Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/eve:$Id$
2 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TEvePointSet.h"
14 #include "TEveManager.h"
15 #include "TEveProjectionManager.h"
16 #include "TEveTrans.h"
18 #include "TTree.h"
19 #include "TTreePlayer.h"
20 #include "TF3.h"
22 #include "TColor.h"
24 /** \class TEvePointSet
25 \ingroup TEve
26 TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with
27 optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to
28 be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc).
30 3D point representation is implemented in base-class TPolyMarker3D.
31 Per-point TRef is implemented in base-class TPointSet3D.
33 By using the TEvePointSelector the points and integer ids can be
34 filled directly from a TTree holding the source data.
35 Setting of per-point TRef's is not supported.
37 TEvePointSet is a TEveProjectable: it can be projected by using the
38 TEveProjectionManager class.
39 */
43 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44 /// Constructor.
47  TEveElement(),
48  TPointSet3D(n_points),
51  TQObject(),
53  fTitle (),
54  fIntIds (0),
55  fIntIdsPerPoint (0)
56 {
57  fMarkerStyle = 20;
60  // Override from TEveElement.
61  fPickable = kTRUE;
62 }
64 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
65 /// Constructor.
67 TEvePointSet::TEvePointSet(const char* name, Int_t n_points, ETreeVarType_e tv_type) :
68  TEveElement(),
69  TPointSet3D(n_points),
72  TQObject(),
74  fTitle (),
75  fIntIds (0),
76  fIntIdsPerPoint (0)
77 {
78  fMarkerStyle = 20;
79  SetName(name);
82  // Override from TEveElement.
83  fPickable = kTRUE;
84 }
86 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
87 /// Copy constructor.
90  TEveElement(e),
91  TPointSet3D(e),
94  TQObject(),
96  fTitle (e.fTitle),
97  fIntIds (e.fIntIds ? new TArrayI(*e.fIntIds) : 0),
99 {
100 }
102 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
103 /// Destructor.
106 {
107  delete fIntIds;
108 }
110 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111 /// Clone points and all point-related information from point-set 'e'.
114 {
115  // TPolyMarker3D
116  delete [] fP;
117  fN = e.fN;
118  if (fN > 0)
119  {
120  const Int_t nn = 3 * e.fN;
121  fP = new Float_t [nn];
122  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nn; i++) fP[i] = e.fP[i];
123  } else {
124  fP = 0;
125  }
128  // TPointSet3D
129  CopyIds(e);
131  // TEvePointSet
132  delete fIntIds;
133  fIntIds = e.fIntIds ? new TArrayI(*e.fIntIds) : 0;
135 }
137 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138 /// Return pointset icon.
141 {
143 }
145 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 /// Drop all data and set-up the data structures to recive new data.
147 /// n_points specifies the initial size of the arrays.
148 /// n_int_ids specifies the number of integer ids per point.
150 void TEvePointSet::Reset(Int_t n_points, Int_t n_int_ids)
151 {
152  delete [] fP; fP = 0;
153  fN = n_points;
154  if (fN) {
155  fP = new Float_t [3*fN];
156  memset(fP, 0, 3*fN*sizeof(Float_t));
157  }
158  fLastPoint = -1;
159  ClearIds();
160  delete fIntIds; fIntIds = 0;
161  fIntIdsPerPoint = n_int_ids;
163  ResetBBox();
164 }
166 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 /// Resizes internal array to allow additional n_points to be stored.
168 /// Returns the old size which is also the location where one can
169 /// start storing new data.
170 /// The caller is *obliged* to fill the new point slots.
173 {
174  Int_t old_size = Size();
175  Int_t new_size = old_size + n_points;
176  SetPoint(new_size - 1, 0, 0, 0);
177  if (fIntIds)
178  fIntIds->Set(fIntIdsPerPoint * new_size);
179  return old_size;
180 }
182 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
183 /// Assert that size of IntId array is compatible with the size of
184 /// the point array.
