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Reference Guide
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1/// \file ROOT/RWebWindow.hxx
2/// \ingroup WebGui ROOT7
3/// \author Sergey Linev <s.linev@gsi.de>
4/// \date 2017-10-16
5/// \warning This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback
6/// is welcome!
9 * Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
10 * All rights reserved. *
11 * *
12 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
13 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
14 *************************************************************************/
16#ifndef ROOT7_RWebWindow
17#define ROOT7_RWebWindow
21#include <memory>
22#include <vector>
23#include <string>
24#include <queue>
25#include <map>
26#include <functional>
27#include <mutex>
28#include <thread>
29#include <chrono>
31class THttpCallArg;
32class THttpServer;
34namespace ROOT {
35namespace Experimental {
38/// function signature for connect/disconnect call-backs
39/// argument is connection id
42/// function signature for call-backs from the window clients
43/// first argument is connection id, second is received data
44using WebWindowDataCallback_t = std::function<void(unsigned, const std::string &)>;
46/// function signature for waiting call-backs
47/// Such callback used when calling thread need to waits for some special data,
48/// but wants to run application event loop
49/// As argument, spent time in second will be provided
50/// Waiting will be performed until function returns non-zero value
58 friend class RWebWindowsManager;
59 friend class RWebWindowWSHandler;
60 friend class RWebDisplayHandle;
63 using timestamp_t = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>;
65 struct QueueItem {
66 int fChID{1}; ///<! channel
67 bool fText{true}; ///<! is text data
68 std::string fData; ///<! text or binary data
69 QueueItem(int chid, bool txt, std::string &&data) : fChID(chid), fText(txt), fData(data) {}
70 };
72 struct WebConn {
73 unsigned fConnId{0}; ///<! connection id (unique inside the window)
74 bool fBatchMode{false}; ///<! indicate if connection represent batch job
75 std::string fKey; ///<! key value supplied to the window (when exists)
76 std::unique_ptr<RWebDisplayHandle> fDisplayHandle; ///<! handle assigned with started web display (when exists)
77 std::shared_ptr<THttpCallArg> fHold; ///<! request used to hold headless browser
78 timestamp_t fSendStamp; ///<! last server operation, always used from window thread
79 bool fActive{false}; ///<! flag indicates if connection is active
80 unsigned fWSId{0}; ///<! websocket id
81 int fReady{0}; ///<! 0 - not ready, 1..9 - interim, 10 - done
82 mutable std::mutex fMutex; ///<! mutex must be used to protect all following data
83 timestamp_t fRecvStamp; ///<! last receive operation, protected with connection mutex
84 int fRecvCount{0}; ///<! number of received packets, should return back with next sending
85 int fSendCredits{0}; ///<! how many send operation can be performed without confirmation from other side
86 int fClientCredits{0}; ///<! number of credits received from client
87 bool fDoingSend{false}; ///<! true when performing send operation
88 std::queue<QueueItem> fQueue; ///<! output queue
89 std::map<int,std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow>> fEmbed; ///<! map of embed window for that connection, key value is channel id
90 WebConn() = default;
91 WebConn(unsigned connid) : fConnId(connid) {}
92 WebConn(unsigned connid, unsigned wsid) : fConnId(connid), fActive(true), fWSId(wsid) {}
93 WebConn(unsigned connid, bool batch_mode, const std::string &key)
94 : fConnId(connid), fBatchMode(batch_mode), fKey(key)
95 {
97 }
98 ~WebConn();
100 void ResetStamps() { fSendStamp = fRecvStamp = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); }
101 };
105 struct QueueEntry {
106 unsigned fConnId{0}; ///<! connection id
107 EQueueEntryKind fKind{kind_None}; ///<! kind of data
108 std::string fData; ///<! data for given connection
109 QueueEntry() = default;
110 QueueEntry(unsigned connid, EQueueEntryKind kind, std::string &&data) : fConnId(connid), fKind(kind), fData(data) {}
111 };
113 using ConnectionsList_t = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<WebConn>>;
115 std::shared_ptr<RWebWindowsManager> fMgr; ///<! display manager
116 std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow> fMaster; ///<! master window where this window is embeded
117 unsigned fMasterConnId{0}; ///<! master connection id
