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1 // @(#)root/roostats:$Id$
2 // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke
3 /*************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
5  * All rights reserved. *
6  * *
7  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
8  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
9  *************************************************************************/
11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 // include other header files
16 #include "RooAbsData.h"
17 #
18 #include "TMath.h"
20 #include "RooStats/HybridResult.h"
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <cmath>
26 #include "TF1.h"
27 #include "TFile.h"
28 #include "TH1.h"
29 #include "TLine.h"
30 #include "TCanvas.h"
31 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
32 #include "RooRealVar.h"
33 #include "RooArgSet.h"
34 #include "RooAbsPdf.h"
35 #include "RooRandom.h"
36 #include "RooConstVar.h"
37 #include "RooMsgService.h"
38 #include "RooStats/ModelConfig.h"
45 #include "RooStats/ToyMCSampler.h"
46 #include "RooStats/HypoTestPlot.h"
49 #include "RooStats/ProofConfig.h"
53 using namespace RooStats;
54 using namespace std;
56 // static variable definitions
57 double HypoTestInverter::fgCLAccuracy = 0.005;
58 unsigned int HypoTestInverter::fgNToys = 500;
62 std::string HypoTestInverter::fgAlgo = "logSecant";
66 // helper class to wrap the functionality of the various HypoTestCalculators
68 template<class HypoTestType>
69 struct HypoTestWrapper {
71  static void SetToys(HypoTestType * h, int toyNull, int toyAlt) { h->SetToys(toyNull,toyAlt); }
73 };
77 // set flag to close proof for every new run
78  fgCloseProof = flag;
79 }
83  // get the variable to scan
84  // try first with null model if not go to alternate model
86  RooRealVar * varToScan = 0;
87  const ModelConfig * mc = hc.GetNullModel();
88  if (mc) {
89  const RooArgSet * poi = mc->GetParametersOfInterest();
90  if (poi) varToScan = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (poi->first() );
91  }
92  if (!varToScan) {
93  mc = hc.GetAlternateModel();
94  if (mc) {
95  const RooArgSet * poi = mc->GetParametersOfInterest();
96  if (poi) varToScan = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (poi->first() );
97  }
98  }
99  return varToScan;
100 }
103  // check the model given the given hypotestcalculator
104  const ModelConfig * modelSB = hc.GetNullModel();
105  const ModelConfig * modelB = hc.GetAlternateModel();
106  if (!modelSB || ! modelB)
107  oocoutF((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - model are not existing" << std::endl;
108  assert(modelSB && modelB);
110  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter ---- Input models: \n"
111  << "\t\t using as S+B (null) model : "
112  << modelSB->GetName() << "\n"
113  << "\t\t using as B (alternate) model : "
114  << modelB->GetName() << "\n" << std::endl;
116  // check if scanVariable is included in B model pdf
117  RooAbsPdf * bPdf = modelB->GetPdf();
118  const RooArgSet * bObs = modelB->GetObservables();
119  if (!bPdf || !bObs) {
120  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - B model has no pdf or observables defined" << std::endl;
121  return;
122  }
123  RooArgSet * bParams = bPdf->getParameters(*bObs);
124  if (!bParams) {
125  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - pdf of B model has no parameters" << std::endl;
126  return;
127  }
128  if (bParams->find(scanVariable.GetName() ) ) {
129  const RooArgSet * poiB = modelB->GetSnapshot();
130  if (!poiB || !poiB->find(scanVariable.GetName()) ||
131  ( (RooRealVar*) poiB->find(scanVariable.GetName()) )->getVal() != 0 )
132  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - using a B model with POI "
133  << scanVariable.GetName() << " not equal to zero "
134  << " user must check input model configurations " << endl;
135  if (poiB) delete poiB;
136  }
137  delete bParams;
138 }
141  fTotalToysRun(0),
142  fMaxToys(0),
143  fCalculator0(0),
144  fScannedVariable(0),
145  fResults(0),
146  fUseCLs(false),
147  fScanLog(false),
148  fSize(0),
149  fVerbose(0),
150  fCalcType(kUndefined),
151  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
152  fNumErr(0)
153 {
154  // default constructor (doesn't do anything)
155 }
158  RooRealVar* scannedVariable, double size ) :
159  fTotalToysRun(0),
160  fMaxToys(0),
161  fCalculator0(0),
162  fScannedVariable(scannedVariable),
163  fResults(0),
164  fUseCLs(false),
165  fScanLog(false),
166  fSize(size),
167  fVerbose(0),
169  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
170  fNumErr(0)
171 {
172  // Constructor from a HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
173  // The HypoTest calculator must be a FrequentistCalculator or HybridCalculator type
174  // Other type of calculators are not supported.
175  // The calculator must be created before by using the S+B model for the null and
176  // the B model for the alt
177  // If no variable to scan are given they are assumed to be the first variable
178  // from the parameter of interests of the null model
180  if (!fScannedVariable) {
182  }
183  if (!fScannedVariable)
184  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Cannot guess the variable to scan " << std::endl;
185  else
188  HybridCalculator * hybCalc = dynamic_cast<HybridCalculator*>(&hc);
189  if (hybCalc) {
190  fCalcType = kHybrid;
191  fCalculator0 = hybCalc;
192  return;
193  }
194  FrequentistCalculator * freqCalc = dynamic_cast<FrequentistCalculator*>(&hc);
195  if (freqCalc) {
197  fCalculator0 = freqCalc;
198  return;
199  }
200  AsymptoticCalculator * asymCalc = dynamic_cast<AsymptoticCalculator*>(&hc);
201  if (asymCalc) {
203  fCalculator0 = asymCalc;
204  return;
205  }
206  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Type of hypotest calculator is not supported " <<std::endl;
207  fCalculator0 = &hc;
208 }
212  RooRealVar* scannedVariable, double size ) :
213  fTotalToysRun(0),
214  fMaxToys(0),
215  fCalculator0(&hc),
216  fScannedVariable(scannedVariable),
217  fResults(0),
218  fUseCLs(false),
219  fScanLog(false),
220  fSize(size),
221  fVerbose(0),
222  fCalcType(kHybrid),
223  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
224  fNumErr(0)
225 {
226  // Constructor from a reference to a HybridCalculator
227  // The calculator must be created before by using the S+B model for the null and
228  // the B model for the alt
229  // If no variable to scan are given they are assumed to be the first variable
230  // from the parameter of interests of the null model
232  if (!fScannedVariable) {
234  }
235  if (!fScannedVariable)
236  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Cannot guess the variable to scan " << std::endl;
237  else
240 }
246  RooRealVar* scannedVariable, double size ) :
247  fTotalToysRun(0),
248  fMaxToys(0),
249  fCalculator0(&hc),
250  fScannedVariable(scannedVariable),
251  fResults(0),
252  fUseCLs(false),
253  fScanLog(false),
254  fSize(size),
255  fVerbose(0),
257  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
258  fNumErr(0)
259 {
260  // Constructor from a reference to a FrequentistCalculator
261  // The calculator must be created before by using the S+B model for the null and
262  // the B model for the alt
263  // If no variable to scan are given they are assumed to be the first variable
264  // from the parameter of interests of the null model
266  if (!fScannedVariable) {
268  }
269  if (!fScannedVariable)
270  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Cannot guess the variable to scan " << std::endl;
271  else
273 }
276  RooRealVar* scannedVariable, double size ) :
277  fTotalToysRun(0),
278  fMaxToys(0),
279  fCalculator0(&hc),
280  fScannedVariable(scannedVariable),
281  fResults(0),
282  fUseCLs(false),
283  fScanLog(false),
284  fSize(size),
285  fVerbose(0),
287  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
288  fNumErr(0)
289 {
290  // Constructor from a reference to a AsymptoticCalculator
291  // The calculator must be created before by using the S+B model for the null and
292  // the B model for the alt
293  // If no variable to scan are given they are assumed to be the first variable
294  // from the parameter of interests of the null model
296  if (!fScannedVariable) {
298  }
299  if (!fScannedVariable)
300  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Cannot guess the variable to scan " << std::endl;
301  else
304 }
307 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
308 /// Constructor from a model for B model and a model for S+B.
