- ColorStruct_t
- CpuInfo_t
- Event Event structure
- EventHeader Event Header
- Event_t
- FileStat_t
- FontAttributes_t
- FontMetrics_t
- GCValues_t
- HistogramManager Manages all histograms
- MemInfo_t
- PictureAttributes_t
- Point_t
- ProcInfo_t
- PyROOT::TPyException C++ exception for throwing python exceptions
- PyROOT::TPyROOTApplication Setup interactive application
- ROOT::Math
- ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::AxisAngle
- ROOT::Math::BasicFitMethodFunction<ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim>
- ROOT::Math::BasicFitMethodFunction<ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDim>
- ROOT::Math::Boost
- ROOT::Math::BoostX
- ROOT::Math::BoostY
- ROOT::Math::BoostZ
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Chebyshev
- ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::Derivator
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Polar2D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
- ROOT::Math::Factory
- ROOT::Math::Functor
- ROOT::Math::Functor1D
- ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
- ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
- ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer
- ROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer
- ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux
- ROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
- ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnFunc
- ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnMinimizer
- ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnParams
- ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnnealing
- ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::GradFunctor
- ROOT::Math::GradFunctor1D
- ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim
- ROOT::Math::IBaseParam
- ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionOneDim
- ROOT::Math::IGradientMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim
- ROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionOneDim
- ROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionOneDim
- ROOT::Math::Integration
- ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
- ROOT::Math::Interpolator
- ROOT::Math::KelvinFunctions
- ROOT::Math::LSResidualFunc
- ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag
- ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<Double32_t> >
- ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<double> >
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,2,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,7,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,9,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,2,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,5,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,6,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,7,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,9,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,7>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,2>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,3>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,4>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,5>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,6>
- ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,7>
- ROOT::Math::Minim1D
- ROOT::Math::Minimizer
- ROOT::Math::Minimizer1D
- ROOT::Math::ParamFunction
- ROOT::Math::Plane3D
- ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Polar2D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Polar3D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Polynomial
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D<ROOT::Math::Polar2D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<Double32_t>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Polar3D<double>,ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<Double32_t>
- ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D<double>
- ROOT::Math::Quaternion
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngGFSR4>
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT>
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux>
- ROOT::Math::Random<ROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Bisection>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::FalsePos>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Secant>
- ROOT::Math::RootFinder<ROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson>
- ROOT::Math::Roots
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Bisection
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent
- ROOT::Math::Roots::FalsePos
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Secant
- ROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson
- ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
- ROOT::Math::RotationX
- ROOT::Math::RotationY
- ROOT::Math::RotationZ
- ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<2>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<3>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<4>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<5>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<6>
- ROOT::Math::RowOffsets<7>
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<Double32_t,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Double32_t,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<Double32_t,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,2,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,7,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,9,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,9,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,2,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,2,2,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,2> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,3,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,3,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,3,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,3> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,4,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,4,4,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,4> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,5,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,5,5,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,5> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,6,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,6> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,7,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float,9,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<float,9,7> >
- ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<Double32_t,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,2>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<double,7>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,2>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,3>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,4>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,5>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,6>
- ROOT::Math::SVector<float,7>
- ROOT::Math::Transform3D
- ROOT::Math::Translation3D
- ROOT::Math::VectorUtil
- ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegrator
- ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorMultiDim
- ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorOneDim
- ROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase
- ROOT::Minuit2::FCNGradientBase
- ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliFCNBase
- ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum
- ROOT::Minuit2::GenericFunction
- ROOT::Minuit2::MinosError
- ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnContours
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnFumiliMinimize
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnHesse
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnMigrad
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnMinimize
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnMinos
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnPlot
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnScan
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnSimplex
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
- ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
- ROOT::Minuit2::ModularFunctionMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::ScanMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexMinimizer
- ROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricMinimizer
- ROOT::Reflex
- ROOT::Reflex::Any
- ROOT::Reflex::Base
- ROOT::Reflex::ClassBuilder
- ROOT::Reflex::ClassBuilderImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::CollFuncTable
- ROOT::Reflex::Dummy
- ROOT::Reflex::EnumBuilder
- ROOT::Reflex::FunctionBuilder
- ROOT::Reflex::FunctionBuilderImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::ICallback
- ROOT::Reflex::Member
- ROOT::Reflex::MemberTemplate
- ROOT::Reflex::NamespaceBuilder
- ROOT::Reflex::NewDelFunctions
- ROOT::Reflex::NullType
- ROOT::Reflex::Object
- ROOT::Reflex::PrivateClass
- ROOT::Reflex::PrivateEnum
- ROOT::Reflex::PrivateStruct
- ROOT::Reflex::PrivateUnion
- ROOT::Reflex::ProtectedClass
- ROOT::Reflex::ProtectedEnum
- ROOT::Reflex::ProtectedStruct
- ROOT::Reflex::ProtectedUnion
- ROOT::Reflex::Reflex
- ROOT::Reflex::RuntimeError
- ROOT::Reflex::Scope
- ROOT::Reflex::Selection::AUTOSELECT
- ROOT::Reflex::Selection::NODEFAULT
- ROOT::Reflex::Selection::NO_SELF_AUTOSELECT
- ROOT::Reflex::Selection::TRANSIENT
- ROOT::Reflex::Tools
- ROOT::Reflex::Type
- ROOT::Reflex::TypeTemplate
- ROOT::Reflex::TypedefBuilderImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl
- ROOT::Reflex::UnknownType
- ROOT::Reflex::UnnamedClass
- ROOT::Reflex::UnnamedEnum
- ROOT::Reflex::UnnamedNamespace
- ROOT::Reflex::UnnamedStruct
- ROOT::Reflex::UnnamedUnion
- ROOT::Reflex::VariableBuilder
- ROOT::Reflex::VariableBuilderImpl
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<Long64_t,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<ULong64_t,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<bool,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<char,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<double,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<float,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<int,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<long,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<short,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned char,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned int,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned long,0> >
- ROOT::TArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned short,0> >
- ROOT::TBranchProxy
- ROOT::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor Class to cache the information we gathered about the branch and its content
- ROOT::TBranchProxyDescriptor Describe the proxy for a branch
- ROOT::TBranchProxyDirector
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<Long64_t,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<ULong64_t,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<bool,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<char,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<double,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<float,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<int,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<long,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<short,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned char,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned int,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned long,0> >
- ROOT::TClaArrayProxy<ROOT::TArrayType<unsigned short,0> >
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<bool>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<char>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<double>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<float>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<int>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<long>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<short>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned char>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned int>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned long>
- ROOT::TClaImpProxy<unsigned short>
- ROOT::TFriendProxy
- ROOT::TFriendProxyDescriptor Describe a branch from a TTreeFriend.
- ROOT::TImpProxy<bool>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<char>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<double>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<float>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<int>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<long>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<short>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<unsigned char>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<unsigned int>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<unsigned long>
- ROOT::TImpProxy<unsigned short>
- Rectangle_t
- RedirectHandle_t
- Rgl
- Roo1DTable 1-dimensional table
- Roo2DKeysPdf Non-Parametric Multi Variate KEYS PDF
- RooAICRegistry Registry for analytical integration codes
- RooAbsAnaConvPdf Abstract Composite Convoluted PDF
- RooAbsArg Abstract variable
- RooAbsBinning Abstract base class for binning specification
- RooAbsCache Base class for cache managers
- RooAbsCacheElement Base class for cache elements
- RooAbsCachedPdf Abstract base class for cached p.d.f.s
- RooAbsCategory Abstract discrete variable
- RooAbsCategoryLValue Abstract modifiable index variable
- RooAbsCollection Collection of RooAbsArg objects
- RooAbsData Abstract data collection
- RooAbsFunc Abstract real-valued function interface
- RooAbsGenContext Abstract context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAbsHiddenReal Abstract hidden real-valued variable
- RooAbsIntegrator Abstract interface for real-valued function integrators
- RooAbsLValue Abstract variable
- RooAbsMCStudyModule Monte Carlo study manager add-on module
- RooAbsOptTestStatistic Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsPdf Abstract PDF with normalization support
- RooAbsProxy Abstract proxy interface
- RooAbsReal Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAbsRealLValue Abstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooAbsRootFinder Abstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooAbsSelfCachedPdf Abstract base class for self-caching p.d.f.s
