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NTuple-related classes

tuple classes designed for future ROOT version 7 (experimental!)


file  libdaos_mock.cxx
file  RCluster.cxx
file  RCluster.hxx
file  RClusterPool.cxx
file  RClusterPool.hxx
file  RColumn.cxx
file  RColumn.hxx
file  RColumnElement.cxx
file  RColumnElementBase.hxx
file  RCreateFieldOptions.hxx
file  RDaos.cxx
file  RDaos.hxx
file  REntry.hxx
file  RField.cxx
file  RField.hxx
file  RFieldBase.cxx
file  RFieldBase.hxx
file  RFieldMeta.cxx
file  RFieldSequenceContainer.cxx
file  RFieldUtils.cxx
file  RFieldUtils.hxx
file  RFieldVisitor.cxx
file  RFieldVisitor.hxx
file  RMiniFile.cxx
file  RMiniFile.hxx
file  RNTuple.cxx
file  RNTuple.hxx
file  RNTupleDescriptor.cxx
file  RNTupleDescriptor.hxx
file  RNTupleDescriptorFmt.cxx
file  RNTupleDS.cxx
file  RNTupleDS.hxx
file  RNTupleExporter.cxx
file  RNTupleExporter.hxx
file  RNTupleFillContext.cxx
file  RNTupleFillContext.hxx
file  RNTupleFillStatus.hxx
file  RNTupleImporter.cxx
file  RNTupleImporter.hxx
file  RNTupleImtTaskScheduler.hxx
file  RNTupleInspector.cxx
file  RNTupleInspector.hxx
file  RNTupleJoinTable.cxx
file  RNTupleJoinTable.hxx
file  RNTupleMerger.cxx
file  RNTupleMerger.hxx
file  RNTupleMetrics.cxx
file  RNTupleMetrics.hxx
file  RNTupleModel.cxx
file  RNTupleModel.hxx
file  RNTupleParallelWriter.cxx
file  RNTupleParallelWriter.hxx
file  RNTupleProcessor.cxx
file  RNTupleProcessor.hxx
file  RNTupleRange.hxx
file  RNTupleReader.cxx
file  RNTupleReader.hxx
file  RNTupleReadOptions.hxx
file  RNTupleSerialize.cxx
file  RNTupleSerialize.hxx
file  RNTupleUtil.cxx
file  RNTupleUtil.hxx
file  RNTupleView.cxx
file  RNTupleView.hxx
file  RNTupleWriteOptions.cxx
file  RNTupleWriteOptions.hxx
file  RNTupleWriteOptionsDaos.hxx
file  RNTupleWriter.hxx
file  RNTupleZip.hxx
file  RPage.cxx
file  RPage.hxx
file  RPageAllocator.cxx
file  RPageAllocator.hxx
file  RPageNullSink.hxx
file  RPagePool.cxx
file  RPagePool.hxx
file  RPageSinkBuf.cxx
file  RPageSinkBuf.hxx
file  RPageStorage.cxx
file  RPageStorage.hxx
file  RPageStorageDaos.cxx
file  RPageStorageDaos.hxx
file  RPageStorageFile.cxx
file  RPageStorageFile.hxx


