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Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/net:$Id$
2 // Author: Fabio Hernandez 22/01/2013
3 // extending an initial version by Marcelo Sousa (class TAS3File)
5 /*************************************************************************
6  * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
7  * All rights reserved. *
8  * *
9  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
10  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
11  *************************************************************************/
13 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 // //
15 // TS3WebFile //
16 // //
17 // A TS3WebFile is a TWebFile which retrieves the file contents from a //
18 // web server implementing the REST API of the Amazon S3 protocol. This //
19 // class is meant to be as generic as possible to be used with files //
20 // hosted not only by Amazon S3 servers but also by other providers //
21 // implementing the core of the S3 protocol. //
22 // //
23 // The S3 protocol works on top of HTTPS (and HTTP) and imposes that //
24 // each HTTP request be signed using a specific convention: the request //
25 // must include an 'Authorization' header which contains the signature //
26 // of a concatenation of selected request fields. For signing the //
27 // request, an 'Access Key Id' and a 'Secret Access Key' need to be //
28 // known. These keys are used by the S3 servers to identify the client //
29 // and to authenticate the request as genuine. //
30 // //
31 // As an end user, you must know the Access Key and Secret Access Key //
32 // in order to access each S3 file. They are provided to you by your S3 //
33 // service provider. Those two keys can be provided to ROOT when //
34 // initializing an object of this class by two means: //
35 // a) by using the environmental variables S3_ACCESS_KEY and //
36 // S3_SECRET_KEY, or //
37 // b) by specifying them when opening each file. //
38 // //
39 // You can use AWS temporary security credentials (temporary access key //
40 // and secret access key), but you must also give the associated //
41 // session token. The token may be set in the S3_SESSION_TOKEN //
42 // environmental variable, or on open in the TOKEN option. //
43 // //
44 // The first method is convenient if all the S3 files you want to //
45 // access are hosted by a single provider. The second one is more //
46 // flexible as it allows you to specify which credentials to use //
47 // on a per-file basis. See the documentation of the constructor of //
48 // this class for details on the syntax. //
49 // //
50 // For generating and signing the HTTP request, this class uses //
51 // TS3HTTPRequest. //
52 // //
53 // For more information on the details of S3 protocol please refer to: //
54 // "Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide": //
55 // http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/Welcome.html //
56 // //
57 // "Amazon Simple Storage Service REST API Reference" //
58 // http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/APIRest.html //
59 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 #include "TS3WebFile.h"
62 #include "TROOT.h"
63 #include "TError.h"
64 #include "TSystem.h"
65 #include "TPRegexp.h"
66 #include "TEnv.h"
71 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72 /// Construct a TS3WebFile object. The path argument is a URL of one of the
73 /// following forms:
74 ///
75 /// s3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
76 /// s3http://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
77 /// s3https://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
78 /// as3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
79 ///
80 /// For files hosted by Google Storage, use the following forms:
81 ///
82 /// gs://storage.googleapis.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
83 /// gshttp://storage.googleapis.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
84 /// gsthttps://storage.googleapis.com/bucket/path/to/my/file
85 ///
86 /// The 'as3' scheme is accepted for backwards compatibility but its usage is
87 /// deprecated.
88 ///
89 /// The recommended way to create an instance of this class is through
90 /// TFile::Open, for instance:
91 ///
92 /// TFile* f1 = TFile::Open("s3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file")
93 /// TFile* f2 = TFile::Open("gs://storage.googleapis.com/bucket/path/to/my/file")
94 ///
95 /// The specified scheme (i.e. s3, s3http, s3https, ...) determines the underlying
96 /// transport protocol to use for downloading the file contents, namely HTTP or HTTPS.
97 /// The 's3', 's3https', 'gs' and 'gshttps' schemes imply using HTTPS as the transport
98 /// protocol. The 's3http', 'as3' and 'gshttp' schemes imply using HTTP as the transport
99 /// protocol.
100 ///
101 /// The 'options' argument can contain 'NOPROXY' if you want to bypass
102 /// the HTTP proxy when retrieving this file's contents. As for any TWebFile-derived
103 /// object, the URL of the web proxy can be specified by setting an environmental
104 /// variable 'http_proxy'. If this variable is set, we ask that proxy to route our
105 /// requests HTTP(S) requests to the file server.
