Hello, I want to draw a smooth line through the histogram points but its not working for me (Root v2_23_09). I only get the points without the line using the code below. By removing the SetMinimum and SetMaximum commands- then the line appears. Has anyone come across this and got it to work? Thanks. Maria TH1F *h100=new TH1F("h100","MC z-vtx",40,-100.,100.); TH1F *h101=new TH1F("h101","MC z-vtx",40,-100.,100.); TH1F *h102=new TH1F("h102","z-vtx efficiency",40,-100.,100.); h102->Divide(h101,h100); h102->SetMarkerStyle(29); h102->SetMarkerSize(1); h102->SetMarkerColor(2); h102->SetMinimum(0.78); h102->SetMaximum(1.05); h102->Draw("P"); h102->Draw("CSame");
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