309 /// An HypoTestCalculator (Hybrid of Frequentis) will be created using the
310 /// S+B model as the null and the B model as the alternate
311 /// If no variable to scan are given they are assumed to be the first variable
312 /// from the parameter of interests of the null model
315  RooRealVar * scannedVariable, ECalculatorType type, double size) :
316  fTotalToysRun(0),
317  fMaxToys(0),
318  fCalculator0(0),
319  fScannedVariable(scannedVariable),
320  fResults(0),
321  fUseCLs(false),
322  fScanLog(false),
323  fSize(size),
324  fVerbose(0),
325  fCalcType(type),
326  fNBins(0), fXmin(1), fXmax(1),
327  fNumErr(0)
328 {
329  if(fCalcType==kFrequentist) fHC.reset(new FrequentistCalculator(data, bModel, sbModel));
330  if(fCalcType==kHybrid) fHC.reset( new HybridCalculator(data, bModel, sbModel)) ;
331  if(fCalcType==kAsymptotic) fHC.reset( new AsymptoticCalculator(data, bModel, sbModel));
332  fCalculator0 = fHC.get();
333  // get scanned variabke
334  if (!fScannedVariable) {
336  }
337  if (!fScannedVariable)
338  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - Cannot guess the variable to scan " << std::endl;
339  else
342 }
347  fTotalToysRun(0),
348  fCalculator0(0), fScannedVariable(0), // add these for Coverity
349  fResults(0)
350 {
351  // copy-constructor
352  // NOTE: this class does not copy the contained result and
353  // the HypoTestCalculator, but only the pointers
354  // It requires the original HTI to be alive
355  (*this) = rhs;
356 }
359  // assignment operator
360  // NOTE: this class does not copy the contained result and
361  // the HypoTestCalculator, but only the pointers
362  // It requires the original HTI to be alive
363  if (this == &rhs) return *this;
364  fTotalToysRun = 0;
365  fMaxToys = rhs.fMaxToys;
368  fUseCLs = rhs.fUseCLs;
369  fScanLog = rhs.fScanLog;
370  fSize = rhs.fSize;
371  fVerbose = rhs.fVerbose;
372  fCalcType = rhs.fCalcType;
373  fNBins = rhs.fNBins;
374  fXmin = rhs.fXmin;
375  fXmax = rhs.fXmax;
376  fNumErr = rhs.fNumErr;
378  return *this;
379 }
382 {
383  // destructor (delete the HypoTestInverterResult)
385  if (fResults) delete fResults;
386  fCalculator0 = 0;
387 }
391 {
392  // return the test statistic which is or will be used by the class
395  }
396  else
397  return 0;
398 }
401 {
402  // set the test statistic to use
405  return true;
406  }
407  else return false;
408 }
411  // delete contained result and graph
412  if (fResults) delete fResults;
413  fResults = 0;
414  fLimitPlot.reset(nullptr);
415 }
418  // create a new HypoTestInverterResult to hold all computed results
419  if (fResults == 0) {
420  TString results_name = "result_";
421  results_name += fScannedVariable->GetName();
423  TString title = "HypoTestInverter Result For ";
424  title += fScannedVariable->GetName();
425  fResults->SetTitle(title);
426  }
429  // check if one or two sided scan
430  if (fCalculator0) {
431  // if asymptotic calculator
433  if (ac)
435  else {
436  // in case of the other calculators
438  if (sampler) {
439  ProfileLikelihoodTestStat * pl = dynamic_cast<ProfileLikelihoodTestStat*>(sampler->GetTestStatistic());
440  if (pl && pl->IsTwoSided() ) fResults->fIsTwoSided = true;
441  }
442  }
443  }
444 }
447  // Run a fixed scan or the automatic scan depending on the configuration
448  // Return if needed a copy of the result object which will be managed by the user
450  // if having a result with at least one point return it
451  if (fResults && fResults->ArraySize() >= 1) {
452  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - return an already existing interval " << std::endl;
453  return (HypoTestInverterResult*)(fResults->Clone());
454  }
456  if (fNBins > 0) {
457  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - run a fixed scan" << std::endl;
458  bool ret = RunFixedScan(fNBins, fXmin, fXmax, fScanLog);
459  if (!ret)
460  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - error running a fixed scan " << std::endl;
461  }
462  else {
463  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - run an automatic scan" << std::endl;
464  double limit(0),err(0);
465  bool ret = RunLimit(limit,err);
466  if (!ret)
467  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - error running an auto scan " << std::endl;
468  }
472  return (HypoTestInverterResult*) (fResults->Clone());
473 }
477 HypoTestResult * HypoTestInverter::Eval(HypoTestCalculatorGeneric &hc, bool adaptive, double clsTarget) const {
478  // Run the Hypothesis test at a previous configured point
479  //(internal function called by RunOnePoint)
482  //for debug
483  // std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>> " << std::endl;
484  // std::cout << "alternate model " << std::endl;
485  // hc.GetAlternateModel()->GetNuisanceParameters()->Print("V");
486  // hc.GetAlternateModel()->GetParametersOfInterest()->Print("V");
487  // std::cout << "Null model " << std::endl;
488  // hc.GetNullModel()->GetNuisanceParameters()->Print("V");
489  // hc.GetNullModel()->GetParametersOfInterest()->Print("V");
490  // std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< " << std::endl;
492  // run the hypothesis test
493  HypoTestResult * hcResult = hc.GetHypoTest();
494  if (hcResult == 0) {
495  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::Eval - HypoTest failed" << std::endl;
496  return hcResult;
497  }
499  // since the b model is the alt need to set the flag
500  hcResult->SetBackgroundAsAlt(true);
503  // bool flipPvalue = false;
504  // if (flipPValues)
505  // hcResult->SetPValueIsRightTail(!hcResult->GetPValueIsRightTail());
507  // adjust for some numerical error in discrete models and == is not anymore
508  if (hcResult->GetPValueIsRightTail() )
509  hcResult->SetTestStatisticData(hcResult->GetTestStatisticData()-fNumErr); // issue with < vs <= in discrete models
510  else
511  hcResult->SetTestStatisticData(hcResult->GetTestStatisticData()+fNumErr); // issue with < vs <= in discrete models
513  double clsMid = (fUseCLs ? hcResult->CLs() : hcResult->CLsplusb());
514  double clsMidErr = (fUseCLs ? hcResult->CLsError() : hcResult->CLsplusbError());
516  //if (fVerbose) std::cout << (fUseCLs ? "\tCLs = " : "\tCLsplusb = ") << clsMid << " +/- " << clsMidErr << std::endl;
518  if (adaptive) {
520  if (fCalcType == kHybrid) HypoTestWrapper<HybridCalculator>::SetToys((HybridCalculator*)&hc, fUseCLs ? fgNToys : 1, 4*fgNToys);
521  if (fCalcType == kFrequentist) HypoTestWrapper<FrequentistCalculator>::SetToys((FrequentistCalculator*)&hc, fUseCLs ? fgNToys : 1, 4*fgNToys);
523  while (clsMidErr >= fgCLAccuracy && (clsTarget == -1 || fabs(clsMid-clsTarget) < 3*clsMidErr) ) {
524  std::unique_ptr<HypoTestResult> more(hc.GetHypoTest());
526  // if (flipPValues)
527  // more->SetPValueIsRightTail(!more->GetPValueIsRightTail());
529  hcResult->Append(more.get());
530  clsMid = (fUseCLs ? hcResult->CLs() : hcResult->CLsplusb());
531  clsMidErr = (fUseCLs ? hcResult->CLsError() : hcResult->CLsplusbError());
532  if (fVerbose) std::cout << (fUseCLs ? "\tCLs = " : "\tCLsplusb = ") << clsMid << " +/- " << clsMidErr << std::endl;
533  }
535  }
536  if (fVerbose ) {
537  oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "P values for " << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " <<
538  fScannedVariable->getVal() << "\n" <<
