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1// @(#)root/minuit2:$Id$
2// Authors: M. Winkler, F. James, L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 2003-2005
5 * *
6 * Copyright (c) 2005 LCG ROOT Math team, CERN/PH-SFT *
7 * *
8 **********************************************************************/
11#include "Minuit2/MnFcn.h"
14#include "Minuit2/MnParabola.h"
17#include "Minuit2/LaSum.h"
18#include "Minuit2/MnPrint.h"
20#include <algorithm>
21#include <cmath>
23#ifdef USE_OTHER_LS
25#include "Math/SMatrix.h"
26#include "Math/SVector.h"
28#include "Math/IFunction.h"
29#include "Math/Minimizer1D.h"
33namespace ROOT {
35namespace Minuit2 {
37/** Perform a line search from position defined by the vector st
38 along the direction step, where the length of vector step
39 gives the expected position of Minimum.
40 fcn is Value of function at the starting position ,
41 gdel (if non-zero) is df/dx along step at st.
42 Return a parabola point containing Minimum x position and y (function Value)
43 - add a flag to control the debug
47 double gdel, const MnMachinePrecision &prec) const
50 //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Perform a line search from position st along step *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
51 //*-* =========================================
52 //*-* SLAMBG and ALPHA control the maximum individual steps allowed.
53 //*-* The first step is always =1. The max length of second step is SLAMBG.
54 //*-* The max size of subsequent steps is the maximum previous successful
55 //*-* step multiplied by ALPHA + the size of most recent successful step,
56 //*-* but cannot be smaller than SLAMBG.
57 //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
59 MnPrint print("MnLineSearch");
61 print.Debug("gdel", gdel, "step", step);
63 double overall = 1000.;
64 double undral = -100.;
65 double toler = 0.05;
66 double slamin = 0.;
67 double slambg = 5.;
68 double alpha = 2.;
69 int maxiter = 12;
70 // start as in Fortran from 1 and count all the time we evaluate the function
71 int niter = 1;
73 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < step.size(); i++) {
74 if (step(i) == 0)
75 continue;
76 double ratio = std::fabs(st.Vec()(i) / step(i));
77 if (slamin == 0)
78 slamin = ratio;
79 if (ratio < slamin)
80 slamin = ratio;
81 }
82 if (std::fabs(slamin) < prec.Eps())
83 slamin = prec.Eps();
84 slamin *= prec.Eps2();
86 double f0 = st.Fval();
87 double f1 = fcn(st.Vec() + step);
88 niter++;
89 double fvmin = st.Fval();
90 double xvmin = 0.;
92 if (f1 < f0) {
93 fvmin = f1;
94 xvmin = 1.;
95 }
96 double toler8 = toler;
97 double slamax = slambg;
98 double flast = f1;
99 double slam = 1.;
101 bool iterate = false;
102 MnParabolaPoint p0(0., f0);
103 MnParabolaPoint p1(slam, flast);
104 double f2 = 0.;
105 // quadratic interpolation using the two points p0,p1 and the slope at p0
106 do {
107 // cut toler8 as function goes up
108 iterate = false;
109 // MnParabola pb = MnParabolaFactory()(p0, gdel, p1);
111 print.Debug("flast", flast, "f0", f0, "flast-f0", flast - f0, "slam", slam);
112 // double df = flast-f0;
113 // if(std::fabs(df) < prec.Eps2()) {
114 // if(flast-f0 < 0.) df = -prec.Eps2();
115 // else df = prec.Eps2();
116 // }
117 // std::cout<<"df= "<<df<<std::endl;
118 // double denom = 2.*(df-gdel*slam)/(slam*slam);
119 double denom = 2. * (flast - f0 - gdel * slam) / (slam * slam);
