namespace ROOT::Fit
#include "Fit/PoissonLikelihoodFCN.h"
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namespace ROOT::Fit

   class evaluating the log likelihood
   for binned Poisson likelihood fits
   it is template to distinguish gradient and non-gradient case

   @ingroup  FitMethodFunc

Function Members (Methods)

voidFillData(ROOT::Fit::BinData& dv, const TH1* hist, TF1* func = 0)
voidFillData(ROOT::Fit::BinData& dv, const TGraph2D* gr, TF1* func = 0)
voidFillData(ROOT::Fit::BinData& dv, const TGraph* gr, TF1* func = 0)
voidFillData(ROOT::Fit::BinData& dv, const TMultiGraph* gr, TF1* func = 0)
voidInitGaus(const ROOT::Fit::BinData& data, TF1* f1)

Class Charts

Function documentation

Author: L. Moneta Fri Aug 17 14:29:24 2007
Last change: root/mathcore:$Id: PoissonLikelihoodFCN.h 22868 2008-03-27 16:38:59Z rdm $
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:29
Copyright (c) 2007 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT *

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