539  "\tCLs = " << hcResult->CLs() << " +/- " << hcResult->CLsError() << "\n" <<
540  "\tCLb = " << hcResult->CLb() << " +/- " << hcResult->CLbError() << "\n" <<
541  "\tCLsplusb = " << hcResult->CLsplusb() << " +/- " << hcResult->CLsplusbError() << "\n" <<
542  std::endl;
543  }
545  if (fCalcType == kFrequentist || fCalcType == kHybrid) {
546  fTotalToysRun += (hcResult->GetAltDistribution()->GetSize() + hcResult->GetNullDistribution()->GetSize());
548  // set sampling distribution name
549  TString nullDistName = TString::Format("%s_%s_%4.2f",hcResult->GetNullDistribution()->GetName(),
551  TString altDistName = TString::Format("%s_%s_%4.2f",hcResult->GetAltDistribution()->GetName(),
554  hcResult->GetNullDistribution()->SetName(nullDistName);
555  hcResult->GetAltDistribution()->SetName(altDistName);
556  }
561  return hcResult;
562 }
565 bool HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan( int nBins, double xMin, double xMax, bool scanLog ) const
566 {
567  // Run a Fixed scan in npoints between min and max
569  CreateResults();
570  // interpolate the limits
571  fResults->fFittedLowerLimit = false;
572  fResults->fFittedUpperLimit = false;
574  // safety checks
575  if ( nBins<=0 ) {
576  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - Please provide nBins>0\n";
577  return false;
578  }
579  if ( nBins==1 && xMin!=xMax ) {
580  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - nBins==1 -> I will run for xMin (" << xMin << ")\n";
581  }
582  if ( xMin==xMax && nBins>1 ) {
583  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - xMin==xMax -> I will enforce nBins==1\n";
584  nBins = 1;
585  }
586  if ( xMin>xMax ) {
587  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - Please provide xMin ("
588  << xMin << ") smaller that xMax (" << xMax << ")\n";
589  return false;
590  }
592  if (xMin < fScannedVariable->getMin()) {
593  xMin = fScannedVariable->getMin();
594  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - xMin < lower bound, use xmin = "
595  << xMin << std::endl;
596  }
597  if (xMax > fScannedVariable->getMax()) {
598  xMax = fScannedVariable->getMax();
599  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan - xMax > upper bound, use xmax = "
600  << xMax << std::endl;
601  }
603  double thisX = xMin;
604  for (int i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
606  if (i > 0) { // avoids case of nBins = 1
607  if (scanLog)
608  thisX = exp( log(xMin) + i*(log(xMax)-log(xMin))/(nBins-1) ); // scan in log x
609  else
610  thisX = xMin + i*(xMax-xMin)/(nBins-1); // linear scan in x
611  }
613  bool status = RunOnePoint(thisX);
615  // check if failed status
616  if ( status==false ) {
617  std::cout << "\t\tLoop interrupted because of failed status\n";
618  return false;
619  }
620  }
624  return true;
625 }
628 bool HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint( double rVal, bool adaptive, double clTarget) const
629 {
630  // run only one point at the given POI value
632  CreateResults();
634  // check if rVal is in the range specified for fScannedVariable
635  if ( rVal < fScannedVariable->getMin() ) {
636  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint - Out of range: using the lower bound "
637  << fScannedVariable->getMin()
638  << " on the scanned variable rather than " << rVal<< "\n";
639  rVal = fScannedVariable->getMin();
640  }
641  if ( rVal > fScannedVariable->getMax() ) {
642  // print a message when you have a significative difference since rval is computed
643  if ( rVal > fScannedVariable->getMax()*(1.+1.E-12) )
644  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint - Out of range: using the upper bound "
645  << fScannedVariable->getMax()
646  << " on the scanned variable rather than " << rVal<< "\n";
647  rVal = fScannedVariable->getMax();
648  }
650  // save old value
651  double oldValue = fScannedVariable->getVal();
653  // evaluate hybrid calculator at a single point
654  fScannedVariable->setVal(rVal);
655  // need to set value of rval in hybridcalculator
656  // assume null model is S+B and alternate is B only
657  const ModelConfig * sbModel = fCalculator0->GetNullModel();
658  RooArgSet poi; poi.add(*sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest());
659  // set poi to right values
660  poi = RooArgSet(*fScannedVariable);
661  const_cast<ModelConfig*>(sbModel)->SetSnapshot(poi);
663  if (fVerbose > 0)
664  oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "Running for " << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " << fScannedVariable->getVal() << endl;
666  // compute the results
667  HypoTestResult* result = Eval(*fCalculator0,adaptive,clTarget);
668  if (!result) {
669  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter - Error running point " << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " <<
670  fScannedVariable->getVal() << endl;
671  return false;
672  }
673  // in case of a dummy result
674  if (TMath::IsNaN(result->NullPValue() ) && TMath::IsNaN(result->AlternatePValue() ) ) {
675  oocoutW((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter - Skip invalid result for point " << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " <<
676  fScannedVariable->getVal() << endl;
677  return true; // need to return true to avoid breaking the scan loop
678  }
680  double lastXtested;
681  if ( fResults->ArraySize()!=0 ) lastXtested = fResults->GetXValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1);
682  else lastXtested = -999;
684  if ( (std::abs(rVal) < 1 && TMath::AreEqualAbs(rVal, lastXtested,1.E-12) ) ||
685  (std::abs(rVal) >= 1 && TMath::AreEqualRel(rVal, lastXtested,1.E-12) ) ) {
687  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint - Merge with previous result for "
688  << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " << rVal << std::endl;
689  HypoTestResult* prevResult = fResults->GetResult(fResults->ArraySize()-1);
690  if (prevResult && prevResult->GetNullDistribution() && prevResult->GetAltDistribution()) {
691  prevResult->Append(result);
692  delete result; // we can delete the result
693  }
694  else {
695  // if it was empty we re-use it
696  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint - replace previous empty result\n";
697  fResults->fYObjects.Remove( prevResult);
698  fResults->fYObjects.Add(result);
699  }
701  } else {
703  // fill the results in the HypoTestInverterResult array
704  fResults->fXValues.push_back(rVal);
705  fResults->fYObjects.Add(result);
707  }
709  // std::cout << "computed value for poi " << rVal << " : " << fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1)
710  // << " +/- " << fResults->GetYError(fResults->ArraySize()-1) << endl;
712  fScannedVariable->setVal(oldValue);
714  return true;
715 }
719 bool HypoTestInverter::RunLimit(double &limit, double &limitErr, double absAccuracy, double relAccuracy, const double*hint) const {
720  // run an automatic scan until the desired accurancy is reached
721  // Start by default from the full interval (min,max) of the POI and then via bisection find the line crossing
722  // the target line
723  // Optionally an hint can be provided and the scan will be done closer to that value
724  // If by bisection the desired accuracy will not be reached a fit to the points is performed
727  // routine from G. Petrucciani (from HiggsCombination CMS package)