121 print.Debug("denom", denom);
122 if (denom != 0) {
123 slam = -gdel / denom;
124 } else {
125 denom = -0.1 * gdel;
126 slam = 1.;
127 }
128 print.Debug("new slam", slam);
131 // if is less than zero indicates maximum position. Use then slamax or x = x0 - 2slam + 1
132 bool slamIsNeg = false;
133 double slamNeg = 0;
136 if (slam < 0.) {
137 print.Debug("slam is negative - set to", slamax);
139 slamNeg = 2 * slam - 1;
140 slamIsNeg = true;
141 print.Debug("slam is negative - compare values between", slamNeg, "and", slamax);
143 slam = slamax;
144 }
145 // std::cout<<"slam= "<<slam<<std::endl;
146 if (slam > slamax) {
147 slam = slamax;
148 print.Debug("slam larger than mac value - set to", slamax);
149 }
151 if (slam < toler8) {
152 print.Debug("slam too small - set to", toler8);
153 slam = toler8;
154 }
155 // std::cout<<"slam= "<<slam<<std::endl;
156 if (slam < slamin) {
157 print.Debug("slam smaller than", slamin, "return");
158 // std::cout<<"f1, f2= "<<p0.Y()<<", "<<p1.Y()<<std::endl;
159 // std::cout<<"x1, x2= "<<p0.X()<<", "<<p1.X()<<std::endl;
160 // std::cout<<"x, f= "<<xvmin<<", "<<fvmin<<std::endl;
161 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
162 }
163 if (std::fabs(slam - 1.) < toler8 && p1.Y() < p0.Y()) {
164 // std::cout<<"f1, f2= "<<p0.Y()<<", "<<p1.Y()<<std::endl;
165 // std::cout<<"x1, x2= "<<p0.X()<<", "<<p1.X()<<std::endl;
166 // std::cout<<"x, f= "<<xvmin<<", "<<fvmin<<std::endl;
167 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
168 }
169 if (std::fabs(slam - 1.) < toler8)
170 slam = 1. + toler8;
172 // if(std::fabs(gdel) < prec.Eps2() && std::fabs(denom) < prec.Eps2())
173 // slam = 1000.;
174 // MnAlgebraicVector tmp = step;
175 // tmp *= slam;
176 // f2 = fcn(st.Vec()+tmp);
177 f2 = fcn(st.Vec() + slam * step);
179 niter++; // do as in Minuit (count all func evalu)
182 if (slamIsNeg) {
183 // try alternative in the opposite direction
184 double f2alt = fcn(st.Vec() + slamNeg * step);
185 if (f2alt < f2) {
186 slam = slamNeg;
187 f2 = f2alt;
188 undral += slam;
189 }
190 }
192 if (f2 < fvmin) {
193 fvmin = f2;
194 xvmin = slam;
195 }
196 // LM : correct a bug using precision
197 if (std::fabs(p0.Y() - fvmin) < std::fabs(fvmin) * prec.Eps()) {
198 // if(p0.Y()-prec.Eps() < fvmin && fvmin < p0.Y()+prec.Eps()) {
199 iterate = true;
200 flast = f2;
201 toler8 = toler * slam;
202 overall = slam - toler8;
203 slamax = overall;
204 p1 = MnParabolaPoint(slam, flast);
205 // niter++;
206 }
207 } while (iterate && niter < maxiter);
208 if (niter >= maxiter) {
209 // exhausted max number of iterations
210 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
211 }
213 print.Debug("after initial 2-point iter:", '\n', " x0, x1, x2:", p0.X(), p1.X(), slam, '\n', " f0, f1, f2:", p0.Y(),
214 p1.Y(), f2);
216 MnParabolaPoint p2(slam, f2);
218 // do now the quadratic interpolation with 3 points
219 do {
220 slamax = std::max(slamax, alpha * std::fabs(xvmin));
221 MnParabola pb = MnParabolaFactory()(p0, p1, p2);
222 print.Debug("Iteration", niter, '\n', " x0, x1, x2:", p0.X(), p1.X(), p2.X(), '\n', " f0, f1, f2:", p0.Y(),
223 p1.Y(), p2.Y(), '\n', " slamax :", slamax, '\n', " p2-p0,p1 :", p2.Y() - p0.Y(), p2.Y() - p1.Y(),
224 '\n', " a, b, c :", pb.A(), pb.B(), pb.C());
225 if (pb.A() < prec.Eps2()) {
226 double slopem = 2. * pb.A() * xvmin + pb.B();
227 if (slopem < 0.)