- RooAbsString Abstract string-valued variable
- RooAbsTestStatistic Abstract real-valued variable
- RooAcceptReject Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D 1-dimensional adaptive Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooAddGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooAddModel PDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAddPdf PDF representing a sum of PDFs
- RooAddition Sum of RooAbsReal terms
- RooArgList List of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgProxy Abstract proxy for RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgSet Set of RooAbsArg objects
- RooArgusBG Argus background shape PDF
- RooBCPEffDecay B Mixing decay PDF
- RooBCPGenDecay
- RooBDecay Abstract Resolution Model
- RooBMixDecay B Mixing decay PDF
- RooBifurGauss Bifurcated Gaussian PDF
- RooBinning Container class for binning specification
- RooBlindTools Root implementation of BlindTools
- RooBreitWigner Breit Wigner PDF
- RooBrentRootFinder Abstract interface for 1-dim real-valued function root finders
- RooBukinPdf Variation of Novosibirsk PDF
- RooCBShape Crystal Ball lineshape PDF
- RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooCacheManager<vector<double,allocator<double> > > Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooCachedPdf P.d.f class that wraps another p.d.f and caches its output
- RooCatType Category state, (name,index) pair
- RooCategory Index variable
- RooCategoryProxy Proxy for a RooAbsCategory object
- RooCategorySharedProperties Shared properties of a RooCategory clone set
- RooChebychev Chebychev PDF
- RooChi2Var Abstract real-valued variable
- RooClassFactory RooFit class factory
- RooCmdArg Universal method argument
- RooCmdConfig Method configuration holder
- RooComplex a non-persistent bare-bones complex class
- RooConstVar Real-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooConvCoefVar Auxiliary class representing the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- RooConvGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooConvIntegrandBinding RooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooCurve 1-dimensional smooth curve
- RooCustomizer PDF customizer
- RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule MCStudy module to calculate Delta(-logL) significance w.r.t given null hypothesis
- RooDataHist Binned data set
- RooDataHistSliceIter Iterator over a one-dimensional slice of a RooDataHist
- RooDataProjBinding RealFunc/Dataset binding for data projection of a real function
- RooDataSet Unbinned data set
- RooDecay Abstract Resolution Model
- RooDirItem Base class for RooFit objects that are listed TDirectories
- RooDouble Container class for Double_t
- RooDstD0BG D*-D0 mass difference bg PDF
- RooEffGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooEffProd Product of PDF with efficiency function with optimized generator context
- RooEfficiency Generic PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooEllipse 2-dimensional contour
- RooErrorVar Abstract modifiable real-valued variable
- RooExponential Exponential PDF
- RooExtendPdf Flat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooExtendedTerm Flat PDF introducing an extended likelihood term
- RooFFTConvPdf Abstract base class for cached p.d.f.s
- RooFit
- RooFitResult Container class for fit result
- RooFitShortHand
- RooFormula TFormula derived class interfacing with RooAbsArg objects
- RooFormulaVar Real-valued variable, calculated from a string expression formula
- RooGExpModel GExp Resolution Model
- RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D 1-dimensional Gauss-Kronrod numerical integration engine
- RooGaussModel Gaussian Resolution Model
- RooGaussian Gaussian PDF
- RooGenCategory Index variable derived from other indeces, via an external global function
- RooGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooGenProdProj General form of projected integral of product of PDFs
- RooGenericPdf Generic PDF defined by string expression and list of variables
- RooGrid a multi-dimensional grid
- RooHashTable Hash table
- RooHist 1-dimensional histogram with error bars
- RooHistError Utility class for calculating histogram errors
- RooHistPdf Histogram based PDF
- RooImproperIntegrator1D 1-dimensional improper integration engine
- RooInt Container class for Int_t
- RooIntegrator1D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegrator2D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooIntegratorBinding RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooInvTransform RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooKeysPdf Non-Parametric KEYS PDF
- RooLandau Landau Distribution PDF
- RooLinTransBinning Linear transformation of binning specification
- RooLinearVar Modifiable linear transformation variable
- RooLinkedList TList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooLinkedListElem Element of RooLinkedList container class
- RooLinkedListIter Iterator for RooLinkedList container class
- RooList TList with extra support for Option_t associations
- RooListProxy Proxy class for a RooArgList
- RooMCIntegrator multi-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooMCStudy Monte Carlo study manager
- RooMPSentinel Singleton class that terminate MP server processes when parent exists
- RooMapCatEntry Utility class, holding a map expression from a index label regexp to a RooCatType
- RooMappedCategory Index varibiable, derived from another index using pattern-matching based mapping
- RooMath math utility routines
- RooMinuit RooFit minimizer based on MINUIT
- RooMsgService RooFit Message Service Singleton class
- RooMultiCatIter Iterator over all state permutations of a list of categories
- RooMultiCategory Derived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooNDKeysPdf Non-Parametric KEYS PDF
- RooNLLVar Abstract real-valued variable
- RooNameReg String name registry
- RooNameSet A sterile version of RooArgSet, containing only the names of the contained RooAbsArgs
- RooNonCPEigenDecay PDF to model CP-violating decays to final states
- RooNormSetCache Manager class for a single PDF normalization integral
- RooNovosibirsk Novosibirsk PDF
- RooNumConvPdf Operator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumConvolution Operator PDF implementing numeric convolution of 2 input PDFs
- RooNumIntConfig Numeric Integrator configuration
- RooNumIntFactory Numeric Integrator factory
- RooNumber wrapper class for portable numerics
- RooObjCacheManager Cache Manager class generic objects
- RooParametricStepFunction Parametric Step Function Pdf
- RooPlot Plot frame and container for graphics objects
- RooPlotable Abstract interface for plotable objects
- RooPolyVar Polynomial PDF
- RooPolynomial Polynomial PDF
- RooPrintable Interface for printable objects
- RooProdGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooProdPdf PDF representing a product of PDFs
- RooProduct Product of RooAbsReal and RooAbsCategory terms
- RooProfileLL Profile likelihood
- RooProjectedPdf Your description goes here...
- RooPullVar Calculation of pull of measurement w.r.t a truth value
- RooQuasiRandomGenerator quasi-random number generator
- RooRandom random number generator interface
- RooRandomizeParamMCSModule MCStudy module to vary one or more input parameters during fit/generation cycle
- RooRangeBinning Single bin binning
- RooRealAnalytic RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooRealBinding RooAbsReal interface adaptor
- RooRealConstant RooRealVar constants factory
- RooRealIntegral Real-valued variable representing an integral over a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealMPFE Multi-process front-end for parallel calculation of a real valued function
- RooRealProxy Proxy for a RooAbsReal object
- RooRealSumPdf PDF representing a sum of real functions
- RooRealVar Real-valued variable
- RooRealVarSharedProperties Shared properties of a RooRealVar clone set
- RooRefCountList RooLinkedList with reference counting
- RooResolutionModel Abstract Resolution Model
- RooScaledFunc RooAbsFunc decorator
- RooSegmentedIntegrator1D 1-dimensional piece-wise numerical integration engine
- RooSegmentedIntegrator2D 1-dimensional numerical integration engine
- RooSentinel
- RooSetPair Element of RooLinkedList container class
- RooSetProxy Proxy class for a RooArgSet
- RooSharedProperties Abstract interface for shared property implementations
- RooSharedPropertiesList Manager for shared properties among clones of certain RooAbsArg-derived types
- RooSimGenContext Context for generating a dataset from a PDF
- RooSimPdfBuilder RooSimultaneous PDF Builder
- RooSimultaneous Description goes here
- RooStreamParser Utility class that parses istream data into tokens
- RooStringVar String-valued variable
- RooSuperCategory Derived index variable represening the maximal permutation of a list of indeces
- RooTObjWrap Container class for Int_t
- RooTable Abstract interface for tables
- RooThreshEntry Utility class, holding a threshold/category state pair
- RooThresholdCategory Index variable, defined by a series of thresholds on a RooAbsReal
- RooTrace Memory tracer utility for RooFitTools objects
- RooTreeData Abstract ttree based data collection
- RooTruthModel Abstract Resolution Model
- RooUnblindCPAsymVar CP-Asymmetry unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindOffset Offset unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindPrecision Precision unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindUniform Uniform unblinding transformation
- RooUniformBinning Uniform binning specification
- RooVoigtian Voigtian PDF
- RooWorkspace The RooFit Project Workspace
- Segment_t
- SetWindowAttributes_t
- SysInfo_t
- TASImage image processing class
- TASImagePlugin asimage plugin
- TASPaletteEditor GUI to edit a color palette
- TASPluginGS PS/EPS/PDF plugin based on GhostScript interpreter
- TApplication GUI application singleton
- TApplicationImp ABC describing application protocol
- TApplicationRemote Remote Application Interface
- TApplicationServer Remote Application Interface
- TArc Arc of a circle
- TArcBall ArcBall manipulator
- TArchiveFile An archive file containing multiple sub-files (like a ZIP archive)
- TArchiveMember An archive member file
- TArray Abstract array base class
- TArrayC Array of chars
- TArrayD Array of doubles
- TArrayF Array of floats
- TArrayI Array of ints
- TArrayL Array of longs
- TArrayL64 Array of long64s
- TArrayS Array of shorts
- TArrow An arrow (line with a arrowhead)
- TArrowEditor GUI for editing arrow attributes
- TAtomicCount
- TAtt3D 3D attributes
- TAttAxis Axis attributes
- TAttBBox Helper for management of bounding-box information
- TAttCanvas Canvas attributes
- TAttFill Fill area attributes
- TAttFillEditor GUI for editing fill attributes
- TAttImage Image attributes
- TAttLine Line attributes
- TAttLineEditor GUI for editing line attributes
- TAttMarker Marker attributes
- TAttMarkerEditor GUI for editing marker attributes
- TAttPad Pad attributes
- TAttParticle Particle definition
- TAttText Text attributes
- TAttTextEditor GUI for editing text attributes
- TAuthenticate Class providing remote authentication service
- TAxis Axis class
- TAxis3D 3-D ruler painting class
- TAxisEditor axis editor
- TBaseClass Description of a base class
- TBasket the TBranch buffers
- TBasketSQL the TBranch buffers
- TBenchmark ROOT utility to help benchmarking applications
- TBinomialEfficiencyFitter Binomial Fitter for the division of two histograms
- TBits Bit container
- TBits::TReference
- TBox Box class
- TBranch Branch descriptor
- TBranchClones Branch in case of an array of clone objects
- TBranchElement Branch in case of an object
- TBranchObject Branch in case of an object
- TBranchRef to support referenced objects on other branches
- TBrowser ROOT Object Browser
- TBrowserImp ABC describing browser implementation protocol
- TBrowserPlugin basic plugin description class
- TBtree A B-tree
- TBtreeIter B-tree iterator
- TBuffer Buffer base class used for serializing objects
- TBuffer3D 3D primitives description
- TBufferFile concrete implementation of TBuffer for writing/reading to/from a ROOT file or socket.
- TBufferSQL Implementation of TBuffer to load and write to a SQL database
- TBufferSQL2 a specialized TBuffer to convert data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables
- TBufferXML a specialized TBuffer to read/write to XML files
- TButton A user interface button.
- TCL C++ replacement for CERNLIB matrix / triangle matrix packages: F110 and F112
- TCONE CONE shape
- TCONS CONS shape
- TCTUB The Cut Tube shape
- TCanvas Graphics canvas
- TCanvasImp ABC describing main window protocol
- TChain A chain of TTrees
- TChainElement A chain element
- TChainIndex A Tree Index with majorname and minorname.
- TChainIndex::TChainIndexEntry
- TChair A base class to provide a user custom interface to TTable class objects
- TCint Interface to CINT C/C++ interpreter
- TClass Dictionary containing class information
- TClassDocInfo info cache for class documentation
- TClassDocOutput generates documentation web pages for a class
- TClassEdit
- TClassGenerator interface for TClass generators
- TClassMenuItem One element of the class context menu
- TClassRef
- TClassStreamer
- TClassTable Table of known classes
- TClassTree Manager class to draw classes inheritance tree and relations
- TClonesArray An array of clone objects
- TCollection Collection abstract base class
- TCollectionClassStreamer
- TCollectionMemberStreamer
- TCollectionMethodBrowsable Helper object to browse a collection's methods
- TCollectionPropertyBrowsable Helper object to add browsable collection properties
- TCollectionProxyFactory
- TCollectionStreamer
- TColor Color defined by RGB or HLS
- TColorWheel The ROOT Color Wheel
- TColumnView Helper to represent one TTable column
- TComplex Complex Class
- TCondition Condition variable class
- TConditionImp Condition variable implementation ABC
- TCondor Interface to the Condor System
- TCondorSlave Describes a claimed slave
- TConfidenceLevel output for TLimit functions
- TContextMenu Context sensitive popup menu
- TContextMenuImp Context sensitive popup menu implementation
- TControlBar Control bar
- TControlBarButton The Control bar button
- TControlBarImp GUI independent controlbar abc
- TCrown A crown or segment of crown
- TCurlyArc A curly arc
- TCurlyArcEditor GUI for editing arrow attributes
- TCurlyLine A curly polyline
- TCurlyLineEditor GUI for editing arrow attributes
- TCut A specialized string object used for TTree selections
- TCutG A Graphical cut.