106 ///
107 /// In addition, you can also use the 'options' argument to provide the access key
108 /// and secret key to be used for authentication purposes for this file by using a
109 /// string of the form "AUTH=myAccessKey:mySecretkey". This may be useful to
110 /// open several files hosted by different providers in the same program/macro,
111 /// where the environemntal variables solution is not convenient (see below).
112 ///
113 /// To use AWS temporary security credentials you need to specify the session
114 /// token. This can be added to the options argument with a string of the form
115 /// TOKEN=mySessionToken. The temporary access and secret keys must also be
116 /// available, either via the AUTH option or by environmental variable.
117 ///
118 /// If you need to specify more than one option separate them by ' '
119 /// (blank), for instance:
120 /// "NOPROXY AUTH=F38XYZABCDeFgH4D0E1F:V+frt4re7J1euSNFnmaf8wwmI4AAAE7kzxZ/TTM+"
121 ///
122 /// Examples:
123 /// TFile* f1 = TFile::Open("s3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file",
124 /// "NOPROXY AUTH=F38XYZABCDeFgH4D0E1F:V+frt4re7J1euSNFnmaf8wwmI4AAAE7kzxZ/TTM+");
125 /// TFile* f2 = TFile::Open("s3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file",
126 /// "AUTH=F38XYZABCDeFgH4D0E1F:V+frt4re7J1euSNFnmaf8wwmI4AAAE7kzxZ/TTM+");
127 /// TFile* f3 = TFile::Open("s3://host.example.com/bucket/path/to/my/file",
128 /// "TOKEN=AQoDYXdzEM///////////wEa8AHEYmCinjD+TsGEjtgKSMAT6wnY");
129 ///
130 /// If there is no authentication information in the 'options' argument
131 /// (i.e. not AUTH="....") the values of the environmental variables
132 /// S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY (if set) are expected to contain
133 /// the access key id and the secret access key, respectively. You have
134 /// been provided with these credentials by your S3 service provider.
135 ///
136 /// If neither the AUTH information is provided in the 'options' argument
137 /// nor the environmental variables are set, we try to open the file
138 /// without providing any authentication information to the server. This
139 /// is useful when the file is set an access control that allows for
140 /// any unidentified user to read the file.
142 TS3WebFile::TS3WebFile(const char* path, Option_t* options)
143  : TWebFile(path, "IO")
144 {
145  // Make sure this is a valid S3 path. We accept 'as3' as a scheme, for
146  // backwards compatibility
147  Bool_t doMakeZombie = kFALSE;
148  TString errorMsg;
149  TString accessKey;
150  TString secretKey;
151  TString token;
152  TPMERegexp rex("^([a]?s3|s3http[s]?|gs|gshttp[s]?){1}://([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/].*)", "i");
153  if (rex.Match(TString(path)) != 5) {
154  errorMsg = TString::Format("invalid S3 path '%s'", path);
155  doMakeZombie = kTRUE;
156  }
157  else if (!ParseOptions(options, accessKey, secretKey, token)) {
158  errorMsg = TString::Format("could not parse options '%s'", options);
159  doMakeZombie = kTRUE;
160  }
162  // Should we stop initializing this object?
163  if (doMakeZombie) {
164  Error("TS3WebFile", "%s", (const char*)errorMsg);
165  MakeZombie();
166  gDirectory = gROOT;
167  return;
168  }
170  // Set this S3 object's URL, the bucket name this file is located in
171  // and the object key
172  fS3Request.SetBucket(rex[3]);
173  fS3Request.SetObjectKey(TString::Format("/%s", (const char*)rex[4]));
175  // Initialize super-classes data members (fUrl is a data member of
176  // super-super class TFile)
177  TString protocol = "https";
178  if (rex[1].EndsWith("http", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
179  rex[1].EqualTo("as3", TString::kIgnoreCase))
180  protocol = "http";
181  fUrl.SetUrl(TString::Format("%s://%s/%s/%s", (const char*)protocol,
182  (const char*)rex[2], (const char*)rex[3], (const char*)rex[4]));
184  // Set S3-specific data members. If the access and secret keys are not
185  // provided in the 'options' argument we look in the environmental
186  // variables.
