Re: [ROOT] Nested classes

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 17:47:40 MEST

Hi Christian,

Several mods are required in a few places in the ROOT classes to support
nested classes. In particular, the information must be saved in the dictionary &
StreamerInfo. Also MakeProject must be modified to take this case
into account. I have no plans to implement these changes in the short term.

Rene Brun

Christian Holm Christensen wrote:
> Hi ROOT'ers,
> I'm starting to use nested classes for data storage, since that's
> a very neat of encapsulating data types.  For example
>   class DataTable : public TObject {
>   private:
>      TClonesArray fTable;
>      UInt_t       fNEntries;
>      Float_t      fSumEnergy;
>      Float_t      fAvarageEnergy;
>      Flaot_t      fEnergyVariance;
>   public:
>      class Data : public TObject {
>      private:
>        UInt_t     fId;
>        Float_t    fEnergy;
>      public:
>        Data(UInt_t id=0, Float_t energy=0) : fId(id), fEnergy(energy) {}
>        virtual ~Data() {}
>        UInt_t  GetId() const { return fId; }
>        void    SetId(UInt_t id) { fId = id; }
>        Float_t GetEnergy() const { return fEnergy; }
>        void    SetEnergy(Float_t energy) { fEnergy = energy; }
>        ClassDef(Data, 1) //
>      };
>      DataTable() : fTable("DataTable::Data") {}
>      virtual ~DataTable() {}
>      Data* AddData(UInt_t id, Float_t energy) {
>        return new (fTable[fEntries++]) Data(id, energy);
>        fSumEnergy += energy;
>        ...
>      }
>      Data* FindData(UInt_t id) {
>        TIter next(&fTable);
>        Data* data = 0;
>        while ((data = (Data*)next()))
>          if (data->GetId() == id)
>            return data;
>        return 0;
>      }
>      ClassDef(DataTable, 1) // Table of data
>    };
> As I've pointed out earlier,
> one has to do a couple of tricks to make this work.
> However, there's another problem in all this, which has to do with
> the MakeProject feature of TFile.  When asking to make the classes
> from the StreamerInfo, ROOT makes the files:
>    DataTable.h
>    DataTable::Data.h
> but DataTable::Data isn't mentioned as a nested class in DataTable.h!,
> so in essence DataTable::Data.h will define a namespace, not a nested
> class, which I believe is the wrong behaviour.   There are other
> problems too, pertaining to the '::' in the class name.
> So I suggest that ROOT makes a ClassDefNested(mother, child, version)
> macro and maybe a ClassImpNested(mother, child) macro too, that will
> take care of these things.  Perhaps the dictionary for a given class
> should say wether it is a nested class or not, and perhaps also have a
> list of class nested in it.
> Hope you find this useful.
> Yours,
> Christian  -----------------------------------------------------------
> Holm Christensen                             Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91
>   Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.                  Office: (+45) 353  25 305
>   DK-2200 Copenhagen N                       Web:
>   Denmark                                    Email:

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