- TDCacheFile A ROOT file that reads/writes via a dCache server
- TDCacheSystem Directory handler for DCache
- TDNDData Drag and drop specific data
- TDOMParser DOM Parser
- TDSet Data set for remote processing (PROOF)
- TDSetElement A TDSet element
- TDSetProxy TDSet proxy for use on slaves
- TDataMember Dictionary for a class data member
- TDataSet The base class to create the hierarchical data structures
- TDataSetIter class-iterator to navigate TDataSet structure
- TDataType Basic data type descriptor
- TDatabasePDG PDG particle database
- TDatime Date and time 950130 124559
- TDecayChannel Class describing a particle decay channel
- TDecompBK Matrix Decomposition Bunch-Kaufman
- TDecompBase Matrix Decomposition Base
- TDecompChol Matrix Decompositition Cholesky
- TDecompLU Matrix Decompositition LU
- TDecompQRH Matrix Decompositition QRH
- TDecompSVD Matrix Decompositition SVD
- TDecompSparse Matrix Decompositition LU
- TDialogCanvas A specialized canvas to set attributes.
- TDiamond Diamond class
- TDictionary ABC defining interface to dictionary
- TDirectory Describe directory structure in memory
- TDirectoryFile Describe directory structure in a ROOT file
- TDocDirective THtml directive handler
- TDocHtmlDirective Handler for "Begin_Html"/"End_Html" for raw HTML in documentation comments
- TDocLatexDirective Handler for "Begin_Latex"/"End_Latex" to generate an image from latex
- TDocMacroDirective Handler for "Begin_Macro"/"End_Macro" for code that is executed and that can generate an image for documentation
- TDocOutput generates documentation web pages
- TDocParser parser for reference documentation
- TDrawFeedback Present PROOF query feedback
- TELTU ELTU shape
- TEditQueryFrame Edit query frame
- TEllipse An ellipse
- TEmulatedCollectionProxy
- TEmulatedMapProxy
- TEntryList A list of entries in a TTree
- TEntryListBlock Used internally in TEntryList to store the entry numbers
- TEntryListFromFile Manager for entry lists from different files
- TEnv Handle ROOT configuration resources
- TEnvRec Individual TEnv records
- TEveBoxSet Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds); each primitive can be assigned a signal value and a TRef.
- TEveBoxSetGL GL-renderer for TEveBoxSet class.
- TEveBrowser Specialization of TRootBrowser for Reve.
- TEveChunkManager Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation.
- TEveChunkManager::iterator
- TEveCircularFishEyeProjection XY non-linear projection.
- TEveCluster Reconstructed cluster (also used in VSD).
- TEveDigitSet Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox).
- TEveDigitSetEditor Editor for TEveDigitSet class.
- TEveElement Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management.
- TEveElement::TEveListTreeInfo Structure agregating data for a render element image in a list tree.
- TEveElementEditor Editor for TEveElement class.
- TEveElementList List of TEveElement objects with a possibility to limit the class of accepted elements.
- TEveElementObjectPtr TEveElement with external TObject as a holder of visualization data.
- TEveEventManager Base class for event management and navigation.
- TEveException Exception-type thrown by Eve classes.
- TEveFrameBox Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects.
- TEveFrameBoxGL GL-renderer for TEveFrameBox class.
- TEveGDoubleValuator Composite GUI element for selection of range (label, two number-entries and double-slider).
- TEveGListTreeEditorFrame Composite GUI frame for parallel display of a TGListTree and TEveGedEditor.
- TEveGTriVecValuator Composite GUI element for setting three numerical values (label, three number-entries).
- TEveGValuator Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider).
- TEveGValuatorBase Base class for composite GUI elements for setting of numeric values.
- TEveGedEditor Specialization of TGedEditor for proper update propagation to TEveManager.
- TEveGeoManagerHolder Exception-safe wrapper for temporary setting of gGeoManager variable.
- TEveGeoNode Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement.
- TEveGeoNodeEditor Editor for TEveGeoNode class.
- TEveGeoShape Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for NLT projections).
- TEveGeoShapeExtract Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts.
- TEveGeoTopNode Top-level TEveGeoNode with a pointer to TGeoManager and controls for steering of TGeoPainter.
- TEveGeoTopNodeEditor Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class.
- TEveGridStepper Provide discrete position coordinates for placement of objects on regular grids.
- TEveGridStepperEditor Editor for TEveGridStepper class.
- TEveGridStepperSubEditor Sub-editor for TEveGridStepper class.
- TEveHit Monte Carlo hit (also used in VSD).
- TEveLine An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes.
- TEveLineEditor Editor for TEveLine class.
- TEveLineGL GL-renderer for TEveLine class.
- TEveMCRecCrossRef Cross-reference of sim/rec data per particle (also used in VSD).
- TEveMCTrack Monte Carlo track (also used in VSD).
- TEveMacro TMacro wrapper (attempting to fix issues with different macro loading and execution schemes).
- TEveManager Reve application manager.
- TEveManager::TExceptionHandler Exception handler for Eve exceptions.
- TEvePad Internal TEveUtil pad class (sub-class of TPad) overriding handling of updates and 3D-viewers.
- TEvePadHolder Exception-safe wrapper for temporary setting of gPad variable.
- TEvePathMark Special-point on track: position/momentum reference, daughter creation or decay (also used in VSD).
- TEvePointSelector TSelector for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree.
- TEvePointSelectorConsumer Virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the TEvePointSelector class.
- TEvePointSet Set of 3D points with same marker attributes; optionally each point can be assigned an external TRef or a number of integer indices.
- TEvePointSetArray Array of TEvePointSet's filled via a common point-source; range of displayed TEvePointSet's can be controlled, based on a separating quantity provided on fill-time by a user.
- TEvePointSetArrayEditor Editor for TEvePointSetArray class.
- TEvePointSetProjected Projected copy of a TEvePointSet.
- TEvePointSetProjectedGL GL-renderer for TEvePointSetProjected class.
- TEvePolygonSetProjected Set of projected polygons with outline; typically produced from a TBuffer3D.
- TEvePolygonSetProjectedEditor Editor for TEvePolygonSetProjected class.
- TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL GL-renderer for TEvePolygonSetProjected class.
- TEveProjectable Abstract base class for classes that can be transformed with non-linear projections.
- TEveProjected Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation.
- TEveProjection Base for specific classes that implement non-linear projections.
- TEveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects.
- TEveProjectionManagerEditor Editor for TEveProjectionManager class.
- TEveProjectionManagerGL GL-renderer for TEveProjectionManager.
- TEveQuadSet Collection of 2D primitives (rectangles, hexagons, or lines); each primitive can be assigned a signal value and a TRef.
- TEveQuadSetGL GL-renderer for TEveQuadSet class.
- TEveRGBAPalette A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes.
- TEveRGBAPaletteEditor Editor for TEveRGBAPalette class.
- TEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor Sub-editor for TEveRGBAPalette class.
- TEveRecKink Reconstructed kink (also used in VSD).
- TEveRecTrack Reconstructed track (also used in VSD).
- TEveRecV0 Reconstructed V0 (also used in VSD).
- TEveRefBackPtr Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to TEveElement objects.
- TEveRefCnt Base-class for reference-counted objects.
- TEveRhoZProjection Rho/Z non-linear projection.
- TEveScene Reve representation of TGLScene.
- TEveSceneInfo TEveUtil representation of TGLSceneInfo.
- TEveSceneList List of Scenes providing common operations on TEveScene collections.
- TEveSelectorToEventList TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list.
- TEveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines.
- TEveStraightLineSetEditor Editor for TEveStraightLineSet class.
- TEveStraightLineSetGL GL-renderer for TEveStraightLineSet class.
- TEveStraightLineSetProjected Projected copy of a TEveStraightLineSet.
- TEveTrack Track with given vertex, momentum and optional referece-points (path-marks) along its path.
- TEveTrackCounter Class for selection of good/primary tracks with basic processing functionality.
- TEveTrackCounterEditor Editor for TEveTrackCounter class.
- TEveTrackEditor Editor for TEveTrack class.
- TEveTrackGL GL-renderer for TEveTrack class.
- TEveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters.
- TEveTrackListEditor Editor for TEveTrackList class.
- TEveTrackListProjected Specialization of TEveTrackList for holding TEveTrackProjected objects.
- TEveTrackProjected Projected copy of a TEveTrack.
- TEveTrackProjectedGL GL-renderer for TEveTrackProjected class.
- TEveTrackPropagator Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries.
- TEveTrackPropagatorEditor Editor for TEveTrackPropagator class.
- TEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor Sub-editor for TEveTrackPropagator class.
- TEveTrans Column-major 4x4 transforamtion matrix for homogeneous coordinates.
- TEveTransEditor Editor for TEveTrans class.
- TEveTransSubEditor Sub-editor for TEveTrans class.
- TEveTriangleSet Generic mesh or soup of triangles with per-triangle normals and colors.
- TEveTriangleSetEditor Editor for TEveTriangleSet class.
- TEveTriangleSetGL GL-renderer for TEveTriangleSet class.
- TEveUtil Standard utility functions for Reve.
- TEveVSD Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independant format.
- TEveVector Float three-vector; a inimal Float_t copy of TVector3 used to represent points and momenta (also used in VSD).
- TEveViewer Reve representation of TGLViewer.
- TEveViewerList List of Viewers providing common operations on TEveViewer collections.
- TEventIter Event iterator used by TProofPlayer's
- TEventIterObj Event iterator for objects
- TEventIterTree Event iterator for Trees
- TEventIterUnit Event iterator for objects
- TEventList A list of selected entries in a TTree.
- TExMap Map with external hash
- TExMapIter TExMap iterator
- TExec To execute a CINT command
- TF1 The Parametric 1-D function
- TF12 Projection of a TF2 along x or y
- TF1Editor user interface for TF1 objects
- TF2 The Parametric 2-D function
- TF2GL GL renderer for TF2 and TF3.
