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Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// @(#)root/sql:$Id$
2// Author: Sergey Linev 20/11/2005
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TSQLFile
13#define ROOT_TSQLFile
15#include "TFile.h"
16#include <stdlib.h>
18class TList;
22class TSQLServer;
23class TSQLStatement;
24class TSQLResult;
25class TSQLRow;
26class TKeySQL;
27class TBufferSQL2;
28class TSQLClassInfo;
30class TSQLFile final : public TFile {
32 friend class TBufferSQL2;
33 friend class TKeySQL;
34 friend class TSQLStructure;
35 friend class TSQLTableData;
36 friend class TSqlRegistry;
37 friend class TSqlRawBuffer;
38 friend class TSqlCmdsBuffer;
43 // Interface to basic system I/O routines, suppressed
44 Int_t SysOpen(const char *, Int_t, UInt_t) final { return 0; }
45 Int_t SysClose(Int_t) final { return 0; }
46 Int_t SysRead(Int_t, void *, Int_t) final { return 0; }
47 Int_t SysWrite(Int_t, const void *, Int_t) final { return 0; }
48 Long64_t SysSeek(Int_t, Long64_t, Int_t) final { return 0; }
49 Int_t SysStat(Int_t, Long_t *, Long64_t *, Long_t *, Long_t *) final { return 0; }
50 Int_t SysSync(Int_t) final { return 0; }
52 // Overwrite methods for directory I/O
55 void DirWriteKeys(TDirectory *) final;
56 void DirWriteHeader(TDirectory *) final;
58 InfoListRet GetStreamerInfoListImpl(bool) final;
60 // functions to manipulate basic tables (Configurations, Objects, Keys) in database
61 void SaveToDatabase();
64 void InitSqlDatabase(Bool_t create);
65 void CreateBasicTables();
67 void SetLocking(Int_t mode);
70 // function for read/write access infos
74 // generic sql functions
75 TSQLResult *SQLQuery(const char *cmd, Int_t flag = 0, Bool_t *res = 0);
77 TSQLStatement *SQLStatement(const char *cmd, Int_t bufsize = 1000);
80 Bool_t SQLTestTable(const char *tablename);
81 Long64_t SQLMaximumValue(const char *tablename, const char *columnname);
82 void SQLDeleteAllTables();
88 // operation with keys structures in database
89 void DeleteKeyFromDB(Long64_t keyid);
94 Int_t StreamKeysForDirectory(TDirectory *dir, Bool_t doupdate, Long64_t specialkeyid = -1, TKeySQL **specialkey = 0);
96 // handling SQL class info structures
97 TSQLClassInfo *FindSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version);
99 TSQLClassInfo *RequestSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version);
101 Bool_t CreateClassTable(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, TObjArray *colinfos);
105 Int_t &tablecnt);
106 void AddIdEntry(Long64_t tableid, Int_t subid, Int_t type, const char *name, const char *sqlname, const char *info);
107 void ReadSQLClassInfos();
108 TString DefineTableName(const char *clname, Int_t version, Bool_t rawtable);
109 Bool_t HasTable(const char *name);
111 // operations with long string table
112 TString CodeLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid);
113 Int_t IsLongStringCode(Long64_t objid, const char *value);
115 Bool_t GetLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid, TString &value);
117 // operation with object tables in database
119 Bool_t SQLObjectInfo(Long64_t objid, TString &clname, Version_t &version);
122 TSQLResult *GetNormalClassDataAll(Long64_t minobjid, Long64_t maxobjid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
125 Long64_t StoreObjectInTables(Long64_t keyid, const void *obj, const TClass *cl);
126 Bool_t WriteSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj, const char *name, const char *title);
127 TObject *ReadSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj = 0);
129 // sql specific types
130 const char *SQLCompatibleType(Int_t typ) const;
131 const char *SQLIntType() const;
132 const char *SQLSmallTextType() const { return fOtherTypes[0]; }
133 Int_t SQLSmallTextTypeLimit() const { return atoi(fOtherTypes[1]); }
134 const char *SQLBigTextType() const { return fOtherTypes[2]; }
135 const char *SQLDatetimeType() const { return fOtherTypes[3]; }
136 const char *SQLIdentifierQuote() const { return fOtherTypes[4]; }
137 const char *SQLDirIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[5]; }
138 const char *SQLKeyIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[6]; }
139 const char *SQLObjectIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[7]; }
140 const char *SQLRawIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[8]; }
141 const char *SQLStrIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[9]; }
142 const char *SQLNameSeparator() const { return fOtherTypes[10]; }
143 const char *SQLValueQuote() const { return fOtherTypes[11]; }
144 const char *SQLDefaultTableType() const { return fOtherTypes[12]; }
146 TSQLServer *fSQL; ///<! interface to SQL database
148 TList *fSQLClassInfos; ///<! list of SQL class infos