class  ENTupleColumnType
 The available trivial, native content types of a column. More...
class  RArrayAsRVecField
 Additional classes related to sequence containers. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RCluster
 An in-memory subset of the packed and compressed pages of a cluster. More...
class  ROOT::RClusterDescriptor
 Meta-data for a set of ntuple clusters. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RClusterDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RClusterDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over all the clusters of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More...
class  ROOT::RClusterGroupDescriptor
 Clusters are bundled in cluster groups. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RClusterGroupDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RClusterGroupDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RClusterGroupDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over all the cluster groups of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RClusterPool
 Managed a set of clusters containing compressed and packed pages. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RColumn
 A column is a storage-backed array of a simple, fixed-size type, from which pages can be mapped into memory. More...
class  ROOT::RColumnDescriptor
 Meta-data stored for every column of an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RColumnDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RColumnDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RColumnDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over a field's associated columns. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RColumnElementBase
 A column element encapsulates the translation between basic C++ types and their column representation. More...
class  RColumnRange
 The window of element indexes of a particular column in a particular cluster. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RDaosNTupleAnchor
 Entry point for an RNTuple in a DAOS container. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::REntry
 The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleJoinTable::REntryMapping
 Provides a mapping from one or several join field values to an entry index. More...
class  ROOT::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor
 Field specific extra type information from the header / extenstion header. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RExtraTypeInfoDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RExtraTypeInfoDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over all the extra type info record of an ntuple (in unspecified order) More...
class  ROOT::RFieldBase
 A field translates read and write calls from/to underlying columns to/from tree values. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor::RFieldContext
 Manager for a field as part of the RNTupleProcessor. More...
class  ROOT::RFieldDescriptor
 Meta-data stored for every field of an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RFieldDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RFieldDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RFieldDescriptorIterable
 Used to loop over a field's child fields. More...
class  ROOT::Detail::RFieldVisitor
 Abstract base class for classes implementing the visitor design pattern. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor::RHeaderExtension
 Summarizes information about fields and the corresponding columns that were added after the header has been serialized. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor::RIterator
 Iterator over the entries of an RNTuple, or vertical concatenation thereof. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RMiniFileReader
 Read RNTuple data blocks from a TFile container, provided by a RRawFile. More...
class  ROOT::RNTuple
 Representation of an RNTuple data set in a ROOT file. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleAtomicCounter
 A thread-safe integral performance counter. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleCalcPerf
 A metric element that computes its floating point value from other counters. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleChainProcessor
 Processor specialization for vertically combined (chained) RNTupleProcessors. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleCollectionView
 A view for a collection, that can itself generate new ntuple views for its nested fields. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RNTupleCompressor
 Helper class to compress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RNTupleDecompressor
 Helper class to uncompress data blocks in the ROOT compression frame format. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleDescriptor
 The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RNTupleDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RNTupleDescriptor. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDirectAccessView< T >
 A view variant that provides direct access to the I/O buffers. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleFileWriter
 Write RNTuple data blocks in a TFile or a bare file container. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleFillContext
 A context for filling entries (data) into clusters of an RNTuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleFillStatus
 A status object after filling an entry. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RNTupleFormatter
 Contains helper functions for RNTupleReader::PrintInfo() and RPrintSchemaVisitor::VisitField() More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleGlobalRange
 Used to loop over indexes (entries or collections) between start and end. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleImporter
 Converts a TTree into an RNTuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleInspector
 Inspect on-disk and storage-related information of an RNTuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleJoinProcessor
 Processor specialization for horizontally combined (joined) RNTuples. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleJoinTable
 Builds a join table on one or several fields of an RNTuple so it can be joined onto other RNTuples. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleLocalRange
 Used to loop over entries of collections in a single cluster. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleMerger
 Given a set of RPageSources merge them into an RPagePersistentSink, optionally changing their compression. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleMetrics
 A collection of Counter objects with a name, a unit, and a description. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel
 The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleModelChangeset
 The incremental changes to a RNTupleModel More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleOpenSpec
 Specification of the name and location of an RNTuple, used for creating a new RNTupleProcessor. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleParallelWriter
 A writer to fill an RNTuple from multiple contexts. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePerfCounter
 A performance counter with a name and a unit, which can be activated on demand. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePlainCounter
 A non thread-safe integral performance counter. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleProcessor
 Interface for iterating over entries of RNTuples and vertically concatenated RNTuples (chains). More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleReader
 An RNTuple that is used to read data from storage. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleReadOptions
 Common user-tunable settings for reading ntuples. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleSerializer
 A helper class for serializing and deserialization of the RNTuple binary format. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleSingleProcessor
 Processor specialization for processing a single RNTuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTickCounter< BaseCounterT >
 An either thread-safe or non thread safe counter for CPU ticks. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTimer< WallTimeT, CpuTimeT >
 Record wall time and CPU time between construction and destruction. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< T >
 An RNTupleView for a known type. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleViewBase< T >
 An RNTupleView provides read-only access to a single field of the ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::RNTupleWriteOptions
 Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriteOptionsDaos
 DAOS-specific user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter
 An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPage
 A page as being stored on disk, that is packed and compressed. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPageMap
 A memory region that contains packed and compressed pages. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::ROnDiskPageMapHeap
 An ROnDiskPageMap that is used for an fMemory allocated as an array of unsigned char. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPage
 A page is a slice of a column that is mapped into memory. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPageAllocator
 Abstract interface to allocate and release pages. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPageAllocatorHeap
 Uses standard C++ memory allocation for the column data pages. More...
class  ROOT::RClusterDescriptor::RPageInfo
 Information about a single page in the context of a cluster's page range. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageNullSink
 Dummy sink that discards all pages. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPagePersistentSink
 Base class for a sink with a physical storage backend. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPagePool
 A thread-safe cache of pages loaded from the page source. More...
class  ROOT::RClusterDescriptor::RPageRange
 Records the partition of data into pages for a particular column in a particular cluster. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPageRef
 Reference to a page stored in the page pool. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSink
 Abstract interface to write data into an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkBuf
 Wrapper sink that coalesces cluster column page writes. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkDaos
 Storage provider that writes ntuple pages to into a DAOS container. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSinkFile
 Storage provider that write ntuple pages into a file. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSource
 Abstract interface to read data from an ntuple. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSourceDaos
 Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a DAOS container. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageSourceFile
 Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a file. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RPageStorage
 Common functionality of an ntuple storage for both reading and writing. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPrepareVisitor
 Visitor used for a pre-processing run to collect information needed by another visitor class. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPrintSchemaVisitor
 Contains settings for printing and prints a summary of an RField instance. More...
class  ROOT::Internal::RPrintValueVisitor
 Renders a JSON value corresponding to the field. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RProjectedFields
 The projected fields of a RNTupleModel More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RWritePageMemoryManager
 Helper to maintain a memory budget for the write pages of a set of columns. More...