187 {
188  Int_t exp_size = GetN()*fIntIdsPerPoint;
189  if (fIntIds->GetSize() < exp_size)
190  fIntIds->Set(exp_size);
191 }
193 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
194 /// Return a pointer to integer ids of point with index p.
195 /// Existence of integer id array is checked, 0 is returned if it
196 /// does not exist.
197 /// Validity of p is *not* checked.
200 {
201  if (fIntIds)
202  return fIntIds->GetArray() + p*fIntIdsPerPoint;
203  return 0;
204 }
206 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207 /// Return i-th integer id of point with index p.
208 /// Existence of integer id array is checked, kMinInt is returned if
209 /// it does not exist.
210 /// Validity of p and i is *not* checked.
213 {
214  if (fIntIds)
215  return * (fIntIds->GetArray() + p*fIntIdsPerPoint + i);
216  return kMinInt;
217 }
219 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
220 /// Set integer ids for the last point that was registered (most
221 /// probably via TPolyMarker3D::SetNextPoint(x,y,z)).
224 {
226 }
228 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
229 /// Set integer ids for point with index n.
232 {
233  if (!fIntIds) return;
236  for (Int_t i=0; i<fIntIdsPerPoint; ++i)
237  x[i] = ids[i];
238 }
240 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
241 /// Set marker style, propagate to projecteds.
244 {
245  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSet::SetMarkerStyle ");
247  std::list<TEveProjected*>::iterator pi = fProjectedList.begin();
248  while (pi != fProjectedList.end())
249  {
250  TEvePointSet* pt = dynamic_cast<TEvePointSet*>(*pi);
251  if (pt)
252  {
253  pt->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle);
254  pt->StampObjProps();
255  }
256  ++pi;
257  }
259 }
261 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
262 /// Set marker size, propagate to projecteds.
265 {
266  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSet::SetMarkerSize ");
268  std::list<TEveProjected*>::iterator pi = fProjectedList.begin();
269  while (pi != fProjectedList.end())
270  {
271  TEvePointSet* pt = dynamic_cast<TEvePointSet*>(*pi);
272  if (pt)
273  {
274  pt->SetMarkerSize(msize);
275  pt->StampObjProps();
276  }
277  ++pi;
278  }
280 }
282 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
283 /// Paint point-set.
286 {
287  PaintStandard(this);
288 }
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 /// Initialize point-set for new filling.
292 /// subIdNum gives the number of integer ids that can be assigned to
293 /// each point.
296 {
297  if (subIdNum > 0) {
298  fIntIdsPerPoint = subIdNum;
299  if (!fIntIds)
301  else
303  } else {
304  delete fIntIds; fIntIds = 0;
305  fIntIdsPerPoint = 0;
306  }
307 }
309 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
310 /// Called from TEvePointSelector when internal arrays of the tree-selector
311 /// are filled up and need to be processed.
312 /// Virtual from TEvePointSelectorConsumer.
315 {
316  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSet::TakeAction ");
318  if(sel == 0)
319  throw(eh + "selector is <null>.");
321  Int_t n = sel->GetNfill();
322  Int_t beg = GrowFor(n);
324  // printf("TEvePointSet::TakeAction beg=%d n=%d size=%d nsubid=%d dim=%d\n",
325  // beg, n, Size(), sel->GetSubIdNum(), sel->GetDimension());
327  Double_t *vx = sel->GetV1(), *vy = sel->GetV2(), *vz = sel->GetV3();
328  Float_t *p = fP + 3*beg;
330  switch(fSourceCS) {
331  case kTVT_XYZ:
332  while(n-- > 0) {
333  p[0] = *vx; p[1] = *vy; p[2] = *vz;
334  p += 3;
335  ++vx; ++vy; ++vz;
336  }
337  break;
338  case kTVT_RPhiZ:
339  while(n-- > 0) {
340  p[0] = *vx * TMath::Cos(*vy); p[1] = *vx * TMath::Sin(*vy); p[2] = *vz;
341  p += 3;
342  ++vx; ++vy; ++vz;
343  }
344  break;
345  default:
346  throw(eh + "unknown tree variable type.");
347  }
349  if (fIntIds) {
350  Double_t** subarr = new Double_t* [fIntIdsPerPoint];
351  for (Int_t i=0; i<fIntIdsPerPoint; ++i) {
352  subarr[i] = sel->GetVal(sel->GetDimension() - fIntIdsPerPoint + i);
353  if (subarr[i] == 0)
354  throw(eh + "sub-id array not available.");
355  }
356  Int_t* ids = fIntIds->GetArray() + fIntIdsPerPoint*beg;
357  n = sel->GetNfill();
358  while (n-- > 0) {
359  for (Int_t i=0; i<fIntIdsPerPoint; ++i) {
360  ids[i] = TMath::Nint(*subarr[i]);
361  ++subarr[i];
362  }
363  ids += fIntIdsPerPoint;
364  }
365  delete [] subarr;
366  }
367 }
369 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
370 /// Copy visualization parameters from element el.