228 slam = xvmin + slamax;
229 else
230 slam = xvmin - slamax;
231 print.Debug("xvmin", xvmin, "slopem", slopem, "slam", slam);
232 } else {
233 slam = pb.Min();
234 // std::cout<<"pb.Min() slam= "<<slam<<std::endl;
235 if (slam > xvmin + slamax)
236 slam = xvmin + slamax;
237 if (slam < xvmin - slamax)
238 slam = xvmin - slamax;
239 }
240 if (slam > 0.) {
241 if (slam > overall)
242 slam = overall;
243 } else {
244 if (slam < undral)
245 slam = undral;
246 }
248 print.Debug("slam", slam, "undral", undral, "overall", overall);
250 double f3 = 0.;
251 do {
253 print.Debug("iterate on f3- slam", niter, "slam", slam, "xvmin", xvmin);
255 iterate = false;
256 double toler9 = std::max(toler8, std::fabs(toler8 * slam));
257 // min. of parabola at one point
258 if (std::fabs(p0.X() - slam) < toler9 || std::fabs(p1.X() - slam) < toler9 ||
259 std::fabs(p2.X() - slam) < toler9) {
260 // std::cout<<"f1, f2, f3= "<<p0.Y()<<", "<<p1.Y()<<", "<<p2.Y()<<std::endl;
261 // std::cout<<"x1, x2, x3= "<<p0.X()<<", "<<p1.X()<<", "<<p2.X()<<std::endl;
262 // std::cout<<"x, f= "<<xvmin<<", "<<fvmin<<std::endl;
263 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
264 }
266 // take the step
267 // MnAlgebraicVector tmp = step;
268 // tmp *= slam;
269 f3 = fcn(st.Vec() + slam * step);
270 print.Debug("f3", f3, "f3-p(2-0).Y()", f3 - p2.Y(), f3 - p1.Y(), f3 - p0.Y());
271 // if latest point worse than all three previous, cut step
272 if (f3 > p0.Y() && f3 > p1.Y() && f3 > p2.Y()) {
273 print.Debug("f3 worse than all three previous");
274 if (slam > xvmin)
275 overall = std::min(overall, slam - toler8);
276 if (slam < xvmin)
277 undral = std::max(undral, slam + toler8);
278 slam = 0.5 * (slam + xvmin);
279 print.Debug("new slam", slam);
280 iterate = true;
281 niter++;
282 }
283 } while (iterate && niter < maxiter);
284 if (niter >= maxiter) {
285 // exhausted max number of iterations
286 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
287 }
289 // find worst previous point out of three and replace
290 MnParabolaPoint p3(slam, f3);
291 if (p0.Y() > p1.Y() && p0.Y() > p2.Y())
292 p0 = p3;
293 else if (p1.Y() > p0.Y() && p1.Y() > p2.Y())
294 p1 = p3;
295 else
296 p2 = p3;
297 print.Debug("f3", f3, "fvmin", fvmin, "xvmin", xvmin);
298 if (f3 < fvmin) {
299 fvmin = f3;
300 xvmin = slam;
301 } else {
302 if (slam > xvmin)
303 overall = std::min(overall, slam - toler8);
304 if (slam < xvmin)
305 undral = std::max(undral, slam + toler8);
306 }
308 niter++;
309 } while (niter < maxiter);
311 print.Debug("f1, f2 =", p0.Y(), p1.Y(), '\n', "x1, x2 =", p0.X(), p1.X(), '\n', "x, f =", xvmin, fvmin);
312 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
315#ifdef USE_OTHER_LS
317/** Perform a line search using a cubic interpolation using x0, x1 , df/dx(x0) and d2/dx(x0) (second derivative)
318 This is used at the beginning when the second derivative is known to be negative
321MnParabolaPoint MnLineSearch::CubicSearch(const MnFcn &fcn, const MinimumParameters &st, const MnAlgebraicVector &step,
322 double gdel, double g2del, const MnMachinePrecision &prec) const
324 MnPrint print("MnLineSearch::CubicSearch");
326 print.Debug("gdel", gdel, "g2del", g2del, "step", step);
328 // change of large values
329 double overall = 100.;
330 double undral = -100.;
331 double toler = 0.05;
332 double slamin = 0.;
333 double slambg = 5.;
334 double alpha = 2.;
336 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < step.size(); i++) {
337 if (step(i) == 0)
338 continue;
339 double ratio = std::fabs(st.Vec()(i) / step(i));
340 if (slamin == 0)
341 slamin = ratio;
342 if (ratio < slamin)
343 slamin = ratio;
344 }
345 if (std::fabs(slamin) < prec.Eps())
346 slamin = prec.Eps();
347 slamin *= prec.Eps2();
349 double f0 = st.Fval();
350 double f1 = fcn(st.Vec() + step);
351 double fvmin = st.Fval();
352 double xvmin = 0.;
353 print.Debug("f0", f0, "f1", f1);
355 if (f1 < f0) {
356 fvmin = f1;
357 xvmin = 1.;
358 }
359 double toler8 = toler;
360 double slamax = slambg;
361 double flast = f1;
362 double slam = 1.;
364 // MnParabolaPoint p0(0., f0);