150 Bool_t fUseSuffixes; ///<! use suffixes in column names like fValue:Int_t or fObject:pointer
151 Int_t fSQLIOversion; ///<! version of SQL I/O which is stored in configurations
152 Int_t fArrayLimit; ///<! limit for array size. when array bigger, its content converted to raw format
153 Bool_t fCanChangeConfig; ///<! variable indicates can be basic configuration changed or not
154 TString fTablesType; ///<! type, used in CREATE TABLE statements
155 Int_t fUseTransactions; ///<! use transaction statements for writing data into the tables
156 Int_t fUseIndexes; ///<! use indexes for tables: 0 - off, 1 - only for basic tables, 2 + normal class tables, 3 - all tables
157 Int_t fModifyCounter; ///<! indicates how many changes was done with database tables
158 Int_t fQuerisCounter; ///<! how many query was applied
160 const char **fBasicTypes; ///<! pointer on list of basic types specific for currently connected SQL server
161 const char **fOtherTypes; ///<! pointer on list of other SQL types like TEXT or blob
163 TString fUserName; ///<! user name, used to access objects from database
165 std::ofstream *fLogFile; ///<! log file with SQL statements
167 Bool_t fIdsTableExists; ///<! indicate if IdsTable exists
168 Int_t fStmtCounter; ///<! count numbers of active statements
171 TSQLFile(const TSQLFile &) = delete; //Files cannot be copied - not implemented
172 void operator=(const TSQLFile &) = delete; //Files cannot be copied - not implemented
179 TSQLFile();
180 TSQLFile(const char *dbname, Option_t *option = "read", const char *user = "user", const char *pass = "pass");
181 virtual ~TSQLFile();
183 // configuration of SQL
185 void SetUseSuffixes(Bool_t on = kTRUE);
186 Int_t GetArrayLimit() const { return fArrayLimit; }
187 void SetArrayLimit(Int_t limit = 20);
189 void SetTablesType(const char *table_type);
190 const char *GetTablesType() const { return fTablesType.Data(); }
193 void SetUseIndexes(Int_t use_type = kIndexesBasic);
194 Int_t GetUseIndexes() const { return fUseIndexes; }
196 Int_t GetIOVersion() const { return fSQLIOversion; }
200 Bool_t Commit();
203 // log file for SQL statements
204 void StartLogFile(const char *fname); // *MENU*
205 void StopLogFile(); // *MENU*
207 void Close(Option_t *option = "") final; // *MENU*
208 TKey *CreateKey(TDirectory *mother, const TObject *obj, const char *name, Int_t bufsize) final;
209 TKey *CreateKey(TDirectory *mother, const void *obj, const TClass *cl, const char *name, Int_t bufsize) final;
210 void DrawMap(const char * = "*", Option_t * = "") final {}
211 void FillBuffer(char *&) final {}
212 void Flush() final {}
214 Long64_t GetEND() const final { return 0; }
215 Int_t GetErrno() const final { return 0; }
216 void ResetErrno() const final {}
218 const char *GetDataBaseName() const;
219 Int_t GetNfree() const final { return 0; }
220 Int_t GetNbytesInfo() const final{ return 0; }
221 Int_t GetNbytesFree() const final { return 0; }
222 Long64_t GetSeekFree() const final { return 0; }
223 Long64_t GetSeekInfo() const final { return 0; }
224 Long64_t GetSize() const final { return 0; }
226 Bool_t IsOpen() const final;
227 Bool_t IsMySQL() const;
228 Bool_t IsOracle() const;
229 Bool_t IsODBC() const;
231 void MakeFree(Long64_t, Long64_t) final {}
232 void MakeProject(const char *, const char * = "*", Option_t * = "new") final {} // *MENU*
233 void Map(Option_t *) final {} //
234 void Map() final {} //
235 void Paint(Option_t * = "") final {}
236 void Print(Option_t * = "") const final {}
237 Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
238 Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Long64_t, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
239 void ReadFree() final {}
240 Int_t Recover() final { return 0; }
241 Int_t ReOpen(Option_t *mode) final;
242 void Seek(Long64_t, ERelativeTo = kBeg) final {}
244 void SetEND(Long64_t) final {}
245 Int_t Sizeof() const final { return 0; }
247 Bool_t WriteBuffer(const char *, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
248 Int_t Write(const char * = nullptr, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) final { return 0; }
249 Int_t Write(const char * = nullptr, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) const final { return 0; }
250 void WriteFree() final {}
251 void WriteHeader() final;
252 void WriteStreamerInfo() final;
254 ClassDefOverride(TSQLFile, 1) // ROOT TFile interface to SQL database
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
short Version_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:61
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:330
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
Converts data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables.
