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ntpl014_framework.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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Example of framework usage for writing RNTuples:

  1. Creation of (bare) RNTupleModels and RFieldTokens.
  2. Creation of RNTupleWriter and RNTupleParallelWriter when appending to a single TFile.
  3. Creation of RNTupleFillContext and (bare) REntry per thread, and usage of BindRawPtr.
  4. Usage of FillNoFlush(), RNTupleFillStatus::ShouldFlushCluster(), FlushColumns(), and FlushCluster().

Please note that this tutorial has very simplified versions of classes that could be found in a framework, such as DataProduct, FileService, ParallelOutputter, and SerializingOutputter. They try to mimick the usage in a framework (for example, Outputters are agnostic of the data written, which is encapsulated in std::vector<DataProduct>), but are not meant for production usage!

Also note that this tutorial uses std::thread and std::mutex directly instead of a task scheduling library such as Threading Building Blocks (TBB). For that reason, turning on ROOT's implicit multithreading (IMT) would not be very efficient with the simplified code in this tutorial because a thread blocking to acquire a std::mutex cannot "help" the other thread that is currently in the critical section by executing its tasks. If that is wanted, the framework should use synchronization methods provided by TBB directly (which goes beyond the scope of this tutorial).

// NOTE: The RNTuple classes are experimental at this point.
// Functionality and interface are still subject to changes.
#include <ROOT/REntry.hxx>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef> // for std::size_t
#include <cstdint> // for std::uint32_t
#include <functional> // for std::ref
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <utility> // for std::pair
#include <vector>
// Import classes from Experimental namespace for the time being
using ModelTokensPair = std::pair<std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel>, std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken>>;
// A DataProduct associates an arbitrary address to an index in the model.
struct DataProduct {
std::size_t index;
void *address;
DataProduct(std::size_t i, void *a) : index(i), address(a) {}
// The FileService opens a TFile and provides synchronization.
class FileService {
std::unique_ptr<TFile> fFile;
std::mutex fMutex;
FileService(std::string_view url, std::string_view options = "")
fFile.reset(TFile::Open(std::string(url).c_str(), std::string(options).c_str()));
// The file is automatically closed when destructing the std::unique_ptr.
TFile &GetFile() { return *fFile; }
std::mutex &GetMutex() { return fMutex; }
// An Outputter provides the interface to fill DataProducts into an RNTuple.
class Outputter {
virtual ~Outputter() = default;
virtual void InitSlot(unsigned slot) = 0;
virtual void Fill(unsigned slot, const std::vector<DataProduct> &products) = 0;
// A ParallelOutputter uses an RNTupleParallelWriter to append an RNTuple to a TFile.
std::unique_ptr<RNTupleParallelWriter> fParallelWriter;
std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> fTokens;
struct SlotData {
std::shared_ptr<RNTupleFillContext> fillContext;
std::unique_ptr<REntry> entry;
std::vector<SlotData> fSlots;
const RNTupleWriteOptions &options)
auto &model = modelTokens.first;
std::lock_guard g(fileService.GetMutex());
fParallelWriter = RNTupleParallelWriter::Append(std::move(model), ntupleName, fFileService.GetFile(), options);
void InitSlot(unsigned slot) final
if (slot >= fSlots.size()) {
fSlots.resize(slot + 1);
// Create an RNTupleFillContext and REntry that are used for all fills from this slot. We recommend creating a
// bare entry if binding all fields.
fSlots[slot].fillContext = fParallelWriter->CreateFillContext();
fSlots[slot].entry = fSlots[slot].fillContext->GetModel().CreateBareEntry();
void Fill(unsigned slot, const std::vector<DataProduct> &products) final
assert(slot < fSlots.size());
auto &fillContext = *fSlots[slot].fillContext;
auto &entry = *fSlots[slot].entry;
// Use the field tokens to bind the products' raw pointers.