187  const char* kAccessKeyEnv = "S3_ACCESS_KEY";
188  const char* kSecretKeyEnv = "S3_SECRET_KEY";
189  const char* kSessionToken = "S3_SESSION_TOKEN";
190  if (accessKey.IsNull())
191  GetCredentialsFromEnv(kAccessKeyEnv, kSecretKeyEnv, kSessionToken,
192  accessKey, secretKey, token);
194  // Initialize the S3 HTTP request
195  fS3Request.SetHost(fUrl.GetHost());
196  if (accessKey.IsNull() || secretKey.IsNull()) {
197  // We have no authentication information, neither in the options
198  // nor in the enviromental variables. So may be this is a
199  // world-readable file, so let's continue and see if
200  // we can open it.
201  fS3Request.SetAuthType(TS3HTTPRequest::kNoAuth);
202  } else {
203  // Set the authentication information we need to use
204  // for this file
205  fS3Request.SetAuthKeys(accessKey, secretKey);
206  if (!token.IsNull())
207  fS3Request.SetSessionToken(token);
208  if (rex[1].BeginsWith("gs"))
209  fS3Request.SetAuthType(TS3HTTPRequest::kGoogle);
210  else
211  fS3Request.SetAuthType(TS3HTTPRequest::kAmazon);
212  }
214  // Assume this server does not serve multi-range HTTP GET requests. We
215  // will detect this when the HTTP headers of this files are retrieved
216  // later in the initialization process
217  fUseMultiRange = kFALSE;
219  // Call super-class initializer
222  // Were there some errors opening this file?
223  if (IsZombie() && (accessKey.IsNull() || secretKey.IsNull())) {
224  // We could not open the file and we have no authentication information
225  // so inform the user so that they can check.
226  Error("TS3WebFile", "could not find authentication info in "\
227  "'options' argument and at least one of the environment variables '%s' or '%s' is not set",
228  kAccessKeyEnv, kSecretKeyEnv);
229  }
230 }
233 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234 /// Extracts the S3 authentication key pair (access key and secret key)
235 /// from the options. The authentication credentials can be specified in
236 /// the options provided to the constructor of this class as a string
237 /// containing: "AUTH=<access key>:<secret key>" and can include other
238 /// options, for instance "NOPROXY" for not using the HTTP proxy for
239 /// accessing this file's contents.
240 /// For instance:
241 /// "NOPROXY AUTH=F38XYZABCDeFgHiJkLm:V+frt4re7J1euSNFnmaf8wwmI401234E7kzxZ/TTM+"
242 /// A security token may be given by the TOKEN option, in order to allow the
243 /// use of a temporary key pair.
245 Bool_t TS3WebFile::ParseOptions(Option_t* options, TString& accessKey, TString& secretKey, TString& token)
246 {
247  TString optStr = (const char*)options;
248  if (optStr.IsNull())
249  return kTRUE;
251  fNoProxy = kFALSE;
252  if (optStr.Contains("NOPROXY", TString::kIgnoreCase))
253  fNoProxy = kTRUE;
254  CheckProxy();
256  // Look in the options string for the authentication information.
257  TPMERegexp rex_token("(^TOKEN=|^.* TOKEN=)([\\S]+)[\\s]*.*$", "i");
258  if (rex_token.Match(optStr) == 3) {
259  token = rex_token[2];
260  }
261  TPMERegexp rex("(^AUTH=|^.* AUTH=)([a-z0-9]+):([a-z0-9+/]+)[\\s]*.*$", "i");
262  if (rex.Match(optStr) == 4) {
263  accessKey = rex[2];
264  secretKey = rex[3];
265  }
266  if (gDebug > 0)
267  Info("ParseOptions", "using authentication information from 'options' argument");
268  return kTRUE;
269 }
272 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
273 /// Overwrites TWebFile::GetHead() for retrieving the HTTP headers of this
274 /// file. Uses TS3HTTPRequest to generate an HTTP HEAD request which includes
275 /// the authorization header expected by the S3 server.