365 // MnParabolaPoint p1(slam, flast);
368 ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3> cubicCoeff; // cubic coefficients to be found
369 ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3> bVec; // cubic coefficients to be found
370 double x0 = 0;
372 // cubic interpolation using the two points p0,p1 and the slope at p0 and the second derivative at p0
374 // cut toler8 as function goes up
375 double x1 = slam;
376 cubicMatrix(0, 0) = (x0 * x0 * x0 - x1 * x1 * x1) / 3.;
377 cubicMatrix(0, 1) = (x0 * x0 - x1 * x1) / 2.;
378 cubicMatrix(0, 2) = (x0 - x1);
379 cubicMatrix(1, 0) = x0 * x0;
380 cubicMatrix(1, 1) = x0;
381 cubicMatrix(1, 2) = 1;
382 cubicMatrix(2, 0) = 2. * x0;
383 cubicMatrix(2, 1) = 1;
384 cubicMatrix(2, 2) = 0;
386 bVec(0) = f0 - f1;
387 bVec(1) = gdel;
388 bVec(2) = g2del;
390 // if (debug) std::cout << "Matrix:\n " << cubicMatrix << std::endl;
391 print.Debug("Vec:\n ", bVec);
393 // find the minimum need to invert the matrix
394 if (!cubicMatrix.Invert()) {
395 print.Warn("Inversion failed - return");
396 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
397 }
399 cubicCoeff = cubicMatrix * bVec;
400 print.Debug("Cubic:\n ", cubicCoeff);
402 double ddd = cubicCoeff(1) * cubicCoeff(1) - 4 * cubicCoeff(0) * cubicCoeff(2); // b**2 - 4ac
403 double slam1, slam2 = 0;
404 // slam1 should be minimum and slam2 the maximum
405 if (cubicCoeff(0) > 0) {
406 slam1 = (-cubicCoeff(1) - std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
407 slam2 = (-cubicCoeff(1) + std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
408 } else if (cubicCoeff(0) < 0) {
409 slam1 = (-cubicCoeff(1) + std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
410 slam2 = (-cubicCoeff(1) - std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
411 } else { // case == 0 (-b/c)
412 slam1 = -gdel / g2del;
413 slam2 = slam1;
414 }
416 print.Debug("slam1", slam1, "slam2", slam2);
418 // this should be the minimum otherwise inversion failed and I should do something else
420 if (slam2 < undral)
421 slam2 = undral;
422 if (slam2 > overall)
423 slam2 = overall;
425 // I am stack somewhere - take a large step
426 if (std::fabs(slam2) < toler)
427 slam2 = (slam2 >= 0) ? slamax : -slamax;
429 double f2 = fcn(st.Vec() + slam2 * step);
431 print.Debug("try with slam 2", slam2, "f2", f2);
433 double fp;
434 // use this as new minimum
435 // bool noImpr = false;
436 if (f2 < fvmin) {
437 slam = slam2;
438 xvmin = slam;
439 fvmin = f2;
440 fp = fvmin;
441 } else {
442 // try with slam2 if it is better
444 if (slam1 < undral)
445 slam1 = undral;
446 if (slam1 > overall)
447 slam1 = overall;
449 if (std::fabs(slam1) < toler)
450 slam1 = (slam1 >= 0) ? -slamax : slamax;
452 double f3 = fcn(st.Vec() + slam1 * step);
454 print.Debug("try with slam 1", slam1, "f3", f3);
456 if (f3 < fvmin) {
457 slam = slam1;
458 fp = fvmin;
459 xvmin = slam;
460 fvmin = f3;
461 } else {
462 // case both f2 and f3 did not produce a better result
463 if (f2 < f3) {
464 slam = slam1;
465 fp = f2;
466 } else {
467 slam = slam2;
468 fp = f3;
469 }
470 }
471 }
473 bool iterate2 = false;
474 int niter = 0;
476 int maxiter = 10;
478 do {
479 iterate2 = false;
481 print.Debug("iter", niter, "test approx deriv ad second deriv at", slam, "fp", fp);
483 // estimate grad and second derivative at new point taking a step of 10-3
484 double h = 0.001 * slam;
485 double fh = fcn(st.Vec() + (slam + h) * step);
486 double fl = fcn(st.Vec() + (slam - h) * step);
487 double df = (fh - fl) / (2. * h);
488 double df2 = (fh + fl - 2. * fp) / (h * h);
490 print.Debug("deriv", df, df2);
492 // if I am in a point of still negative derivative
493 if (std::fabs(df) < prec.Eps() && std::fabs(df2) < prec.Eps()) {
494 // try in opposite direction with an opposite value
495 slam = (slam >= 0) ? -slamax : slamax;
496 slamax *= 10;
497 fp = fcn(st.Vec() + slam * step);
498 } else if (std::fabs(df2) <= 0) { // gradient is significative different than zero then redo a cubic interpolation
499 // from new point
501 return MnParabolaPoint(slam, fp); // should redo a cubic interpol. ??
