namespace ROOT::Reflex::Dummy

 Initialisation of Reflex.Setup of global scope, fundamental types.

Function Members (Methods)

Class Charts

Function documentation

const ROOT::Reflex::StdString_Cont_Type_t & StdStringCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of std strings.
const ROOT::Reflex::Type_Cont_Type_t & TypeCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of Types.
const ROOT::Reflex::Base_Cont_Type_t & BaseCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of Bases.
const ROOT::Reflex::Scope_Cont_Type_t & ScopeCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of Scopes.
const ROOT::Reflex::Object_Cont_Type_t & ObjectCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of Objects.
const ROOT::Reflex::Member_Cont_Type_t & MemberCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of Members.
const ROOT::Reflex::TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t & TypeTemplateCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of TypeTemplates.
const ROOT::Reflex::MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t & MemberTemplateCont()
 static wrapper for an empty container of MemberTemplates.
ROOT::Reflex::Any & Any()
 static wrapper for an empty Any object
const ROOT::Reflex::Object & Object()
 static wrapper for an empty Object
const ROOT::Reflex::Type & Type()
 static wrapper for an empty Type
const ROOT::Reflex::TypeTemplate & TypeTemplate()
 static wrapper for an empty TypeTemplate
const ROOT::Reflex::Base & Base()
 static wrapper for an empty Base
const ROOT::Reflex::PropertyList & PropertyList()
 static wrapper for an empty PropertyList
const ROOT::Reflex::Member & Member()
 static wrapper for an empty Member
const ROOT::Reflex::MemberTemplate & MemberTemplate()
 static wrapper for an empty MemberTemplate
const ROOT::Reflex::Scope & Scope()
 static wrapper for an empty Scope

Author: Stefan Roiser 2004
Last update: root/reflex:$Id: Kernel.h 21052 2007-11-26 17:54:00Z axel $

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