 * Project: RooFit                                                           *
 * Package: RooFitCore                                                       *
 *    File: $Id: RooErrorVar.cc,v 1.16 2005/06/20 15:44:51 wverkerke Exp $
 * Authors:                                                                  *
 *   WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu       *
 *   DK, David Kirkby,    UC Irvine,         dkirkby@uci.edu                 *
 *                                                                           *
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California          *
 *                          and Stanford University. All rights reserved.    *
 *                                                                           *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,                        *
 * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms        *
 * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt)             *

// RooErrorVar is an auxilary class that represents the error
// of a RooRealVar as a seperate object. The main reason of
// existence of this class is to facilitate the reuse of existing
// techniques to perform calculations that involve a RooRealVars
// error, such as calculating the pull value.

#include "RooFit.h"

#include "RooErrorVar.h"
#include "RooErrorVar.h"
#include "RooAbsBinning.h"
#include "RooStreamParser.h"
#include "RooRangeBinning.h"


RooErrorVar::RooErrorVar(const char *name, const char *title, const RooRealVar& input) :
  _realVar("realVar","RooRealVar with error",this,(RooAbsReal&)input)
  _binning = new RooUniformBinning(-1,1,100) ;
  // Constuctor

RooErrorVar::RooErrorVar(const RooErrorVar& other, const char* name) :
  _binning = other._binning->clone() ;

  // Copy constructor
  TIterator* iter = other._altBinning.MakeIterator() ;
  RooAbsBinning* binning ;
  while((binning=(RooAbsBinning*)iter->Next())) {
    _altBinning.Add(binning->clone()) ;
  delete iter ;

  // Destructor
  delete _binning ;

Double_t RooErrorVar::getVal(const RooArgSet*) const {
  return evaluate();

Bool_t RooErrorVar::hasBinning(const char* name) const
  return _altBinning.FindObject(name) ? kTRUE : kFALSE ;

const RooAbsBinning& RooErrorVar::getBinning(const char* name, Bool_t verbose, Bool_t createOnTheFly) const
  return const_cast<RooErrorVar*>(this)->getBinning(name,verbose,createOnTheFly) ;

RooAbsBinning& RooErrorVar::getBinning(const char* name, Bool_t verbose, Bool_t createOnTheFly)
  // Return default (normalization) binning and range if no name is specified
  if (name==0) {
    return *_binning ;

  // Check if binning with this name has been created already
  RooAbsBinning* binning = (RooAbsBinning*) _altBinning.FindObject(name) ;
  if (binning) {
    return *binning ;

  // Return default binning if binning is not found and no creation is requested
  if (!createOnTheFly) {
    return *_binning ;

  // Create a new RooRangeBinning with this name with default range
  binning = new RooRangeBinning(getMin(),getMax(),name) ;
  if (verbose) {
    cout << "RooErrorVar::getBinning(" << GetName() << ") new range named '" 
	 << name << "' created with default bounds" << endl ;

  _altBinning.Add(binning) ;

  return *binning ;

void RooErrorVar::setBinning(const RooAbsBinning& binning, const char* name)
  if (!name) {
    if (_binning) delete _binning ;
    _binning = binning.clone() ;
  } else {

    // Remove any old binning with this name
    RooAbsBinning* oldBinning = (RooAbsBinning*) _altBinning.FindObject(name) ;
    if (oldBinning) {
      _altBinning.Remove(oldBinning) ;
      delete oldBinning ;

    // Insert new binning in list of alternative binnings
    RooAbsBinning* newBinning = binning.clone() ;
    newBinning->SetName(name) ;
    newBinning->SetTitle(name) ;
    _altBinning.Add(newBinning) ;



void RooErrorVar::setMin(const char* name, Double_t value)
  // Set new minimum of fit range
  RooAbsBinning& binning = getBinning(name) ;

  // Check if new limit is consistent
  if (value >= getMax()) {
    cout << "RooErrorVar::setMin(" << GetName()
	 << "): Proposed new fit min. larger than max., setting min. to max." << endl ;
    binning.setMin(getMax()) ;
  } else {
    binning.setMin(value) ;

  // Clip current value in window if it fell out
  if (!name) {
    Double_t clipValue ;
    if (!inRange(_value,&clipValue)) {
      setVal(clipValue) ;

  setShapeDirty() ;

void RooErrorVar::setMax(const char* name, Double_t value)
  // Set new maximum of fit range
  RooAbsBinning& binning = getBinning(name) ;

  // Check if new limit is consistent
  if (value < getMin()) {
    cout << "RooErrorVar::setMax(" << GetName()
	 << "): Proposed new fit max. smaller than min., setting max. to min." << endl ;
    binning.setMax(getMin()) ;
  } else {
    binning.setMax(value) ;

  // Clip current value in window if it fell out
  if (!name) {
    Double_t clipValue ;
    if (!inRange(_value,&clipValue)) {
      setVal(clipValue) ;

  setShapeDirty() ;

void RooErrorVar::setRange( const char* name, Double_t min, Double_t max)
  Bool_t exists = name ? (_altBinning.FindObject(name)?kTRUE:kFALSE) : kTRUE ;

  // Set new fit range
  RooAbsBinning& binning = getBinning(name,kFALSE) ;

  // Check if new limit is consistent
  if (min>max) {
    cout << "RooErrorVar::setRange(" << GetName()
	 << "): Proposed new fit max. smaller than min., setting max. to min." << endl ;
    binning.setRange(min,min) ;
  } else {
    binning.setRange(min,max) ;

  if (!exists) {
    cout << "RooErrorVar::setRange(" << GetName()
	 << ") new range named '" << name << "' created with bounds [" 
	 << min << "," << max << "]" << endl ;

  setShapeDirty() ;

Bool_t RooErrorVar::readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t /*compact*/, Bool_t verbose)
  // Read object contents from given stream

  TString token,errorPrefix("RooErrorVar::readFromStream(") ;
  errorPrefix.Append(GetName()) ;
  errorPrefix.Append(")") ;
  RooStreamParser parser(is,errorPrefix) ;
  Double_t value(0) ;

    // Compact mode: Read single token
  if (parser.readDouble(value,verbose)) return kTRUE ;
  if (isValidReal(value,verbose)) {
    setVal(value) ;
    return kFALSE ;
  } else {
    return kTRUE ;

void RooErrorVar::writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t /*compact*/) const
  // Write value only
  os << getVal() ;

void RooErrorVar::syncCache(const RooArgSet*)
_value = evaluate() ;

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