- TF3 The Parametric 3-D function
- TFFTComplex
- TFFTComplexReal
- TFFTReal
- TFFTRealComplex
- TFTP File Transfer Protocol class using rootd
- TFcnAdapter wrapper class implementing the Minuit2 interface for TMinuit2-like objective functions
- TFeldmanCousins calculate the CL upper limit using the Feldman-Cousins method
- TFile ROOT file
- TFileCacheRead TFile cache when reading
- TFileCacheWrite TFile cache when writing
- TFileCollection Collection of TFileInfo objects
- TFileDrawMap Draw a 2-d map of the objects in a file
- TFileHandler Handles events on file descriptors
- TFileInfo Describes generic file info including meta data information
- TFileInfoMeta Describes TFileInfo meta data
- TFileIter TFile class iterator
- TFileMerger File copying and merging services
- TFileSet TDataSet class to read the native file system directory structure in
- TFileStager ABC defining interface to a stager
- TFitEditor Fit Panel interface
- TFitParametersDialog Fit function parameters dialog
- TFitter The ROOT standard fitter based on TMinuit
- TFitterFumili Fitter based on new Fumili method (Fumili2)
- TFitterMinuit The ROOT fitter based on new Minuit (Minuit2)
- TFoam General purpose self-adapting Monte Carlo event generator
- TFoamCell Single cell of FOAM
- TFoamIntegrand n-dimensional real positive integrand of FOAM
- TFoamMaxwt Controlling of the MC weight (maximum weight)
- TFoamVect n-dimensional vector with dynamical allocation
- TFolder Describe a folder: a list of objects and folders
- TFormula The formula base class f(x,y,z,par)
- TFormulaPrimitive The primitive formula
- TFractionFitter Fits MC fractions to data histogram
- TFrame Pad graphics frame
- TFrameEditor editor of TFrame objects
- TFree Description of free segments on a file
- TFriendElement A friend element of another TTree
- TFumili The FUMILI Minimization package
- TFunction Dictionary for global function
- TFunctionParametersDialog Function parameters dialog
- TG16ColorSelector 16 color cells
- TG4RootNavMgr Class crreating a G4Navigator based on ROOT geometry
- TGApplication GUI application singleton
- TGButton Button widget abstract base class
- TGButtonGroup Organizes TGButtons in a group
- TGCanvas A canvas with two scrollbars and a viewport
- TGCheckButton A check button widget
- TGClient Class making connection to display server
- TGColorDialog Color selection dialog
- TGColorFrame Frame for color cell
- TGColorPalette Color palette widget
- TGColorPick Color picker widget
- TGColorPopup Color selector popup
- TGColorSelect Color selection checkbutton
- TGColumnLayout Column layout manager
- TGComboBox Combo box widget
- TGComboBoxPopup Combobox popup window
- TGCommandPlugin Command (I/O redirection) plugin for the new ROOT Browser
- TGCompositeFrame Base class for composite widgets (menubars, etc.)
- TGContainer Canvas container
- TGDMLParse imports GDML using DOM and binds it to ROOT
- TGDMLRefl helper class used for the storage of reflected solids
- TGDNDManager The main Drag and Drop Manager
- TGDimension Dimension object (width, height)
- TGDockButton Dock button
- TGDockHideButton Hide dock button
- TGDockableFrame Dockable widget
- TGDoubleHSlider Horizontal double slider widget
- TGDoubleSlider Double slider widget abstract base class
- TGDoubleVSlider Vertical double slider widget
- TGDragWindow Window used for dragging
- TGFSComboBox Combo box widget for file system path
- TGFileBrowser File browser.
- TGFileContainer Container containing file system objects
- TGFileDialog File selection dialog
- TGFileInfo
- TGFileItem Class representing file system object
- TGFont GUI font description
- TGFontDialog Font selection dialog
- TGFontDialog::FontProp_t
- TGFontPool Font pool
- TGFontTypeComboBox Font type combobox widget
- TGFrame Base class for simple widgets (button, etc.)
- TGFrameElement Base class used in GUI containers
- TGGC Graphics context
- TGGCPool Graphics context pool
- TGGotoDialog Goto line dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGGroupFrame A composite frame with border and title
- TGHButtonGroup A button group with one horizontal row
- TGHProgressBar Horizontal progress bar widget
- TGHScrollBar Horizontal scrollbar widget
- TGHSlider Horizontal slider widget
- TGHSplitter A horizontal frame splitter
- TGHeaderFrame Header frame with buttons and splitters
- TGHorizontal3DLine A horizontal 3D separator line
- TGHorizontalFrame Composite frame with horizontal child layout
- TGHorizontalLayout Horizontal layout manager
- TGHotString Graphics string with hot character
- TGHtml
- TGHtmlBrowser very simple html browser
- TGIcon Icon GUI class
- TGIconLBEntry Icon + text listbox entry
- TGIdleHandler Idle event handler
- TGImageMap Clickable image (like MAP in HTML)
- TGInputDialog Simple input dialog
- TGInsets Inset (left, right, top, bottom)
- TGItemContext Context menu for TTVLVEntry
- TGLAdapter Allow plot-painters to be used for gl-inpad and gl-viewer.
- TGLAxis a GL Axis
- TGLBContainer Listbox container
- TGLBEntry Basic listbox entry
- TGLBoundingBox a 3D orientated bounding box
- TGLBoxCut Cuts away part of a plot.
- TGLBoxPainter Box painter
- TGLCamera abstract camera base class
- TGLCameraMarkupStyle camera markup style
- TGLClip abstract clipping object
- TGLClipBox clipping box
- TGLClipPlane clipping plane
- TGLClipSet A collection of supported clip-objects
- TGLClipSetEditor Editor for TGLClipSet
- TGLClipSetSubEditor Sub-editor for TGLClipSet
- TGLContext Control internal gl-context resources.
- TGLContextIdentity Identity of a shared GL context.
- TGLCylinder a cylinderical logical shape
- TGLFaceSet a faceset logical shape
- TGLFormat Describes GL buffer format.
- TGLHistPainter Proxy class for GL hist painter
- TGLIsoPainter Iso option for TH3.
- TGLLegoPainter Lego painter
- TGLLightSet A set of OpenGL lights.
- TGLLightSetEditor Editor for TGLLightSet.
- TGLLightSetSubEditor Sub-editor for TGLLightSet.
- TGLLine3 GL line wrapper class
- TGLLockable Lock for viewers and scenes.
- TGLLogicalShape a logical (non-placed, local frame) drawable object
- TGLManager Interface for OpenGL manager
- TGLManip abstract base GL manipulator widget
- TGLManipSet A collection of available manipulators.
- TGLMatrix GL matrix helper/wrapper class
- TGLObject Base-class for direct OpenGL renderers
- TGLOrthoCamera an orthogonal view camera
- TGLOutput Wrapper class for GL capture & output routines
- TGLOverlayElement Base class for GL overlay elements.
- TGLOverlayList Collection of overlay elements to draw/select together.
- TGLOvlSelectRecord Standard GL overlay-selection record.
- TGLPShapeObj This object wraps TGLPhysicalShape (not a TObject)
- TGLPShapeObjEditor GUI for editing TGLViewer attributes
- TGLPShapeRef Reference to a TGLPhysicalShape object.
- TGLPaintDevice Base class for GL widgets and GL off-screen rendering
- TGLParametricEquation Equation of parametric surface.
- TGLParametricEquationGL GL renderer for TGLParametricEquation
- TGLParametricPlot Parametric plot's painter.
- TGLPerspectiveCamera a perspective view camera
- TGLPhysicalShape a physical (placed, global frame) drawable object
- TGLPlane GL plane helper/wrapper class
- TGLPlotBox Back box for plot.
- TGLPlotCoordinates Auxilary class, holds plot dimensions.
- TGLPlotPainter Base for gl plots
- TGLPolyLine a polyline logical shape
- TGLPolyMarker a polymarker logical shape
- TGLQuadric GL quadric object
- TGLRect GL rect helper/wrapper class
- TGLRnrCtx Collection of objects and data passes along all rendering calls.
- TGLRotateManip GL rotation manipulator widget
- TGLSAFrame GUI frame for standalone viewer
- TGLSAViewer Standalone GL viewer
- TGLScaleManip GL scaling manipulator widget
- TGLScene Standard ROOT OpenGL scene with logial/physical shapes.
- TGLScene::TSceneInfo
- TGLSceneBase Base-class for OpenGL scenes.
- TGLSceneInfo Data about a scene within a viewer context.
- TGLScenePad GL-scene filled via TPad-TVirtualViewer interface.
- TGLSelectBuffer OpenGL select buffer with depth sorting.
- TGLSelectRecord Standard GL selection record.
- TGLSelectRecordBase Base class for GL selection records.
- TGLSelectionBuffer Holds color buffer content for selection
- TGLSphere a spherical logical shape
- TGLStopwatch a GL stopwatch utility class
- TGLSurfacePainter Surface painter.
- TGLTF3Painter GL TF3 painter.
- TGLTH3Slice TH3 slice
- TGLText a GL text
- TGLTransManip GL translation manipulator widget
- TGLUtil Wrapper class for misc GL pieces
- TGLVContainer Listview container
- TGLVEntry Item that goes into a TGListView container
- TGLVector3 GL 3 component vector helper/wrapper class
- TGLVertex3 GL 3 component vertex helper/wrapper class
- TGLViewer Standard ROOT GL viewer.
- TGLViewerBase GL Viewer base-class.
- TGLViewerEditor GUI for editing TGLViewer attributes
- TGLWidget Window (widget) version of TGLPaintDevice
- TGLWidgetContainer Auxilary widget container class.
- TGLabel A label GUI element
- TGLayoutHints Class describing GUI layout hints
- TGLayoutManager Layout manager abstract base class
- TGLineLBEntry Line width listbox entry
- TGLineStyleComboBox Line style combobox widget
- TGLineWidthComboBox Line width combobox widget
- TGListBox Listbox widget
- TGListDetailsLayout Layout manager for TGListView details
- TGListLayout Layout manager for TGListView widget
- TGListTree Show items in a tree structured list
- TGListTreeItem Item that goes into a TGListTree container
- TGListView List view widget (iconbox, small icons or tabular view)
- TGLongPosition Position object (x and y are Long_t)
- TGMainFrame Top level window frame
- TGMatrixLayout Matrix layout manager
- TGMdiButtons MDI Buttons Frame
- TGMdiContainer MDI container
- TGMdiCornerWinResizer Corner Window Resizer
- TGMdiDecorFrame MDI Decor Frame
- TGMdiFrame MDI Frame
- TGMdiFrameList MDI Frame list
- TGMdiGeometry MDI Geometry
- TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer Horizontal Window Resizer
- TGMdiMainFrame MDI main frame
- TGMdiMenuBar MDI menu bar
- TGMdiTitleBar MDI Title Bar
- TGMdiTitleIcon MDI Title Icon
- TGMdiVerticalWinResizer Vertical Window Resizer
- TGMdiWinResizer Window Resizer
- TGMenuBar Menu bar class
- TGMenuEntry Menu entry class
- TGMenuTitle Menu title class
- TGMimeTypes Pool of mime type objects
- TGMsgBox A message dialog box
- TGNumberEntry Entry field widget for several numeric formats
- TGNumberEntryField A text entry field used by a TGNumberEntry
- TGNumberEntryLayout Layout manager for number entry widget
- TGNumberFormat Class defining namespace for several enums used by TGNumberEntry
- TGObject ROOT GUI base class
- TGPasswdDialog Dialog for entering passwords
- TGPicture Pictures and icons used by the GUI classes
- TGPictureButton A picture button widget
- TGPicturePool Picture and icon cache
- TGPopupMenu Popup menu
- TGPosition Position object (x and y are Int_t)
- TGPrintDialog Print dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGProgressBar Progress bar abstract base class
- TGQt Interface to Qt GUI
- TGRadioButton A radio button widget
- TGRectangle Rectangle object
- TGRedirectOutputGuard Exception safe output redirection
- TGRegion Describes a region
- TGRegionWithId Region with id, tooltip text and popup menu
- TGResourcePool Graphics resource pool
- TGRowLayout Row layout manager
- TGScrollBar Scrollbar widget
- TGScrollBarElement Scrollbar element (head, tail, slider)
- TGSearchDialog Text search dialog used by TGTextEdit widget
- TGSearchType
- TGSelectBox TreeView dialog widget
- TGSelectedPicture Selected looking picture
- TGShutter Shutter widget
- TGShutterItem Shutter widget item
- TGSlider Slider widget abstract base class
- TGSpeedo Base class for analog meter widget
- TGSplitButton a split button widget
- TGSplitter A frame splitter abstract base class
- TGStatusBar Status bar widget
- TGString Graphics string
- TGTRA GTRA shape
- TGTab Tab widget
- TGTabElement Little tab on tab widget
- TGTabLayout Layout manager for TGTab widget
- TGTableLayout Table layout manager
- TGTableLayoutHints Class describing GUI table layout hints
- TGText Text used by TGTextEdit
- TGTextBuffer Text buffer used by widgets like TGTextEntry, etc.