118 int fMasterChannel{-1}; ///<! channel id in the master window
119 std::string fDefaultPage; ///<! HTML page (or file name) returned when window URL is opened
120 std::string fPanelName; ///<! panel name which should be shown in the window
121 unsigned fId{0}; ///<! unique identifier
122 bool fProcessMT{false}; ///<! if window event processing performed in dedicated thread
123 bool fSendMT{false}; ///<! true is special threads should be used for sending data
124 std::shared_ptr<RWebWindowWSHandler> fWSHandler; ///<! specialize websocket handler for all incoming connections
125 unsigned fConnCnt{0}; ///<! counter of new connections to assign ids
126 ConnectionsList_t fPendingConn; ///<! list of pending connection with pre-assigned keys
127 ConnectionsList_t fConn; ///<! list of all accepted connections
128 mutable std::mutex fConnMutex; ///<! mutex used to protect connection list
129 unsigned fConnLimit{1}; ///<! number of allowed active connections
130 bool fNativeOnlyConn{false}; ///<! only native connection are allowed, created by Show() method
131 unsigned fMaxQueueLength{10}; ///<! maximal number of queue entries
132 WebWindowConnectCallback_t fConnCallback; ///<! callback for connect event
133 WebWindowDataCallback_t fDataCallback; ///<! main callback when data over channel 1 is arrived
134 WebWindowConnectCallback_t fDisconnCallback; ///<! callback for disconnect event
135 std::thread::id fCallbacksThrdId; ///<! thread id where callbacks should be invoked
136 bool fCallbacksThrdIdSet{false}; ///<! flag indicating that thread id is assigned
137 std::queue<QueueEntry> fInputQueue; ///<! input queue for all callbacks
138 std::mutex fInputQueueMutex; ///<! mutex to protect input queue
139 unsigned fWidth{0}; ///<! initial window width when displayed
140 unsigned fHeight{0}; ///<! initial window height when displayed
141 float fOperationTmout{50.}; ///<! timeout in seconds to perform synchronous operation, default 50s
142 std::string fClientVersion; ///<! configured client version, used as prefix in scripts URL
143 std::string fProtocolFileName; ///<! local file where communication protocol will be written
144 int fProtocolCnt{-1}; ///<! counter for protocol recording
145 unsigned fProtocolConnId{0}; ///<! connection id, which is used for writing protocol
146 std::string fProtocolPrefix; ///<! prefix for created files names
147 std::string fProtocol; ///<! protocol
148 std::string fUserArgs; ///<! arbitrary JSON code, which is accessible via conn.getUserArgs() method
150 std::shared_ptr<RWebWindowWSHandler> CreateWSHandler(std::shared_ptr<RWebWindowsManager> mgr, unsigned id, double tmout);
152 bool ProcessWS(THttpCallArg &arg);
154 void CompleteWSSend(unsigned wsid);
156 ConnectionsList_t GetConnections(unsigned connid = 0, bool only_active = false) const;
158 std::shared_ptr<WebConn> FindOrCreateConnection(unsigned wsid, bool make_new, const char *query);
160 std::shared_ptr<WebConn> FindConnection(unsigned wsid) { return FindOrCreateConnection(wsid, false, nullptr); }
162 std::shared_ptr<WebConn> RemoveConnection(unsigned wsid);
164 std::string _MakeSendHeader(std::shared_ptr<WebConn> &conn, bool txt, const std::string &data, int chid);
166 void ProvideQueueEntry(unsigned connid, EQueueEntryKind kind, std::string &&arg);
168 void InvokeCallbacks(bool force = false);
170 void SubmitData(unsigned connid, bool txt, std::string &&data, int chid = 1);
172 bool CheckDataToSend(std::shared_ptr<WebConn> &conn);
174 void CheckDataToSend(bool only_once = false);
176 bool HasKey(const std::string &key) const;
182 unsigned AddDisplayHandle(bool batch_mode, const std::string &key, std::unique_ptr<RWebDisplayHandle> &handle);
184 unsigned AddEmbedWindow(std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow> window, int channel);
186 void RemoveEmbedWindow(unsigned connid, int channel);
188 bool ProcessBatchHolder(std::shared_ptr<THttpCallArg> &arg);
196 ~RWebWindow();
198 /// Returns ID for the window - unique inside window manager
199 unsigned GetId() const { return fId; }
201 /// Set content of default window HTML page
202 /// This page returns when URL address of the window will be requested
203 /// Either HTML code or file name in the form "file:/home/user/data/file.htm"
204 /// One also can using default locations like "file:rootui5sys/canv/canvas.html"
205 void SetDefaultPage(const std::string &page) { fDefaultPage = page; }
207 void SetPanelName(const std::string &name);
209 /// Set window geometry. Will be applied if supported by used web display (like CEF or Chromium)