Definition: TBufferSQL2.h:27
TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system.
Definition: TClass.h:75
Describe directory structure in memory.
Definition: TDirectory.h:34
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
Definition: TFile.h:48
Definition: TFile.h:186
@ kBeg
Definition: TFile.h:186
TKeySQL represents meta-information about object, which was written to SQL database.
Definition: TKeySQL.h:19
Book space in a file, create I/O buffers, to fill them, (un)compress them.
Definition: TKey.h:24
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:37
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
Contains information about tables specific to one class and version.
Definition: TSQLClassInfo.h:41
Access an SQL db via the TFile interface.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:30
Int_t Sizeof() const final
Return the size in bytes of the file header.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:245
Bool_t CreateClassTable(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, TObjArray *colinfos)
Create normal class table if required.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2062
TString MakeSelectQuery(TClass *cl)
Produce SELECT statement which can be used to get all data of class cl in one SELECT statement.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1218
const char * SQLIdentifierQuote() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:136
void DrawMap(const char *="*", Option_t *="") final
Draw map of objects in this file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:210
Int_t DirReadKeys(TDirectory *) final
Read directory list of keys from database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2600
Int_t SysWrite(Int_t, const void *, Int_t) final
Interface to system write. All arguments like in POSIX write().
Definition: TSQLFile.h:47
Long64_t VerifyObjectTable()
Checks that objects table is exists If not, table will be created Returns maximum value for existing ...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2308
Definition: TSQLFile.h:41
@ kLockBusy
Definition: TSQLFile.h:41
@ kLockFree
Definition: TSQLFile.h:41
void SkipArrayLimit()
Definition: TSQLFile.h:188
TSQLResult * GetNormalClassData(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Method return request result for specified objid from normal classtable.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2438
TObject * ReadSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj=0)
Read data of special kind of objects.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:854
Int_t GetIOVersion() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:196
default TSQLFile constructor
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:273
Bool_t WriteSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj, const char *name, const char *title)
write special kind of object like streamer infos or file itself keys for that objects should exist in...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:832
void StartLogFile(const char *fname)
start logging of all SQL statements in specified file
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:450
Bool_t fUseSuffixes
! use suffixes in column names like fValue:Int_t or fObject:pointer
Definition: TSQLFile.h:150
void AddIdEntry(Long64_t tableid, Int_t subid, Int_t type, const char *name, const char *sqlname, const char *info)
Add entry into IdsTable, where all tables names and columns names are listed.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2021
TKey * CreateKey(TDirectory *mother, const TObject *obj, const char *name, Int_t bufsize) final
create SQL key, which will store object in data base
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:769
Bool_t ReadConfigurations()
read table configurations as special table
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1057
Int_t SysSync(Int_t) final
Interface to system fsync. All arguments like in POSIX fsync().