373 {
374  const TEvePointSet* m = dynamic_cast<const TEvePointSet*>(el);
375  if (m)
376  {
377  TAttMarker::operator=(*m);
378  fOption = m->fOption;
379  }
382 }
384 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
385 /// Write visualization parameters.
387 void TEvePointSet::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var)
388 {
389  TEveElement::WriteVizParams(out, var);
392 }
394 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
395 /// Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEvePointSetProjected class.
398 {
400 }
402 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
403 /// Virtual method of base class TPointSet3D. The function call is
404 /// invoked with secondary selection in TPointSet3DGL.
407 {
408  Emit("PointSelected(Int_t)", id);
410 }
412 //==============================================================================
413 /** \class TEvePointSetArray
414 \ingroup TEve
415 An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin
416 in a histogram. When a new point is added to a TEvePointSetArray,
417 an additional separating quantity needs to be specified: it
418 determines into which TEvePointSet (bin) the point will actually be
419 stored. Underflow and overflow bins are automatically created but
420 they are not drawn by default.
422 By using the TEvePointSelector the points and the separating
423 quantities can be filled directly from a TTree holding the source
424 data.
425 Setting of per-point TRef's is not supported.
427 After the filling, the range of separating variable can be
428 controlled with a slider to choose a sub-set of PointSets that are
429 actually shown.
430 */
434 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
435 /// Constructor.
438  const char* title) :
439  TEveElement(),
440  TNamed(name, title),
442  fBins(0), fDefPointSetCapacity(128), fNBins(0), fLastBin(-1),
443  fMin(0), fCurMin(0), fMax(0), fCurMax(0),
444  fBinWidth(0),
445  fQuantName()
446 {
449 }
451 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
452 /// Destructor: deletes the fBins array. Actual removal of
453 /// elements done by TEveElement.
456 {
457  // printf("TEvePointSetArray::~TEvePointSetArray()\n");
458  delete [] fBins; fBins = 0;
459 }
461 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
462 /// Virtual from TEveElement, provide bin management.
465 {
466  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBins; ++i) {
467  if (fBins[i] == el) {
468  fBins[i] = 0;
469  break;
470  }
471  }
472 }
474 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
475 /// Virtual from TEveElement, provide bin management.
478 {
479  delete [] fBins; fBins = 0; fLastBin = -1;
480 }
482 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 /// Set marker color, propagate to children.
486 {
487  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerColor ");
489  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) {
490  TAttMarker* m = dynamic_cast<TAttMarker*>((*i)->GetObject(eh));
491  if (m && m->GetMarkerColor() == fMarkerColor)
492  m->SetMarkerColor(tcolor);
493  }
495 }
497 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
498 /// Set marker style, propagate to children.
501 {
502  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerStyle ");
504  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) {
505  TAttMarker* m = dynamic_cast<TAttMarker*>((*i)->GetObject(eh));
506  if (m && m->GetMarkerStyle() == fMarkerStyle)
507  m->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle);
508  }
510 }
512 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
513 /// Set marker size, propagate to children.