210 void SetGeometry(unsigned width, unsigned height)
211 {
212 fWidth = width;
213 fHeight = height;
214 }
216 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
217 /// returns configured window width (0 - default)
218 /// actual window width can be different
219 unsigned GetWidth() const { return fWidth; }
221 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
222 /// returns configured window height (0 - default)
223 unsigned GetHeight() const { return fHeight; }
225 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
226 /// Configure maximal number of allowed connections - 0 is unlimited
227 /// Will not affect already existing connections
228 /// Default is 1 - the only client is allowed
229 void SetConnLimit(unsigned lmt = 0) { fConnLimit = lmt; }
231 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
232 /// returns configured connections limit (0 - default)
233 unsigned GetConnLimit() const { return fConnLimit; }
235 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
236 /// configures maximal queue length of data which can be held by window
237 void SetMaxQueueLength(unsigned len = 10) { fMaxQueueLength = len; }
239 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 /// Return maximal queue length of data which can be held by window
241 unsigned GetMaxQueueLength() const { return fMaxQueueLength; }
243 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
244 /// configures that only native (own-created) connections are allowed
245 void SetNativeOnlyConn(bool on = true) { fNativeOnlyConn = on; }
247 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
248 /// returns true if only native (own-created) connections are allowed
249 bool IsNativeOnlyConn() const { return fNativeOnlyConn; }
251 void SetClientVersion(const std::string &vers);
253 std::string GetClientVersion() const;
255 void SetUserArgs(const std::string &args);
257 std::string GetUserArgs() const;
259 int NumConnections(bool with_pending = false) const;
261 unsigned GetConnectionId(int num = 0) const;
263 bool HasConnection(unsigned connid = 0, bool only_active = true) const;
265 void CloseConnections();
267 void CloseConnection(unsigned connid);
269 /// Returns timeout for synchronous WebWindow operations
270 float GetOperationTmout() const { return fOperationTmout; }
272 /// Set timeout for synchronous WebWindow operations
273 void SetOperationTmout(float tm = 50.) { fOperationTmout = tm; }
275 std::string GetUrl(bool remote = true);
279 void Sync();
281 void Run(double tm = 0.);
283 unsigned Show(const RWebDisplayArgs &args = "");
285 unsigned GetDisplayConnection() const;
287 /// Returns true when window was shown at least once
288 bool IsShown() const { return GetDisplayConnection() != 0; }
290 unsigned MakeBatch(bool create_new = false, const RWebDisplayArgs &args = "");
292 unsigned FindBatch();
294 bool CanSend(unsigned connid, bool direct = true) const;
296 int GetSendQueueLength(unsigned connid) const;
298 void Send(unsigned connid, const std::string &data);
300 void SendBinary(unsigned connid, const void *data, std::size_t len);
302 void SendBinary(unsigned connid, std::string &&data);
304 void RecordData(const std::string &fname = "protocol.json", const std::string &fprefix = "");
306 std::string GetAddr() const;
308 std::string GetRelativeAddr(const std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow> &win) const;
318 int WaitFor(WebWindowWaitFunc_t check);
322 int WaitForTimed(WebWindowWaitFunc_t check, double duration);
324 void TerminateROOT();
326 static std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow> Create();
328 static unsigned ShowWindow(std::shared_ptr<RWebWindow> window, const RWebDisplayArgs &args = "");
332} // namespace Experimental
333} // namespace ROOT
include TDocParser_001 C image html pict1_TDocParser_001 png width
Definition: TDocParser.cxx:121
XFontStruct * id
Definition: TGX11.cxx:108
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
typedef void((*Func_t)())
Holds different arguments for starting browser with RWebDisplayHandle::Display() method.
just wrapper to deliver websockets call-backs to the RWebWindow class
Represents web window, which can be shown in web browser or any other supported environment.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:56
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WebConn > > ConnectionsList_t
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:113
void RemoveEmbedWindow(unsigned connid, int channel)
Remove RWebWindow associated with the channel.