Definition: TSQLFile.h:50
TSQLFile(const TSQLFile &)=delete
const char * GetTablesType() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:190
Int_t IsLongStringCode(Long64_t objid, const char *value)
Checks if this is long string code returns 0, if not or string id.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2228
void CreateBasicTables()
Creates initial tables in database This is table with configurations and table with keys Function cal...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1119
Int_t GetUseTransactions() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:192
void WriteHeader() final
Write file info like configurations, title, UUID and other.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:785
TSQLClassInfo * FindSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version)
Return (if exists) TSQLClassInfo for specified class name and version.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1776
Long64_t GetEND() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:214
const char * SQLDatetimeType() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:135
friend class TSqlRegistry
Definition: TSQLFile.h:36
void ReadSQLClassInfos()
Read all class infos from IdsTable.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1914
Definition: TSQLFile.h:177
@ kIndexesNone
Definition: TSQLFile.h:177
@ kIndexesAll
Definition: TSQLFile.h:177
@ kIndexesBasic
Definition: TSQLFile.h:177
@ kIndexesClass
Definition: TSQLFile.h:177
Bool_t Commit()
Commit transaction, started by StartTransaction() call.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:582
void IncrementModifyCounter()
Update value of modify counter in config table Modify counter used to indicate that something was cha...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1191
Int_t fArrayLimit
! limit for array size. when array bigger, its content converted to raw format
Definition: TSQLFile.h:152
void operator=(const TSQLFile &)=delete
void SetLocking(Int_t mode)
Set locking mode for current database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1337
Int_t ReOpen(Option_t *mode) final
Reopen a file with a different access mode, like from READ to See TFile::Open() for details.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:722
Int_t GetNbytesFree() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:221
Definition: TSQLFile.h:175
@ kTransactionsUser
Definition: TSQLFile.h:175
@ kTransactionsAuto
Definition: TSQLFile.h:175
@ kTransactionsOff
Definition: TSQLFile.h:175
void Map() final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:234
Bool_t SQLRollback()
Rollback all SQL operations, done after start transaction.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1592
TObjArray * SQLObjectsInfo(Long64_t keyid)
Produce array of TSQLObjectInfo objects for all objects, belong to that key Array should be deleted b...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2374
Bool_t GetUseSuffixes() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:184
Bool_t SQLCanStatement()
Test if DB support statement and number of open statements is not exceeded.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1428
Bool_t CreateRawTable(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Create the raw table.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2144
Long64_t StoreObjectInTables(Long64_t keyid, const void *obj, const TClass *cl)
Store object in database. Return stored object id or -1 if error.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2514
void InitSqlDatabase(Bool_t create)
initialize sql database and correspondent structures identical to TFile::Init() function
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1001
const char * SQLStrIdColumn() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:141
Bool_t IsOpen() const final
return kTRUE if file is opened and can be accessed
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:713
Bool_t SQLObjectInfo(Long64_t objid, TString &clname, Version_t &version)
Read from objects table data for specified objectid.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2347
void MakeFree(Long64_t, Long64_t) final
Mark unused bytes on the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:231
void MakeProject(const char *, const char *="*", Option_t *="new") final
Generate source code necessary to access the objects stored in the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:232
Int_t GetNfree() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:219
Int_t fQuerisCounter
! how many query was applied
Definition: TSQLFile.h:158
const char * SQLValueQuote() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:143
friend class TSqlCmdsBuffer
Definition: TSQLFile.h:38
const char * SQLBigTextType() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:134
Int_t GetLocking()
Return current locking mode for that file.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1351
Bool_t HasTable(const char *name)
Test if table name exists.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1886
TKeySQL * FindSQLKey(TDirectory *dir, Long64_t keyid)
Search for TKeySQL object with specified keyid.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1674
Long64_t SysSeek(Int_t, Long64_t, Int_t) final
Interface to system lseek.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:48
Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Long64_t, Int_t) final
Read a buffer from the file at the offset 'pos' in the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:238
const char * SQLDefaultTableType() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:144
Bool_t Rollback()
Rollback all operations, done after StartTransaction() call.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:596
Bool_t IsWriteAccess()
Checkis, if lock is free in configuration tables.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1329
void ResetErrno() const final
Method resetting the errno.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:216
Bool_t IsMySQL() const
checks, if MySQL database
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:470
InfoListRet GetStreamerInfoListImpl(bool) final
Read back streamer infos from database List of streamer infos is always stored with key:id 0,...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:885
Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Int_t) final
Read a buffer from the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:237
void SQLDeleteAllTables()
Delete all tables in database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1552
Bool_t IsOracle() const
checks, if Oracle database
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:480
Int_t SysClose(Int_t) final
Interface to system close. All arguments like in POSIX close().