- TGTextButton A text button widget
- TGTextEdit Text edit widget
- TGTextEditor Simple text editor using TGTextEdit widget
- TGTextEntry The TGTextEntry widget is a simple line editor for inputting text
- TGTextLBEntry Text listbox entry
- TGTextLayout Keep track of string measurement information.
- TGTextLine Line in TGText
- TGTextView Non-editable text viewer widget
- TGTileLayout Tile layout manager
- TGToolBar A bar containing picture buttons
- TGToolTip One or multiple lines help text
- TGTransientFrame Frame for dialog (transient) windows
- TGTreeLBEntry TGFSComboBox entry
- TGTripleHSlider Horizontal triple slider widget
- TGTripleVSlider Vertical triple slider widget
- TGUndockedFrame Undocked frame
- TGUnknownWindowHandler Abstract event handler for unknown windows
- TGVButtonGroup A button group with one vertical column
- TGVFileSplitter A vertical file frame splitter
- TGVProgressBar Vertical progress bar widget
- TGVScrollBar Vertical scrollbar widget
- TGVSlider Vertical slider widget
- TGVSplitter A vertical frame splitter
- TGVertical3DLine A vertical 3D separator line
- TGVerticalFrame Composite frame with vertical child layout
- TGVerticalLayout Vertical layout manager
- TGView View widget base class
- TGViewFrame Frame containing the actual text
- TGViewPort Viewport through which to look at a container frame
- TGWidget Widget base class
- TGWindow GUI Window base class
- TGX11 Interface to X11
- TGX11TTF Interface to X11 + TTF font handling
- TGXYLayout X / Y - layout manager
- TGXYLayoutHints Hits for the X / Y - layout manager
- TGaxis Graphics axis
- TGedEditor ROOT graphics editor
- TGedFrame base editor's frame
- TGedMarkerPopup marker select popup
- TGedMarkerSelect Marker selection button
- TGedNameFrame frame showing the selected object name
- TGedPatternFrame pattern frame
- TGedPatternPopup Color selector popup
- TGedPatternSelect pattern selection check-button
- TGedPatternSelector select pattern frame
- TGedPopup popup window
- TGedSelect selection check-button
- TGenCollectionProxy
- TGenCollectionProxy::Method
- TGenCollectionProxy::Value
- TGenPhaseSpace Simple Phase Space Generator
- TGenerator Event generator interface abstract baseclass
- TGenericTable Generic array of C-structure (a'la STL vector)
- TGenericTable::iterator
- TGeoArb8 arbitrary trapezoid with 8 vertices
- TGeoAtt class for visibility, activity and optimization attributes for volumes/nodes
- TGeoBBox box primitive
- TGeoBBoxEditor TGeoBBox editor
- TGeoBatemanSol Solution for the Bateman equation
- TGeoBoolNode a boolean node
- TGeoBuilder geometry builder singleton
- TGeoCacheState class storing the cache state
- TGeoChecker a simple geometry checker
- TGeoCombiTrans rotation + translation
- TGeoCombiTransEditor TGeoCombiTrans editor
- TGeoCompositeShape boolean composite shape
- TGeoCone conical tube class
- TGeoConeEditor TGeoCone editor
- TGeoConeSeg conical tube segment class
- TGeoConeSegEditor TGeoConeSeg editor
- TGeoCtub cut tube segment class
- TGeoCtubEditor TGeoCtub editor
- TGeoDecayChannel Decay channel for Elements
- TGeoElemIter Iterator for radionuclide chains.
- TGeoElement base element class
- TGeoElementRN radionuclides class
- TGeoElementTable table of elements
- TGeoEltu elliptical tube class
- TGeoEltuEditor TGeoEltu editor
- TGeoGedFrame Common base-class for geombuilder editors.
- TGeoGenTrans rotation + translation + scale
- TGeoGtra G3 GTRA shape
- TGeoGtraEditor TGeoGtra editor
- TGeoHMatrix global matrix class
- TGeoHalfSpace half-space class
- TGeoHelix helix class
- TGeoHype hyperboloid class
- TGeoHypeEditor TGeoHype editor
- TGeoIdentity identity transformation class
- TGeoIntersection intersection node
- TGeoIterator Iterator for geometry.
- TGeoMCGeometry VMC TGeo Geometry builder
- TGeoManager geometry manager
- TGeoManagerEditor TGeoManager editor
- TGeoMaterial base material class
- TGeoMaterialDialog List-Tree based material dialog
- TGeoMaterialEditor TGeoMaterial editor
- TGeoMatrix base geometrical transformation class
- TGeoMatrixDialog List-Tree based matrix dialog
- TGeoMedium tracking medium
- TGeoMediumDialog List-Tree based medium dialog
- TGeoMediumEditor TGeoMedium editor
- TGeoMixture material mixtures
- TGeoMixtureEditor TGeoMixture editor
- TGeoNavigator geometry navigator class
- TGeoNode base class for all geometry nodes
- TGeoNodeCache cache of reusable physical nodes
- TGeoNodeEditor TGeoNode editor
- TGeoNodeMatrix a geometry node in the general case
- TGeoNodeOffset a geometry node with just an offset
- TGeoOverlap base class for geometical overlaps
- TGeoPNEntry a physical node entry with unique name
- TGeoPainter geometry painter
- TGeoPara box primitive
- TGeoParaEditor TGeoPara editor
- TGeoParaboloid paraboloid class
- TGeoPatternCylPhi Cylindrical phi division pattern
- TGeoPatternCylR Cylindrical R division pattern
- TGeoPatternFinder patterns to divide volumes
- TGeoPatternHoneycomb pattern for honeycomb divisions
- TGeoPatternParaX Para X division pattern
- TGeoPatternParaY Para Y division pattern
- TGeoPatternParaZ Para Z division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphPhi Spherical phi division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphR spherical R division pattern
- TGeoPatternSphTheta spherical theta division pattern
- TGeoPatternTrapZ Trap od Gtra Z division pattern
- TGeoPatternX X division pattern
- TGeoPatternY Y division pattern
- TGeoPatternZ Z division pattern
- TGeoPcon polycone class
- TGeoPconEditor TGeoPcon editor
- TGeoPconSection TGeoPcon section
- TGeoPgon polygone class
- TGeoPgonEditor TGeoPgon editor
- TGeoPhysicalNode base class for physical nodes
- TGeoPolygon class for handling arbitrary polygons
- TGeoRotation rotation class
- TGeoRotationEditor TGeoRotation editor
- TGeoScale scaling class
- TGeoScaledShape a scaled shape
- TGeoShape base class for shapes
- TGeoShapeAssembly assembly shape
- TGeoShapeDialog List-Tree based shape dialog
- TGeoSphere sphere class
- TGeoSphereEditor TGeoSphere editor
- TGeoSubtraction subtraction node
- TGeoTabManager Tab manager for geometry editors
- TGeoTorus torus class
- TGeoTorusEditor TGeoTorus editor
- TGeoTrack geometry tracks class
- TGeoTransientPanel List-Tree based dialog
- TGeoTranslation translation class
- TGeoTranslationEditor TGeoTranslation editor
- TGeoTrap G3 TRAP shape
- TGeoTrapEditor TGeoTrap editor
- TGeoTrd1 TRD1 shape class
- TGeoTrd1Editor TGeoTrd1 editor
- TGeoTrd2 TRD2 shape class
- TGeoTrd2Editor TGeoTrd2 editor
- TGeoTreeDialog List-Tree based dialog
- TGeoTube cylindrical tube class
- TGeoTubeEditor TGeoTube editor
- TGeoTubeSeg cylindrical tube segment class
- TGeoTubeSegEditor TGeoTubeSeg editor
- TGeoUnion union node
- TGeoVolume geometry volume descriptor
- TGeoVolumeAssembly an assembly of volumes
- TGeoVolumeDialog List-Tree based volume dialog
- TGeoVolumeEditor TGeoVolume editor
- TGeoVolumeMulti class to handle multiple volumes in one step
- TGeoVoxelFinder voxel finder class
- TGeoXtru extruded polygon class
- TGeometry Structure for Matrices, Shapes and Nodes
- TGlobal Global variable class
- TGondzioSolver Gondzio Qp Solver class
- TGraph Graph graphics class
- TGraph2D Set of n x[i],y[i],z[i] points with 3-d graphics including Delaunay triangulation
- TGraph2DErrors A 2D graph with error bars
- TGraphAsymmErrors A graph with asymmetric error bars
- TGraphBentErrors A graph with bent, asymmetric error bars
- TGraphDelaunay Delaunay triangulation
- TGraphEditor graph editor
- TGraphErrors A graph with error bars
- TGraphPainter TGraph painter
- TGraphPolar Polar graph
- TGraphPolargram Polar axis
- TGraphQQ to create and to draw quantile-quantile plots
- TGraphSmooth Graph Smoother
- TGrid ABC defining interface to GRID services
- TGridCollection ABC managing collection of files on the Grid
- TGridJDL ABC defining interface JDL generator
- TGridJob ABC defining interface to a GRID job
- TGridJobStatus ABC defining status of a Grid job
- TGridJobStatusList ABC defining interface to a list of GRID jobs
- TGridResult ABC defining interface to GRID result set
- TGroupButton A user interface button in a group of buttons.
- TGuiBldAction gui builder action
- TGuiBldDragManager drag and drop manager
- TGuiBldEditor frame property editor
- TGuiBldHintsButton Button for editing layout hints in GUI Builder
- TGuiBldHintsEditor layout hints editor
- TGuiBuilder ABC for gui builder
- TGuiFactory Abstract factory for GUI components
- TH1 1-Dim histogram base class
- TH1C 1-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH1D 1-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH1Editor TH1 editor
- TH1F 1-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH1I 1-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH1K 1-Dim Nearest Kth neighbour method
- TH1S 1-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH2 2-Dim histogram base class
- TH2C 2-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH2D 2-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH2Editor TH2 editor
- TH2F 2-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH2GL GL renderer for TH2 and TH3.
