Class describing a polar 2D coordinate system based on r and phi Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) @ingroup GenVector
~Polar2D<Double32_t>() | |
void | GetCoordinates(ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar& r, ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar& phi) const |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar | Mag2() const |
void | Negate() |
bool | operator!=(const ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>& rhs) const |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>& | operator=(const ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>& v) |
bool | operator==(const ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>& rhs) const |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar | Phi() const |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t> | Polar2D<Double32_t>() |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t> | Polar2D<Double32_t>(const ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>& v) |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t> | Polar2D<Double32_t>(Double32_t r, Double32_t phi) |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar | R() const |
void | Rotate(Double32_t angle) |
void | Scale(Double32_t a) |
void | SetCoordinates(ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar r, ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar phi) |
void | SetPhi(const Double32_t& phi) |
void | SetR(const Double32_t& r) |
void | SetX(ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar x) |
void | SetXY(ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar x, ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar y) |
void | SetY(ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar y) |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar | X() const |
Double32_t | x() const |
ROOT::Math::Polar2D<Double32_t>::Scalar | Y() const |
Double32_t | y() const |
Double32_t | fPhi | |
Double32_t | fR |
Set internal data based on 2 Scalar numbers
get internal data into 2 Scalar numbers
setters (only for data members) set the r coordinate value keeping phi constant
all values using cartesian coordina
============= Compatibility section ================== The following make this coordinate system look enough like a CLHEP vector that an assignment member template can work with either
{ return X();}
============= Specializations for improved speed ================== (none) ====== Set member functions for coordinates in other systems =======