728 // bool HybridNew::runLimit(RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint) {
731  //w->loadSnapshot("clean");
733  if ((hint != 0) && (*hint > r->getMin())) {
734  r->setMax(std::min<double>(3.0 * (*hint), r->getMax()));
735  r->setMin(std::max<double>(0.3 * (*hint), r->getMin()));
736  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Use hint value " << *hint
737  << " search in interval " << r->getMin() << " , " << r->getMax() << std::endl;
738  }
740  // if not specified use the default values for rel and absolute accuracy
741  if (absAccuracy <= 0) absAccuracy = fgAbsAccuracy;
742  if (relAccuracy <= 0) relAccuracy = fgRelAccuracy;
744  typedef std::pair<double,double> CLs_t;
745  double clsTarget = fSize;
746  CLs_t clsMin(1,0), clsMax(0,0), clsMid(0,0);
747  double rMin = r->getMin(), rMax = r->getMax();
748  limit = 0.5*(rMax + rMin);
749  limitErr = 0.5*(rMax - rMin);
750  bool done = false;
752  TF1 expoFit("expoFit","[0]*exp([1]*(x-[2]))", rMin, rMax);
754  // if (readHybridResults_) {
755  // if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "Search for upper limit using pre-computed grid of p-values" << std::endl;
757  // readAllToysFromFile();
758  // double minDist=1e3;
759  // for (int i = 0, n = limitPlot_->GetN(); i < n; ++i) {
760  // double x = limitPlot_->GetX()[i], y = limitPlot_->GetY()[i], ey = limitPlot_->GetErrorY(i);
761  // if (verbose > 0) std::cout << " r " << x << (CLs_ ? ", CLs = " : ", CLsplusb = ") << y << " +/- " << ey << std::endl;
762  // if (y-3*ey >= clsTarget) { rMin = x; clsMin = CLs_t(y,ey); }
763  // if (y+3*ey <= clsTarget) { rMax = x; clsMax = CLs_t(y,ey); }
764  // if (fabs(y-clsTarget) < minDist) { limit = x; minDist = fabs(y-clsTarget); }
765  // }
766  // if (verbose > 0) std::cout << " after scan x ~ " << limit << ", bounds [ " << rMin << ", " << rMax << "]" << std::endl;
767  // limitErr = std::max(limit-rMin, rMax-limit);
768  // expoFit.SetRange(rMin,rMax);
770  // if (limitErr < std::max(rAbsAccuracy_, rRelAccuracy_ * limit)) {
771  // if (verbose > 1) std::cout << " reached accuracy " << limitErr << " below " << std::max(rAbsAccuracy_, rRelAccuracy_ * limit) << std::endl;
772  // done = true;
773  // }
774  // } else {
776  fLimitPlot.reset(new TGraphErrors());
778  if (fVerbose > 0) std::cout << "Search for upper limit to the limit" << std::endl;
779  for (int tries = 0; tries < 6; ++tries) {
780  //clsMax = eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, rMax);
781  if (! RunOnePoint(rMax) ) {
782  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Hypotest failed" << std::endl;
783  return false;
784  }
785  clsMax = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
786  if (clsMax.first == 0 || clsMax.first + 3 * fabs(clsMax.second) < clsTarget ) break;
787  rMax += rMax;
788  if (tries == 5) {
789  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Cannot set higher limit: at " << r->GetName()
790  << " = " << rMax << " still get "
791  << (fUseCLs ? "CLs" : "CLsplusb") << " = " << clsMax.first << std::endl;
792  return false;
793  }
794  }
795  if (fVerbose > 0) {
796  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Search for lower limit to the limit" << std::endl;
797  }
798  //clsMin = (fUseCLs && rMin == 0 ? CLs_t(1,0) : eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, rMin));
799  if ( fUseCLs && rMin == 0 ) {
800  clsMin = CLs_t(1,0);
801  }
802  else {
803  if (! RunOnePoint(rMin) ) return false;
804  clsMin = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
805  }
806  if (clsMin.first != 1 && clsMin.first - 3 * fabs(clsMin.second) < clsTarget) {
807  if (fUseCLs) {
808  rMin = 0;
809  clsMin = CLs_t(1,0); // this is always true for CLs
810  } else {
811  rMin = -rMax / 4;
812  for (int tries = 0; tries < 6; ++tries) {
813  if (! RunOnePoint(rMax) ) return false;
814  clsMin = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
815  if (clsMin.first == 1 || clsMin.first - 3 * fabs(clsMin.second) > clsTarget) break;
816  rMin += rMin;
817  if (tries == 5) {
818  oocoutE((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Cannot set lower limit: at " << r->GetName()
819  << " = " << rMin << " still get " << (fUseCLs ? "CLs" : "CLsplusb")
820  << " = " << clsMin.first << std::endl;
821  return false;
822  }
823  }
824  }
825  }
827  if (fVerbose > 0)
828  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Now doing proper bracketing & bisection" << std::endl;
829  do {
831  // break loop in case max toys is reached
832  if (fMaxToys > 0 && fTotalToysRun > fMaxToys ) {
833  oocoutW((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - maximum number of toys reached " << std::endl;
834  done = false; break;
835  }
838  // determine point by bisection or interpolation
839  limit = 0.5*(rMin+rMax); limitErr = 0.5*(rMax-rMin);
840  if (fgAlgo == "logSecant" && clsMax.first != 0) {
841  double logMin = log(clsMin.first), logMax = log(clsMax.first), logTarget = log(clsTarget);
842  limit = rMin + (rMax-rMin) * (logTarget - logMin)/(logMax - logMin);
843  if (clsMax.second != 0 && clsMin.second != 0) {
844  limitErr = hypot((logTarget-logMax) * (clsMin.second/clsMin.first), (logTarget-logMin) * (clsMax.second/clsMax.first));
845  limitErr *= (rMax-rMin)/((logMax-logMin)*(logMax-logMin));
846  }
847  }
848  r->setError(limitErr);
850  // exit if reached accuracy on r
851  if (limitErr < std::max(absAccuracy, relAccuracy * limit)) {
852  if (fVerbose > 1)
853  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - reached accuracy " << limitErr
854  << " below " << std::max(absAccuracy, relAccuracy * limit) << std::endl;
855  done = true; break;
856  }
858  // evaluate point
860  //clsMid = eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, limit, true, clsTarget);
861  if (! RunOnePoint(limit, true, clsTarget) ) return false;
862  clsMid = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
864  if (clsMid.second == -1) {
865  std::cerr << "Hypotest failed" << std::endl;
866  return false;
867  }
869  // if sufficiently far away, drop one of the points
870  if (fabs(clsMid.first-clsTarget) >= 2*clsMid.second) {
871  if ((clsMid.first>clsTarget) == (clsMax.first>clsTarget)) {
872  rMax = limit; clsMax = clsMid;
873  } else {
874  rMin = limit; clsMin = clsMid;
875  }
876  } else {
877  if (fVerbose > 0) std::cout << "Trying to move the interval edges closer" << std::endl;
878  double rMinBound = rMin, rMaxBound = rMax;
879  // try to reduce the size of the interval
880  while (clsMin.second == 0 || fabs(rMin-limit) > std::max(absAccuracy, relAccuracy * limit)) {
881  rMin = 0.5*(rMin+limit);
882  if (!RunOnePoint(rMin,true, clsTarget) ) return false;
883  clsMin = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
884  //clsMin = eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, rMin, true, clsTarget);
885  if (fabs(clsMin.first-clsTarget) <= 2*clsMin.second) break;
886  rMinBound = rMin;
887  }
888  while (clsMax.second == 0 || fabs(rMax-limit) > std::max(absAccuracy, relAccuracy * limit)) {
889  rMax = 0.5*(rMax+limit);
890 // clsMax = eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, rMax, true, clsTarget);
891  if (!RunOnePoint(rMax,true,clsTarget) ) return false;
892  clsMax = std::make_pair( fResults->GetLastYValue(), fResults->GetLastYError() );
