file | CreateExampleFile.C [code] |
file | FourBinInstructional.C [code] |
| This example is a generalization of the on/off problem.
file | HybridInstructional.C [code] |
| Example demonstrating usage of HybridCalcultor
file | HybridOriginalDemo.C [code] |
| Example on how to use the HybridCalculatorOriginal class
file | HybridStandardForm.C [code] |
| A hypothesis testing example based on number counting with background uncertainty.
file | IntervalExamples.C [code] |
| Example showing confidence intervals with four techniques.
file | ModelInspector.C [code] |
| RooStats Model Inspector.
file | MultivariateGaussianTest.C [code] |
| Comparison of MCMC and PLC in a multi-variate gaussian problem
file | NuMuToNuE_Oscillation.cxx [code] |
file | NuMuToNuE_Oscillation.h [code] |
file | OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.C [code] |
| OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands
file | rs101_limitexample.C [code] |
| Limits: number counting experiment with uncertainty on both the background rate and signal efficiency.
file | rs102_hypotestwithshapes.C [code] |
| A typical search for a new particle by studying an invariant mass distribution
file | rs301_splot.C [code] |
| SPlot tutorial
file | rs302_JeffreysPriorDemo.C [code] |
| tutorial demonstrating and validates the RooJeffreysPrior class
file | rs401c_FeldmanCousins.C [code] |
| Produces an interval on the mean signal in a number counting experiment with known background using the Feldman-Cousins technique.
file | rs401d_FeldmanCousins.C [code] |
| Neutrino Oscillation Example from Feldman & Cousins
file | rs601_HLFactoryexample.C [code] |
| High Level Factory: creation of a simple model
file | rs602_HLFactoryCombinationexample.C [code] |
| High Level Factory: creation of a combined model
file | rs603_HLFactoryElaborateExample.C [code] |
| High Level Factory: creating a complex combined model.
file | rs701_BayesianCalculator.C [code] |
| Bayesian calculator: basic exmple
file | rs801_HypoTestInverterOriginal.C [code] |
| An example of using the HypoTestInverterOriginal class
file | rs_bernsteinCorrection.C [code] |
| Example of the BernsteinCorrection utility in RooStats.
file | rs_numberCountingCombination.C [code] |
| 'Number Counting Example' RooStats tutorial macro #100
file | rs_numbercountingutils.C [code] |
| 'Number Counting Utils' RooStats tutorial
file | StandardBayesianMCMCDemo.C [code] |
| Standard demo of the Bayesian MCMC calculator
file | StandardBayesianNumericalDemo.C [code] |
| Standard demo of the numerical Bayesian calculator
file | StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo.C [code] |
| Standard demo of the Feldman-Cousins calculator StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo
file | StandardFrequentistDiscovery.C [code] |
| StandardFrequentistDiscovery
file | StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories.C [code] |
| StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories
file | StandardHypoTestDemo.C [code] |
| Standard tutorial macro for hypothesis test (for computing the discovery significance) using all RooStats hypotheiss tests calculators and test statistics.
file | StandardHypoTestInvDemo.C [code] |
| Standard tutorial macro for performing an inverted hypothesis test for computing an interval
file | StandardProfileInspectorDemo.C [code] |
| Standard demo of the ProfileInspector class StandardProfileInspectorDemo
file | StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo.C [code] |
| Standard demo of the Profile Likelihood calculator StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo
file | StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.C [code] |
| StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.C
file | TestNonCentral.C [code] |
file | TwoSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.C [code] |
| TwoSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands
file | Zbi_Zgamma.C [code] |
| Demonstrate Z_Bi = Z_Gamma