502 // niter ++;
503 // if (niter > maxiter) break;
505 // MinimumParameters pa = MinimumParameters(st.Vec() + stepNew, fp);
506 // gdel = stepNew(i)
507 // MnParabolaPoint pp = CubicSearch(fcn, st, stepNew, df, df2
509 }
511 else
512 return MnParabolaPoint(slam, fp);
514 niter++;
515 } while (niter < maxiter);
517 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
520// class describing Fcn function in one dimension
521class ProjectedFcn : public ROOT::Math::IGenFunction {
524 ProjectedFcn(const MnFcn &fcn, const MinimumParameters &pa, const MnAlgebraicVector &step)
525 : fFcn(fcn), fPar(pa), fStep(step)
526 {
527 }
529 ROOT::Math::IGenFunction *Clone() const { return new ProjectedFcn(*this); }
532 double DoEval(double x) const { return fFcn(fPar.Vec() + x * fStep); }
534 const MnFcn &fFcn;
535 const MinimumParameters &fPar;
536 const MnAlgebraicVector &fStep;
539MnParabolaPoint MnLineSearch::BrentSearch(const MnFcn &fcn, const MinimumParameters &st, const MnAlgebraicVector &step,
540 double gdel, double g2del, const MnMachinePrecision &prec) const
542 MnPrint print("MnLineSearch::BrentSearch");
544 print.Debug("gdel", gdel, "g2del", g2del);
546 print.Debug([&](std::ostream &os) {
547 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < step.size(); ++i) {
548 if (step(i) != 0) {
549 os << "step(i) " << step(i) << '\n';
550 std::cout << "par(i) " << st.Vec()(i) << '\n';
551 break;
552 }
553 }
554 });
556 ProjectedFcn func(fcn, st, step);
558 // do first a cubic interpolation
560 double f0 = st.Fval();
561 double f1 = fcn(st.Vec() + step);
562 f0 = func(0.0);
563 f1 = func(1.);
564 double fvmin = st.Fval();
565 double xvmin = 0.;
566 print.Debug("f0", f0, "f1", f1);
568 if (f1 < f0) {
569 fvmin = f1;
570 xvmin = 1.;
571 }
572 // double toler8 = toler;
573 // double slamax = slambg;
574 // double flast = f1;
575 double slam = 1.;
577 double undral = -1000;
578 double overall = 1000;
580 double x0 = 0;
582// MnParabolaPoint p0(0., f0);
583// MnParabolaPoint p1(slam, flast);
584#ifdef USE_CUBIC
587 ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3> cubicCoeff; // cubic coefficients to be found
588 ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3> bVec; // cubic coefficients to be found
590 // cubic interpolation using the two points p0,p1 and the slope at p0 and the second derivative at p0
592 // cut toler8 as function goes up
593 double x1 = slam;
594 cubicMatrix(0, 0) = (x0 * x0 * x0 - x1 * x1 * x1) / 3.;
595 cubicMatrix(0, 1) = (x0 * x0 - x1 * x1) / 2.;
596 cubicMatrix(0, 2) = (x0 - x1);
597 cubicMatrix(1, 0) = x0 * x0;
598 cubicMatrix(1, 1) = x0;
599 cubicMatrix(1, 2) = 1;
600 cubicMatrix(2, 0) = 2. * x0;
601 cubicMatrix(2, 1) = 1;
602 cubicMatrix(2, 2) = 0;
604 bVec(0) = f0 - f1;
605 bVec(1) = gdel;
606 bVec(2) = g2del;
608 // if (debug) std::cout << "Matrix:\n " << cubicMatrix << std::endl;
609 print.Debug("Vec:\n ", bVec);
611 // find the minimum need to invert the matrix
612 if (!cubicMatrix.Invert()) {
613 print.Warn("Inversion failed - return");
614 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
615 }
617 cubicCoeff = cubicMatrix * bVec;
618 print.Debug("Cubic:\n ", cubicCoeff);
620 double ddd = cubicCoeff(1) * cubicCoeff(1) - 4 * cubicCoeff(0) * cubicCoeff(2); // b**2 - 4ac
621 double slam1, slam2 = 0;
622 // slam1 should be minimum and slam2 the maximum
623 if (cubicCoeff(0) > 0) {
624 slam1 = (-cubicCoeff(1) - std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