516 {
517  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSetArray::SetMarkerSize ");
519  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) {
520  TAttMarker* m = dynamic_cast<TAttMarker*>((*i)->GetObject(eh));
521  if (m && m->GetMarkerSize() == fMarkerSize)
522  m->SetMarkerSize(msize);
523  }
525 }
527 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
528 /// Called from TEvePointSelector when internal arrays of the tree-selector
529 /// are filled up and need to be processed.
530 /// Virtual from TEvePointSelectorConsumer.
533 {
534  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSetArray::TakeAction ");
536  if (sel == 0)
537  throw eh + "selector is <null>.";
539  Int_t n = sel->GetNfill();
541  // printf("TEvePointSetArray::TakeAction n=%d\n", n);
543  Double_t *vx = sel->GetV1(), *vy = sel->GetV2(), *vz = sel->GetV3();
544  Double_t *qq = sel->GetV4();
546  if (qq == 0)
547  throw eh + "requires 4-d varexp.";
549  switch (fSourceCS)
550  {
551  case kTVT_XYZ:
552  {
553  while (n-- > 0)
554  {
555  Fill(*vx, *vy, *vz, *qq);
556  ++vx; ++vy; ++vz; ++qq;
557  }
558  break;
559  }
560  case kTVT_RPhiZ:
561  {
562  while (n-- > 0)
563  {
564  Fill(*vx * TMath::Cos(*vy), *vx * TMath::Sin(*vy), *vz, *qq);
565  ++vx; ++vy; ++vz; ++qq;
566  }
567  break;
568  }
569  default:
570  {
571  throw eh + "unknown tree variable type.";
572  }
573  }
574 }
576 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
577 /// Get the total number of filled points.
578 /// 'under' and 'over' flags specify if under/overflow channels
579 /// should be added to the sum.
582 {
583  Int_t size = 0;
584  const Int_t min = under ? 0 : 1;
585  const Int_t max = over ? fNBins : fNBins - 1;
586  for (Int_t i = min; i < max; ++i)
587  {
588  if (fBins[i])
589  size += fBins[i]->Size();
590  }
591  return size;
592 }
594 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
595 /// Initialize internal point-sets with given binning parameters.
596 /// The actual number of bins is nbins+2, bin 0 corresponding to
597 /// underflow and bin nbin+1 to owerflow pointset.
599 void TEvePointSetArray::InitBins(const char* quant_name,
600  Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
601 {
602  static const TEveException eh("TEvePointSetArray::InitBins ");
604  if (nbins < 1) throw eh + "nbins < 1.";
605  if (min > max) throw eh + "min > max.";
607  RemoveElements();
609  fQuantName = quant_name;
610  fNBins = nbins + 2; // under/overflow
611  fLastBin = -1;
612  fMin = fCurMin = min;
613  fMax = fCurMax = max;
614  fBinWidth = (fMax - fMin)/(fNBins - 2);
616  fBins = new TEvePointSet* [fNBins];
618  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNBins; ++i)
619  {
620  fBins[i] = new TEvePointSet
621  (Form("Slice %d [%4.3lf, %4.3lf]", i, fMin + (i-1)*fBinWidth, fMin + i*fBinWidth),
626  AddElement(fBins[i]);
627  }
629  fBins[0]->SetName("Underflow");
630  fBins[0]->SetRnrSelf(kFALSE);
632  fBins[fNBins-1]->SetName("Overflow");
633  fBins[fNBins-1]->SetRnrSelf(kFALSE);
634 }
636 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
637 /// Add a new point. Appropriate point-set will be chosen based on
638 /// the value of the separating quantity 'quant'.
639 /// If the selected bin does not have an associated TEvePointSet
640 /// the point is discarded and false is returned.
