TGLSceneInfo Base class for extended scene context. Scenes can be shared among several viewers and each scene needs to cache some viewer/camera/clipping specific state => this is a storage class for this data. Sub-classes of TGLSceneBase can override the virtual CreateSceneInfo() method and in it instantiate a sub-class of TGLSceneInfo containing the needed information. See TGLScene and inner class SceneInfo; note that some casting is needed in actual methods as TGLRnrCtx holds the base-class pointer.
TGLSceneInfo& | operator=(const TGLSceneInfo&) |
TGLSceneInfo(const TGLSceneInfo&) |
static TGLSceneInfo::EClipTest | kClipInside | |
static TGLSceneInfo::EClipTest | kClipNone | |
static TGLSceneInfo::EClipTest | kClipOutside |
Bool_t | fActive | Show fScene in fViewer |
UInt_t | fCameraStamp | Camera's time-stamp on last update. |
TGLClip* | fClip | Optional override of clipping-plane |
Char_t | fClipMode | Clipping mode, can be disbled. |
TGLPlaneSet_t | fClipPlanes | Clipping planes from clip-object; which planes are kept depends on inside/outside mode. |
UInt_t | fClipStamp | Clip's time-stamp on last update. |
TGLPlaneSet_t | fFrustumPlanes | Clipping planes defined by frustum; only those intersecting the scene volume are kept. |
Bool_t | fInClip | Is scene contained within clipping-volume. |
Bool_t | fInFrustum | Is scene intersecting view-frustum. |
Short_t | fLOD | Optional override of scene lod |
TGLCamera* | fLastCamera | Last camera used. |
TGLClip* | fLastClip | Last combined viewer/scene clip (set in scene::update) |
Short_t | fLastLOD | Last combined viewer/scene lod (set in scene::lodify-scene-info). |
Float_t | fLastOLLineW | Last combined viewer/scene outline line-width (set in scene::pre-draw). |
Short_t | fLastStyle | Last combined viewer/scene style (set in scene::pre-draw). |
Float_t | fLastWFLineW | Last combined viewer/scene wire-frame line-width (set in scene::pre-draw). |
Float_t | fOLLineW | Optional override of scene outline line-width |
TGLSceneBase* | fScene | |
UInt_t | fSceneStamp | Scene's time-stamp on last update. |
Short_t | fStyle | Optional override of scene style |
TGLBoundingBox | fTransformedBBox | |
Bool_t | fUpdateTimeouted | Set if update was interrupted. |
Bool_t | fViewCheck | Viewer side check if render is necessary. |
TGLViewerBase* | fViewer | |
Float_t | fWFLineW | Optional override of scene wire-frame line-width |
Combine information from scene, scene-info and camera (should be optional) into transformation matrices. Transform scene bounding box using this transformation.