278 {
280  return TWebFile::GetHead();
281 }
284 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
285 /// Overwrites TWebFile::SetMsgReadBuffer10() for setting the HTTP GET
286 /// request compliant to the authentication mechanism used by the S3
287 /// protocol. The GET request must contain an "Authorization" header with
288 /// the signature of the request, generated using the user's secret access
289 /// key.
291 void TS3WebFile::SetMsgReadBuffer10(const char* redirectLocation, Bool_t tempRedirect)
292 {
293  TWebFile::SetMsgReadBuffer10(redirectLocation, tempRedirect);
295  return;
296 }
299 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
301 Bool_t TS3WebFile::ReadBuffers(char* buf, Long64_t* pos, Int_t* len, Int_t nbuf)
302 {
303  // Overwrites TWebFile::ReadBuffers() for reading specified byte ranges.
304  // According to the kind of server this file is hosted by, we use a
305  // single HTTP request with a muti-range header or we generate multiple
306  // requests with a single range each.
308  // Does this server support multi-range GET requests?
309  if (fUseMultiRange)
310  return TWebFile::ReadBuffers(buf, pos, len, nbuf);
312  // Send multiple GET requests with a single range of bytes
313  // Adapted from original version by Wang Lu
314  for (Int_t i=0, offset=0; i < nbuf; i++) {
315  TString rangeHeader = TString::Format("Range: bytes=%lld-%lld\r\n\r\n",
316  pos[i], pos[i] + len[i] - 1);
317  TString s3Request = fS3Request.GetRequest(TS3HTTPRequest::kGET, kFALSE) + rangeHeader;
318  if (GetFromWeb10(&buf[offset], len[i], s3Request) == -1)
319  return kTRUE;
320  offset += len[i];
321  }
322  return kFALSE;
323 }
326 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
327 /// This method is called by the super-class TWebFile when a HTTP header
328 /// for this file is retrieved. We scan the 'Server' header to detect the
329 /// type of S3 server this file is hosted on and to determine if it is
330 /// known to support multi-range HTTP GET requests. Some S3 servers (for
331 /// instance Amazon's) do not support that feature and when they
332 /// receive a multi-range request they sent back the whole file contents.
333 /// For this class, if the server do not support multirange requests
334 /// we issue multiple single-range requests instead.
336 void TS3WebFile::ProcessHttpHeader(const TString& headerLine)
337 {
338  TPMERegexp rex("^Server: (.+)", "i");
339  if (rex.Match(headerLine) != 2)
340  return;
342  // Extract the identity of this server and compare it to the
343  // identify of the servers known to support multi-range requests.
344  // The list of server identities is expected to be found in ROOT
345  // configuration.
346  TString serverId = rex[1].ReplaceAll("\r", "").ReplaceAll("\n", "");
347  TString multirangeServers(gEnv->GetValue("TS3WebFile.Root.MultiRangeServer", ""));
348  fUseMultiRange = multirangeServers.Contains(serverId, TString::kIgnoreCase) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
349 }
352 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
353 /// Sets the access and secret keys from the environmental variables, if
354 /// they are both set. Sets the security session token if it is given.
356 Bool_t TS3WebFile::GetCredentialsFromEnv(const char* accessKeyEnv, const char* secretKeyEnv,
357  const char* tokenEnv, TString& outAccessKey,
358  TString& outSecretKey, TString& outToken)
359 {
360  // Look first in the recommended environmental variables. Both variables
361  // must be set.
362  TString accKey = gSystem->Getenv(accessKeyEnv);
363  TString secKey = gSystem->Getenv(secretKeyEnv);
364  TString token = gSystem->Getenv(tokenEnv);
365  if (!token.IsNull()) {
366  outToken = token;
367  }
368  if (!accKey.IsNull() && !secKey.IsNull()) {
369  outAccessKey = accKey;
370  outSecretKey = secKey;
371  if (gDebug > 0)
372  Info("GetCredentialsFromEnv", "using authentication information from environmental variables '%s' and '%s'",
373  accessKeyEnv, secretKeyEnv);
374  return kTRUE;
375  }
377  // Look now in the legacy environmental variables, for keeping backwards
378  // compatibility.
