First NT bugs

From: Yassin Mohamed Osman (
Date: Mon May 25 1998 - 20:08:23 MEST

1) critical
This is just to get to the explore window ( any faster way ?)
root [0]    TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","pad",.2,.05,.8,.35);
root [1] pad->Draw()
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1

root [2] Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TWin32BrowserImp available

RInt/classes/TCanvas/Methods/~TCanvas (BOOM crash).

Error in <TWin32BrowserImp::CreateWindowsObject>:  Dead lock !!!

2) minor
When you select (not expand) any of the tree items it should update the right pane.
The right pane has a 2~3 pixel wide area that is not painted.

(n^2)' = 2n   (derivative)
n^2 = n + n + n ... (n times)
(n + n + ... +n )' = 1+1+1+ ... + 1 = n
(n^2)' = 2n  <=> 2n=n <=> n!=0 2=1 !!!

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