Definition: TSQLFile.h:45
Int_t GetErrno() const final
Method returning errno.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:215
void Seek(Long64_t, ERelativeTo=kBeg) final
Seek to a specific position in the file. Pos it either kBeg, kCur or kEnd.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:242
Int_t StreamKeysForDirectory(TDirectory *dir, Bool_t doupdate, Long64_t specialkeyid=-1, TKeySQL **specialkey=0)
read keys for specified directory (when update == kFALSE) or update value for modified keys when upda...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:923
const char * SQLNameSeparator() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:142
void Paint(Option_t *="") final
Paint all objects in the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:235
void SetTablesType(const char *table_type)
Defines tables type, which is used in CREATE TABLE statements Now is only used for MySQL database,...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:531
Int_t SQLSmallTextTypeLimit() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:133
const char * SQLKeyIdColumn() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:138
Long64_t GetSize() const final
Returns the current file size.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:224
Bool_t WriteKeyData(TKeySQL *key)
Add entry into keys table.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1694
void SetUseTransactions(Int_t mode=kTransactionsAuto)
Defines usage of transactions statements for writing objects data to database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:551
Int_t fStmtCounter
! count numbers of active statements
Definition: TSQLFile.h:168
Bool_t fCanChangeConfig
! variable indicates can be basic configuration changed or not
Definition: TSQLFile.h:153
TString CodeLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid)
Produces id which will be placed in column instead of string itself.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2217
void Map(Option_t *) final
List the contents of a file sequentially.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:233
const char * SQLObjectIdColumn() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:139
Int_t Recover() final
Attempt to recover file if not correctly closed.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:240
virtual ~TSQLFile()
destructor of TSQLFile object
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:692
const char ** fOtherTypes
! pointer on list of other SQL types like TEXT or blob
Definition: TSQLFile.h:161
Bool_t WriteBuffer(const char *, Int_t) final
Write a buffer to the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:247
Bool_t fIdsTableExists
! indicate if IdsTable exists
Definition: TSQLFile.h:167
TSQLStatement * GetBlobClassDataStmt(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Method return request results for specified objid from streamer classtable Data returned in form of s...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2483
TSQLResult * GetBlobClassData(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Method return request results for specified objid from streamer classtable.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2467
void DeleteKeyFromDB(Long64_t keyid)
Remove key with specified id from keys table also removes all objects data, related to this table.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1615
void Flush() final
Synchronize a file's in-memory and on-disk states.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:212
Long64_t GetSeekFree() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:222
void Close(Option_t *option="") final
Close a SQL file For more comments see TFile::Close() function.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:644
Bool_t SQLTestTable(const char *tablename)
Test, if table of specified name exists.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1496
const char * SQLIntType() const
return SQL integer type
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2577
TSQLStatement * SQLStatement(const char *cmd, Int_t bufsize=1000)
Produces SQL statement for currently conected DB server.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1442
void SQLDeleteStatement(TSQLStatement *stmt)
delete statement and decrease counter
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1462
TSQLResult * SQLQuery(const char *cmd, Int_t flag=0, Bool_t *res=0)
Submits query to SQL server.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1392
TList * fSQLClassInfos
! list of SQL class infos
Definition: TSQLFile.h:148
void FillBuffer(char *&) final
Encode file output buffer.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:211
void DirWriteKeys(TDirectory *) final
Write directory keys list to database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2614
std::ofstream * fLogFile
! log file with SQL statements
Definition: TSQLFile.h:165
Long64_t DefineNextKeyId()
Returns next possible key identifier.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1760
Int_t SysStat(Int_t, Long_t *, Long64_t *, Long_t *, Long_t *) final
Return file stat information.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:49
TSQLResult * GetNormalClassDataAll(Long64_t minobjid, Long64_t maxobjid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Return data for several objects from the range from normal class table.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2452
Int_t SysRead(Int_t, void *, Int_t) final
Interface to system read. All arguments like in POSIX read().