- TH2I 2-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH2S 2-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- TH3 3-Dim histogram base class
- TH3C 3-Dim histograms (one char per channel)
- TH3D 3-Dim histograms (one double per channel)
- TH3F 3-Dim histograms (one float per channel)
- TH3I 3-Dim histograms (one 32 bits integer per channel)
- TH3S 3-Dim histograms (one short per channel)
- THLimitsFinder Class to find best axis limits
- THStack A collection of histograms
- THYPE HYPE shape
- THaarMatrixT<double> Template of Haar Matrix class
- THaarMatrixT<float> Template of Haar Matrix class
- THashList Doubly linked list with hashtable for lookup
- THashTable A hash table
- THashTableIter Hash table iterator
- THbookBranch A branch for a THbookTree
- THbookFile ROOT interface to Hbook/PAW files
- THbookKey Hbook id descriptor
- THbookTree A wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN)
- THelix A Helix drawn as a PolyLine3D
- THilbertMatrixT<double> Template of Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixT<float> Template of Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixTSym<double> Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class
- THilbertMatrixTSym<float> Template of Symmetric Hilbert Matrix class
- THistPainter Helper class to draw histograms
- THnSparse Interfaces of sparse n-dimensional histogram
- THnSparseArrayChunk chunks of linearized bins
- THnSparseT<TArrayC> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THnSparseT<TArrayD> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THnSparseT<TArrayF> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THnSparseT<TArrayI> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THnSparseT<TArrayL> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THnSparseT<TArrayS> Sparse n-dimensional histogram with templated content
- THostAuth Class providing host specific authentication information
- THtml Convert class(es) into HTML file(s)
- TImage Abstract image class
- TImageDump create image in batch mode
- TImagePalette Color Palette for value -> color conversion
- TImagePlugin base class for different image format handlers(plugins)
- TIndexTable "Index" array for TTable object
- TIndexTable::iterator
- TInetAddress Represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address
- TInspectCanvas The canvas Inspector
- TInspectorImp GUI independent inspector abc
- TInterpreter ABC defining interface to generic interpreter
- TIsAProxy
- TIter Iterator wrapper
- TIterator Iterator abstract base class
- TKey Header description of a logical record on file.
- TKeyMapFile Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects.
- TKeySQL a special TKey for SQL data base
- TKeyXML a special TKey for XML files
- TLatex The Latex-style text processor class
- TLeaf Leaf: description of a Branch data type
- TLeafB A TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafC A TLeaf for a variable length string.
- TLeafD A TLeaf for a 64 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafElement A TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject.
- TLeafF A TLeaf for a 32 bit floating point data type.
- TLeafI A TLeaf for an Integer data type.
- TLeafL A TLeaf for a 64 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafO A TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type.
- TLeafObject A TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject.
- TLeafS A TLeaf for a 16 bit Integer data type.
- TLegend Legend of markers/lines/boxes to represent obj's
- TLegendEntry Storage class for one entry of a TLegend
- TLibraryDocInfo documentation for a library
- TLimit Class to compute 95% CL limits
- TLimitDataSource input for TLimit routines
- TLine A line segment
- TLineEditor GUI for editing Line attributes
- TLinearFitter fit a set of data points with a linear combination of functions
- TLink Link: hypertext link to an object
- TList Doubly linked list
- TListIter Linked list iterator
- TLockFile Lock an object using a file
- TLockGuard Exception safe locking/unlocking of mutex
- TLorentzRotation Lorentz transformations including boosts and rotations
- TLorentzVector A four vector with (-,-,-,+) metric
- TMCParticle LUJETS particles data record.
- TMCVerbose Verbose class for MC application
- TMD5 MD5 cryptographic hash functions with a 128 bit output
- TMLPAnalyzer A simple analysis class for MLP
- TMVA::BinarySearchTree Binary search tree including volume search method
- TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode Node for the BinarySearchTree
- TMVA::BinaryTree Base class for BinarySearch and Decision Trees
- TMVA::Config Singleton class for global configuration settings
- TMVA::Config::IONames
- TMVA::Config::VariablePlotting
- TMVA::Configurable Virtual base class for all TMVA method
- TMVA::CrossEntropy Implementation of the CrossEntropy as separation criterion
- TMVA::DataSet
- TMVA::DecisionTree Implementation of a Decision Tree
- TMVA::DecisionTreeNode Node for the Decision Tree
- TMVA::Event
- TMVA::Factory The factory creates all MVA methods, and performs their training and testing
- TMVA::FitterBase Baseclass for fitters
- TMVA::GeneticAlgorithm Genetic algorithm controller
- TMVA::GeneticFitter Fitter using a Genetic Algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticGenes Genes definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticPopulation Population definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GeneticRange Range definition for genetic algorithm
- TMVA::GiniIndex Implementation of the GiniIndex as separation criterion
- TMVA::IFitterTarget base class for a fitter "target"
- TMVA::IMethod Method Interface
- TMVA::IMetric calculates the "distance" between two points
- TMVA::Interval Interval definition, continous and discrete
- TMVA::KDEKernel Kernel density estimator for PDF smoothing
- TMVA::MCFitter Fitter using Monte Carlo sampling of parameters
- TMVA::MethodANNBase Base class for TMVA ANNs
- TMVA::MethodBDT Analysis of Boosted Decision Trees
- TMVA::MethodBase Virtual base class for all TMVA method
- TMVA::MethodBayesClassifier Friedman's BayesClassifier method
- TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN Interface for Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network
- TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils Implementation of Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network
- TMVA::MethodCommittee Analysis of Boosted MVA methods
- TMVA::MethodCuts Multivariate optimisation of signal efficiency
- TMVA::MethodFDA Function Discriminant Analysis
- TMVA::MethodFisher Analysis of Fisher discriminant (Fisher or Mahalanobis approach)
- TMVA::MethodHMatrix H-Matrix method, a simple comparison of chi-squared estimators for signal and background
- TMVA::MethodKNN k Nearest Neighbour classifier
- TMVA::MethodLikelihood Likelihood analysis A ("non-parametric approach")
- TMVA::MethodMLP Multi-layer perceptron implemented specifically for TMVA
- TMVA::MethodPDERS Multi-dimensional probability density estimator range search (PDERS) method
- TMVA::MethodRuleFit Friedman's RuleFit method
- TMVA::MethodSVM Support Vector Machine
- TMVA::MethodSeedDistance Function Discriminant Analysis
- TMVA::MethodTMlpANN Implementation of interface for TMultiLayerPerceptron
- TMVA::MethodVariable Wrapper class for a single variable "MVA"
- TMVA::MetricEuler calculates the "distance" between two points
- TMVA::MetricManhattan calculates the "distance" between two points
- TMVA::MinuitFitter Fitter using a Genetic Algorithm
- TMVA::MinuitWrapper Wrapper around TMinuit
- TMVA::MisClassificationError Implementation of the MisClassificationError as separation criterion
- TMVA::MsgLogger Ostringstream derivative to redirect and format logging output
- TMVA::Node Node for the BinarySearch or Decision Trees
- TMVA::PDF PDF wrapper for histograms
- TMVA::Ranking Method-specific ranking for input variables
- TMVA::Reader Interpret the trained MVAs in an analysis context
- TMVA::RootFinder Root finding using Brents algorithm
- TMVA::RuleFit Calculations for Friedman's RuleFit method
- TMVA::RuleFitAPI Friedman's RuleFit method
- TMVA::SdivSqrtSplusB Implementation of the SdivSqrtSplusB as separation criterion
- TMVA::SeedDistance Seed and metric storage
- TMVA::SeparationBase Interface to different separation critiera used in training algorithms
- TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing Base class for Simulated Annealing fitting
- TMVA::SimulatedAnnealingFitter Fitter using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- TMVA::TActivation Interface for TNeuron activation function classes
- TMVA::TActivationChooser Class for choosing activation functions
- TMVA::TActivationIdentity Identity activation function for TNeuron
- TMVA::TActivationRadial Radial basis activation function for TNeuron
- TMVA::TActivationSigmoid Sigmoid activation function for TNeuron
- TMVA::TActivationTanh Tanh sigmoid activation function for TNeuron
- TMVA::TNeuron Neuron class used by MethodANNBase derivative ANNs
- TMVA::TNeuronInput Interface for TNeuron input calculation classes
- TMVA::TNeuronInputAbs Calculates the sum of the absolute values of the weighted inputs
- TMVA::TNeuronInputChooser Class for choosing neuron input functions
- TMVA::TNeuronInputSqSum Calculates square of weighted sum of neuron inputs
- TMVA::TNeuronInputSum Calculates weighted sum of neuron inputs
- TMVA::TSpline1 Linear interpolation class
- TMVA::TSpline2 Quadratic interpolation class (using quadrax)
- TMVA::TSynapse Synapse class used by MethodANNBase and derivatives
- TMVA::Timer Timing information for training and evaluation of MVA methods
- TMVA::Tools
- TMVA::Types
- TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform Variable transformation: decorrelation
- TMVA::VariableIdentityTransform Variable transformation: identity
- TMVA::VariablePCATransform Variable transformation: Principal Value Composition
- TMVA::VariableTransformBase Base class for variable transformations
- TMVA::kNN::Event
- TMacro Class supporting a collection of lines with C++ code.
- TMap A (key,value) map
- TMapFile Memory mapped directory structure
- TMapIter Map iterator
- TMapRec
- TMarker Marker
- TMarker3DBox A special 3-D marker designed for event display
- TMaterial Materials used in the Geometry Shapes
- TMath
- TMatrixDEigen Eigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix
- TMatrixDSymEigen Eigen-Vectors/Values of a Matrix
- TMatrixT<double> Template of General Matrix class
- TMatrixT<float> Template of General Matrix class
- TMatrixTBase<double> Matrix base class (template)
- TMatrixTBase<float> Matrix base class (template)
- TMatrixTColumn<double> Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn<float> Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn_const<double> Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTColumn_const<float> Template of General Matrix Column Access class
- TMatrixTCramerInv
- TMatrixTDiag<double> Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag<float> Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag_const<double> Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTDiag_const<float> Template of General Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTFlat<double> Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat<float> Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat_const<double> Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTFlat_const<float> Template of General Matrix Flat Representation class
- TMatrixTLazy<double> Template of Lazy Matrix class
- TMatrixTLazy<float> Template of Lazy Matrix class
- TMatrixTRow<double> Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow<float> Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow_const<double> Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTRow_const<float> Template of General Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparse<double> Template of Sparse Matrix class
- TMatrixTSparse<float> Template of Sparse Matrix class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag<double> Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag<float> Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<double> Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<float> Template of Sparse Matrix Diagonal Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow<double> Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow<float> Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow_const<double> Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSparseRow_const<float> Template of Sparse Matrix Row Access class
- TMatrixTSub<double> Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub<float> Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub_const<double> Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSub_const<float> Template of Sub Matrix Access class
- TMatrixTSym<double> Template of Symmetric Matrix class
- TMatrixTSym<float> Template of Symmetric Matrix class
- TMatrixTSymCramerInv
- TMatrixTSymLazy<double> Template of Lazy Symmeytric class
- TMatrixTSymLazy<float> Template of Lazy Symmeytric class
- TMehrotraSolver Mehrotra Qp Solver class
- TMemberInspector ABC for inspecting class data members
- TMemberStreamer
- TMessage Message buffer class
- TMessageHandler Generic message handler
- TMethod Dictionary for a class member function (method)
- TMethodArg Dictionary for a method argument
- TMethodBrowsable Helper object to browse methods
- TMethodCall Method calling interface
- TMinuit The MINUIT minimisation package
- TMixture Mixtures used in the Geometry Shapes
- TModuleDocInfo documentation for a group of classes
- TMonitor Monitor activity on a set of TSocket objects
- TMultiDimFit Multi dimensional fit class
- TMultiGraph A collection of TGraph objects
- TMultiLayerPerceptron a Neural Network
- TMutex Mutex lock class
- TMutexImp Mutex lock implementation ABC
- TMySQLResult MySQL query result
- TMySQLRow One row of MySQL query result
- TMySQLServer Connection to MySQL server
- TMySQLStatement SQL statement class for MySQL DB
- TNamed The basis for a named object (name, title)
- TNetFile A ROOT file that reads/writes via a rootd server
- TNetSystem Directory handler for NetSystem
- TNeuron Neuron for MultiLayerPerceptrons
- TNewChainDlg New chain dialog
- TNewQueryDlg New query dialog
- TNode Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TNodeDiv Description of parameters to divide a 3-D geometry object
- TNonSplitBrowsable Helper object to browse unsplit objects
- TNtuple A simple tree with branches of floats.
