| ToyMCImportanceSampler () |
| ToyMCImportanceSampler (TestStatistic &ts, Int_t ntoys) |
virtual | ~ToyMCImportanceSampler () |
virtual RooDataSet * | GetSamplingDistributionsSingleWorker (RooArgSet ¶mPoint) |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (RooArgSet ¶mPoint, double &weight) const |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (RooArgSet ¶mPoint, double &weight, std::vector< double > &impNLLs, double &nullNLL) const |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (std::vector< double > &weights) const |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (std::vector< double > &weights, std::vector< double > &nullNLLs, std::vector< double > &impNLLs) const |
void | SetDensityToGenerateFromByIndex (unsigned int i, bool fromNull=false) |
| specifies the pdf to sample from More...
void | AddImportanceDensity (RooAbsPdf *p, const RooArgSet *s) |
void | AddNullDensity (RooAbsPdf *p, const RooArgSet *s=NULL) |
virtual void | SetPdf (RooAbsPdf &pdf) |
void | SetParametersForTestStat (const RooArgSet &nullpoi) |
void | SetApplyVeto (bool b=true) |
void | SetReuseNLL (bool r=true) |
virtual void | SetConditionalObservables (const RooArgSet &set) |
int | CreateNImpDensitiesForOnePOI (RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &allPOI, RooRealVar &poi, int n, double poiValueForBackground=0.0) |
int | CreateImpDensitiesForOnePOIAdaptively (RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &allPOI, RooRealVar &poi, double nStdDevOverlap=0.5, double poiValueForBackground=0.0) |
void | SetEqualNumToysPerDensity (void) |
void | SetExpIncreasingNumToysPerDensity (void) |
| ToyMCSampler () |
| ToyMCSampler (TestStatistic &ts, Int_t ntoys) |
virtual | ~ToyMCSampler () |
void | SetUseMultiGen (Bool_t flag) |
virtual SamplingDistribution * | GetSamplingDistribution (RooArgSet ¶mPoint) |
virtual RooDataSet * | GetSamplingDistributions (RooArgSet ¶mPoint) |
virtual SamplingDistribution * | AppendSamplingDistribution (RooArgSet &allParameters, SamplingDistribution *last, Int_t additionalMC) |
virtual void | AddTestStatistic (TestStatistic *t=NULL) |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (RooArgSet ¶mPoint, RooAbsPdf &pdf) const |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (RooArgSet ¶mPoint) const |
virtual RooAbsData * | GenerateToyData (RooArgSet ¶mPoint, double &weight, RooAbsPdf &pdf) const |
virtual void | GenerateGlobalObservables (RooAbsPdf &pdf) const |
virtual Double_t | EvaluateTestStatistic (RooAbsData &data, RooArgSet &nullPOI, int i) |
virtual Double_t | EvaluateTestStatistic (RooAbsData &data, RooArgSet &nullPOI) |
virtual RooArgList * | EvaluateAllTestStatistics (RooAbsData &data, const RooArgSet &poi) |
virtual TestStatistic * | GetTestStatistic (unsigned int i) const |
virtual TestStatistic * | GetTestStatistic (void) const |
virtual Double_t | ConfidenceLevel () const |
virtual void | Initialize (RooAbsArg &, RooArgSet &, RooArgSet &) |
virtual Int_t | GetNToys (void) |
virtual void | SetNToys (const Int_t ntoy) |
virtual void | SetNEventsPerToy (const Int_t nevents) |
virtual void | SetPriorNuisance (RooAbsPdf *pdf) |
virtual void | SetNuisanceParameters (const RooArgSet &np) |
virtual void | SetObservables (const RooArgSet &o) |
virtual void | SetGlobalObservables (const RooArgSet &o) |
virtual void | SetTestSize (Double_t size) |
virtual void | SetConfidenceLevel (Double_t cl) |
virtual void | SetTestStatistic (TestStatistic *testStatistic, unsigned int i) |
virtual void | SetTestStatistic (TestStatistic *t) |
virtual void | SetExpectedNuisancePar (Bool_t i=kTRUE) |
virtual void | SetAsimovNuisancePar (Bool_t i=kTRUE) |
Bool_t | CheckConfig (void) |
void | SetGenerateBinned (bool binned=true) |
void | SetGenerateBinnedTag (const char *binnedTag="") |
void | SetGenerateAutoBinned (Bool_t autoBinned=kTRUE) |
void | SetSamplingDistName (const char *name) |
std::string | GetSamplingDistName (void) |
void | SetMaxToys (Double_t t) |
void | SetToysLeftTail (Double_t toys, Double_t threshold) |
void | SetToysRightTail (Double_t toys, Double_t threshold) |
void | SetToysBothTails (Double_t toys, Double_t low_threshold, Double_t high_threshold) |
void | SetProofConfig (ProofConfig *pc=NULL) |
void | SetProtoData (const RooDataSet *d) |
virtual | ~TestStatSampler () |