for (auto &&product : products) {
entry.BindRawPtr(fTokens[product.index], product.address);
// Fill the entry without triggering an implicit flush.
RNTupleFillStatus status;
fillContext.FillNoFlush(entry, status);
if (status.ShouldFlushCluster()) {
// If we are asked to flush, first try to do as much work as possible outside of the critical section:
// FlushColumns() will flush column data and trigger compression, but not actually write to storage.
// (A framework may of course also decide to flush more often.)
// FlushCluster() will flush data to the underlying TFile, so it requires synchronization.
std::lock_guard g(fFileService.GetMutex());
// A SerializingOutputter uses a sequential RNTupleWriter to append an RNTuple to a TFile and a std::mutex to
// synchronize multiple threads. Note that ROOT's implicit multithreading would not be very efficient with this
// implementation because a thread blocking to acquire a std::mutex cannot "help" the other thread that is currently
// in the critical section by executing its tasks. See also the note at the top of the file.
std::unique_ptr<RNTupleWriter> fWriter;
std::mutex fWriterMutex;
std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> fTokens;
struct SlotData {
std::unique_ptr<REntry> entry;
std::vector<SlotData> fSlots;
const RNTupleWriteOptions &options)
auto &model = modelTokens.first;
std::lock_guard g(fileService.GetMutex());
fWriter = RNTupleWriter::Append(std::move(model), ntupleName, fileService.GetFile(), options);
void InitSlot(unsigned slot) final
if (slot >= fSlots.size()) {
fSlots.resize(slot + 1);
// Create an REntry that is used for all fills from this slot. We recommend creating a bare entry if binding all
// fields.
fSlots[slot].entry = fWriter->GetModel().CreateBareEntry();
void Fill(unsigned slot, const std::vector<DataProduct> &products) final
assert(slot < fSlots.size());
auto &entry = *fSlots[slot].entry;
// Use the field tokens to bind the products' raw pointers.
for (auto &&product : products) {
entry.BindRawPtr(fTokens[product.index], product.address);
// Fill the entry without triggering an implicit flush. This requires synchronization with other threads using
// the same writer, but not (yet) with the underlying TFile.
std::lock_guard g(fWriterMutex);
RNTupleFillStatus status;
fWriter->FillNoFlush(entry, status);
if (status.ShouldFlushCluster()) {
// If we are asked to flush, first try to do as much work as possible outside of the critical section:
// FlushColumns() will flush column data and trigger compression, but not actually write to storage.
// (A framework may of course also decide to flush more often.)
// FlushCluster() will flush data to the underlying TFile, so it requires synchronization.
std::lock_guard g(fFileService.GetMutex());
// Simple structs to store events
struct Track {
float eta;
float mass;
float pt;
float phi;
struct ChargedTrack : public Track {
std::int8_t charge;
struct Event {
std::uint32_t eventId;
std::uint32_t runId;
std::vector<ChargedTrack> electrons;
std::vector<Track> photons;
std::vector<ChargedTrack> muons;
// RNTupleModel for Events; in a real framework, this would likely be dynamic.
// We recommend creating a bare model if the default entry is not used.
auto model = RNTupleModel::CreateBare();
// For more efficient access, also create field tokens.
std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> tokens;
return {std::move(model), std::move(tokens)};
// DataProducts with addresses that point into the Event object.
std::vector<DataProduct> CreateEventDataProducts(Event &event)
std::vector<DataProduct> products;
// The indices have to match the order of std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> above.
products.emplace_back(0, &event.eventId);
products.emplace_back(1, &event.runId);
products.emplace_back(2, &event.electrons);
products.emplace_back(3, &event.photons);
products.emplace_back(4, &event.muons);
return products;
// Simple struct to store runs
struct Run {
std::uint32_t runId;
std::uint32_t nEvents;
// RNTupleModel for Runs; in a real framework, this would likely be dynamic.
// We recommend creating a bare model if the default entry is not used.