- TNtupleD A simple tree with branches of floats.
- TObjArray An array of objects
- TObjArrayIter Object array iterator
- TObjString Collectable string class
- TObject Basic ROOT object
- TObjectRefSpy Spy object reference for deletion
- TObjectSet TDataSet wrapper for TObject class objects
- TObjectSpy Spy object pointer for deletion
- TObjectTable Table of active objects
- TOracleResult Oracle query result
- TOracleRow One row of Oracle query result
- TOracleServer Connection to Oracle server
- TOracleStatement SQL statement class for Oracle
- TOrdCollection An ordered collection
- TOrdCollectionIter Ordered collection iterator
- TPARA PARA shape
- TPCON PCON shape
- TPDF PDF driver
- TPGON PGON shape
- TPRegexp Perl Compatible Regular Expression Class
- TPServerSocket Parallel server socket
- TPSocket Parallel client socket
- TPackageDescription Package description
- TPacketizer Generate work packets for parallel processing
- TPacketizerAdaptive Generate work packets for parallel processing
- TPacketizerProgressive Packetizer that does not pre-open any files
- TPacketizerUnit Generate work packets for parallel processing
- TPad A Graphics pad
- TPadEditor editor of TPad objects
- TPainter3dAlgorithms Hidden line removal package
- TPair Pair TObject*, TObject*
- TPaletteAxis class used to display a color palette axis for 2-d plots
- TPaletteEditor Base class for palette editor
- TParallelCoord To display parallel coordinates plots.
- TParallelCoordEditor GUI for editing the parallel coordinates plot attributes.
- TParallelCoordRange A TParallelCoordRange is a range used for parallel coordinates plots.
- TParallelCoordSelect A TParallelCoordSelect is a specialised TList to hold TParallelCoordRanges used by TParallelCoord.
- TParallelCoordVar A Variable of a parallel coordinates plot.
- TParameter<Long64_t> Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<double> Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<float> Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<int> Named templated parameter type
- TParameter<long> Named templated parameter type
- TParticle TParticle vertex particle information
- TParticleClassPDG PDG static particle definition
- TParticlePDG PDG static particle definition
- TPave Pave. A box with shadowing
- TPaveClass A TPaveLabel specialized for TClassTree objects
- TPaveLabel PaveLabel. A Pave with a label
- TPaveStats A special TPaveText to draw histogram statistics.
- TPaveStatsEditor GUI for editing TPaveStats
- TPaveText PaveText. A Pave with several lines of text.
- TPavesText Stacked Paves with text strings
- TPerfEvent Class holding TProof Event Info
- TPerfStats Class for collecting PROOF statistics
- TPie Pie chart graphics class
- TPieSlice Slice of a pie chart graphics class
- TPluginHandler Handler for plugin libraries
- TPluginManager Manager for plugin handlers
- TPoint
- TPointSet3D TPolyMarker3D with direct OpenGL rendering.
- TPointSet3DGL GL renderer for TPointSet3D
- TPoints 2-D graphics point
- TPoints3D Defines the abstract array of 3D points
- TPoints3DABC A 3-D Points
- TPointsArray3D A 3-D PolyLine
- TPolyLine A PolyLine
- TPolyLine3D A 3-D polyline
- TPolyLineShape The base class to define an abstract 3D shape of STAR "event" geometry
- TPolyMarker An array of points with the same marker
- TPolyMarker3D An array of 3-D points with the same marker
- TPosixCondition Posix condition variable
- TPosixMutex Posix mutex lock
- TPosixThread TPosixThread class
- TPosixThreadFactory Posix thread factory
- TPostScript PostScript driver
- TPrimary TPrimary vertex particle information
- TPrincipal Principal Components Analysis
- TProcessEventTimer Process pending events at fixed time intervals
- TProcessID Process Unique Identifier in time and space
- TProcessUUID TProcessID managing UUIDs
- TProfile Profile histogram class
- TProfile2D Profile2D histogram class
- TProfile3D Profile3D histogram class
- TProof PROOF control class
- TProofChain TChain proxy for running chains on PROOF
- TProofCondor PROOF control class for slaves allocated by condor
- TProofDebug
- TProofDesc Small class describing a proof session
- TProofDraw Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawEntryList A Selectoor to fill a TEntryList from TTree::Draw
- TProofDrawEventList Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawGraph Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawHist Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfGraphs Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t
- TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t
- TProofDrawPolyMarker3D Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawProfile Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofDrawProfile2D Tree drawing selector for PROOF
- TProofFile Wrapper class to steer the merging of files produced on workers
- TProofLimitsFinder Find and communicate best axis limits
- TProofLog PROOF session log handler
- TProofLogElem PROOF session log element
- TProofMgr Abstract PROOF manager interface
- TProofNodeInfo Class describing a PROOF node
- TProofPlayer Basic PROOF player
- TProofPlayerLocal PROOF player running on client
- TProofPlayerRemote PROOF player running on master server
- TProofPlayerSlave PROOF player running on slave server
- TProofPlayerSuperMaster PROOF player running on super master
- TProofProgressDialog PROOF progress dialog
- TProofProgressLog Class implementing a log graphic box
- TProofQueryResult Class describing a PROOF query
- TProofResources Abstract class describing PROOF resources
- TProofResourcesStatic Class to handle PROOF static config
- TProofServ PROOF Server Application Interface
- TProofSuperMaster PROOF control class for making submasters
- TProofVectorContainer<TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t> Class describing a vector container
- TProofVectorContainer<TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t> Class describing a vector container
- TPyDispatcher Python dispatcher class
- TPyReturn Python morphing return object
- TPythia6 Interface to Pythia6.1 Event Generator
- TPythia6Decayer Particle Decayer Base Class
- TPython Access to the python interpreter
- TQApplication creates ROOT environement with the Qt windowing system
- TQCanvasImp ABC describing Qt GUI independent main window
- TQCanvasMenu interface to Qt based context sensitive popup menus
- TQClass Class with connections
- TQCommand encapsulates the information for undo/redo a single action.
- TQConnection Internal class used in the object communication mechanism
- TQMimeTypes Pool of mime type objects
- TQObjSender Used to "delegate" TQObject functionality
- TQObject Base class for object communication mechanism
- TQRootApplication creates Qt environement interface with the ROOT windowing system
- TQRootCanvas interface to Qt eventloop to handle user input
- TQRootDialog prompt for the arguments of an object's member function
- TQRootGuiFactory Qt ROOT Gui factory
- TQUndoManager recorder of operations for undo and redo
- TQpDataBase Qp Base Data class
- TQpDataDens Qp Data class for Dens formulation
- TQpDataSparse Qp Data class for Sparse formulation
- TQpLinSolverBase Qp linear solver base class
- TQpLinSolverDens Qp linear solver class for Dens formulation
- TQpLinSolverSparse Qp linear solver class for Sparse formulation
- TQpProbBase Qp problem formulation base class
- TQpProbDens Qp dens problem formulation class
- TQpProbSparse Qp sparse problem formulation class
- TQpResidual Qp Residual class
- TQpSolverBase Qp Solver class
- TQpVar Qp Variables class
- TQtApplication Instantiate the Qt system within ROOT environment
- TQtBrush create QBrush object based on the ROOT "fill" attributes
- TQtClientFilter Map Qt and ROOT event
- TQtClientWidget QFrame implementation backing ROOT TGWindow objects
- TQtMarker Convert ROOT TMarker objects on to QPointArray
- TQtRootGuiFactory Factory for Qt-based ROOT GUI components
- TQtRootSlot
- TQtTimer QTimer to awake the ROOT event loop from Qt event loop
- TQtWidget QWidget to back ROOT TCanvas (Can be used with Qt designer)
- TQuaternion a quaternion class
- TQueryDescription Query description
- TQueryResult Class describing a query
- TRFIOFile A ROOT file that reads/writes via a rfiod server
- TRFIOSystem Directory handler for RFIO
- TROOT Top level (or root) structure for all classes
- TRWLock Reader/writer lock
- TRandom Simple Random number generator (periodicity = 10**9)
- TRandom1 Ranlux Random number generators with periodicity > 10**14
- TRandom2 Random number generator with periodicity of 10**26
- TRandom3 Random number generator: Mersenne Twistor
- TRealData Description of persistent data members
- TRedirectOutputGuard Exception safe output redirection
- TRef Persistent Reference link to a TObject
- TRefArray An array of references to TObjects
- TRefArrayIter Object array iterator
- TRefCnt
- TRefTable Table of referenced objects during an I/O operation
- TRegexp Regular expression class
- TRemoteObject A remote object
- TResponseTable Generic Geant detector response table
- TRint ROOT Interactive Application Interface
- TRobustEstimator Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator
- TRolke calculate confidence limits using the Rolke method
- TRootApplication ROOT native GUI application environment
- TRootAuth client auth interface
- TRootBrowser New ROOT Browser
- TRootBrowserLite ROOT native GUI version of browser
- TRootCanvas ROOT native GUI version of main window with menubar and drawing area
- TRootContextMenu ROOT native GUI context sensitive popup menu
- TRootControlBar ROOT native GUI implementation of TControlBar
- TRootDialog Native GUI method argument prompt dialog box
- TRootEmbeddedCanvas A ROOT TCanvas that can be embedded in a TGFrame
- TRootGuiBuilder ROOT GUI Builder
- TRootGuiFactory Factory for ROOT GUI components
- TRootHelpDialog Dialog to display help text
- TRootSecContext Class providing host specific authentication information
- TRotMatrix Rotation Matrix for 3-D geometry objects
- TRotation Rotations of TVector3 objects
- TRuby Ruby/ROOT interface
- TSAXParser SAX Parser
- TSPHE SPHE shape
- TSPlot class to disentangle signal from background
- TSQLClassColumnInfo Keeps information about single column in class table
- TSQLClassInfo Keeps the table information relevant for one class
- TSQLColumnData Single SQL column data.