std::string fDefaultPage
! HTML page (or file name) returned when window URL is opened
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:119
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > fMaster
! master window where this window is embeded
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:116
int WaitForTimed(WebWindowWaitFunc_t check)
Waits until provided check function or lambdas returns non-zero value Check function has following si...
std::shared_ptr< WebConn > FindOrCreateConnection(unsigned wsid, bool make_new, const char *query)
Find connection with given websocket id Connection mutex should be locked before method calling.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:235
std::string fUserArgs
! arbitrary JSON code, which is accessible via conn.getUserArgs() method
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:148
bool CheckDataToSend(std::shared_ptr< WebConn > &conn)
Checks if one should send data for specified connection Returns true when send operation was performe...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:760
int fMasterChannel
! channel id in the master window
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:118
float GetOperationTmout() const
Returns timeout for synchronous WebWindow operations.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:270
bool ProcessWS(THttpCallArg &arg)
Processing of websockets call-backs, invoked from RWebWindowWSHandler Method invoked from http server...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:525
std::shared_ptr< WebConn > FindConnection(unsigned wsid)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:160
void SetDefaultPage(const std::string &page)
Set content of default window HTML page This page returns when URL address of the window will be requ...
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:205
void Run(double tm=0.)
Run window functionality for specified time If no action can be performed - just sleep specified time...
void SetUserArgs(const std::string &args)
Set arbitrary JSON code, which is accessible via conn.GetUserArgs() method This JSON code injected in...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:891
unsigned GetId() const
Returns ID for the window - unique inside window manager.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:199
void CloseConnection(unsigned connid)
Close specified connection Connection id usually appears in the correspondent call-backs.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:986
void CheckInactiveConnections()
Check if there are connection which are inactive for longer time For instance, batch browser will be ...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:491
ConnectionsList_t fConn
! list of all accepted connections
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:127
unsigned FindBatch()
Returns connection id of batch job Connection to that job may not be initialized yet If connection do...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:191
std::string fProtocolPrefix
! prefix for created files names
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:146
WebWindowConnectCallback_t fConnCallback
! callback for connect event
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:132
unsigned GetMaxQueueLength() const
Return maximal queue length of data which can be held by window.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:241
bool HasKey(const std::string &key) const
Returns true if provided key value already exists (in processes map or in existing connections)
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:435
void SetDisconnectCallBack(WebWindowConnectCallback_t func)
Set call-back function for disconnecting.
unsigned fConnLimit
! number of allowed active connections
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:129
bool fCallbacksThrdIdSet
! flag indicating that thread id is assigned
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:136
unsigned Show(const RWebDisplayArgs &args="")
Show window in specified location See ROOT::Experimental::RWebWindowsManager::Show() docu for more in...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:165
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindowWSHandler > CreateWSHandler(std::shared_ptr< RWebWindowsManager > mgr, unsigned id, double tmout)
Assigns manager reference, window id and creates websocket handler, used for communication with the c...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:131
void Send(unsigned connid, const std::string &data)
Sends data to specified connection If connid==0, data will be send to all connections.
std::string _MakeSendHeader(std::shared_ptr< WebConn > &conn, bool txt, const std::string &data, int chid)
Prepare text part of send data Should be called under locked connection mutex.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:713
unsigned GetConnectionId(int num=0) const
Returns connection for specified connection number Only active connections are returned - where clien...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:941
unsigned fMasterConnId
! master connection id
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:117
bool fSendMT
! true is special threads should be used for sending data
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:123
int WaitFor(WebWindowWaitFunc_t check)
Waits until provided check function or lambdas returns non-zero value Check function has following si...
unsigned fWidth
! initial window width when displayed
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:139
std::thread::id fCallbacksThrdId
! thread id where callbacks should be invoked
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:135
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > timestamp_t
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:63
std::string fClientVersion
! configured client version, used as prefix in scripts URL
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:142
void CloseConnections()
Closes all connection to clients Normally leads to closing of all correspondent browser windows Some ...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:977
unsigned AddDisplayHandle(bool batch_mode, const std::string &key, std::unique_ptr< RWebDisplayHandle > &handle)
Add display handle and associated key Key is random number generated when starting new window When cl...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:417
unsigned GetConnLimit() const
returns configured connections limit (0 - default)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:233
unsigned fConnCnt
! counter of new connections to assign ids
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:125
unsigned fMaxQueueLength
! maximal number of queue entries
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:131
THttpServer * GetServer()
Return THttpServer instance serving requests to the window.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:155
std::string fPanelName
! panel name which should be shown in the window
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:120
unsigned fProtocolConnId
! connection id, which is used for writing protocol
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:145
void TerminateROOT()
Terminate ROOT session Tries to correctly close THttpServer, associated with RWebWindowsManager After...