643 {
644  fLastBin = TMath::FloorNint((quant - fMin)/fBinWidth) + 1;
646  if (fLastBin < 0)
647  {
648  fLastBin = 0;
649  }
650  else if (fLastBin > fNBins - 1)
651  {
652  fLastBin = fNBins - 1;
653  }
655  if (fBins[fLastBin] != 0)
656  {
657  fBins[fLastBin]->SetNextPoint(x, y, z);
658  return kTRUE;
659  }
660  else
661  {
662  return kFALSE;
663  }
664 }
666 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
667 /// Set external object id of the last added point.
670 {
671  if (fLastBin >= 0)
672  fBins[fLastBin]->SetPointId(id);
673 }
675 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
676 /// Call this after all the points have been filled.
677 /// At this point we can calculate bounding-boxes of individual
678 /// point-sets.
681 {
682  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBins; ++i)
683  {
684  if (fBins[i] != 0)
685  {
686  fBins[i]->SetTitle(Form("N=%d", fBins[i]->Size()));
687  fBins[i]->ComputeBBox();
688  }
689  }
690  fLastBin = -1;
691 }
693 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
694 /// Propagate id-object ownership to children.
697 {
698  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNBins; ++i)
699  {
700  if (fBins[i] != 0)
701  fBins[i]->SetOwnIds(o);
702  }
703 }
705 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
706 /// Set active range of the separating quantity.
707 /// Appropriate point-sets are tagged for rendering.
708 /// Over/underflow point-sets are left as they were.
711 {
712  using namespace TMath;
714  fCurMin = min; fCurMax = max;
715  Int_t low_b = Max(0, FloorNint((min-fMin)/fBinWidth)) + 1;
716  Int_t high_b = Min(fNBins-2, CeilNint ((max-fMin)/fBinWidth));
718  for (Int_t i = 1; i < fNBins - 1; ++i)
719  {
720  if (fBins[i] != 0)
721  fBins[i]->SetRnrSelf(i>=low_b && i<=high_b);
722  }
723 }
725 /** \class TEvePointSetProjected
726 \ingroup TEve
727 Projected copy of a TEvePointSet.
728 */
731 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
732 /// Default contructor.
735  TEvePointSet (),
736  TEveProjected ()
737 {
738 }
740 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
741 /// Set projection manager and projection model.
742 /// Virtual from TEveProjected.
746 {
747  TEveProjected::SetProjection(proj, model);
748  CopyVizParams(dynamic_cast<TEveElement*>(model));
749 }
751 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
752 /// Set depth (z-coordinate) of the projected points.
755 {
756  SetDepthCommon(d, this, fBBox);
758  Int_t n = Size();
759  Float_t *p = GetP() + 2;
760  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, p+=3)
761  *p = fDepth;
762 }
764 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
765 /// Re-apply the projection.
766 /// Virtual from TEveProjected.
769 {
771  TEvePointSet &ps = * dynamic_cast<TEvePointSet*>(fProjectable);
772  TEveTrans *tr = ps.PtrMainTrans(kFALSE);
774  Int_t n = ps.Size();
775  Reset(n);
776  fLastPoint = n - 1;
777  Float_t *o = ps.GetP(), *p = GetP();
778  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, o+=3, p+=3)
779  {
780  proj.ProjectPointfv(tr, o, p, fDepth);
781  }
782 }
784 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
785 /// Virtual method of base class TPointSet3D.
786 /// Forward to projectable.
789 {
790  TEvePointSet *ps = dynamic_cast<TEvePointSet*>(fProjectable);
791  ps->PointSelected(id);
792 }
TEveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-ma...
Definition: TEveTrans.h:26
const Int_t kMinInt
Definition: Rtypes.h:104
Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation.
virtual const TGPicture * GetListTreeIcon(Bool_t open=kFALSE)
Return pointset icon.
void SetRange(Double_t min, Double_t max)
Set active range of the separating quantity.
Int_t fDefPointSetCapacity
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:119
virtual Double_t * GetVal(Int_t i) const
Return the last values corresponding to the i-th component of the formula being processed (where the ...
short Style_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:76
Int_t fIntIdsPerPoint
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:45
virtual Double_t * GetV2() const
const double pi
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
float Size_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:83
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Change (i.e.