379  accKey = gSystem->Getenv("S3_ACCESS_ID"); // Legacy access key
380  secKey = gSystem->Getenv("S3_ACCESS_KEY"); // Legacy secret key
381  if (!accKey.IsNull() && !secKey.IsNull()) {
382  Warning("SetAuthKeys", "usage of S3_ACCESS_ID and S3_ACCESS_KEY environmental variables is deprecated.");
383  Warning("SetAuthKeys", "please use S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY environmental variables.");
384  outAccessKey = accKey;
385  outSecretKey = secKey;
386  return kTRUE;
387  }
389  return kFALSE;
390 }
virtual Int_t GetHead()
Overwrites TWebFile::GetHead() for retrieving the HTTP headers of this file.
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:277
TS3HTTPRequest fS3Request
Definition: TS3WebFile.h:95
virtual void Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue info message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:899
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
Bool_t ParseOptions(Option_t *options, TString &accessKey, TString &secretKey, TString &token)
Extracts the S3 authentication key pair (access key and secret key) from the options.
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:245
Bool_t GetCredentialsFromEnv(const char *accessKeyEnv, const char *secretKeyEnv, const char *tokenEnv, TString &outAccessKey, TString &outSecretKey, TString &outToken)
Sets the access and secret keys from the environmental variables, if they are both set...
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:356
virtual void SetMsgReadBuffer10(const char *redirectLocation=0, Bool_t tempRedirect=kFALSE)
Set GET command for use by ReadBuffer(s)10(), handle redirection if needed.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:266
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:364
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual Int_t GetFromWeb10(char *buf, Int_t len, const TString &msg, Int_t nseg=0, Long64_t *seg_pos=0, Int_t *seg_len=0)
Read multiple byte range request from web server.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:674
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Definition: TString.cxx:2335
Bool_t fNoProxy
Definition: TWebFile.h:53
virtual const char * Getenv(const char *env)
Get environment variable.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1628
bool BeginsWith(const std::string &theString, const std::string &theSubstring)
virtual Bool_t ReadBuffers(char *buf, Long64_t *pos, Int_t *len, Int_t nbuf)
Read specified byte ranges from remote file via HTTP daemon.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:499
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition: TSystem.h:549
TString GetRequest(TS3HTTPRequest::EHTTPVerb httpVerb, Bool_t appendCRLF=kTRUE)
Returns the HTTP request ready to be sent to the server.
virtual Int_t GetValue(const char *name, Int_t dflt)
Returns the integer value for a resource.
Definition: TEnv.cxx:496
Bool_t fUseMultiRange
Definition: TS3WebFile.h:96
virtual void SetMsgReadBuffer10(const char *redirectLocation=0, Bool_t tempRedirect=kFALSE)
Overwrites TWebFile::SetMsgReadBuffer10() for setting the HTTP GET request compliant to the authentic...
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:291
virtual void CheckProxy()
Check if shell var "http_proxy" has been set and should be used.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:351
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
virtual void ProcessHttpHeader(const TString &headerLine)
This method is called by the super-class TWebFile when a HTTP header for this file is retrieved...
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:336
R__EXTERN TEnv * gEnv
Definition: TEnv.h:174
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:567
bool EndsWith(const std::string &theString, const std::string &theSubstring)
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition: TString.h:387
TString fMsgReadBuffer10
Definition: TWebFile.h:55
Int_t Match(const TString &s, UInt_t start=0)
Runs a match on s against the regex &#39;this&#39; was created with.
Definition: TPRegexp.cxx:705
TString fMsgGetHead
Definition: TWebFile.h:56
Wrapper for PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions).
Definition: TPRegexp.h:103
virtual Bool_t ReadBuffers(char *buf, Long64_t *pos, Int_t *len, Int_t nbuf)
Read specified byte ranges from remote file via HTTP daemon.
Definition: TS3WebFile.cxx:301
virtual Int_t GetHead()
Get the HTTP header.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:1028
virtual void Init(Bool_t readHeadOnly)
Initialize a TWebFile object.
Definition: TWebFile.cxx:210
R__EXTERN Int_t gDebug
Definition: Rtypes.h:128
#define gDirectory
Definition: TDirectory.h:221
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:911