47 fVizVolumeDaughters(0)
57 "TEveGeoNodeEditor",
63 "TEveGeoNodeEditor",
69 "TEveGeoNodeEditor",
75 "TEveGeoNodeEditor",
160 fVisOption->
169 fVisLevel->
"Level (depth) to which the geometry is traversed.\nWhen zero, maximum number of nodes to draw can be specified.");
170 fVisLevel->
180 fMaxVisNodes->
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Set model object.
void DoMaxVisNodes()
Slot for MaxVisNodes.
TGCheckButton * fVizNodeDaughters
Int_t GetMaxVisNodes() const
void DoVisLevel()
Slot for VisLevel.
virtual void SetValue(Float_t v, Bool_t emit=kFALSE)
Set value, optionally emit signal.
image html pict1_TGaxis_012 png width
Define new text attributes for the label number "labNum".
TEveGeoTopNode * fTopNodeRE
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
void DoVisOption()
Slot for VisOption.
Int_t GetVisOption() const
void VisibleDaughters(Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
set visibility for daughters
Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement.
void SetToolTip(const char *tip)
Set the tooltip of the number-entry.
void DoVizVolumeDaughters()
Slot for VizVolumeDaughters.
Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider)...
virtual void Update()
Update the current pad when an attribute is changed via GUI.
virtual Bool_t IsVisible() const
TEveGeoNodeEditor(const TEveGeoNodeEditor &)
void DoVizNode()
Slot for VizNode.
TEveGValuator * fVisOption
A wrapper over a TGeoNode, possibly displaced with a global trasformation stored in TEveElement...
Bool_t Connect(const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
Non-static method is used to connect from the signal of this object to the receiver slot...
TEveGeoTopNodeEditor(const TEveGeoTopNodeEditor &)
void SetShowSlider(Bool_t s=kTRUE)
void SetNELength(Int_t l)
TEveGValuator * fMaxVisNodes
Int_t GetVisLevel() const
TGCheckButton * fVizVolume
virtual Bool_t SetRnrSelf(Bool_t rnr)
Set render state of this element, i.e.
void SetVisLevel(Int_t vl)
virtual void Build(Bool_t connect=kTRUE)
Create sub-components (label, number entry, slider).
virtual void SetVisibility(Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
set visibility of this volume
virtual Bool_t SetRnrChildren(Bool_t rnr)
Set render state of this element's children, i.e.
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
void SetVisOption(Int_t vo)
void SetMaxVisNodes(Int_t mvn)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void DoVizNodeDaughters()
Slot for VizNodeDaughters.
Editor for TEveGeoNode class.
virtual void UnmapWindow()
A node represent a volume positioned inside another.They store links to both volumes and to the TGeoM...
Bool_t IsVisDaughters() const
void DoVizVolume()
Slot for VizVolume.
void SetLabelWidth(Int_t w)
TGCheckButton * fVizVolumeDaughters
void SetLimits(Int_t min, Int_t max)
Set limits of the represented value for integer values.
TEveGValuator * fVisLevel
virtual void MakeTitle(const char *title)
Create attribute frame title.
Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class.
TGeoVolume * GetVolume() const
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Set model object.