893  if (fabs(clsMax.first-clsTarget) <= 2*clsMax.second) break;
894  rMaxBound = rMax;
895  }
896  expoFit.SetRange(rMinBound,rMaxBound);
897  break;
898  }
899  } while (true);
901  if (!done) { // didn't reach accuracy with scan, now do fit
902  if (fVerbose) {
903  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Before fit --- \n";
904  std::cout << "Limit: " << r->GetName() << " < " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << " [" << rMin << ", " << rMax << "]\n";
905  }
907  expoFit.FixParameter(0,clsTarget);
908  expoFit.SetParameter(1,log(clsMax.first/clsMin.first)/(rMax-rMin));
909  expoFit.SetParameter(2,limit);
910  double rMinBound, rMaxBound; expoFit.GetRange(rMinBound, rMaxBound);
911  limitErr = std::max(fabs(rMinBound-limit), fabs(rMaxBound-limit));
912  int npoints = 0;
914  HypoTestInverterPlot plot("plot","plot",fResults);
915  fLimitPlot.reset(plot.MakePlot() );
918  for (int j = 0; j < fLimitPlot->GetN(); ++j) {
919  if (fLimitPlot->GetX()[j] >= rMinBound && fLimitPlot->GetX()[j] <= rMaxBound) npoints++;
920  }
921  for (int i = 0, imax = /*(readHybridResults_ ? 0 : */ 8; i <= imax; ++i, ++npoints) {
922  fLimitPlot->Sort();
923  fLimitPlot->Fit(&expoFit,(fVerbose <= 1 ? "QNR EX0" : "NR EXO"));
924  if (fVerbose) {
925  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "Fit to " << npoints << " points: " << expoFit.GetParameter(2) << " +/- " << expoFit.GetParError(2) << std::endl;
926  }
927  if ((rMin < expoFit.GetParameter(2)) && (expoFit.GetParameter(2) < rMax) && (expoFit.GetParError(2) < 0.5*(rMaxBound-rMinBound))) {
928  // sanity check fit result
929  limit = expoFit.GetParameter(2);
930  limitErr = expoFit.GetParError(2);
931  if (limitErr < std::max(absAccuracy, relAccuracy * limit)) break;
932  }
933  // add one point in the interval.
934  double rTry = RooRandom::uniform()*(rMaxBound-rMinBound)+rMinBound;
935  if (i != imax) {
936  if (!RunOnePoint(rTry,true,clsTarget) ) return false;
937  //eval(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, rTry, true, clsTarget);
938  }
940  }
941  }
943 //if (!plot_.empty() && fLimitPlot.get()) {
944  if (fLimitPlot.get() && fLimitPlot->GetN() > 0) {
945  //new TCanvas("c1","c1");
946  fLimitPlot->Sort();
947  fLimitPlot->SetLineWidth(2);
948  double xmin = r->getMin(), xmax = r->getMax();
949  for (int j = 0; j < fLimitPlot->GetN(); ++j) {
950  if (fLimitPlot->GetY()[j] > 1.4*clsTarget || fLimitPlot->GetY()[j] < 0.6*clsTarget) continue;
951  xmin = std::min(fLimitPlot->GetX()[j], xmin);
952  xmax = std::max(fLimitPlot->GetX()[j], xmax);
953  }
954  fLimitPlot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin,xmax);
955  fLimitPlot->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5*clsTarget, 1.5*clsTarget);
956  fLimitPlot->Draw("AP");
957  expoFit.Draw("SAME");
958  TLine line(fLimitPlot->GetX()[0], clsTarget, fLimitPlot->GetX()[fLimitPlot->GetN()-1], clsTarget);
960  line.DrawLine(limit, 0, limit, fLimitPlot->GetY()[0]);
962  line.DrawLine(limit-limitErr, 0, limit-limitErr, fLimitPlot->GetY()[0]);
963  line.DrawLine(limit+limitErr, 0, limit+limitErr, fLimitPlot->GetY()[0]);
964  //c1->Print(plot_.c_str());
965  }
967  oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "HypoTestInverter::RunLimit - Result: \n"
968  << "\tLimit: " << r->GetName() << " < " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << " @ " << (1-fSize) * 100 << "% CL\n";
969  if (fVerbose > 1) oocoutI((TObject*)0,Eval) << "Total toys: " << fTotalToysRun << std::endl;
971  // set value in results
972  fResults->fUpperLimit = limit;
973  fResults->fUpperLimitError = limitErr;
974  fResults->fFittedUpperLimit = true;
975  // lower limit are always min of p value
978  fResults->fFittedLowerLimit = true;
980  return true;
981 }
984  // get the distribution of lower limit
985  // if rebuild = false (default) it will re-use the results of the scan done
986  // for obtained the observed limit and no extra toys will be generated
987  // if rebuild a new set of B toys will be done and the procedure will be repeted
988  // for each toy
989  if (!rebuild) {
990  if (!fResults) {
991  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::GetLowerLimitDistribution(false) - result not existing\n";
992  return 0;
993  }
995  }
997  TList * clsDist = 0;
998  TList * clsbDist = 0;
999  if (fUseCLs) clsDist = &fResults->fExpPValues;
1000  else clsbDist = &fResults->fExpPValues;
1002  return RebuildDistributions(false, nToys,clsDist, clsbDist);
1004 }
1007  // get the distribution of lower limit
1008  // if rebuild = false (default) it will re-use the results of the scan done
1009  // for obtained the observed limit and no extra toys will be generated
1010  // if rebuild a new set of B toys will be done and the procedure will be repeted
1011  // for each toy
1012  // The nuisance parameter value used for rebuild is the current one in the model
1013  // so it is user responsability to set to the desired value (nomi
1014  if (!rebuild) {
1015  if (!fResults) {
1016  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::GetUpperLimitDistribution(false) - result not existing\n";
1017  return 0;
1018  }
1020  }
1022  TList * clsDist = 0;
1023  TList * clsbDist = 0;
1024  if (fUseCLs) clsDist = &fResults->fExpPValues;
1025  else clsbDist = &fResults->fExpPValues;
1027  return RebuildDistributions(true, nToys,clsDist, clsbDist);
1028 }
1031  if (fCalculator0) fCalculator0->SetData(data);
1032 }
1034 SamplingDistribution * HypoTestInverter::RebuildDistributions(bool isUpper, int nToys, TList * clsDist, TList * clsbDist, TList * clbDist, const char *outputfile) {
1035  // rebuild the sampling distributions by
1036  // generating some toys and find for each of theam a new upper limit
1037  // Return the upper limit distribution and optionally also the pValue distributions for Cls, Clsb and Clbxs
1038  // as a TList for each scanned point
1039  // The method uses the present parameter value. It is user responsability to give the current parameters to rebuild the distributions
1040  // It returns a upper or lower limit distribution depending on the isUpper flag, however it computes also the lower limit distribution and it is saved in the
1041  // output file as an histogram
1043  if (!fScannedVariable || !fCalculator0) return 0;
1044  // get first background snapshot
1045  const ModelConfig * bModel = fCalculator0->GetAlternateModel();
1046  const ModelConfig * sbModel = fCalculator0->GetNullModel();
1047  if (!bModel || ! sbModel) return 0;
1048  RooArgSet paramPoint;
1049  if (!sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()) return 0;
1050  paramPoint.add(*sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest());
1052  const RooArgSet * poibkg = bModel->GetSnapshot();
1053  if (!poibkg) {
1054  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RebuildDistribution - bakground snapshot not existing"
1055  << " assume is for POI = 0" << std::endl;
1057  paramPoint = RooArgSet(*fScannedVariable);
1058  }
1059  else
1060  paramPoint = *poibkg;
1061  // generate data at bkg parameter point
1063  ToyMCSampler * toymcSampler = dynamic_cast<ToyMCSampler *>(fCalculator0->GetTestStatSampler() );
1064  if (!toymcSampler) {
1065  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RebuildDistribution - no toy MC sampler existing" << std::endl;
1066  return 0;
