class TMVA::GeneticPopulation

 Population definition for genetic algorithm

Function Members (Methods)

voidAddFactor(TMVA::Interval* interval)
voidAddPopulation(TMVA::GeneticPopulation* genePool)
voidAddPopulation(TMVA::GeneticPopulation& genePool)
static TClass*Class()
voidCreatePopulation(Int_t size)
Double_tGetCounterFitness() const
Double_tGetFitness(Int_t index)
multimap<Double_t,GeneticGenes>*GetGenePool() const
TMVA::GeneticGenes*GetGenes(Int_t index)
multimap<Double_t,GeneticGenes>*GetNewGenePool() const
Int_tGetPopulationSize() const
voidGiveHint(vector<Double_t>& hint, Double_t fitness = 0)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
voidMakeCopies(int number)
voidMakeMutants(Double_t probability = 30, Bool_t near = kFALSE, Double_t spread = 0.1, Bool_t mirror = kFALSE)
TMVA::GeneticGenesMakeSex(TMVA::GeneticGenes male, TMVA::GeneticGenes female)
voidMutate(Double_t probability = 20, Int_t startIndex = 0, Bool_t near = kFALSE, Double_t spread = 0.1, Bool_t mirror = kFALSE)
TMVA::GeneticGenesMutate(TMVA::GeneticGenes individual, Double_t probability, Bool_t near, Double_t spread, Bool_t mirror)
voidPrint(Int_t untilIndex = -1)
voidPrint(ostream& out, Int_t utilIndex = -1)
Bool_tSetFitness(TMVA::GeneticGenes* g, Double_t fitness, Bool_t add = kTRUE)
voidSetRandomSeed(UInt_t seed = 0)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer& b)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
vector<Double_t>VariableDistribution(Int_t varNumber)
TH1F*VariableDistribution(Int_t varNumber, Int_t bins, Int_t min, Int_t max)

Data Members

multimap<double,TMVA::GeneticGenes,less<double>,allocator<pair<const double,TMVA::GeneticGenes> > >::iteratorfCounteran internal counter
Double_tfCounterFitnessinternal use
multimap<Double_t,GeneticGenes>*fGenePoolthe "genePool" where the individuals of the current generation are stored
TMVA::MsgLoggerfLoggermessage logger
multimap<Double_t,GeneticGenes>*fNewGenePoolthe genePool where the offspring individuals are stored
Int_tfPopulationSizepopulation size
TRandom*fRandomGeneratorrandom Generator for this population
vector<TMVA::GeneticRange*,allocator<TMVA::GeneticRange*> >fRangescontains the ranges inbetween the values of the coefficients have to be

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

void SetRandomSeed(UInt_t seed = 0)
 the random seed of the random generator
void CreatePopulation(Int_t size)
 create a Population of individuals with the population size given
 in the parameter
--> every coefficient gets a random value within the constraints
 provided by the user

void AddPopulation( TMVA::GeneticPopulation *strangers )
 allows to connect two populations (using the same number of coefficients
 with the same ranges)
 this allows to calculate several populations on the same phase-space
 or on different parts of the same phase-space and combine them afterwards
 this improves the global outcome.

void AddPopulation( TMVA::GeneticPopulation& strangers )
 allows to connect two populations (using the same number of coefficients
 with the same ranges)
 this allows to calculate several populations on the same phase-space
 or on different parts of the same phase-space and combine them afterwards
 this improves the global outcome.

void TrimPopulation( )
 after adding another population or givingHint, the true size of the population
 may be bigger than the size which was given at createPopulation
 trimPopulation should be called (if necessary) after having checked the
 individuals fitness with calculateFitness

void NextGeneration()
 Replace the old gene pool with a new one
void MakeChildren()
 does what the name says,... it creates children out of members of the
 current generation
 children have a combination of the coefficients of their parents

TMVA::GeneticGenes MakeSex(TMVA::GeneticGenes male, TMVA::GeneticGenes female)
 this function takes two individuals and produces offspring by mixing (recombining) their

void MakeMutants(Double_t probability = 30, Bool_t near = kFALSE, Double_t spread = 0.1, Bool_t mirror = kFALSE)
 produces offspring which is are mutated versions of their parents
         double probability : gives the probability (in percent) of a mutation of a coefficient
         bool near : if true, the mutation will produce a new coefficient which is "near" the old one
                     (gaussian around the current value)
         double spread : if near==true, spread gives the sigma of the gaussian
         bool mirror : if the new value obtained would be outside of the given constraints
                    the value is mapped between the constraints again. This can be done either
                    by a kind of periodic boundary conditions or mirrored at the boundary.
                    (mirror = true seems more "natural")

void MakeCopies(int number)
 produces offspring which is are copies of their parents
         int number : the number of the last individual to be copied

