51 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
66 cout <<
"For model 1: Poisson / Binomial" << endl;
67 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
68 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
76 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
90 cout <<
"For model 2 : Poisson / Gaussian" << endl;
91 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
92 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
100 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
113 cout <<
"For model 3 : Gaussian / Gaussian" << endl;
114 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
115 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
117 cout <<
"***************************************" << endl;
118 cout <<
"* some more example's for gauss/gauss *" << endl;
119 cout <<
"* *" << endl;
122 cout <<
"sensitivity:" << endl;
123 cout <<
"[" << slow <<
"," << shigh <<
"]" << endl;
127 cout <<
"median limit:" << endl;
128 cout <<
"[" << slow <<
"," << shigh <<
"] @ x =" << outx <<endl;
131 cout <<
"ML limit:" << endl;
132 cout <<
"[" << slow <<
"," << shigh <<
"] @ x =" << outx <<endl;
135 cout <<
"sensitivity:" << endl;
136 cout <<
"[" << slow <<
"," << shigh <<
"]" << endl;
139 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
140 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
145 cout <<
"critical number: " << ncrt << endl;
149 cout <<
"critical number for 5 sigma: " << ncrt << endl;
151 cout <<
"***************************************" << endl;
159 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
173 cout <<
"For model 4 : Poissonian / Known" << endl;
174 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
175 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
183 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
196 cout <<
"For model 5 : Gaussian / Known" << endl;
197 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
198 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
206 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
219 cout <<
"For model 6 : Known / Binomial" << endl;
220 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
221 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
229 cout << endl<<
" ======================================================== " <<endl;
244 cout <<
"For model 7 : Known / Gaussian " << endl;
245 cout <<
"the Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
246 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
266 cout <<
"Example of the effect of bounded vs unbounded, For model 1" << endl;
267 cout <<
"the BOUNDED Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
268 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
274 cout <<
"the UNBOUNDED Profile Likelihood interval is :" << endl;
275 cout <<
"[" << ll <<
"," << ul <<
"]" << endl;
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t mid
bool GetLimitsQuantile(Double_t &low, Double_t &high, Int_t &out_x, Double_t integral=0.5)
get the upper and lower limits for the outcome corresponding to a given quantile. ...
bool GetSensitivity(Double_t &low, Double_t &high, Double_t pPrecision=0.00001)
get the upper and lower average limits based on the specified model.
void SetPoissonBkgGaussEff(Int_t x, Int_t y, Double_t em, Double_t tau, Double_t sde)
Model 2: Background - Poisson, Efficiency - Gaussian.
void SetPoissonBkgBinomEff(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t tau, Int_t m)
Model 1: Background - Poisson, Efficiency - Binomial.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t tau
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t em
void SetGaussBkgGaussEff(Int_t x, Double_t bm, Double_t em, Double_t sde, Double_t sdb)
Model 3: Background - Gaussian, Efficiency - Gaussian (x,bm,em,sde,sdb)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t bm
bool GetLimitsML(Double_t &low, Double_t &high, Int_t &out_x)
get the upper and lower limits for the most likely outcome.
you should not use this method at all * sde
void SetGaussBkgKnownEff(Int_t x, Double_t bm, Double_t sdb, Double_t e)
Model 5: Background - Gaussian, Efficiency - known (x,bm,sdb,e.
void SetCLSigmas(Double_t CLsigmas)
void SetKnownBkgBinomEff(Int_t x, Int_t z, Int_t m, Double_t b)
Model 6: Background - known, Efficiency - Binomial (x,z,m,b)
void SetPoissonBkgKnownEff(Int_t x, Int_t y, Double_t tau, Double_t e)
Model 4: Background - Poisson, Efficiency - known (x,y,tau,e)
void SetKnownBkgGaussEff(Int_t x, Double_t em, Double_t sde, Double_t b)
Model 7: Background - known, Efficiency - Gaussian (x,em,sde,b)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t e
void SetBounding(const bool bnd)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
This class computes confidence intervals for the rate of a Poisson process in the presence of uncerta...
bool GetCriticalNumber(Int_t &ncrit, Int_t maxtry=-1)
get the value of x corresponding to rejection of the null hypothesis.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t sdb
bool GetLimits(Double_t &low, Double_t &high)
Calculate and get the upper and lower limits for the pre-specified model.