1067  }
1068  // set up test stat sampler in case of asymptotic calculator
1069  if (dynamic_cast<RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator*>(fCalculator0) ) {
1070  toymcSampler->SetObservables(*sbModel->GetObservables() );
1071  toymcSampler->SetParametersForTestStat(*sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest());
1072  toymcSampler->SetPdf(*sbModel->GetPdf());
1073  toymcSampler->SetNuisanceParameters(*sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters());
1074  if (sbModel->GetGlobalObservables() ) toymcSampler->SetGlobalObservables(*sbModel->GetGlobalObservables() );
1075  // set number of events
1076  if (!sbModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended())
1077  toymcSampler->SetNEventsPerToy(1);
1078  }
1080  // loop on data to generate
1081  int nPoints = fNBins;
1083  bool storePValues = clsDist || clsbDist || clbDist;
1084  if (fNBins <=0 && storePValues) {
1085  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter::RebuildDistribution - cannot return p values distribution with the auto scan" << std::endl;
1086  storePValues = false;
1087  nPoints = 0;
1088  }
1090  if (storePValues) {
1091  if (fResults) nPoints = fResults->ArraySize();
1092  if (nPoints <=0) {
1093  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - result is not existing and number of point to scan is not set"
1094  << std::endl;
1095  return 0;
1096  }
1097  }
1099  if (nToys <= 0) nToys = 100; // default value
1101  std::vector<std::vector<double> > CLs_values(nPoints);
1102  std::vector<std::vector<double> > CLsb_values(nPoints);
1103  std::vector<std::vector<double> > CLb_values(nPoints);
1105  if (storePValues) {
1106  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) {
1107  CLs_values[i].reserve(nToys);
1108  CLb_values[i].reserve(nToys);
1109  CLsb_values[i].reserve(nToys);
1110  }
1111  }
1113  std::vector<double> limit_values; limit_values.reserve(nToys);
1115  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - rebuilding the p value distributions by generating ntoys = "
1116  << nToys << std::endl;
1119  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "Rebuilding using parameter of interest point: ";
1121  if (sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters() ) {
1122  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "And using nuisance parameters: ";
1124  }
1125  // save all parameters to restore them later
1126  assert(bModel->GetPdf() );
1127  assert(bModel->GetObservables() );
1128  RooArgSet * allParams = bModel->GetPdf()->getParameters( *bModel->GetObservables() );
1129  RooArgSet saveParams;
1130  allParams->snapshot(saveParams);
1132  TFile * fileOut = TFile::Open(outputfile,"RECREATE");
1133  if (!fileOut) {
1134  oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter - RebuildDistributions - Error opening file " << outputfile
1135  << " - the resulting limits will not be stored" << std::endl;
1136  }
1137  // create temporary histograms to store the limit result
1138  TH1D * hL = new TH1D("lowerLimitDist","Rebuilt lower limit distribution",100,1.,0.);
1139  TH1D * hU = new TH1D("upperLimitDist","Rebuilt upper limit distribution",100,1.,0.);
1140  TH1D * hN = new TH1D("nObs","Observed events",100,1.,0.);
1141  hL->SetBuffer(2*nToys);
1142  hU->SetBuffer(2*nToys);
1143  std::vector<TH1*> hCLb;
1144  std::vector<TH1*> hCLsb;
1145  std::vector<TH1*> hCLs;
1146  if (storePValues) {
1147  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) {
1148  hCLb.push_back(new TH1D(TString::Format("CLbDist_bin%d",i),"CLb distribution",100,1.,0.));
1149  hCLs.push_back(new TH1D(TString::Format("ClsDist_bin%d",i),"CLs distribution",100,1.,0.));
1150  hCLsb.push_back(new TH1D(TString::Format("CLsbDist_bin%d",i),"CLs+b distribution",100,1.,0.));
1151  }
1152  }
1155  // loop now on the toys
1156  for (int itoy = 0; itoy < nToys; ++itoy) {
1158  oocoutP((TObject*)0,Eval) << "\nHypoTestInverter - RebuildDistributions - running toy # " << itoy << " / "
1159  << nToys << std::endl;
1162  printf("\n\nshnapshot of s+b model \n");
1163  sbModel->GetSnapshot()->Print("v");
1165  // reset parameters to initial values to be sure in case they are not reset
1166  if (itoy> 0) *allParams = saveParams;
1168  // need to set th epdf to clear the cache in ToyMCSampler
1169  // pdf we must use is background pdf
1170  toymcSampler->SetPdf(*bModel->GetPdf() );
1173  RooAbsData * bkgdata = toymcSampler->GenerateToyData(paramPoint);
1175  double nObs = bkgdata->sumEntries();
1176  // for debugging in case of number counting models
1177  if (bkgdata->numEntries() ==1 && !bModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()) {
1178  oocoutP((TObject*)0,Generation) << "Generate observables are : ";
1179  RooArgList genObs(*bkgdata->get(0));
1181  nObs = 0;
1182  for (int i = 0; i < genObs.getSize(); ++i) {
1183  RooRealVar * x = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(&genObs[i]);
1184  if (x) nObs += x->getVal();
1185  }
1186  }
1187  hN->Fill(nObs);
1189  // by copying I will have the same min/max as previous ones
1190  HypoTestInverter inverter = *this;
1191  inverter.SetData(*bkgdata);
1193  // print global observables
1194  auto gobs = bModel->GetPdf()->getVariables()->selectCommon(* sbModel->GetGlobalObservables() );
1195  gobs->Print("v");
1197  HypoTestInverterResult * r = inverter.GetInterval();
1199  if (r == 0) continue;
1201  double value = (isUpper) ? r->UpperLimit() : r->LowerLimit();
1202  limit_values.push_back( value );
1203  hU->Fill(r->UpperLimit() );
1204  hL->Fill(r->LowerLimit() );
1207  std::cout << "The computed upper limit for toy #" << itoy << " is " << value << std::endl;
1209  // write every 10 toys
1210  if (itoy%10 == 0 || itoy == nToys-1) {
1211  hU->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1212  hL->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1213  hN->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1214  }
1216  if (!storePValues) continue;
1218  if (nPoints < r->ArraySize()) {
1219  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter: skip extra points" << std::endl;
1220  }
1221  else if (nPoints > r->ArraySize()) {
1222  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter: missing some points" << std::endl;
1223  }
1226  for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < nPoints; ++ipoint) {
1227  HypoTestResult * hr = r->GetResult(ipoint);
1228  if (hr) {
1229  CLs_values[ipoint].push_back( hr->CLs() );
1230  CLsb_values[ipoint].push_back( hr->CLsplusb() );
1231  CLb_values[ipoint].push_back( hr->CLb() );
1232  hCLs[ipoint]->Fill( hr->CLs() );
1233  hCLb[ipoint]->Fill( hr->CLb() );
1234  hCLsb[ipoint]->Fill( hr->CLsplusb() );
1235  }
1236  else {
1237  oocoutW((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter: missing result for point: x = "
1238  << fResults->GetXValue(ipoint) << std::endl;
1239  }
1240  }
1241  // write every 10 toys
1242  if (itoy%10 == 0 || itoy == nToys-1) {
1243  for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < nPoints; ++ipoint) {
1244  hCLs[ipoint]->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1245  hCLb[ipoint]->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1246  hCLsb[ipoint]->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1247  }
1248  }
1251  delete r;
1252  delete bkgdata;
1253  }
1256  if (storePValues) {