TMVA::GeneticGenes Mutate( TMVA::GeneticGenes individual, Double_t probability, Bool_t near, Double_t spread, Bool_t mirror )
 mutates one individual
         double probability : gives the probability (in percent) of a mutation of a coefficient
         bool near : if true, the mutation will produce a new coefficient which is "near" the old one
                     (gaussian around the current value)
         double spread : if near==true, spread gives the sigma of the gaussian
         bool mirror : if the new value obtained would be outside of the given constraints
                    the value is mapped between the constraints again. This can be done either
                    by a kind of periodic boundary conditions or mirrored at the boundary.
                    (mirror = true seems more "natural")

void Mutate( Double_t probability , Int_t startIndex, Bool_t near, Double_t spread, Bool_t mirror )
 mutates the individuals in the genePool
         double probability : gives the probability (in percent) of a mutation of a coefficient
         int startIndex : leaves unchanged (without mutation) the individuals which are better ranked
                     than indicated by "startIndex". This means: if "startIndex==3", the first (and best)
                     three individuals are not mutaded. This allows to preserve the best result of the
                     current Generation for the next generation.
         bool near : if true, the mutation will produce a new coefficient which is "near" the old one
                     (gaussian around the current value)
         double spread : if near==true, spread gives the sigma of the gaussian
         bool mirror : if the new value obtained would be outside of the given constraints
                    the value is mapped between the constraints again. This can be done either
                    by a kind of periodic boundary conditions or mirrored at the boundary.
                    (mirror = true seems more "natural")

void AddFactor(TMVA::Interval* interval)
 adds a new coefficient to the individuals.
          Interval *interval : minimum value of the coefficient and maximum value of the coefficient

TMVA::GeneticGenes* GetGenes(Int_t index)
 gives back the "Genes" of the population with the given index.

Double_t GetFitness(Int_t index)
 gives back the calculated fitness of the individual with the given index
 (after the evaluation of the fitness ["calculateFitness"] index==0
 is the best individual.

void ClearResults()
 delete the results of the last calculation of the fitnesses of the
 (to prepare a new Generation)

TMVA::GeneticGenes* GetGenes(Int_t index)
 get the Genes of where an internal pointer is pointing to in the population

Double_t GetFitness(Int_t index)
 gives back the currently calculated fitness

void Reset()
 prepare for a new generation

Bool_t SetFitness(TMVA::GeneticGenes* g, Double_t fitness, Bool_t add = kTRUE)
 set the fitness of "g" to the value "fitness".
 add==true indicates, that this individual is created newly in this generation
 if add==false, this is a reavaluation of the fitness of the individual.

void GiveHint(vector<Double_t>& hint, Double_t fitness = 0)
 if there is some good configuration of coefficients one might give this Hint to
 the genetic algorithm.
       vector< double > hint : is the collection of coefficients
       double fitness : is the fitness this collection has got

void Print(Int_t untilIndex = -1)
 make a little printout of the individuals up to index "untilIndex"
 this means, .. write out the best "untilIndex" individuals.

void Print(ostream& out, Int_t utilIndex = -1)
 make a little printout to the stream "out" of the individuals up to index "untilIndex"
 this means, .. write out the best "untilIndex" individuals.

TH1F* VariableDistribution(Int_t varNumber, Int_t bins, Int_t min, Int_t max)
 give back a histogram with the distribution of the coefficients
          int bins : number of bins of the histogram
          int min : histogram minimum
          int max : maximum value of the histogram

vector<Double_t> VariableDistribution(Int_t varNumber)
 gives back all the values of coefficient "varNumber" of the current generation

Double_t GetCounterFitness()
{ return fCounterFitness; }
Int_t GetPopulationSize()
{ return fPopulationSize; }
std::multimap<Double_t, GeneticGenes>* GetGenePool()
{ return fGenePool; }
std::multimap<Double_t, GeneticGenes>* GetNewGenePool()
{ return fNewGenePool; }
std::vector<TMVA::GeneticRange*>& GetRanges()
{ return fRanges; }

Author: Peter Speckmayer
Last update: root/tmva $Id: GeneticPopulation.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
Copyright (c) 2005: *

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