tuple classes designed for future ROOT version 7 (experimental!)
Classes | |
class | ENTupleColumnType |
The available trivial, native content types of a column. More... | |
class | RArrayAsRVecField |
Additional classes related to sequence containers. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RCluster |
An in-memory subset of the packed and compressed pages of a cluster. More... | |
class | ROOT::RClusterDescriptor |
Meta-data for a set of ntuple clusters. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RClusterDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RClusterDescriptorIterable |
Used to loop over all the clusters of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More... | |
class | ROOT::RClusterGroupDescriptor |
Clusters are bundled in cluster groups. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RClusterGroupDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterGroupDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RClusterGroupDescriptorIterable |
Used to loop over all the cluster groups of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RClusterPool |
Managed a set of clusters containing compressed and packed pages. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RColumn |
A column is a storage-backed array of a simple, fixed-size type, from which pages can be mapped into memory. More... | |
class | ROOT::RColumnDescriptor |
Meta-data stored for every column of an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RColumnDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RColumnDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RColumnDescriptorIterable |
Used to loop over a field's associated columns. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RColumnElementBase |
A column element encapsulates the translation between basic C++ types and their column representation. More... | |
class | RColumnRange |
The window of element indexes of a particular column in a particular cluster. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RDaosNTupleAnchor |
Entry point for an RNTuple in a DAOS container. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::REntry |
The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleJoinTable::REntryMapping |
Provides a mapping from one or several join field values to an entry index. More... | |
class | ROOT::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor |
Field specific extra type information from the header / extenstion header. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptorIterable |
Used to loop over all the extra type info record of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More... | |
class | ROOT::RFieldBase |
A field translates read and write calls from/to underlying columns to/from tree values. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor::RFieldContext |
Manager for a field as part of the RNTupleProcessor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RFieldDescriptor |
Meta-data stored for every field of an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RFieldDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RFieldDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RFieldDescriptorIterable |
Used to loop over a field's child fields. More... | |
class | ROOT::Detail::RFieldVisitor |
Abstract base class for classes implementing the visitor design pattern. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RHeaderExtension |
Summarizes information about fields and the corresponding columns that were added after the header has been serialized. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor::RIterator |
Iterator over the entries of an RNTuple, or vertical concatenation thereof. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RMiniFileReader |
Read RNTuple data blocks from a TFile container, provided by a RRawFile. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTuple |
Representation of an RNTuple data set in a ROOT file. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleAtomicCounter |
A thread-safe integral performance counter. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleCalcPerf |
A metric element that computes its floating point value from other counters. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleChainProcessor |
Processor specialization for vertically combined (chained) RNTupleProcessors. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleCollectionView |
A view for a collection, that can itself generate new ntuple views for its nested fields. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RNTupleCompressor |
Helper class to compress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RNTupleDecompressor |
Helper class to uncompress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor |
The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RNTupleDescriptorBuilder |
A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RNTupleDescriptor. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDirectAccessView< T > |
A view variant that provides direct access to the I/O buffers. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleFileWriter |
Write RNTuple data blocks in a TFile or a bare file container. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleFillContext |
A context for filling entries (data) into clusters of an RNTuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleFillStatus |
A status object after filling an entry. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RNTupleFormatter |
Contains helper functions for RNTupleReader::PrintInfo() and RPrintSchemaVisitor::VisitField() More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleGlobalRange |
Used to loop over indexes (entries or collections) between start and end. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleImporter |
Converts a TTree into an RNTuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleInspector |
Inspect on-disk and storage-related information of an RNTuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleJoinProcessor |
Processor specialization for horizontally combined (joined) RNTuples. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleJoinTable |
Builds a join table on one or several fields of an RNTuple so it can be joined onto other RNTuples. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleLocalRange |
Used to loop over entries of collections in a single cluster. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleMerger |
Given a set of RPageSources merge them into an RPagePersistentSink, optionally changing their compression. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleMetrics |
A collection of Counter objects with a name, a unit, and a description. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel |
The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleModelChangeset |
The incremental changes to a RNTupleModel More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleOpenSpec |
Specification of the name and location of an RNTuple, used for creating a new RNTupleProcessor. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleParallelWriter |
A writer to fill an RNTuple from multiple contexts. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePerfCounter |
A performance counter with a name and a unit, which can be activated on demand. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePlainCounter |
A non thread-safe integral performance counter. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor |
Interface for iterating over entries of RNTuples and vertically concatenated RNTuples (chains). More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleReader |
An RNTuple that is used to read data from storage. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleReadOptions |
Common user-tunable settings for reading ntuples. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleSerializer |
A helper class for serializing and deserialization of the RNTuple binary format. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleSingleProcessor |
Processor specialization for processing a single RNTuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTickCounter< BaseCounterT > |
An either thread-safe or non thread safe counter for CPU ticks. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTimer< WallTimeT, CpuTimeT > |
Record wall time and CPU time between construction and destruction. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< T > |
An RNTupleView for a known type. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleViewBase< T > |
An RNTupleView provides read-only access to a single field of the ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions |
Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriteOptionsDaos |
DAOS-specific user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter |
An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPage |
A page as being stored on disk, that is packed and compressed. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPageMap |
A memory region that contains packed and compressed pages. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPageMapHeap |
An ROnDiskPageMap that is used for an fMemory allocated as an array of unsigned char. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPage |
A page is a slice of a column that is mapped into memory. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPageAllocator |
Abstract interface to allocate and release pages. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPageAllocatorHeap |
Uses standard C++ memory allocation for the column data pages. More... | |
class | ROOT::RClusterDescriptor::RPageInfo |
Information about a single page in the context of a cluster's page range. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageNullSink |
Dummy sink that discards all pages. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPagePersistentSink |
Base class for a sink with a physical storage backend. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPagePool |
A thread-safe cache of pages loaded from the page source. More... | |
class | ROOT::RClusterDescriptor::RPageRange |
Records the partition of data into pages for a particular column in a particular cluster. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPageRef |
Reference to a page stored in the page pool. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSink |
Abstract interface to write data into an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkBuf |
Wrapper sink that coalesces cluster column page writes. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkDaos |
Storage provider that writes ntuple pages to into a DAOS container. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkFile |
Storage provider that write ntuple pages into a file. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSource |
Abstract interface to read data from an ntuple. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSourceDaos |
Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a DAOS container. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSourceFile |
Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a file. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageStorage |
Common functionality of an ntuple storage for both reading and writing. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPrepareVisitor |
Visitor used for a pre-processing run to collect information needed by another visitor class. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPrintSchemaVisitor |
Contains settings for printing and prints a summary of an RField instance. More... | |
class | ROOT::Internal::RPrintValueVisitor |
Renders a JSON value corresponding to the field. More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RProjectedFields |
The projected fields of a RNTupleModel More... | |
class | ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RWritePageMemoryManager |
Helper to maintain a memory budget for the write pages of a set of columns. More... | |