1257  if (clsDist) clsDist->SetOwner(true);
1258  if (clbDist) clbDist->SetOwner(true);
1259  if (clsbDist) clsbDist->SetOwner(true);
1261  oocoutI((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "HypoTestInverter: storing rebuilt p values " << std::endl;
1263  for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < nPoints; ++ipoint) {
1264  if (clsDist) {
1265  TString name = TString::Format("CLs_distrib_%d",ipoint);
1266  clsDist->Add( new SamplingDistribution(name,name,CLs_values[ipoint] ) );
1267  }
1268  if (clbDist) {
1269  TString name = TString::Format("CLb_distrib_%d",ipoint);
1270  clbDist->Add( new SamplingDistribution(name,name,CLb_values[ipoint] ) );
1271  }
1272  if (clsbDist) {
1273  TString name = TString::Format("CLsb_distrib_%d",ipoint);
1274  clsbDist->Add( new SamplingDistribution(name,name,CLsb_values[ipoint] ) );
1275  }
1276  }
1277  }
1279  if (fileOut) {
1280  fileOut->Close();
1281  }
1282  else {
1283  // delete all the histograms
1284  delete hL;
1285  delete hU;
1286  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints && storePValues; ++i) {
1287  delete hCLs[i];
1288  delete hCLb[i];
1289  delete hCLsb[i];
1290  }
1291  }
1293  const char * disName = (isUpper) ? "upperLimit_dist" : "lowerLimit_dist";
1294  return new SamplingDistribution(disName, disName, limit_values);
1295 }
virtual Double_t sumEntries() const =0
virtual Double_t getMin(const char *name=0) const
RooArgSet * getVariables(Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Return RooArgSet with all variables (tree leaf nodes of expresssion tree)
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:2082
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:51
virtual Int_t Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Write this object to the current directory.
Definition: TObject.cxx:830
bool RunOnePoint(double thisX, bool adaptive=false, double clTarget=-1) const
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:49
void SetBackgroundAsAlt(Bool_t l=kTRUE)
virtual Int_t Fill(Double_t x)
Increment bin with abscissa X by 1.
Definition: TH1.cxx:3125
float xmin
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
ModelConfig is a simple class that holds configuration information specifying how a model should be u...
Definition: ModelConfig.h:52
const ModelConfig * GetAlternateModel(void) const
const RooArgSet * GetObservables() const
get RooArgSet for observables (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:259
virtual Double_t getMax(const char *name=0) const
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsCollection &col, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Add a collection of arguments to this collection by calling add() for each element in the source coll...
Definition: RooArgSet.h:86
HypoTestInverter class for performing an hypothesis test inversion by scanning the hypothesis test re...
IntervalCalculator is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats ConfIntervals.
virtual void SetParametersForTestStat(const RooArgSet &nullpoi)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:185
TLine * line
HypoTestResult * Eval(HypoTestCalculatorGeneric &hc, bool adaptive, double clsTarget) const
virtual const RooArgSet * get() const
Definition: RooAbsData.h:77
virtual Double_t CLb() const
Convert NullPValue into a "confidence level".
virtual TestStatistic * GetTestStatistic() const =0
virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const RooArgSet &o)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:205
RooAbsCollection * selectCommon(const RooAbsCollection &refColl) const
Create a subset of the current collection, consisting only of those elements that are contained as we...
Definition: Rtypes.h:61
bool RunFixedScan(int nBins, double xMin, double xMax, bool scanLog=false) const
Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet *set=0) const
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:64
#define oocoutF(o, a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:49
std::unique_ptr< TGraphErrors > fLimitPlot
TestStatSampler is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats SamplingDistributions.
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:131
virtual void SetOwner(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
Set whether this collection is the owner (enable==true) of its content.
TH1 * h
Definition: legend2.C:5
#define oocoutI(o, a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:45
double GetXValue(int index) const
function to return the value of the parameter of interest for the i^th entry in the results ...
HypoTestResult is a base class for results from hypothesis tests.
virtual void SetRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
Initialize the upper and lower bounds to draw the function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:3240
virtual TLine * DrawLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
Draw this line with new coordinates.
Definition: TLine.cxx:93
SamplingDistribution * GetUpperLimitDistribution(bool rebuild=false, int nToys=100)
virtual void SetNEventsPerToy(const Int_t nevents)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:177
HypoTestResult * GetResult(int index) const
return a pointer to the i^th result object
static void CheckInputModels(const HypoTestCalculatorGeneric &hc, const RooRealVar &scanVar)
static unsigned int fgNToys
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
SamplingDistribution * GetAltDistribution(void) const
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this function with its current attributes.
Definition: TF1.cxx:1086
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Default Draw method for all objects.
Definition: TObject.cxx:255
virtual Double_t GetParError(Int_t ipar) const
Return value of parameter number ipar.
Definition: TF1.cxx:1642
STL namespace.
Double_t CLbError() const
The error on the "confidence level" of the null hypothesis.
HypoTestInverterResult * fResults
void setMax(const char *name, Double_t value)
Set maximum of name range to given value.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:418
virtual void SetBuffer(Int_t buffersize, Option_t *option="")
Set the maximum number of entries to be kept in the buffer.
Definition: TH1.cxx:7580
overwrite existing object with same name
Definition: TObject.h:77
HypoTestInverter & operator=(const HypoTestInverter &rhs)
virtual void SetTestStatistic(TestStatistic *testStatistic)=0
static TFile * Open(const char *name, Option_t *option="", const char *ftitle="", Int_t compress=1, Int_t netopt=0)
Create / open a file.
Definition: TFile.cxx:3907
Common base class for the Hypothesis Test Calculators.
#define oocoutP(o, a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:46
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Definition: TString.cxx:2335
Double_t CLsError() const
The error on the ratio .
#define oocoutE(o, a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:48
Bool_t GetPValueIsRightTail(void) const
SamplingDistribution * GetLowerLimitDistribution() const
get expected lower limit distributions implemented using interpolation The size for the sampling dist...
void UseCLs(bool on=true)
flag to switch between using CLsb (default) or CLs as confidence level
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself.
