12 #ifndef ROOT_TTreeIndex 13 #define ROOT_TTreeIndex 25 #ifndef ROOT_TVirtualIndex 28 #ifndef ROOT_TTreeFormula
virtual TTreeFormula * GetMinorFormulaParent(const TTree *parent)
Return a pointer to the TreeFormula corresponding to the minorname in parent tree.
Abstract interface for Tree Index.
virtual Long64_t GetN() const
TTreeIndex & operator=(const TTreeIndex &)
virtual void UpdateFormulaLeaves(const TTree *parent)
Called by TChain::LoadTree when the parent chain changes it's tree.
Long64_t * fIndexValuesMinor
const char * GetMinorName() const
TTreeFormula * fMajorFormulaParent
Pointer to minor TreeFormula.
A Tree Index with majorname and minorname.
const char * GetMajorName() const
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual Long64_t * GetIndexValuesMinor() const
TTreeFormula * fMinorFormulaParent
Pointer to major TreeFormula in Parent tree (if any)
virtual TTreeFormula * GetMajorFormulaParent(const TTree *parent)
Return a pointer to the TreeFormula corresponding to the majorname in parent tree.
virtual Long64_t * GetIndex() const
virtual Long64_t GetEntryNumberFriend(const TTree *parent)
Returns the entry number in this (friend) Tree corresponding to entry in the master Tree 'parent'...
virtual Long64_t * GetIndexValues() const
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const
Print the table with : serial number, majorname, minorname.
virtual Long64_t GetEntryNumberWithBestIndex(Long64_t major, Long64_t minor) const
Return entry number corresponding to major and minor number.
virtual TTreeFormula * GetMajorFormula()
Return a pointer to the TreeFormula corresponding to the majorname.
virtual ~TTreeIndex()
virtual void SetTree(const TTree *T)
this function is called by TChain::LoadTree and TTreePlayer::UpdateFormulaLeaves when a new Tree is l...
virtual TTreeFormula * GetMinorFormula()
Return a pointer to the TreeFormula corresponding to the minorname.
Long64_t FindValues(Long64_t major, Long64_t minor) const
find position where major|minor values are in the IndexValues tables this is the index in IndexValues...
bool ConvertOldToNew()
conversion from old 64bit indexes return true if index was converted
TTreeFormula * fMajorFormula
A TTree object has a header with a name and a title.
virtual Long64_t GetEntryNumberWithIndex(Long64_t major, Long64_t minor) const
Return entry number corresponding to major and minor number.
Default constructor for TTreeIndex.
TTreeFormula * fMinorFormula
Pointer to major TreeFormula.
virtual void Append(const TVirtualIndex *, Bool_t delaySort=kFALSE)
Append 'add' to this index.
const char * Data() const