Definition: TSQLFile.h:46
Int_t GetUseIndexes() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:194
Int_t GetNbytesInfo() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:220
void ReadFree() final
Read the FREE linked list.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:239
void WriteStreamerInfo() final
Store all TVirtualStreamerInfo, used in file, in sql database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:793
friend class TSqlRawBuffer
Definition: TSQLFile.h:37
void SaveToDatabase()
save data which is not yet in Database Typically this is streamerinfos structures or
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:909
Bool_t SQLApplyCommands(TObjArray *cmds)
supplies set of commands to server Commands is stored as array of TObjString
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1476
Int_t GetQuerisCounter() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:195
const char ** fBasicTypes
! pointer on list of basic types specific for currently connected SQL server
Definition: TSQLFile.h:160
Long64_t DirCreateEntry(TDirectory *) final
Create entry for directory in database.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2585
Bool_t IsReadAccess()
dummy, in future should check about read access to database
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1375
Int_t SQLMaxIdentifierLength()
returns maximum allowed length of identifiers
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1600
Bool_t GetLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid, TString &value)
Returns value of string, extracted from special table, where long strings are stored.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2277
Bool_t ProduceClassSelectQuery(TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, TString &columns, TString &tables, Int_t &tablecnt)
used by MakeClassSelectQuery method to add columns from table of class, specified by TVirtualStreamer...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1240
void WriteFree() final
Write FREE linked list on the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:250
Bool_t SQLCommit()
Commit SQL transaction.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1584
const char * SQLRawIdColumn() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:140
Bool_t UpdateKeyData(TKeySQL *key)
Updates (overwrites) key data in KeysTable.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1725
TString fUserName
! user name, used to access objects from database
Definition: TSQLFile.h:163
Int_t fUseIndexes
! use indexes for tables: 0 - off, 1 - only for basic tables, 2 + normal class tables,...
Definition: TSQLFile.h:156
const char * GetDataBaseName() const
Return name of data base on the host For Oracle always return 0.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:630
void SetUseSuffixes(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
enable/disable uasge of suffixes in columns names can be changed before first object is saved into fi...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:501
void SetEND(Long64_t) final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:244
Int_t Write(const char *=nullptr, Int_t=0, Int_t=0) final
Write memory objects to this file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:248
Int_t fUseTransactions
! use transaction statements for writing data into the tables
Definition: TSQLFile.h:155
void Print(Option_t *="") const final
Print all objects in the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:236
Int_t SysOpen(const char *, Int_t, UInt_t) final
Interface to system open. All arguments like in POSIX open().
Definition: TSQLFile.h:44
TString DefineTableName(const char *clname, Int_t version, Bool_t rawtable)
Proposes table name for class.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1837
Long64_t GetSeekInfo() const final
Definition: TSQLFile.h:223
Bool_t IsTablesExists()
Checks if main keys table is existing.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1321
Int_t Write(const char *=nullptr, Int_t=0, Int_t=0) const final
One can not save a const TDirectory object.
Definition: TSQLFile.h:249
void StopLogFile()
close logging file
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:459
void SetArrayLimit(Int_t limit=20)
Defines maximum number of columns for array representation If array size bigger than limit,...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:517
Long64_t SQLMaximumValue(const char *tablename, const char *columnname)
Returns maximum value, found in specified columnname of table tablename Column type should be numeric...
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1516
TSQLServer * fSQL
! interface to SQL database
Definition: TSQLFile.h:146
TString fTablesType
! type, used in CREATE TABLE statements
Definition: TSQLFile.h:154
TSQLClassInfo * RequestSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version)
Search in database tables for specified class and return TSQLClassInfo object.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1803
Int_t GetArrayLimit() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:186
Bool_t IsODBC() const
checks, if ODBC driver used for database connection
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:490
void DirWriteHeader(TDirectory *) final
Update dir header in the file.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2622
Int_t fModifyCounter
! indicates how many changes was done with database tables
Definition: TSQLFile.h:157
const char * SQLDirIdColumn() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:137
Int_t fSQLIOversion
! version of SQL I/O which is stored in configurations
Definition: TSQLFile.h:151
Bool_t StartTransaction()
Start user transaction.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:568
const char * SQLSmallTextType() const
Definition: TSQLFile.h:132
void SetUseIndexes(Int_t use_type=kIndexesBasic)
Specify usage of indexes for data tables.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:618
const char * SQLCompatibleType(Int_t typ) const
Returns sql type name which is most closer to ROOT basic type.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2569
Bool_t VerifyLongStringTable()
Checks that table for big strings is exists If not, will be created.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:2190
Bool_t SQLStartTransaction()
Start SQL transaction.
Definition: TSQLFile.cxx:1576
This is hierarchical structure, which is created when data is written by TBufferSQL2.
Definition: TSQLStructure.h:88
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class.