List_t fChildren
Definition: TEveElement.h:79
Bool_t fPickable
Definition: TEveElement.h:310
static const TGPicture * fgListTreeIcons[9]
Definition: TEveElement.h:63
List_t::iterator List_i
Definition: TEveElement.h:70
This is the ROOT implementation of the Qt object communication mechanism (see also http://www...
Definition: TQObject.h:53
Size_t fMarkerSize
Marker size.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:29
void ClearIds()
Clears the id-array. If ids are owned the TObjects are deleted.
virtual void PaintStandard(TObject *id)
Paint object – a generic implementation for EVE elements.
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
virtual Int_t Size(Bool_t under=kFALSE, Bool_t over=kFALSE) const
Get the total number of filled points.
Default contructor.
virtual void ClonePoints(const TEvePointSet &e)
Clone points and all point-related information from point-set &#39;e&#39;.
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:170
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set marker style, propagate to projecteds.
int nbins[3]
virtual void SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager *mng, TEveProjectable *model)
Sets projection manager and reference in the projectable object.
virtual void UpdateProjection()
Re-apply the projection.
Int_t FloorNint(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:476
virtual void RemoveElementsLocal()
Virtual from TEveElement, provide bin management.
const char * Class
Definition: TXMLSetup.cxx:64
virtual Int_t GetDimension() const
Definition: TSelectorDraw.h:82
Float_t * fBBox
Definition: TAttBBox.h:22
virtual void SetTitle(const char *t)
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:69
An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:107
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t tcolor=1)
Set marker color, propagate to children.
Array of integers (32 bits per element).
Definition: TArrayI.h:29
virtual Double_t * GetV4() const
void SetMainColorPtr(Color_t *color)
Definition: TEveElement.h:267
virtual Style_t GetMarkerStyle() const
Return the marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:37
Marker Attributes class.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:24
virtual TClass * ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection *p) const
Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEvePointSetProjected class.
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual Double_t * GetV3() const
Projected copy of a TEvePointSet.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:170
TEvePointSetArray(const TEvePointSetArray &)
void SetPointId(TObject *id)
Set id of last point.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
virtual ~TEvePointSet()
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t mcolor=1)
Set the marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:43
virtual Size_t GetMarkerSize() const
Return the marker size.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:38
const Int_t * GetArray() const
Definition: TArrayI.h:45
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t col)
Set the marker color.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:81
virtual void SaveMarkerAttributes(std::ostream &out, const char *name, Int_t coldef=1, Int_t stydef=1, Int_t sizdef=1)
Save line attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out.
Definition: TAttMarker.cxx:229
Base-class for non-linear projections.
void SetOwnIds(Bool_t o)
Definition: TPointSet3D.h:56
void Set(Int_t n)
Set size of this array to n ints.
Definition: TArrayI.cxx:105
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set marker size, propagate to projecteds.
Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects.
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
TEvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the TE...
Definition: TEveTreeTools.h:45
void Emit(const char *signal)
Acitvate signal without args.
Definition: TQObject.cxx:561
virtual void PointSelected(Int_t id)
Virtual method of base class TPointSet3D.
Style_t fMarkerStyle
Marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:28
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects.
virtual void PointSelected(Int_t n)
This virtual method is called from TPointSet3DGL when a point is selected.
virtual Double_t * GetV1() const
TPaveText * pt
void SetOwnIds(Bool_t o)
Propagate id-object ownership to children.
Int_t GetSize() const
Definition: TArray.h:49
Bool_t Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t quant)
Add a new point.
TEveProjectable * fProjectable
virtual void SetDepthLocal(Float_t d)
Set depth (z-coordinate) of the projected points.
TEveProjectionManager * fManager
TMarker * m
Definition: textangle.C:8
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
void StampObjProps()
Definition: TEveElement.h:397
TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and a...
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:31
void ResetBBox()
Definition: TAttBBox.h:48
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelf(Bool_t rnr)
Set render state of this element, i.e.
void CloseBins()
Call this after all the points have been filled.