- TSQLColumnInfo Summury information about column from SQL table
- TSQLFile ROOT TFile interface to SQL database
- TSQLMonitoringWriter Sending monitoring data to a SQL DB
- TSQLObjectData Keeps the data requested from the SQL server for an object.
- TSQLObjectDataPool XML object keeper class
- TSQLObjectInfo Info (classname, version) about object in database
- TSQLResult SQL query result
- TSQLRow One row of an SQL query result
- TSQLServer Connection to SQL server
- TSQLStatement SQL statement
- TSQLStructure Table/structure description used internally by YBufferSQL.
- TSQLTableData Collection of columns data for single SQL table
- TSQLTableInfo Summury information about SQL table
- TSVG SVG driver
- TSecContext Class providing host specific authentication information
- TSecContextCleanup Update the remote authentication table
- TSelector A utility class for tree and object processing
- TSelectorCint A utility class for tree and object processing (interpreted version)
- TSelectorDraw A specialized TSelector for TTree::Draw
- TSelectorEntries A specialized TSelector for TTree::GetEntries(selection)
- TSelectorList Special TList used in the TSelector
- TSelectorScalar Mergable scalar
- TSemaphore Counting semaphore class
- TSeqCollection Sequenceable collection ABC
- TServerSocket This class implements server sockets
- TSessionDescription Session description
- TSessionFrame Session frame
- TSessionInputFrame Input frame
- TSessionLogView PROOF progress dialog
- TSessionOutputFrame Output frame
- TSessionQueryFrame Query frame
- TSessionServerFrame Server frame
- TSessionViewer Session Viewer
- TShape Basic shape
- TSignalHandler Signal event handler
- TSlave PROOF slave server
- TSlaveInfo basic info on slave
- TSlider A user interface slider.
- TSliderBox The moving box of a TSlider
- TSocket This class implements client sockets
- TSortedList A sorted list
- TSpectrum Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution
- TSpectrum2 Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution for 2-D histograms
- TSpectrum2Fit Spectrum2 Fitter using algorithm without matrix inversion and conjugate gradient method for symmetrical matrices (Stiefel-Hestens method)
- TSpectrum2Painter TSpectrum 3d graphics package
- TSpectrum2Transform Spectrum2 Transformer, it calculates classic orthogonal 2D transforms
- TSpectrum3 Peak Finder, Background estimator, Markov smoothing and Deconvolution for 3-D histograms
- TSpectrumFit Spectrum Fitter using algorithm without matrix inversion and conjugate gradient method for symmetrical matrices (Stiefel-Hestens method)
- TSpectrumTransform Spectrum Transformer, it calculates classic orthogonal 1D transforms
- TSpider Helper class to draw spider
- TSpiderEditor GUI for editing the spider plot attributes.
- TSpline Spline base class
- TSpline3 Class to create third natural splines
- TSpline5 Class to create quintic natural splines
- TSplinePoly Spline polynomial terms
- TSplinePoly3 Third spline polynomial terms
- TSplinePoly5 Quintic spline polynomial terms
- TStatus Status class
- TStdExceptionHandler C++ exception handler
- TStopwatch A stopwatch which times real and cpu time
- TStorage Storage manager class
- TStreamerBase Streamer element of type base class
- TStreamerBasicPointer Streamer element for a pointer to a basic type
- TStreamerBasicType Streamer element for a basic type
- TStreamerElement Base class for one element (data member) to be Streamed
- TStreamerInfo Streamer information for one class version
- TStreamerLoop Streamer element for a pointer to an array of objects
- TStreamerObject Streamer element of type object
- TStreamerObjectAny Streamer element of type object other than TObject
- TStreamerObjectAnyPointer Streamer element of type pointer to a non TObject
- TStreamerObjectPointer Streamer element of type pointer to a TObject
- TStreamerSTL Streamer element of type STL container
- TStreamerSTLstring Streamer element of type C++ string
- TStreamerString Streamer element of type TString
- TString Basic string class
- TStringLong Long string class (more than 255 chars)
- TStringRef
- TStyle A collection of all graphics attributes
- TStyleDialog Dialog box used by the TStyleManager class
- TStyleManager Graphical User Interface for managing styles
- TStylePreview Preview window used by the TStyleManager class
- TSubString
- TSynapse simple weighted bidirectionnal connection between 2 neurons
- TSysEvtHandler ABC for handling system events
- TSystem ABC defining a generic interface to the OS
- TSystemDirectory A system directory
- TSystemFile A system file
- TTF Interface to TTF font handling
- TTRAP TRAP shape
- TTRD1 TRD1 shape
- TTRD2 TRD2 shape
- TTUBE TUBE shape
- TTUBS TUBS shape
- TTVLVContainer A dragging-capable LVContainer
- TTVLVEntry Item that goes into the tree list view widget
- TTVRecord A draw record for TTreeViewer
- TTVSession A tree viewer session
- TTabCom Perform comand line completion when hitting <TAB>
- TTable vector of the C structures
- TTable3Points A 3-D Points
- TTable::iterator
- TTableDescriptor descrpitor defining the internal layout of TTable objects
- TTableIter Iterator over "sorted" TTable objects
- TTableMap "Map" array for TTable object
- TTablePadView3D
- TTablePoints Defines the TTable as an element of "event" geometry
- TTableSorter Is an "observer" class to sort the TTable objects
- TTask Base class for tasks
- TText Text
- TThread Thread class
- TThreadFactory Thread factory ABC
- TThreadImp ThreadImp class
- TTime Basic time type with milli second precision
- TTimeStamp Encapsulates seconds and ns since EPOCH
- TTimer Handle timer event
- TToggle Facility for toggling datamembers on/off
- TToggleGroup Group of contex-menu toggle objects
- TTree Tree descriptor (the main ROOT I/O class)
- TTreeCache Specialization of TFileCacheRead for a TTree
- TTreeCloner helper used for the fast cloning of TTrees.
- TTreeDrawArgsParser Helper class to parse the argument to TTree::Draw
- TTreeFormula The Tree formula
- TTreeFormulaManager A class coordinating several TTreeFormula objects.
- TTreeFriendLeafIter Linked list iterator
- TTreeIndex A Tree Index with majorname and minorname.
- TTreePlayer Manager class to play with TTrees
- TTreeResult TTree query result
- TTreeRow One row of an TTree query result
- TTreeSQL TTree Implementation read and write to a SQL database.
- TTreeViewer A GUI oriented tree viewer
- TUUID Universally Unique IDentifier
- TUnixSystem Interface to Unix OS services
- TUnuran
- TUnuranBaseDist Base class for Unuran distribution wrappers
- TUnuranContDist Wrapper class for one dimensional continuous distribution
- TUnuranDiscrDist Wrapper class for one dimensional discrete distribution
- TUnuranEmpDist Wrapper class for empirical distribution
- TUnuranMultiContDist Wrapper class for multi dimensional continuous distribution
- TUploadDataSetDlg New query dialog
- TUri Represents an URI
- TUrl Represents an URL
- TVector2 A 2D physics vector
- TVector3 A 3D physics vector
- TVectorT<double> Template of Vector class
- TVectorT<float> Template of Vector class
- TView 3-D View abstract interface for 3-D views
- TView3D 3-D View
- TViewer3DPad A 3D Viewer painter for TPads
- TViewerX3D Interface to the X3D viewer
- TVirtualAuth client auth interface
- TVirtualBranchBrowsable Base class for helper objects used for browsing
- TVirtualCollectionProxy
- TVirtualDragManager drag and drop manager
- TVirtualFFT abstract interface for FFT calculations
- TVirtualFitter Abstract interface for fitting
- TVirtualGLManip Interface for GL manipulator
- TVirtualGLPainter Interface for OpenGL painter
- TVirtualGeoPainter Abstract interface for geometry painters
- TVirtualGeoTrack virtual geometry tracks
- TVirtualHistPainter Abstract interface for histogram painters
- TVirtualIndex Abstract interface for Tree Index
- TVirtualIsAProxy
- TVirtualMC Interface to Monte Carlo
- TVirtualMCApplication Interface to MonteCarlo application
- TVirtualMCDecayer Particle Decayer Base Class
- TVirtualMCGeometry Interface to Monte Carlo geometry construction
- TVirtualMCStack Interface to a particles stack
- TVirtualMonitoringReader ABC for Reading Monitoring Information
- TVirtualMonitoringWriter ABC for Sending Monitoring Information
- TVirtualMutex Virtual mutex lock class
- TVirtualPS Abstract interface to a PostScript driver
- TVirtualPacketizer Generate work packets for parallel processing
- TVirtualPad Abstract base class for Pads and Canvases
- TVirtualPadEditor Abstract interface for graphics pad editor
- TVirtualPerfStats ABC for collecting PROOF statistics
- TVirtualProofPlayer Abstract PROOF player
- TVirtualStreamerInfo Abstract Interface describing Streamer information for one class
- TVirtualTreePlayer Abstract interface for Tree players
- TVirtualViewer3D Abstract interface to 3D viewers
- TVirtualX ABC defining a generic interface to graphics system
- TVolume Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumePosition Description of parameters to position a 3-D geometry object
- TVolumeView Special kind of TDataSet
- TVolumeViewIter Volume view iterator
- TWbox A window box (box with 3-D effects)
- TWebFile A ROOT file that reads via a http server
- TX11GLManager X11-specific version of TGLManager
- TXHandler Template class for handling of async events
- TXMLAttr XML attribute pair
- TXMLDocument XML document created by the DOM parser
- TXMLEngine ROOT XML I/O parser, user by TXMLFile to read/write xml files
- TXMLFile ROOT file in XML format
- TXMLNode XML node under DOM tree
- TXMLParser XML SAX parser
- TXMLPlayer Generation of external xml streamers
- TXMLSetup settings to be stored in XML files
- TXNetFile TFile implementation to deal with new xrootd server.
- TXNetFileStager Interface to a 'XRD' staging
- TXNetSystem System management class for xrootd servers
- TXProofMgr XrdProofd PROOF manager interface
- TXProofServ XRD PROOF Server Application Interface
- TXSlave Xrd PROOF slave server
- TXSocket A high level connection class for PROOF
- TXSocketHandler Input handler class for xproofd sockets
- TXUnixSocket Connection class for Xrd PROOF using UNIX sockets
- TZIPFile A ZIP archive file
- TZIPMember A ZIP archive member file
- ToolBarData_t
- Track A track segment
- UserGroup_t
- WindowAttributes_t
- tableDescriptor_st
- timespec
Last update: Thu Jan 17 08:41:06 2008
This page has been automatically generated. If you have any comments or suggestions about the page layout send a mail to ROOT support, or contact the developers with any questions or problems regarding ROOT.