625 slam2 = (-cubicCoeff(1) + std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
626 } else if (cubicCoeff(0) < 0) {
627 slam1 = (-cubicCoeff(1) + std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
628 slam2 = (-cubicCoeff(1) - std::sqrt(ddd)) / (2. * cubicCoeff(0));
629 } else { // case == 0 (-b/c)
630 slam1 = -gdel / g2del;
631 slam2 = slam1;
632 }
634 if (slam1 < undral)
635 slam1 = undral;
636 if (slam1 > overall)
637 slam1 = overall;
639 if (slam2 < undral)
640 slam2 = undral;
641 if (slam2 > overall)
642 slam2 = overall;
644 double fs1 = func(slam1);
645 double fs2 = func(slam2);
646 print.Debug("slam1", slam1, "slam2", slam2, "f(slam1)", fs1, "f(slam2)", fs2);
648 if (fs1 < fs2) {
649 x0 = slam1;
650 f0 = fs1;
651 } else {
652 x0 = slam2;
653 f0 = fs2;
654 }
657 x0 = xvmin;
658 f0 = fvmin;
661 double astart = 100;
663 // do a Brent search in a large interval
664 double a = x0 - astart;
665 double b = x0 + astart;
666 // double x0 = 1;
667 int maxiter = 20;
668 double absTol = 0.5;
669 double relTol = 0.05;
671 ROOT::Math::Minim1D::Type minType = ROOT::Math::Minim1D::BRENT;
673 bool iterate = false;
674 int iter = 0;
676 print.Debug("f(0)", func(0.), "f1", func(1.0), "f(3)", func(3.0), "f(5)", func(5.0));
678 double fa = func(a);
679 double fb = func(b);
680 // double f0 = func(x0);
681 double toler = 0.01;
682 double delta0 = 5;
683 double delta = delta0;
684 bool enlarge = true;
685 bool scanmin = false;
686 double x2, f2 = 0;
687 double dir = 1;
688 int nreset = 0;
690 do {
692 print.Debug("iter", iter, "a", a, "b", b, "x0", x0, "fa", fa, "fb", fb, "f0", f0);
693 if (fa <= f0 || fb <= f0) {
694 scanmin = false;
695 if (fa < fb) {
696 if (fa < fvmin) {
697 fvmin = fa;
698 xvmin = a;
699 }
700 // double f2 = fa;
701 // double x2 = a;
702 if (enlarge) {
703 x2 = a - 1000; // move lower
704 f2 = func(x2);
705 }
706 if (std::fabs((fa - f2) / (a - x2)) > toler) { // significant change in f continue to enlarge interval
707 x0 = a;
708 f0 = fa;
709 a = x2;
710 fa = f2;
711 enlarge = true;
712 } else {
713 // move direction of [a
714 // values change a little, start from central point try with x0 = x0 - delta
715 if (nreset == 0)
716 dir = -1;
717 enlarge = false;
718 x0 = x0 + dir * delta;
719 f0 = func(x0);
720 // if reached limit try opposite direction , direction b]
721 if (std::fabs((f0 - fa) / (x0 - a)) < toler) {
722 delta = 10 * delta0 / (10. * (nreset + 1)); // decrease the delta if still not change observed
723 a = x0;
724 fa = f0;
725 x0 = delta;
726 f0 = func(x0);
727 dir *= -1;
728 nreset++;
729 print.Info("A: Done a reset - scan in opposite direction!");
730 }
731 delta *= 2; // double delta at next iteration
732 if (x0 < b && x0 > a)
733 scanmin = true;
734 else {
735 x0 = 0;
736 f0 = st.Fval();
737 }
738 }
739 } else { // fb < fa
740 if (fb < fvmin) {
741 fvmin = fb;
742 xvmin = b;
743 }
744 if (enlarge) {
745 x2 = b + 1000; // move upper
746 f2 = func(x2);
747 }
748 if (std::fabs((fb - f2) / (x2 - b)) > toler) { // significant change in f continue to enlarge interval
749 f0 = fb;
750 x0 = b;
751 b = x2; //
752 fb = f2;
753 enlarge = true;
754 } else {
755 // here move direction b
756 // values change a little, try with x0 = fa + delta
757 if (nreset == 0)
758 dir = 1;
759 enlarge = false;
760 x0 = x0 + dir * delta;
761 f0 = func(x0);
762 // if reached limit try other side
763 if (std::fabs((f0 - fb) / (x0 - b)) < toler) {