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:81
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:45
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Compute the bounding box of this points set.
Definition: TPointSet3D.cxx:90
virtual void AddElement(TEveElement *el)
Add el to the list of children.
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint point-set.
virtual void RemoveElementLocal(TEveElement *el)
Virtual from TEveElement, provide bin management.
virtual void TakeAction(TEvePointSelector *)
Called from TEvePointSelector when internal arrays of the tree-selector are filled up and need to be ...
virtual void SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager *proj, TEveProjectable *model)
Set projection manager and projection model.
void CopyIds(const TPointSet3D &t)
Copy id objects from point-set &#39;t&#39;.
Definition: TPointSet3D.cxx:61
void AssertIntIdsSize()
Assert that size of IntId array is compatible with the size of the point array.
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set the marker size.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:46
virtual void PointSelected(Int_t id)
Virtual method of base class TPointSet3D.
Double_t Cos(Double_t)
Definition: TMath.h:424
void ProjectPointfv(Float_t *v, Float_t d)
Project float array.
TEveProjection * GetProjection()
void SetPoint(Int_t n, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
Set point n to x, y, z.
virtual Int_t SetNextPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
Set point following LastPoint to x, y, z.
virtual void InitFill(Int_t subIdNum)
Initialize point-set for new filling.
Int_t GrowFor(Int_t n_points)
Resizes internal array to allow additional n_points to be stored.
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
Int_t GetPointIntId(Int_t p, Int_t i) const
Return i-th integer id of point with index p.
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
TArrayI * fIntIds
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:44
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write visualization parameters.
virtual Int_t GetNfill() const
Definition: TSelectorDraw.h:86
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t e
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
void SetPointIntIds(Int_t *ids)
Set integer ids for the last point that was registered (most probably via TPolyMarker3D::SetNextPoint...
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set marker size, propagate to children.
TEvePointSet ** fBins
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:118
virtual void TakeAction(TEvePointSelector *)
Called from TEvePointSelector when internal arrays of the tree-selector are filled up and need to be ...
void Reset(Int_t n_points=0, Int_t n_int_ids=0)
Drop all data and set-up the data structures to recive new data.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
ProjList_t fProjectedList
void SetDepthCommon(Float_t d, TEveElement *el, Float_t *bbox)
Utility function to update the z-values of the bounding-box.
virtual void RemoveElements()
Remove all elements.
virtual Int_t GetN() const
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:66
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:202
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write-out visual parameters for this object.
Double_t Sin(Double_t)
Definition: TMath.h:421
virtual Float_t * GetP() const
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:67
Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros.
Definition: TEveUtil.h:102
void SetPointId(TObject *id)
Set external object id of the last added point.
TEvePointSet(Int_t n_points=0, ETreeVarType_e tv_type=kTVT_XYZ)
Int_t * GetPointIntIds(Int_t p) const
Return a pointer to integer ids of point with index p.
virtual ~TEvePointSetArray()
Destructor: deletes the fBins array.
virtual Color_t GetMarkerColor() const
Return the marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:36
virtual TEveTrans * PtrMainTrans(Bool_t create=kTRUE)
Return pointer to main transformation.
TPolyMarker3D using TPointSet3DGL for direct OpenGL rendering.
Definition: TPointSet3D.h:25
const int nn
Float_t * fP
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:44
ETreeVarType_e fSourceCS
Definition: TEveTreeTools.h:51
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
Color_t fMarkerColor
Marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:27
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set marker style, propagate to children.
Int_t Nint(T x)
Definition: TMath.h:480
TString fOption
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:45
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Definition: TEveElement.h:33
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
void InitBins(const char *quant_name, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Initialize internal point-sets with given binning parameters.
Int_t CeilNint(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:470
virtual Int_t Size() const
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:81
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
TEvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tre...
Definition: TEveTreeTools.h:66
TString fTitle
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:43
Double_t fMin
Index of the last filled TEvePointSet.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:122