virtual void | TGLPlotPainter::ClearBuffers() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::DrawSections() const |
const TColor* | TGLPlotPainter::GetPadColor() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::MoveSection(Int_t px, Int_t py) |
void | TGLPlotPainter::PrintPlot() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::RestoreModelviewMatrix() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::RestoreProjectionMatrix() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::SaveModelviewMatrix() const |
void | TGLPlotPainter::SaveProjectionMatrix() const |
Bool_t | BuildTesselation(Rgl::Pad::Tesselator& tess, const TGraph* g, Double_t z) |
Bool_t | BuildTesselation(Rgl::Pad::Tesselator& tess, const TMultiGraph* mg, Double_t z) |
Bool_t | CacheGeometry() |
Bool_t | ClampZ(Double_t& zVal) const |
virtual void | DeInitGL() const |
void | DrawCap(TGLH2PolyPainter::CIter_t cap, Int_t bin) const |
void | DrawCaps() const |
void | DrawExtrusion() const |
void | DrawExtrusion(const TGraph* polygon, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Int_t nBin) const |
void | DrawExtrusion(const TMultiGraph* polygon, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax, Int_t nBin) const |
void | DrawPalette() const |
virtual void | DrawPaletteAxis() const |
virtual void | DrawPlot() const |
virtual void | DrawSectionXOY() const |
virtual void | DrawSectionXOZ() const |
virtual void | DrawSectionYOZ() const |
void | FillTemporaryPolygon(const Double_t* xs, const Double_t* ys, Double_t z, Int_t n) const |
virtual void | InitGL() const |
void | MakePolygonCCW() const |
void | SetBinColor(Int_t bin) const |
Bool_t | UpdateGeometry() |
static TGLPlotPainter::ECutAxisID | TGLPlotPainter::kXAxis | |
static TGLPlotPainter::ECutAxisID | TGLPlotPainter::kYAxis | |
static TGLPlotPainter::ECutAxisID | TGLPlotPainter::kZAxis |
Show number of bin and bin contents, if bin is under the cursor.
Tesselate polygons, if not done yet. All pointers are validated here (and in functions called from here). If any pointer is invalid - zero, or has unexpected type (dynamic_cast fails) - InitGeometry will return false and nothing will be painted later. That's why there are no checks in other functions.
Extruded part of bins. GL_QUADS, GL_QUAD_STRIP - have the same time on my laptop, so I use GL_QUADS and forgot about vertex arrays (can require more memory BTW).
Extrude polygon, described by TGraph.
Multigraph contains a list of graphs, draw them.
Tesselate a polygon described by TGraph.
Iterate over multi graph contents and tesselate nested TGraphs.
Update cap's z-coordinates for all caps. Here no pointers are checked, this was already done by InitGeometry. So, if histogram was broken somehow - hehe, good luck.
Since I probably have to re-orient polygon, I need a temporary polygon.