void SetDataCallBack(WebWindowDataCallback_t func)
Set call-back function for data, received from the clients via websocket.
std::string GetUserArgs() const
Returns configured user arguments for web window See SetUserArgs method for more details.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:901
WebWindowDataCallback_t fDataCallback
! main callback when data over channel 1 is arrived
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:133
void Sync()
Special method to process all internal activity when window runs in separate thread.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:828
bool IsShown() const
Returns true when window was shown at least once.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:288
void SetMaxQueueLength(unsigned len=10)
configures maximal queue length of data which can be held by window
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:237
ConnectionsList_t fPendingConn
! list of pending connection with pre-assigned keys
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:126
void InvokeCallbacks(bool force=false)
Invoke callbacks with existing data Must be called from appropriate thread.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:373
std::string GetUrl(bool remote=true)
Return URL string to access web window If remote flag is specified, real HTTP server will be started ...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:147
bool HasConnection(unsigned connid=0, bool only_active=true) const
returns true if specified connection id exists connid is connection (0 - any) if only_active==false,...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:952
void SetConnLimit(unsigned lmt=0)
Configure maximal number of allowed connections - 0 is unlimited Will not affect already existing con...
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:229
void RecordData(const std::string &fname="protocol.json", const std::string &fprefix="")
Configures recording of communication data in protocol file Provided filename will be used to store J...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:927
unsigned GetHeight() const
returns configured window height (0 - default)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:223
unsigned GetDisplayConnection() const
Returns first connection id where window is displayed It could be that connection(s) not yet fully es...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:214
void SetCallBacks(WebWindowConnectCallback_t conn, WebWindowDataCallback_t data, WebWindowConnectCallback_t disconn=nullptr)
Set call-backs function for connect, data and disconnect events.
std::string GetAddr() const
Returns window address which is used in URL.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:842
void SetOperationTmout(float tm=50.)
Set timeout for synchronous WebWindow operations.
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:273
int GetSendQueueLength(unsigned connid) const
returns send queue length for specified connection if connid==0, maximal value for all connections is...
void ProvideQueueEntry(unsigned connid, EQueueEntryKind kind, std::string &&arg)
Provide data to user callback User callback must be executed in the window thread.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:359
void AssignCallbackThreadId()
Assign thread id which has to be used for callbacks.
bool fNativeOnlyConn
! only native connection are allowed, created by Show() method
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:130
RWebWindow constructor Should be defined here because of std::unique_ptr<RWebWindowWSHandler>
void SetGeometry(unsigned width, unsigned height)
Set window geometry. Will be applied if supported by used web display (like CEF or Chromium)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:210
unsigned GetWidth() const
returns configured window width (0 - default) actual window width can be different
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:219
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindowWSHandler > fWSHandler
! specialize websocket handler for all incoming connections
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:124
std::string fProtocolFileName
! local file where communication protocol will be written
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:143
bool CanSend(unsigned connid, bool direct=true) const
returns true if sending via specified connection can be performed if direct==true,...
std::string GetRelativeAddr(const std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > &win) const
Returns relative URL address for the specified window Address can be required if one needs to access ...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:852
void SetPanelName(const std::string &name)
Configure window to show some of existing JSROOT panels It uses "file:rootui5sys/panel/panel....
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:113
unsigned fHeight
! initial window height when displayed
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:140
void SubmitData(unsigned connid, bool txt, std::string &&data, int chid=1)
Internal method to send data Allows to specify channel.
RWebWindow destructor Closes all connections and remove window from manager.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:78
void SetClientVersion(const std::string &vers)
Set client version, used as prefix in scripts URL When changed, web browser will reload all related J...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:871
std::shared_ptr< RWebWindowsManager > fMgr
! display manager
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:115
bool ProcessBatchHolder(std::shared_ptr< THttpCallArg > &arg)
Process special http request, used to hold headless browser running Such requests should not be repli...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:311
unsigned AddEmbedWindow(std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > window, int channel)
Add embed window.
void CompleteWSSend(unsigned wsid)
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:694
std::mutex fInputQueueMutex
! mutex to protect input queue
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:138
void SetConnectCallBack(WebWindowConnectCallback_t func)
Set call-back function for new connection.