764 delta = 10 * delta0 / (10. * (nreset + 1)); // decrease the delta if still not change observed
765 b = x0;
766 fb = f0;
767 x0 = -delta;
768 f0 = func(x0);
769 dir *= -1;
770 nreset++;
771 print.Info("B: Done a reset - scan in opposite direction!");
772 }
773 delta *= 2; // double delta at next iteration
774 if (x0 > a && x0 < b)
775 scanmin = true;
776 else {
777 x0 = 0;
778 f0 = st.Fval();
779 }
780 }
781 }
783 if (f0 < fvmin) {
784 x0 = xvmin;
785 fvmin = f0;
786 }
788 print.Debug("new x0", x0, "f0", f0);
790 // use golden section
791 iterate = scanmin || enlarge;
793 } else { // x0 is a min of [a,b]
794 iterate = false;
795 }
797 iter++;
798 } while (iterate && iter < maxiter);
800 if (f0 > fa || f0 > fb)
801 // skip minim 1d try Minuit LS
802 // return (*this) (fcn, st, step, gdel, prec, debug);
803 return MnParabolaPoint(xvmin, fvmin);
805 print.Info("1D minimization using", minType);
807 ROOT::Math::Minimizer1D min(minType);
809 min.SetFunction(func, x0, a, b);
810 int ret = min.Minimize(maxiter, absTol, relTol);
812 MnPrint::info("result of GSL 1D minimization:", ret, "niter", min.Iterations(), "xmin", min.XMinimum(), "fmin",
813 min.FValMinimum());
815 return MnParabolaPoint(min.XMinimum(), min.FValMinimum());
820} // namespace Minuit2
822} // namespace ROOT
#define b(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:100
#define a(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:99
#define h(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:106
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of one-dimension Provides a method to evalua...
Definition IFunction.h:112
SMatrix: a generic fixed size D1 x D2 Matrix class.
Definition SMatrix.h:101
bool Invert()
Invert a square Matrix ( this method changes the current matrix).
Definition SMatrix.icc:412
SVector: a generic fixed size Vector class.
Definition SVector.h:75
unsigned int size() const
Definition LAVector.h:231
const MnAlgebraicVector & Vec() const
Wrapper class to FCNBase interface used internally by Minuit.
Definition MnFcn.h:30
MnParabolaPoint operator()(const MnFcn &, const MinimumParameters &, const MnAlgebraicVector &, double, const MnMachinePrecision &) const
Perform a line search from position defined by the vector st along the direction step,...
Sets the relative floating point (double) arithmetic precision.
double Eps() const
eps returns the smallest possible number so that 1.+eps > 1.
double Eps2() const
eps2 returns 2*sqrt(eps)
double Y() const
Accessor to the y (second) coordinate.
double X() const
Accessor to the x (first) coordinate.
This class defines a parabola of the form a*x*x + b*x + c.
Definition MnParabola.h:30
double B() const
Accessor to the coefficient of the linear term.
Definition MnParabola.h:137
double C() const
Accessor to the coefficient of the constant term.
Definition MnParabola.h:147
double Min() const
Calculates the x coordinate of the Minimum of the parabola.
Definition MnParabola.h:107
double A() const
Accessor to the coefficient of the quadratic term.
Definition MnParabola.h:127
void Debug(const Ts &... args)
Definition MnPrint.h:147
Enumeration with One Dimensional Minimizer Algorithms.
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
TF1 * f1
Definition legend1.C:11
int iterate(rng_state_t *X)
Definition mixmax.icc:34
LAVector MnAlgebraicVector
Definition MnMatrixfwd.h:22
This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests.