(no subject)

From: Gunasingha Rathnayaka (phguna@feynman.phys.subr.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 05:17:15 MET

Hi ROOTer's,
	I have a  problem when I  try to run the following code in ROOT.
I can't figure out what it is. Here is what I am going to do.
 I have root file called "first.root"  and another root file "second.root".
 Both files have the same name "EVENT" for the Tree.
 This is what I want to do. First I load the first.root file. Then for
 every event of first.root file I need to load the second.root file
 and get the event infor for the same event number as first.

 When I run the following code, It is ok for about 250 events and then
 stop giving the message "Segmentation violation".
 What is wrong with  code? 

 Is there any example code somewhere?

 I am using root version 3.00/06 on a RH7.0  Linux machine.

 Thank you in advance.

 R. Guna

 email: phguna@feynman.phys.subr.edu


Int_t   evno;                    //event no
ULong_t time;                    //time in sec
UShort_t msec;                   //time in half mili. sec
UShort_t evttype;                //event type
UShort_t subtype;                //event sub type
UShort_t tt;                     //trigger type

UInt_t    raw_hits;              //No of hits of Raw Data
UShort_t raw_addr[6248];         //ElePackedID
UShort_t raw_adc[6248];          //RawADC

UInt_t    cal_hits;              //No of hits of Calibrated Data
UInt_t cal_id[5002];             //PhyPackedID
Float_t cal_ed[5002];            //Ed

// USer Defined

Int_t   evnt;
UShort_t evnttype;

    TFile *f = new TFile("first.root");

// Read Tree named "EVENT" in memory.
// Tree pointer is assigned the same name.

  TTree *EVENT = (TTree *)f->Get("EVENT");

// Access each branch

TBranch *bevno = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("EVNO");
TBranch *btime = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("TIME");
TBranch *bmsec = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("MSEC");
TBranch *bevttype = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("EVTTYPE");
TBranch *bsubtype = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("SUBTYPE");
TBranch *btt = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("TT");

TBranch *braw_hits = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("RAW_HITS");
TBranch *bcal_hits = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("CAL_HITS");

TBranch *braw_addr = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("RAW_ADDR");
TBranch *braw_adc = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("RAW_ADC");

TBranch *bcal_id = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("CAL_ID");
TBranch *bcal_ed = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("CAL_ED");

// Set addresses


// variables for unpacking cal_id(physical ID)
unsigned ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4;

Int_t k;

// write to a file

Int_t nbytes=0;
Int_t nentries = EVENT->GetEntries();

for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
  nbytes += EVENT->GetEvent(i);

    cout<<" Event Number: "<<i<<endl;

 // loading the second root file to search for
// corrosponding event

  UInt_t   evno1 ;    //event no
  UInt_t   time1 ;    //time in sec
  UShort_t msec1 ;    //time in half mili. sec
  UShort_t evttype1 ; //event type
  UShort_t subtype1 ; //event sub type
  UShort_t tt1 ;      //trigger type

  UShort_t raw_adc1[4][5][5][7][16] ;

 TFile *f2 = new TFile("second.root") ;

// Read Tree named "EVENT" in memory.
// Tree pointer is assigned the same name.

  TTree *EVENT = (TTree *)f2->Get("EVENT") ;

// Access each branch
  TBranch *bevno    = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("EVNO") ;
  TBranch *btime    = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("TIME") ;
  TBranch *bmsec    = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("MSEC") ;
  TBranch *bevttype = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("EVTTYPE") ;
  TBranch *bsubtype = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("SUBTYPE") ;
  TBranch *btt      = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("TT") ;

  TBranch *braw_adc = (TBranch *)EVENT->GetBranch("RAW_ADC") ;

// Set addresses

  bevno->SetAddress(&evno1) ;
  btime->SetAddress(&time1) ;
  bmsec->SetAddress(&msec1) ;
  bevttype->SetAddress(&evttype1) ;
  bsubtype->SetAddress(&subtype1) ;
  btt->SetAddress(&tt1) ;
  braw_adc->SetAddress(&raw_adc1[0][0][0][0][0]) ;

// dummy varuables
  Int_t ii, j, k, l, m, n ;

  Int_t nbytes1=0;
  Int_t nentries1 = EVENT->GetEntries();

   ii = i;

    nbytes += EVENT->GetEvent(ii);
    cout<<" 2 event "<<ii<<endl;

    for(j=0; j<4; j++) {         
      for(k=1; k<3; k++) {       
        for(l=0; l<5; l++) {    
          for(m=0; m<7; m++) { 
            for(n=0; n<16; n++) { 
              if(raw_adc1[j][k][l][m][n]!=0) {
                cout<<j<<" "<<k<<" "<<l<<" "<<m<<" "<<n<<" "
              } //if
    } //j

// closing second root file


   } // i


 }   //end

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