Double_t LowerLimit()
lower and upper bound of the confidence interval (to get upper/lower limits, multiply the size( = 1-c...
static void SetCloseProof(Bool_t flag)
virtual void SetData(RooAbsData &data)
RooRealVar represents a fundamental (non-derived) real valued object.
Definition: RooRealVar.h:37
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:47
Bool_t AreEqualAbs(Double_t af, Double_t bf, Double_t epsilon)
Definition: TMath.h:192
Bool_t AreEqualRel(Double_t af, Double_t bf, Double_t relPrec)
Definition: TMath.h:196
virtual void setVal(Double_t value)
Set value of variable to &#39;value&#39;.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:205
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:46
virtual HypoTestResult * GetHypoTest() const
inherited methods from HypoTestCalculator interface
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > fabs(const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs)
RooAbsCollection * snapshot(Bool_t deepCopy=kTRUE) const
Take a snap shot of current collection contents: An owning collection is returned containing clones o...
TestStatistic * GetTestStatistic() const
TGraphErrors * MakePlot(Option_t *opt="")
return a TGraphErrors with the obtained observed p-values resultinf from the scan By default (Option ...
TRandom2 r(17)
RooAbsArg * first() const
void setMin(const char *name, Double_t value)
Set minimum of name range to given value.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:388
virtual Double_t NullPValue() const
Return p-value for null hypothesis.
virtual TObject * Remove(TObject *obj)
Remove object from the list.
Definition: TList.cxx:675
Double_t GetTestStatisticData(void) const
int fTotalToysRun
plot of limits
void PrintListContent(const RooArgList &l, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
virtual void FixParameter(Int_t ipar, Double_t value)
Fix the value of a parameter The specified value will be used in a fit operation. ...
Definition: TF1.cxx:1286
A simple line.
Definition: TLine.h:33
Double_t E()
Definition: TMath.h:54
TList fExpPValues
list of HypoTestResult for each point
Int_t GetSize() const
size of samples
RooRealVar * fScannedVariable
pointer to the generic hypotest calculator used
SamplingDistribution * GetNullDistribution(void) const
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric * fCalculator0
SamplingDistribution * GetUpperLimitDistribution() const
get expected upper limit distributions implemented using interpolation
RooAbsData is the common abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets.
Definition: RooAbsData.h:37
float xmax
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:93
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat is an implementation of the TestStatistic interface that calculates the pro...
ToyMCSampler is an implementation of the TestStatSampler interface.
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:99
tomato 1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition: TH1.h:618
void SetTestStatisticData(const Double_t tsd)
This class simply holds a sampling distribution of some test statistic.
virtual void Append(const HypoTestResult *other)
add values from another HypoTestResult
Bool_t canBeExtended() const
Definition: RooAbsPdf.h:216
This class implements the Hypothesis test calculation using an hybrid (frequentist/bayesian) procedur...
virtual Double_t CLs() const
is simply (not a method, but a quantity)
virtual Double_t AlternatePValue() const
Return p-value for alternate hypothesis.
virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const
Get the Confidence level for the test.
virtual Double_t CLsplusb() const
Convert AlternatePValue into a "confidence level".
Namespace for the RooStats classes.
Definition: Asimov.h:20
RooAbsPdf * GetPdf() const
get model PDF (return NULL if pdf has not been specified or does not exist)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:244
const RooArgSet * GetParametersOfInterest() const
get RooArgSet containing the parameter of interest (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:247
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
static Double_t uniform(TRandom *generator=randomGenerator())
Return a number uniformly distributed from (0,1)
Definition: RooRandom.cxx:84
RooAbsArg * find(const char *name) const
Find object with given name in list.
HypoTestInverterResult class: holds the array of hypothesis test results and compute a confidence int...
virtual HypoTestInverterResult * GetInterval() const
Main interface to get a ConfInterval, pure virtual.
virtual void SetObservables(const RooArgSet &o)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:203
Class to plot an HypoTestInverterResult, result of the HypoTestInverter calculator.
RooArgSet * getParameters(const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Create a list of leaf nodes in the arg tree starting with ourself as top node that don&#39;t match any of...
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:560
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
virtual void SetPdf(RooAbsPdf &pdf)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:190
Double_t CLsplusbError() const
The error on the "confidence level" of the alternative hypothesis.
virtual RooAbsData * GenerateToyData(RooArgSet &paramPoint, RooAbsPdf &pdf) const
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:140
const ModelConfig * GetNullModel(void) const
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
Set the line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:48
bool SetTestStatistic(TestStatistic &stat)
virtual TObject * Clone(const char *newname="") const
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:65
#define oocoutW(o, a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:47
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
Definition: RooAbsPdf.h:41
const RooArgSet * GetGlobalObservables() const
get RooArgSet for global observables (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:265
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
Definition: TList.h:81
double fLowerLimitError
interpolatation option (linear or spline)
virtual Double_t GetParameter(Int_t ipar) const
Definition: TF1.h:359
const RooArgSet * GetNuisanceParameters() const
get RooArgSet containing the nuisance parameters (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:250
virtual void GetRange(Double_t *xmin, Double_t *xmax) const
Return range of a generic N-D function.
Definition: TF1.cxx:1989
1-Dim function class
Definition: TF1.h:149
Int_t IsNaN(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:613
std::unique_ptr< HypoTestCalculatorGeneric > fHC
Hypothesis Test Calculator using a full frequentist procedure for sampling the test statistic distrib...
A TGraphErrors is a TGraph with error bars.
Definition: TGraphErrors.h:28
THist< 1, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > TH1D
Definition: THist.hxx:301
static RooRealVar * GetVariableToScan(const HypoTestCalculatorGeneric &hc)
double result[121]
Py_ssize_t ArraySize(const std::string &name)
Extract size from an array type, if available.
Definition: Utility.cxx:682
virtual void SetParameter(Int_t param, Double_t value)
Definition: TF1.h:431
bool RunLimit(double &limit, double &limitErr, double absTol=0, double relTol=0, const double *hint=0) const
const RooArgSet * GetSnapshot() const
get RooArgSet for parameters for a particular hypothesis (return NULL if not existing) ...
SamplingDistribution * RebuildDistributions(bool isUpper=true, int nToys=100, TList *clsDist=0, TList *clsbDist=0, TList *clbDist=0, const char *outputfile="HypoTestInverterRebuiltDist.root")
double exp(double)
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:155
virtual void SetNuisanceParameters(const RooArgSet &np)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:201
virtual void SetData(RooAbsData &)
Set the DataSet ( add to the the workspace if not already there ?)
static void CloseProof(Option_t *option="s")
close all proof connections
Definition: ProofConfig.h:95
TestStatistic is an interface class to provide a facility for construction test statistics distributi...
Definition: TestStatistic.h:33
int ArraySize() const
number of entries in the results array
SamplingDistribution * GetLowerLimitDistribution(bool rebuild=false, int nToys=100)
Hypothesis Test Calculator based on the asymptotic formulae for the profile likelihood ratio...
virtual void SetConfidenceLevel(Double_t cl)
set the confidence level for the interval (eg. 0.95 for a 95% Confidence Interval) ...
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
double log(double)
TestStatSampler * GetTestStatSampler(void) const
virtual Int_t numEntries() const
Definition: RooAbsData.cxx:269
void setError(Double_t value)
Definition: RooRealVar.h:56
std::vector< double > fXValues
number of points used to build expected p-values