t color = kTRUE )

Definition at line 3357 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTrapezoid() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoid ( const Double_t ver[][3])

Definition at line 3600 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTrapezoidTextured() [1/2]

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured ( const Double_t ver[][2],
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Double_t texMin,
Double_t texMax )

In polar coordinates, box became trapezoid.

Four faces need normal calculations.

Definition at line 3427 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTrapezoidTextured() [2/2]

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured ( const Double_t ver[][3],
Double_t texMin,
Double_t texMax )

Definition at line 3658 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ DrawTrapezoidTextured2()

void Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured2 ( const Double_t ver[][2],
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Double_t tMin,
Double_t tMax )

In polar coordinates, box became trapezoid.

Definition at line 3504 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ GetColor()

void Rgl::GetColor ( Float_t v,
Float_t vmin,
Float_t vmax,
Int_t type,
Float_t * rgba )

This function creates color for parametric surface's vertex, using its 'u' value.

I've found it in one of Apple's Carbon tutorials , and it's based on Paul Bourke work. Very nice colors!!! :)

Definition at line 3886 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ make_guard() [1/2]

template<class Func , class Arg >
TOneArgGuard< Func, Arg > Rgl::make_guard ( Func f,
Arg a )

Definition at line 1329 of file TGLUtil.h.

◆ make_guard() [2/2]

template<class Func , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
TTwoArgsGuard< Func, Arg1, Arg2 > Rgl::make_guard ( Func f,
Arg1 a1,
Arg2 a2 )

Definition at line 1335 of file TGLUtil.h.

◆ NormalToColor()

void Rgl::NormalToColor ( Double_t * rfColor,
const Double_t * n )

NormalToColor generates a color from a given normal.

Definition at line 179 of file TGLIsoMesh.cxx.

◆ ObjectIDToColor()

void Rgl::ObjectIDToColor ( Int_t objectID,
Bool_t highColor )

Object id encoded as rgb triplet.

Definition at line 2900 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ SetZLevels()

void Rgl::SetZLevels ( TAxis * zAxis,
Double_t zMin,
Double_t zMax,
Double_t zScale,
std::vector< Double_t > & zLevels )

Definition at line 3829 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ SphericalNormal()

void Rgl::SphericalNormal ( const Double_t * v,
Double_t * normal )

Definition at line 3568 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ SphericalNormalInv()

void Rgl::SphericalNormalInv ( const Double_t * v,
Double_t * normal )

Definition at line 3584 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ gAxisType

const Int_t Rgl::gAxisType[][2] = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}

Definition at line 3761 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBlueEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gBlueEmission = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2852 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxBackNormals

const Double_t Rgl::gBoxBackNormals[][3] = {{0., -1., 0.}, {-1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}}

Definition at line 3010 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxBackPlanes

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxBackPlanes[][2] = {{0, 1}, {3, 0}, {2, 3}, {1, 2}}

Definition at line 3011 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxBackQuads

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxBackQuads[][4] = {{7, 1, 2, 6}, {4, 7, 6, 5}, {0, 4, 5, 3}, {0, 3, 2, 1}}

Definition at line 3009 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxFrontNormals

const Double_t Rgl::gBoxFrontNormals[][3] = {{-1., 0., 0.}, {0., -1., 0.}, {1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}}

Definition at line 3006 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxFrontPlanes

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxFrontPlanes[][2] = {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}}

Definition at line 3007 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gBoxFrontQuads

const Int_t Rgl::gBoxFrontQuads[][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 3, 5}, {4, 5, 6, 7}, {7, 6, 2, 1}}

Definition at line 3005 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gFramePoints

const Int_t Rgl::gFramePoints[][2] = {{3, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 0}}

Definition at line 3759 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gGrayEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gGrayEmission = {0.3f,0.3f, 0.3f,1.f}

Definition at line 2855 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gGreenEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gGreenEmission = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2851 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gH2PolyScaleXY

const Double_t Rgl::gH2PolyScaleXY = 1.2

Definition at line 2260 of file TGLPlotPainter.cxx.

◆ gNullEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gNullEmission = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2856 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gOrangeEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gOrangeEmission = {1.f, 0.4f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2853 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gRedEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gRedEmission = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2850 of file TGLUtil.cxx.

◆ gWhiteEmission

const Float_t Rgl::gWhiteEmission = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}

Definition at line 2854 of file TGLUtil.cxx.