auto model = RNTupleModel::CreateBare();
// For more efficient access, also create field tokens.
std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> tokens;
return {std::move(model), std::move(tokens)};
// DataProducts with addresses that point into the Run object.
std::vector<DataProduct> CreateRunDataProducts(Run &run)
std::vector<DataProduct> products;
// The indices have to match the order of std::vector<REntry::RFieldToken> above.
products.emplace_back(0, &run.runId);
products.emplace_back(1, &run.nEvents);
return products;
constexpr unsigned kNRunsPerThread = 100;
constexpr unsigned kMeanNEventsPerRun = 400;
constexpr unsigned kStddevNEventsPerRun = 100;
constexpr unsigned kMeanNTracks = 5;
std::mt19937 gen(threadId);
std::normal_distribution<double> nEventsDist(kMeanNEventsPerRun, kStddevNEventsPerRun);
std::poisson_distribution<> nTracksDist(kMeanNTracks);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> floatDist;
for (std::uint32_t runId = threadId * kNRunsPerThread; runId < (threadId + 1) * kNRunsPerThread; runId++) {
double nEventsD = nEventsDist(gen);
std::uint32_t nEvents = 0;
if (nEventsD > 0) {
nEvents = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(nEventsD);
// Process events, reusing a single Event object.
Event event;
event.runId = runId;
for (std::uint32_t eventId = 0; eventId < nEvents; eventId++) {
event.eventId = eventId;
// Produce some data; eta, phi, and pt are just filled with uniformly distributed data.
for (auto &electron : event.electrons) {
electron.eta = floatDist(gen);
electron.mass = 0.511 /* MeV */;
electron.phi = floatDist(gen);
electron.pt = floatDist(gen);
electron.charge = (gen() % 2 ? 1 : -1);
for (auto &photon : event.photons) {
photon.eta = floatDist(gen);
photon.mass = 0;
photon.phi = floatDist(gen);
photon.pt = floatDist(gen);
for (auto &muon : event.muons) {
muon.eta = floatDist(gen);
muon.mass = 105.658 /* MeV */;
muon.phi = floatDist(gen);
muon.pt = floatDist(gen);
muon.charge = (gen() % 2 ? 1 : -1);
// Fill the Run data.
Run run;
run.runId = runId;
run.nEvents = nEvents;
constexpr unsigned kNThreads = 4;
FileService fileService("ntpl014_framework.root", "RECREATE");
RNTupleWriteOptions options;
// Parallel writing requires buffered writing; force it on (even if it is the default).
// For demonstration purposes, reduce the cluster size to 2 MiB.
options.SetApproxZippedClusterSize(2 * 1024 * 1024);
// SerializingOutputter also relies on buffered writing; force it on (even if it is the default).
// For demonstration purposes, reduce the cluster size for the very simple Run data to 1 KiB.
// Initialize slots in the two Outputters.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNThreads; i++) {
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNThreads; i++) {
threads.emplace_back(ProcessRunsAndEvents, i, std::ref(eventOutputter), std::ref(runOutputter));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNThreads; i++) {
#define g(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:105
#define a(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:99
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.
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The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set.
Definition REntry.hxx:51
A context for filling entries (data) into clusters of an RNTuple.
A status object after filling an entry.
The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple.
A writer to fill an RNTuple from multiple contexts.
Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples.
An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage.
A ROOT file is an on-disk file, usually with extension .root, that stores objects in a file-system-li...
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static TFile * Open(const char *name, Option_t *option="", const char *ftitle="", Int_t compress=ROOT::RCompressionSetting::EDefaults::kUseCompiledDefault, Int_t netopt=0)
Create / open a file.
Definition TFile.cxx:4094
TPaveText * pt
double product(double const *factors, std::size_t nFactors)
Definition MathFuncs.h:92
September 2024
The ROOT Team

Definition in file ntpl014_framework.C.