43#ifndef ROOT_TQpProbSparse
44#define ROOT_TQpProbSparse
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Data for the general QP formulation.
Data for the sparse QP formulation.
Implementation of main solver for linear systems.
default general problem formulation:
dense matrix problem formulation
virtual void SeparateVars(TVectorD &x_in, TVectorD &y_in, TVectorD &z_in, TVectorD &vars_in)
Extracts three component vectors from a given aggregated vector.
virtual TQpLinSolverBase * MakeLinSys(const TQpDataBase *data)
Setup the linear solver.
virtual TQpDataBase * MakeData(Double_t *c, Int_t nnzQ, Int_t *irowQ, Int_t *icolQ, Double_t *Q, Double_t *xlo, Bool_t *ixlo, Double_t *xup, Bool_t *ixup, Int_t nnzA, Int_t *irowA, Int_t *icolA, Double_t *A, Double_t *bA, Int_t nnzC, Int_t *irowC, Int_t *icolC, Double_t *C, Double_t *clo, Bool_t *iclo, Double_t *cup, Bool_t *icup)
Setup the data.
virtual TQpVar * MakeVariables(const TQpDataBase *data)
Setup the variables.
TQpProbSparse & operator=(const TQpProbSparse &source)
Assignment operator.
void MakeRandomData(TQpDataSparse *&data, TQpVar *&soln, Int_t nnzQ, Int_t nnzA, Int_t nnzC)
Create a random QP problem.
virtual TQpResidual * MakeResiduals(const TQpDataBase *data)
Setup the residuals.
virtual void JoinRHS(TVectorD &rhs_in, TVectorD &rhs1_in, TVectorD &rhs2_in, TVectorD &rhs3_in)
Assembles a single vector object from three given vectors .
The Residuals class calculates and stores the quantities that appear on the right-hand side of the li...
Class containing the variables for the general QP formulation.