ConnectionsList_t GetConnections(unsigned connid=0, bool only_active=false) const
returns connection (or all active connections)
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:995
bool IsNativeOnlyConn() const
returns true if only native (own-created) connections are allowed
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:249
int fProtocolCnt
! counter for protocol recording
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:144
std::queue< QueueEntry > fInputQueue
! input queue for all callbacks
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:137
void SendBinary(unsigned connid, const void *data, std::size_t len)
Send binary data to specified connection If connid==0, data will be sent to all connections.
bool fProcessMT
! if window event processing performed in dedicated thread
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:122
std::string fProtocol
! protocol
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:147
static std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > Create()
Create new RWebWindow Using default RWebWindowsManager.
std::shared_ptr< WebConn > RemoveConnection(unsigned wsid)
Remove connection with given websocket id.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:282
unsigned fId
! unique identifier
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:121
float fOperationTmout
! timeout in seconds to perform synchronous operation, default 50s
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:141
WebWindowConnectCallback_t fDisconnCallback
! callback for disconnect event
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:134
void SetNativeOnlyConn(bool on=true)
configures that only native (own-created) connections are allowed
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:245
unsigned MakeBatch(bool create_new=false, const RWebDisplayArgs &args="")
Create batch job for specified window Normally only single batch job is used, but many can be created...
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:176
static unsigned ShowWindow(std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > window, const RWebDisplayArgs &args="")
Static method to show web window Has to be used instead of RWebWindow::Show() when window potentially...
void CheckPendingConnections()
Check if started process(es) establish connection.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:456
std::string GetClientVersion() const
Returns current client version.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:880
std::mutex fConnMutex
! mutex used to protect connection list
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:128
int NumConnections(bool with_pending=false) const
Returns current number of active clients connections.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:910
Central instance to create and show web-based windows like Canvas or FitPanel.
std::function< void(unsigned)> WebWindowConnectCallback_t
function signature for connect/disconnect call-backs argument is connection id
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:40
std::function< void(unsigned, const std::string &)> WebWindowDataCallback_t
function signature for call-backs from the window clients first argument is connection id,...
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:44
std::function< int(double)> WebWindowWaitFunc_t
function signature for waiting call-backs Such callback used when calling thread need to waits for so...
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:51
void function(const Char_t *name_, T fun, const Char_t *docstring=0)
Definition: RExports.h:151
tbb::task_arena is an alias of tbb::interface7::task_arena, which doesn't allow to forward declare tb...
Definition: StringConv.hxx:21
QueueEntry(unsigned connid, EQueueEntryKind kind, std::string &&data)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:110
EQueueEntryKind fKind
! kind of data
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:107
std::string fData
! data for given connection
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:108
std::string fData
! text or binary data
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:68
QueueItem(int chid, bool txt, std::string &&data)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:69
bool fBatchMode
! indicate if connection represent batch job
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:74
std::queue< QueueItem > fQueue
! output queue
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:88
WebConn(unsigned connid, unsigned wsid)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:92
int fReady
! 0 - not ready, 1..9 - interim, 10 - done
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:81
Destructor for WebConn Notify special HTTP request which blocks headless browser from exit.
Definition: RWebWindow.cxx:39
int fClientCredits
! number of credits received from client
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:86
std::mutex fMutex
! mutex must be used to protect all following data
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:82
timestamp_t fRecvStamp
! last receive operation, protected with connection mutex
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:83
int fSendCredits
! how many send operation can be performed without confirmation from other side
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:85
unsigned fConnId
! connection id (unique inside the window)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:73
bool fDoingSend
! true when performing send operation
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:87
std::string fKey
! key value supplied to the window (when exists)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:75
std::shared_ptr< THttpCallArg > fHold
! request used to hold headless browser
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:77
int fRecvCount
! number of received packets, should return back with next sending
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:84
timestamp_t fSendStamp
! last server operation, always used from window thread
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:78
bool fActive
! flag indicates if connection is active
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:79
std::unique_ptr< RWebDisplayHandle > fDisplayHandle
! handle assigned with started web display (when exists)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:76
std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< RWebWindow > > fEmbed
! map of embed window for that connection, key value is channel id
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:89
WebConn(unsigned connid, bool batch_mode, const std::string &key)
Definition: RWebWindow.hxx:93